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Chesapeake Math & IT Academy North High School





CLF Governing Board Parent Representation

Call for STEM Fair Judges



Human Rights Awareness Month

PTO Volunteer Needed !!!


MS Stem Fair Submission and Competition

Middle School Debate Team

7th Grade Students of the Week

8th grade Students of the Week

8th Grade Class Trip Deposits



SGA Angel Tree

Prince George's County Regional Association Of Student Government


Ms. Westerfield's Class

HSA Biology tutoring Cancellation

Biology Unit Exam


Ms. Chestang's Classes and Reminders Regarding Science Fair

Ms. Rooney's Math 8 Scoop

Ms. Cracovaner's Social Studies Updates

Crespo's Science Class


Upcoming SAT & ACT Test Dates

CLF Governing Board Parent Representation
CLF invites parent members to serve on its CLF Board of Directors

Chesapeake Lighthouse Foundation Board of Directors voted unanimously to increase its board membership from 7 to 9 effective 2016. The CLF Board will add two parent members from Prince George's County to its Board of Directors. Interested parent candidates wishing to join are required to submit their resume along with a cover letter of intent to the board of directors by January 10th, at the latest. Cover letter items should include various ways the parent candidate believes they will best represent CLF's public charter schools by contributing to the CLF board. Potential candidates are also asked to indicate how many children they have attending CMIT schools and how many years they have been involved with CMIT schools in their cover letter. Please e-mail your resume and cover letter to: with the subject line: CLF Board Parent Candidate

Board Executive committee will review resume submissions and select five candidates prior to the board meeting. The board will vote to elect two out of these five parent candidates recommended by the executive committee at the January 21, 2016 CLF Board Meeting. The parent board members selected will then serve a one-year term and parent board members may serve for three consecutive terms if re-appointed by a majority board vote at the end of each annual term.

Call for STEM Fair Judges
We would like to cordially invite CMIT Family and Friends to serve as STEM Fair judges to support the upcoming CMIT Middle School STEM Fair on Friday, January 8th.

STEM Fair judging consists of viewing the research posters of the middle school students, interviewing the researcher, and scoring their work.

STEM Fair judging will be held at CMIT (6100 Frost Place Laurel, MD 20707) from 5:30 pm to 7:30pm.

If you are available or interested, please complete the google form below.

Lauren Chestang
PARCC Home Reports with a letter from Dr.Maxwell for Algebra 1, 2, and English 10 were previously sent home on Monday , Dec 7th,2015.
PARCC home reports for students who were in grades 6 through 8 last year in CMIT NORTH and took PARCC ELA and/or Math will be sent home on Monday , Dec 14th ,2015.
Together with the home reports, A letter from Dr. Maxwell and a PARCC Home Report FAQ and Guide will be sent home .
Resources on what the PARCC results mean and how to explain and use the PARCC data can be found at:

Nuri Bayram
Human Rights Awareness Month
Throughout history there have been instances of wanton cruelty, and a blatant violation of the rights and privileges of mankind. Whether that was based on the color of one’s skin, their nationality, religion, or merely being unfortunate enough to be living under the regime of another country, people have regularly been treated like animals, or worse. Human Rights Month is here to remind us of that day in 1948 when the United Nations General Assembly codified the basic human rights of every individual on the planet.

History of Human Rights Month
During World War II there were four basic goals stated by the Allies, that ever man and woman should know and experience four freedoms. Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion, Freedom from fear, and Freedom from want. These ideas were set in place and upheld, but as was made clear by the atrocities committed by Hitler, they were woefully insufficient to guarantee and enforce the freedoms they represented. So it came to pass in December of 1948 that the United nations General Assembly put forth 30 articles that cover everything from rights to education, freedom, health, and more. Since this event these articles have served to help protect civilians in time of war or dictatorship, to help bring POW’s home, and to ensure that people everywhere are allowed to live in liberty and safety.

1. We Are All Born Free and Equal
2. Don’t Discriminate
3. The Right to Life
4. No Slavery
5. No Torture
6. You Have Rights No Matter Where You Go
7. We’re All Equal Before the Law
8. Your Human Rights Are Protected by Law
9. No Unfair Detainment
10. The Right to Trial
11. We’re Always Innocent Till Proven Guilty
12. The Right to Privacy
13. Freedom to Move
14. The Right to Seek a Safe Place to Live
15. Right to a Nationality
16. Marriage and Family
17. The Right to Your Own Things
18. Freedom of Thought
19. Freedom of Expression
20. The Right to Public Assembly
21. The Right to Democracy
22. Social Security
23. Workers’ Rights
24. The Right to Play
25. Food and Shelter for All
26. The Right to Education
27. Copyright
28. A Fair and Free World
29. Responsibility
30. No One Can Take Away Your Human Rights

We are asking students to choose 1 of the Human Rights and create a poster to be showcased in the building. Once they are completed please present them to Ms. Riley to be displayed.

Natiqua Riley
PTO Volunteer Needed !!!
Parents, PTO is still looking for Parent Volunteers to help in many areas, if you are interested please contact:

MS Stem Fair Submission and Competition
Calling the attention of CMIT Middle School students!!!

CMIT Stem Fair Projects are due on December 14, 2014. Please follow the instruction of your teacher on how to submit. Each project will be evaluated by selected judges. There are nine (9) categories: Behavioral Science, Botany and Zoology, Chemistry, Earth and Environmental Science, Engineering, Math and Computer Science, Medicine and Health, Microbiology and Biochemistry, and Physics. The selected projects will compete at CMIT MS Science Fair on January 8, 2016 from 5:30 to 7:30 PM. Three winners will be selected per category as first, second, and third place, and will compete for the CLF Stem Fair this January.

MS Science Team
Ms. Chestang, Mrs. Crespo, Dr. Clarke
Middle School Debate Team
On December 5th, the Middle School attended their first debate tournament at Bowie High School. The first team led a victory and competed on the topics, "Juvenile offenders should never be tried as adults" and "States should implement a tax on junk food". The winning team consisted of Nathaniel House, Omar Malash and Khalea Turner. The other team, Brian Masco, Marlon Swazy and Nicholas Ndur-Osei only lost by 1 point.


Gloria Graham
7th Grade Students of the Week
This week's superlative seventh graders are...

Haris Chaudhry and Sarah Suleman of Duke

Haris is a model student, both academically and behaviorally. His positive attitude is a true asset to his class.

Sarah is a very diligent worker, whose assignments and behavior are consistently exemplary.

Great work Haris and Sarah!

The 7th Grade Team
8th grade Students of the Week
The 8th grade team would like to recognize two stellar students this week!

Tamia Gaskins (Dartmouth) is an exemplary student! She always volunteers to read aloud for her class, and she puts forth genuine effort every day. She is excited to learn and has a positive attitude that is contagious. Thanks for the excitement you bring to class!

John Ikegwu is also a model student! A consistently demonstrates model behavior. John is a hard-working, bright young man who has a terrific growth mindset. Thank you for bringing such talent and enthusiasm into class!

Danica Justsen
8th Grade Class Trip Deposits
The 8th Grade College Trip to Columbia University, NYU, Princeton, and the University of Pennsylvania (spring 2016) planning is underway! The 8th Grade Team invites parents to submit their deposits by December 15th on to secure a spot!

Please refer to the attached document in the link below for details.

8th Grade Planning Committee
Dear Parents/Guardians,

It has come to my attention that some students are using social media as a platform to cyberbully other students. This situation is disappointing but very much fixable with the help of parents. As a parent myself, I encourage parents at CMIT to monitor their child's internet and social media activity. Most importantly, I encourage parents to speak to their child about the importance of internet use and social media representation. It is vital for students to understand that what goes on the internet, stays on the internet.

There has been several specific cases of abusing the power of social media specifically Twitter and the admin team has investigated the students that are responsible for this abuse of media. However, as parents, you have a big influence on your child's actions and I encourage you to discuss why it is important to remain civil and considerate of other people when they post certain things online.

I hope this trend of behavior can shift from a negative to a positive trend as soon as possible.


Assistant Principal, Gonul Ozturk
SGA Angel Tree
SGA would like to acknowledge all staff, students, and parents who generously donated items to our Angel Tree. We're proud to say our charitable project is completed. Over the last few weeks, in collaboration with the class of 2017-2019, SGA adopted 4 kids for the holiday season through the Salvation Army's Angel Tree Program. We purchased clothes, toys, bikes and helmets, etc. to donate to the kids we adopted and hopefully they will have a happy holiday season. Once again, thank you for your generosity.Special thank you goes out to Mrs. Candace Salley for your constant generosity.

Jared Brooks & Ben Krystal
Prince George's County Regional Association Of Student Government
The entire student body of CMIT collected toiletries for charity. Thursday the SGA along with the class representatives attended the annual PGRASD meeting.

Jared Brooks & Ben Krystal
Ms. Westerfield's Class
Progress reports were submitted on Thursday, so all grades are up to date. Please continue to check SchoolMAX to see your child's progress.

There will be an upcoming assessment in all classes before winter break. Please check Edmodo for your class' specific date.

If you are looking for resources to refresh your foundational skills in math, please use The username is your first initial last name @cmitacademy and your password is your ID number. You can click on any concepts in any grade level that you feel you might be struggling in and work on problems. Be sure to read the explanations if you get a question incorrect to help learn from your mistakes. In order to be successful, you need to put in 100% hard work at home and in school! Hard work pays off!

Extra help is offered Mondays and Wednesdays during lunch (please pick up a pass before going to the cafeteria to get food) and Mondays after school (please make sure your ride will pick you up at 4:00 pm).

Chapters we are covering:
Algebra 1: Chapter 4 - Functions and Relations
Algebra 2: Chapter 4 - Quadratics
Honors Algebra 2: Chapter 5 - Polynomials
Pre-Calculus: Chapter 5 - Exponential and Logarithms

Casandra Westerfield
HSA Biology tutoring Cancellation
There will be no HSA Biology tutoring on Tuesday, Dec. 15 or Tuesday, Dec. 22.

Suzanne Coholic
Biology Unit Exam
There will be Biology Unit exam on Tuesday, Dec. 15. It will cover macromolecules and water from the unit we have been covering in class. Students have received a review packet during class to help with their preparation.

Suzanne Coholic
Ms. Chestang's Classes and Reminders Regarding Science Fair
Science Fair is quickly approaching!

PLEASE NOTE: It is important that students turn in completed presentations on time as this is counted as an assessment grade. Late submissions onto google classroom will result in a grade of 0 on their assessment.

These are the most recent updates for my classes regarding Science Fair:

1. Students must turn in a slide presentation on google classroom of the information they would display on their STEM Fair Boards by December 14th. They took notes on what each slide should include for a complete presentation.

2. Students will be notified in writing and verbally of their selection to compete in the school Science Fair by December 18th. If selected to compete, students will use their slides to make a display board for judging. Students selected, must have a board submitted by January 4th. The CMIT Science Fair will take place Friday, January 8th from 4-6pm.


If you have any questions regarding the slides the students are making, please ask your child for their notes from Tuesday and Wednesday of class.

Happy Science Fair Trails! We are almost there!

Ms. Chestang

Lauren Chestang
Ms. Rooney's Math 8 Scoop
Lately in Math 8 we have been solving different types of equations: 2 step equations, multi-step equations with distributive property and combining like terms, AND equations with variables on both sides. These skills are SUPER important as we move further into our next topic -- Linear Equations.

We are currently in Chapter 1 of the Big Ideas Blue book, and next week we will be working in Chapter 4.

UPCOMING PROJECT: Students will be given a Stained Glass Window project related to graphing equations and lines. The project will be given this upcoming week and will be due the day we get back from break on 1/4/2016. The project will be posted on Edmodo, as well.

REMINDER: Tutoring for my class is every Monday from 3-4 p.m. Students must be picked up by 4 pm and no later. Here is the link to sign your child up:

Math not only takes a lot of practice but also an immense amount of perseverance. Please continue to encourage your students at home to give all of their effort and best work throughout the remainder of the quarter and year.

Ms. Rooney
Math Teacher
Ms. Cracovaner's Social Studies Updates
General Updates

Progress reports are now published and will be available in paper form soon! Please continue to check SchoolMax and Edmodo to monitor your students' progress further.

Winter Break assignments will be handed out at the end of the week. Please see Edmodo for more details

7th Grade

We are beginning to study the history of South Asia. Our focus this week will be on the religions of South Asia, with an emphasis on Hinduism and Buddhism.
*As always, our study of religion is to gain an understanding of this cultural aspect as part of the PGCPS World Cultures and Geography Curriculum*

8th Grade

Shays' Rebellion essays will be due on Google Classroom. Please view this site (and Edmodo) for assignment details and due dates.

In class, we will study the Constitutional Convention, as well as the 3/5 and Great Compromises

Please feel free to contact Ms. Cracovaner at with any questions, comments, or concerns.

Ms. Cracovaner
Middle School Social Studies Teacher and Department Chair
Crespo's Science Class
Reminder!!! Stem Fair Project Board and Research Paper are due on December 14, 2015.

Seventh grade students will be learning radioactive elements and chemical bonds. The students will explore radioactive decay and isotopes. On the other hand, the students will describe how elements form compounds and molecules.

Yale students are refreshing the nature of matter. The students are reviewing how to write electron configuration, isotopes, and chemical bond. They will also learn and describe the properties of water.

Mrs. Crespo-Montano
Upcoming SAT & ACT Test Dates
Below are the upcoming SAT & ACT test dates. When registering our students should use our high school code - 210722. This is the last opportunity for students to take the current SAT. The New SAT will be given during the March 5th exam.

Test Date - January 23, 2016

Registration Deadline - December 28, 2015

Test Date - February 6, 2016

Registration Deadline - January 8, 2016

Brenden Gegwich
School Counselor
Chesapeake Math and IT Academy High School
14800 Sweitzer Lane Laurel, MD 20707 | Tel: (240) 767-4080 | Fax: (301) 560-3461
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