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Chesapeake Math & IT Academy South






The Black History Month Poster and Essay Contest is Back!

Middle School Winter Spirit Week



We Need You!!! Volunteers! Volunteers! Volunteers!

We Love Your Smile!!! Your Amazon Smile, that is!


Gift Card Raffle

Indoor Track Meets!

PICTURE DAY Make Up - Dec 17

Maker's Faire Timeline



High School Naviance Lessons

HS SGA Holiday Toy Drive

Maker's Faire Upcoming Due Date!!!

Character Development Lesson


HS School Tiger Claus Celebration

SSL Opportunity

Donations to Support MS SGA

FAES Saturday Science Academy application deadline Jan. 8th

CMIT South recently received the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) School Report Card, summarizing our performance on the new Maryland Accountability System. The results reflect school performance across multiple areas, including academic achievement, school quality and student success measures. Different from last year, SY19 score included data from student and teacher surveys as well as Maryland Integrated Science Assessment (MISA) performance. They reflect areas in which we are doing well and illuminate those in which we need to improve. You may view the School Report Card and more information at CMIT South Middle School received a 4 star rating while outperforming 82% of middle in the state of Maryland. Our parent Organization, CLF and all of us at CMIT South understand that this work and results will not be possible without your involvement. We look forward to your continued partnership as we work towards a 5 star rating. CMIT South High School did not receive a rating as of yet due to no graduating class. While the final score and school rating do not tell the whole story, the data will help us ask questions, make decisions, and act. We hope you will use the School Report Card as a tool to become more involved in your child’s education. By taking a community approach to the mission of educating children, we can strive for excellence, advocate for supports and celebrate our progress. We thank you for all that you do. You can view a comprehensive report through this link:

Lara Adewoye, Principal
The Black History Month Poster and Essay Contest is Back!
2020's theme will focus on the backbone of our community... STEAM EDUCATORS Let's celebrate the role/impact of African American educator(s) who use two or more elements of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts/Athletics, and Math (STEAM) to enlighten and empower others! Please send all essay submissions to CLFPR@CLFMD.ORG

CLF Community Partnerships
Middle School Winter Spirit Week
The CMIT South Middle School Student Government has set a spirit week for this winter! Please read the following days below: Monday, December 16th - Pajama Day, Students can wear their favorite school appropriate pajamas Tuesday , December 17th - Character/Celebrity Day, Students can dress as their favorite celebrity or character Wednesday, December 18th - "Wacky" Mismatched Day, Students can dress in crazy, mismatched clothes Thursday, December 19th - Decade Day, Students can dress up in clothing styles from a particular decade Friday, December 20th - "Ugly" Sweater Day, Students can dress in "ugly" holiday sweaters

Michaela Eitsert
The class of 2024 (8th Grade) will be selling double Good Gourmet Popcorn! This fundraiser will help us raise money toward our 8th Grade Promotion Ceremony and Activities! Order forms will be distributed next week! ALL fundraiser packets are due on Friday, January 24th, 2020! Prizes will be awarded to the top 3 sellers.

CMIT-South- CO2024
We Need You!!! Volunteers! Volunteers! Volunteers!
Parents, guardians/family members your help is needed at basketball games to sell tickets and help with concessions. Please contact the Volunteer Coordinator, Wendy Rodriguez Add to Contacts

We Love Your Smile!!! Your Amazon Smile, that is!
You can actually give back and support our PTO with very little work!! As you shop on Amazon for books, clothes, school supplies and soon holiday gifts, please use AmazonSmile for your next purchase!! The PTO gets money back or 0.5% of eligible purchases. Please spread the word! Go to and search for CMIT South PTO via the Charitable Organizations section. We Are Grateful!!!

Gift Card Raffle
Hi CMIT-South! SGA is sponsoring another event for students. We want to invite students to participate in a raffle fundraiser where they can win one of a handful of gift cards. Enter for a chance to win any of the gift cards listed below. -$20 Starbucks, McDonalds, Chick-fil-a, Chipotle, or Tropical Smoothie Cafe -$50 Target or Walmart -$100 Visa Gift Card The prices to enter are listed below -$3 for 1 entry -$5 for 2 entries -$10 for 5 entries Tickets are on sale during lunches, and after school if you see an SGA Officer. Tickets will be on sale until December 20th. Winners will be drawn and announced on the 20th. Please see SGA or Mr. Wassam if you have any questions!

High School Executive SGA Committee
Indoor Track Meets!
WELCOME TO THE 2019-20 CMIT SOUTH TRACK SEASON!!! First track meet will be this Saturday Dec. 14 at 9:00 a.m. Please come and support our CMIT South Track Team Location: PG Sport and Learning Center 8001 Sheriff Road Landover, MD 20785

PICTURE DAY Make Up - Dec 17
Everyone please wear your CMIT South oxford shirt with logo and CMIT South tie. ~If you missed the last picture day, now’s your chance. You can order on with your Picture Day ID: MJ019184Q1 ~If you are retaking your photo, please bring the original picture packet and give back to the LifeTouch photographer. Class photos have already been taken for the school year. There are no retakes. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED from 9am until 12pm Thank you.

Maker's Faire Timeline
Hello, Here is the timeline of due dates for the Maker's Faire steps. "Build" Research Links - Dec. 16 **NEXT DUE DATE** "Test/Evaluate" Reaction Paper - Jan. 6 "Redesign" Research Links - Jan. 28 "Share" Reaction Paper - Feb. 24 "Share" Multimedia/Tri-fold boards - March 16 Maker's Faire - Tentative dates - March 23-April 1 (Will depend on standardized testing schedule)

Miss Brown
Who: Open to all Middle School students Where: Smithsonian American Art Museum When: January 13, 2020 Cost: $12:00

High School Naviance Lessons
Over the past few weeks, I have been teaching the 9th, 10th, and 11th grade students about Naviance. Naviance is a comprehensive college and career readiness solution that helps districts and schools align student strengths and interests to post-secondary goals, improving student outcomes and connecting learning to life. During these Naviance lessons, students were tasked with thinking about life after high school. Students created SMART goals, completed Personality/Career Assessments, began/continued working on their resumes, and conducted college and career research. All of these activities were completed in their Naviance accounts. The results from the assessments are really neat to read through. The results provide the students with a list of careers that 'best fit' them based on their interests and strengths. I encourage you to have your child log into Naviance so you can view the progress they have made towards their post-secondary endeavors. Have a wonderful weekend!

Ms. Amos
HS SGA Holiday Toy Drive
Hello CMIT-South Families and Students, The Executive SGA is sponsoring a holiday toy drive this season. Let's introduce some healthy competition! Donate new toys to your class box and the most generous class will be rewarded. Toys will be collected December 19th and should be brought to the rooms below. Ellis - 9th (Class of 2023) Nicholas - 10th (Class of 2022) Cameron - 11th (Class of 2021) Wassam (Graves' room is not easily accessible) - 12th (Class of 2020) Please contact any SGA member or Mr. Wassam if you have any questions!

Executive HS SGA Committee
Maker's Faire Upcoming Due Date!!!
"Build" & Research Paper - Maker's Faire Due: December 16 @ 7:30 am Directions: Submission Link can be found on the edmodo post, as well as at the bottom of the directions page.

Miss Brown
Character Development Lesson
During the month of December, the scholars shall be empowered with knowledge regarding Advertising and Vaping/E-Cigarettes, but first Advertising. Session Goal: To increase students' awareness of the techniques employed by advertisers to manipulate consumers' behavior and to teach students how to resist these techniques. Major Objectives: * Discuss the purpose of advertising * Identify common advertising techniques * Identify and analyze cigarette and alcohol advertisements * Discuss alternative ways of responding to cigarette and alcohol ads Vocabulary * Consumer * Manipulation * Deception * Target-Marketing * Lure Summary: * The purpose of advertising is to sell products * Many advertisers do not merely present the facts but frequently exaggerate the claims of their products in order to persuade people to buy them. * TV and radio commercials, billboards, magazines, and newspaper ads are common forms of advertising. * Many ads are deceptive in that they mislead the consumer by focusing on some irrelevant appeal rather than the product itself. * Many advertisers are so effective in manipulating us that often they make us want their products without our being aware of the fact that they have persuaded us. * There are alternative ways of responding to ads for cigarettes and alcoholic beverages such as keeping in mind that advertisers are trying to manipulate individuals by creating the impression that smoking or drinking will somehow improve their lives.

Sincerely, Dr. Sullivan-Williams (aka Dr. BB) Senior Certified Life-Skills/Character Education Instructor
HS School Tiger Claus Celebration
HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS!!! Show your holiday and CLASS spirit by participating in Friday's spirit event. We invite all students to show their spirit in the theme of Santa's Workshop. Each class is designated a theme and should dress appropriately to that workshop theme. Then we will have a celebration during 7th period on Friday as well. Student participation will earn class cup points (remember rewards for winning the class cup can include a dress down week!) Currently the class of 2021 (Juniors) are leading in the Class Cup race - so other classes need to step it up to catch them. Santa's Workshop Class Themes: Seniors: Mr. and Mrs. Claus Juniors: Elves Sophmores: Reindeer Freshman: Snowmen Staff will be encouraged to dress as characters from the Grinch! With this, we will have a holiday celebration during 7th period on Friday the 20th. We will announce raffle card winners, and have other festive events. We would like to ask that if anyone wishes to bring snacks or food to share during this event that they only bring items that do not need to be heated or kept cold. All donations are much appreciated to be shared with students. Please see Mr. Wassam or any SGA Officer if you have questions!

Mr. Wassam
SSL Opportunity
Women Offering Wealth is looking for volunteers to help with registration, toy distribution and serving food to the families in attendance at our upcoming Christmas event. They would like to extend an opportunity for students to receive community service hours by volunteering. I am attaching our flyer for your review.

Michael Pitter, School Counselor Chesapeake Math & IT Academy South 9822 Fallard CT. Upper Marlboro, MD 20772
Donations to Support MS SGA
The Middle School SGA is collecting non-sticky/non-chewy candy, chips, bottled drinks, soda, and other food donations! The SGA is planning to sell these food items as concessions at the January 6th basketball games in order to raise funds for our spring middle school dance. Food items can be donated and brought to Ms. Eitsert's room (143), or Ms. Sawyer's room (132). All donations are greatly appreciated!

Michaela Eitsert
FAES Saturday Science Academy application deadline Jan. 8th
The Saturday Science Academy (SSA) being offered at the NIH Bethesda Campus. The application deadline has been extended! All applications are now due January 8th, 2020. The Foundation for Advanced Education in the Sciences (FAES), in collaboration with the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), will be conducting a FREE 9-week Saturday Science Academy starting, January 25, 2020, for under-served youth in the Washington DC metropolitan area at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) campus located in Bethesda, Maryland. The program will train under-served students ( grades 6-7-8) on the basics of life sciences and provide a hands-on laboratory training experience to stimulate students’ interest in the sciences. Attached is the link for the application with specific details about the program. Students must complete the application and write an essay which is due January 8th, 2020. For more info, visit or email

Foundation for Advanced Education in the Sciences

What is the Uniform Policy?
The uniform policy can be found on our website, under Students tab.

How do we order uniform items?

Families wishing to purchase uniform in store may visit:

All American Wear, Inc.

5001-B Forbes Boulevard

Lanham, MD 20706


Do I have to purchase uniforms from this vendor?

No, however, uniforms purchased from other vendors must have 100% identical color tone and the CMIT South logo. The current uniform vendor provides donation to the CMIT South PTO based on sales. Each uniform purchased is contribution to the school. 

What is CMIT South's Daily Schedule?
8:20am - 8:40am:
- Student arrival (drop off is at the side entrance)
- Doors close at 8:40am (after 8:40am parents need to sign late students in at the Front Office)

8:20am - 8:45am:
- Homeroom (Breakfast is available during this time until 8:45am)

8:45am - 2:49pm for 6th & High School grades and 8:45am - 2:54pm for 7th & 8th grades: 
- Academic instruction

2:49/2:54pm - 3:10 pm: 
Student pick-up outside (Students who are not picked up by 3:10pm will be waiting outside for their ride. There is no adult supervision for these students during this time).

Clubs and enrichment activities will begin immediately following dismissal. All club/enrichment participants must report directly to the cafeteria. Students who continuously fail to report directly to their designated locations will lose the privilege to participate in any after school activities. 

How do I pay for my child's lunch?
Breakfast and lunch are served every day. You can add money to your child's account by visiting this link. You can also pay by cash or money order in the cafeteria. 

Can my child bring their own lunch to school?
Students can bring a lunch from home. Lunches can be stored in the student's locker. Lunch taken to lunch room should be consumed in lunch room. Student cannot return to locker after lunch. All lunch bags should be left in lockers if student do not wish to place in bins after lunch. Lunch bags are not allowed in class.

What do they serve for school lunch?
A monthly menu is provided by Food and Nutrition Services. Click here for lunch and breakfast menu.

What is the academic calendar?
CMIT South MS/HS follows the Prince George's County Public School calendar found here. To receive notifications of PGCPS school cancellations by providing information here.

Where can I find information about CMIT events and updates?
Every Friday CMIT South MS/HS publishes its weekly newsletter. It is HIGHLY recommended that you subscribe to the newsletter. It is a vital means of communication between CMIT South and stakeholders. Please click here to subscribe to CMIT South Newsletter. Please visit for more information.


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