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Chesapeake Math & IT Academy North High School





CultureFest Information

SUCCESS! Parent Cyber Awareness Workshop

WAMS Cricket at CMIT North!


New York City Staff Trip

More Pictures From NYC


Yearbooks on Sale Now

Uniform Reminders

Attendance Matters

Physical Education Reminders


Field Trip - Marine Corp Orchestra

Teacher Appreciation Week!

The Creative Initiative Summer Program

CMIT North PTO Meeting

Looking for Parent Volunteers

Systemic Lock Down

Councilwoman Lehman Hosts Social Media 101

Spirit Night at Chick-fil-A!

Calling all Chess Players – the Spring Session is Getting Ready to Begin!

Basketball Camp

Leadership and Life Camp

April FIRST Friday


Immunization Reminders

Autism Awareness Month

Lunchtime Football

7th Grade Students of the Week

Best Investors of the Week


Fourth Quarter Begins

CMIT-North High School Science Faculty Selected to Attend Naval Academy STEM Training

CMIT-North High School Student's Computer Project-On Exhibit in Captain America Civil War Challenge!

Dual Enrollment - Registration Deadlines

Quarter 3 Credit Recovery

College Fair - Field Trip - Friday, April 22


Upcoming Events - Save the date

USA Science & Engineering Festival

Middle School PARCC Testing

Cricket Schedule

Middle School Field Trip

7th Grade Medieval Times Field Trip

Data Detectives Summer Camp

NJHS Broadway Trip Updates

Girls and Boys Soccer


New Biology Section

Lab Rules

Ms. Westerfield's Class

Summer Programs - Pre-College Programs - Summer Employment

Internship Opportunities


Science Interactive Notebooks

Grade 61 Loyola and 62 George Washington 4th Quarter Calendar of Science Activities

71 Xavier and 72 Vanderbilt 4th Quarter Calendar of Science Activities

Earth Science

Ms. Rooney's Math 8 Scoop

Ms. Cracovaner's Social Studies Updates


The ESTEEM/SER-Quest Program

High School PARCC Testing

Here we go again!! Get Ready To -- Clean Out Your Closets!!

CultureFest Information
Dear Parents, Students, & Staff,

CULTUREFEST IS COMING!!! TICKETS ON SALE NOW and SALE ENDS APRIL 8TH. Hurry up since there is limited availability!!! Please buy them from the CMIT NORTH FRONT DESK.

Advanced Ticket Price: $2.00 (children 12 and under 50% off).
DOOR PRICE $3.00 (if not sold out)

Join Chesapeake Lighthouse Foundation and all CLF school participants for our 4th Annual Culture Festival: CULTUREFEST! This talented exciting event will take place at Sheraton Columbia Town Center Hotel on Saturday, April 16th at 2pm and includes live performances and a special guest performance for the finale!

This exciting event is open to all CLF schools and families to come together and celebrate diversity, talent, and our cultural heritages. Great fun infused with a cultural extravaganza and everyone is sure to benefit from the cultural foods and performances.

Each school has a CULTUREFEST performance coordinator. Potential CMIT student performers should contact (see below):

Dr. Sulivan-Williams (Dr. BB) & Mrs. Cihan– CMIT-North

Any talented students wishing to participate in the CULTUREFEST performance, please use the link below for sign-up:

Doors open at 1:00 pm for food and the CULTUREFEST performances will start at 2:00 pm!
We look forward to seeing everyone at the 4th Annual CULTUREFEST!!!!!

Please see the attached flyer for the event and the instructions for the performers.

Thank you for your interest.

Hope to see you there!!!


Mrs. Cihan & Dr. BB
CMIT North CultureFest Coordinators

SUCCESS! Parent Cyber Awareness Workshop
On Saturday, April 9th, 2016, CMIT's Parent Teacher Organization hosted it's first Parent Cyber Awareness Workshop. With over 60 parents participating in the workshop it was a great success.

The goal of this workshop was to provide training and resources to parents in an effort to equip them with the necessary tools to protect their children from the dangers lurking online.

Detective Michael Ashe is the Outreach Director for the Prince George's County Police Department's Homeland Security Intelligence Unit. He was able to provide critical information to parents to express to them the dangers that he sees daily from our youth's unlimited access to online content and social media. It was very helpful to hear his point of view from a legal standpoint.

Dr. James Huntley is from PGCPS Office of Appeals. He has worked in the school district for many years and often meets with parents when disciplinary measures have been taken. He provided a presentation to parents covering the PGCPS Code of Conduct. This included the district and schools responsibilities and jurisdiction over inappropriate use of personal electronic devices and cyber-bullying and how parents can be vigilant at home.

Mr. Casey Gardner and Mr. Serey Sok partnered to provide parents with resources that parents can take home and use to oversee and manage their children's use and exposure to online content. In addition, training was provided in the use of these tools.

Mr. Andrew Brauer is the Middle School Program Coordinator at CMIT - North. Mr. Brauer managed an activity with parents allowing them to network and discuss their concerns over their child's online use and what strategies they currently use at home. In addition, parent feedback was obtained to assist in the development of future Cyber Awareness Workshops.

Materials from the Parent Cyber Awareness Workshop will be provided on our website in the very near future for participants to review as well as those who were unable to attend to view.

We would like to personally thank Mrs. Caroline Jones for her efforts in organizing the workshop. In addition, we would like to recognize Detective Ashe, Dr. Huntley, Mr. Garnder, and Mr. Sok for their contributions to our parents and to the safety of our students, our NUMBER ONE priority.

Mr. Andrew Brauer
Program Coordinator
PTO Member
WAMS Cricket at CMIT North!
What an exciting match we had this past Wednesday! Our players did great, especially considering how little practice they had! Thank you to Coach Lutchman and to our Athletic Director Ms. Bailey for their support!

Congratulations to the students on the CMIT-North Biomedical Research Team, invited to participate in the county-wide Research Competition sponsored by the Patriot Technology Training Center where the Founder/Director is Mr. Thurman Jones. The event was held at the Greenbelt Marriott Hotel. The students prepared an excellent exhibit investigating the "Medical Causes and Alternative Treatments for Depression".
The Biomedical Research Team participants shown in the picture are: L. to Rt. (front): Carlea Williams-Locks, Cameron Johnson; (L. to R. rear)-Taylor Gift, David Digby; and Nia Hicks (insert picture).

Special acknowledgments to the Biomedical Team mentors: Dr./Lieutenant Shondelle Wilson-Frederick from the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps, Mrs. Tammy Colandrea, CMIT-North Coordinator, and Ms. Alma Smith, CMIT-North Chemistry Teacher/Chairperson

In the above picture the Biomedical Team is also advertising the USA Science and Engineering Expo Festival to be held April 16th and 17th, 2016 at the Washington D.C. Convention Center. The Expo Festival website is:

Alma Smith
New York City Staff Trip
During Spring Break the CMIT Staff and family took a trip to the Big Apple. Two bus loads of us gathered and headed north for a cold but exciting weekend together.
We rode on the Roosevelt Island skytram. We stopped in Central Park and Grand Central Station. We ran from the Charging Golden Bull on Wall Street. We were enamored by the lights of Time Square and saluted the Statue of Liberty.
Please enjoy some of our pictures and please submit to Ms. Riley some of your spring break memories for her to share with our CMIT family as well at


CMIT Staff
More Pictures From NYC
Thank you to Chesapeake Lighthouse Foundation and Mr. G from CSP.

CMIT Staff
During Spring Break, students from our CLP and Robotics club went to North Carolina on Wednesday, March 30. Mr.Byram's CLP group included Favour Fatusin, Kevin Le, Aria Pawar, John and Josh Ikegwu, Brian Ndofor, Jeffrey Greer, and Josiah Burrough. Mr.Canli brought his Robotics club which included Ibrahim Sartaj, Cameron Johnson , Daniel Badenbaugh. The entire trip was a success, beginning with our departure from CLF. Arriving at North Carolina at 3:00pm, we stopped for lunch at Bosphorus, a turkish restaurant. If you weren’t aware, CLP is a great opportunity to experience different cultures and become culturally educated!!!

Our next day was almost as busy as the first. We toured 2 College campuses, went to TSMA for Science Olympiad, and dined at ATFA - the American Turkish Friendship Association. Touring Duke and NC State, our guides led us through the historic Duke gardens, fascinating NC State campus, and gave us a brief overview of each College's requirements and scholarship opportunities.
by Josiah Burrough and Favour Fatusin

Nuri Bayram
Yearbooks on Sale Now
Capture CMIT memories forever with a yearbook. Order forms have been sent home with students, extras are available in the front office or you can place your orders through "my school bucks or the ""lifetouch online site at The yearbook ID code for CMIT Academy North is: 12278716.

Don't miss the memories! If you have any questions, please contact me or Mr. Brooks.

Stacie Young
Uniform Reminders
Now that the weather is getting warmer please keep the following in mind:

* Shorts must be navy blue or khaki and of an appropriate length (to the knee) after spring break. No cargo shorts are allowed.

* Joggers (pants with elastic at the bottom of the legs) and cargo pants are prohibited. Uniform pants must be pants, slacks or work pants with a clean hem.

* Hooded jackets, shirts and sweatshirts are prohibited. Please refrain from wearing them to school, even on casual days. ONLY CMIT JACKETS ARE TO BE WORN AT SCHOOL, NO EXCEPTIONS!!!!!

* Shoes must be ALL black, including the laces and soles.

* Gym bottoms must be solid black or navy blue (no tights, leggings, or jeggings). While students may wear the shoes of their choice, it must be a matching pair of shoes. Students must also wear a complete uniform.

*The mixing of uniform items, i.e. a gym shirt with uniform pants, is strictly prohibited on non PE Days.

* Dress down days - Students can not wear, ripped, sheer, or explicit clothing. Hoodies and hats are still not permitted. If students come in these items they will be sent home and or parents can bring them a uniform. The students will be held out of class for wearing these items until corrected or picked up.

Mehmet Gunes
Attendance Matters

The following is applicable for EXCUSED absence, tardiness, and early dismissal:

When sending attendance letters, handwritten or via email, ensure you include name of your child, grade level, the date(s) and reason they were not in school, your printed name and signature.

Depending on the circumstance (absent, tardy, early dismissal), a note must be provided upon return of your child to school to avoid being marked as unexcused. If a note is being sent via email, you may send it to:

-----> <-----

If you or your child(ren) will hand deliver a note, you must submit it to the front desk to be photocopied. The copy will be given to your child to show each teacher while the original will be filed for attendance recording purposes.

Also remember to review the PGCPS list of excused and unexcused absences found in the Students Rights and Responsibilities Handbook.

The state of Maryland recognizes the following as lawful (EXCUSED) absences from school:

-Death in the immediate family
-Illness of the student
-Court summons
-Principal-approved activity
-Mental or physical incapacity
-Violent storms
-Observance of a religious holiday
-State of emergency

FYI: This email address serves as a DROPBOX for attendance recording purposes ONLY, you will not receive a response and must contact your student's teachers directly regarding missed assignments.

Front office
Physical Education Reminders
Welcome back, we hope everyone had a restful spring break! The 4th quarter is upon us which means all students will be back to physical education. A few important reminders from Ms. Lawrence and Mr. Snyder:

All students must come to physical education dressed in appropriate uniform. Failure to do so will result in a deduction of classwork participation points and/or deduction of PRS points.

Students must wear SOLID black or navy blue sweatpants or shorts. Please, NO INSIGNIAS OR LOGOS (ie: brand names such as adidas pants). CMIT sweatpants or shorts are acceptable.

Students may wear sneakers with laces of any color. No slip-ons, flats, or boots.

Students must wear their CMIT PE t-shirt. If a student does not have a PE shirt they may wear any CMIT related shirt (ie: uniform polo, CLF STEM fair shirt).

Ms. Bailey Lawrence
Physical Education & Health
Field Trip - Marine Corp Orchestra
The PTO and Band & Orchestra Club are sponsoring a field trip to see the Marine Corp Orchestra on Sunday, April 17, 2016. The purpose of this trip is to expose students to the music and the arts. Any student interested in orchestral music is encouraged to attend.

Who: Any interested CMIT student

What: Marine Corp Orchestra's Chamber Music Series

When: Sunday, April 17, 2016 (12:30-5:00 pm)

Where: John Philip Sousa Band Hall, Washington, DC

Cost: $15.00/student to cover transportation. Payable by check made out to CMIT PTO.

There are 50 seats available. Please bring the check and completed permission slip to Mr. Brauer by Monday, 4/11/2016.

Mr. Brauer
Program Coordinator
Teacher Appreciation Week!
Dear Parents,

Teacher Appreciation Week is right around the corner - May 2-6! We are collecting monetary donations to make this week a success. If you would like to contribute, please have your student bring the donation to the school in an envelope marked Teacher Appreciation Week and place it in the PTO’s mailbox located in the lobby. If sending a check, please make it payable to CMIT North PTO with “Teacher Appreciation” on the memo line. Also, if you would like to help with the planning or implementation of this special week, please contact Candace Salley at candace.salley[at]gmail[dot]com. Let’s show our teachers how much we appreciate all of their hard work!!

Thank you for your support!
CMIT North PTO Teacher Appreciation Committee
The Creative Initiative Summer Program
Center for Technology Access & Training (CETAT) is accepting applications for its 2016 summer creative workshops which will take place from July 11 - July 22. Learn about digital photography, web design, coding, videography, music, and professional skills. Students must be Prince George’s County residents between the ages of 13 and 18. To apply, go to

Ms. Colandrea
HS Program Coordinator
CMIT North PTO Meeting
Please join us at the next CMIT NORTH PTO meeting on Thursday, April 14th at 6:30 pm in the Media Center @ CMIT North.

There will be an online option available and that information will be sent on the day of meeting.

Why come to a PTO meeting?

* PTO meetings are a great opportunity to meet other CMIT North parents.

* You can be the first to hear about important news and upcoming events at school.

* You can learn how your child and CMIT North benefit from the work of the PTO.

* You can learn how to volunteer your time, on campus or off, to positively impact the learning experience of all students at CMIT North.

* PTO meetings bring together the home and the school so that parents and teachers may cooperate in the education of our children.


Looking for Parent Volunteers
It is nearly impossible to hold fun and enriching events for our students without the generous help from our parent volunteers! There are several upcoming and exciting events for which we need help!

Positions available both during the school day and after-school!

Please submit your contact information to

Thank you in advance for giving back.

Systemic Lock Down
On April 12, 2016, CMIT Academy will be conducting the systemic lockdown drill. The drill will occur sometime between arrival at 7:35am and end of first period approximately 11 am. If you are planning to come to the school this day, please plan accordingly. The students who are late may find the entrance door locked if that is the time for lockdown drill. All persons present will be participating in the drill.

Natiqua Riley
Councilwoman Lehman Hosts Social Media 101

Councilwoman Lehman is hosting a Social Media 101 informational event for parents as well as students. This event will take place on Wednesday, April 13th, 2016 from 6:30pm – 8:30pm at Laurel High School. The purpose of this event is to educate parents on the various social media apps used by our youth and the best way to monitor them. Not all social media is bad but it can be dangerous and we need to make sure that we all know how to utilize social media properly.

Presentations will be given by State’s Attorney Angela Alsobrooks, Family Online Safety Institute and the MD State Police Internet crimes against children Unit. This event is geared towards parents but we are encouraging parents to bring their children.

If you have questions please contact
Dora L. Myles-Moore, M.P.A.
Constituent Aide to
Mary Lehman
Council Member, 1st District
Office: (301) 952-5349
Fax: (301) 952-4801


Natiqua Riley
Spirit Night at Chick-fil-A!
Parents mark your calendars! This Thursday, April 14th, we will have our final spirit night of the school year at Chick-fil-A in Laurel (Contee Road), from 3-8 p.m. You can either walk-in or drive thru, but be sure to mention “CMIT” so the PTO can receive 20% of your purchase.

We hope to see you there!
CMIT North PTO Fundraising Committee
Calling all Chess Players – the Spring Session is Getting Ready to Begin!
CMIT Parents:

Is your student interested in chess? If so, this is the afterschool club for you! ALL students are encouraged to sign-up, regardless of skill level.

Internationally known Chess Master, William Morrison is our chess coach. For those of you who don't know, Mr. Morrison is a certified chess instructor who comes to us highly qualified. He holds the following chess titles: National Master, Senior Master, Life Master and FIDE Master.

The club will meet on Wednesdays after school from 3:00-4:30 PM in room 165 for the spring session running from April 13 through June 15 (10 lessons).

This Chess club will compete in tournaments and matches until the end of the school year.

Fees: $100 per student for the 10 week session. All fees must be made payable to Mr. Morrison directly and presented to him on the first day of class.

If your student is interested, please register here: no later than April 12, 2016. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Candace Salley at candace.salley[at]gmail[dot]com.

Thank You!
CMIT Chess
Basketball Camp
The Prince Georges County Police Department will be having a basketball camp June 22 - June 24 from 9 am to 4 pm at Oxon Hill High School. If you would like more information please contact Cpl. Baldwin at or (301) 909-7126.

Yurhance Johnson
Professional School Counselor
Leadership and Life Camp
The Prince Georges County Police Department will be hosting a "Leadership and Life Camp" for students during the month of July 2016. The camp will consist of two sessions, session 1 (July 11th - 15th) & session 2 (July 25th - 29th) at Mt. Ennon Baptist Church. For more information contact Cpl. Nashawn Taylor at (301) 909-7127 or

Yurhance Johnson
Professional School Counselor
April FIRST Friday
Dear Parent & Staff

Please mark your calendar, April 8th, as this is the first Friday for the month of April. We are asking parents/guardians/staff to "brown bag it" on the first Friday of each month and donate the money (what they would have used to purchase their lunch) to our school.

You may send in your donation ($10) in the form of cash/check on the first Friday of each month during the school year or you may pay in advance for the entire school year ($90). Donation envelopes, clearly marked with your child's name and university, may be turned in at the front desk during homeroom.

We appreciate any donations!


Immunization Reminders

Dear Parent/Guardian:

According to Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene School Health Services Regulations for the 2016 - 2017 school year the following immunizations are required:

7th graders must have TDAP (Tetanus, Diphtheria and Pertussis vaccine) and Meningococcal (MCV4)

Your child currently in sixth grade will be excluded from school as of August 22, 2016, if proof of the above identified immunizations has not been received by the school. It is strongly recommended that you provide proof of these immunizations as soon as your child has received their vaccines but not later than PRIOR TO THE END OF THE CURRENT SCHOOL YEAR 2015 - 2016

For families with insurance, please make the necessary arrangements with your primary care provider. In addition, local pharmacies and urgent care centers provide immunizations. If you do not have insurance, please contact the local Health Department at 301 583 3300

Please take advantage of these resources now and during the spring break. Appointments are filling up quickly.

Provide the required documentation of immunizations to the School Nurse or Registrar ON/BEFORE the above given date.

If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact the school nurse:


Natiqua Riley
Autism Awareness Month
Autism Awareness Month is a time to educate our community about autism and Light It Up Blue! Spreading autism awareness in our school is a great way to celebrate April and promote inclusion and acceptance in the classroom and beyond.

On April 2, 2016 was National Autism Awareness day with the theme of Light up the world Blue. Since we were not in school to support the awareness movement on April 15, 2016 we are asking for all middle school staff and middle school students to Wear a blue shirt and their uniform bottoms to school to support Autism Awareness.

Lunchtime Football
Some of the students in USNA and Dartmouth challenged each other to a lunchtime touch football game. This rivalry has been brewing for the better part of three years! This past Wednesday, April 6th, the students in both of the 8th grade classes played a half-hour long touch football game only to end in a 14-14 tie! The game will resume this coming Wednesday, April 13th, weather permitting. Dispite the chilly temperatures, everyone played well!

Ms. Bailey Lawrence
Physical Education
7th Grade Students of the Week
The first stupendous seventh graders of the 4th quarter are...

Nia Bishop of Duke and Hasaan Lane of Harvard.

Nia is a cooperative, diligent worker who is always on-task.

Hasaan is a kind and thoughtful young man who shows great improvement from the beginning of the school year.

Congratulations Nia and Hasaan!

The 7th Grade Team
Best Investors of the Week
Here are the best investors of the week:
2) Robert Allsbrooks IV
3) anthony stills

Future Investors Game
Fourth Quarter Begins
Welcome back! It was wonderful to see so many rested faces this week and to learn how students spent their time over the break. Tuesday, April 5th marked the beginning of the fourth quarter. Third quarter report cards will be released April 12th.

As we work toward finishing the school year with success, here are some tips to keep in mind:
- Students should continue to attend school regularly. Attendance is still important particularly as students prepare for PARCC administration and AP assessments this month. In the event of absences, students should present excuse notes to the front desk and their teachers.
- Encourage students to monitor SchoolMax and address any academic concerns that may arise with their teachers early and often.
- Take a moment to review the Student Rights and Responsibilities to remind students of academic and behavior expectations.

Let's continue working together toward a productive fourth quarter!


Ms. Colandrea
HS Program Coordinator
CMIT-North High School Science Faculty Selected to Attend Naval Academy STEM Training
Congratulations to the CMIT-North High School Science Faculty selected to participate in the 2016-STEM Educator Training held on the campus of the United States Naval Academy located in Annapolis, Maryland. The CMIT-North science educators shown in the above picture in the Naval Academy’s Anatomy Lab are: L. to R.: Ms. Alma Smith, Dr. Gemma Clarke, and Ms. Natalie Crespo.

The all-day engineering/anatomy program focused on project-based learning in STEM, with topic areas including Engineering Design, Applied Math, Computers/Cyber Unplugged, Biology/Bioengineering, Physics of Sound, Technology/Intro to Arduino, and Energy Transformations. 

Special acknowledgements to U.S. Naval Academy Faculty : Dr. Angela Moran, PhD, Mechanical Engineering Professor and Dr. Sarah Durkin, Ph.D., Professor of the Practice, at the STEM Center for Education and Outreach

Ms. Alma Smith, Chemistry Teacher/Chairperson
CMIT-North Academy High School
CMIT-North High School Student's Computer Project-On Exhibit in Captain America Civil War Challenge!
Congratulations to Carlea Williams-Locks for her innovative computer project presented in the Captain America Civil War Challenge Competition.

Carlea was selected to participate in the challenge competition and can be seen discussing her project in the Captain America Civil War video at the following website:

Alma Smith, Chemistry Teacher/Chairperson
CMIT-North Academy High School
Dual Enrollment - Registration Deadlines
Dual Enrollment Program Registration Deadlines

To apply to Dual Enrollment courses at Prince George's Community College students must submit a completed application packet to Mr. Gegwich by Thursday, April 21, 2016. Link to online PGCC admissions application, must be completed by Friday, April 15, 2016.

April 21: Application deadline for Prince George's Community College Spring enrollment, application must be submitted to Professional School Counselor, Mr. Gegwich.
May 15 (Summer) and July 15 (Fall): Registration deadline for College of Southern Maryland
May 1 (Summer) and August 1 (Fall): Spring registration deadline for University of Maryland
Ongoing registration until classes are filled, Bowie State University and Anne Arundel Community College

This link, has more information about the Dual Enrollment Programs.

Brenden Gegwich
Quarter 3 Credit Recovery
Parents of students who receive a 3rd quarter failing grade in Algebra 1, Geometry, or Algebra 2 should have received an email about credit recovery. All documents and a check for $75 made out to CLF should be returned to room 154 by April 13th. No late checks or documents will be accepted.

Please note that students can only take credit recovery for 2 quarters out of the school year per course.

Any questions, please email

Casandra Westerfield
Blended Online Learning Coordinator
College Fair - Field Trip - Friday, April 22
10th & 11th grade students are eligible to attend an upcoming field trip to attend the Prince George’s County National College Fair, held on Friday, April 22 at the Prince George’s Sports and Learning Complex in Landover, MD.

The College Fair is sponsored by the National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC). Complete information about the fair can be found online at We will leave the school at 8:30 and arrive back at school at 11:30. The cost of the field trip is $8 per student.

Students will have the opportunity to meet one-on-one with admission representatives from over 170 public and private colleges and universities, including some international institutions. Both two- and four-year schools will be featured.

All students that are attending the trip are required to register for the College Fair at this website, Students need to print out the bar code registration and have this on the day of the trip. It will be required to board the buses. At the College Fair the bar code will allow colleges to scan a students personal information so no time is wasted filling out information cards. During registration students should be sure to put in the correct High School information, search by City - Laurel, State - Maryland, and Chesapeake Math & IT Academy will be listed.

To register to attend the College Fair please visit Myschoolbucks, to sign 10th & 11th grade students up for the field trip. If you are not able to pay for the trip please let me know. The registration deadline is April 15.

Brenden Gegwich
School Counselor
Upcoming Events - Save the date
This will run Weekly with updates. Thank you for all that you do to Help us be a GREAT School By Choice.

Trip, Date and point of contact.
8th Grade College Trip: 5/19/16 (Ms. Justsen and Mr. Brauer)
7th Grade Medieval times Field trip: 5/20/16 (Ms. Lash)
Art Show: 5/21 and 5/22/16 (Ms. Talcott)
Aquarium: 5/25 (Science Teachers)
MS Dance: 6/3/16 Ms. Wake
Family Fun Day: 06/05/16 (PTO)
Finals Week: 6/6/16 Content teacher
End of Year trip: Hershey Park 6/15/16 (Ms. Lash)
8th Grade Promotion: 06/16/16 UMD (Mr. Johnson PGC and Mr. Johnson PTO)

MS Soccer Games -See School calendar for game times and locations
Mr. Snyder (Boys) and Mr. Penarrieta (Girls) and Ms. Lawrence are the points of contact.
Grades 6-8 are participating.
See School Calendar for game times and places.

8th Grade College tour - (Final Payments are due in MYSCHOOLBUCKS)$260
When May 19-May 20
Point of Contact: Mrs. Justsen and Mr. Brauer

MS Dance
When: June 3, 2016
Where: Cafe
Cost:$10 payable in Cash during lunches beginning May 18th
Parent volunteers need for food services.
Pictures and food will be available for purchase.
No outside guest.
Point of Contact: Ms. Wake.

Middle school Final exams - June 6th-10th. Students will be provided with a schedule.

8th Grade Promotion - June 16, 2016
Point of Contact Mr. Boris Johnson (PTO) and Mr. Y. Johnson (Middle school Guidance Counselor)
UMD 6-8pm

USA Science & Engineering Festival

April 16 & 17, 2016
Saturday 10am-6pm, Sunday 10am-4pm
Walter E. Washington Convention Center
Washington, D.C.

Free of charge and open to all ages!
Pre-register now for a chance to win prizes.

Explore the possibilities at the Expo:
Browse over 3000 fun, hands-on activities.
View Stage Shows and Science Celebrities.
We still need Volunteers.

Natiqua Riley
Assistant Principal
Middle School PARCC Testing
PARCC assessments are fast approaching. Middle School students will be taking assessments in math and reading between the dates of May 9 through May 17.

There will be three days of testing for each subject. Each day will consist of approximately 2.5 hours of assessment each morning.

Please ensure your scholar's attendance on these dates, that they receive a good nights sleep the evening before testing, and that they get a healthy breakfast the morning of.

PARCC Schedule
5/9-5/11: PARCC Math
5/13, 16, 17th: PARCC Reading Language Arts

If you have any questions please contact Mr. Brauer at

Mr. Andrew Brauer
Program Coordinator
School Testing Coordinator
Cricket Schedule
Below is the schedule for the upcoming cricket matches:

Ms. Bailey Lawrence, Athletic Director
Middle School Field Trip
There will be a Middle School Field Trip to the Spy Museum and the International Festival of Language and Culture on Thursday April 28th. This trip is open to 150 students from grades 6, 7, and 8. Students will leave in the early afternoon and return to CMIT at 9:30 p.m. If you give your student permission to attend, please make sure there are arrangements for them to be picked up at that time. The cost of the trip will be $7 and needs to be paid on My School Bucks. Payment for this trip is due on Friday April 22nd. Students should also bring an additional $15-20 for dinner. We will be going to a food court with a variety of dinner options between going to the Spy Museum and the Festival. Please contact Ms. Lash with any questions or concerns at

Ms. Jessica Lash
7th Grade Medieval Times Field Trip
Hello! The 7th graders will be taking a trip to Medieval Times on Friday May 20th. Permission Slips have been distributed to students. Students will arrive at school on time and arrive back to school before the school day ends. The cost for this field trip is $46 which includes the ticket price and transportation. The ticket price includes a meal so if your child is in need of a vegetarian meal please note on the permission slip. Payment will be due on April 22nd via My School Bucks. Please e-mail Ms. Lash with any questions at

Jessica Lash
Data Detectives Summer Camp
The National Center for Health Statistics is excited to announce the 2016 Data Detectives Summer Camp.

Data Detectives Camp is a Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) summer camp that will focus on statistics for rising 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students. This one week commuter day camp is a great opportunity for boys and girls to learn about statistics through a variety of fun, hands on activities!

The camp will take place from August 15 - 19 from 9:00 - 4:00 pm. There is no fee for registering or attending the Camp.

Additional information on the camp can be found in the attached flyer and on the website at:

Please feel free to pass on the information to others who may be interested in applying.

Contact us at if you have questions.

Andrew Brauer
NJHS Broadway Trip Updates
This week parents who signed up to be chaperones will be contacted to confirm your availability for May 11th to see the Lion King on Broadway! There are two payment issues that must be resolved ASAP.

1. If you paid for your scholar to attend the trip when the cost was $108 for the Aladdin trip, please go back to myschoolbucks and select the trip and pay the additional $11. The change in date and play resulted in a $11 difference for tickets.

2. If you are a parent chaperone and have not paid, please go on myschoolbucks and select the trip and pay for your spot under your child's account this week. Please send an email confirmation/receipt to Ms. Chestang to confirm your spot when this is complete.

We are excited about this trip for the NJHS Scholars and look forward to a roar of a good time!

Dana Wake- NJHS Sponsor
Lauren Chestang- Trip Coordinator
Girls and Boys Soccer
Attached is the MS spring soccer schedule. Come out and support your CMIT Tigers!

Ms. Bailey Lawrence, Athletic Director
New Biology Section
Biology students have begun the reproductive system and IVF - 2 topics given heavy weight and many questions in previous HSA exams. The Health curriculum and Biology curriculum overlap on these topics; however, the endocrine and reproductive systems are misunderstood by many students.

Students have received a packet on Tues, Apr 5 that requires much study. I have asked the students to place the packet in their folders and we would be using them throughout the unit.

Suzanne Coholic
High School Science Teacher
Lab Rules
Hello students and parents,

Ms. Smith and I have noticed an increase in cell phone usage in the high school labs during instruction as well as food and beverage trash left in lab bench sinks.

I would like to reiterate the rules as follows:

There is no food or beverage permitted in any classrooms - that includes the labs.

Cell phones are to be placed in lockers prior to homeroom and left in lockers until the dismissal of school at the end of the school day. The lab benches are NOT to be used as charging stations for cell phones throughout the day.

Negative PRS points will be taken for violating these rules. We do not like to apply negative PRS points, especially as it is the final quarter of the school year and springtime. We know students enjoy dress-down days, and we don't like to take away that privilege.

Please continue to comply with the rules, and remind your lab bench partners if they happen to forget the rules as well.

Suzanne Coholic
High School Science Teacher
Ms. Westerfield's Class
Fourth quarter has arrived and we are looking to finish strong! Ms. Westerfield had grade conferences with every student to discuss what they need to do in order to be success for the end of the year.

Currently, we are working on:
Algebra 1: Chapter 7 - Exponents
Algebra 2: Chapter 6 - Radicals and Rational Exponents
Honors Algebra 2: Chapter 7 - Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
Pre-Calc: Chapter 7 - Trigonometric Formulas

PARCC starts April 18th. We will be going over practice questions and online resources in class. For more PARCC information, please go to

Ms. Casandra Westerfield
Summer Programs - Pre-College Programs - Summer Employment
Please visit the new Summer Program information that has been posted on the CMIT website. You can access the information if you go under the Counselor tab on the school website or you can get to it directly at this link,

There are links and information to various Summer Programs, Summer Employment Opportunities, and Pre-College Programs.

What is a Pre-College Program? Pre-college summer programs are a fantastic way for high school students to test drive college life, discover great new schools and find the colleges that best fit their individual needs. Attending the right pre-college program can help set the foundation for a successful college search and college career.

Brenden Gegwich
School Counselor
Internship Opportunities
Please visit the new Internship section under the Counselor tab. It contains a list of various internship opportunities for students. You can also access the list directly at this link,

Brenden Gegwich
School Counselor
Science Interactive Notebooks
CMIT Grade 6 and 7 students have worked very hard on their Science Interactive Notebooks and will continue to do so for the remainder of the school year in Dr. Clarke and Mrs. Crespo’s classes. The Science Interactive Notebook is an engaging tool that students use to show that they understand what has been taught in class as this allows them to record information and process them to improve their level of understanding. As a result, they become more independent thinkers while showcasing some of their creativity, and develop graphic and organizational skills that help them learn better and express ideas in a way that they best understand. The interactive notebook serves as their study tool to help them prepare for the final test in class.

The Science Interactive Notebook is worth 10 assessment points on each week.

The following are the week numbers and topics covered so far:

Grade 6:
Week 1- Earth and Rocks (Due Date: March 4, 2016)
Week 2- Plate Tectonics (Due Date: March 14, 2016)
Week 3- The Solar System (Due Date: April 5, 2016)

Grade 7:
Week 1- The Periodic Table (Due Date: March 4, 2016)
Week 2- Atoms and the Periodic Table of Elements (Due Date: March 14, 2016)
Week 3- Force and Motion (Due Date: April 5, 2016)

To create the Science Interactive Notebook, students must have the following materials:

1. Notebook
2. Pencil with eraser
3. A pair of scissors
4. Glue or glue stick
5. Color pencils or crayons
6. Interactive Notebook templates (print outs)

1. Cut out the Interactive Notebook Templates for the week
2. Answer the questions given. Write down notes from the class’ discussions, handouts or books / workbooks.
3. Color and decorate the pages.
4. Organize and paste them in the Interactive Notebook.
5. Have fun learning!

Gemma Y. Bognot-Clarke Ph. D.
Science Teacher- CMIT North MS
Grade 61 Loyola and 62 George Washington 4th Quarter Calendar of Science Activities
Below are the Calendars of Science Activities for 61 Loyola and 62 George Washington for the months of April to June 2016:

Gemma Y. Bognot-Clarke, Ph. D.
Science Teacher- CMIT North MS
71 Xavier and 72 Vanderbilt 4th Quarter Calendar of Science Activities
Below are the Calendars of Science Activities for 71 Xavier and 72 Vanderbilt for the months of April to June 2016:

Gemma Y. Bognot-Clarke, Ph. D.
Science Teacher- CMIT North MS
Earth Science

6th grade Earth Scientists have finished the book Earth's Surface at the end of 3rd quarter and moved into Water and Atmosphere book .They will study the following topics in the 4th Quarter , Fresh Water , the Oceans , The Atmosphere , Weather and Climate and Climate Change, Minerals and Rocks , Plate Tectonics ,Earthquakes and Volcanoes.
The book is the main resource in science lessons . If your child lose the book you should buy a new one .
Here is the ISBN numbers of the book , `Water and Atmosphere`
ISBN-13 : 978-0-13-368486-5
ISBN-10 : 0-13-368486-5
And here is the amazon link
Earth Science classes will have a `Water Rocket Competition` in the 4th quarter and They already started working on it .
Water Rocket Preparations :
The links for the pictures of the activities which were done in the 3rd Quarter
Family Fossils Activity :
Half Life Activity:
Radioactive Decay Activity :

Nuri Bayram
Ms. Rooney's Math 8 Scoop
Here in Math 8, we are excited to begin the 4th quarter and end the year on a strong and positive note! We are also nearing the end of our 8th grade material. With that being said, we cannot let this quarter go to waste!

We have started a new chapter - Rules of Exponents and Scientific Notation. The big assessment for the end of this unit will be in the form of a project. More information will be given closer to then.

Reminder Steps to Online Book Access:
-Go to
-Under the login box, click the blue "Looking for Easy Access Materials?" box
-Click on Students at the top, right corner of the page
-Scroll down to the bottom where it says Easy Access Home Edition
-Choose program for Access --> Common Core 2014
-Click the blue book under Regular Pathway - Chapter 10

The IXL Skills for this chapter:
-This week's lessons pertain to the these skills: F.8, F.9, F.10, F.11
-Next ween pertains to these skills: F.5, F.6
-End of chapter full review skill: F. 13

What we are doing for the next 2 chapters is very skill based. So, continuous IXL practice will be super beneficial and is important as we move through the content.

Important Upcoming Dates
1. PARCC Prep/Math 8 review in my class: May 2-6
2. Middle School PARCC Testing - May 9-13, 16-17
3. **MATH 8 FINAL DATE -- June 9, 2016***

Ms. Rooney
Math Teacher
Ms. Cracovaner's Social Studies Updates
We are now in the final stretch of the school year! Let's finish strongly!

7th Grade Updates

Students are working on a group travel brochure project to learn about the geographic features of Europe. All projects must be submitted by Monday April 11th on Google Classroom.

8th Grade Updates

Students have submitted their essays about Cherokee Removal. We have begun discussing the economic and social changes in the U.S. during the mid-1800s. This week, students will be discussing slavery in the South and beginning a project about the movements for Women's Suffrage and Abolition. Details about this assignment will be posted on Edmodo and Google Classroom

Please feel free to contact Ms. Cracovaner with any questions, comments, or concerns at

Ms. Cracovaner
Middle School Social Studies Teacher and Department Chair
The ESTEEM/SER-Quest Program
The Center for Minorities in Science and Engineering has a 4-week summer program for rising high school seniors who are interested in engineering. Additional information can be found here:

- A four-week summer research program for rising high school seniors.
- Participants will work in some of the nation’s best research laboratories.
- Participants will live on the University of Maryland College Park campus.
- Participants will learn about the University of Maryland College Park and the A. James Clark School of Engineering through tours and informational sessions.

Program Dates: July 1 - July 30, 2016
Application Deadline: May 10, 2016

For more information and the application process, visit Please e-mail with questions or concerns.

Ms. Colandrea
HS Program Coordinator
High School PARCC Testing
High School students will be participating in PARCC testing from April 18 through April 27th.

Students will be testing for about 2.5 hours each morning.

Please ensure your scholar's attendance on these dates, that they receive a good nights sleep the evening before a test and a healthy breakfast the morning of.

PARCC Test Schedule
4/18 - 4/20: Algebra I, Algebra II, 11th grade Geometry. (Students not enrolled in one of these math courses will not take a math PARCC)

4/21, 25, and 27th: English Language Arts (All grade levels must take the ELA PARCC assessment)

If you have any questions please contact Mr. Brauer at

Mr. Andrew Brauer
Program Coordinator
School Testing Coordinator
Here we go again!! Get Ready To -- Clean Out Your Closets!!

Collection dates Monday, April 18 through Friday, April 22.

Value Village will pick up our items on Monday, April 25.

Soft Goods: including clothing, shoes, hats, scarves, undergarments, jewelry, accessories, bags, wallets, bedding, towels, curtains,
tablecloths or other cloth materials; Hard Goods: toys, small appliances (i.e., toasters, irons), books, CDs, DVDs
Not Accepted: hazardous materials, flammable products, automobile parts, food, cash, large appliances.

Thank you for your support!!

Please contact: Adrianne Robinson -
Angela Thornton -
Chesapeake Math and IT Academy High School
14800 Sweitzer Lane Laurel, MD 20707 | Tel: (240) 767-4080 | Fax: (301) 560-3461
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