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Chesapeake Math & IT Academy North High School






Band & Orchestra Club Concert

Team America Rocket Chellange (TARC) Competition

CMIT Tigers Compete in State Chess Tournament

CMIT Spelling Bee WINNERS!

Attendance Matters

Last Day of School for PGCPS Students

CAUTION: Keep Inclement Keep Weather Make-Up Days in Mind When Planning Summer Vacation

Uniform Reminders

Student Service Learning Opportunity


Now Accepting Governor's Service Awards Nominations

Eye of the Tiger In-house Chess Tournament Coming Soon!

Field Trip - Marine Corp Orchestra

Earth Day is coming up and we have T Shirts.

Parents! Parents! Parents!

Summer SSL opportunities

Basketball Camp

Earth Day T-shirt Sale EXTEND !!!!

Leadership and Life Camp

Calling all Chess Players – the Spring Session is Getting Ready to Begin!


CMIT Students visit the Great Falls Park

Best Investors of the Week


NASA Internship Opportunities

Young Architect's Workshop

So Others Might Eat


Enjoy your time off. We will see you April 5, 2016

CMIT 7th Graders to Explore Robotics

Free Immunization Clinics Offered During Spring Break


High School Science Department News

Biology HSA Homework due Friday, April 8

Physics Students

We have made it!


Quadratic Formula Project

Harman Spring Break Extra Credit

Grade 6, 7, 8 Spring break packets

Mrs. Subasi Spring Break packets

Trip to Great Falls, VA

Ms. Rooney's Math 8 Scoop

Ms. Cracovaner's Social Studies Updates

Character Education Upcoming Subjects

Extra Credit Opportunity for Mrs. Taylor's Classes

Mrs. Justsen's English 8 -- Spring Break assignment


Here we go again!! Get Ready To -- Clean Out Your Closets!!

Spring Dance

On Tuesday, March 22, 2016, six students from CMIT left for Boston to compete in the National Society of Black Engineers' (NSBE) Try-Math-A-Lon. The students who were to compete include, Brian Ndofor, Orooluwa Brown, Jeffrey Greer, Robert Allsbrooks, Youngchan Harthausen, and Chigoze Maduka. These students worked hard as they competed in 3 rounds. They started off in 5th place after competing in an engineering round. In the next round, they competed as a team to complete a test that was given to them which moved them into 4th place. Finally on the last day, they competed in a Jeopardy style competition round in which they won 1st with 1900 points. A big thanks to Mr. & Mrs. Allsbrooks, Mrs. Brown, and Mr. Davis for their support and guidance throughout the competition.
By Team captain: Brian Ndofor

Ferhat Avsar
Band & Orchestra Club Concert
Congratulations to all of the members of CMIT's Band & Orchestra Club! On Wednesday, March 23rd, club members performed for an audience of nearly 50 friends and family. Thank you to all of the family and friends that came out to support our club members and a special thank you to Music Director Mr. Adrian Young for working with and preparing our students for the event.

Please click on the link for a sample of the Band & Orchestra Clubs performance.

The next concert will be in June. More details to come.

Mr. Brauer
Program Coordinator
Team America Rocket Chellange (TARC) Competition
On Saturday March 26th, 2016 CMIT students entered the TARC program. TARC is the world’s largest rocketry contest and the aerospace industry’s signature STEM program for middle and high school students. Over the course of the contest, students learn to use hands on engineering skills to design and fabricate a rocket to meet challenging mission criteria that change each year. We are very proud of our middle school students. Special thank you goes out to Ms. Graham for all of your hard work and dedication.

Please click on the link to view the rocket launch video:

Jared Brooks , Gloria Graham
CMIT Tigers Compete in State Chess Tournament
On March 19th, middle school students from CMIT competed in the Maryland State Chess Championships in Baltimore, Maryland. As a team, the Tigers placed 4th in the State in their middle school division! For Maryland Chess Association Tournaments, a full school team consists of four players, however, our three-player team still came away with a great finish! The team members were: Damon Edwards, Phillip Nissen and Ian Kaba. More great news - individually, 8th grader, Phillip Nissen placed 7th in the State!

CMIT Chess
CMIT Spelling Bee WINNERS!
Congratulations to our brilliant spellers!

1st Place: Elijah Oshinnaiye
2nd Place: Delana Turner
3rd Place: Blessing Akinsola

Please congratulate these winners! They started their school-wide win with in-class spelling bees; they then won their grade-level bees; and finally, they battled each other in a school-wide challenge. Great job!

Mrs. Justsen, Mr. Harman, Mr. Conde, and Ms. Taylor
Middle School English Department
Attendance Matters

The following is applicable for EXCUSED absence, tardiness, and early dismissal:

When sending attendance letters, handwritten or via email, ensure you include name of your child, grade level, the date(s) and reason they were not in school, your printed name and signature.

Depending on the circumstance (absent, tardy, early dismissal), a note must be provided upon return of your child to school to avoid being marked as unexcused. If a note is being sent via email, you may send it to:

-----> <-----

If you or your child(ren) will hand deliver a note, you must submit it to the front desk to be photocopied. The copy will be given to your child to show each teacher while the original will be filed for attendance recording purposes.

Also remember to review the PGCPS list of excused and unexcused absences found in the Students Rights and Responsibilities Handbook.

The state of Maryland recognizes the following as lawful (EXCUSED) absences from school:

-Death in the immediate family
-Illness of the student
-Court summons
-Principal-approved activity
-Mental or physical incapacity
-Violent storms
-Observance of a religious holiday
-State of emergency

FYI: This email address serves as a DROPBOX for attendance recording purposes ONLY, you will not receive a response and must contact your student's teachers directly regarding missed assignments.

Front office
Last Day of School for PGCPS Students
To the PGCPS Community:

As you know, seven days have been missed this year due to inclement weather. Our school calendar had four inclement weather make-up days scheduled: June 15, 16, 17, and 20, 2016, leaving us with three additional days to address. Today, the Maryland State Board of Education granted a waiver for two of the three days. We made up the other day by holding school on February 12, originally scheduled to be a day off. The following outlines how we will adjust the calendar to accommodate the days missed:

Monday, June 20 is the last day of school for students, with schools dismissing two hours early.
High school graduation dates are not impacted.
There is a two-hour early dismissal for students on Friday, June 17.
PGCPS understands school delays or closures greatly impact students, families, and staff. When making decisions to close or delay schools, the district’s key focus is on the safety of students and staff.

View the PGCPS 2015-16 school calendar online at:

CAUTION: Keep Inclement Keep Weather Make-Up Days in Mind When Planning Summer Vacation
Greetings CMIT Parents/Guardians,

As winter weather has already caused school closings, we would like to remind you that CMIT follows the PGCPS school year calendar. Parents are encouraged to register text or email alerts for school closings and emergencies by filling out the online form on PGCPS website:

Students and parents are asked not to schedule any vacations or trips to coincide with school days for the 2015-16 school year. Maryland state law requires that all students between the ages of 5-16 attend school regularly. Absences from and tardies to school is disruptive to the learning process. Studies have shown that students who attend school on a regular basis earn better grades and learn more than those who are frequently absent.

Please note that June 15-17 & 20, 2016 are assigned as inclement weather make-up days and students may be required to attend school on those days, depending on the weather conditions throughout the Winter. Please do not plan any family vacations until after June 21, 2016.

Parents and students are asked to visit PGCPS website for calendar updates:

The state of Maryland recognizes the following as lawful (excused) absences from school:

-Death in the immediate family
-Illness of the student
-Court summons
-Principal-approved activity
-Mental or physical incapacity
-Violent storms
-Observance of a religious holiday
-State of emergency

Front office
Uniform Reminders
Now that the weather is getting warmer please keep the following in mind:

* Shorts must be navy blue or khaki and of an appropriate length (to the knee) after spring break. No cargo shorts are allowed.

* Joggers (pants with elastic at the bottom of the legs) and cargo pants are prohibited. Uniform pants must be pants, slacks or work pants with a clean hem.

* Hooded jackets, shirts and sweatshirts are prohibited. Please refrain from wearing them to school, even on casual days. ONLY CMIT JACKETS ARE TO BE WORN AT SCHOOL, NO EXCEPTIONS!!!!!

* Shoes must be ALL black, including the laces and soles.

* Gym bottoms must be solid black or navy blue (no tights, leggings, or jeggings). While students may wear the shoes of their choice, it must be a matching pair of shoes. Students must also wear a complete uniform.

*The mixing of uniform items, i.e. a gym shirt with uniform pants, is strictly prohibited on non PE Days.

* Dress down days - Students can not wear, ripped, sheer, or explicit clothing. Hoodies and hats are still not permitted. If students come in these items they will be sent home and or parents can bring them a uniform. The students will be held out of class for wearing these items until corrected or picked up.

Mehmet Gunes
Student Service Learning Opportunity
We are beginning to promote our next Find Your Park Day of Service in celebration of Earth Day, to be held at Greenbelt National Park on April 30th, 2016. This event will provide an opportunity for people of all ages and abilities to give back to their community through hands-on service and to make a difference in their own backyards. The Find Your Park campaign is a national initiative in partnership with the National Park Service designed to increase awareness of our parks and we approach the National Park Service’s 100th birthday in August. We are expecting over 400 volunteers, including the Director of the National Park Service, Jon Jarvis. We would love to have Students from schools in Prince George’s County join us! This is a great way for students to gain community service hours towards graduation. I will be on location to sign off on service learning hours for students at the event.

SCA is also currently filling positions for paid summer internships, so the event will be a great way for interested young people to speak to SCA recruiters and staff, and receive priority application review as volunteers!

We would be so grateful if you could include the event in your newsletter and online calendar, as well as post or share the invite on your social media pages. Attached to this e-mail is a detailed flyer, and below is the link to the SCA events page. We are offering free shuttles to/from the Greenbelt metro station, to make it as easy as possible for volunteers to participate. Volunteers will also be provided with a light breakfast, lunch, as well as gloves and project supplies. We know that local recruiting will be key to the success of the event, so if you have any local partners who may be interested, I would love to reach out to those folks directly if you’d be willing to share those contacts.

Thanks so much for helping to spread the word about this event – and please keep me posted on your upcoming programming as we are always happy to return the favor by promoting relevant events within our SCA network!

Find Your Park - Day of Service for Earth Day
Saturday, April 30, 2016 - 9:30am
Greenbelt Park
6565 Greenbelt Rd
Greenbelt, MD 20770

Roland Richardson
Marketing and Events Coordinator
Student Conservation Association
4245 North Fairfax Drive, Suite 825
Arlington, VA 22203

P 703.842.4234
C 202.631.2717
Now Accepting Governor's Service Awards Nominations
Now Accepting Nominations for the
Governor's Service Awards!

Nominations due Wednesday, June 1, 2016.

The Governor's Office on Service & Volunteerism is now accepting nominations for the 2016 Governor's Service Awards. These awards recognize Maryland citizens for their significant volunteer contributions to the state and its people, and for working to change Maryland for the better. This year, the awards will represent outstanding service occurring in 2015 (or longer for the lifetime achievement award).

Service must be performed outside of the context of the nominee's paid employment. Those who have been awarded since the 2011 Governor's Service Awards are ineligible for consideration.

The 2016 Governor's Service Awards Categories:

Nonprofit Volunteer Program
Lifetime Achievement
Community of Service
National Service
Exemplary Service-Learning
Alum State Employee
First Responder

Governor's Office on Service & Volunteerism
Eye of the Tiger In-house Chess Tournament Coming Soon!
On Wednesday, April 20, 2016, CMIT North will host its second “Eye of the Tiger” chess tournament! The entire CMIT North school community is invited to participate - all students, parents and staff. This in-house event will be held from 3-6pm in room 165 and will feature 3 divisions - Middle School, High School and Adults (parents and staff). Individuals at all skill levels may compete, however knowledge of the basic rules of play is required. Registration is FREE and open until April 8th by clicking here: If you have any questions, please contact Candace Salley at (candace[dot]salley@gmail[dot]com)

Don’t miss out on the fun - - sign up today!
CMIT Chess
Field Trip - Marine Corp Orchestra
The PTO and Band & Orchestra Club are sponsoring a field trip to see the Marine Corp Orchestra on Sunday, April 17, 2016. The purpose of this trip is to expose students to the music and the arts. Any student interested in orchestral music is encouraged to attend.

Who: Any interested CMIT student

What: Marine Corp Orchestra's Chamber Music Series

When: Sunday, April 17, 2016 (12:30-5:00 pm)

Where: John Philip Sousa Band Hall, Washington, DC

Cost: $15.00/student to cover transportation. Payable by check made out to CMIT PTO.

There are 50 seats available. Please bring the check and completed permission slip to Mr. Brauer by Monday, 4/11/2016.

Mr. Brauer
Program Coordinator
Earth Day is coming up and we have T Shirts.

Natiqua Riley
Parents! Parents! Parents!
On Saturday, April 9, 2016, CMIT's Parent-Teacher Organization and CMIT-North administration and faculty are partnering to offer a workshop to parents in an effort to address the growing concerns of our children's exposure and participation in mature content using personal electronic devices (PED).

This event will be conducted in a classroom format. We will have presenters from PGCPS Office of Appeals, Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, and more.

The objective is to inform parents about the many dangers of unrestricted online access. The town hall conversation will also give parents tools and resources that will help to ensure students make wise choices while online.

9:00 am-9:30 am: Arrival
9:30 am-11:30 am: Classes
11:30 am-12:30 am: Lunch

Presenters include:
Dr. James Huntley - PGCPS Office of Appeals
Ms. Brenda Davidson - ISC Safe and Secure Online
...and more

Students will receive a Casual Day if their parent/guardian attends.

Lunch will be provided.

Please RSVP by Tuesday, April 5, 2016 by clicking on the link:

Mrs. Caroline Jones - PTO Member
Mr. Andrew Brauer - PTO Member/Program Coordinator
Summer SSL opportunities
Parents and Students,

Below you will find two links that provide information on summer student service learning opportunities and summer camp information provided in PG County.
^ Summer Programs and Camps
^ Summer Student Service Learning Opportunities

Natiqua Riley
Basketball Camp
The Prince Georges County Police Department will be having a basketball camp June 22 - June 24 from 9 am to 4 pm at Oxon Hill High School. If you would like more information please contact Cpl. Baldwin at or (301) 909-7126.

Yurhance Johnson
Professional School Counselor
Earth Day T-shirt Sale EXTEND !!!!
Parents, Staff and students the PTO have extended it's sale of Earth Day T-Shirts until April 6th. Please support Earth Day and CMIT North PTO by ordering one. Student will be allowed to wear them on Earth Day.

Payments can be made via Paypal during the break, if you would like to make other arrangements for payment please contact:

Click here for order form:

Leadership and Life Camp
The Prince Georges County Police Department will be hosting a "Leadership and Life Camp" for students during the month of July 2016. The camp will consist of two sessions, session 1 (July 11th - 15th) & session 2 (July 25th - 29th) at Mt. Ennon Baptist Church. For more information contact Cpl. Nashawn Taylor at (301) 909-7127 or

Yurhance Johnson
Professional School Counselor
Calling all Chess Players – the Spring Session is Getting Ready to Begin!
CMIT Parents:

Is your student interested in chess? If so, this is the afterschool club for you! ALL students are encouraged to sign-up, regardless of skill level.

Internationally known Chess Master, William Morrison is our chess coach. For those of you who don't know, Mr. Morrison is a certified chess instructor who comes to us highly qualified. He holds the following chess titles: National Master, Senior Master, Life Master and FIDE Master.

The club will meet on Wednesdays after school from 3:00-4:30 PM, for the spring session running from April 13 through June 15 (10 lessons).

This Chess club will compete in tournaments and matches until the end of the school year.

Fees: $100 per student for the 10 week session. All fees must be made payable to Mr. Morrison directly and presented to him on the first day of class.

If your student is interested, please register here: no later than April 12, 2016. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Candace Salley at candace.salley[at]gmail[dot]com.

Thank You!
CMIT Chess
CMIT Students visit the Great Falls Park
CMIT students participated in a scientific field study at the Great Falls Park in Maryland last March 21 and 22. This research was sponsored by the Alice Ferguson Foundation and was participated by a hundred students from the 7th grade and 55 students from the 6th grade. Students had tons of fun while collecting macroinvertebrates from streams with nets to determine whether or not the streams are in healthy conditions. These macroinvertebrates are organisms that live underwater in our streams and rivers, lack a backbone, and can be seen by the naked eye. Based on the macroinvertebrate diversity, we gain an understanding of our streams’ health.

The students also classified and identified these organisms before finally releasing them back into the water. Among the few that the students have collected are the following: water pennies, stoneflies, craneflies, crayfish, dragonflies, mayflies and midges. This is a very good indication that the streams at the water park are at a healthy level.

This field trip also serves as the beginning of CMIT’s effort, in collaboration with the Alice Ferguson Foundation to build an on campus butterfly garden to help students work on an environmental action project around the school yard. The butterflies will then be released on Earth Day, April 22, 2016. An uplifting event that will be witnessed by the CMIT students and different spectators from the district.

Gemma Y. Bognot-Clarke Ph. D.
Science Teacher- CMIT North MS
Best Investors of the Week
Here are the best investors of the week:
1) Ferhat Avsar
2) Casey Gardner
3) tyler hamlett

Future Investors Game
NASA Internship Opportunities
NASA provides summer, spring, fall, and yearlong internships locally in Washington, D.C. and Greenbelt. These internships integrate participants with career professionals emphasizing mentor-directed, degree-related, real-time world task completion. During the internship participants engage in scientific or engineering research, development, and operations activities. Follow the link above for more information or to register:

HS Administration
Young Architect's Workshop
The Brentwood Arts Exchange is hosting their Young Architect's Workshop beginning on April 30th. This program will give teens ages 14-18 hands-on experience creating digital 3D models. Application deadline is April 16, 2016. Click here for more information:

HS Administration
So Others Might Eat
This academic school year, CMIT high school students wanted to focus on serving the community. We have had several successful charity events that help us build relationships within the community. Last Sunday, March 20th, several of our CMIT students volunteered feeding the homeless at the SOME (So Others Might Eat) organization.

Jared Brooks
Enjoy your time off. We will see you April 5, 2016

Natiqua Riley
CMIT 7th Graders to Explore Robotics

Science and Technology are very important in the modern society. With today’s youth, these two are very popular with pathways to career in the future. With this in mind, the CMIT North Grade 71 Xavier and 72 Vanderbilt students under Dr. Clarke are set to make their very own simple robots as a final project in Science.

Robotics is the science and technology behind the design, manufacturing and application of robots. Aside from energizing the classroom, learning about robotics help in simulating students’ interest in the field as well as developing mastery of necessary technologies. Every kid enjoys hands on construction activities and show off their work and their learning to their peers and teachers. There are many subsystems involved in robotics (structure, manipulation, motion etc.) and is a good way to help students achieve mastery and demonstrate competence. It also helps the students learn and experience experimentation, technology, critical thinking, programming, invention, teamwork, design and building. The list can go on. If we can get CMIT students into making simple robots, by the time they go to college and beyond, they’ll be doing something even more amazing!

Image courtesy of:

Gemma Y. Bognot-Clarke Ph. D.
CMIT North MS Science Teacher
Free Immunization Clinics Offered During Spring Break
Cost: FREE

March 29 – April 1, 2016

9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Pre-registration and appointments are required

Northwestern High School • 7000 Adelphi Road, Hyattsville, MD 20782

Oxon Hill High School • 6701 Leyte Drive, Oxon Hill, MD 20745

Please pre-register and reserve an appointment online at:
A parent or guardian must accompany students under 18 years old.
Bring shot records.
Bring any immunization letter(s) received from your child's school.
Call the Health Department at 301-583-3300 if you have questions.

Natiqua Riley
High School Science Department News

This week: For Friday, students are to log in to the MDK12 website and take the next HSA practice test: Biological Molecules for year 2009. As before, students will submit their scored answer sheet as a homework grade on Friday, April 8.

Shout Out: Rising Stars Nashrah Quadri and Baylul Yebiyo! These young ladies have had an outstanding quarter resulting in grades of A on their Grade Reports. Great work!


This week: On Wednesday, April 6, the Stop N Jot worksheet is due as a homework grade. This worksheet follows the video link on edmodo. The link is also at the top right of the worksheet itself.

Notable students: Rising Star Kristin Roy! Kristin demonstrated her developing skill earning a grade of A on her Grade Report. It was all you Kristin!

Environmental Science

This week: Students will review for a test. Students had been learning about land usage and human impact. Upon return from the break, we will have a review on Wednesday, April 6 and a short test on Friday.

Notable students: Rising Star Darryle Holder! Darryle rose to the occasion and brought his grade up all the way to an A on his Grade Report. Nothing can stand in his way now!


This week: Students will continue their study of Stoichiometry upon return from the Spring Break.

Notable students: Rising Stars Ogechi Obizuo and John Garcia both earned highest scores on their recent Stoichiometry tests. Congratulations on a job well done!

Suzanne Coholic and Alma Smith
High School Science Teachers
Biology HSA Homework due Friday, April 8
Hello HS Biology Students and Parents,

The next homework for Biology will be due Friday, April 8. Students will go to

Click on the High School Assessments link on the left side of the page

Then click on "Practice Taking the HSA" tab on the top right

Scroll down to Biology, Biological Molecules 2009 and take the 2009 test.

After completing the test, make a screen shot of your answer key and email to me, OR print and bring to Friday's class, OR you may right your answers and the correct answers that display on the last page and turn in for grade.

Suzanne Coholic
High School Science Teacher
Physics Students
Physics students have been provided a Stop N Jot sheet to use with an edmodo assignment. Students are to watch a video and use the Stop N Jot worksheet to assist with learning. The task should take no more than 20 minutes. The link to the video is on edmodo as well as on the top of the worksheet itself.

The Stop N Jot worksheet is due on Wednesday, April 6 as a homework grade - the first grade of the 4th quarter.

Enjoy the Break!

Suzanne Coholic
High School Science Teacher
We have made it!
I hope everyone enjoys their spring break. As the 4th quarter begins as reminder to all physical education classes please remember to wear your PE uniform on the days that you have PE. Also remember to wear proper footwear.

A reminder to any spring athletes who plan on participating in track or have made either the boys or girls middle school soccer teams to get your paperwork to myself, Coach Lawrence, or your coach asap.

We all have made it this far lets finish this year strong.

Mark Snyder
Quadratic Formula Project
As we are nearing the end of the third quarter, we are currently in Unit 3, Quadratic Functions. The Quadratic Formula Project will be due Wednesday, April 06, 2016. Students have received information regarding the project and the rubric is posted on Edmodo. This project is a fourth quarter Assessment grade. Projects should be creative and unique (differ from the example).

Ms. Fagan
Harman Spring Break Extra Credit
Essay Prompt

What do you think your life would be like without cell phones, computers, and video games? Would your life change completely? Would you be happier or healthier? Would life be boring or more exciting? How would you spend your time? How would you communicate? How would you gather information? Send us an essay of 500 words about your life without modern technology. Give your essay a title. Essays must be received on the first day back from break and will be entered into a contest where you may be able to win a prize!

Andrew Harman
Grade 6, 7, 8 Spring break packets
Students are to return with the completed packets to their respective Middle school science Grade 8, 7 and 6 teachers on April 5, 2016. Spring break packets can be found on the Prince Georges County Public Schools site as well. The activities may be counted as part of the homework grade for the fourth quarter.

Gemma Y. Bognot- Clarke, Ph.D
Mrs. Subasi Spring Break packets
Dear Students/Parents,
Spring break is around the corner. Over the break, I'm expecting all students to work on the Parcc questions packet that consist of 25 questions from various topics. The packets will be attached on Edmodo. It is a great opportunity to review all the subjects that have been taught so far and practice more questions. Spring Break is the ideal time to get caught up on any work that students may be missing. There is no time like the present to figure out missing assignments, low grades, retakes and get things all squared away over break. As well as you study over break, take into consideration ways of having fun, making memories and having good time with your parents. Stay safe and enjoy your well deserved break.

Tuba Subasi
Trip to Great Falls, VA
On Monday, March 21st, a group of 7th graders travelled to Great Falls, VA. The Park Rangers gave us some great historical facts like that Great Falls became an important part of trading when the United States was still the 13 colonies and that historians say that the lock system that was used was advanced for that time period! After getting some history, we ventured out onto the trail and started getting into the science part of the trip. The students were put in different groups and were armed with rain boots, a net, a table, magnifying glasses, a plastic container to put their microorganisms, and a classification sheet. The students were responsible for catching different microorganisms in the water and then classifying them once they were on solid ground. The students had a great time and would like to thank Ms. Crespo, Dr. Clarke, Ms. Chestang and the staff at Great Falls for planning this trip and making it a great day!

Ms. Jessica Lash
Ms. Rooney's Math 8 Scoop
Over Spring break, it is highly encouraged that students practice their Math 8 skills on IXL. This will not be counted as a mandatory assignment, however students should be spending some time keeping up with their math!

They should work/focus on these 8th grade skills:
X.12, Q.3, Q.5, Q.7,
Q.9, Q.10, Q.11, K.2
and any other 8th grade math skill we have covered this year

I hope they have a safe and relaxing break!

Ms. Rooney
Middle School Math Teacher
Ms. Cracovaner's Social Studies Updates
All Classes

Spring break packets have been assigned to students. Please check Edmodo for assignment materials, directions, and due dates.

7th Grade

In the 4th Quarter, we will be studying Europe, Russia, and the former Soviet Republics. Europe maps will be due the first day back from break.

8th Grade

Cherokee Essays are due the week students return from break. Please see Google Classroom for due dates and details.

We will spend the 4th quarter studying the Industrial Revolution, the years leading to the Civil War, the Civil War, and Reconstruction.

Please feel free to contact Ms. Cracovaner with any questions, comments, or concerns at

Ms. Cracovaner
Middle School Social Studies Teacher & Department Chair
Character Education Upcoming Subjects

Dear Parents,

Upon returning from Spring Break, your scholars shall be learning about
1. Stop
2. Think
3. Go
the system of Decision Making, along with the 3 Cs method
1. Clarify
2. Consider
3. Choose
Upon completion, scholars will do a poster project of same, to be on display throughout the school.

Dr. BB & Mrs. Cihan
Extra Credit Opportunity for Mrs. Taylor's Classes
Spring Break is finally here!

I wanted to provide Harvard, Yale, and Brown scholars with the RELA Spring Break Packet extra credit opportunities for their respective grades. Below you will find the packets as attachments. The packets can also be found on the Prince Georges County Public Schools site. Please printout, complete and return by Tuesday, April 5th. If completed, this will count toward the 4th quarter as part of the homework grade.

I am also encouraging scholars to log into their NEWSELA accounts over the break. Scholars should browse through interesting articles that are set on their Lexile levels, read carefully and complete the PARCC aligned questions and writing prompts.

Have a wonderful break!

Crystal Taylor
Mrs. Justsen's English 8 -- Spring Break assignment
Spring Break is finally here! We are down to 10 weeks left of school, and they are going to be great!

To prepare you for your TedTalk which will complete our economic inequality unit, you'll want to do a *tiny* bit of research about the topic of your choice. We have read about various groups and individuals affected by economic inequality in America, and we have discussed the history and reasons behind the struggle of these groups as well as possible solutions.

You'll need to narrow down a topic/specific concern about economic inequality in America (choose one group, then focus on an issue that group faces). You'll also need to propose a solution/solutions to address the concern. You'll be giving a persuasive speech using a variety of techniques (specifically, ethos/pathos/logos).

Specific directions for your *mini research* for Spring Break are in Google Classroom.

Have a great break!

Danica Justsen
Here we go again!! Get Ready To -- Clean Out Your Closets!!

Collection dates Monday, April 18 through Friday, April 22. Value Village will pick up our items on Monday, April 25.

Soft Goods: including clothing, shoes, hats, scarves, undergarments, jewelry, accessories, bags, wallets, bedding, towels, curtains,
tablecloths or other cloth materials; Hard Goods: toys, small appliances (i.e., toasters, irons), books, CDs, DVDs
Not Accepted: hazardous materials, flammable products, automobile parts, food, cash, large appliances.

For Any additional Information!!!

Adrianne Robinson -
Angela Thornton -

Thank you for your support!!
Spring Dance
Tickets for the spring dance goes officially on sale April 4th, Tickets are 15.00 in advanced. You may pay by cash and or check. Please see Mr. Brooks in room 165 for tickets info.

Jared Brooks
Chesapeake Math and IT Academy High School
14800 Sweitzer Lane Laurel, MD 20707 | Tel: (240) 767-4080 | Fax: (301) 560-3461
  CMIT Academy is on CMIT PTO is on Chesapeake Lighthouse Foundation is on  
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