Covid-19 Updates
We have official made it to the 3rd consecutive week of no reported cases!!!! Please continue to remind your scholar to appropriately wear their mask when not eating or drinking, wash their hands frequently, and social distancing where possible. Together we can beat this!
Dr. Borden-McCarter, Principal
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Lockers Coming Soon!
We will return to locker use the week of November 29th. Students will go to their lockers during the zero block (8:20-8:45). They will be expected to put away all book bags, cell phones, and non CMIT jackets, hoodies, and sweaters. All American Apparel has received shipments of merchandise and will have items on the shelves as early as next week. For our 6th and 7th grade students and anyone else that needs a refresher, please click on the link below to practice using a combination lock.
Dr. Borden-McCarter, Principal
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After School Dismissal
Patience is a virtue! We are making progress with our dismissal process. Thank you to all parents who consistently follow our dismissal procedures. We see you!
We are continuing to partner with local police for consistent presence on Fallard and Dower House rd. In the meantime, parents and transportation providers have to do their part! Everyone should be coming through the school parking lot to pick up students. There should be no one parking on Fallard Rd, Fallard Ct, or in the alley. If you are having to make a U-turn at any point, then you are not following the dismissal procedures, putting our students in harm's way, and adding to the traffic build up. Preference will be given to parents who are following the dismissal procedures and coming through the school's parking lot.
Dr. Borden-McCarter, Principal
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Substitutes Teachers Needed!!!
Hello CMIT South MS/HS Community,
Across the district and nation there is a substitute shortage. Our teachers have been filling in the vacancies when teachers are out on leave. We are looking for highly qualified professionals who want to move our school forward and ensure that every student receives the support they need inclusive of supervision. We truly believe that our substitutes are a critical part of the classroom experience for every student and we must have a standard of excellence. Being a substitute means you understand how to cultivate a positive learning environment for students, while maintaining your composure. Being a substitute means that above all you want to continue the spirit of excellence inside the classroom when a teacher is absent.
Daily Rate of Pay:
$86/day – Non-degreed (Minimum of 60 college credits)
$102/day – Degreed (Bachelors or higher)
$153/day – Retired PGCPS Teacher (Must provide verification of valid MSDE teaching certificate)
Long-term Daily Rate of Pay:
Begins on the 16th consecutive day for the same teacher in the same assignment. Note: Any requested absence (ie. not a PGCPS holiday or unexpected school closing) during the long-term assignment will result in the pay rate returning to the daily rate of pay.
$92.82/day – Non-degreed
$122.40/day – Degreed
$178.50/day – Retired PGCPS Teacher
How to apply:
Contact Information:
Dr. Borden-McCarter, Principal
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Saturday Academy - We will meet on November 20th. Cancelled on November 27th
Please make sure that your child brings his/her device to work. Also, make sure your child knows what they need assistance with when they arrive.
Dear Parents/Guardians,
As a part of making sure, we at CMIT South do the very best to provide students with as many opportunities to improve their educational experience. We want to offer an optional small group setting to assist our students during Saturday Academy in our core classes of English and math. In these sessions, students can ask to receive additional help. We will help with homework and provide additional skills practice in the areas of RELA and Math. Our primary focus is on math and RELA, but we will try to help in the areas of science and social studies.
Of Course, COVID-19 protocols are still in place. Students will need to wear their masks at all times. They will need to continue to Social Distance. If your child is out for quarantine this is extended to Saturday Academy. Lastly, if your child is not feeling well please do not send them to Saturday Academy.
If you decide to take this optional opportunity, it begins Saturday, November 6. We offer two sessions each Saturday. Session 1 is from 9:00 am -10:30 am and Session 2 10:40-12:30. You can decide which session fits your schedule best. If you choose to send your child, registering is very simple. Drop your child off at the designated location. This location is the doors located before you get to the middle school ramp. Drop-off and pick-up will use the same doors. A sign will be posted on the door to indicate that you are at the right location.
There will be a weekly sign-in sheet each Saturday. Allowing me to keep track of which subject your child wants assistance with each week. Your child can participate in both sessions. If you decide that you want your child to do both sessions to receive help in English and math. Please provide them with a snack to eat if possible.
It is imperative that you pick up your child on time! Failure to do so will result in your child not being allowed to continue attending these free sessions.
We look forward to seeing you on Saturdays.
The registration form is below.
Georgia Jones,
Testing Coordinator
Georgia Jones,
Testing Coordinator
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Benchmark 1 Testing
Dear Parent/Guardian:
Prince George’s County Public Schools (PGCPS) is pleased to inform you that your child will be taking the district’s Benchmark Assessments. The purpose of these assessments is to measure what your child learned during the first quarter. The data gained from the Benchmarks supports teachers with identifying instructional strategies and resources to meet the needs of each student
The Benchmark assessments will take place beginning on November 15th and will go through December 8th. PGCPS will be using the PGCPS Pearson TestNav platform to administer the Benchmark Assessments. No grades will be assigned based on these assessment results. The results of the Benchmark Assessments will be used by teachers and schools to enhance instruction on skills your child is learning in the classroom.
The assessments will cover the four major content areas of Mathematics, Reading/English/Language Arts (RELA), Science, and Social Studies. The Mathematics Benchmark assessments will be administered to students in grades 1-8, and select high school courses. The RELA Benchmark assessments will be administered to students in grades 3 through 10. The Science Benchmark assessments will be administered to students in grades 5 and 8. The Social Social Studies Benchmark will be administered to students in High School Government.
If you have any questions about the test schedule or Benchmark Assessments, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Benchmark Schedule:
Georgia Jones,
Testing Coordinator
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Nurse's Corner
If you receive a letter from the school being identified as a close contact, one with symptoms and/or you are confirmed COVID positive (outside lab or through pool testing) please read in its entirety for complete instructions.
-ALL COVID POSITIVE cases must have clearance from the Health Department PRIOR to returning to school; no exceptions.
-ALL UNVACCINATED Close Contacts are required to show proof of a negative PCR COVID test (not rapid) from DAY 5 of quarantine or later PRIOR to returning to school.
Please see PGCPS Quarantine and Testing Guidelines for more information; These are only guidelines; when a scholar/staff may return depends on several factors. Your cooperation is important for the well-being of your family, our families and the entire CMIT South community as a whole.
The extended date of November 15, 2021 has passed. Please find attached a flyer from the Health Department. They still have plenty of available appointments for immunizations at their Cheverly location.
When to Stay Home from School/Work
Gone are the days we medicate our scholars and ourselves with Advil or Tylenol for minor cold/allergy symptoms and send them on their way to school. COVID has impacted us all. Please do daily symptom checks, if you or your scholar are exhibiting symptoms, stay home from school/work and monitor. Contact your PCP for guidance prior to sending to school. If these symptoms are related to an underline chronic medical condition that is within student's baseline, provide the school with such documentation.
COVID-19 Vaccine Booster Information
Curious about booster vaccine? See CDC attachment.
November is National Diabetes Month
Diabetes is one of the most common chronic conditions for school-aged children. Click on the links below to learn more.,to%20bring%20attention%20to%20diabetes.
Tisa Ellis, RN, BSN
9822 Fallard Court
Upper Marlboro, MD 20772
Phone: 240-767-4918 | Fax:240-823-9326
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PSAT Testing - December 14, 2021
CMIT South will be testing all 8th-grade students on December 14, 2021. This will begin during 1st-period classes. It is imperative that your child arrives on time and is prepared to take the exam. There will be some modification to the schedule on that day. More information will come concerning that matter later. Please take a look at the letter from the county to provide more information and resources.
Georgia Jones,
Testing Coordinator
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This is a friendly reminder that the Quarter 2 Book was due in RELA class on Friday, 11/19/21. If your scholar did not have their book by the due date, they will have until Tuesday, 11/23/21 to bring it to class and earn 100 points for an "Independent Assignment" grade. After Tuesday, they will only be able to earn 50 points for having the book.
Please review the attached "Middle School Book of the Quarter" list to see what book your scholar needs to have. The book of the quarter is required and is very important, because all of our weekly reading logs and assessments will be based on the text. Thank you, have a great weekend.
Mrs. Hakisha Newman, M.Ed., M.A.
My email address:
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AFE Scholarship| Applications Now Open!
$40K for college & a guaranteed paid programming internship at Amazon (Deadline: January 25, 2022)
CMIT is thrilled to announce that applications are now open for the AFE Scholarship program. This program offers a significant $40,000 college scholarship to students who intend to study computer science in college, plus guaranteed paid internship opportunities at Amazon that could provide students like yours with multiple opportunities to launch their careers even before the last bell rings
Please note that this scholarship opportunity is not limited to students enrolled in AFE CS classes this year. Students who have previously taken a computer science course(s) and/or who have even not taken any computer science course(s) in the past may still apply, and will be given the option of taking an assessment as part of their application
Key info at a glance:
● Applications are now open and will close January 25, 2022.
● Students must be high school seniors enrolled or previously enrolled in computer science-related coursework. (Students who have not taken CS coursework may take an assessment offered by Amazon.)
● $40K scholarship is awarded at $10K / year towards a 4-year degree.
● Students must have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale (or its equivalent).
● Students must demonstrate financial need.
● Must be employment authorized to work in the US. Example: Employment Authorization Document holder, Permanent Resident, or US Citizen. Note: Employees or immediate family members of Amazon employees are eligible to apply.
Requirements will include:
● Short Essay questions (1000 character limit including spaces)
● Solid teacher recommendation
● High school transcript
Mrs. Shah
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Student Service Hours
Attention Scholars!!!
If you have not completed your 24 hours of Student Service Learning, let's get moving! There are a variety of in-person and virtual opportunities for you to serve your community as you grow, learn, and complete this graduation requirement. Be creative, work together, and use your resources so that we can meet our goal.
In addition to the many opportunities offered locally, we have an exciting opportunity for you to earn Student Service Learning Hours while supporting the achievement of your peers. If you have strong academic skills in math or English, we need your help. Please take a moment to complete the Peer Tutoring Application below and a member of our team will contact you if you are selected.
Peer Tutoring Application:
For forms and additional information please visit:
Danielle C. Epps
High School Assistant Principal
Phone: (240) 573-7250
Fax: (240)823-9326
Follow us on Twitter @CMIT_South
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Senior Check in from your School Counselor Mrs. Simmons! - Regarding our College Application Process
Good Day Seniors and Parents!
As we all know, we are almost 6 months away from graduation! How Exciting!
The College Application process can be a tedious and intimidating process, so the best advice I can give is to be proactive, be intentional, and submit your college applications at least 2 weeks before the deadline!
I advise 2 weeks so that:
1. You minimize the stress of trying to submit all the required documents at the last minute, and
2. You allow enough time for your School Counselor (me) and the School Registrar to submit any requested documents.
Please note:
It can take up to 48 hours Monday- Friday for email responses. If an email is sent on a Friday after 3pm, please expect a response by the following Tuesday.
Official transcripts are to be requested through
Please be advised that “Official Transcripts” are not considered “official” unless they are Signed, Stamped, and Sealed or sent by Registrar through the previously stated link.
Recommendation Letters are sent directly through Naviance. If a recommendation letter is needed for a non-Naviance College or a scholarship, please provide the email of the scholarship agency. *Recommendation Letters are prohibited from being sent to student and parent emails per validity policies. *
FERPA Waiver – I CANNOT SUBMIT ANY REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION TO ANY COLLEGES UNTIL YOUR FERPA WAIVER IS SIGNED THROUGH YOUR COMMON APP ACCOUNT. I cannot stress this enough. Please log into your Common App Account and make sure that you've signed your FERPA Waiver.
Service Learning Hours can be submitted to me or Mr. Pitter, however, I am still waiting on access that will enable me to upload Service Learning hours into School Max. Mr. Pitter will be uploading all Service Learning Hours until I receive access.
I am here to serve all emailed College Requests, Questions, and Concerns during the following office hours:
Monday: 8:00am – 3:00pm
Tuesday: 8:00am – 3:00pm
Wednesday: 8:00am – 3:00pm
Thursday: 8:00am – 3:00pm
Friday: 8:00am – 3:00pm
Saturday: Unavailable- Expect a response by the following Tuesday
Sunday: Unavailable- Expect a response by the following Tuesday
My office is located in room 175-B (Next to Mr. Pitter’s Office). You are more than welcomed to stop by during business hours with any questions or concerns once you have a pass from your teachers.
Your College Application process can be as smooth or as stressful as you make it! It is all up to you!
I am here to help you help yourself!
Happy College Planning!
Educationally Yours,
Mrs. Simmons
11th & 12th Grade Guidance Counselor
Chesapeake Math & IT South
9822 Fallard Ct Upper Marlboro, MD 20772
Phone: (240) 573-7250
Fax: (240)823-9326
CMIT South CEEB Code: 210161
College Apps and Naviance Assistance- link
Request Transcripts:
Follow us on Twitter @CMIT_South
“The difference between the impossible and the possible lies within a person's determination.”
—Tommy Lasorda.
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2nd Annual PGCPS Level Up with Code Virtual Family Event
Mrs. Shah
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Welcome to the Tenacious Den,
The purpose of this club is to mentor young scholars in critical social, and emotional development. We will teach and discuss the principles of having a productive and efficient future. The aim of the Tenacious Den is to break the misguided traits and introduce roles models who provide positive and authentic examples of being a good human being, especially in the society we live in today.
The Tenacious Den is a interactive program that focuses on personal responsibility, dream building, and the importance of nutrition and physical fitness.
Mrs. Mitchell & Mr. Cooke
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FAQs |
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What is the Uniform Policy?
The uniform policy can be found on our website, under Students tab.
How do we order uniform items?
Families wishing to purchase uniform in store may visit:
All American Wear, Inc.
5001-B Forbes Boulevard
Lanham, MD 20706
Do I have to purchase uniforms from this vendor?
No, however, uniforms purchased from other vendors must have 100% identical color tone and the CMIT South logo. The current uniform vendor provides donation to the CMIT South PTO based on sales. Each uniform purchased is contribution to the school.
What is CMIT South's Daily Schedule?
8:20am - 8:40am:
- Student arrival (drop off is at the side entrance)
- Doors close at 8:40am (after 8:40am parents need to sign late students in at the Front Office)
8:20am - 8:45am:
- Homeroom (Breakfast is available during this time until 8:45am)
8:45am - 2:49pm for 6th & High School grades and 8:45am - 2:54pm for 7th & 8th grades:
- Academic instruction
2:49/2:54pm - 3:10 pm:
Student pick-up outside (Students who are not picked up by 3:10pm will be waiting outside for their ride. There is no adult supervision for these students during this time).
Clubs and enrichment activities will begin immediately following dismissal. All club/enrichment participants must report directly to the cafeteria. Students who continuously fail to report directly to their designated locations will lose the privilege to participate in any after school activities.
How do I pay for my child's lunch?
Breakfast and lunch are served every day. You can add money to your child's account by visiting this link. You can also pay by cash or money order in the cafeteria.
Can my child bring their own lunch to school?
Students can bring a lunch from home. Lunches can be stored in the student's locker. Lunch taken to lunch room should be consumed in lunch room. Student cannot return to locker after lunch. All lunch bags should be left in lockers if student do not wish to place in bins after lunch. Lunch bags are not allowed in class.
What do they serve for school lunch?
A monthly menu is provided by Food and Nutrition Services. Click here for lunch and breakfast menu.
What is the academic calendar?
CMIT South MS/HS follows the Prince George's County Public School calendar found here. To receive notifications of PGCPS school cancellations by providing information here.
Where can I find information about CMIT events and updates?
Every Friday CMIT South MS/HS publishes its weekly newsletter. It is HIGHLY recommended that you subscribe to the newsletter. It is a vital means of communication between CMIT South and stakeholders. Please click here to subscribe to CMIT South Newsletter. Please visit for more information.
How can I join the PTO? Please click the link to join the PTO
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