Happy Holidays
I would like to thank all students, staff, and parents for their contribution to the CMIT South family. With the support of Chesapeake Lighthouse Foundation and PGCPS, we are delighted to serve our youngsters at a safe and technology-equipped learning environment. CMIT South wishes you a safe and wonderful holiday season. Happy new year.
Ali Gurbuz Principal
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CMIT South Boy's Basketball Team attends Howard University Basketball Game
CMIT Boy's Basketball Team was invited to attend the Howard University versus Radford University Men's Basketball game on Saturday, December 12th. Everyone had a great time and the students were able to meet the coaches, players and visit the locker room.
Special appreciation goes out to our CMIT South parents (Mr. Fitzgerald, Mr. and Mrs. Tyson, and Mr. Watkins) for chaperoning.
Included in the pictures are Howard's Head Coach Kevin Nickleberry and Guard James Daniels III (current leading scorer in men's NCAA).
Coach Young
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SGA Presents: Winter Basketball Tournament!
SGA is very excited to announce our winter basketball tournament hosted January 26th - 28th (After-school) in our own gym! At this point the bleachers will be installed and all students are welcome to attend this event!
Grade level bracket's will compete each day, followed by the 'finals' on Thursday selecting a whole school winner. Teams must register on a first come first serve basis, four teams will be accepted per grade level. Teams may consist of any mix of boys and girls, and will consist of 5 players and one alternate in case of injury or day- of absence. Registration will begin after winter break.
Kelly Morani
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Scholars of the Week
CMIT South Scholars of the Week: Nailah (MIT), Muhammad (Princeton), Ebony (Stanford) received the highest positive SIS points. Congratulations to the students for their positive and consistent exemplary behavior.
Ali Gurbuz Principal
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Moving On...
Treasured Parents/Guardians:
It is with mixed emotions that I announce I have applied for and accepted a promotion within the PGCPS system. My last day at CMIT-South is Tuesday, December 22.
I have enjoyed working with you all at CMIT-South and appreciate having had this wonderful opportunity. I wish you all the best because you are amongst some of the best parents in PG County.
Keep volunteering!
Annice Ellis
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Upcoming Field Trips
When: January 21, 2016 Cost: $25.00 Website: slips will be shared with the students and is attached Eligibility: Must not have lost more than 15 SIS points between November 22, 2015 and December 22, 2015. No level III or IV disciplinary violations during the period prior to the trip Must wear oxford shirt and tie for the trip (no refund will be issued if the students cannot go on the trip due to uniform violation) Must pay the above amount, in full, between January 4 – 6, 2016. (payment will be accepted on these days during homeroom and lunch periods) IFly Indoor Skydiving, Virginia Beach, VA When: December 22, 2015 Cost: $75.00 SIS point eligibility apply. More information on the destination can be found on their website - MUST NOT HAVE LOST MORE THAN 15 SIS POINTS BETWEEN OCTOBER 1, 2015 AND OCTOBER 31, 2015. NO LEVEL III OR IV DISCIPLINARY VIOLATIONS DURING THE PERIOD PRIOR TO THE TRIP MUST WEAR PE ATTIRE FOR THE TRIP (no refund will be issued if the students cannot go on the trip due to uniform violation)
Lara Asafa
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Holiday greeting and Reminder
To our CMIT South PTO family, We want to take a moment of your time as we head into the holidays to share with you our thoughts and express our best wishes to each of you. As we prepare for the holidays, I want to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for your dedication and hard work in supporting our Young Scholars and our Teachers. Due to the complexity and unique nature of moving into a new facility, everyone's efforts were integral to the importance of our mission in creating a sound, safe, and fun learning environment for our CMIT South “Tigers”. As one team, we have successfully implemented many “FIRSTS” for our dear CMIT South including having parents visit the homes of potential parents and scholars during the summer to successfully fielding activities during the year including the Building move-in, Book Fair, Bingo Nights, Hispanic Heritage Month, College Awareness and Leadership Program, Prince George's Fall Clean Up Green Up Day, Box Tops for Education, Picture Day, Mid Atlantic Fundraising, Basketball games, Debate Tournaments, and of course our outstanding STEM Fair….whew!!! ☺ While we have endured challenges, changing priorities, and an accelerating pace of change for the new building, I continue to stay amazed at your energy, resilience, and dedication to our students in general and your young scholars in particular. For those of us who are fortunate to be home celebrating the holiday with family friends and loved ones, please keep in your thoughts our men and women who are away from their families serving our Nation and potentially in harm's way On behalf of the entire Executive Leadership Team, I hope each and every one of you finds peace and joy during this most special season. Relax and recharge; we look forward to seeing each of you at our First PTO meeting in the new year of 2016 on the 20th of January at 6:30pm! Go Tigers!!!
Bobby L. Hand Jr. Chesapeake Math and IT Academy South PTO President
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STEM Fair Research Paper Feedback and Final Project Submission
At this point all students should have recieved feedback from their science teacher about their STEM Fair Research Paper rough draft. Please be aware of the following upcoming dates regarding your students STEM Fair project.
1) Monday December 21st 2015- Final Research Paper Due to Science and Reading Teachers.
2) Friday January 8th 2016- Completed Project Tri- Fold Board Due to Science Teachers (In Class)
3) Friday January 15th 2016- CMIT South STEM Fair at CMIT South- Students are expected to be in attendance to present their boards at this event
Please Remember, that completion of STEM Fair is a requirement for all CLF schools, and failure to complete a STEM Fair Project will have a significant impact on your students Science and Reading Grade for Quarter Two.
Kelly Morani - 7th Grade Science
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Computer Technology - Optional Winter Break Assignment
Dear Cornell, Duke, Hampton, MIT, Princeton, and UMD Students,
This is an optional assignment worth extra credit as a 'classwork assignment' grade.
Due Tuesday, January 5, 2016
Have a happy holiday and New Year!
Mrs. Gray & Mr. Bayram Computer Technology
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7th and 8th Grade Winter Break Assignment
Happy Holidays to all! Attached you will find a one page pdf file asking you to go to and completing Course 3 - Stages 1-6. More directions on the page. Please have a safe and wonderful break.
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Ms. Jones' Winter packet extra credit
Of course, as you may know the December book of the month is The Book Thief and it will not be competed by January. With a lot of clarification, my students are now beginning to enjoy reading this book.
So, I will offer you an additional reading log for extra credit this holiday. Happy Holidays! Enjoy you reading!
Georgia Jones
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Ms. Thomas RELA Winter Break Assignment
Good Afternoon Students & Parents of 63, 64, 65, & 66:
This is an extra-credit reading assignment for you to complete over the winter break. Please let me know if you have any questions. Enjoy your break!
Hakisha LaShea Thomas
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8th Grade RELA Extra Credit
Dear Students of Cornell, Georgetown, Stanford, and Brown,
I am pleased to announce that all of you will have an opportunity to earn extra credit over this Winter Break. Please read the attached flyer/handout for details regarding this extra credit assignment.
Please bring your completed assignment to class with you on January 4th. Thank you and Happy Holidays!
Latrice Gonzalez
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6th Grade Introduction to Spanish
This week, the students learned to greet depending of the time of the day, respond to greetings and also introducing oneself. Please check Edmodo for resources on these lessons. Students were provided the Edmodo code once again so that they can join the class. Please ensure your child joins the class. Assignments will be posted on the Edmodo page soon.
CMIT South
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STEM Project Update
Final STEM Research papers are due on Monday, 12/21/2015 to both Reading and Science teachers. If your child does not know how to submit their papers, please email the teachers to find out. The research paper is an assessment grade in both Reading and Science classes for the second quarter.
Lara Asafa
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Winter Break Extra Credit - Sears
Winter Break extra credit for Miss Sears' classes will be posted on Digits on the 22nd for completion. You can also access the PDF version on Edmodo.
Miss Sears
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Mr. Roorda's R.E.L.A. Winter Break Extra Credit
This assignment is for Duke, M.I.T., Dartmouth, and UPenn for Winter Break 2015-2016.
It is due by Monday, January 4, 2016.
Christopher Roorda
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Ms. Morani's Science Class - Winter Extra Credit
Student's priority over winter break should be to complete their STEM Fair Boards. These are due to me on Friday January 8th 2016. The rubric for the STEM Fair board will be posted to edmodo prior to break.
However in the event that students are interested in earning extra credit for my course in the Assessment Category, they may do so by completing the attached activity. The completed activity is due digitally, via the assignment in edmodo, as a .PDF document on or prior to Monday January 4th 2016. Successful completion of this activity will earn the student up to 20 extra credit points in the assessment category.
This optional opportunity is available to my students only, I teach Hampton, Harvard, Howard, Yale, and University of Maryland.
Regards, Kelly Morani 7th Grade Science
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Winter Break Optional Assignment in Technology
Hello, All 6th Grade Scholars! Here is your extra credit and optional winter break assignment Please download the picture and create the same document. The assignment consists of two parts. You need to - Type the text - Insert picture - Change the font style and size - Highlight and change color for the given specific part - Change page color - Add page border Send the Word document as an email to by 7:30 am on January 4, 2016.
Mrs. Bates/Mr. Piskin 6th Grade Tecnology Concepts
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Character Ed. Project
Please check out the detailed instructions from the attached doc.
Happy Holidays and Best Wishes for the New Year,
Ch.Ed. Team
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Mr. Valle's Winter Break Packets (Cornell/Hampton/Princeton)
All my Cornell, Hampton, and Princeton students are enjoined to have fun and enjoy great celebrations during the winter break. As you do so, you are requested to complete the attached packets during your free time. Completing the packets will keep fresh in you the lessons that we learn in Math. Cornell and Princeton students complete the Math 8 packet, Hampton students complete the Algebra 1 packet, all for extra credit.
Have a safe and wonderful winter break!
Mr. Sam Valle
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Saturday Academy Update
Saturday Academy will hold on Saturday December 19, 2015. This will be followed by the Winter Break. During the Winter Break, there will be no Saturday Academy. Saturday Academy will resume on Saturday January 9, 2016.
Lara Asafa
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From Dr. Geraldine Green-Reed Wishing You the Merriest Christmas and a Wonderfully Safe Holiday Season
From my heart to each and every one of you, I am wishing you the merriest of Christmas holidays and a safe holiday season from the office of the Senior Student Support Specialist as well as my NO STOPPING US NOW ENRICHMENT GROUP.
Thank you for all that you do and we look forward to 2016!!!!
Dr. Geraldine A. Green-Reed, Ed.D
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Attendance Check
The following is applicable for absence, tardiness and early dismissal:
When sending attendance letters, handwritten or via email, ensure you include your child's name, university/college, the date(s) and reason they were not in school, your printed name and signature.
Depending on the circumstance (absent, tardy, early dismissal), a note must be provided upon your child's return to school to avoid being marked as unexcused. If a note is being sent via email, you may send it to If you or your child(ren) will hand deliver a note, you must submit it to the front desk to be photocopied. The copy will be given to your child to show each teacher while the original will be filed for attendance recording purposes.
Also remember to review the PGCPS list of excused and unexcused absences found in the Students' Rights & Responsibilities Handbook.
Annice Ellis
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Best behaved class
Congratulations The results are in Dartmouth was the winner of “BEST BEHAVED CLASS in Technology” for the 2nd week of December. They are off to a winning start and are competing for the highest overall points for this month. Great Job and Keep up the Good Work….
Mrs Bates/Mr Piskin 6th gr Computer Technology
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New CMIT South Visitor Procedure
We here at CMIT South are constantly evolving as Tech Savvy Citizens and I would like to introduce our new procedure for all visitors including early dismissals. There will no longer be a visitor sign-in log in the lobby, ALL visitors must report to the main office with their Government-issued photo ID. Visitors will receive a photo name badge indicating their time of arrival and purpose. We will continue to have parent volunteers and late student arrivals utilize the touchscreen computer in the lobby. Please remember to always bring your Government-issued photo ID to ensure a quick and easy transaction during your visit to CMIT South.
Juliana Colon, Records Secretary
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BoxTops Update!
Thanks to all the participants in our Fall BoxTops Clipping Contest. We collected just over 1500 BoxTops which brings us closer to our goal of 10,000 BoxTops for this school year. The 3 universities that collected the most were as follows: 1st - Hampton 2nd - Princeton 3rd - Georgetown These 3 universities received a reward. Since Hampton was the top collectors for this contest, they will also be rewarded with a "Popsicle Party".
Last year, MIT was our greatest contributor and they will be rewarded with a "Popsicle Party". Thanks again to all those who participated. Keep clipping and sending in those BoxTops so that we can reach our goal.
Angela Adams BTFE Coordinator
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Student Service Learning Information
Just a quick reminder on where you can locate information, forms, and opportunities for Student Service Learning. Please remember to turn in the approval form first before completing your service hours to ensure that they will count. The forms are located on the left hand side of the website. Happy Volunteering!
Ms. Warehime, School Counselor
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CAUTION: Keep Inclement Weather Make-Up Days in Mind When Planning Summer Vacation
Greetings CMIT South Parents/Guardians, As the holiday season and winter weather approaches, we here at CMIT South would like to remind you that CMIT follows the PGCPS school year calendar. Parents are encouraged to register text or email alerts for school closings and emergencies by filling out the online form on PGCPS website: and parents are asked not to schedule any vacations or trips to coincide with school days for the 2015-16 school year. Maryland state law requires that all students between the ages of 5-16 attend school regularly. Absences from and tardies to school is disruptive to the learning process. Studies have shown that students who attend school on a regular basis earn better grades and learn more than those who are frequently absent. Students will also earn incentives for Perfect Attendance. Please note that June 15-17 & 20, 2016 are assigned as inclement weather make-up days and students may be required to attend school on those days, depending on the weather conditions throughout the Winter. Please do not plan any family vacations until after June 21, 2016. Parents and students are asked to visit PGCPS website for calendar updates: state of Maryland recognizes the following as lawful (excused) absences from school: -Death in the immediate family -Illness of the student -Quarantine -Court summons -Principal-approved activity -Mental or physical incapacity -Violent storms -Observance of a religious holiday -State of emergency
Ms. Juliana Colon, Records Secretary
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New Sibling Preference Applications Process
Prince George's County Public Schools gives lottery preference to new students who already have a sibling in the school. Siblings must live in the same household, have the same responsible parent/guardian, and both siblings must be enrolled at CMIT SOUTH for the 2016-17 school year (GRADES 6-9). Families must submit a valid lottery application by the deadline to be eligible for sibling preference. NEW THIS YEAR: All applications for sibling preference will be accepted during the public charter school open enrollment season from November 2, 2015 through January 29, 2016. This new process allows PGCPS to streamline data entry and accurately capture family information that links families and especially siblings. To submit a CMIT SOUTH sibling preference application, please logon at to submit your application for sibling preference. Sibling preference is based on seat availability and never a guarantee. If there is more sibling preference requests than seats available, a sibling lottery will be held to determine placement. Please do not contact the school regarding the charter school lottery process, you may contact the PGCPS Charter School Office with questions and/or concerns directly at (301)-808-8150 or visit their webpage for more information at
Ms. Juliana Colon, Records Secretary
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FAQs |
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What is the Uniform Policy?
The uniform policy can be found on our website by clicking here.
How do we order uniform items?
Uniform items can be ordered by completing the OWI order form.
What uniform items should we order?
At least
- 2 CMIT South Polo shirts (1 blue, 1 green)
- 1 CMIT South fleece or windbreaker
- 1 CMIT South White oxford shirt
- 1 blue tie (neck tie for boys, crisscross tie for girls)
- 1 CMIT South PE t-shirt
Items to be purchased at a department store:
- Navy blue or khaki
- Solid black (no markings or insignias)
- Solid black
Athletic pants:
- Solid blue or black (no markings or insignias)
What is CMIT's Daily Schedule?
7:35- 7:45am:
- Student arrival (drop off is at the side entrance)
- Doors close at 7:45am (after 7:45am parents need to sign late students in at the Front Office)
7:35 - 7:57am:
- Homeroom (Breakfast is available during this time until 7:50am)
8:00am - 2:49pm for 6th grade and 2:54 for 7th grade:
- Academic instruction
2:49/2:54 - 3:05 pm:
Student pick-up outside (Students who are not picked up by 3:05pm will be waiting outside for their ride. There is no adult supervision for these students during this time).
Clubs and enrichment activities will begin immediately following dismissal. All club/enrichment participants must report directly to the cafeteria. Students who continuously fail to report directly to their designated locations will lose the privilege to participate in any after school activities.
How do I pay for my child's lunch?
Breakfast and lunch are served every day. You can add money to your child's account by visiting this link. You can also pay by cash or money order in the cafeteria.
Can my child bring their own lunch to school?
Students can bring a lunch from home. Lunches can be stored in the student's locker. Microwaves are available in the cafeteria to warm food. Refrigerators are not available for students.
What do they serve for school lunch?
A monthly menu is provided by Food and Nutrition Services. Click here for lunch and breakfast menu.
What is the academic calendar?
CMIT follows the Prince George's County Public School calendar found here. To receive notifications of PGCPS school cancellations by providing information here.
Where can I find information about CMIT events and updates?
Every Friday CMIT South publishes its weekly newsletter. It is HIGHLY recommended that you subscribe to the newsletter. It is a vital means of communication between CMIT South and stakeholders. Please click here to subscribe to CMIT South Newsletter. Please visit for more information.
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