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Chesapeake Math & IT Academy North Middle School





Traffic Procedures

Uniform Policy Change/Update


Club Sign-Ups

Email Communication

SchoolMax Family Portal


This Year's Trip: Japan



PGCPS Volunteer Information

Mr. Conde RELA 8

Mr. Conde RELA 7



Mrs. Justsen -- 8th grade Reading/English

PTO Announcements

Join the PTO

Student Thoughts

Calling all Future Writers, Authors and Journalists

Traffic Procedures
Arrival/Departure Routine Please see the attached map of the driving routes and drop-off/pick-up locations. Please note: All parents, carpooling or individuals, must drop-off and pick-up in the rear of the building. The side parking lots are designated for high school overflow and commercial vans/buses only. Only students that ride on a commercial van or bus will be permitted to exit to the side parking lot. Car Riders MUST be picked up in the rear of the building for their safety. We have personnel directing traffic to ensure the safety of our students. Please be patient and follow their directions. Walkers are expected to leave from our Front Office and follow the sidewalk to Swietzer Lane. Walkers should not be picked up at the intersection of Frost Place and Swietzer, nor be picked up on the side of the street. It is expected that Walkers are those needing to meet siblings at the High School, meet parents at their place of work along Swietzer Road, or live within a walkable range of the school. The parking lots in front of Stantec, WSSC (including their overflow lot), and Konterra is not available to CMIT stakeholders for pick up. These are their places of business and we all need to be kind neighbors. Please do not park, wait, or drop students off in their parking lots. WSSC Police is surveilling the area and will issue citations. As everyone becomes accustomed to the drop-off and pick-up routine the process will become more and more efficient. Typically by the third week all vehicles are gone within 10 minutes. Please be patient and follow the instructions from those directing traffic. No one's time is more valuable than the safety of our children.

Andrew Brauer, Principal
Uniform Policy Change/Update
All American Wear is now offering a CMIT Hooded Sweatshirt. This item has been added to the Uniform Policy as an approved item that can be worn daily by students. The policy now reads: Top Options An embroidered CMIT school logo is required for all top options. The logo should only be embroidered on the left upper side (relative to the wearer) of the top apparel. 1. CMIT polo shirts must be a pique or jersey fabric in blue or orange for middle school. These polo shirts can be either short sleeve or long sleeve. Shirts must be tucked in at all times. 2. CMIT sweatshirts and CMIT Hoodies in blue are allowed. These items are available from the authorized uniform vendor. This does not include items purchased through other vendors or fundraisers. 3. CMIT fleeces must be blue with either a half or full-zipper. The fleece requires that the student must still be wearing a CMIT shirt underneath - the fleece cannot be worn alone. 4. CMIT jackets and fleece-lined windbreakers (without a hood) also need to be blue. Other non-CMIT jackets or windbreakers (with or without a hood) may not be worn in the school building. They need to be placed in the lockers. 5. CMIT jackets may be embroidered with the students first name or first initial and last name. Embroidery must be white in color. Placement of name embroidery is on the right upper side (relative to the wearer). Name embroidery is optional. Please review the updated Uniform Policy in full by clicking on the attachment.

Andrew Brauer, Principal
Club Sign-Ups
Clubs will begin the week of September 30th. Please be on the lookout for club sign-ups and descriptions this upcoming week. All information will be sent to parent emails that are on file.

CMIT Administration
Email Communication
Dear Parents, Many of our mass email messages regarding upcoming events, casual days, announcements, etc will be coming for our DO NOT REPLY account. Please be on the lookout and check your spam folder to make sure that you are receiving these to your inbox. If you have a question about something that is sent from this email account, please contact the front office or grade level administrator.

CMIT Administration
SchoolMax Family Portal
Dear Parents, We are getting settled into the new school year and students are starting to complete homework, classwork, and assessments. It is beneficial for parents and students to check SchoolMax to keep on top of grades and see their progress. If you do not have an account, click on this link to follow the steps to register for an account If you already have an account but you are unsure of what your password is or are locked out, please contact Mrs. Linnenkamp ( to regain access to the family portal. Have a great week!

CMIT Administration
This Year's Trip: Japan
Last years trip to London, Paris. Berlin, was a huge success and this year's trip to Japan will be even greater. If you are interested in sending your 6-12 grade student to Japan we will be holding a general interest meeting Wednesday September 18th in Room 108 at 6 pm. A drawing will be held for all who sign up that night for a $100 certificate off the price of your trip. If you have any questions and to RSVP please send me an email at if you wish to attend. *Disclaimer: This is not a PGCPS sanctioned field trip and has no affiliation with PGCPS or CLF.

James Screven, Assistant Principal
Soon we will begin CMIT's first competitive MATH CLUB . My name is Ms. Inci and I have advised the math club now for 4 years running. This year, I plan to bring competitive math to middle school students. I have coached teams to various levels of achievement, including national and international competitions. Math club prepares our students to compete globally. Scholars will participate in Noetic Math, Math Olympiads, and Perennial Math competitions. If your student would like to be part of the math club email Mrs. Kocaslan-Inci at

Esra Inci
PGCPS Volunteer Information
Consider getting your fingerprints done early in the year so that you will be ready to volunteer or chaperone a field trip for the remainder of this school year. Volunteers must have their fingerprints done and submit them to the front office. Volunteers must also complete a series of short training videos and submit the certificates to the front office as well. Please see the flyer attached with dates, times, and locations where you can get your fingerprints done! You can access the training videos at this link:

CMIT Administration
Mr. Conde RELA 8
Students have complete all Student Learning Objective (SLO) and Measure of Academic Progress (MAP) testing for their RELA class. We will have their results soon. Both of these tests will be administered to students again in January to measure their progress in Reading class. This week, students read two poems, "Retort" and from The People, Yes. They were able to analyze the difference between free verse and formal poetic structures and how poets convey and emphasize their messages through both their word choice and sound devices which are examples of one element of poetic structure. Next week, students will study an excerpt from Daniel Tammet's Born on a Blue Day. Students will analyze the reflections that writers of memoirs share as they reveal the details of memorable events in their lives. In addition to the in-class reading, students should read the novel Out of My Mind by Sharon Draper and respond to the text-dependent questions on Google Classroom.

Mr. Conde RELA 8 Teacher
Mr. Conde RELA 7
The 7th Grade classes are all finished with Student Learning Objective (SLO) and Measure of Academic Progress (MAP) testing. We will have the results soon. Students have already read the first reading from the new Pearson Textbooks. The Theme is Facing Adversity; therefore, the first reading was by actor, model, and athlete Aimee Mullins who had both her legs amputated as an infant. Students analyzed her style and humor attempting to understand the purpose for writing about a serious subject with the use of humor. Next week, students will read an autobiographical excerpt from Helen Keller's The Story of My Life. Students will continue to determine the author's purpose through an analysis of the author's word choice and tone as she reveals details about her life. In addition to their in-class reading, students will read Wes Moore's Discovering Moore as their out-of-class independent reading assignment. There is an assignment on Google Classroom they will complete. There will be 10 more vocabulary words to study and the class will begin to identify sentence fragments and run-ons to prevent them in their writing.

Mr. Conde RELA 7 Teacher
LEGO MINDSTORMS Education EV3 lets your students design and build programmable robots using high quality motors, sensors, gears, wheels, axles, and other technical components. By using hands-on robotics, students will: Produce simple sequences and commands that link cause and effect using input/output devices. Use intuitive prediction tools to gain first-hand experience in forming hypotheses. And integrate math and science using physical constraints, units of measurement, coordinate systems, min, max, mean, and linear. Students will be able to program their robot to move and release objects of different shapes and sizes. We will meet on Mondays between 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm. The club is open students 6th through 8th grades. There will be try-out session to join the club. Thank you!

Mr. INCI Teachnology Teacher
FIRST LEGO LEAGUE is the most accessible, guided, global robotics competition, helping students to build a better future together. The program is built around theme-based challenges that engage children ages 11 to 16 in research, problem-solving, coding, and engineering. The FLL team will participate in robotics competitions. We will meet on Tuesdays between 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm and we will meet on Saturdays when Saturday school starts. The FLL club is open students 6th through 8th grades. There will be a try-out session to join the club.

Mr. INCI Teachnology Teacher
Mrs. Justsen -- 8th grade Reading/English
IN THE PAST WEEK, WE... ...discussed Howard Gardner's 9 Types of Intelligence in preparation for our study on Human Intelligence. Please ensure your student has the required novel for Quarter 1 (Grambling State needs Out of My Mind by Sharon Draper, and Honors students need Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes). We will begin reading and discussing these next week. Both are available on Amazon. Links to each are included below. Feel free to take the Multiple Intelligences Quiz to see how you (and your scholar) stack up in each type of intelligence: We also completed our SLO pre-assessments, and feedback and scores have been given to students in Google Classroom. Please ask your scholar to see his/her score and feedback on the Google Doc so that you can review what he/she does well and where he/she needs to work in the upcoming writing tasks. We will have the multiple choice reading comprehension scores from this assessment next week. Students each developed an Autobiographical Infographic. These were done digitally using Canva, and I'm hoping to get them on a single site where students can review and provide feedback to each other at their leisure. Please ask your student to see his/her work -- they're not just revealing and informative but allowed students to be creative in expressing their ideas as well. Finally, we discussed our first AOW about "no zero policies" in schools. Students overall did a great job annotating the article, sharing it at home with their families, and coming prepared to discuss multiple perspectives on the issue. Awesome! Flowers for Algernon: Out of My Mind: COMING UP NEXT: We will be getting our first set of vocabulary (which will be studied throughout quarter 1). Please ensure your scholar has a 100-pack of 3x5 index cards (any color, lined or not). Our new AOW is attached. Here is a link to the original article: We will discuss this on Friday -- before then, please review and discuss the article and issue at home. Finally, we will somehow be fitting in the fall administration of MAP-R in the upcoming week (Tuesday and Wednesday). I'll share the data gathered from this and students will define GOALS for the winter administration. Thank you for all of your support so far! As always, please email me with any questions/concerns!

Danica Justsen, NBCT
PTO Announcements
Join the PTO
Thank you to everyone that took the time to join the PTO! To better support our schools, the PTO is seeking to operate with two separate Executive Operation Boards, one to support the High School and one to support the Middle School. This will allow more direct support from the PTO for the respective schools, but also means we need parents to be involved. Please join the PTO to support our schools! By joining the PTO early, you will be able to vote on the Bylaws and run for an Executive Board Position! SAVE THE DATE: CMIT North PTO Meeting Date: September 26, 2019 Time: 6:30pm Location: CMIT North Middle School Cafeteria To Join the PTO please visit You may also review the proposed Bylaws by visiting our website at Thank you, CMIT North PTO

Thank you, CMIT North PTO
Student Thoughts
Calling all Future Writers, Authors and Journalists
We are looking for a few student writers who want to contribute to the CMIT Newsletter to cover school events, review movies, interview teachers and discuss school news. If your child would be interested in writing an article, or joining the team as a staff writer, send them to Mr. Screven, Assistant Principal to discuss their first assignment.

James Screven, Assistant Principal

Q: Is CMIT North MS a public school? 

A: Yes We are a public charter school who is staffed by PGCPS teachers and administration, along with CLF staff. We also benefit from additional guidance, management and financial support from Chesapeake Light House Foundation, whose educational concept this school is based on. 

Q: Do siblings get preference in applying to CMIT?

A: The process of gaining entry to any charter school in Prince George's County is through a lottery. However, siblings of already attending CMIT students are weighted differently during the lottery process. This different weighting gives preference to siblings. 

Q: What makes CMIT different then any other school in the district? 

A: Although we are a PGCPS public charter, we are given some autonomy over curriculum. This autonomy allows us to fast track students, who are academically ready, through selected high school courses in math, foreign language and technology. It is that fast tracking that opens up opportunity to more advanced  coursework on the college level while still in high school.  Additionally, we offer students supports and enrichments to every student, not available at most schools.

Q: Do you offer everything the big middle and high schools offer? 

A: Unlike many school in Maryland, we do not have a  full spectrum offerings in sports.  Instead, our focus is on STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics). Therefore, our sports offerings are more limited.  We offer, boys and girls soccer, basketball, boy's softball, boy's baseball,  boys and girls track/field at the high school. With that said we recently (2017) won the girls county basketball championship and made it to the playoffs in soccer. Our High school recently opened a multi-million dollar, state of the art gym complex. The middle school has also added an indoor gym space.  Lastly, we do offer special educational services, but becuase we are a school of choice, the amount of service hours we can provide is limited to 7.5 hours a week. Services hours are delivered by special education teachers but are limited to literacy and math courses. 

Chesapeake Math and IT Academy Middle School
6100 Frost Place, Laurel, MD, 20707 | Tel: (301) 350-6051 | Fax: (301) 560-3461
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