A Message from Principal Jefferson
Dear CSP Family,
As we have come to the close of the first marking period, I would like to say thank you to all of the students who worked extremely hard and gave their best effort in the class room! I am very proud of you! Parents, as we begin the second marking period, I strongly encourage you to take advantage of our Saturday School sessions if your child is struggling in Math and or English. The session times are from 9 to 11. Please check the school’s website for the specific dates.
I am excited to announce the addition of Mrs. Akpinar to our staff! She is teaching Physics, Environmental Science, and Scientific research. Ms. Jackson will now teach the Theater Arts class, and Mr. Vadlia is now teaching the Botany class.
Parents, during the first marking period, we gathered data on the number of students who arrived to school tardy. On average, there are about thirty-five students who arrive after the 8:20 AM start time. It is very important that students arrive to school and are in their classrooms by 8:20 every morning. When students arrive late to class, they disrupt instruction, and they are missing valuable minutes of instruction. I do understand that there are days when inclement weather and or traffic accidents will impact student arrivals. We do account for those days and mark students tardy excused. However, those events are not a daily occurrence. We must work together for the best interest of the children. Please ensure that you have your student in school prior to the 8:20 AM start time. Once your student has accumulated two unexcused tardies, we will notify you. Once they accumulated four unexcused tardies, your student will receive detention. I appreciate your cooperation with this matter.
Lastly, Tiger tickets are now being distributed to the students. We will have monthly drawings for those students who have entered at least fifteen of their Tiger tickets in the drawing. Prizes range from pencils to gift cards. We will also have a school store where students can use Tiger tickets to purchase items. Tiger tickets will also be used for dress down days and enter athletic events! All of the aforementioned prizes were suggestions provided by the students!
Dwight L. Jefferson
Angie Obrien Principal's Secretary
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Students have been notified if they are eligible to take a college course at CSP in the spring semester. Students with electives during certain periods are eligible. Because enrollment is limited in all these classes, the first students to return the required paperwork will be enrolled. This is an excellent chance to earn college credits tuition free! Each college class that a student takes in high school is one less class they have to take (and pay for) in college.
Darryl Gonzalez
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Get Ready…SaveAround Fundraiser Kicks-off on Monday
On Monday, November 13th the PTSO will be sending home the official SaveAround Coupon Book, order forms and online ordering information with your student. But you can start ordering online now as well, at Be sure to send this link to your friends and family and post it on your Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, etc. accounts. We will be selling these valuable coupon books for $25 right in time for the holidays especially as they make great holiday gifts. They are the gift that keeps on giving because they are filled with hundreds of national, regional and local coupons. Books are available for many other cities and states as well, see the available editions at: In addition, all of 2018 coupon books come with FREE access to mobile savings and deals across the USA! There is a downloadable mobile application with access to thousands of dollars in savings at home and on the go! Our school will earn 50% or more profit for every book we sell! Families earn 1 FREE book for every 5 books they sell! Our GOAL is for each student to sell 2 BOOKS. That is just one for your family and one for a neighbor, friend, coworker, or family member…. Makes a great holiday gift, too. Each book is $25 and more than pays for itself just by using a few of the coupons! Place orders directly online at,, or submit paper order forms and payments by Tuesday, November 28th. Please make checks payable to CSP-PTSO. Return all unsold books, order forms and/or payments to Mrs. Dee Phifer in the Media Center. If you have any questions, please contact For more information on SaveAround coupon books visit, For more information on the PTSO or this fundraiser visit, Let’s make this fundraiser a successful one!! Sincerely, Your CSP PTSO Board
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Angie Obrien Principal's Secretary
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Middle School Spirit Week and Neon in November
Attention all Middle School Students and Families! It's finally time, Middle School SGA/ STUCO is proud to announce the first middle school events! Next week, corresponding with American Education Week, middle school students at CSP will celebrate Spirit Week with rather unique styles each day: Monday - Comfy Pajama Day - Come in Your Favorite and Most Comfortable PJs, Just No Sleeping During Class! Tuesday - Dress to Impress - Picture the Most Impressive Person, Dress to Impress Them! Wednesday - Wacky Tacky Wednesday - How wacky can you be? Shirt Inside-out? Miss-match Shoes? Be Proud and Wacky! Thursday - Character Day - Favorite Book, TV, or Movie Character - Capture Their Likeness Friday - Dress Like a CSP Teacher or Staff Member OR Class Colors - Go Twinsie or Group Style of Your Favorite Person at CSP or Represent Your Grade (colors will be announced next week) Then come celebrate with all of your friends at the middle school dance, Friday, November 17th 6-9pm in the cafeteria (drop off and pick up at the back of the building). Tickets will be sold during lunch all of next week - they are $5 in advance. Tickets will also be available at the door for $7. Parents interested in volunteering their time may get in touch with PTSO or Miss Bradley. You may also sign up through this Genius. Please do not feel obligated to donate; your support is greatly appreciated either way :)
Miss Nicole E. Bradley Chesapeake Science Point 8th Grade English Middle School SGA/ STUCO 443-757-5277
"Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning." ~Benjamin Franklin
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Chick-Fil-A Sandwiches Fundraiser
The media center will be selling Chick-Fil-A sandwiches after school on Tuesday November 14th for $5 in the cafeteria. Only cash and checks (made out to CSP) will be accepted.
Sandwiches will be available to staff, and all students who stay after school for clubs/tutoring or are car riders. Unfortunately, due to time constraints, bus riders will not be able to purchase food.
To pre-order, please see Ms. Gomaa in the media center before the 8:20am bell on Monday 11/13 or Tuesday 11/14. I will order a few extra sandwiches, but if you do not pre-order, sales after school on Tuesday will be first come first serve. Thanks!
Mona Gomaa
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Saturday Detention Dates
The following dates are when Saturday detention will be held: November 18 December 2 January 6 and 20 February 3 and 24 March 10 and 24 April 7 and 21 May 19
Angie Obrien Principal's Secretary
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Last Open House - Tuesday, November 28, 2017
If you know anyone interested in learning more about CSP. Please let them know our last open house for the year will take place on Tuesday, November 28 at 6:00pm.
Angie Obrien Principal's Secretary
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Snow Slime
Are you anxiously waiting for snow? Why wait for winter? Make your own snow slime during lunch time in our Makerspace! Sign up in the media center before the morning bell for a workshop. Workshop time will be available during lunches the week of November 27th-December 1st.
Reserve your seat today. First come, first serve. Once all the November slots are filled, you will have to wait for our December Makerspace to join the fun! Questions? Please see Ms. Gomaa or email
Mona Gomaa
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Movie Night January 19, 2018
The PTSO is excited to announce that on January 19, 2018 we plan to host a Family Movie night for all CSP students, their parents/siblings, and staff from 6-10 pm. There is one catch – to hold this great event we need several parent volunteers (meaning- we need you!) who can assist at the event and we need to know now, so there is ample time to complete and submit the background check info to Anne Arundel County. If you can help us pull off what promises to be a fun event, please email us at and complete the CHAPERONE/VOLUNTEER BACKGROUND INVESTIGATION ONLINE by December 1, 2017. You can access this form on the AACPS website under the tab labeled Families.
Sincerely, Your CSP-PTSO
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on January 26, Step Afrika will be performing at CSP! The D.C. based dance group travels around the world performing traditional African dances and Step. Students will participate in an interactive assembly.
This will have an in house field trip fee of $3 to help cover the costs. All students who attend must pay fee.
Thank you for supporting the ARTS!
Rachel Pratt
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Application for 2018-19 SY Closes at NOON on November 30
The CSP application for 2018-19 opened on October 16 and will remain open until November 30 at noon. If you have another child at home that you want to enroll, you must submit an online application before the deadline.
Siblings that submit an application on time are entered into their own lottery and accepted providing there is a space available. If there is not a space available, the sibling will be placed at the top of the wait list. This gives siblings preference over non-siblings.
If a sibling application is submitted late, it is placed at the bottom of the waitlist.
Angie Obrien Principal's Secretary
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CSP Closed May 29 for Graduation
Please note that CSP will be closed on May 29 for the graduation ceremony of the Class of 2018!!
Even though school is closed for all students, the juniors in National Honor Society are expected to be present at the graduation. This is one of their service projects.
Angie Obrien Principal's Secretary
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Literary Pumpkin Night
This year marked CSP's 5th Literary Pumpkin Night and it could not have been a bigger SUCCESS!
Each year, students in both middle and high school write about one of their favorite books and create a pumpkin project to represent a literary element such as setting, tone, mood, theme, plot, character, etc In the past, the students have "wowed” us with carved, painted, lit-up, and even fish-filled projects that showcased their creative talent and ability to comprehend and analyze rigorous texts.
This year, our talented and scholarly students out- performed their previous years’ creations with approximately 360 projects depicting literary elements from works such as; The Scarlet Letter, The Next Best Junior Chef, Romeo and Juliet, Okay, Okay? The Throne of Fire, Crime and Punishment, Big Nate, The Lightening Thief, and everything in between.
New for Fall 2017 We introduced various project options for our high school students. Along with the typical literary pumpkin, high schoolers could choose from a varied list of project ideas including a 3D tombstone about an author or character depicting information about his/her life and a figurative epitaph, a scarecrow that physically represents an author or character, or a 3D representation of an abstract idea related to a symbol, motif, mood, tone, or theme. The most “Spooktacular” change instituted this Fall was the inclusion of Literacy Stations run by our National Honor Society students during the Literary Pumpkin Night family event. Our current 12th grade NHS members set up tables throughout the gym including Face Painting, Bookmark Making, Fall Mad Libs, Harvest Acrostic Poems, Fall Coloring Pages for our younger siblings, Candy Corn contest, and Apple Cider tasting.
2017 Literary Pumpkin Winners Grade 12: Jimmy V., Gabrielle S,. Isako D. Grade 11: Dimitrios L., Ella E., (tie) Bria B. Jaydan G. and Heather F Grade 10: Jessica F., Alyson S., (tie) Auburn S. and Sondus H. Grade 9: Caroline B., (tie) Emily Z., Delany B., Divya V. Grade 8: Mikayla F., (tie) Makayla R., Darsana A., Shaiba B. Grade 7: Jason C., Alex A., Alana M. Grade 6: Chelsea A., Jason H., Edwind T. Candy Corn 7th grader Nicole McCoy
Congratulations to all winners and Thank you to all students who participated. Looking forward to next year already! Mrs. McCallister and the English/Language Arts department
Donna McCallister
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Reminder - Parking lot Procedures
Please see attached procedures for before & after school car riders.
Angie Obrien Principal's Secretary
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No Microwave for Student Lunches
Please do not send students with lunches that need to be heated. There is no microwave to heat student lunches.
Angie Obrien Principal's Secretary
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End of 1st Marking Period / Report Card Distribution
Parents / Guardians,
Today is the last day of the first marking period. Report card distribution will be on Monday, November 20.
The 2nd marking period begins on Monday, November 13.
Angie Obrien Principal's Secretary
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What is your favorite Board game?
The media center will be purchasing board games to add to our present collection. Please stop by the media center to tell us which is your favorite game. Questions? See Ms. Gomaa or email at
Mona Gomaa
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School News
Hello, Just a friendly reminder that whenever you change information such as residency, email, phone numbers, etc. please send me an email so I can make the changes and/or collect the necessary documents.
Students turning age 11 are eligible to receive the MCV4 and tdap immunizations and must have them to enter the 7th grade. To avoid the rush over the summer with vacations and trying to get doctor appointments, I'm trying to get these as soon as possible. You can drop the updated records off at the school or scan and email them to me.
Absent notes with the dates and reason for the absence are due within 3 days of the student's return to school.
My email is
June Calvert
June Calvert
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When you really want to answer a question...
You raise both hands AND both feet!!!!!
Baylor (7th grade) having fun participating in class discussion, while Jimmy and Adissa (senior student aids) work hard in the back of the room.
Luann Bulisco
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College Testing Calendar
December 2: SAT. Register at December 9: ACT. Register online at January 12: Deadline for February 10 ACT. Register online at February 9: Deadline for March 10 SAT. Register at February 10: ACT. Register online at March 9: Deadline for April 14 ACT. Register online at March 10: SAT. Register at
Darryl Gonzalez
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College Deadlines
Many seniors successfully submitted their college applications for the November 1 deadline. As each deadline approaches, seniors need to make sure that their materials are submitted. Remember, students are always responsible for knowing if their applications are complete at each college they apply to.
Darryl Gonzalez
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Scholarships Made Easy
Did you know you could earn a scholarship for getting good grades in high school? You can also earn money for playing sports, volunteering in the community, participating in school clubs, being a leader and more! On, you can earn these micro-scholarships to over 200 colleges for everything you’ve done throughout high school; you can even put in your grades and activities from 9th grade! Go to to create an account. It’s free for you and you can earn money for doing everything you’re already doing!
Darryl Gonzalez
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Scholarships for Scholars
There are several scholarships that CSP students can win. These are county-level scholarships, and our students have done well in the past winning them. Please go to more information!
Darryl Gonzalez
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Repeat-Free School
CSP continues to provide a rigorous and quality education to all students. It has always been our goal to improve upon past practices, find new ways to engage students and make learning something students enjoy. We also believe that high school students need to put forth that same effort in order to be become successful adults; therefore, CSP is Repeat Free. If a student receives an E in a required high school course, the class will have to be repeated in an alternate program such as summer school, evening school and twilight school. These programs are available for students to make up credits in courses that they were not successful in the first time; classes at CSP are for students taking them for original credit. If a student does not make up the failed class in one of these alternative programs, there is a chance that we will not be able to schedule the student for the classes required for graduation.
Darryl Gonzalez
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AACC Dual Credit
Any student who wishes to receive high school credit for any dual credit AACC class they have taken must present an official transcript from AACC to Dr Gonzalez. The Registrar’s Office at AACC can assist you with that.
Darryl Gonzalez
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BOYS SOCCER DEFEATED CMIT in the 1st round of the Maryland State 1A Playoffs. They made it to the Quarter Finals vs. Fredrick Douglass HS but came up just short. CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR BOYS!!!...
GIRLS SOCCER has steamrolled their way to the Maryland State 1A Regional Semi-Finals! They defeated their 1st two playoff opponents by a combined score of 12-0! They are scheduled to play CMIT on Friday, November 3rd with the winner of that game moving on to the Regional Finals!!!...
GIRLS VOLLEYBALL will play in the first round of the Maryland State 1A Playoffs, also on Friday November 3rd, vs Fairmont Heights HS.
Erik Johnson
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Winter Sports
Winter sports begin on Wednesday, November 15.
Angie Obrien Principal's Secretary
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Upcoming PAC Meetings
Tuesday, December 5 - 6:30pm Tuesday, January 23 - 6:00pm
Tuesday, February 27 - 6:30pm
Tuesday, March 27 - 6:00pm
Tuesday, April 24 - 6:30pm
Tuesday, May 22 - 6:00pm
Angie Obrien Principal's Secretary
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Fall Sports Banquet
High School Parents,
There will be a fall sports banquet to celebrate the end of fall sports on Saturday, December 9 from 6:00 - 8:00pm.
Please contact Coach Johnson with any questions.
Angie Obrien Principal's Secretary
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The art room would love to have your old magazines. Please be mindful of the content. National Geographic has great colors for collage.
Rachel Pratt
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Sewing machines/sewing material
Donations of gently used sewing machines that are still in good condition are needed for our media center's makerspace. A makerspace is a place where students can make things to take home. Please contact Ms. Gomaa if you are able to donate items for our makerspace including a sewing machine, sewing material such as fabric, thread, scissors, etc. Thanks!!!
Mona Gomaa
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Holiday Gift Shop
Time to clean house and send in donations. I will be collecting gently used items along with all the REGIFTABLE new items that are laying around the house. These items will be used at the holiday shop that will be open for students to purchase gifts the week before the December break. All money raised will go towards our in house artist residency.
Send in like new items for the young and old to Mrs. Pratt. I will be collecting items now till December 15.
Rachel Pratt
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Are you a PTSO Member?? Please sign up today!!
Here at CSP, we strive for excellence and what better way than to become involved today. We need volunteers to sign up for committees. We have plans to support many exciting events this year. The PTSO is a team effort in which we cannot succeed on our own. Please come and join us by signing up online at find attached November meeting minutes:
Sincerely, Your PTSO
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It seems there were a few mistakes made with pictures. If you received your child's pictures from lifetouch and noticed an error, please contact them directly.
I have been in contact with them and they are more than happy to correct any errors.
Parents can contact Customer Service Representatives at 410-644-7700 or they may email Customer Service at
Angie Obrien Principal's Secretary
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Yearbook Needs Your Photos!
The yearbook team needs your photos for the 2017-2018 yearbook. Please send any photos you have to We especially desire photos from fall sports, spirit week, Homecoming, Literary Pumpkin Night, and clubs.
Thank you!
Matthew Cowan
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Chaperones Needed
On January 23, seventh and eighth grade students along with high school classes will be taking a trip to Toby's Dinner Theater to see Most Valuable Player. I will need 10-15 parents to chaperone in order to make this possible. Please send me an email if you can volunteer this day. **All chaperones must complete the background check ASAP. Book by Mary Hall Surface/Conceived by Gayle Cornelison In this fast paced show, we meet Jackie Robinson, the man who broke the color barrier in professional baseball. Audiences will enjoy this portrayal of his determination, despite seemingly insurmountable racism. The story is driven by Branch Rickey, the owner of the Dodgers who dared to sign Robinson, as he guides Robinson while believing in him and his talent. Many characters move in and out of the story that both support Robinson, and attempt to keep him down. Robinson’s use of nonviolence and unquestionable talent challenged the rules of segregation, and therefore impacted American life.
Rachel Pratt
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Yankee Candle Fundraiser
Thank you to everyone who participated in the Yankee Candle fundraiser and helped to make it a success! While catalog sales are now closed, online ordering is still available until January 11, 2018. When ordering online, please be sure to use the group number: 990030690
Mandi Ferrante
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A big Shoutout to Mr. Vadalia
Kudos to Mr. Vadalia!
Please see attached letter.
Angie Obrien Principal's Secretary
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FAQs |
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