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Chesapeake Math & IT Academy South





CMIT South Shines at CLF STEM Fair

Click for Kids - Funds Needed, Please Vote

Washington Area Middle School (WAMS) Cricket League

Black History Essay Contest

CMIT Soccer


Black History Month Celebration

PTO Meeting Reminder

Way2GoMaryland Presentation

Student Service Learning Opportunities

Peer Mentor Program


Research Writing and Extra Credit Opportunity

CMIT South Shines at CLF STEM Fair
On Saturday, 27 CMIT South students represented our school at CLF STEM Fair where 81 students from CMIT South, CMIT North, and CSP competed. These were the best projects among about 1150 projects in 3 sister schools.

CMIT South students received 14 of the 30 awards. Congratulations to all the participating students. Special thanks go to the parents and the Science teachers.

Here is the list of CLF STEM Fair winners:

1st Place - Medicine & Health
My Apples are Brown - Bethany Jackson

1st Place - Math & Computer Sciences
Cookies and Internet Speed - Omari Robinson

1st Place - Microbiology & Biochemistry
Footwear vs. Bacteria - Clinton Wiggins

2nd Place - Earth & Environmental Sciences
6 Degrees Of Separation - Malcolm Doster

2nd Place - Engineering
Thinking Robot - Sydney Campbell

2nd Place - Physics
Invisibility, is it possible? - Marques Claiborne

2nd Place - Microbiology & Biochemistry
Lowest Concentration of Clorox to Kill Bacteria - Jaden Major

3rd Place - Math & Computer Sciences
The Birthday Paradox - Ramiya Shelton

3rd Place - Medicine & Health
Effect of Video Games on Heart Rate - Alex Makarov

3rd Place – Chemistry
Which Moisturizer Works Best? - Ashley Carson

3rd Place - Microbiology & Biochemistry
Sugar, Yeast, Flour, Repeat - Brittney Smith

3rd Place - Behavioral & Social Sciences
The Color of Gaming - Mikhail Floresca

3rd Place - Earth & Environmental Sciences
Furry Solution to Oil Spills - Zachary Bernabe

3rd Place - Engineering
The Hydraulic Lift - Kendall Tyler

Ali Gurbuz
Click for Kids - Funds Needed, Please Vote
CMIT South has met criteria and is part of the inaugural Click for Kids sweepstakes.

Voting begins Monday February 15 and goes through 5 pm February 26.

Anyone over the age of 13 can vote (that’s a legal thing) – kids, parents, grandparents, neighbors, you name it. You can vote one time per person/per email (so you CAN vote twice if you have, for example, a work email and a Gmail account.

The winners will be based solely on the number of eligible votes. People who vote are required to provide a name, email and zip. Names and information will not be shared with any other third parties.

Please spread the word.

The voting URL is

You can also direct people to search “kids”

For help or questions, go to

Thanks and lets win some much needed funds for CMIT South!

CMIT South
Washington Area Middle School (WAMS) Cricket League
Cricket is the second most popular sport in the world. In spring 2016, CMIT South will be participating in the WAMS Cricket League, which is the first middle school cricket league in the United States. We need 13 – 15 kids for one team. We will be playing against CMIT North, Kenmoor, Benjamin Tasker, Buck Lodge, Samuel Ogle and Holy Trinity. Last year Kenmoor defeated Samuel Ogle in the championship game.

Each student that participates in the tournament will receive a cricket T-shirt and a cricket medal. The Best Batsman (batter) and Best Bowler (pitcher) on each team will receive trophies.

Cricket practices and matches against other schools will be done in the evening during the week: either two practices per week or one practice and one game per week. Parents will be responsible for taking their kids to and from practices and matches.

There will be no tryouts. Kids will be accepted on a “first come, first serve basis.”

Dates: 14 March – 27 May 2016
Practices: Depending on the availability of the coaches, either 3:15pm – 5:00pm or 6:00pm – 7:30pm, Mon/Wed or Tues/Thur at CMIT.
Matches: 6:00pm – 8:00pm, either Monday or Tuesday with Wednesday and Thursday as backup in case of bad weather. Matches against other schools will be played at home and away. First there will be two weeks of practice followed by 4 first round matches, then the playoffs.
Head Coach: To be determined.

Cost: $60 per player, which includes the cost of the cricket t-shirt and participation medal. All money collected goes towards paying for cricket equipment, uniforms, medals, trophies, insurance coverage for players, and other stuff needed to run the program. The cricket program is run solely by volunteers.

Registration Deadline: 19 February 2016

Registration Instructions:

To register your son or daughter for the school cricket team, please send an email with the following information to

Name of School:
Student’s name:
Date of Birth:
Gender: Boy or Girl
T-Shirt Size: (Adult/Youth, Large/Medium/Small)
Parent’s Name:
Parent’s Email Address:
Parent’s Phone Number:
Home Address:

Questions: If you have any questions or need further information, please send an email to Sham Chotoo, Cricket Commissioner,

Ms. Futrell
Black History Essay Contest
CLF will be sponsoring it's annual Black History Essay Contest. This year students will select an African American who has made a significant contribution to humanity and explain how this contribution has impacted their life. The deadline for submission to your English or history teacher is Monday, Feb. 19, 2016.

Requirements for Submission include:
_____ At least 250 words, but shall not exceed 1000 words

_____ Typed and double-spaced

_____ Font Options:

 Times New Roman

 Garamond

 Ariel

_____ Original work only

_____ Cite Sources (MS and HS)

You must explain who you chose, their contribution with an explanation, and how this African-American's contributions impacted your life.

Prizes include:
Middle School Grades:

 1st place to receive $40 gift card

 2nd place to receive $30 gift card

 3rd place to receive $20 gift card

Deadline again: Monday, February 19, 2016

Georgia Jones
CMIT Soccer
CMIT South Soccer Update

Soccer tryouts are scheduled to be held on or about March 17th. All tryouts participants MUST have a physical on file. Physical forms dated over 1 calendar year will not be accepted. Physical forms can be obtained through the PGCPS website or from Mr. K. Young. Please be reminded that:

Students must possess and maintain at least a 2.0 GPA in order to participate in PGCPS Interscholastic Athletics. Also, remember all students are required to have a signed parent permission slip and signed medical physical evaluation form to be completed by a Licensed Physician before they may participate in any school sponsored interscholastic athletic activity.

Please forward any questions or concerns to Mr. K. Young @

Kevin Young
Athletic Director
Black History Month Celebration
Hello Parents,

We are having a Black History Month celebration on February 26th at 6-7pm in the cafeteria. All students and their families are encouraged to attend. We still need parents to volunteer to bring concessions for this events. Please indicate which food item you will bring in the comments.

If you can bring something please sign up with the link below.

Jaslynn Laurence

Jaslynn Laurence
PTO Meeting Reminder
Hello parents!
Reminder that our next PTO meeting is Wednesday February 17th at 6:30pm. The STEM awards will also take place during the meeting so hopefully we will see you all there.

See you on Wednesday!

Way2GoMaryland Presentation
We are excited to announce that on Friday February 19th, the University of Maryland will be coming to speak to all 8th graders and all members of CLP about preparing for college. The Way2GoMaryland presentation will discuss the importance of grades, study skills, community involvement, and tips on how students can prepare for college now. Students must wear their white oxford shirt and tie in order to attend the presentation. Students who are not dressed appropriately will not be allowed to attend the presentation and will receive uniform violation consequences. This is another great opportunity for CMIT-S students to learn more about how to prepare for college.

Ms. Warehime, School Counselor
Student Service Learning Opportunities
Weed Warrior Work Days

Whitemarsh Park, 100 White Marsh Park Dr, Bowie, MD 20715

March 20th, 2016, 2:00 to 5:00 p.m.

May 21st, 2016, 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

The City of Bowies Green Team is in need of volunteers to help remove English ivy from Whitemarsh Park. As an invasive, non-native plant, English ivy spreads quickly and easily, and is very destructive to native ecosystems. This is an outdoor activity that requires cutting the ivy vines at eye-level and foot-level, then pulling them back about two feet from the base of the tree to bag them. To participate, please register by contacting Kristin Larson (, 301-809-3044). This is a great Student Service Learning opportunity. Children age 14 and younger must be under the direct supervision of a parent/guardian or Troop Leader at all times, and no volunteers under age 16 can use tools but may participate by pulling and bagging vines. Tiffany Wright (Watershed Manager for the City of Bowie) or Kristin Larson (Sustainability Planner for the City of Bowie) will sign off on service learning hours for students at the event.

Clinton Demonstration Gardens

March 19, 2016 1-4:00 pm

Contact Mrs. Mitchell for more details and to sign up! Email is the best option to reach her
(301) 868-8781

Ms. Warehime, School Counselor
Peer Mentor Program
Attention CMIT-S parents and students. CMIT-S will be starting a peer mentor program in the next month. We are looking for three to five eighth graders to be mentors to sixth grade students. Mentors will be responsible to providing positive academic and social support. Mentors will be need to be available after-school and on Saturdays to meet with their 6th grade mentee. Below you will find a brochure with more information about the program. Students who are mentors should contact Ms. Warehime, or stop by her office for an application. This is a great opportunity for CMIT-S students grow academically and personally. If you have any questions please contact Ms. Warehime. Applications will be accepted until February 26th.

Ms. Warehime, School Counselor
Research Writing and Extra Credit Opportunity
Mr. Bevard's class wrapped up our novel on Sounder this week with an integrated research writing assignment. Students spent significant portions of class periods both reviewing research and receiving guidance on the best practices for integrating secondary sources into their argumentative writing.

Because of the extended nature of research writing, and because many students indicated that they would appreciate more guidance and feedback on how to integrate sources smoothly into their writings, we have extended the due date for the final version of the research paper.

The final research paper will be due on Friday, 19 February.

In other news, there is an EXTRA CREDIT OPPORTUNITY being offered in Mr. Bevard's Reading course. CLF is hosting a Black History Month essay contest, and students are encouraged to participate.

You can find the criteria and submission deadlines in the attached pdf file.

Mr. Bevard

What is the Uniform Policy?
The uniform policy can be found on our website by clicking here.

How do we order uniform items?
Uniform items can be ordered by completing the OWI order form.

What uniform items should we order?
At least
- 2 CMIT South Polo shirts (1 blue, 1 green)
- 1 CMIT South fleece or windbreaker
- 1 CMIT South White oxford shirt
- 1 blue tie (neck tie for boys, crisscross tie for girls)
- 1 CMIT South PE t-shirt

Items to be purchased at a department store:

- Navy blue or khaki
- Solid black (no markings or insignias)
- Solid black
Athletic pants:
- Solid blue or black (no markings or insignias)

What is CMIT's Daily Schedule?
7:35- 7:45am:
- Student arrival (drop off is at the side entrance)
- Doors close at 7:45am (after 7:45am parents need to sign late students in at the Front Office)

7:35 - 7:57am:
- Homeroom (Breakfast is available during this time until 7:50am)

8:00am - 2:49pm for 6th grade and 2:54 for 7th grade:
- Academic instruction

2:49/2:54 - 3:05 pm:
Student pick-up outside (Students who are not picked up by 3:05pm will be waiting outside for their ride. There is no adult supervision for these students during this time).

Clubs and enrichment activities will begin immediately following dismissal. All club/enrichment participants must report directly to the cafeteria. Students who continuously fail to report directly to their designated locations will lose the privilege to participate in any after school activities.

How do I pay for my child's lunch?
Breakfast and lunch are served every day. You can add money to your child's account by visiting this link. You can also pay by cash or money order in the cafeteria.

Can my child bring their own lunch to school?
Students can bring a lunch from home. Lunches can be stored in the student's locker. Microwaves are available in the cafeteria to warm food. Refrigerators are not available for students.

What do they serve for school lunch?
A monthly menu is provided by Food and Nutrition Services. Click here for lunch and breakfast menu.

What is the academic calendar?
CMIT follows the Prince George's County Public School calendar found here. To receive notifications of PGCPS school cancellations by providing information here.

Where can I find information about CMIT events and updates?
Every Friday CMIT South publishes its weekly newsletter. It is HIGHLY recommended that you subscribe to the newsletter. It is a vital means of communication between CMIT South and stakeholders. Please click here to subscribe to CMIT South Newsletter. Please visit for more information.

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