Mathmagicians | Math Olympiad Updates, Caribou Contest (International)
Greetings CMIT Family,
I am happy to announce international Caribou Contest results. How great they are!
Caribou Contest (April 6th)
Caribou Contest 11/12 Results: 🏆
🥇 Benjamin Champion (State-wide 1st, National-wide 18th, international-wide 33%)
🥈 Izuchukwu Nwadike (State-wide 2nd, National-wide 21st, international-wide 41%)
🥉 Marvin Nwachukwu (State-wide 3rd, National-wide 24th, international-wide 50%)
🏆 Micah Germain (State-wide 4th, National-wide 25rd, international-wide 55%)
***Micah Germain is a 9th grader and took the 11/12 grade level contest!
Caribou Contest 9/10 Results:🏆
🥇 Leah Brooks (State-wide 1st, National-wide 16th, international-wide 33%)
🥈Bryanna Henry (State-wide 2nd, National-wide 21st, international-wide 40%)
🥉 Alexander Carpenter (State-wide 3rd, National-wide 23rd, international-wide 42%)
- Samuel Adenola (State-wide 4th, National-wide 26th)
- Erick Charles (State-wide 5th, National-wide 28th)
- Ethan Malcolm (State-wide 6th, National-wide 31st)
- Kelsi Hockaday (State-wide 7th, National-wide 32nd)
Thank you so much to our Mathmagicians and volunteer CMIT Academy North students who attended the math olympiads.
Please congratulate the students when you see them. Great job kiddos, you showed courage and commitment. Well done! 👏
Best regards,
Esra Keskin, MBA
Math Teacher
Math Olympiad's Coach
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Morning Drop Off Exit : No LEFT Turn!
Greetings CMIT parents and guardians!
We appreciate your cooperation during the morning drop-off. Here are a few tips and reminders to keep everyone safe! Please use the LEFT lane to drop off and the RIGHT lane to exit. In the morning, as you proceed to exit, you must make a right turn. The police officer directs all drivers to turn right. No left turn!
Students may be dropped off BEFORE they get to the cafeteria doors. We're asking drivers to keep moving forward and when traffic stops, they can allow scholars to safely exit on the left. Again, be sure to use the LEFT lane to drop off! The right lane is for cars to exit and we are seeing an increase in the number of parents dropping off from the wrong lane.
Thanks again for keeping our scholars safe and following our school procedures.
Dr. Gaskins, CMIT Program Coordinator
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Quarter 3 Parent Grade Appeal Window
3rd quarter grades can be viewed on the Family Portal. Report cards will be printed and distributed at school on May 2nd,2022.
Quarter 3 Parent Grade Appeal Window will open on May 4th and will close on May 10th, 2022.
The grade appeal form and the guidelines are on the CMIT Website at the following link:
If you have further questions or need clarification about grade appeals, please let me know.
Grade Manager
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Math League - Algebra 1 Contest (For All High School Students)
Greetings CMIT Family,
Time for the annual Math League - Algebra-1 Contest.
🟢 All high school students are invited to take it.
🟢 The contest will be on April 28th during the 5th and 6th periods.
🟢 The students who want to join, please send an email to Ms. Keskin, at She will let the teachers know about it ahead of the contest. You will be marked excused and allowed to do your classwork with an extension time.
🟢 Please see the last two years' contest questions attached and practice them.
🟢 The contest will be 30 questions and 30 minutes.
🟢 You may use a calculator. Please bring your own calculator.
🟢 The first three winners from each grade level will be awarded!
Esra Keskin, MBA
Math Teacher
Math Olympiad's Coach
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The Tutoring and Academic Services highly urged Grade 9 Algebra and Grade 10 English/Language 10 students and parents to support the students in attending the MOCK test and review on Saturday, April 30, and May 7, 2022, from 9-10 am for Algebra and 10:30–11:30 am for English 10.
The Mock Test helps develop proper time management and also relieves students' anxiety, which is the most crucial part of taking any examination.
The Maryland Comprehensive Assessment Program (MCAP) assessments' goal remains the same: to gather students' abilities that support Maryland schools in strengthening their instruction and improving student performance so that our graduates are ready to move into the workforce or a postsecondary institution. Student performance on the MCAP is described on the individual student report to help parents understand how their child’s performance compares to that of other students.
Parents, please register your students using the link for Saturday's MCAP Mock Test.
A separate email will be sent by Tuesday to parents whose children need more attention to this test based on Algebra 1 and English 10 teachers' advice.
Dr. Clarke
Science Teacher
Tutoring & Academic Services
Saturday Academy, Liaison
STEM Fair Coordinator
Green School, Advisor
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CMIT - Plans for the Earth Day
Led by the CMIT Green School Club and certification agencies, (Maryland Association for Environmental & Outdoor Activities {MAEOA) and National Wildlife Federation {NWF}), will celebrate Earth Day on April 29, 2022.
The celebration is a whole day literacy (in the class), and an afterschool talent show based on Earth Day celebrities.
Students are encouraged to participate. Please stay tuned for more details, as the program is sent to the administrator for approval.
Dr. Clarke
Science Teacher
Tutoring & Academic Services
Saturday Academy, Liaison
STEM Fair Coordinator
Green School, Advisor
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CMIT's BEST FIELD TRIP EVER IS BACK...Six Flags Great Adventure, Jackson Township, New Jersey
CMIT strives to make learning more enjoyable and memorable. So, the Best Field Trip ever has been established, and this time, the team is applying to be approved by the administration for its Six Flags Great Adventure in Jackson Township, New Jersey.
There's more to this trip than 'WOW!' Because the rides will take you and your child through the laws of physics, the animal attractions will provide crucial information for biological study, and the experience itself will be something students will remember for the rest of their lives.
May 27, 2022, or May 31, 2022
Leave CMIT at 6 AM and you will be back at CMIT at 9 PM.
The cost of the trip will be sent by Wednesday, April 27, 2022.
A big thanks to all of the parents who would like to volunteer and chaperone our field trip. Space is limited, therefore, hurry up to sign up below:
Chaperones will be chosen in a raffle style. Below is a link to fill out for all parents interested in chaperoning. Another letter will be sent via email confirming the chaperones for our field trip. As a chaperone, you will be assigned a small group of students along with your child (no more than 10) to watch while on our field trip. You will also need fingerprinting from PGCPS. here is the link information for the finger printing:
For questions and inquiries, please email or
Dr. Clarke
Science Teacher
Tutoring & Academic Services
Saturday Academy, Liaison
STEM Fair Coordinator
Green School, Advisor
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Mr. Bevard’s Quarter 4 Updates
Dear Parents, Guardians, Students, and Friends,
This is just a brief update on the goings on in Mr. Bevard’s 9th and 10th grade English classes.
We’re into Quarter 4 and gathering steam to close out our final novel study of the year. For 10th graders, this is 1984, for 9th graders, To Kill A Mockingbird. Both of these wrap ups will include a formal debate, which will take place for 10th graders on Friday, April 29th, and for 10th graders, over May 2nd and 3rd. After that, we’re onto Shakespeare!
10th graders will be studying Macbeth, while 9th graders will take on Romeo and Juliet. Both of these classic works have film accompaniments, and we’ll analyze both over the coming weeks. The summative project for Quarter 4 will be a cumulative examination on all things related to the language we’ve studied and a final written essay on the drama from Quarter 4.
A few updates regarding parent communication:
Let me first say thank you to all who have reached out with your feedback over the months to help refine the reports that I send out weekly. There are a few popular requests which, after reaching out to the developer of the application which I use to generate these reports, are either active now or on the horizon.
Here’s a brief list of the current or upcoming changes:
- Question: Mr. Bevard, I appreciate the reports, but there are several exemptions for the work in the gradebook. How does this impact the overall grade for the course?
- Answer: Tasks for which your student is exempted are not counted in the gradebook. In a future update, parents will no longer see assignments for which their students are exempt. They will simply not populate in the report. The hope here is to reduce possible confusion in the outbound communication. These assignments, when scored, will still appear in SchoolMax, but the exemption will remove this work from their grade calculation.
- Question: Mr. Bevard, you’ve dramatically reduced your class’s use of Canvas. How can I be sure that my student is receiving adequate preparation for the scored assignments you distribute each week?
- Answer: In a nutshell, I’ve started to capture the work completed as practice in a new category called - wait for it - PRACTICE. This is a zero weight category for my classes that contains all the regular assignments planned in preparation or storable work.** These PRACTICE assignments correspond with the work that is regularly part of the weekly class workflow and are intended to introduce a new or to develop a previously established skill before assessing the student on that skill. The practice category provides a record both of how many and of what quality the student performs after multiple introductory or developmental practice tasks. These assignments don’t represent a higher workload but are the new, more efficient mechanism of capturing student performance across all parameters - formative instruction and summative, grade-assigned tasks.
**(If you compare the Canvas course load from back in November or thereabouts, you may notice that each module contains between three and four assignments, or even more, per week. But to generate those assignments in Canvas was such a laborious and time consuming process that it took roughly 30 minutes per week simply to create the assignments in Canvas which had already been planned and designed. This strategy enables me to capture performance data on low-stakes tasks, demonstrate that instruction is taking place, offer feedback on that instruction, review it with students in class as a whole, and report that data to all stakeholders much, MUCH more rapidly than with Canvas’s excessively complicated tools.)
- Question: How can I continue to help my student maintain consistent performance as we close out the school year?
- Answer: There are three ways. First, every day I announce the evening’s homework via Canvas. Second, each student has a unique folder in his or her Google Drive which contains a backup to his or her work from the classroom ipad. This enables students to access read-only versions of their in-class work for the purposes of study and review. Third, if you are an ipad owner and want your student to have all the benefits of universal, complete access** to all classroom materials, then please consider allowing your student to register this device with the school’s managed Apple ID. This will entail signing out of the personal Apple ID and registering the device with a managed id, which entails a few restrictions when the device is on school premises. No loss of personal data is necessary, but there are oversight privileges which this account requires during school hours. iPads equipped with pencils of either generation are ideal for this purpose.
**(All students have access to all the instructional materials at all times from wherever they have an internet connection through the digital notebook exemplars. But it has been my finding through the iPad pilot program that students who use the iPad tend to engage more frequently with the work than when they used their chrome books prior to the pilot’s initiation. On average, these students’ grades have climbed by approximately one whole letter, and this is attributable to more and more frequent attempt at assignment completion, without consideration of other contributing factors)**
All the Best!
Mr. Bevard, MA
English 9 & 10
CMIT Academy
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2021-2022 Yearbook Sales
The Yearbook Club has been working hard to collect pictures of events, write blurbs and designing what will be a yearbook like no other!
Yearbooks are on-sale beginning this week. The link to order yearbooks is:
The cost is $40. A flyer with details is also attached.
Tammy O'Donnell
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The Athletic Department does not get any financial support from PGCPS since we are a charter school. So we need to raise funds NOW to ensure our scholar -athletes get the equipment and uniforms they need to ROAR on the field!
If you are interested in donating to the Athletic Department, there is a donation link in MySchoolBucks. Any amount will help!
We are also holding a PIZZA FUNDRAISER EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY during dismissal. We take cash and cashapp.
Soda and pizza is $2 each OR get the TIGER DEAL: 2 slices and a soda for $5! What a bargain!
If you have any questions on fundraising, please contact Coach Dunn.
Thank you for supporting the student athletes at CMIT! GO TIGERS!
Tammy O'Donnell
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Hello Seniors! Graduation is fast approaching and we have much to work on and discuss to ensure that the ceremony is flawless. We will have our first graduation rehearsal on Wednesday, May 11th in the gym. Please report to the gym at the start of 3rd period (9:47) and we will conclude by the end of 4th period (11:25). We will be distributing caps and gowns on this day, so the rehearsal is mandatory. There will be nearly 1,000 people in attendance to watch you graduate, so we want to get this right. To that end, please come to rehearsal prepared to listen. We have a lot of ground to cover and so we need your cooperation to help this run smoothly. Feel free to email me with any questions or concerns. Thanks!
-Mr. Hommel
-Mr. Hommel, Honors English 10, College Summit 12, 2022 Class Advisor
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PTSO Is selling Reusable Water bottles!
Great for students to use with the filtered water fountains. Great for the environment. No more plastic bottles!!
They are $5 and can be purchased in Ms. O'Donnell's room or you can email Ms. O'Donnell for pickup.
Thank you for supporting the PTSO!!
Tammy O'Donnell
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Hello parents and staff!
Due to the PGCPS/PGCEA Open Bargaining session scheduled for APRIL 28th, our next PTSO meeting will be on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27TH at 6:30pm. We will discuss Senior Prom, Graduation, and upcoming events for students. There will be an update on the contact negotiations for teachers and the recent Maryland State Educators Association endorsement of candidates for Governor and other important positions. SGA will also provide an update on grade level activities.
Please plan to join us!
Here is the zoom link:
Tammy ODonnell is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: PTSO Meeting
Time: Apr 28, 2022 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 878 0462 2198
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Tammy O'Donnell
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