A Virtual STEM Field Trip!
SciFest All Access will be available online September 26- October 3 and there is something for everyone – K-12 students, families, educators, and college students.
Virtually experience exhibit booths featuring interactive STEM content, get an all-access pass to exclusive performances on the STEM Stage, hunt for clues and earn badges and prizes in the Scavenger Hunt, gear up in the STEM Store, and launch a STEM Career in the College Career Center!
Worksheets and other resources will be available to engage students and help educators utilize SciFest as a class activity. Plan your FREE virtual field trip today using the School Group Registration Form!
If you are a student registering as an individual, a parent registering one or more kids, or other individual attendees, please use the main registration form BELOW to sign up.
Mr.Nuri Bayram
STEM Coordinator
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Publicity Release Forms
Greetings families,
Each school year Prince George’s County Public Schools (PGCPS) requires parents/guardians to fill out a Publicity Release form for each student. Throughout the school year PGCPS and the Prince George’s County Board of Education conduct activities that may be publicized by local or national news media or used to promote the school system. Publicity activities include interviews, photographs or videos of individuals or groups of students, or student works (including, but not limited to, artistic works, athletic activities, performances and competitions) that may be used in websites, social media such as Facebook and Twitter, print or online publications, or videos.
Please fill out the attached Electronic PGCPS 2020-21 SY Publicity Release Form by checking only one of the boxes to GRANT or NOT GRANT PERMISSION.
This Form will remain in effect through September 2021.
Important Note: CMIT-N HS requires selecting the "GRANT PERMISSION" option in "the Publicity Release Form" to be able to participate in Clubs and STEM Teams.
Program Coordinator
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Social Media Content Submission
Staff, Students, Parents/Guardians/Families;
Do you have something to share about your student? Did you want to share a shoutout? Anything else exciting and positive about the school worthwhile sharing out? You now have the opportunity to share this to be posted on our CMIT's social media pages!
Please submit via this Google Form:
Follow us on Twitter: @CMITAcademy
Follow us on Instagram: cmitacademy
Subscribe us on YouTube
Should you have any questions please feel free to contact me
Program Coordinator
STEM Coordinator
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School's Out | September 25 + September 28
Mark your calendars. It's time to pause and enjoy the upcoming four-day weekend. Schools are closed to students this Friday, September 25th and Monday, September 28th.
Friday, September 25th - Professional Development for Teachers
Monday, September 28th - Yom Kippur
Happy Yom Kippur to our families that celebrate!
HS Administration
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It's here, CMIT Academic Support and Tutoring Services.
The CMIT Academic Support and Tutoring Services will provide multiple support for the following areas:
(1) Core Subjects
(2) Standardized Testing Support
(3) Career Readiness Certification programs
The core subjects are tutorial services to help our students struggling with the required courses to complete the graduation requirement. These courses are Algebra, Biology, Courses in Social Studies, and English.
Standardized Testing Support (STT) assists CMIT students who will take up SAT and PSAT Subject Tests required for admission to most competitive colleges and universities. STT will also extend review assistance to AP courses.
And the Career Readiness Certification Programs (CRCP) are college-level certificates taken while in CMIT high school. CMIT encourages students to focus on an essential foundation to meet graduation requirements before their senior year. This way, we may help them apply to take CRCP as additional skills to develop and experiences necessary for a particular job.
I encourage Grade 9 parents and students to fill out the link below to apply for the Algebra 1 tutorial, a gateway for all mathematics, science, and other courses. Algebra 1 tutorial is the first course to be offered under the Core Subjects after the first progress grading.
Dr. Clarke, Science Teacher, Academic Support and Tutoring Services Cordinator
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Telemental Health Consent Form - Counselors
In order to meet with students, all School Counselors in PGCPS are required to have a Telemental Health Consent Form on file. This form is required for any one-on-one sessions between a student and their counselor - from SchoolMax/technology help to academic support to meetings when a student is in a crisis. Without this form, we can only communicate with students via email. Please complete the form (check yes or no and type your student's name at the bottom of the form) and send it to your student's School Counselor as soon as possible so that there will be no interruption in service.
Thank you!
CMIT Academy North High School Counseling Department .............................................................................................................................................................................................. Ms. Gaudette (Last Names A-J): ..............................................................................................................................................................................................
Ms. Ryan (Last Names K-Z):
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9th Grade Naviance Activities
In the past two weeks, the CMIT School Counselors worked with students in their US History and English 9 Classrooms on three items:
1) Students completed the Learning Styles Inventory and discussed their results in a follow-up lesson.
2) Students learned how to set SMART Goals in the categories of Academic, Personal, Postsecondary, and Career.
3) Students started building their Resumes
We strongly encourage parental involvement and reflection now that these activities have been completed. This is a great time to check in with your students about their goals, their learning styles, and their introductory resumes and to ask them how you can be a support at home while they have other supports here at school. Thank you for being our partners in supporting the students at CMIT North!
If you find that your student has not completed these activities, we hope you will encourage them to do so! They were graded assignments in English 9 and US History so that would be a good indicator to check whether or not they completed them as well!
I have attached guides on these activities in case you would like more information or support!
CMIT Academy North High School Counseling Department .............................................................................................................................................................................................. Ms. Gaudette (Last Names A-J): ..............................................................................................................................................................................................
Ms. Ryan (Last Names K-Z):
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RaiseMe - Scholarship Resource
CMIT Academy North High School Counseling Department .............................................................................................................................................................................................. Ms. Gaudette (Last Names A-J): ..............................................................................................................................................................................................
Ms. Ryan (Last Names K-Z):
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Resources from the Health Room
Hello parents and students,
I hope everyone is doing well. I know this is a very stressful and daunting time for all of us, but together we can stay committed to our health and well-being.
Please continue to follow the CDC and state official guidelines. Below, I have attached a link that provides additional information and resources regarding good safety measures to practice. The more we know, the safer and healthier we stay.
Thank you,
Ms. Abraha, RN
School Nurse
HS Nurse
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Hello, Juniors and Seniors!
You are invited to participate in an online free SAT Prep Course to prepare for upcoming SAT tests. This course is free of charge and all interested 11th and 12th students are welcome to join.
The SAT Prep Course is offered on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:00 pm to 7:30 PM. The course has already start on August 11th and it will end on November 19th. You may still join the program, if you have not done it yet.
Students will receive direct instruction in the topics defined per SAT curriculum and solve as many questions as possible under the supervision of Ms. Beamon (English), and Mr. Mirza (Math).
Official SAT Dates: August 29, 2020; September 26, 2020; October 3, 2020; November 7, 2020; December 5, 2020
*Remember SAT/ACT scores continue to play an important role in college admission as well as scholarships. You may these tests take more than one time in an effort to increase your scores.
To register visit:
Ferhat Avsar, M. Ed.
Assistant Principal for 11th & 12th Grades
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Ms. Coholic's Science Classes
Hi Students and Parents,
This week, BioGeoChem students will begin the Space Science unit. We'll cover the Big Bang, ancient peoples and astronomy, formation of the elements, the life-cycle of stars and more over the remainder of the quarter.
Physics students will be learning more about kinematics, the study of motion. We'll continue deriving our kinematic equations, grasping concepts of velocity and acceleration, and how to quantify motion in one axis.
Have a great week everyone!
Suzanne Coholic
High School Science Teacher
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9th Grade English
All the Best!
Mr. Bevard
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Media Production I--Ms. O'Donnell
Last week students had to make a 3 minute BREAKING NEWS! video and they did a FANTASTIC job! Some of the breaking news:
BREAKING NEWS: I got a new computer
BREAKING NEWS: Getting myself ready for virtual learning
BREAKING NEWS: I have only 15 minutes to get ready for practice!
BREAKING NEWS: New chip alert!
BREAKING NEWS: This is how my day starts.
They were really great and I think I am going to put some together as a Newscast on Fridays. They were THAT good! If your scholar hasn't shared it with you, definitely ask to see it. They were very entertaining!
Tammy O'Donnell
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Dr. Clarke's Digital Savvy Environmental Science Class
Alarmed with climate changes, the Environmental Science students had empowered themselves to understand the commons' ecological footprints and tragedies.
Although everyone in the class loves to hike and play outside, due to the quarantine and online schooling, last week, the students presented a wide variety of experience on how human activities affect the Earth in front of a screen. Using shared powerpoints and screen chatting, they were able to gauge that every day is a decision to make decisions that influence and reshape our environment.
This week, September 21 to 25th, 2020, our topic is focused on the Hydrologic Cycle. Students will be group using break rooms and other best practices for Zoom Virtual Classroom. We will also include literacy in our curriculum about the Dung Beetle, the world's most vital insect – it's the world's strongest animal! The reason Why isn't the world covered in poop.
Dr. Clarke, Science Teacher, Academic Support and Tutoring Services Cordinator
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CMIT-N HS Clubs and STEM Teams
Clubs and STEM teams started making announcements and recruiting members.
Announcements will be made through newsletters
In addition to Newsletter, you may receive emails for Club&STEM Team announcements and recruitments.
Please check the weekly newsletter and your emails carefully.
A few important points about the SY20-21 Clubs.
1. Club&Team Meetings will be online, in a virtual environment.
2. In order for students to participate in Clubs and STEM teams, the Board of Education of Prince George’s County Public
Schools shall require students in high school to maintain a minimum grade point
average (GPA) of 2.0 or equivalent.
3.Publicity release google forms should be submitted by selecting the "GRANT PERMISSION" option to be able to participate in Clubs/STEM Teams.
Find the Publicity Release Google form in the link below:
You may find the info of approved Club&STEM teams on the CMIT-N HS website under Extracurriculars/CLUBS SY20-21.
Here is the link:
Should you have any questions please feel free to contact me
Program Coordinator
STEM Coordinator
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Science Olympiad Captains took important decisions in the 2nd council meeting last week.
Student recruitment will start next week and will be announced in the Newsletter.
In addition, The council decided to send an invitation letter to the students who are eligible.
The minimum GPA requirement will be 3.8 to be able to join the team.
The captains will decide the meeting day and time in the next council meeting.
STEM Coordinator
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The Writer's Den - Meetings Start Friday October 9th
The Writer’s Den is a space for students who are interested in writing poetry, short stories, and other genres. The purpose of The Writer’s Den is to provide an atmosphere that develops student writers and their creativity and ability to express themselves through prose. The Writer’s Den will host writing contests throughout the school year in addition to workshopping each other’s work. Members are expected to be contributing members in a participatory community. Members must be willing to both provide and receive friendly and constructive feedback. Writings are meant to remain in the group until the author feels comfortable sharing outside of the group. Writings belong to the authors, however all group members will be expected to publish at least one writing in the semesterly Literary Magazine. *Per county policy, all members must have a 2.0 GPA or higher*
The Writer's Den will meet on Fridays virtually through Google Meet from 3:00-4:00pm.
Interested in joining? Please complete this interest form!
CMIT Academy North High School Counseling Department .............................................................................................................................................................................................. Ms. Gaudette (Last Names A-J): ..............................................................................................................................................................................................
Ms. Ryan (Last Names K-Z):
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FORENSICS/ MOCK TRIAL TEAM has started and welcomes new members this year.
What is Mock Trial?
A mock trial is a reenactment of a courtroom trial in which high school students become the lawyers, plaintiffs, defendants, and witnesses of a real court case. They compete against teams from other schools in Mock Trial Circuit 7.
The program's objectives are to (1) Further understanding of the law, court procedures, and the legal system; (2) Increase proficiency in soft skills such as listening, speaking, reading and reasoning; and (3) Heighten appreciation for academic studies as well as career consciousness of law-related professions.
A mock trial is not a dramatic play, a speech competition, a debate, or a game, though it incorporates facets of all four. Successful mock trial participants possess excellent public speaking skills, an acute ability to think on their feet, a thorough understanding of trial procedures and rules, and a healthy competitive spirit.
I hope that you consider joining our team! If you want further information, feel free to attend a meeting or email me. All meetings and competitions are virtual this year. Meetings are held every Wednesday at 3:30 in Mr. Ozdem's Zoom classroom. Before the competition we will meet twice a week. (TBA)
The first informational meeting is on Wednesday 9/23 at 3:30 pm. Email me to get invitation for the meeting.
VOLUNTEER ADVOCATE is needed to coach the team.
Volunteers interested in helping our students to get court experience are welcome.
Advocate coach will join the ZOOM meetings to coach.
Please contact to me for further information.
Fethi Ozdem, MEd.
Chemistry Teacher
Forensics Teacher
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The Ukulele Orchestra of CMIT
The Ukulele Orchestra of CMIT will be the most innovative, lyrical, funny, and virtuosic music club to touch our CMIT family's heart.
The club accepts students who never play the ukulele or are beginners or never play music but don't know where to begin. We will start to jam with beginners to advanced ukulele players __ introduce and practice chords.
We will then invite expert uke and string players to join us in creating joy and friendship by singing, playing, and learning songs together during the quarantine. This club will also incorporate techniques on beating drums and other percussion instruments.
Now here is your chance! The club will meet every Monday, starting at 3-4 PM in October. Please sign up with the link below. Hurry up; we have limited space.
Dr. Clarke, Science Teacher, Academic Support and Tutoring Services Cordinator
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CMIT LEAD - Meetings Start Monday October 5th
CMIT LEAD (Leadership Education and Development) will be a weekly club where students will participate in leadership activities and discuss leadership-related topics to refine and practice their leadership skills. The Goals of the Club are to better understand leadership-related topics, practice and refine leadership skills, and provide a space for leadership development and training. Members should come prepared to discuss and practice, be present both physically and mentally, and be open to learning and development. *Per county policy, all members must have a 2.0 GPA or higher*
CMIT LEAD will meet on Monday's virtually through Google Meet from 3:00-4:00pm.
Interested in joining? Please complete this interest form!
CMIT Academy North High School Counseling Department .............................................................................................................................................................................................. Ms. Gaudette (Last Names A-J): ..............................................................................................................................................................................................
Ms. Ryan (Last Names K-Z):
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Come join DRAMA CLUB and learn about theatre, dance and music. It can be done virtually! We will perform reader's theatre, have guest speakers, play drama games and learn new skills. We will start meeting every Tuesday, starting OCTOBER 6TH from 3-4pm. No experience necessary and no sign up just come on in! This is not only for actors! Makeup design, lighting, set design, prop design, costume design....backstage positions will also be included! Come one come all! I am looking forward to seeing you all ONSTAGE or BACKSTAGE starting in October!
Tammy O'Donnell
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CMIT Green School of the MAEOE {Maryland Association for Environmental and Outdoor Education}
On June 1, 2020, the Maryland Association for Environmental and Outdoor Education (MAEOE) announced that Chesapeake Math IT North High School had been officially certified as a 2020 Maryland Green School. The collaborative effort was made through the students' excellent participation, staff members, parents, and administrators with a special mention to Mrs. Ozturk for her benevolent support.
As a result of our Maryland Green School achievements, we are now eligible to earn an award through Eco-Schools USA, a National Wildlife Federation (NWF) national and international recognition program. MAEOE and NWF have partnered to offer additional recognition, support, and resources to all Maryland Green Schools.
This school year, the green school team would like to bring certified environmental and STEAM programs for more achievements. We will be involved with the Increase Environmental Instruction, Recycling Program, education on Clean-Ups, and raise awareness to practice recycling.
Moreover, this club would like to venture on the many government agencies that offer scholarships and grants to the Environmental Sciences members and students reserved for juniors and seniors.
Please sign in with the link below to join our club either on Monday, 4-5 PM, or Thursday, 3-4 PM.
Dr. Clarke, Science Teacher, Academic Support and Tutoring Services Cordinator
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Social Studies Department
The Social Studies Department would like to help make communication and scheduling appointments during Office Hours on Wednesdays easier. Please click on the attached PDF link (not the image above), and once you open the PDF, you can click on the image for the teacher that you are interested in meeting with to schedule an appointment.
Election 2020: Tuesday, November 3
To register to vote or request a mail-in ballot, please use this link:
Mrs. Jessica Cunning,
Social Studies Department Chair
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September is "National Library Card Sign-up Month!"
September is Library Card Sign-up Month, a time when the American Library Association and libraries nationwide join together to remind parents, caregivers and students that signing up for a library card is the first step towards academic achievement and lifelong learning.
The Prince George's County Memorial Library ( hosts virtual events and offers a plethora of online resources to its cardholders. Best of all, library cards are FREE!
Additionaly, the week of September 22nd is "Banned Books Week." ( This annual celebration of the freedom to read since 1982, is observed the last week of September. Each year, librarians, booksellers, teachers and countless others take this opportunity to highlight the importance of intellectual freedom and remind us not to take this precious democratic freedom for granted.
Happy Reading!
-Mr. Hommel, English Dept. Chair
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Hello CMIT Students and Families!
In the past few weeks, students have needed a lot of password resets. This is only possible when Ms. Gaudette is in the building, which is not every day. Students are HIGHLY encouraged to set up their own security challenge questions through the county.
To do this, students should go to and sign in and then they can set up their Challenge Questions. This way, if they ever forget their SchoolMax/Naviance/Clever password, they are able to reset it on their own immediately, which is especially helpful in time-sensitive situations!
CMIT Academy North High School Counseling Department .............................................................................................................................................................................................. Ms. Gaudette (Last Names A-J): ..............................................................................................................................................................................................
Ms. Ryan (Last Names K-Z):
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HS PTO Meeting -- Thursday, September 24th
Dear Parents,
The HS PTO Meeting will be held virtually via Zoom on September 24th from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm. Register in advance for this meeting at: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. We look forward to you joining the meeting!
Leadership Volunteers Needed
All positions on the 2020-21 Executive Operating Board are open for election by members. These positions include -- President, Vice President, Treasurer, Recording Secretary and Corresponding Secretary. The CMIT North HS PTO is seeking volunteers to serve on our Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee is established for the purpose of soliciting interest and recommending candidates for all elected and appointed positions. The Nominating Committee will need to present the list of potential candidates at the October general meeting. If you are interested in supporting this committee please email by September 28th.
To be eligible to serve on the Executive Operating Board, any parent, guardian or other adults standing in loco parentis for a student at the high school must be a member in good standing at least 30 days before the meeting in which elections will be held.
Volunteers are also sought to serve on the Fundraising, Social Media, Event Planning and Community Outreach Committees.
2020-2021 PTO Meeting Dates
September 24, 2020
October 22, 2020
November 19, 2020
January 21, 2021
February 25, 2021
March 25, 2021
April 22, 2021
May 27, 2021 - Annual Meeting
High School Corresponding Secretary
The CMIT Academy North -- High School PTO
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FAQs |
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