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Chesapeake Math & IT Academy South





PARCC Scores for Algebra I

Veterans Day Drive and Assembly

Boys and Girls Basketball Team Wins

Safe and Secure Workshop for Cybersafety

Scholars of the Week

Towson University is Coming to CMIT-S

8th Grade Out of State College Trip

STEM Fair Research Paper Feedback and Final Project Submission

New Sibling Preference Applications Process

Lottery Opens For PGCSP PCS For 2016-2017

Hours of Operation


Saturday Academy

SGA Events & Parent Volunteers Needed!

Student Service Learning Opportunity

CAUTION: Keep Inclement Weather Make-Up Days in Mind When Planning Summer Vacation


Character Education

Ms. Morani's Science Class

First Quarter Report Cards Released

SchoolMAX Access Lockout

Please Check Your Meal Account Balances

Uniform Policy Reminder

Lost and Found Items



Mrs. Laurence Class

CMIT Students Connecting with Students Around the Globe

11/28/2015 - No Saturday Academy

Lost and Found

PARCC Scores for Algebra I
CMIT South received Algebra I PARCC scores for 2014-15. CMIT South scholars outperformed PGCPS and MD scores for "met" and "exceeded" categories which are the highest scoring ranges for test takers. Congratulations.

PARCC middle school scores are expected within the next few months. Data will be shared with our community once it is received.

Ali Gurbuz
Veterans Day Drive and Assembly
I am pleased to announce that we collected 167 items for Veteran's Day!!

This includes 64 tubes of toothpaste,
36 toothbrushes
20 bags of candy
19 bars of soap and body wash
and an assortment of hats, gloves, fans, toiletries, and etc.

Thanks for all of your support with helping people who serve or have served in the Armed Forces!! The appreciation is definitely recognized.

On Tuesday, November 17, a Veterans Day assembly took place for CMIT South scholars.

Jaslynn Laurence
Boys and Girls Basketball Team Wins
Kudos to CMIT South boys and girls basketball teams for overwhelming wins on 11/18/2015 against Kettering Middle School. The boys won with a 38-13 score while the girls continued the winning with 44-22 score. We are very proud of all students and appreciate the support they are getting from coaches Young , Warehime and all parent volunteer coaches. Keep up the good work.

CMIT South
Safe and Secure Workshop for Cybersafety
CMIT South 8th grade scholars and CLP members attended a Safe and Secure Workshop for Cyber Safety. The program is sponsored and presented by Inspired Designs, LLC (

Special thanks go to one of our parents, Ms. Rhonda Stewart, for providing resources this event.

Highlights from the workshop:

- Privacy Settings: They will help protect your online account. These settings protect your from meeting strangers online.
- Make Your Account Secure: Do not post pictures of yourself online.
- Do not assume that everyone online is your friend. They could be a pedophile.
- Make the Right Decisions: Cyber-bullying is wrong. It hurts feelings. It can make the person being bullied do harmful things to themselves
- Good decisions could be: Stay in control of your online image.
- Respect privacy of your own and others. Use privacy settings (such as not tagging people).
- Always report bullies- save conversations, block contacts, etc.
- Online friends are still strangers- be suspicious.
- Online activity last forever- remember this before posting or sharing anything.
- Do not forget the Internet can bring people together.
- Geo-Tagging: Go to the settings on your phone and turn your location off.
- Your Identity Matters: Your identity is important. Do not share it with others.
- Do not share things like your password with others.
- Strong & Memorable Passwords: Make sure your password is longer than 14 characters, use numbers, and special characters.
- Make sure it is easy for you to remember.
- Question What You See: When you see Ads on the Internet that are offering something. DO NOT CLICK IT!
- You could be downloading malware (viruses). In the end, you will not get anything.
- Secure Your Computer: Make sure you have up-to-date malware protection installed.
- Only download from reputable sites.
- Make sure your computer firewall is on.
- Question what you see on emails and pop-ups.

*Remember all this and you will be safe on the Internet.

CMIT South
Scholars of the Week
CMIT South continues to recognize scholars. Ahjae-Brown, Devin-Columbia & Joshua-Yale completed the week of November 19 with the highest SIS points. Dr. Reed recognized the scholars for their exceptional behavior and issued 'pick you casual day' passes.

Ali Gurbuz
Towson University is Coming to CMIT-S
On December 4th, a college admissions representative from Towson University is coming to CMIT-S to speak to all our 8th graders and CLP members. He will be discussing college admission requirements, SAT/ACT, importance of grades and to answer any questions students have about college. This is a great opportunity for our students to gain information about the college admission process. Students will be required to wear their oxford shirt and ties on this day.

Ms. Warehime, School Counselor
8th Grade Out of State College Trip
CLF Schools organize 8th grade out of state college trips every Spring. CMIT South is planning one for April or May 2016. While the school team is working on an itinerary, we are expecting the cost to be similar to the ones that CMIT North and CSP have organized in the past.

The field trip will include visitations to Ivy League Colleges and the group will stay at a hotel for a night. The cost has been $200-$220 including coach bus fees, hotel and entrance fees for different venues and college museums.

Payment for this trip may be due as early as March. 8th grade students and parents are asked to include this opportunity in their agendas. Parents are strongly encouraged to attend the trip. Since this is an overnight trip, all chaperoning parents must have full background check/fingerprinting completed by PGCPS.

Click here to view past college trip pictures from our sister school CMIT North:

Ali Gurbuz
STEM Fair Research Paper Feedback and Final Project Submission

Our CMIT South STEM Fair is quickly approaching us, and we will be asking for your students Final Draft Papers as we close out our classes in December prior to winter break!

You will be receiving feedback on the Research Paper Rough Draft (if you have not already) from your science teacher; however, it is important to remember that students do not need to wait for feedback in order to continue work on their project! Once the project proposal is "Approved" students may work on their experiments continuously until final submission.

Keep in mind, and mark your calendars for the upcoming STEM Fair Due Dates!

1) Monday December 21st 2015- Final Research Paper Due to Science and Reading Teachers.

2) Friday January 8th 2016- Completed Project Tri- Fold Board Due to Science Teachers (In Class)

3) Friday January 15th 2016- CMIT South STEM Fair at CMIT South- Students are expected to be in attendance to present their boards at this event

Please Remember, that completion of STEM Fair is a requirement for all CLF schools, and failure to complete a STEM Fair Project will have a significant impact on your students Science and Reading Grade for Quarter Two.

Kelly Morani - 7th Grade Science
New Sibling Preference Applications Process
Prince George's County Public Schools gives lottery preference to new students who already have a sibling in the school. Siblings must live in the same household, have the same responsible parent/guardian, and both siblings must be enrolled at CMIT SOUTH for the 2016-17 school year (GRADES 6-9). Families must submit a valid lottery application by the deadline to be eligible for sibling preference.

NEW THIS YEAR: All applications for sibling preference will be accepted during the public charter school open enrollment season from November 2, 2015 through January 29, 2016. This new process allows PGCPS to streamline data entry and accurately capture family information that links families and especially siblings.

To submit a CMIT SOUTH sibling preference application, please logon at to submit your application for sibling preference. Sibling preference is based on seat availability and never a guarantee. If there is more sibling preference requests than seats available, a sibling lottery will be held to determine placement.

Please do not contact the school regarding the charter school lottery process, you may contact the PGCPS Charter School Office with questions and/or concerns directly at (301)-808-8150 or visit their webpage for more information at

Ms. Juliana Colon, Records Secretary
Lottery Opens For PGCSP PCS For 2016-2017
Prince George’s County Public Schools (PGCPS) public charter schools will be accepting online applications for the 2016-2017 school year until January 29, 2016.

All Prince George’s County families can apply to a public charter school, as there are no attendance boundaries assigned to charter schools. Interested families must complete an online application at for each child they wish to enroll.

Prospective public charter school families can attend one of the open houses below to find out more about CMIT South instructional programs.

Chesapeake Math & Information Technology (CMIT) - South

November 20: 6:30pm – 8:00 pm

December 12: 9:00am – 10:30am

CMIT South
Hours of Operation

We will gladly assist you during our office hours of 7:30 am - 3:00 pm.

Ms. Ellis
Saturday Academy
CLF's traditional Saturday Academy is in its 11th year. CMIT South offers free Saturday Academy for enrichment in Math and Reading and it will began in October, 2015. Saturday Academy was opened to invited students only. CMIT South is now opening Saturday Academy to all students who may need to additional support.

Saturday Academy schedule:

09:00 – 11:00 || 1st Study Session

11:00 – 01:00 || 2nd Study Session

01:00 || Dismissal

Students are free to attend the session that works for them. Students attending for both subjects will need to arrive at 9:00am and be dismissed at 1:00pm. We look forward to serving you there.

CMIT South
SGA Events & Parent Volunteers Needed!
SGA is planning two events in December and January! We need Parent Volunteers!

December 7-9th Immediately After School to collect money for our snack sale fundraiser!

January 19-21st (Snow Date 1.26.15) - After School from 3:10-4pm to help with the SGA January Basketball Tournament.

Parents who are interested in signing up to volunteer may do so via volunteerspot at the following link

Kelly Morani- SGA Coordinator
Student Service Learning Opportunity
6th Annual Community Thanksgiving Banquet 2015 Coat and Toy Drive

Wednesday, November 25 from 4:00-8:00 pm

Location: 1401 Glacier Avenue, Capitol Heights MD

Bradbury Heights Elementary School

Contact Dena Yansaneh or Ranishya Brown for more information and to volunteer

Ms. Warehime, School Counselor
CAUTION: Keep Inclement Weather Make-Up Days in Mind When Planning Summer Vacation
Greetings CMIT South Parents/Guardians,

As the holiday season and winter weather approaches, we here at CMIT South would like to remind you that CMIT follows the PGCPS school year calendar. Parents are encouraged to register text or email alerts for school closings and emergencies by filling out the online form on PGCPS website:

Students and parents are asked not to schedule any vacations or trips to coincide with school days for the 2015-16 school year. Maryland state law requires that all students between the ages of 5-16 attend school regularly. Absences from and tardies to school is disruptive to the learning process. Studies have shown that students who attend school on a regular basis earn better grades and learn more than those who are frequently absent. Students will also earn incentives for Perfect Attendance.

Please note that June 15-17 & 20, 2016 are assigned as inclement weather make-up days and students may be required to attend school on those days, depending on the weather conditions throughout the Winter. Please do not plan any family vacations until after June 21, 2016.

Parents and students are asked to visit PGCPS website for calendar updates:

The state of Maryland recognizes the following as lawful (excused) absences from school:

-Death in the immediate family
-Illness of the student
-Court summons
-Principal-approved activity
-Mental or physical incapacity
-Violent storms
-Observance of a religious holiday
-State of emergency

Ms. Juliana Colon, Records Secretary
Character Education
CMIT South scholars will continue to work on various topics in our Character Education class. This week, we will focus on anger management strategies. Please see the attached letter to know more about what our curriculum will be covering.

Ch.Ed. Team
Room 163
Ms. Morani's Science Class
Students really seemed to enjoy Unit Three (Solid, Liquid, Gas Chemistry). I am encouraged by the quality of work many of your students are producing and look forward to watching them continue to succeed in Unit Four- The structure of the atom and periodic table of elements. Remember to provide your student with extra support during the holidays, as they are more easily distracted from schoolwork!

Kelly Morani
First Quarter Report Cards Released
Greetings Parents/Guardians:

First Quarter Report Cards for all students were released Friday, November 13, 2015. Please advise, these grades reflect your student's progress as of November 2, 2015. Since this time, grades have been continuously updated. We suggest that you check SchoolMAX for the most up-to-date record of your student's grades. Please use the email addresses listed on the back of the report card to address concerns with specific teachers.

Ms. Juliana Colon, Records Secretary
SchoolMAX Access Lockout
ATTN: PGCPS Parents/Guardians

Back in April 2014, PGCPS changed the SchoolMax Parent Portal registration process, and asked that you register using the new system. All of the old accounts have now been disabled (created before April 2014). In order to log into SchoolMax, you must complete the parent self-service registration process. If you already have a self-service registered account (created after April 2014), please use it to log into SchoolMax. YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS WILL BE YOUR ONLY USERNAME AND IS CASE-SENSITIVE. If you do not have a self-service registered account, please register at

If you are unable to register, or have any questions about this process, please contact Ms. Colon (

*If you are still having issues accessing your account via the PGCPS webpage, please contact me for assistance. Families having trouble were able to gain access to SchoolMAX while meeting with me during Tech Savvy Parent Night. I am now offering walk-in office hours from 8 AM - 11 AM for those who have yet to gain access and may need one-on-one assistance or training.

Ms. Juliana Colon, CMIT South Family Portal Administrator
Please Check Your Meal Account Balances
Parents and Scholars,

We have seen an increase in students not having adequate funds on their meal accounts. Please use to keep track of your daily balances. You can even get email notifications when your balance is low! Due to the fluid nature of monetary transactions, the cafeteria cannot guarantee they will have change available at all times and students may be required to put the entire amount provided on their account.

Lauren Miles, Student Support Specialist
Uniform Policy Reminder
Parents and Scholars,

Now that the weather is beginning to change, please take a moment to revisit the CMIT South uniform policy. One of the most recent changes is that shorts and capris are no longer allowed until April 1, 2016. Also, please note that the lockers are not extremely large so please be mindful when purchasing winter coats and outerwear.

Lauren Miles, Student Support Specialist
Lost and Found Items
Parents and Scholars,

There are a multitude of lost items that have been retrieved from around the building. If you are looking for a pair of eyeglasses or a phone, please check in the main office. If you have lost an ID, keys, clothing, lunch bag or other school items please check with Ms. Miles or Mr. Curtis in the SSS office (Room 160). Any items not claimed by Tuesday, November 24, 2015 will either be donated or discarded.

Lauren Miles and Antonio Curtis, Student Support Specialists
Students who received Honor Roll for 1st quarter received their certificates in their classes this week. Students will also be receiving bumper stickers. If students lose their sticker parents can purchase a replacement for $5.

SIS T-shirts will be in soon! They will be passed out as soon as they are received! Thanks for your patience.

Ms. Futrell
Mrs. Laurence Class
Because of the upcoming holiday, we will be reviewing the first Thanksgiving that was between the Pilgrims and the Native Americans in colonial America. This lesson will help students recognized the significance and purpose of this day in America. Have a Happy Thanksgiving.

Jaslynn Laurence
CMIT Students Connecting with Students Around the Globe
A couple of classes have had the opportunity to connect with classes around the world. One class was able to meet a class in Spain and another class with a group from Argentina. These opportunities are very exciting but also very valuable for the students in being able to learn geography, culture, and language from others.

We look forward to more opportunities like these!

Srta. Dickerson
11/28/2015 - No Saturday Academy
There will be no Saturday academy on November 28, 2015 due to Thanksgiving break. We will resume Saturday Academy on 12/05/2015.
Enjoy your Break!!!

CMIT South
Lost and Found
Greetings CMIT South Family,

A damaged cellphone was found a few weeks ago and no one has come to the main office yet to make a claim. If your student is missing their cellphone please contact me with key information such as kind of phone, color, background picture, etc. and I will return it to the rightful owner.

We also have an abundance of small personal items accumulating that can be found in the main office "Lost Items" box; such as glasses, keys, headphones, and calculators. Please inform your students to report to the main office regarding these lost items in the event that they may have been found. As a reminder, larger lost items can be found in the black bins near the cafeteria.

Ms. Juliana Colon

What is the Uniform Policy?
The uniform policy can be found on our website by clicking here.

How do we order uniform items?
Uniform items can be ordered by completing the OWI order form.

What uniform items should we order?
At least
- 2 CMIT South Polo shirts (1 blue, 1 green)
- 1 CMIT South fleece or windbreaker
- 1 CMIT South White oxford shirt
- 1 blue tie (neck tie for boys, crisscross tie for girls)
- 1 CMIT South PE t-shirt

Items to be purchased at a department store:

- Navy blue or khaki
- Solid black (no markings or insignias)
- Solid black
Athletic pants:
- Solid blue or black (no markings or insignias)

What is CMIT's Daily Schedule?
7:35- 7:45am:
- Student arrival (drop off is at the side entrance)
- Doors close at 7:45am (after 7:45am parents need to sign late students in at the Front Office)

7:35 - 7:57am:
- Homeroom (Breakfast is available during this time until 7:50am)

8:00am - 2:49pm for 6th grade and 2:54 for 7th grade:
- Academic instruction

2:49/2:54 - 3:05 pm:
Student pick-up outside (Students who are not picked up by 3:05pm will be waiting outside for their ride. There is no adult supervision for these students during this time).

Clubs and enrichment activities will begin immediately following dismissal. All club/enrichment participants must report directly to the cafeteria. Students who continuously fail to report directly to their designated locations will lose the privilege to participate in any after school activities.

How do I pay for my child's lunch?
Breakfast and lunch are served every day. You can add money to your child's account by visiting this link. You can also pay by cash or money order in the cafeteria.

Can my child bring their own lunch to school?
Students can bring a lunch from home. Lunches can be stored in the student's locker. Microwaves are available in the cafeteria to warm food. Refrigerators are not available for students.

What do they serve for school lunch?
A monthly menu is provided by Food and Nutrition Services. Click here for lunch and breakfast menu.

What is the academic calendar?
CMIT follows the Prince George's County Public School calendar found here. To receive notifications of PGCPS school cancellations by providing information here.

Where can I find information about CMIT events and updates?
Every Friday CMIT South publishes its weekly newsletter. It is HIGHLY recommended that you subscribe to the newsletter. It is a vital means of communication between CMIT South and stakeholders. Please click here to subscribe to CMIT South Newsletter. Please visit for more information.

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