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Chesapeake Math & IT Academy South





Field Day

June 12 and June 13

Summer Assignment is Here

2017-2018 CMIT South Book of the Month List for 2017-18

Back to School Night

School Supply List


Capitol Technology University Cyber Summer Camps

High School Engineering Challenge Camps 2017- West Virginia University

FREE GenCyber Summer Camp: PGCC Cyber Smart

Join Team Aurora in the Race for Every Child and Earn SSL Hours


Yearbooks on Sale Now - Limited Quantities Avaliable !!!

Work Permits

Scholars of the Week

Uniform Drive

CMIT South Basketball Camp

CLF Enrichment

Field Day
CMIT South celebrated the end of the year with a fantastic field day. Students and staff enjoyed their time with variety of fun activities. Special thanks go to CMIT South PTO and Mr. Zachary for organizing and coordinating this phenomenal day.

Congratulations on another successful year. Way to go South.

Mr. AG
June 12 and June 13
Monday and Tuesday are 2-hour early dismissal school days. Attendance is taken and entered in Schoolmax; please make sure your child attends school with full uniform. Lockers are cleaned and emptied; no backpacks please.

Teachers will finalize and publish grades by midnight of June 12. Parents are asked to check the final grades in Schoolmax on June 13.

Mr. AG
Summer Assignment is Here

A tradition at CMIT South is for all students to complete summer assignments in RELA, Math, Science and Technology. Students are expected to begin their summer assignments by July 1, 2017. Some assignments have due dates during the months of July and August. Others are due in September. Teachers of these subjects are providing necessary directions for summer assignments during this last few weeks in class. Please reach out to your child's teacher if you have any questions. Teacher will not be available during the summer break. Questions related to summer assignment during the summer break should be directed to

Summer assignments constitute part of the assessment grades for first quarter of the new school year. Links to summer assignments are below. Please click on your next grade level and navigate to your current college. All writing assignments must be typed and not handwritten. Handwritten assignments will not be accepted. Students will receive submission guidelines upon return from summer break.

Incoming 6th Grade

7th Grade

8th Grade

9th Grade

10th Grade

CMIT South
2017-2018 CMIT South Book of the Month List for 2017-18
Dear Parents and Students:

Here is your 2017-2018 CMIT SOUTH Book of the Month List. If a book has an online PDF, it does not need to be purchased.

Mrs. Hakisha Newman, M.Ed., M.A.
Middle School RELA Department Chair
6th Grade RELA Teacher
CMIT South Room 150
Back to School Night

Please mark your calendars for SY18 Back to School Nights:

Tuesday, September 12, 2017: 7th Grade & 8th Grade
Thursday, September 14, 2016: 6th Grade & High School

Schedule is from 4:00pm - 7:00 pm each night.

Lara Asafa
School Supply List

School supply list for the 2017-18 school year is attached. Please note that teachers may require additional items as needed throughout the school year.

CMIT South
Capitol Technology University Cyber Summer Camps

This summer, Capitol Technology University is offering two week-long camp experience for high schoolers in grades 9-12 with an interest in either cybersecurity or programming. Both camps will be held on the Capitol campus in Laurel, MD. During these unique camps, you'll learn skills that will give you a strong start in two of today's most in-demand fields. You'll have fun and make friends along the way.


Capitol Cyber Challenge: July 10-July 14

The Capitol Cyber Challenge features a variety of exciting. informative activities, including scavenger hunts and other cyber games; training in computer forensics; coding and scripting with Python and other languages; creating software robots; and working with 3D printers.

It's perfect both for students who are interested in cybersecurity but don't know much about it, and also for those who have had some cybersecurity experience during high school and want to increase their knowledge base. Instructor: Rick Hansen. Cost: $350.


Coding Camp: July 31-August 4

Coding is a big part of our world today. Whether you want to be a professional programmer or just want to pick up a few skills, Capitol Technology University's python camp is right for you!

Through fun, interactive, hands-on exercises using Python on a Raspberry Pi, you will learn the basics of programming using Python and how to build a functioning program on a small form-factor module like the Pi. By the end of camp, you will be able to create new Python apps. From there, the sky is the limit! Instructor: Sandy Antunes. Cost: $350.

For more information please visit:

Program Coordinator
High School Engineering Challenge Camps 2017- West Virginia University
West Virginia University is organizing different types of Engineering summer camps for elementary, middle and high school students.

High School camps run as overnight camps. Campers will have the opportunity to stay in a WVU residence hall. All meals and evening programming/supervision will be provided.

Students entering 9th-12th grade in the upcoming fall are eligible for this camp.

There are different engineering camps:

Engineering in Coding: June 18-23
Growing Roots in STEM (all-female): June 25-30
Engineering in Action: July 9-14
Engineering in Sustainability: July 9-14
Engineering in Service: July 16-21
Middle School Engineering Challenge Camp

For more information please visit:

Program Coordinator
FREE GenCyber Summer Camp: PGCC Cyber Smart

Program Description

Students in middle and high school in Prince George's County will have an opportunity to attend a free cybersecurity summer camp. This camp will introduce students to diverse cybersecurity career fields, engage them in learning objectives that enhance interest in STEM fields. This camp will target underrepresented populations in cybersecurity and low income students who may not be able to afford an opportunity like this.

Camp dates:
Middle School (Girls): July 10-14
High School: July 17 -21

Camp hours: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. (with before and aftercare available from 7:30 a.m. - 6 p.m.)

Contact information: Shade Adeleke (

Please click on the link below to apply. Application form is also attached.

Join Team Aurora in the Race for Every Child and Earn SSL Hours
CMIT-S Students and Parents,

Chad Wangolo, CMIT-S rising 9th grader, is organizing a team to support Children's Hospital Race for Every Child. The 5K run/walk event will be held on Oct. 21st starting at 8:30 am at the Freedom Plaza in DC. Students who participate can also earn Student Service Learning hours! If you are interested in participating please join Team Aurora (select link) OR contact Karen Wangolo at or 301-325-2897 for more information.

What a great way to support our own CMIT-S student Chad and Children's Hospital!

Team captain: Chad - Team Aurora:

Ms. Warehime, School Counselor
Yearbooks on Sale Now - Limited Quantities Avaliable !!!

-Middle School Yearbook (6th - 8th grades) is a hardcover book with 60 color pages: $25.00

-High School Yearbook (9th grade) is a hardcover book with 32 color pages: $20.00

Lacy Holland-Wallace
Yearbook Adviser

Work Permits
If you are trying to obtain a work permit for your student here is the link you will need to use. Work permits are completed all online!

Ms. Warehime, School Counselor
Scholars of the Week
- The following students will receive a ‘pick a casual day’ pass because of
finishing the week of May 29 with the highest SIS balances:

- Scholars of the Week for middle: Siham (Stanford), Lauren (Bowie),
Courtney (Bowie)

- Scholars of the Week for high: Jaylen (Goergetown), Sotonye (Stanford),
Rachel (Brown)


Mr. AG, Principal
Uniform Drive

Please donate your scholar's gently worn uniform apparels at CMIT South. You can drop these items off at the front desk.

Thank you.

CMIT South
CMIT South Basketball Camp
CMIT South is offering our first basketball camp. The camp will teach basketball fundamentals, skills and drills, and strength and conditioning. Students will be supervised at all times. Camp times are 8:30am-4:30pm. Students will need to bring their own lunch, or lunch may be purchased daily.

Use the following link to register. Only first 20 registrants will be admitted!

If you have any concerns questions or concerns please contact

Ms. Washington

Coach Smith

CLF Enrichment
CLF Enrichment will end at 4:00 p.m. on June 12th and June 13th. Please arrive on time for pick up.


What is the Uniform Policy?
The uniform policy can be found on our website, under Students tab.

How do we order uniform items?
Uniform items can be ordered by completing the online order form:

Do I have to purchase uniforms from this vendor?

No, however, uniforms purchased from other vendors must have 100% identical color tone and the CMIT South logo. The current uniform vendor provides donation to the CMIT South PTO based on sales. Each uniform purchase from Minuteman Press is contribution to the school. 

What is CMIT's Daily Schedule?
7:35- 7:45am:
- Student arrival (drop off is at the side entrance)
- Doors close at 7:45am (after 7:45am parents need to sign late students in at the Front Office)

7:35 - 7:57am:
- Homeroom (Breakfast is available during this time until 7:50am)

8:00am - 2:49pm for 6th&9th grades and 2:54 for 7th & 8th grades: 
- Academic instruction

2:49/2:54 - 3:10 pm: 
Student pick-up outside (Students who are not picked up by 3:10pm will be waiting outside for their ride. There is no adult supervision for these students during this time).

Clubs and enrichment activities will begin immediately following dismissal. All club/enrichment participants must report directly to the cafeteria. Students who continuously fail to report directly to their designated locations will lose the privilege to participate in any after school activities. 

How do I pay for my child's lunch?
Breakfast and lunch are served every day. You can add money to your child's account by visiting this link. You can also pay by cash or money order in the cafeteria. 

Can my child bring their own lunch to school?
Students can bring a lunch from home. Lunches can be stored in the student's locker. Microwaves are available in the cafeteria to warm food. Refrigerators are not available for students.

What do they serve for school lunch?
A monthly menu is provided by Food and Nutrition Services. Click here for lunch and breakfast menu.

What is the academic calendar?
CMIT follows the Prince George's County Public School calendar found here. To receive notifications of PGCPS school cancellations by providing information here.

Where can I find information about CMIT events and updates?
Every Friday CMIT South publishes its weekly newsletter. It is HIGHLY recommended that you subscribe to the newsletter. It is a vital means of communication between CMIT South and stakeholders. Please click here to subscribe to CMIT South Newsletter. Please visit for more information.


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