End of the First Quarter
Grades for the first quarter will be final after Tuesday, November 1. Parents are asked to review Schoolmax grades with their students and then contact relevant teachers for questions.
Mr. AG Principal
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Prospective Students Information Sessions
CMIT South will be holding two open house sessions for parents of students who are interested in applying to the lottery for CMIT South. This sessions will hold as follows: Friday November 18, 2016 @ 6:30pm Saturday December 10, 2016 @ 9:00am Sign up by clicking here: encourage all prospective families to join us for this event. We will be discussing our instructional program and offerings. Hope to see you there.
Lara Asafa
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Lottery Opens for PGCPS PCS for 2017-2018
Prince George’s County Public Schools (PGCPS) public charter schools will be accepting online applications for the 2017-2018 school year starting November 01, 2016.
All Prince George’s County families can apply to a public charter school, as there are no attendance boundaries assigned to charter schools. Interested families must complete the online application for each child they wish to enroll.
Prospective public charter school families must ensure that the students has a PGCPS student ID to apply. If your student does not have a PGCPS ID, please visit your neighborhood school to get one.
Lara Asafa
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UMD Representative Visit to CMIT- South
Mr. Anthony Robinson,Associate Director of Admissions and Diversity Initiatives of University of Maryland (UMD) visited our school last week. Mr.Robinson gave a presentation to our 9th graders and talked about general admission process, how to get prepared for college applications as a 9th graders, and programs that UMD offers.
Students had time to ask questions and gather valuable information about UMD and what UMD offers for its students. This was an wonderful opportunity for our students to have candid, face-to-face conversations with Mr.Robinson, to learn more about the campus experience and potentially arrange future visits and conversations.
Taner Budiyar Program Coordinator
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October SIS Reward Event
Next week, November 3rd & November 4th, students who earned a positive balance for the month of October will be able to participate in a waffle breakfast. Breakfast will be held in the cafeteria from 7:35-8:00 a.m. Students can only attend if they have their pass with them.
11/3 Sixth Grade & Eighth Grade 11/4 Seventh Grade & Ninth Grade
Students will be notified of their eligibility early next week and receive their pass for breakfast.
Mrs. Gearhart, Program Coordinator
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Looking for a Parent Liason
Parents the last day to submit your contact information regarding your interest to serve a university parent liason is Wednesday November 2nd. All interested candidates should submit your name, email, and university you wish to represent to and/ or (add Debbie's high school rep email)
All candidates will be notified regarding a pending collaboration meeting with both the middle school and high school rep where we will annouce the parent representative for each university and work together to determine our proposed communication process between the parent body and PTO.
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Scholars of the Week
CMIT South recognizes Scholars who completed each week with the highest SIS balance.
Student Support Specialists Dr. Green-Reed and Dr. Seton presented "pick your casual day" passes to the following students for the week of October 3:
- Scholars of the Week for middle school: Elijah (FAMU), James (Hampton), Briana (FAMU)
- Scholars of the Week for high school: Myles (Brown), Sydney (Duke), Mikayla (Georgetown)
Congratulations and continue to model the exemplary behavior.
Mr. AG Principal
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SGA's Middle School Fall Social!
In Lieu of a School Dance, SGA has decided to host a Fall Social Event on Friday November 18th 2016.
Admission will be $5 for the event. Tickets will be sold both in advance during school lunches on November 14th and 16th as well as at the door. Ticket price will increase to $7 at the door of the event.
Admission Cost will include Ping Pong Basketball Karaoke (Provided by the Hand Family) Face-painting 1 slice of pizza (while supplies last) and 1 scoop of ice cream (while supplies last) Relay Games and other yard games such as the 3 legged race, ladder-ball, jump rope, and hula hoops A movie (showing in the cafeteria. Fortune Telling by Madame Hand Soccer Dribbling.
Available for additional Purchase at the event Candy/ Chips/ Snacks/ Soda 50/50 Raffle Tickets (Drawing at 6:30pm in the cafeteria)
Kelly Fay
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Middle School Girls Basketball Second Try-Out Saturday Oct. 29th
Dear CMIT-S Parents and Girls Basketball Players,
We will be having a second try-out for those girls interested in trying out for the CMIT-S girls basketball team this Saturday Oct. 29th from 9-10:30 in the gym. Students must turn in their physical form before trying out. Students who have not turned in their physical form will not be allowed to try-out.
Ms. Warehime, Girls Basketball Coach
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Student Service Learning Opportunities
Weed Warrior Work Days Whitemarsh Park, 100 White Marsh Park Dr, Bowie, MD 20715 Oct 29th, 2016, 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. City of Bowie’s Green Team is in need of volunteers to help remove English ivy from Whitemarsh Park. As an invasive, non-native plant, English ivy spreads quickly and easily, and is very destructive to native ecosystems. This is an outdoor activity that requires cutting the ivy vines at eye-level and foot-level, then pulling them back about two feet from the base of the tree to bag them. To participate, please register by contacting Kristin Larson (, 301-809-3044). This is a great Student Service Learning opportunity. Children age 14 and younger must be under the direct supervision of a parent/guardian or Troop Leader at all times, and no volunteers under age 16 can use tools but may participate by pulling and bagging vines. Tiffany Wright (Watershed Manager for the City of Bowie) or Kristin Larson (Sustainability Planner for the City of Bowie) will sign off on service learning hours for students at the event. Come volunteer with UMD College of Agriculture and Natural Resources at the Sheridan Street and Field of Greens Community Gardens! We are looking for 80 volunteers to join us at our 3rd Annual Winter Work Day. We invite families, students, faculty, and staff to come out and help us clear plots, weed, compost and plant bulbs for the Spring. Community Service hours will be granted to all students who attend and we will provide morning snacks and lunch. Location: 6200 Sheridan Street, East Riverdale, MD 20737. Ready to Register? Visit to sign up! Have a group of people, you can also RSVP with an approximate number directly to Attire? Come dressed in old sneakers, rain boots, and clothes you don't mind getting dirty, we'll provide the gloves, if you need 'em. If you have questions, please contact: Michelle Nelson, Urban Agriculture Coordinator at or 301-776-2809 x706
Ms. Warehime, School Counselor
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Picture Day
Picture day is scheduled for Thursday, November 10th!
All students are required to wear their CMIT-South uniform oxford and tie on picture day.
Please note that these pictures are also used as their yearbook photo. All students will have their picture taken even if you are not purchasing a package from Lifetouch.
Lacy Holland-Wallace Picture Day Coordinator
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Ms. Fay's Science Class.
We completed our unit on Phases of Matter and Changes of State this week (Chapter 2.1-2.2).
We also began our new unit on Atoms and the Periodic table (Chapter 3). This unit will be continued in the coming weeks.
Remember! All Students are expected to turn in a STEM or Makers Fair Research Paper Rough Draft on Monday Oct 31 at 7:30am in the proper assignment on edmodo. Remember that all papers need to be submitted as a .PDF file.
Kelly Fay
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Mr. Davidson's Science News
Hello scientists and families,
All grading should be done no later than Saturday night. I'm currently inputting all of this semester's extra credit into an assignment on Schoolmax. Please make sure that those STEM and Maker Rough Drafts get to me on Edmodo by Monday morning!
As always, feel free to email me at bdavidson@cmitsouth with concerns or questions.
Brian Davidson
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UPenn, Columbia, and Dartmouth SS Classes
The seventh graders wrapped up their study of Unit 1 by presenting their Human Rights Ads. Next week they will start learning about religion, culture, and conflict (Unit 2). Please make sure that all students have a two pocket homework folder, section in their binder for Social Studies, and a Social Studies Journal. They may use a composition book or one subject notebook. Finally, please make sure that all students bring pencils to class each day.
Ebony Fowlkes
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Sixth Grade Social Studies
This week the sixth graders wrapped up their study of Unit 1. Next week all students will start learning about cultural systems in North America (Unit 2). Please make sure that students have a two pocket homework folder, section in their binder for Social Studies, and a Social Studies Journal. They may use a composition book or one subject notebook. Finally, please make sure that all students bring pencils to class each day.
Ebony Fowlkes
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ITEC – Information Technology Early College Program
What is ITEC? The Information Technology Early College program, also known as ITEC, refers to a dual enrollment program jointly offered through Prince George's Community College (PGCC) and Chesapeake Math and IT Academy. This program responds to the identified need to increase opportunities for high school students to earn college credits and/or industry certifications in STEM fields. By offering dual enrollment courses, academic and career counseling, and professional development all supported by an innovative Virtual Learning Lab, students entering the ninth grade have an opportunity to graduate with an associate degree in information technology upon graduation from high school & COLLEGE DEBT FREE! - The ITEC Program is designed to enroll students in grades 9–12. - The current ITEC dual enrollment curriculum follows a track of the PGCC Information Technology A.A.S. in which students take courses that result in multiple industry certifications. - Students have the opportunity to graduate at the end of four years with a high school diploma and an associate degree in Information Technology. - To be considered for admission to the ITEC Program, rising 9th grade CMIT students must demonstrate academic readiness based upon Accuplacer exam scores. What is ITEC’s Mission? The mission of this early college project is to transform students' lives by providing them with innovative, rigorous learning, training, and career experiences that meet and exceed industry standards. See the ITEC program introduction video for more details: Q: How can I apply for ITEC Program? A: 8th grade students are invited to fill out an application form for PGCC’s Accuplacer exam every year. Application and testing timeline will be announced in weekly school newsletters. The testing takes place in Spring. Q: How do I prepare for Accuplacer? A: Many resources and test prep materials are available on internet. is the official website with sample questions. Q: If I do not score high enough to be in the program, may I retake the Accuplacer? A: No, ITEC program allows prospective ITEC students to test only once. Q: If I cannot get into the program in 9th grade, can I retake Accuplacer to start ITEC in the 10th grade? A: No, ITEC program requires students to start in 9th grade only. Q: If I missed the Accuplacer test for any reason, can I just go to campus and apply, take Accuplacer? A: No, ITEC Program has certain dates where PGCC reserves their testing office for CMIT schools only. Those are the only dates that are announced and available. Students must fill out the application forms that are provided by CMIT South. Students are also required to sign up for a testing date and follow the instructions once they are posted on the school newsletter. Q: Who pays tuition and textbooks for ITEC? A: CMIT South / CLF. Q: How many credits will I be able to complete through the program? A: Students may complete up to 60 credits before graduating from high school. Q: Do I need to come early or leave late to take those college courses? A: College courses are dual enrollment credits; students earn a high school credit while earning a college credit. Q: Who teaches those classes? A: PGCC instructors teach the classes with the same syllabus as they use for college students.
Mr. AG Principal
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6th Grade November Book of the Month
This is just a friendly reminder to make sure you have the November Book of the Month, "The Great Fire" by Jim Murphy by Monday, October 31, 2016.
There is no free PDF copy of the book.
ALL 6th grade classes must have this November Book of the Month.
Hakisha Newman, M.Ed., M.A. 6th Grade RELA Teacher MS RELA Department Chair CMIT South Room 150
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STEM and Makers Faire Deadlines
Tuesday Oct 25th by 11:59pm. All Resubmissions will have been reviewed with feedback provided. Final day to gain approval for a project in order to complete the Research paper rough draft assignment for a grade.
Monday Oct 31st at 7:30am. Research Paper Rough Draft Due (100 Points Assessment) for all students (students who do not have approved projects by 10.25.16 will receive a zero). Data collection, or project completion are not required for the rough draft.
Wednesday December 21st at 7:30am- Research Paper Final Draft (100 Points Assessment) due for all students to reading and science teachers. (Students who do not have approved projects by 12.01.16 will receive a zero).
Friday January 6th 2017- IN CLASS- Students turn in a STEM Fair Project Tri- fold board or a presentation pamphlet or poster for their makers faire project. (100 Points Assessment). (Students who are not approved by 12.01 will receive a zero)
Friday January 13th 2017- Students compete in the in house STEM / Makers fair at CMIT South.
ALL STEM and Makers Fair project components will be graded on the original submission, resubmissions are not permitted for an increase in grade.
Kelly Fay
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Enrichment Drop In Services
Kevin Young
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Parent Shadowing
Dear Parents/Guardians:
CMIT-South requests you provide us 24-hour notice if you would like to shadow your child for a day. The request should be sent to:
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...and received within our operating office hours of 7:30 AM - 3:00 PM, if you would like to shadow the following day.
Included in the subject line of your email should be Parent Shadow, name of your child (University). The body of your email should be your name and the date(s) you wish to shadow. Also please include specific classes you would like to shadow if not all.
Your email request will be processed accordingly when received in a timely manner. You will receive a return email if this request cannot be accommodated for reasons such as testing, for example.
CMIT South Front Office
Main Office Staff
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Specialty Program Applications due Nov. 4th!
Dear CMIT-S Parents and Students,
All PGCPS Specialty Program Applications are due to Ms. Warehime no later than 3:00 pm on Nov. 4th. Applications will not be accepted after this. Students are responsible for turning in their application.
8th grade students who do not turn in their application will not be included in the applicant pool for the Academy of Health Sciences.
9th grade students who do not turn in their application and do not pay for the PSAT will not be included in the applicant pool for the Science and Tech High Schools.
Ms. Warehime, School Counselor
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FAQs |
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What is the Uniform Policy?
The uniform policy can be found on our website, under Students tab.How do we order uniform items?Uniform items can be ordered by completing the online order form: I have to purchase uniforms from this vendor?No, however, uniforms purchased from other vendors must have 100% identical color tone and the CMIT South logo. The current uniform vendor provides donation to the CMIT South PTO based on sales. Each uniform purchase from Minuteman Press is contribution to the school.
What is CMIT's Daily Schedule?7:35- 7:45am:- Student arrival (drop off is at the side entrance)- Doors close at 7:45am (after 7:45am parents need to sign late students in at the Front Office)7:35 - 7:57am:- Homeroom (Breakfast is available during this time until 7:50am)8:00am - 2:49pm for 6th grade and 2:54 for 7th grade: - Academic instruction2:49/2:54 - 3:05 pm: Student pick-up outside (Students who are not picked up by 3:10pm will be waiting outside for their ride. There is no adult supervision for these students during this time).Clubs and enrichment activities will begin immediately following dismissal. All club/enrichment participants must report directly to the cafeteria. Students who continuously fail to report directly to their designated locations will lose the privilege to participate in any after school activities. How do I pay for my child's lunch?Breakfast and lunch are served every day. You can add money to your child's account by visiting this link. You can also pay by cash or money order in the cafeteria. Can my child bring their own lunch to school?Students can bring a lunch from home. Lunches can be stored in the student's locker. Microwaves are available in the cafeteria to warm food. Refrigerators are not available for students.What do they serve for school lunch?A monthly menu is provided by Food and Nutrition Services. Click here for lunch and breakfast menu.What is the academic calendar?CMIT follows the Prince George's County Public School calendar found here. To receive notifications of PGCPS school cancellations by providing information here.Where can I find information about CMIT events and updates?Every Friday CMIT South publishes its weekly newsletter. It is HIGHLY recommended that you subscribe to the newsletter. It is a vital means of communication between CMIT South and stakeholders. Please click here to subscribe to CMIT South Newsletter. Please visit for more information.
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