Covid Information - Please Read
Parents, Please send all communication re: COVID symptoms, tests, and quarantine to Mrs. O’Brien at She will make sure the information gets to the right place and that you are notified of the next steps.
If your student is experiencing any one of the following symptoms, please keep them at home. We are in the cold and flu season and want to keep the safety of our
students and staff at the forefront.
Fever of 100.4 or higher
● sore throat
● cough
● difficulty breathing
● diarrhea or vomiting
● new loss of taste or smell
● new onset of severe headache (especially with fever)
Angie O'Brien
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Principal Updates
Please read over the attached letter with important information.
Angie O'Brien
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Checking Student Grades Weekly
Please check your student's grades through the parent portal every Tuesday evening as grades are updated Tuesday mornings at the latest. This will continue to help us work together to ensure all CSP students are successful. Mr. Jefferson also encourages you to contact teachers if you have questions about assignments or your student needs support. Teachers have help days one hour weekly after school.
Angie O'Brien
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November Calendar of Events
If you like to have a printed view of events, you can print out the attached calendar for November.
Angie O'Brien
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Two-hour Late Arrival - November 22
Due to parent/teacher conferences scheduled for Monday, November 22, students will have a two-hour late arrival on this day. I have attached a copy of the schedule for this day.
Angie O'Brien
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Report Card Distribution - November 23
All parents will be emailed their child's report card on Tuesday, November 23. Please take the time to look over this information with your children.
Angie O'Brien
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Two-hour Early Dismissal - November 23
Due to parent/teacher conferences scheduled for Tuesday, November 23, students will have a two-hour early dimissal on this day. I have attached a copy of the schedule for this day.
Angie O'Brien
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Parent/Teacher Conferences - November 22-23
Parent/teacher conferences scheduled for November 22-23 are by invite only. If there is a need to have a conference, you will be notified .
Angie O'Brien
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Thanksgiving Holiday - November 24-26
All schools and central offices will be closed for the Thanksgiving holiday on November 24-26. Normal school hours will resume on Monday, November 29.
Angie O'Brien
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Repeat-Free School
Hi CSP Parents,
Please see below regarding details on Chesapeake Science Point's NO REPEAT policy. If you have questions and/or concerns regarding this matter, please reach out to your child's school counselor.
CSP continues to provide a rigorous and quality education to all students. It has always been our goal to improve upon past practices, find new ways to engage students and make learning something students enjoy. We also believe that high school students need to put forth that same effort in order to become successful adults; therefore, CSP is Repeat Free. If a student receives an E in a required high school course, the class will have to be repeated in an alternate program such as summer school, evening school and twilight school. These programs are available for students to make up credits in courses that they were not successful in the first time; classes at CSP are for students taking them for original credit. If a student does not make up the failed class in one of these alternative programs, there is a chance that we will not be able to schedule the student for the classes required for graduation and the student will have to take classes at CSP for more than four years.
CSP Counseling Department
Mrs. Shepherd ( & Mrs. Siwicki (
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Early Dismissal / Late Arrival days
There are several two-hour early dismissals and late arrival days worked into the calendar this year.
On two-hour early dismissal days, all car riders will exit the school building no later than 1:05 pm. Parents must pick their children up on time as there will be no supervision outside. The two-hour early dismissals are typically planned so that staff can participate in professional development.
On two-hour late arrival days, all car riders are to be dropped off between 10:00-10:15 am. Students are to be in class in their seats and ready to start the day at 10:20 am.
There is a copy of the two-hour late arrival and early dismissal schedules attached for your reference.
Angie O'Brien
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Visitors Must Have Appointment
Given that we remain in a pandemic and our focus must be on the instruction of our students, visitors to our school will be permitted only on a limited basis and only by appointment. We ask that families and community members work with us to help fulfill our main goal: to keep the school open and fully functioning in the safest manner possible throughout the school year.
● If you need to schedule an appointment and are unsure whom to contact, please email Ms. Obrien AOBRIEN@MYCSP.ORG, and she will assist you. As much as we miss you
all visiting the building, we are unable to honor that request at this time.
● If you are visiting the building, you must park in a parking space. Please do not park on the curb outside the main entrance.
Angie O'Brien
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Drawstring Bags & Water Bottles
Drawstring Bags Water Bottles - Students are permitted and encouraged to bring a water bottle and drawstring bag with them to school each day. Drawstring bags are allowed to be carried throughout the day without having to be placed in the locker like backpacks.
Angie O'Brien
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Catching tigers showing their PRIDE!
Congratulations to the following students who all received a positive behavior referral from their grade level teams. Keep up the great work!
6th Grade
Dylan Morgan
7th Grade
Izzy Martin
8th Grade
Lily Mobley
Julian Laroche
Congrats again!
Thank you! Administration
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Classroom Guidance and Advisory Lessons
Mrs. Shepherd and Mrs. Siwicki meet quarterly with all students through classroom guidance lessons. At this time, these lessons are conducted through Google Classroom. Please make sure that your child has access to his/her Classroom Guidance class. If there is a concern, please have your child reach out to his/her counselor.
The counselors use the Naviance platform with high school students as well. High school Advisory classes are also conducted through Naviance. Please make sure that your high school student has login access to Naviance. Again, any concerns can be brought to the attention of your child's counselor.
Thank you for your support as we engage students with informative and relational lessons.
CSP Counseling Team
Mrs. Siwicki: A-L Grades 6-12 (
Mrs. Shepherd: M-Z Grades 6-12 (
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National Scholarship Month!
November is National Scholarship Month. Sponsored by National Scholarship Providers Association (NSPA), National Scholarship Month® (NSM) is about building an awareness of scholarships. Whether you are a scholarship provider, an institution of higher education, a student, a parent, or a business, National Scholarship Month is a way for all of us to celebrate our work and our common goal of helping all students get to and through college.
National Scholarship Month was established in 1998 by Scholarship America (formerly, Citizens’ Scholarship Foundation of America). It provides recognition to communities, organizations, and businesses in the scholarship industry and serves to encourage others to step forward and join this movement to improve educational opportunities and educational achievement around the world.
CLF joins NSPA in their mission to help our community navigate the landscape of college and scholarships!
Make sure to check all CLF social media for updates and tips!
Twitter: @CLF_CLF
Instagram: @ChesapeakeLighthouseFoundation
FB: @CLFPublicCharters
CLF Communications Team
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USNA & St. Johns College TOURS for middle & high school students
CSP Counseling Department
Mrs. Shepherd ( & Mrs. Siwicki (
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Hi Juniors & Seniors!
It’s no secret that most college applications require you to submit your SAT or ACT score, making taking the exam an absolute must. In addition to it being a requirement, colleges and universities receive thousands of applications every year. The scores on the SAT and ACT allow them to narrow down the playing field and make decisions on acceptance.
In addition to your college applications, your SAT and ACT scores can be used to apply for scholarships. These are sometimes merit based scholarships, granted directly from your choice of college during the application process. Others may be from local, state, or regional programs where your grades, academic achievements, and score affect your eligibility.
We wanted to stress the importance of taking the SAT and/or ACT more than once. Studies show that students typically receive a higher score the second time they sit for the test. It would be most beneficial to take the SAT and/or ACT your junior year, then again your senior year. If you receive free or reduced lunch, you qualify for a fee waiver. The counselors have them available in their offices.
Please see attachment for 2021-22 testing dates. You may register for the SAT on
See your counselor with any additional questions.
CSP Counseling Department
Mrs. Shepherd ( & Mrs. Siwicki (
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AACC Dual Credit
Any student who wishes to receive high school credit for any dual credit AACC class they have taken must present an official transcript from AACC to their counselor. The Registrar’s Office at AACC can assist you with obtaining an official transcript.
If you have any questions, please contact your counselor.
CSP Counseling Department
Mrs. Shepherd ( & Mrs. Siwicki (
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Sending along your bi-weekly reminder to fill out the FAFSA form for you senior if you haven't yet. Even if you feel your family doesn't qualify for aid - your child will NOT be considered for ACADEMIC scholarships if you do not fill out the FAFSA form. Please see additional information below!
What is the FAFSA form?
Before each year of college, apply for federal grants, work-study, and loans with the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form. Your college uses your FAFSA data to determine your federal aid eligibility. Many states and colleges use FAFSA data to award their own aid. After submission, you’ll receive your Student Aid Report.
Review Your Aid Offer
Your aid offer explains the types and amounts of aid a college is offering you, and your expected costs for the year. If you’ve been accepted to multiple colleges, compare the costs and aid offers. Accept the aid from the school that's best for you and inform them of other sources of aid (such as scholarships) you expect to receive.
Get Your Aid
Time to go to school! Your financial aid office will apply your aid to the amount you owe your school and send you the remaining balance to spend on other college costs. One of the requirements to maintain financial aid eligibility is that you must make satisfactory academic progress. And don’t forget to complete a FAFSA® form each year!
Federal Student Aid staff members have been busy updating FAFSA resources for you. You'll find resources, updates, and talking points on the Financial Aid Toolkit site. For links to popular FAFSA materials, visit
If you have questions regarding the FAFSA form, please reach out to Renee Booker (financial aid advisor from AACC) at
CSP Counseling Department
Mrs. Shepherd ( & Mrs. Siwicki (
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Please see attachment in regards to deadline dates for colleges. If the school(s) you are interested in are not listed on this excel sheet, please go to the schools website and look up "application deadlines."
Many Early Action & Early Decision deadlines are Nov 1, Nov 15th or December 1st.
Please be sure that your application is completed ON TIME! If you have questions, see your counselor.
ED applicants
-Apply early (usually in November) to first-choice college.
-Receive an admission decision from the college well in advance of the usual notification date (usually by December).
-Agree to attend the college if accepted and offered a financial aid package that is considered adequate by the family.
-Apply to only one college early decision.
-Apply to other colleges under regular admission plans.
-Withdraw all other applications if accepted by ED.
-Send a nonrefundable deposit well in advance of May 1.
EA applicants
-Apply early.
-Receive an admission decision early in the admission cycle (usually in January or February).
-Consider acceptance offer; do not have to commit upon receipt.
-Apply to other colleges under regular admission plans.
-Give the college a decision no later than the May 1 national response date.
CSP Counseling Department
Mrs. Shepherd ( & Mrs. Siwicki (
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$40,000 YEARLY SCHOLARSHIP - Gettysburg College
The Gettysburg College - Gilder Lehrman Institute History Scholarship is a $5,000 annual award designed to recognize outstanding first-year applicants who are interested in studying history. A separate application is required.
Additionally, the application for the Eisenhower Scholarship ($40,000 annually) is now open. Please share the Eisenhower Scholarship application with your students who have a strong commitment to community and civic engagement.
Gettysburg College recognizes students’ academic achievement in high school by awarding additional academic merit scholarships under Early Decision and Regular Decision. Decisions on merit scholarship recipients are made as part of the admissions process. All students, including those who apply test optional, are considered.
As always, please feel free to reach out to me or my staff with questions about Gettysburg College and our application process.
Best wishes,
Gail Sweezey
Dean of Admissions
She | Her | Hers
Gettysburg College | Office of Admissions
300 North Washington Street | Gettysburg, PA 17325
Phone: 717.337.6100 or 800.431. 0803| Fax: 717.337.6145 | Visit Campus | Apply
CSP Counseling Department
Mrs. Shepherd ( & Mrs. Siwicki (
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Online winter break pre-college courses - Georgetown University
CSP Counseling Department
Mrs. Shepherd ( & Mrs. Siwicki (
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Hispanic Heritage Foundation Grant opportunity
The Hispanic Heritage Foundation’s (HHF) 2021 Youth Awards educational grants program is accepting applications until Sunday, November 14th. The 23rd Annual Youth Awards will award students who are the graduating Class of 2022 with up to $4000 in educational grants to fund their higher education or to fund a community-based project.
Recipients will be selected for their accomplishments in the classroom, community, and for their excellence in various educational categories. Recipients will be celebrated at virtual ceremonies, in the following categories:
Business & Entrepreneurship
Community Service
Green Sustainability
Healthcare & Science
Media & Entertainment
Public Service & Social Justice
Sports & Fitness
To be considered, students must meet the following criteria:
Be currently enrolled in high school and graduating in the spring of 2022
Must have a minimum unweighted 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale or 7.5 on a 10.0 scale
Must enroll at an accredited higher education institution in 2022-2023
Be of Hispanic heritage (includes Spain, Brazil, Philippines)
If selected, attendance to virtual ceremony is mandatory
Students can apply at
CSP Counseling Team
Mrs. Siwicki: A-L Grades 6-12 (
Mrs. Shepherd: M-Z Grades 6-12 (
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Scholarships with Nov deadlines
CSP Counseling Department
Mrs. Shepherd ( & Mrs. Siwicki (
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The AFCEA CMD Chapter has scholarships to offer to graduating high school seniors who will pursue a college education starting in the fall of 2022.
Make sure they submit an application! The deadline for submissions are fast approaching!
Materials are available on the AFCEA CMD Chapter website and have also been distributed to high schools in Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Carroll, Howard, and Prince George’s Counties as well as Baltimore City.
This year we are offering three scholarships: STEM (which has several options), Morgenstern STEM Community College, and Chrissy Bobb STEM Community College. Each scholarship has its own criteria and requirements. Check them out on our website.
You can find an overview of all of these STEM scholarships and a link to each scholarship and the application link at
Applications consist of an online form to be completed as well as materials that must be provided separately including letters of recommendation, transcripts, and test scores.
Deadline for application submittals is December 20, 2021!
For any questions or if you need additional information, please contact
CSP Counseling Department
Mrs. Shepherd ( & Mrs. Siwicki (
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University of Delaware Virtual Fashion Open House
Step into the life of a UD Blue Hen fashionista and learn about fashion design and fashion merchandising!
Students are invited to attend the University of Delaware Virtual Fashion Open House hosted by the UD Department of Fashion and Apparel Studies.
Participating students and counselors will have the opportunity to:
Meet with faculty and current studies and hear their experiences and advice
Learn about department majors, minors and experiential learning opportunities
Gain insight into scholarship and study abroad opportunities
WHEN: You choose! Today, Nov. 16 @ 5 p.m. OR Tuesday, Jan. 11 @ 5 p.m.
WHERE: Zoom (Click this link and use the passcode: UDFASH)
WHO: High school juniors and seniors
RSVP TO: Cissy Kelly at (Or hit reply to this email!)
QUESTIONS: Email Cissy Kelly at or call (302)-831-8713
Connect with the UD Department of Fashion online through our website, our Instagram or on Facebook to learn more about life as a Blue Hen fashion student
CSP Counseling Department
Mrs. Shepherd ( & Mrs. Siwicki (
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Registration Ends Friday!
If you miss the December exam your first chance to test in 2022 will be February 12.
November 19 is the late registration deadline for the ACT test on December 11.
If you would like to sign up go to
CSP Counseling Department
Mrs. Shepherd ( & Mrs. Siwicki (
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Carnegie Mellon University: Summer Pre-College Programs
Carnegie Mellon University:
Summer Pre-College Programs
We are in-person for the summer of 2022, and our application is open!
For over 100 years, Carnegie Mellon has offered students unique and hands-on educational programs from the fine arts to technology and everything in between. Through Carnegie Mellon's Pre-College Programs, rising juniors and seniors in high school have the opportunity to experience a world-class education on a beautiful, vibrant college campus. Our programs prepare them for their upcoming college experience, help them narrow their career focus, and build critical knowledge and skills.
Pre-College Programs* - Summer of 2022
Architecture: Introduces design practice, creative problem solving, and critical thinking through a matrix of programming, celebrating curiosity and providing a strong foundation for architectural education. (4- and 6-week program options)
Art: Uses both traditional tools and cutting-edge technologies to explore creative ideas in a college-level studio environment. Students develop both conceptual and technical skills preparing them for a wide range of opportunities in both art studies and careers. (3- and 6-week program options)
Computational Biology: Provides extensive training in both cutting-edge laboratory experiments to generate biological data and the computational analysis of that data. Uses real-world scenarios for exploration. (3-week program)
Design: Introduces students to the discipline of Design, provides a foundation of skills, and gives a clear idea of what to expect from a college-level accredited program. (6-week program)
Drama: Prepares students for the college audition and interview process, illustrating the kind of creativity and discipline required of students studying a Bachelor of Fine Arts Drama curriculum. Students you will be introduced to the intensity of a top-rated undergraduate conservatory experience. (6-week program)
Music: Immerses high school students in a world-class conservatory experience within an internationally recognized university. The program mirrors the first weeks of Carnegie Mellon’s first-year undergraduate School of Music curriculum. (3- and 6-week program options)
National High School Game Academy: Allows high school students to experience modern video game development using industry-standard technology. Students interested in art, music and audio, game design, and software development are encouraged to apply for this interdisciplinary program. (6-week program)
Summer Session: Provides high school students with the opportunity to take summer courses offered by Carnegie Mellon. Students earn college credit while working in an academic setting that mirrors the supportive, rigorous environment of the first year of college. (6-week program)
Writing & Culture: Students explore film, art, and culture through historical and contemporary lenses. Students learn to think critically, express thoughts creatively, and write effectively for college and beyond. (6-week program)
*Limited scholarships available for programs above.
No-Cost Pre-College Programs - Summer of 2022
AI4All @ Carnegie Mellon: Provides opportunities for students who have been historically excluded in STEM to study artificial intelligence with full-time faculty, staff, and researchers who are leaders in the field. (3-week program)
Computer Science Scholars: Provides students who have historically been excluded in the field of computer science an opportunity to explore the field of computer science with full-time faculty, staff and researchers who are leaders in the field. (4-week program)
Summer Academy for Math and Science: Allows students from underrepresented communities to develop a deeper understanding of STEM via traditional classroom instruction, hands-on projects, and sustained engagement with world-renowned faculty and skilled staff mentors. (rising seniors only, 6-week program)
To learn more about our programs, please register for one of our information sessions or contact us with questions.
Please share these opportunities and our online application with your students and families!
Marjorie Conner Dawkins
Assistant Director, Enrollment Management
Carnegie Mellon's Pre-College Programs
CSP Counseling Department
Mrs. Shepherd ( & Mrs. Siwicki (
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Winter Sports Information
Winter Sports Tryout Information
1. All students who wish to tryout are required to be registered in FamilyID, with a current 2021 physical exam.
2. Schedules will be distributed by the coaching staff, or you can see a complete game schedule on the website.
Basketball (Boys Varsity and Boys/Girls JV)
Monday, November 15- Friday, November 19
CSP Gymnasium
7321 Parkway Drive S, Hanover, MD 21076
Indoor Track
Monday-Thursday 11/15-11/18
Old Mill Stadium Track
341-359 Shetland Square, Millersville, MD 21108
Tuesday 11/16 and Thursday 11/18
CSP Cafeteria
7321 Parkway Drive S, Hanover, MD 21076
Mr. Smith
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Winter Sports Team Pictures
Lifetouch Photographers will be at CSP on Wednesday 12/15 to take Team Pictures in the gymnasium. All students should bring their uniforms to school for pictures.
Indoor Track- 3:00-3:20
Basketball- 3:20-3:45
Cheerleading- 3:45-4:00
Mr. Smith
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Indoor Track Information
Indoor Track Information
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
CSP Cafeteria and Hallways
All competitions are at PGSLC (8001 Sheriff Rd, Landover, MD 20785)
A bus will take them to the competition at 2:30pm, and bring them back to CSP around 6:00pm.
Dates: 12/13, 12/20, 12/28, 1/7, 1/17, 1/19
Students must register at Registration closes 11/29/
Mr. Smith
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FAQs |
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