Administrative Announcements
Principal Monthly Update
Dr. Fryson
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Hybrid Learning Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ'S)
Please see below a list of the frequently asked questions from the Hybrid Learning Parent Sessions that were hosted by Dr. Fryson this past week. You may also access a live document of FAQ's here using this link:
1. What will be the difference between distance learning and hybrid learning?
ANSWER: Distance learning is learning virtually at home for 5 days. Hybrid learning is learning at the school for two days virtually and learning at home virtually for three days.
2. Will siblings be in the same hybrid cohort?
3. Will you coordinate with the middle and high school to form a sibling schedule for the hybrid cohorts?
4. Will primary students (grades K-2) get assistance with technical support?
ANSWER: Yes with staff and students adhering to the six feet distance protocol.
5. What is the last day to complete the survey?
ANSWER: February 28, 2021
6. When is the first day of hybrid learning?
ANSWER: April 8, 2021
7. Can I change my mind?
ANSWER: If you choose to continue distance learning, you may NOT opt-in to hybrid learning for the remainder of the year. If you choose hybrid learning, you may opt back into distance learning for the remainder of the year.
8. Can every student partake in the free meal program?
9. Is the school keeping track with the staff vaccinations?
10. What time is school arrival?
ANSWER: School arrival begins at 7:35 A.M. and ends promptly at 7:55 A.M. Scholars arriving at 7:56 A.M. or later are considered tardy.
11. Where should a student report for late arrival?
ANSWER: The student must report to the Main Office with a parent or guardian to sign them in and wait during the temperature scan to be completed. CMIT NES reserves the right to have a student return to Distance Learning if lateness becomes a problem for effective in-person class attendance.
12. What time is school dismissal?
ANSWER: School dismissal begins at 2:25 P.M. and ends promptly at 2:55 P.M. Scholars picked up at 2:56 P.M. or later are considered late pick-ups and will be placed back in Distance Learning after the 3rd occurrence.
13. Are students permitted to bring breakfast or lunch from home?
14. If I did not complete the PGCPS survey by February 28, 2021 would my scholar automatically continue with distance learning?
ANSWER: No, they will be on the Hybrid roster to come to school.
15. What is the dress code for hybrid learning?
ANSWER: School Uniforms are recommended, but not required. If school uniforms are not worn, students must adhere to CMIT Dress Code (please click the link to access the dress code)
16. What safety protocols will be in place for students who elect hybrid learning?
ANSWER: Before entry of the building, temperatures will be checked and students will have to sanitize their hands. Students will have to wash their hands every two hours. Students must maintain six feet of distance. Mask must be worn at all times except during breakfast and lunch. All Covid-19 symptoms will be reported to the school nurse. Students with Covid-like symptoms will be placed in one of our CARE rooms away from others. Parents will have up to an hour to pick them up. If there is an exposure and or positive Covid-19 case, a notification will be sent to parents and staff and those individuals will have to be quarantined for 14 days. Contact tracing will be monitored by the principal and nurse.
17. Will students be allowed to leave personal belongings in their classroom for their cohort days?
ANSWER: No, students must take their personal belongings home each of the cohort days.
18. Will clubs continue?
ANSWER: Clubs will continue virtual activities with their members so that students in Distance Learning can continue to participate in extracurricular activities. Club moderators will work out the schedules with their club members.
19. Can I request a device for my child if I have not done so already?
ANSWER: Yes, please send your request to Mrs. Virgil at
20. Will visitors be allowed in the building?
ANSWER: Parents/guardians who wish to come on campus other than to pick up students or to drop things off in the office, will need to make an appointment, in advance.
21. Will students have recess?
ANSWER: Yes, teachers will engage students in organized play adhering to the safety guidelines.
22. What materials are required for hybrid learning?
ANSWER: Hybrid Learning Materials (Please click the link)
23. Does CMIT-NES provide transportation?
Mrs Virgil, Principal Secretary
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In-person Hybrid Learning Enrollment Survey DEADLINE IS SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 28TH
In-person Hybrid Learning Enrollment Survey Guidance:
We are reaching out to you through this survey to gather your intentions regarding your child or children returning to in-person hybrid instruction when schools reopen for the remainder of the school year. Prince George’s County Public Schools (PGCPS) is providing the option for parents and guardians to choose between continuing with at-home full distance learning or returning to in-person hybrid instruction. Hybrid instruction means part time in-person instruction and part time at-home learning. Students will be in school for two days each week. Information on full distance learning, in-person hybrid instruction and the school reopening plan can be found on the PGCPS website.
When responding to this survey, you are committing to how your child will receive instruction for the remainder of the school year. Responses to this survey may not be altered once submitted. If the virtual option is selected, your child must remain distance learning for the remainder of the school year.
Please take the time to answer the survey. You will be prompted to complete a survey for each child within your household.
The deadline to complete the survey is Sunday, February 28, 2021. If a parent/guardian does not complete the survey by the February 28, 2021 deadline, the system will select your child for in-person hybrid instruction through the last day of school.
Survey Links:
English: Reopen PGCPS:
Mrs Virgil, Principal Secretary
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Black History Month Assembly Video!
CMIT Multicultural Committee
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Follow us on Social Media!
Get connected! Follow CMIT North Elementary on social media.
Follow us on Twitter @CMIT_Elementary
Follow us on Facebook @CMITNorthElementary
Follow us on Instagram cmit_north_elementary
CMIT North Elementary staff
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Are you ready for Pretty Brown Girl Day-Virtual Vision Board Party?
Hello CMIT Tiger Family,
Are you ready for our Pretty Brown Girl Day Vision Board Party this Saturday, February 27th? Join us for a virtual day of creating vision boards for 2021! We will have two special guests and a prize giveaway from one the sponsors. Please gather your family and friends. It’s gonna be a party! Click on the link below to register and let’s get ready to create, dream and be inspired!
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Save the Date for our Honor Roll Assembly!
We will have a Virtual Honor Roll Assembly on March 19, 2021. The second and third grade assembly will be 8:15-9:15am. The fourth and fifth assembly will be 9:15-10:15am. Invitations will be sent to students who made Principal Honor Roll, Honor Roll, and Perfect Attendance. Go Tigers!
CMIT North Elementary staff
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CMIT Virtual Talent Show
CMIT Content Creator
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Women's History Month
March is Women's History Month and we will celebrate women all month long. Students, we need your help to make this event possible. Please sign-up to contribute to our Women's History Month! Select a Woman you would like to highlight and complete the form. If you would like to do a trivia question, pick your person and include the question and answer on the form. All are welcome to participate! Thank you! All participants will earn dojo points!
CMIT Multicultural Committee
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Virtual STEM Fair will be March 13, 2021!
All upper elementary students who qualified for the school wide STEM Fair should have received their invitations in mid February. Our virtual event will be Saturday March 13, 2021 from 8:00 a.m. until 11:00 a.m. We still need volunteers. Please sign-up below: Thank you for all of your support!
CMIT STEM fair Committee
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Welcome March!
We are officially through another month of school. We have enjoyed all the videos that were shared for Black History Month and would like to thank those parents who helped make this a wonderful month.
This week in ELA we will:
Review sight words: any, come, play
Introduce sight words: down, how, her
Work with letters: Z, Q, U, V
Review L blends
Introduce rhymes, pronouns, and poetry
This week in Math we will:
Continue decoding numbers
Learn to find the missing part of 10
Have the Topic 8 Assessment on Friday
This week in Social Studies we will:
Learn position words
Introduce maps and globes
This week in Science we will:
Continue to learn what flowers need to survive
How water travels through plants and how plants make their own food
Dates to know:
March 5-- Topic 8 assessment
March 29-April 5--- Spring Break
The Kindergarten Team
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1st Grade
This Week in First Grade
ELA: This week we end unit 3, so it will be review and a unit assessment.
Phonics: We are focusing on the -er, -ur, -ir sounds.
Grammar: We are working with possessive nouns
Math: We are continuing on with Topic 5: Working with Addition and Subtraction Equations
Science: We are continuing our space unit with a focus on the Moon and its phases
Social Studies: School and communities- past and present
Health: Sanford Harmony Unit 4 Problem Solving
First Grade Team
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2nd Grade
2nd Grade News
We had an awesome week in Second Grade!
Next week in Reading, we will continue Unit 3: Our Traditions. The big question for the unit is "What makes a tradition?" The question of the week is "How does food help make a tradition?" Throughout the week, we will focus on realistic fiction and procedural text. The spelling pattern will be Vowel Teams oo, ue, ew, ui. In Math, we will begin Topic 7. This topic covers more problems involving addition and subtraction.
As a reminder, it is recommended that students practice their basic addition and subtraction facts with flashcards regularly at home.
Interactive Base Ten Block Website:
If you have any questions, please contact your child's teacher via ClassDojo.
Have a great weekend and we will see everyone on Monday!
- The Second Grade Team
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3rd Grade
What's Happening in Third Grade
Just a friendly reminder to check SchoolMax weekly for your scholar's current standings in all of their classes. Encourage your scholar to stay on top of their assignments and complete their work in a timely manner. It is very easy to fall behind and we want to ensure that all scholars are successful. As a reminder, scholars will have an opportunity to resubmit assignments to improve their grade. Weekly grades will be entered by Sunday at midnight. Parents will have until Wednesday to request a redo of an assignment. Resubmissions must be submitted by the following Sunday. If an assignment is not eligible for a redo, teachers will put "not eligible for redo" in the assignment description.
Next week in Math, scholars will begin Unit 5- Fluently Multiply and Divide Within 100. In Science, scholars will be studying Climate. In Reading, scholars will compare and contrast theme across multiple texts. In Social Studies, we will continue with Chapter 4 Government, Landmarks, and Symbols.
We just want to share with families that Class Dojo is our main communication platform to share information with families quickly. Please check Class Dojo daily for any updates and new information shared.
Have an awesome week... on purpose!!
Third Grade Team
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4th Grade
Roaring into March
This week in RELA, we finished "Trombone Shorty" focusing on Author’s Purpose. We continued to work on our realistic fiction stories in class. Next week, we will be comparing fiction and realistic fiction and working on determining Point of View, while reading "Westlandia" and “The Circuit”, the progress checks for this will be March 5th.
This week in Social Studies, we finished Chapter 5, which was all about the NorthEast region of the United States. Next week, we will start Chapter 6 and learn about the landforms and features of the SouthEast region of the United States.
This week in Math, we are working with mixed numbers (whole numbers and a fraction). Specifically, students are learning how to add and subtract these numbers. The end of the topic test is tentatively scheduled for March 5. Some students are still struggling with the concept of equivalent fractions - this is a skill that needs to be mastered as we will be working on adding fractions with different denominators. Please encourage your scholar to practice on IXL as well as using virtual manipulatives at and
This week in Science, we began to work on features of the Earth including weathering and erosion. We will continue next week.
Friendly neighborhood 4th grade team
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5th Grade
5th grade Newsletter
Hello Parents,
Welcome to March! For Math, we are continuing to explore fractions. Our focus for this week is estimating mixed numbers and finding sums and differences of mixed numbers. For Science, we will continue with "Humans Impact on the Earth’s Systems." For Health, we will study the human heart.
This week in ELA, students will be reading the story "Life and Art" and learning how to determine the theme or the moral of the story. Students will also review the skills of decoding multiple syllable words and adverbs. This week begins Women's History Month. Students will have a month long research project researching influential women. They may ONLY research the woman that they have been assigned. Please be sure to check your child's CMIT email for their assigned woman. All instructions will be discussed during live instruction on Tuesday, March 2 and the entire project is due on MARCH 31.
For Social Studies, students will begin to dive into the French and Indian War. Students will learn how the English became the greatest colonial power in all of North America.
Have a wonderful week everyone!
5th Grade Team
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Creative Arts
Creative Arts Info/Updates
Physical Education:
Students will be starting the Kids Heart Challenge starting Monday and going until March 26th, 2021 (right before spring break). Information will be sent out via dojo and your child's Google Classroom as those are the two ways I have to contact everyone. Emails may also be sent to parents as well. We will have weekend challenges and the top teacher's classroom will also earn some cool extra things as well.
For the next few weeks, we will work on dribbling with our hands and work on ball control while moving in different directions.
K-2 practiced: Computer Fundamentals: Processors, Input and Output Devices
The learners receive direct instruction and practice identifying and caring for basic computer components such as the processor, keyboard, mouse, monitor, speakers, printer, and to classify the component as either an input or output device in this engaging and interactive digital lesson.
3-5 practiced: Visual Mapping: Formats and Outlines
Through direct instruction and practice in this engaging and interactive digital lesson, the learners use visual mapping software to create outlines and diagrams using the create and write tools and add text to organize and enhance their pre-write documents.
Musicians in 4th and 5th grade have done some amazing work on Bandlab - I am so impressed with the songs and beats that they've created! I strongly encourage you to ask your 4th or 5th grade scholar to show you around their digital audio workspace! This was an assessment grade, so students that didn't turn it in may have a poor grade. Don't worry - they can turn it in for full points until the end of the quarter!
Students are exploring different genres of music and celebrating Black musicians for Black History Month. Younger grades are moving, grooving, and improvising to jazz and blues music, and older grades are being music producers like Timbaland and Dr. Dre! 4th and 5th graders will have a choice for which style they'd like to explore after learning about multiple different musicians in all genres.
K-2nd grade students will build their lego model and then explain the reasoning behind the model that he or she has built. Next week, our topic will be "Healthcare workers".
3-5th grade students will continue using the concept we learned recently: variables. Specifically, the variable’s value will be changed in the course of the game.
Buenos dias!
In the next lesson, students will learn about different types of weather and which type of clothing we need for each season.
Students will participate in a brief conversation and will complete a short written activity at the end of the lesson.
If you have any questions or concerns please let me know through Class-Dojo.
I wish you a very nice week.
Kindergarten and 1st grade:
The students will take a group quiz to respond to questions about the book in the series. They will then continue to listen to a series on E-books. During the lesson, students will predict and recite details about the main idea, plot, and characters.
2nd and 3rd grade:
The students will take a group quiz to respond to questions about the book in the series. The students will continue to recall facts from the E-book series to answer comprehension questions.
4th and 5th Grade:
The students will take a quiz, reviewing the past 3 weeks of lessons. We will review the answers and begin (4th grade) completing the online video cover. (5th grade) will review the instructional slides. Next week they will create an online video game cover that includes guidelines for positive social interaction.
Encourage students to read for 15 - 30 minutes 3-4 times a week and ask questions about what they are reading.
“Any book that helps a child to form a habit of reading, to make reading one of their deep and continuing needs, is good for them.” - Maya Angelou
This coming week, we will continue to reinforce craftsmanship, presentation, and reflection. Necessary materials include: sketchbooks/paper, pencils, and colored pencils or crayons. Fourth graders should bring scissors, glue, and construction (or colored) paper to the next few classes. There will be alternative options for those without access to these materials.
Creative Arts Team
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FAQs |
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