On Saturday June 1, 2019, all newly enrolled incoming 6th grade students and their families will be at CMIT South MS/HS for new families orientation. CMIT South family is excited as the family continues to grow.
New students will be taking assessments while their parents will participate in a series of information sessions.
For this event to be a success, CMIT South is excited to have students and parent volunteers helping. CMIT South will be looking for volunteers to present and help our guest on this day. Please use this link to signup.
Looking forward to a successful day.
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Students in Ms. Afari's drama class took on the issue of Bullying in Schools through a drama presentation titled #VIRAL. Through drama, students explored some causes of Bullying and Harassment, how this spreads and the negative consequences of these actions. This presentation was set in a classroom at a school. Students did a great job preparing the stage to reflect the setting of their presentation. The students ended by reflecting on the actions. This presentation is very timely and needed. We hope that they took away valuable lessons.
CMIT South HS - Ms. Afari's class
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Join the CMIT South MS/HS Art Department and the students on May 31, 2019 for an Art Extravaganza celebrating the work of the students in Music and Art all year. Events will begin at 6:00pm promptly. See you then.
CMIT South MS/HS Art Department
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Congratulations CLF Schools' 2019 Annual Awards Winners!
Chesapeake Education STEMazing Service Award:
Spear Lancaster
Student of the Year:
Maya Holloman—CSP MS
Hana Motta—CSP HS
Zachary Akyeampong—CMIT Elementary (N)
Louel Alan Maman—CMIT Elementary (S)
Eniola Dosu—CMIT Academy North MS
Donovan Perry—CMIT Academy North HS
Cayman Curry—CMIT Academy South MS
Sophia Montgomery—CMIT Academy South HS
Teacher of the Year:
Eugene Malloy—CSP MS
Fatima Smith—CSP HS
Michelle Tolbert—CMIT Elementary (N)
Victor Hawkins—CMIT Elementary (S)
Dana Wake—CMIT Academy North MS
Jessica Cunning—CMIT Academy North HS
Jemise Sawyer—CMIT Academy South MS
Lori Payne—CMIT Academy South HS
Support Staff of the Year:
Davette Phifer—CSP MS/HS
Ecola Virgil—CMIT Elementary (N)
Erika Herbert—CMIT Elementary (S)
Ronina Spence—CMIT Academy North MS
Mehmet Elmaci—CMIT Academy North HS
Tavon Cooke—CMIT Academy South MS/HS
Volunteer of the Year:
Peggy Klappenberger—CSP MS/HS
Kim Tavel—CMIT Elementary (N)
Trina Aime—CMIT Elementary (S)
Robert L. Jones—CMIT Academy North MS
Mary Milline—CMIT Academy North HS
Michelle Marshall—CMIT Academy South MS
Germansh Eshete—CMIT Academy South HS
CLF Community Partnerships
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Must Read: New Procedures for Field Trip Collection
1.Starting with the last two field trips of the 2018-2019 school year, we will no longer be collecting money during lunches. Instead, we will be collecting payments via
2. The cost of the Smithsonian Air & Space Museum/Botanical Gardens field trip is $23.00 plus the 3.2% MySchoolBucks service fee. The cost of the Kings Dominion Trip is $65 plus the 3.2% MySchoolBucks service fee.
3. In the event a refund is needed, we will only be able to refund the cost of the trip (ex. $23.00 or $65.00).
4. If you already have an account you don’t need to sign up. All parents who do not have a MySchoolBucks account will need to register for one prior to May 30th. You will need your scholar’s Student ID number and their birthday to sign up.
5. Permission slips for the Smithsonian Air & Space Museum/Botanical Gardens and the Kings Dominion Field Trips will be collected via MySchoolBucks, starting June 3rd. The permission slips will go home on May 31st.
6. A hard copy of the permission slip must be received along with the payment to secure a seat for each field trip.
7. Please make sure that your student is eligible (they have not lost 15 SIS points) between May 1st and May 31st.
Have a great weekend!
CMIT South Secretary
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The CMIT South PTO Board is excited to work with the CMIT South Community to do great things in the new school year. We will need your support to make the activities and programs successful.
Please join us and sign-up to be a CMIT South PTO member today. It is $15 per family. Teachers and businesses can join for $15 too!
We will be accepting membership payments for 2019-2020 starting June 1, 2019 at the Parent Orientation. CASH, CREDIT or CHECKS are accepted.
In addition, you can sign-up via , the CMIT South PTO membership tool and pay via PayPal. Simply click on 'Login' icon and then enter the organization code 'CMITSPTO' and then click on the 'Register' icon. Once complete you will be asked to make your payment through the "Online Store'.
Your membership dues is a contribution that will support activities and programs offered to our CMIT South Community.
We look forward to you becoming a part of a great school community.
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The CMIT South Uniform Store, All American Wear, Inc. located at 5001-B Forbes Boulevard, Lanham, MD will be closed for renovations starting on April 27, 2019 - May 31, 2019.
If you need uniforms to end the school year, please feel free to stop pass the Parent Room to pick up gently used items at a nominal fee.
All American Wear will continue to honor the attached coupons through August 3, 2019
$10.00 off - Any order over $100.00*
$30.00 off - Any order over $200.00*
$50.00 off- Any order over $325.00*
$70.00 off - Any order over $425.00*
*Coupon must be presented at the time of purchase
Products Offered Year-Round Include: Shorts|Slacks| Skorts |Skirts|Jumpers| Polos |Socks|Belts|Shoes|Oxfords|Blazers|Tights|Accessories|Outerwear and Tee Shirts
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We Appreciate our CMIT South Volunteers
On behalf of CMIT South PTO we want to thank all of our volunteers for the 2018-2019 School Year. If you donated a moment of your time in the forefront or behind the scenes for any program, event, or PTO meeting, WE APPRECIATE YOU!
Our volunteers persevered through the new background and training requirements for PGCPS and did their part to be compliant with the County. We are so lucky to have so many people willing to lend a hand (not all pictured). There is no way we can accomplish any of these events without volunteer support. Thank you!
Next year we will need even more volunteers with a full school 6th - 12th grade. So let's pull up our sleeves again and get ready for the refresher training requirements and background check and fingerprinting for those who have not completed this year.
We need you, the school needs you, and our students need you! Let's get ready for 2019-2020.
Remember, it truly takes a village to make this work.
Thank you,
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Who: Open to all students
Where: Botanical Garden/Air and Space Museum
When: June 10, 2019
Cost: $23:00 (additional charges may apply for specific exhibits of interest)
Who: Open to all students
Where: Kings Dominion
When: June 12, 2019
Cost: $65:00
CMIT South
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Counseling Department presents Parent Program on Bullying
Michael Pitter, School Counselor
Chesapeake Math & IT Academy South
9822 Fallard CT.
Upper Malboro, MD 20772
"Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today...."- Malcolm X
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Science Department Update
Hello Everyone!
The middle school science department has been hard at work making changes to the STEM fair process. First and foremost, there will no longer be a STEM fair, the focus going forward will be on students innovation and creativity. Students will still have the opportunity to complete a STEM Project as part of the Nature of Science unit. Outstanding STEM Project will go on to compete in the PGCPS STEM Fair.
This upcoming year, there will be a Maker Faire only; every student will complete a Maker project. Due to this, the timeline has also changed. You can find the timeline for the Maker Faire 2020 below.
Maker Faire 2020 Timeline:
Proposals - Due Friday, Oct. 11 @7: 30 am
Proposal resubmissions - Due Friday, Nov. 1 @ 7:30am
Rough drafts - Due Friday, Nov. 15 @ 7:30 am
Final Drafts - Due Friday, Jan. 31 @ 7:30 am
Boards/multimedia presentations -Due Friday, Feb. 21 @ 7:30 am
Maker’s Faire Date- Friday, March 20 (rain date Friday, March 27)
Please look out for information in the near future through the newsletter and an email regarding the proposal which will be the MS Science Department’s summer assignment.
The MS Science Department
Miss Brown
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Florida 2020 Field Trip Registration Deadline!
Students and Parents!
I hope everyone is ready for a fabulous Memorial Day weekend!
If you have not signed up for CMIT South’s Florida STEM trip, please do so ASAP! Our extended deadline to register for the trip is Friday, May 31st. Space is filling up fast and we do not want anyone to miss out!
Register now at or by calling customer service at 800-468-5899.
It is $49 to secure your spot upon registration. Financial assistance, payment plans, and fundraising are all available! Call customer service to learn more about financial assistance and payment plans.
Use the promo code WS2020TRIP when registering to secure our early bird rate.
Use Trip ID 176027 when registering.
During your trip to Florida, you’ll visit Fort DeSoto State Park. You’ll get to experience the all beautiful beaches, snorkeling, and kayaking that this historic destination has to offer. Keep an eye out for some historical structures left behind from the Spanish-American War. You can even see old cannons right next to the beach!
Sign up now to secure a spot on the trip! Please contact Erika Brown or myself for more information.
P.S. – I know some of you had missed our informational meeting a couple weeks ago. Here is a copy of the presentation from our meeting:
We can’t wait to see all of you in Florida!
Florida Trip Organizer
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Fine Arts Extravaganza
Good afternoon everyone!
At the end of the month, we will have our very first Fine Arts Extravaganza! This will include various amounts of art, dance, music, etc. This will happen on May 31st in the high school side of CMIT South. Performances will be in the auditorium and there will also be a silent auction to buy art.
Doors will open at 6pm and the show will begin at 6:30pm. If there are any parents that would like to volunteer for the event, please email me at twashington1@cmitsouth.
Tickets will be sold this week and all of the week of May 28th. $3 advance and $5 at the door. We are trying to raise money for the fine arts program so please come out and support our fellow musicians and artists!
Thank you
Mr. Teddy Washington
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CMIT South MS/HS will transition to using for collections in the case of field trips and other such activities requiring collections. Please create a myschoolbucks account.
-- Visit
-- In the login box, click on Sign up Today
-- You will need the scholar's student ID and date of birth
-- You can find the student ID on report cards or Schoolmax
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-- Navigate to
-- Click on Point Reward System
-- Enter Username and Password
-- Your username is the email you registered with CMIT South MS/HS
-- If you do not know your username or password, click on “Retrieve Password”.
-- Enter your email used for CMIT South MS/HS communications.
-- Your password will be sent to this email.
See pictures for help
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Character Education
The 6th graders have been empowered with how to communicate effectively,
which is the SESSION GOAL of the lesson.
* Define communication
* Identify the two (2) major forms of communication
*Discuss verbal and nonverbal communication
* Define misunderstanding(s)
* Discuss how misunderstandings develop
* Discuss how misunderstandings can be avoided
* COMMUNICATION - the act of expressing oneself in such a way that one is
readily and clearly understood
* INTERPERSONAL - person to person
* MESSAGE - an act of communication
* RESPONSE - answer
* EFFECTIVE - having the intended result
* VERBAL - spoken
* NONVERBAL - body language and facial expressions
* MISUNDERSTANDING - a failure to interpret a message correctly
* AMBIGUOUS - uncertain or obscure
* CONTRADICTORY - in opposition to or at odds with
* PARAPHRASE - restatement of a message to clarity
* DECISION - a choice
* OUTCOME - result
* UNIQUE - one of a kind
* 3 Cs - clarify, consider and choose
1. We are primarily "social" beings in that we spend most of our lives with other people. Therefore, it is important to learn how to get along with others and function in social situations. Certain communication skills help us deal more effectively in interpersonal relationships.
2. Activity Game of "Telephone" - whisper a sentence ("The football game is Saturday, the quiz is Thursday, and the final is Tuesday) to one student and have each student whisper it to another.
3. Compare the message told to the last person with the one told to the first person.
4. Discuss how and why the message changed.
5. Choose five students to convey five different emotions to the class by all saying the same word "Hi". Ask students to describe the message being sent
6. Select three students and give one card to each student with one of the following words written on it: ANGRY, NERVOUS, CONTENT. Now have each student use nonverbal behavior to communicate the emotion on the card. Now, the rest of the class take turns guessing the emotion that is being expressed.
* Frequently we are communicating a message that is somewhat different from the one we intend to send.
* Sometimes our unconscious feelings are manifested in the form of nonverbal behavior.
* It is important that we be conscious of the message we are sending. .
* Having students identify and/or share examples of a misunderstanding that they've experienced.
*Ask them to identify the cause of the misunderstanding and how it could have been avoided; now incorporate suggestions.
* Sending the same message on verbal and nonverbal channels.
* Asking questions (on the part of the sender. "Do you understand what I mean?" or on the part of the receiver, "By that do you mean ...?")
* Being specific (on the part of the sender - instead of saying "late," specify a time).
* Paraphrasing the message back to the speaker or restating in your own words what you think the sender means (on the part of the receiver - if the sender says, :Don't be home too late," the receiver would say, "What I think you mean is you want me home by 11 o'clock.")
* Asking questions can dramatically improve your understanding of what someone means when they tell you something by clarifying things that may either be poorly communicated or difficult to communicate.
* Communication is the process by which a person sends a message to another individual with the intent of evoking a response or transmitting information.
* Verbal communication refers to the specific words that we use and our voice inflections.
* Nonverbal communication refers to body language (facial expressions, body positions).
* We should be conscious of our nonverbal cues. We may be unconsciously giving contradictory messages.
* Effective communication exists between two persons when the sender and the receiver of a message interpret it in the same way.
* Misunderstanding is a failure in communication.
* There are several ways to attempt to clarify an ambiguous or contradictory message (asking questions, being specific, paraphrasing).
Thanking you in advance for your anticipated attention and support
Dr. Sullivan-Williams (aka Dr. BB)
Senior Certified Life-Skills/Character Education Instructor
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High School Girls Volleyball Team
If you are a current 8th grade or high school girl that will be attending CMIT South next year and are interested in playing volleyball, please fill out the interest form using the link below. We will have an after-school meeting before the end of the school year to provide more information and what you can expect over the summer and coming into the school year next year. Please listen for announcements to be made at school and check back here for the official meeting date.
Interest Form:
FYI: The first official day of practice for fall sports is August 14th, so you will be expected to be here if you wish to play. Please plan accordingly.
Coach Sears
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Umoja on Gratitude
Umoja groups received information and reminders of the importance of "Gratitude" led by Mrs. Loretta Vincent. Mrs. Vincent is a Wife, mother (her son Moses attends CMIT south) she is a strong member of the best PTO in the world. She comes with a heart for Umoja and knowing the importance of pouring into our young people NOW is so vital to building great character. The girls received their very own "Gratitude Box" to decorate and to place affirmations, quotes, etc to reaffirm their value, worth and those things and people they are grateful for i.e. their parents, friends, etc. They also received a "My Gratitude Journal and Vision Book" Design by Mrs. Vincent, especially for Umoja.
3 Questions were presented to the girls :
What is your definition of "GRATITUDE"
What is compassion?
What are you grateful for?
The girls are asked to complete the questions and submit to Ms. Wiggins or me by next Tuesday, May 28th.
Umoja had a meaningful discussion and a great time decorating their "Gratitude Boxes." Our young people are faced with much more in their lives that we can ever imagine. "Soft skills" like being compassion, showing gratitude are often missed. Being grateful and showing gratitude still are values we need to continue to instill into our young people to make better adults.
Go Umoja!
Mrs. Dabney & Ms. Wiggons/Ms. Hall
UMOJA Sponsors
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A tradition at CMIT South MS/HS is for all students to complete summer assignments in RELA, Math, Science and Technology. Students are expected to begin their summer assignments by July 1, 2019. Some assignments have due dates during the months of July and August. Others are due in September. Please pay attention to due dates. Teachers of these subjects will provide necessary directions for summer assignments during the last few weeks in class. Please reach out to your child's teacher if you have any questions about their assigned summer assignment once assigned. Teacher will not be available during the summer break. Questions related to summer assignment during the summer break should be directed to
Summer assignments constitute part of the assessment grades for first quarter of the new school year.
CMIT South
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This school year, Prince George’s County Public Schools (PGCPS) closed two days for inclement weather (January 14 and February 20) and used 11 early dismissal/delayed opening days. The last day of school for students will be Friday, June 14. Students will be dismissed two-hours early.
For more information, visit
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Class of 2020 Rising Seniors....Celebrate All You've Achieved!!!
This is a reminder that Senior Portraits will be taken on May 31st and June 1st at your scheduled time! Please arrive at least 15 minutes early to check in.
IMPORTANT....You may have received two cards in the mail. Please use the card with the appointment time that you selected and the session code to pay your session fee. We encourage you to to pay in advance, but Prestige/Lifetouch will also except payment on-site.
If you have chosen a session that includes a personal outfits, don't forget jewelry and accessories. Consider any props that you may need such a an instrument, basketball, trophy, dance costume, sports uniform, pom poms, etc. and bring them with you.
As it was communicated in the presentation...the camera shows everything. Make sure your hair and nails are groomed. Come in excited for your session because your attitude will be reflected in your portraits.
We look forward to seeing all of your smiling faces and are so excited for you!
~Ms. Johnson and Mrs. Holland-Wallace
***Additional note: The Senior trip deposit of $100 is due on June 30, 2019.
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We will gladly take gently used uniforms for Middle School and High School.
Please be sure to wash all items and deliver to the parent room near the front office in a bag.
Feel free to leave your Name and University/ Section and we will send you a special ' THANK YOU' receipt.
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Verizon Innovative STEM & Technology Program for Middle School Boys
The Verizon Innovative Learning Program will Introduce Augmented Reality, 3D Printing, Entrepreneurship and more to prepare Boys for the Tech Careers of the Future. Lunch will be provided over the summer. Program runs for three weeks in the summer and continues one Saturday per month through the year.
Free Summer Program for Middle School Boys
Where: Howard University Middle School of Mathematics & Science
When: 6/24/19 - 7/12/19
Time: 9:00am - 3:30pm
To register, please contact Dr. Kmt Shockley at To register visit
Howard University
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FAQs |
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What is the Uniform Policy?
The uniform policy can be found on our website, under Students tab.
How do we order uniform items?
Families wishing to purchase uniform in store may visit:
All American Wear, Inc.
5001-B Forbes Boulevard
Lanham, MD 20706
Do I have to purchase uniforms from this vendor?
No, however, uniforms purchased from other vendors must have 100% identical color tone and the CMIT South logo. The current uniform vendor provides donation to the CMIT South PTO based on sales. Each uniform purchase from Minuteman Press is contribution to the school.
What is CMIT South's Daily Schedule?
8:20am - 8:40am:
- Student arrival (drop off is at the side entrance)
- Doors close at 8:40am (after 8:40am parents need to sign late students in at the Front Office)
8:20am - 8:45am:
- Homeroom (Breakfast is available during this time until 8:45am)
8:45am - 2:49pm for 6th & High School grades and 8:45am - 2:54pm for 7th & 8th grades:
- Academic instruction
2:49/2:54pm - 3:10 pm:
Student pick-up outside (Students who are not picked up by 3:10pm will be waiting outside for their ride. There is no adult supervision for these students during this time).
Clubs and enrichment activities will begin immediately following dismissal. All club/enrichment participants must report directly to the cafeteria. Students who continuously fail to report directly to their designated locations will lose the privilege to participate in any after school activities.
How do I pay for my child's lunch?
Breakfast and lunch are served every day. You can add money to your child's account by visiting this link. You can also pay by cash or money order in the cafeteria.
Can my child bring their own lunch to school?
Students can bring a lunch from home. Lunches can be stored in the student's locker. Lunch taken to lunch room should be consumed in lunch room. Student cannot return to locker after lunch. All lunch bags should be left in lockers if student do not wish to place in bins after lunch. Lunch bags are not allowed in class.
What do they serve for school lunch?
A monthly menu is provided by Food and Nutrition Services. Click here for lunch and breakfast menu.
What is the academic calendar?
CMIT follows the Prince George's County Public School calendar found here. To receive notifications of PGCPS school cancellations by providing information here.
Where can I find information about CMIT events and updates?
Every Friday CMIT South publishes its weekly newsletter. It is HIGHLY recommended that you subscribe to the newsletter. It is a vital means of communication between CMIT South and stakeholders. Please click here to subscribe to CMIT South Newsletter. Please visit for more information.
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