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Chesapeake Math & IT Academy South





Tech Savvy Night

Saturday Academy

SIS Rewards & Events

Reminders for High school Parents & Students

Scholars of the Week

CLF Advanced Studies REGISTRATION is open now!

STEM and Makers Faire Deadlines



Lost and found

Mid Atlantic Fundraiser Kick off!!!

Chocolate anyone?

Clean Up Green Up!!!

Middle School and High School Reps


Student Service Learning Opportunities

Join Team Chad in the Race for Every Child 2016 for SSL hours

October 13th Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration!

Join Team Chad in the Race for Every Child 2016 for SSL hours

Education and Scholarship Summit

Youth @ Work/SY2017 Job Readiness Training Program


October Book of the Month

Ms. Fay's Science Class.


After School Traffic

School Snacks

CMIT South Enrichment

6th Grade October Book of the Month & Test Due on Monday

Tech Savvy Night
CMIT South staff offered a Tech Savvy Night to provide workshops on such technologies as Edmodo, CLF Portal, Schoolmax, Naviance, Pearson Digits, Pearson Math XL, IXL, etc.

Special thanks go to the event organizers Mrs. Asafa and Mr. Distin as well as presenting staff members; Mrs. Jones, Mr. Valle, Mr. Taner, Ms. Sonnier, Ms. Sears, Mrs. Garcia, and Mr. Davidson.

Mr. AG
Saturday Academy
CLF's traditional Saturday Academy is in its 12th year. CMIT South offers free Saturday Academy for enrichment in Math and Reading and it will began in October 8, 2016. Students in need of additional support in their classwork or homework may attend. Some students are also being recommended to attend. Please refer to the schedule and plan to be punctual and consistent in your attendance to fully benefit from the session you choose.

Saturday Academy schedule:

09:00 – 11:00 || 1st Study Session

11:00 – 01:00 || 2nd Study Session

01:00 || Dismissal

Students are free to attend the session that works for them. Students attending for both subjects will need to arrive at 9:00am and be dismissed at 1:00pm. We look forward to serving you there.

Mrs. Asafa
Assistant Principal
SIS Rewards & Events
We have many exciting opportunities coming up to reward our scholars for their handwork and dedication to positive behavior so far this school year.

Students should be checking their CMIT South email accounts the days leading up to the SIS events. Their eligibility will be emailed to them as well, as their parents.

Casual Day dress must comply with the CMIT South casual day uniform policy including no ripped jeans, hooded jackets, or cargo shorts allow. To see the full policy please check out the CMIT South website.

If a student does not comply with casual day policy they will lose their eligibility to participate in future casual days.

To be considered eligible for casual days students must lose less than 11 points during the previous month.

To be eligible for SIS month rewards students must have a balance of at least 1 by the end of the previous month.

The schedule is as follows..

Casual Day: October 3

SIS Monthly Reward: Student vs. Staff Basketball
October 7, 12-3 p.m. during designated times

Casual Day: November 7

SIS Monthly Reward: Waffle Breakfast
6 & 8 Grades November 3
7 & 9 Grades November 4

Parent volunteers are always appreciated for our SIS monthly rewards. Please reach out if you are interested in helping.

Mrs. Gearhart, Program Coordinator
Reminders for High school Parents & Students
Thanks all of our high school parents for your continued support of our students and CMIT-South. You have showed your commitment to give your child the best possible education. In order to keep our productive school environment, I would like to make some reminders:

School Hours:

-Students are expected to arrive latest by 7:35am daily. (Huge thanks to all of our parents for being on time!!!)
-All high school students are dismissed at 2:49pm
-Student pick up time is between 2:50pm – 3:10 pm
-Students who are not picked up by 3:10 pm have to be signed out by the parent.

Snack Time:

CMIT-South High School lunch time is 12:45 pm every day. CMIT-South allows snack time for it's high school students. Students who want to have snack time are allowed to bring up to 2 ziplock bags (max size 7 in* 7 in) which must be labeled with student’s name:

- The first ziplock is for sandwich,granola bar, or cup of yogurt,
- The second ziplock is for drink - (only water, milk, and juice are allowed).

-Students must drop of their ziplock bags to the "snack bin" during the homeroom time.
-Snack bin will be delivered to each classroom at the snack time.

Snack time rules:

-Students must place their ziplock bags in the snack bin during the homeroom time and ziplock bags CAN NOT be stored/placed/carried anywhere else.
- Students CAN NOT share, lend, borrow food and drinks with others.
-Left over food has to be thrown away after the snack time. Students are not allowed to take left overs out of the room.
-Only 2 ziplock bags per student: one for food, one for drink.
-Chips, chocolate, popcorn, soda are NOT ALLOWED.
- Only one food and one drink ziplock bags for student is allowed.

Allowed items :
-Granola bars
-Yogurt/ fruit cups
-Fruit (fruit must fit in ziplock bag)
-Small water bottles (max 12 oz)
-Milk (max 12 oz)
-Juice (max 12 oz)

Students who are not following the snack time rules

- 1st Offense: Warning and SIS points
- 2nd Offense:Warning + SIS points and parent contact
- 3rd Offense: SIS points and losing the snack time privileges for the semester

Mr. Taner
Program Coordinator
Scholars of the Week
CMIT South recognizes Scholars who completed each week with the highest SIS balance.

Student Support Specialists Dr. Green-Reed and Dr. Seton presented "pick your casual day" passes to the following students for the week of September 19:

* Middle school: Briana, Erick, and Simone

* High school: Taylor, Rennie, and Sydney

Congratulations and continue to model the exemplary behavior.

Mr. AG
CLF Advanced Studies REGISTRATION is open now!
The Chesapeake Lighthouse Foundation (CLF) will offer a variety of programs aimed at helping students further develop social skills while improving academic performance.

The following are exclusive courses made available ONLY to CLF schools’ students.

COLLEGE AWARENESS AND LEADERSHIP PROGRAM: If you like hearing, “You’re IN!” or “You’re Hired!” then consider CLP— a mentorship program designed to help qualified students to improve their skills in Academics, Social, Extracurricular, Personal development and certainly, leadership! CLP is a long term mentor-mentee commitment utilized by high-achieving students to propel them in the competitive admission process of our top US college & universities. To apply to the CLP program, contact your school’s CLP Coordinator.

SAT/PSAT MATH and ENGLISH PREP: In these classes, we walk through solving practice problems that will cover all of the skills you’ll need (& want!) for the upcoming SAT Math and English sections.
SAT/PSAT Math, Mrs. Inci, Monday 4:00-5:30pm, @CLF Advanced Studies
Dates: Sep 26, Oct 3, Oct 10, Oct 17, Oct 24, Nov 7, Nov 14, Nov 21, Now 28, Dec 5,
Dec 12, & Dec 19 (12 weeks, $300)
SAT/PSAT English, Ms. Underwood, Tuesday 4:00-5:30pm @CLF Advanced Studies
Dates: Sep 27, Oct 4, Oct 11, Oct 18, Oct 25, Nov 1, Nov 15, Nov 22, Now 29, Dec 6,
Dec 13, & Dec 20 (12 weeks, $300)

ADVANCED MATH PROGRAM: Designed by CLF’s Math Champions / Alumni, this unique program caters to CLF students who want to be further challenged in mathematics. The CLF’s Advanced Math Program enables these students who already excel at standard, grade level mathematics in school and are looking for a more interesting, challenging, and rewarding pace. Additionally, if you are currently a student on or considering participation in your school’s math team, this program is ideal for improving your personal & competition results! If you would like to attend AMP, please email us at
ADVANCED Math, Mr. Avsar, Ms. Sandeep, Mr. Carmean, Mr. Onyshkevysh(s), Saturday, 9:00am-1:30pm @CLF Advanced Studies (monthly/$100)

ANDROID APP. PROGRAMMING: Student will learn programming and building for Android Applications using MIT's App Inventor which is a cloud-based tool to develop Applications for the Android Operating System. These apps can then be downloaded and run on any Android device. “There should be an app for that…now let’s build it!”
This program is composed of two main stages. 
1) Instruction of the App Inventor components through small fun projects.
2) A Capstone Project that requires Identifying a real problem and developing an application to address this problem.
Students who complete this program successfully will be granted a Certificate of Completion. This program is designed for High School students or the middle school students who take high school math credits.
Android App Programming, Mr. Sarica, Wednesday, 4:00-5:30pm @CLF Advanced Studies
Dates: Sep 28, Oct 5, Oct 19, Oct 26, Nov 2, Nov 9, Nov 16, Nov 30, Dec 14, & Dec 21
(10 weeks, $250)

PUBLICATION & GRAPHIC DESIGN: While the name is self-explanatory, the assumptions stop there. Why settle for basic PowerPoints and Word docs when you could bring your creative mind to the world of graphic art, design, advertising, writing, marketing, and public relations! Learn and use tools to produce high-quality visual & written content that can help in your courses of study now, in college, and in the job market! Want to see your name in print? We do too! Help us, help you! Select student work will be published quarterly in the NEW CLF seasonal, “The Local Motive” and distributed to THOUSANDS of our subscribers, business leaders, politicians, and of course, your parents!
Publication Graphic Design, Mr. Canli, Thursday, 4:00-5:30pm @CLF Advanced Studies
Dates: Sep 29, Oct 6, Oct 13, Oct 27, Nov 3, Nov 10, Nov 17, Dec 1, Dec 8, & Dec 15
(10 weeks, $250)
Publication Graphic Design, Mr. Canli, Saturday, 11:30-1:00pm @CMIT South
Dates: Oct 1, Oct 8, Oct 15, Oct 22, Oct 29, Nov 5, Nov 12, Nov 19, Dec 3, Dec 10, & Dec 17 (11 weeks, $275)

ARCHERY: This course is for everyone from beginner to experienced archers offering an introduction to archery, basic bow techniques, how to safely shoot a bow, improve your archery skills. Students will learn the steps that can be applied across all disciplines of archery. This is a fun, hands-on experience that promotes archery as a healthy lifetime activity. Students will discuss and demonstrate character development, self-evaluation skills, communication, cooperation, respect and related behaviors that are required in all effective functioning groups. No experience or equipment required for this course. CLF will provide NASP (National Archery in the School Program) original Genesis bows and arrows. No experience is required.  
Archery, Mr. Cihan, Saturday, 10:00-11:30am @CMIT South
Dates: Oct 1, Oct 8, Oct 15, Oct 22, Oct 29, Nov 5, Nov 12, Nov 19, Dec 3, Dec 10, & Dec 17 (11 weeks, $275)

Cihan Bicer
Student Activities Director
Chesapeake Lighthouse Foundation
STEM and Makers Faire Deadlines
Here is the outline of dates, and approval process for the remainder of the year as finalized by the Science Department this morning.

Friday Sept 30th at 11:59pm- All Original Proposals (submitted appropriately and on time) will have been approved by 11:59pm. Any student who was enrolled in CMIT South late must submit an original proposal by this date.

Monday Oct 3rd- Resubmissions that have already been submitted will begin being graded. (Must be submitted in the proper format and location). Resubmitting will not improve grade, resubmitting is only available for students whose projects are not approved.

Friday Oct 14th at 7:30am. - Last chance to submit a resubmission for review.

Tuesday Oct 25th by 11:59pm. All Resubmissions will have been reviewed with feedback provided. Final day to gain approval for a project in order to complete the Research paper rough draft assignment for a grade.

Monday Oct 31st at 7:30am. Research Paper Rough Draft Due (100 Points Assessment) for all students (students who do not have approved projects by 10.25.16 will receive a zero). Data collection, or project completion are not required for the rough draft.

Wednesday December 21st at 7:30am- Research Paper Final Draft (100 Points Assessment) due for all students to reading and science teachers. (Students who do not have approved projects by 12.01.16 will receive a zero).

Friday January 6th 2017- IN CLASS- Students turn in a STEM Fair Project Tri- fold board or a presentation pamphlet or poster for their makers faire project. (100 Points Assessment). (Students who are not approved by 12.01 will receive a zero)

Friday January 13th 2017- Students compete in the in house STEM / Makers fair at CMIT South.

ALL STEM and Makers Fair project components will be graded on the original submission, resubmissions are not permitted for an increase in grade.

Kelly Fay
Parents, we are asking for your support and time to assist Mr. Distin and his outstanding team in directing traffic during our morning drop-off period and the afternoon pick-up times! The PTO has created a sign-up list on PTAvenue for anyone that is available to help out for a few minutes during these busy, busy times around our school!

We are all concerned with the safe arrival and departure of our students daily and your assistance would be greatly appreciated!

Remember, we all can make time for what we feel is important in our lives! Please volunteer to help out our school staff in some way!

Thank you,

Lost and found
Missing uniforms, glasses, calculators, keys, etc! If you're missing it, we probably have it in the lost in found. Lost and found is located near the front office.

Mid Atlantic Fundraiser Kick off!!!
Mid Atlantic Fundraiser kicks off October 4.
All families are encouraged to participate!
Students that sell at least 10 items will be eligible to participate in the Reward Party provided by Mid-Atlantic! Last year the kids all had a blast!!
This year we're allowing any 8th grade students that participate to receive $25 for every 10 items sold, go towards their 8th grade promotional activities.

Chocolate anyone?



Clean Up Green Up!!!
Clean up Green will be Saturday, October 29th. This is an activity that can be done by the entire family! Come out to help us beautify the area around the outside of our school's campus! We'll be planting trees, spreading mulch, plucking out weeds, etc!

CMIT SOUTH students will receive Service hours for their participation!!

You can sign up for this and other activities at

Middle School and High School Reps
Lets congratulate are new school reps for middle and high school Janee Scott-Wall (middle school rep) and Debbie Pearson (high school rep).
We are also looking for rep for each grade and each college.

Student Service Learning Opportunities
Weed Warrior Work Days

Whitemarsh Park, 100 White Marsh Park Dr, Bowie, MD 20715

Oct 29th, 2016, 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

The City of Bowie’s Green Team is in need of volunteers to help remove English ivy from Whitemarsh Park. As an invasive, non-native plant, English ivy spreads quickly and easily, and is very destructive to native ecosystems. This is an outdoor activity that requires cutting the ivy vines at eye-level and foot-level, then pulling them back about two feet from the base of the tree to bag them. To participate, please register by contacting Kristin Larson (, 301-809-3044). This is a great Student Service Learning opportunity. Children age 14 and younger must be under the direct supervision of a parent/guardian or Troop Leader at all times, and no volunteers under age 16 can use tools but may participate by pulling and bagging vines. Tiffany Wright (Watershed Manager for the City of Bowie) or Kristin Larson (Sustainability Planner for the City of Bowie) will sign off on service learning hours for students at the event.

Wetland Cleanup

EZ Storage on Gallant Fox Lane (near 197/450)

October 8, 9:00 a.m. to 12 p.m.

The City of Bowie is looking for volunteers to help remove litter from a local wetland. Supplies are provided. For more information on this event and to register, contact Tiffany Wright at 301-809-3043 or

Camp Schmidt Clean Up

Where: Meet @ Camp Schmidt, 18715 Aquasco Rd, Brandywine, MD 20613 (Follow signs once on campus)

When: Saturday, October 15, 2016 from 9:00am to approx. 2pm (cleaning ends @ 1:00pm then lunch is provided after) // Rain or Shine

What: Trim trails, weed flower beds, paint markers, trim trees, planting shrubs, etc.

·Who: Adults, Prince George’s Co. Students in middle school and above (Great way for students in grades 6-12 to earn Service Learning hours!)

Middle school students must be accompanied by an adult

Please RSVP online at

Questions answered by calling Camp Schmidt at 301-888-1185 or email

Ms. Warehime, School Counselor
Join Team Chad in the Race for Every Child 2016 for SSL hours
CMIT-S Students and Parents,

Chad Wangolo, CMIT-S 8th grader, is organizing a team to support Children's Hospital Race for Every Child on October 1st, 2016. The event will be held on Oct. 1st starting at 8:30 am at the Freedom Plaza in DC. Students who participate can also earn Student Service Learning hours! If you are interested in participating please contact Karen Wangolo at or 301-325-2897.

What a great way to support our own CMIT-S student Chad and Children's Hospital!

Ms. Warehime, School Counselor
October 13th Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration!
COME JOIN US for a delightful evening of Hispanic culture displayed in music, dance, student presentations and even samplings of authentic cuisine and beverages from several Latin American countries!!!

Date: Thursday, October 13
Time: 6:30pm
Place: CMIT South Auditorium

$3/CMIT students and children under 12

Tickets will be sold the week of October 3 and October 10th during all lunch shifts.

Proceeds will go towards our own CMIT students attending the Nicaragua Trip in June 2017!

If there are any questions or if you are a parent and are interested in volunteering, please email either of us at:

You don't want to miss it!

Srta. Dickerson
Sra. Berroa
Sr. Arroyo
Join Team Chad in the Race for Every Child 2016 for SSL hours
CMIT-S Students and Parents,

Chad Wangolo, CMIT-S 8th grader, is organizing a team to support Children's Hospital Race for Every Child on October 1st, 2016. The event will be held on Oct. 1st starting at 8:30 am at the Freedom Plaza in DC. Students who participate can also earn Student Service Learning hours! If you are interested in participating please contact Karen Wangolo at or 301-325-2897.

What a great way to support our own CMIT-S student Chad and Children's Hospital!

Ms. Warehime, School Counselor
Education and Scholarship Summit
One of our CMIT-S parents asked me to share this exciting opportunity with the CMIT-S community.

Education Matters Summit
October 1, 2016 from 9am-2pm
Largo Student Center
301 Largo Rd
Largo, MD 20774

Ms. Warehime, School Counselor
Youth @ Work/SY2017 Job Readiness Training Program
This is a robust and exciting initiative for students age 15-19 to obtain job skills and prepare of employment opportunity. For more information or to register or contact 301-546-1580 or

Information Sessions
Oct. 1 and 29 and Nov. 19 10 am at PGCC Center for Health Studies Room 1418

Ms. Warehime, School Counselor
October Book of the Month
This is just a friendly reminder that 6th grade students must have the October Book of the Month, "Taking Sides" by Gary Soto by Monday, October 3, 2016. I do not have a free PDF copy of the book.

Reading Log 1 (Chapters 1-4) is due Monday, October 10, 2016.

Hakisha Newman
MS RELA Department Chair
Room 150
Ms. Fay's Science Class.

We are finishing up our third unit of science class (classification of matter) and will be taking our second test on Monday October 10th.

Students should be preparing for this assessment by looking over the classwork/ homework and reading materials provided (Pearson Textbook Chapter 1, and Additional reading posted in the handouts from class folder on edmodo.

All students who submitted their STEM or Makers Fair Proposals on time, will receive feedback by 11:59pm On Friday Sept 30th through edmodo. If your student is asked to resubmit, they need to do so in the Proposal Resubmissions assignment posted to edmodo by Oct 14th 2016 at 7:30am.

Next weeks material will cover the separation of mixtures, and there will be several labs! Students should make sure that they have located their safety goggles/ safety glasses so that they do not loose SIS points for forgetting them on lab days!

Kelly Fay
Science Instructor for Dartmouth, UPENN, Columbia, NCA&T, and Morgan
After School Traffic
Our neighbors are asking us to stop using their parking lot for after school pick-up. Please get in the CMIT exit line as requested by following the traffic pattern.

Thank you.

Wayne Distin
School Snacks
Students are welcome to bring snacks to consume after school and before the extracurricular activities.
Snacks with seeds and shells as well as nuts are not allowed. No popcorn or sunflower seeds please.

Wayne Distin
CMIT South Enrichment
CMIT South now offers morning and afternoon drop in enrichment services. Please use the following link to access our new service.

Kevin Young
6th Grade October Book of the Month & Test Due on Monday
Hello Parents & Students of 64 | 65| 66:

This is a friendly reminder that the October Book of the Month, "Taking Sides" by Gary Soto is due in class Monday, October 3, 2016. Students will receive a homework grade for having (or not having) their books in class. Reading Log 1 (Chapters 1-4) is due Monday, October 10, 2016.

In addition, students will have a test on the September Book of the month, "Tuck Everlasting" by Natalie Babbitt on Monday, October 3, 2016. To help with preparation, students participated in a Jeopardy review game on Thursday, September 29, 2016.

Have a wonderful and safe weekend!

Hakisha Newman
6th Grade RELA Teacher
MS RELA Department Chair
Room 150
What is the Uniform Policy?
The uniform policy can be found on our website, under Students tab.

How do we order uniform items?
Uniform items can be ordered by completing the online order form:

Do I have to purchase uniforms from this vendor?
No, however, uniforms purchased from other vendors must have 100% identical color tone and the CMIT South logo. The current uniform vendor provides donation to the CMIT South PTO based on sales. Each uniform purchase from Minuteman Press is contribution to the school. 

What is CMIT's Daily Schedule?
7:35- 7:45am:
- Student arrival (drop off is at the side entrance)
- Doors close at 7:45am (after 7:45am parents need to sign late students in at the Front Office)

7:35 - 7:57am:
- Homeroom (Breakfast is available during this time until 7:50am)

8:00am - 2:49pm for 6th grade and 2:54 for 7th grade: 
- Academic instruction

2:49/2:54 - 3:05 pm
Student pick-up outside (Students who are not picked up by 3:10pm will be waiting outside for their ride. There is no adult supervision for these students during this time).

Clubs and enrichment activities will begin immediately following dismissal. All club/enrichment participants must report directly to the cafeteria. Students who continuously fail to report directly to their designated locations will lose the privilege to participate in any after school activities. 

How do I pay for my child's lunch?
Breakfast and lunch are served every day. You can add money to your child's account by visiting this link. You can also pay by cash or money order in the cafeteria. 

Can my child bring their own lunch to school?
Students can bring a lunch from home. Lunches can be stored in the student's locker. Microwaves are available in the cafeteria to warm food. Refrigerators are not available for students.

What do they serve for school lunch?
A monthly menu is provided by Food and Nutrition Services. Click here for lunch and breakfast menu.

What is the academic calendar?
CMIT follows the Prince George's County Public School calendar found here. To receive notifications of PGCPS school cancellations by providing information here.

Where can I find information about CMIT events and updates?
Every Friday CMIT South publishes its weekly newsletter. It is HIGHLY recommended that you subscribe to the newsletter. It is a vital means of communication between CMIT South and stakeholders. Please click here to subscribe to CMIT South Newsletter. Please visit for more information.

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