Dear CMIT-South Parents,
CMIT-South MS/HS continues to provide a broad range of extracurriculars. Please check out the attached club booklet for an introduction to each club including, time, location and a brief description. Then, complete the club selection survey by clicking the link below. The club selection survey window will open Friday, September 27th and will close Wednesday, October 2nd at 3:00pm. Scholars are able to choose to make their first and second preferences, but can register for only one club. Scholars are selected for clubs on a first come first serve basis. Each scholar will receive an invitation email from the club sponsor for which they are selected.
***Note: Completing the club selection survey does not grant club registration.
Thank you
Please click the link below to complete the club selection survey.
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Mes de la Herencia Hispana (Hispanic Heritage Month)
Es hora de celebrar la Herencia Hispana !!!!
El Departamento de Español de CMIT-Sur tiene el placer de celebrar la herencia hispana y comenzamos a preparar una actividad impresionante. La actividad será el jueves 17 de octubre de 2019 a las 6:30 pm. Los boletas están a la venta en la cafetería a la hora de almuerzo. Si estás interesado en formar parte de la actividad, comuníquese con el Sr. Arroyo, la Sra. Berroa y la Sra. Guzmán lo antes posible. Padres, maestros y la comunidad en general están bienvenidos para ayudar al Departamento de Español con la logística y organización de la actividad. Para más información favor de comunicarse al siguiente correo electrónico:
Boletos a la venta en la hora de almuerzo en la cafetería
Precio: $5:00
It's time to celebrate Hispanic Heritage !!!!
The Spanish Department of CMIT-South has the pleasure of celebrating the Hispanic heritage and we began to prepare an impressive activity. The activity will be on Thursday October 17, 2019 at 6:30 p.m. Tickets are on sale in the cafeteria at lunch time. If you are interested in being part of the activity, contact Mr. Arroyo, Mrs. Berroa and Mrs. Guzmán as soon as possible. Parents, teachers and community are welcome to help the Spanish Department with the logistics and organization of the activity. For more information, please contact the following email address:
Tickets at lunches in the cafeteria
Thank You for being part of CMIT-South family,
Spanish Department
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Our arrival and dismissal has been smooth for the most part. In the spirit of continuous improvement and safety, please help us to ensure that we follow arrival and dismissal procedures.
Drop off in the mornings is working pretty well for the most part, with two lanes moving forward. To keep this going, please help with the following:
-- Please ensure that students are not being dropped prior to arrival time of 8:20am. There are no supervisions by CMIT South staff due to staff arrival time.
-- When you get into the parking lot pull all the way down as far as you in the lane you are in.
-- Make sure your child/children are ready to get out of the car (have all of their belongings in their hands and ready to step out of the vehicle as soon as they open the door. Backpacks, notebooks, jackets etc in hand.
-- Only cross from the left lane when cars in the right lane are not moving to exit.
Pick up in the afternoon will continue to improve, thank you to everyone for your patience. So far, dismissal has concluded by or before 3:15pm. Here are some things you can do to help:
-- Do not arrive at the school way ahead of time, arrive at school close to dismissal time. This removes the accumulation of traffic for extended periods of time and the inconveniences to our business neighbors.
-- While in line waiting to get into the lot pull as far over to the right as you can so the people who work or are making deliveries in this area can still get by. We are sharing the roads with them and attempting to get everyone where they need to go.
-- Pull all the way up in lane as you wait for your child, this allows more vehicles off the street.
-- Do not block the road in front of the school or businesses, both while trying to get into the parking lot or by parking in the fire lane out front. This makes it harder for everyone to drive respectfully. Leave room for vehicles to get by or into the various parking lots.
-- The transport vans/buses are parking in the alley behind the school and they should be the only ones back there. If your child rides a transport van have them proceed to the vans/buses as soon as they are able. No students should be boarding Vans/buses on the street.
-- Advise all scholars to remain on CMIT South MS/HS property, do not encourage students to walk off the property. CMIT South MS/HS has no jurisdiction beyond its property cannot monitor students beyond the property.
-- Appreciate the efforts of those who are volunteering to help by being respectful and following the traffic pattern.
Lara Asafa, Principal
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All volunteers must complete the SafeSchools online safety training program that is designed to train contractors and volunteers on school-related safety issues. Volunteers who regularly support the school as field trip chaperones, mentors, interns, tutors and others must complete the below on-line training modules via the training portal -
- Prince George’s County Child Abuse Mandatory Reporting
- Prince George’s County Public Schools’ Student Safety Procedural Changes
- Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Prevention
Background Checks are still required and commercial background checks can no longer be utilized for field trips. All volunteers must undergo a fingerprint check - at least 15 business days in advance of volunteer activity and undergo a Child Protective Services (CPS) clearance - at least 15 business days in advance of volunteer activity. Prince George’s County Public Schools (PGCPS) has added two new processing locations. The sites will provide evening hours four days a week and Saturday hours from 8 a.m. to noon!
For questions, call the PGCPS Background Unit at 301-952-7831.
- Fingerprinting and Child Protective Services(CPS) Clearance $62.25
Hughes Barney Investigations
9315 Largo Drive West #100
Upper Marlboro, MD 20774
Monday-Friday • 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
Monday and Wednesday • 5-7 p.m. (by appointment only)
1st & 3rd Saturday of the month • 8 a.m.-noon (by appointment only)
Sasscer Administration Building Background Unit
14201 School Lane
Upper Marlboro, MD 20772
No appointment necessary, Monday-Friday • 8 a.m.- 4:45 p.m. (Summer hours Monday-Thursday 7 a.m.-5:15 p.m.)
Credit card, money order, cash and company checks accepted
Please complete your training prior to the 1st week of September so it can be done and we can use your support in upcoming CMIT South programs. We need all the volunteers we can get to make this a great new school year!
Thank you in advance and will look forward to a year of partnership.
CMIT South Front Desk
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Character Education is Coming.....
What is Character Education?
Character Education is a learning process that enables students and adults in a school community to understand,
care about and act on core ethical values such as RESPECT, JUSTICE, CIVIC VIRTUE, CITIZENSHIP, and RESPONSIBILITY
for self and others.
Character Education is an umbrella term loosely used to describe the teaching of children in a manner that will help
them develop variously as moral, civic, well mannered, behaved, non-bullying, healthy critical successful, traditional,
compliant or socially acceptable beings.
5. CARING and
What makes a person qualify for and/or considered to have 'GOOD CHARACTER?'
A person that is considered to have 'GOOD CHARACTER' exhibits attributes such as:
and other important virtues that promote good behavior and habits.
Make sure that your CHARACTER is great.
Having good CHARACTER means that you have such admirable traits as HONESTY, RESPONSIBILITY, and COURAGE.
What are the 7 essential LIFE-SKILLS every child needs?
2. PERSPECTIVE TAKING (a particular attitude toward or of regarding something - a point of view)
Your character is defined by what you do, not what you say or believe...
Every choice you make helps define the kind of person you are choosing to be.......
Good character requires doing the right thing, even when it is costly or risky.....
You don't have to take the worst behavior of others as a standard of comparison for yourself. You can choose to be better than that...
What you do matters, and one person can make a big difference.........
The payoff for having good character is that it makes a better person and it makes the world a better place......
Dr. Sullivan-Williams (aka Dr. BB)
Senior Certified Life-Skills/Character Education Instructor
"Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today...."- Malcolm X
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Box Tops Update
Good evening CMIT South Family, Welcome to another school year! It's Box Top turn in time! As you may have noticed Box Top's is changing the way they receive box top turn in. This is actually good news for us! With the new system all you have to do is scan your store receipt and the school will receive the points immediately. During the time of this transition you will still find some products with box tops on them, we are still accepting these box tops. Within the next week the Box Top Committee will announce the contest for our first turn in which will end October 28, 2019. To sign up our school name is Chesapeake Math and IT Academy, school ID 9677154. Share this with friends and family to earn free money for our school! Let's clip away!
Thank you
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PTO General Meeting 09/26/19 Update
Greetings CMIT South MS/HS Family,
Last night we held our very first PTO meeting for the 2019-2020 year. It was great to see the turnout of so many parents. Thank you to all those who signed up to support our students, parents and staff by joining the PTO. 49 new families signed up last night. We’re excited about this new year. We need your help though…
The PTO is in need of an Assistant Treasurer. If you're interested in supporting is, please use this link to indicate your interest:
If you're not interested in that role, but would like to serve on any of our committees, please sign up using the google form here:
Thank you all again. Looking forward to a wonderful year with your attendance at the meetings and your continued support.
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Calling all students interested in High School SGA!
Hello CMIT-South Families!
Please remind your students that there will be an interest meeting next week. Any student interested in running to be a class officer for the 2019-2020 SY for the class of 2020, 2021, 2022, or 2023 is invited to the meeting.
The meeting will be held in room 334 on Wednesday, October 2nd after school from 3:00PM to 3:30PM. The SGA Executive Committee will host the information session where they will outline the expectations of student officers, present the duties of office, and answer any questions students may have.
Following this, students will have access to the Class Officer Application which will be due October 7th to Mr. Wassam or any member of the SGA Executive Committee.
We look forward to seeing everyone there!
Mr. Wassam and Executive SGA
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Umoja Zumba Pinkout Date Correction October 26th
UMOJA Zumba Pink Out is BACK! Let's Do This!
Please join Umoja Mentoring Club for our Zumba Pink Out
Date: October 26th
Time: 2:30 PM -4:30PM
Donation: $10.00 .
Umoja members will also collect donations for the cure
We will have Fitness Fun as we bring about Breast Cancer Awareness Wear your pink workout gear (Don't forget the tutu!) All are welcome.
Mrs. Dabney
UMOJA Sponsor
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HS Cheerleaders
Our Winter sports season is approaching and we want you to be a part of our team!
All those who are interested in becoming a high school cheerleader come out to our initial interest meeting on Tuesday October 8th at 3 p.m. The meeting will be held in Ms. Hall's classroom (Rm 151).
If you have any questions email
Kelvin Smith
CMIT South
Athletic Director
Physical Education
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SSL Hours Opportunity
The 2019 Clean Up at the Schmidt Center is coming soon. They are seeking middle school students who are accompanied by an adult and high school students to participate in the event. Service-learning credit will be awarded.
Michael Pitter, School Counselor
Chesapeake Math & IT Academy South
9822 Fallard CT.
Upper Marlboro, MD 20772
"Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today...."- Malcolm X
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-- Navigate to
-- Click on Point Reward System
-- Enter Username and Password
-- Your username is the email you registered with CMIT South MS/HS
-- If you do not know your username or password, click on “Retrieve Password”.
-- Enter your email used for CMIT South MS/HS communications.
-- Your password will be sent to this email.
See pictures for help
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Maker's Faire - "Plan" Research 1
At this point, science teachers have been working very closely with students to determine what each student's final project should be. The next step is called "Plan" Research 1. As we are in the "Planning" stage of the 'Design Process' the next relevant due date is MONDAY, OCTOBER 7 @ 7:30 AM.
All directions have been reviewed in class. Please click on the following link to access the directions. Everyone will be able to access the link below, but not the links in the document as students must sign into the CMIT South accounts to access those.
If you have any questions, please contact your science teacher.
Miss Brown:
Mrs. Melchoir:
Miss Hamilton:
Miss Allen:
Miss Brown
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Invite you to a special program presenting the institutions and discussing financial aid and admission processes.
Representative will be on hand as follows:
Adelphi, MD - 10/07/2019
Washington, DC - 10/09/2019
For further information or to RSVP, please visit
Follow us on Twitter @CMIT_South
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On behalf of some of our families, CMIT South MS/HS is accepting gently used, still functional Laptop Computers and Chromebooks. These devices will be given to students in need of such but not affordable for the families. Let us come together to support each other towards academic success for all scholars. Please bring your gently used, still functional Laptop or Chromebook for donation at the front desk. Thank you for your partnership and support.
Follow us on Twitter @CMIT_South
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Maker's Faire Partners with PTO!
The PTO and the Science Department are partnering up to help you (parents, guardians, families) with ordering your child's Maker's Faire supplies list (refer to another blurb for information about the supplies list). The PTO has a partnership with Amazon Smiles that you can join.
What is it?
Amazon will contribute 0.5% of your purchase (from amazon) to the CMIT South PTO.
How do I sign up?
1. Go to or type in 'amazon smiles' into google.
2. Sign in with your amazon account or create an account.
3. It will ask you what charity you want to donate to, underneath you can type in 'CMIT South PTO'
4. Hit ‘select’ or ‘choose’.
Why should I do this?
WHY NOT?! You may order a lot of stuff from amazon anyway! Why not help out the PTO as well?!
Miss Brown
Maker's Faire Coordinator
MS Staff Representative PTO
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According to the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene School Health Services Regulations, schools may not knowingly admit students without proper documentation of age appropriate immunity against vaccine preventable diseases (COMAR 10.06.04).
State immunization requirements mandate that all students entering Grades 7 must have one dose of Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis vaccine) and one dose of meningococcal vaccine.
Please contact your health care provider to ensure that your child's immunization is up to date this summer to prevent their exclusion from school upon resumption come September 3, 2019. You can go to your primary care provider now to get your child immunized for the 2019/2020 school year. Other options include going to the local health department clinics, pharmacies, grocery stores and urgent care centers.
Parents of students without insurance should reference attached resources for free immunization clinics.
Please send all immunization records to
CMIT South Nurse
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Free or reduced-price meals are available to students based on household size and income (see chart through link). If income falls below the amount listed below for household size, then students living within the household may qualify for free or reduced-price meals. Students are automatically eligible for free meals if the family receives assistance under the Food Supplement Program or Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) benefits.
You can find the income guidelines and apply by clicking on this link -
If your child usually participates in FARMS or you may qualify to participate, please complete the form online. Filling out the form will prevent a disruption of meal services. These forms are also used to determine additional funding for staff and school resources.
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Indoor Soccer Club
The soccer club is a organization whose purpose is to develop individual and team soccer excellence in order to compete at the highest level each individual and team is capable. Club's, organized with the right intentions, can provide your participant with more than you or they know about; soccer training, reputation, resources, preparation for high school/college soccer, coaching education, parent education and much more. CMIT-South soccer club serves a greater purpose over that of an individual team or even the individual player. We want to empower our participants with the knowledge about soccer skills, tactics, strategies and its rules.
Indoor Soccer Club will be for Middle School and High School.
We will gather Wednesday and Friday from 7:35 to 8:15.
Participant must report to room 307 with Coach Arroyo before go to the soccer field.
For more information contact me at
Coach Arroyo
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Hello Students and Parents of 85 Duke & 86 Howard:
I hope my note reaches you well. I wanted to inform you that this week students began completing classwork assignment's on Pearson Realize. This is the PGCPS curriculum site. I have attached a screenshot of this week's assignments. Please ask your scholar for their username and password to access their account to review their assignments.
Mrs. Hakisha Newman, M.Ed., M.A.
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FAQs |
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What is the Uniform Policy?
The uniform policy can be found on our website, under Students tab.
How do we order uniform items?
Families wishing to purchase uniform in store may visit:
All American Wear, Inc.
5001-B Forbes Boulevard
Lanham, MD 20706
Do I have to purchase uniforms from this vendor?
No, however, uniforms purchased from other vendors must have 100% identical color tone and the CMIT South logo. The current uniform vendor provides donation to the CMIT South PTO based on sales. Each uniform purchased is contribution to the school.
What is CMIT South's Daily Schedule?
8:20am - 8:40am:
- Student arrival (drop off is at the side entrance)
- Doors close at 8:40am (after 8:40am parents need to sign late students in at the Front Office)
8:20am - 8:45am:
- Homeroom (Breakfast is available during this time until 8:45am)
8:45am - 2:49pm for 6th & High School grades and 8:45am - 2:54pm for 7th & 8th grades:
- Academic instruction
2:49/2:54pm - 3:10 pm:
Student pick-up outside (Students who are not picked up by 3:10pm will be waiting outside for their ride. There is no adult supervision for these students during this time).
Clubs and enrichment activities will begin immediately following dismissal. All club/enrichment participants must report directly to the cafeteria. Students who continuously fail to report directly to their designated locations will lose the privilege to participate in any after school activities.
How do I pay for my child's lunch?
Breakfast and lunch are served every day. You can add money to your child's account by visiting this link. You can also pay by cash or money order in the cafeteria.
Can my child bring their own lunch to school?
Students can bring a lunch from home. Lunches can be stored in the student's locker. Lunch taken to lunch room should be consumed in lunch room. Student cannot return to locker after lunch. All lunch bags should be left in lockers if student do not wish to place in bins after lunch. Lunch bags are not allowed in class.
What do they serve for school lunch?
A monthly menu is provided by Food and Nutrition Services. Click here for lunch and breakfast menu.
What is the academic calendar?
CMIT South MS/HS follows the Prince George's County Public School calendar found here. To receive notifications of PGCPS school cancellations by providing information here.
Where can I find information about CMIT events and updates?
Every Friday CMIT South MS/HS publishes its weekly newsletter. It is HIGHLY recommended that you subscribe to the newsletter. It is a vital means of communication between CMIT South and stakeholders. Please click here to subscribe to CMIT South Newsletter. Please visit for more information.
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