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Chesapeake Math & IT Academy North Middle School





PGCPS Student Accounts

2020 CLF True Champions


Greetings from the Health Room

Health Education

Welcome to Mrs. Justsen's Honors Reading!


Grade Change Forms for Last Years Distance Learning

PGCPS Student Accounts
CMIT has made the decision to have students use their PGCPS accounts for google classroom and communication in order to access all of the robust resources that the district is offering. If your student does not know their PGCPS account or needs their password reset please fill out the form below. A how to guide on how to access the PGCPS email and google classroom can also be accessed below. All teachers will invite the students to their google classrooms by Wednesday, August 26th. If your student does not receive an invitation by that date, please contact the teacher directly. The link to our staff list can be found here

CMIT Administration
2020 CLF True Champions
Congratulations to all, Teacher of the Year (Hybia McCain), Support Staff of the Year (Alejandra Hernandez), Student of the Year (Lauryn Sample), and Volunteer of the Year (Shawniqua Ottley). CMIT North Middle School applaud you for a job well done this SY 2019-20, especially during the pandemic that we all are experiencing. You have truly demonstrated the importance of commitment and dedication by stepping up and making your contributions here at CMIT Academy North Middle School a top priority. We are proud of you and you are all true Champions! Congratulations again on your achievements and continue to keep your motivation high as we move forward through the SY 20-21

Ronina Spence
Greetings from the Health Room
Although I do not have virtual ice packs or bandages to hand out, I am available throughout the school day for assistance and guidance as it relates to school and health. I will be sharing my virtual health room in the coming weeks and providing information in the school newsletter about immunizations and other school health information. I look forward to working with both students and parents, as we navigate the 2020-2021 school year. I can be reached via email at Please continue to be safe, wear your mask, social distance, and most importantly…WASH YOUR HANDS!

CMIT Nurse - Crystal Anthony, RN, BSN
Health Education
Welcome to School Year 2020-21 !!!! We are starting off the year virtually !!! This will make for great conversation in the future, I hope. I will be sending off google classroom codes, via email, this upcoming week, please be on the look out for that email. Just an FYI for those that had me last year, class will be conducted the same with a few changes, we will discuss at a later date. No stress, we will figure it out together. Looking forward to an outstanding school.

Mrs. Curry
Welcome to Mrs. Justsen's Honors Reading!
Hello, Scholars! I wanted to take an opportunity to WELCOME you to our class! I see your names in SchoolMax, and I can't wait to put faces to those names when we have our first Zoom meeting! I finished Summer Bridge (virtually) last week and am very excited to get our year started in the coming weeks using all the new apps I learned about! I can't wait to "meet" you at orientation on 8/28 and get to know you as we work together this year. It's going to be a busy year. To help you get ready ahead of time and to make things less hectic next week, I am sharing our Google Classroom codes and the first books you'll want to procure below. CMIT may have published a supplies list...but for our class, what you'll need will mostly be online. I DO strongly recommend, however, getting the hard (paper) copies of the books we read so that you can annotate, flip through the book as we discuss it, use it efficiently for assessments, etc...annotations in particular are much harder to do on Kindle or PDF-versions of the novels. ***Google Classroom codes: *** Drexel + Norfolk (Drexfolk) = xgavzwr Univ. of Michigan + Alabama (Michabama) = rnpieel Winston-Salem + Lincoln (Winstocoln) = 57bfutu ... if you have another idea about how to combine these 2 names, let me know! Texas + Emory (Texory) = d4scplrn Oregon = fpatu35 ***Books to procure ASAP: *** 7th grade: Amina's Voice by Hena Kahn 8th grade: Anthem by Ayn Rand

Danica Justsen, NBCT
Grade Change Forms for Last Years Distance Learning
Parents wishing to have a grade changed for the last two weeks of 3rd quarter or anytime during 4th quarter because their child has completed work are urged to complete the for attached below and send it to the teacher for whom's class the grade would change. Please do not submit this for until all of the missed work was completed and you have reached out to verify that with the teacher. Please keep the following in mind. - Quarter grade changes will only be made for work missed 2 weeks at end of 3rd quarter and all of 4th quarter. - Grade will only be changed from and incomplete to a pass. Letter or number grades will not be given. - All work must be made up or enough work to positively affect the quarterly grade. - You must hand work in to the school.teacher for whom your student had last year. (ex. if your child was in 5th grade last year you would not hand it into their middle school. You would instead hand it into their 5th grade teacher at their elementary school. - You will hand in grade change forms to the student's last year teacher for school year 2019-2020. - Grade changes will be accepted up to January 31st. But please don't wait if avoidable. Please see Grade Change form attached below.

James Screven, Assistant Principal

Q: Is CMIT North MS a public school? 

A: Yes We are a public charter school who is staffed by PGCPS teachers and administration, and support staff who work along side of a limited CLF staff. We have access to PGCPS support but also benefit from additional guidance, management and financial support from Chesapeake Light House Foundation, whose educational concept this school is based on. 

Q: Do siblings get preference in applying to CMIT?

A: The process of gaining entry to any charter school in Prince George's County is through a lottery. However, siblings of already attending CMIT students are weighted differently during the lottery process. This different weighting gives preference to siblings. 

Q: What makes CMIT different then any other school in the district? 

A: Although we are a PGCPS public charter, we are given some autonomy over curriculum. This autonomy allows us to fast track students, who are academically ready, through selected high school courses in math, foreign language, science and technology. It is that fast tracking that opens up opportunity to more advanced  coursework on the college level while still in high school.  Additionally, we offer students supports and enrichments to every student, not available at most schools. Lastly, we are a uniform school which takes away the distraction, the competition and the social stratification that is brought on by non uniform dress in a school. 

Our test scores oustrip not only county averages but also state avaerages. This, along with other metrics has made us a 5 star school. 

Q: Do you offer everything the big middle and high school's offer? 

A: Unlike many school in Maryland, we do not have a  full spectrum offerings in sports.  Instead, our focus is on STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics). Therefore, our sports offerings are more limited.  We offer, boys and girls soccer, basketball, girl's softball, boy's baseball and club lacrosse in the middle school. Additionally, boys and girls basketball, track/field and volleyball at the high school level. With that said we recently (2017) won the girls county basketball championship and made it to the playoffs in soccer. Our high school opened a multi-million dollar, state of the art gym complex, competitive with all schools of their size. The middle school has also added an indoor gym space.  Lastly, we do offer special educational services, but becuase we are a school of choice, the amount of service hours we can provide is limited to 7.5 hours a week, split between literacy and math. Services hours are delivered by special education teachers but are limited to literacy and math courses. 

Chesapeake Math and IT Academy Middle School
6100 Frost Place, Laurel, MD, 20707 | Tel: (301) 350-6051 | Fax: (301) 560-3461
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