Administrative Announcements
Are YOU plugged in?
To the SchoolMax Family Portal?
Prince George's County Public Schools uses the SchoolMAX Student Information System to manage student data, including grades, attendance records, and schedules. Use the link below to access SchoolMax Family Portal where you can view your child's grades at any time.
To the PGCPS MobileApp?
Did you know there is a Prince George’s County Public School app which gives you a personalized window into what is happening at the district and schools. Download it and stay plugged in to your scholars grades, assignments, and attendance, etc. Brought to you by Blackboard Inc.
To our Website?
Stay up to date with school-wide news and upcoming events.
To our Newsletter?
Stay up to date with school-wide news, reminders and upcoming events. Find out what your scholar’s grade level is up to. Just click the link below and subscribe today!
Receiving Emails?
Are you receiving emails from your scholar(s) teacher(s), Mrs. Love, Mrs. Virgil, Ms. Powers, or Principal Fryson? If you have not received an email from at least one of the persons mentioned chances are we do not have your email or it needs to be updated. If your email needs to be updated or included please email Mrs. Virgil ( and Mrs. Love (
To ClassDojo?
ClassDojo is a classroom communication app used to share reports between parents and teachers. It connects parents and teachers on a student's conduct and performance through real-time reports during the school day. It also serves as a great platform to receive school-wide messages through the School Story. Check with your scholar(s) teacher to get a Class Code.
To MySchoolBucks?
- From the cafeteria to the classroom, pay anytime, anywhere from your computer or mobile phone.
- Track balances & purchases. View your student's meal purchases and current account balance at a glance. Have reminders sent when their balance gets low.
- Download the MySchoolBucks app and get convenient access to meal balances, purchases, and make payments right from your phone. Visit the link provided below to get signed up.
Ecola Virgil
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WE NEED YOU! Background and Fingerprinting Reminder/Update Information
This is a reminder if you want to VOLUNTEER in your child's class, the school building or chaperone on a field trip you MUST have a background check through Prince George's County Public Schools. Please see the attached flyer for additional and more detailed information.
- Undergo Security Process: scan of government-issued ID into Raptor Visitor Management System upon arrival to school in the front office
- Wear Raptor system badge for duration of visit
- Sign out at conclusion of visit
- Be escorted and under the supervision of PGCPS employee at all times
EXAMPLES: Parent-teacher conference or meeting, training, to observe or shadow a class, conference or event attendees; contractors
Go through PGCPS Security Process: Fingerprinting & CPS Clearance
- Undergo same process as outlined for Visitors (above)
- Undergo a fingerprint check - at least 15 business days in advance of volunteer activity
- Undergo a Child Protective Services (CPS) clearance - at least 15 business days in advance of volunteer activity
- Complete the required SafeSchools training modules each school year - prior to engaging in volunteer activity. (These trainings are MANDATORY for volunteers and staff)
- Upon completion of the training print a copy and email it to or bring/send a copy to the school.
Ecola Virgil
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Morning Drop Off Procedures
Parents, effective Monday, October 28, 2019 please be advised that parking and/or dropping off is off limits at our neighboring establishments such as our neighbor’s parking lot behind the school. Students should not be walked in between the car traffic. Please plan to use the most preferred method by driving through the drop off line or you may walk your student down the sidewalk beside our school building to drop off at the cafeteria doors.
Students SHOULD NOT be dropped off and left unattended behind the school at any time. It is considered abandonment. Please stay with your scholar until 7:35 AM when drop off begins.
Also, please remember that the car line morning drop off will close promptly at 7:53 AM to assure that all car riders are in the building by 7:55 AM.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Ecola Virgil
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Mesa Club
Welcome to the 2019-2020 Mesa club. Club attendance is mandatory. All students should register for the Johns Hopkins online website this week. Students may be dismissed from Mesa club if they miss two sessions or have two behavior infractions. Thank you for your dedication to STEM! Thank you for your support!
Mrs. Mccain-Wigfall
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Stem Fair time is approaching. Students should start thinking of possible topics for their STEM fair projects. All students are required to complete a STEM fair project. Third through fifth grade must complete a traditional STEM fair project following the scientific method. Lower elementary may select a traditional project or a Model, STEM Occupation, or STEM Person (K-2 only). Students will be working on STEM fair questions in Ecology. If your child turned in a Ecology journal they will need one. Stay tuned for a STEM information session announcement. We are excited to see all the amazing projects again this year.
STEM packets will be released soon!
CMIT STEM Committee
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SAVE THE DATE: Charter School Lottery opens 11/01/2019
The 2020–2021 lottery for Charter Schools opens to all on November 1, 2019!
For current parents, if your child has any siblings that are not currently enrolled into Chesapeake Math & IT North, you may also apply for the lottery starting November 1st. Please be mindful that a sibling is a brother or sister by blood, marriage, or adoption living in the same household (friends, cousins or two separate families living under the same roof do not qualify as siblings.)
The Lottery will close Saturday, January 25, 2020.
Please visit for more information.
Ecola Virgil
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Open House Dates
CMIT Elementary North will host an open house on the following dates:
Saturday, October 26, 2019 at 9 AM to 10 AM (session #1)
Saturday, December 14, 2019 at 9 AM to 10 AM (session #2)
Saturday, January 11, 2019 at 9 AM to 10 AM (session #3)
The open house will be open to the general public to allow perspective new parents to tour the school and learn about CMIT Elementary and the academic opportunities it has to offer. Be sure to share this information with friends and family.
Ecola Virgil
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Book Character Day
We are looking forward to CMIT North Elementary’s Book Character Day! This event will be held on Thursday, October 31, 2019.
Below please find the guidelines:
Students will need to pick a book that they know well. It should be appropriate for kids in Kindergarten through 5th Grades.
Students will choose a character from the book that they would like to be.
Students will dress up as a character. Be creative! **You do not have to spend money on an outfit or costume. You can create your own with items at home—as long as you are fully dressed and appropriate for school.**
Students will become the character for the day.
o Students should be prepared to take their book around during our in house "Book Character Day Parade", as a part of their costume.
o Students will bring the book to school or check it out from the media classroom/ community library ahead of time.
o Practice makes perfect! Find a mirror, family member or good friend to help you practice becoming your book character.
Ms. Morino (Reading/Social Studies Instructional Lead Teacher)
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Week of October 28th
Continue making sure that names are in your scholars sweaters and jackets. As we move into cooler months with cooler mornings, make sure that your scholar is dressed appropriately to have outdoor recess. Recess is at 9:25am and the temperature is still cool.
This week for ELA, we will learn about proper nouns, setting, creating lists, initial and final /s/ sound. The story of the week is Nature Spy.
This week we will have a spelling test on the latest sight words: a, to, have, is. Please work with your scholar on spelling these words.
In math, we will work on comparing groups of up to 10 objects, compare groups of 10 by counting, and compare numbers 1-10.
The students will take turns this week sharing their STEM Projects with their class. Grades for the projects will be returned the following week.
Keep an eye out for your scholars IXL usernames and passwords. They will be sent home with your scholar in the next week.
Upcoming Events and Dates:
October 31st, Character Day
November 5th, Last day of Quarter 1
November 6th, 3 hr Early Dismissal
November 11th, No School
November 27-29, No School
November?? Fall Harvest Party in the classroom. We will have a date for this next week.
The Kindergarten Team
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1st Grade
Next Week in First Grade
Reading - We will be reading "Bat Loves the Night" by Nicola Davies.
Reading skills: comparing, contrasting, author's purpose, nonfiction vs fiction
Phonics: long o, silent e
Math - We are continuing Chapter 14, which is using attributes to describe 2-D shapes.
Science - We are continuing our unit on Energy, focusing on heat, light, and sound.
Social Studies - We are learning about making choices in government (elections).
Health - We are continuing to learn about tobacco safety.
First Grade Team
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2nd Grade
2nd Grade News
We are coming off an amazing week in second grade!
Next week, we will be continuing our reading unit on working together! The question of the week will be, "How has working together changed history?" Throughout the week, we will focus on author's purpose and text structure. The spelling pattern for List A next week will be contractions. In math, we will be continuing topic 3. This topic focuses on adding within 100 using strategies.
As a reminder, it is recommended that students practice their basic addition and subtraction facts with flashcards regularly at home.
We will be going on our field trip to Clark's Elioak Farm on Tuesday 10/29. Students will need to bring lunch in a disposable bag. There will not be an option to buy lunch on the field trip.
**If you have not returned your child's permission slip and payment for the field trip, please do so by Monday. We will not be accepting these after Monday.**
Please continue to send your child to school in the correct school uniform. The only day children do not have to wear all black shoes is his/her PE day.
As always, if you have any questions, please contact your child's teacher via ClassDojo.
Have a great weekend and we will see everyone on Monday!
- The Second Grade Team
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3rd Grade
Third Grade News
We would like to give ALL our third grade Tigers a shout out for coming to school each day ready to learn and willing to share their ideas with their peers and teachers.
We urge that scholars continue to pay attention to their homework sheets from both classes. Scholars should be writing their name and date on any work to be submitted. All homework should be turned in and completed on time.
This week in Math, students will be finishing up the Multiplication Unit and taking the Unit Test the week of November 11. In Science, students will also finish up the unit on weather. In Reading, students will be using details from the text to identify the main idea. In Social Studies, students will review characteristics of the three types of communities by presenting community projects.
Parent Teacher Conferences will be held on November 11th, 2019. A Sign-Up Genius will be sent out for parents to sign up to conference with their scholar's teachers.
Important Dates to Remember
October 26 Health Awareness Day- Sign Up links below
November 2 Culture Fest- Please come out and support the CLF community. We will have a great time. You don't want to miss it!
November 11 Parent Teacher Conferences
Let's have a great week on purpose!
Third Grade Team
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4th Grade
First Quarter Updates
First Quarter Projects and Book Report Projects have started. Please see Class Dojo and the assignment sheets for the appropriate due dates and rubrics. LATE PROJECTS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.
Please keep in mind the school day starts at 7:35am, students should be dropped off prior to 7:55am.
Next week in RELA, students will be practicing main idea and details while reading "Letters Home From Yosemite." This week students participated in goal setting and created an Action Plan to make their Winter MAP Reading Goal.
In science, we worked on completing our Science Skills unit. We talked about how to collect data and display it using graphing. We will be working on using the Design Process skills. This will help with our quarter project.
In Math we will continue to work on multiplication up to 4 digits. Students should continue to login to IXL for 30 minutes nightly or until mastery. Students should be gaining fluency in their math facts up to 12.
-Mrs. Michaela Moon, Fourth Grade Lead, Green Team Lead, Green Kiwanis Club Sponsor
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5th Grade
5th Grade Newsletter
Hello parents!
We made it to the last week of October! Hurray! Here is a glance at next week.
In math, students will have a Unit exam on Topics 1-4 on Tuesday 10/28. This will cover place value, rounding, adding and subtracting decimals, using models, and multiplying multi digit numbers using the box method. The tools students can use to study are, past Pearson assignments, their notebooks, IXL practice ( this does not need to be assigned, they can go on it whenever), and flashcards made in class.
As for Science, next week students will have a Chapter 6 test on Space on Wednesday 10/29. Students can bring home their science workbook and flashcards to study. The following week we will begin Chapter 5 “The Water Cycle and Weather.” Currently, students are preparing for the FAST (Science) exam.
Next week, students in ELA will move into Unit 2 which talks about Doing the Right Thing. We will read the story "At the Beach'' and work on comparing and contrasting stories. Students will also work on identifying and sorting digraphs. We have concluded with our first quarter novel "Frindle" and will be taking the final test on this novel.
Social Studies: Students will move into Unit 2 of our lessons. We will be learning about how technology shaped settlers explorations to and through the Americas. Students will learn about the tools settlers used to explore and better navigate through the sea.
Please ensure that all study materials such as flashcards and notebooks are returned to class after use in the home environment.
October 29 Math Unit test, Topic 1-4
October 30 Science Test, Chapter 6, Space
October 31- Character Book Dress Up Day
Math and Science Monthly project due
November 4- October book projects due
November 5- End of first quarter
November 6- 3 hour early dismissal
Please check SchoolMax weekly. Thank you for all of your continued support for our students and holding them accountable for their grades, homework, and punctuality to class in the morning! Cheers!
5th Grade Team
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PTO Announcements
Hey Tiger Family!
The PTO would like to say a big THANK YOU to all of the Dads & Dudes who came out for Donuts with Dads & Dudes in celebration of Men Make a Difference Day. We had over 250 Dads and Dudes come and have breakfast with their scholars and visit their scholar's classrooms! We also got to hear from many of our scholars about what their Dads & Dudes meant to them. It was wonderful to see our scholars utilize their public speaking skills and even more wonderful to see the Dads & Dudes beaming with pride as their scholar's spoke about them. And of course the event wouldn't have been a success without our amazing team of volunteers!!!
We'd also like to say thank you to all of the parents who came out to the PTO meeting on Wednesday, October 23rd. We had a great turnout of over 45 parents attend the meeting in person, along with many other parents attending via Facebook Live. A highlight of the meeting was our "I wish I would have known..." segment of the meeting. Parents were able to hear insight from parents of scholars in older grades, as well as teachers, about tips that can be used to help their scholars succeed in school this year. The comments were very informative and will hopefully help parents look ahead to consider how to help their scholar succeed as they matriculate through CMIT!
Upcoming Events:
October 26: Health Awareness & Fitness Day, Registration:
November 1: Giving Tree Kickoff
November 13: Chick Fil A Spirit Night
November 22: Chuck E Cheese Spirit Night
December 9-13: Holiday Shop
Keep in touch with other parents in your scholar's grades with Facebook! The parent Facebook groups for each grade are:
K: CMIT North Kindergarten Parents
1st: CMIT North 1st Grade Parents
2nd: CMIT North 2nd Grade Parents
3rd: CMIT North 3rd Grade Parents
4th: CMIT North ES Class of 2021
5th: Class of 2020 CMIT ES Parents
CMIT Elementary PTO
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