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Chesapeake Math & IT Academy South





Teacher Appreciation Week

Final Exam/Project Schedule

Q/A Session for Prospective High School Parents

Successful PARCC Spirit Week at CMIT-S

Middle School Basketball Tournament Results!

Did Not Get a Chance to Order Your Yearbook? Do Not Worry!!!


PTO Meeting Reminder



We need Speakers for Career Day! May 26, 2017

Events for the 2016-17 SY

Parenting Adolescents/Teenagers Information Night May 18th

New Families' Orientation

High School Engineering Challenge Camps 2017- West Virginia University

Student Service Learning Opportunity

8th Grade Graduation Committee News

Create Initiative Summer Program


7th Grade Science Final Exam


Scholars of the Week

Toys in School

Teacher Appreciation Week
CMIT South administration and CLF celebrated teacher appreciation week by recognizing staff for their dedication. “Teaching” and working at a school in any capacity is a very demanding job as we are in charge of the most precious being on the Earth; kids. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all CMIT South staff members for their efforts and hardwork.

CLF office sponsored an ice-cream social event, Thursday breakfast, and Friday lunch as well as gift cards for staff. Administration made fresh waffles on Friday for all staff members even though nothing will be sufficient to thank educators enough.

If you missed to celebrate teacher appreciation week, it is never too late.

Final Exam/Project Schedule
CMIT South students will be completing final projects or assessments during the last few weeks of the school year. Students will complete project in the contents indicated below and should have received information related to the project from their teacher by now. In addition, students will be participating in final assessments in Reading, Mathematics and Science.

During the week of May 30 - June 2, 2017, assessment will take place following two-hour delay schedule. Students are expected to arrive promptly to school at 7:35am each day ready to take their finals.

Spanish - Project
Social Studies - Project
Technology - Project
Reading - NWEA MAP
Mathematics - Final Exams
Science - Final Exams

Please contact your child's teacher for additional information.

Mrs. Asafa
Assistant Principal
Q/A Session for Prospective High School Parents

On Thursday, May 11th from 6:00pm to 7:00pm, staff from the high school will be on hand to discuss what is in store for CMIT- South Middle School students when they reach the high school. We will be discussing pathways to graduation including the Information Technology Early College (ITEC) program and Advanced Placement courses, athletics, clubs, and other opportunities.

Come out and learn about what we are offering!

Event: Q/A Session for Prospective High School Parents (Open to all Middle school parents)

Date & Time : Thursday May 11,2017 between 6:00pm-7:00pm

Location: CMIT-South Cafeteria

Program Coordinator
Successful PARCC Spirit Week at CMIT-S
Last week we held our first ever PARCC Spirit Week and it was a huge success! It was great to see students, teachers, and staff dressed up and participating in this event to get our students excited for PARCC testing. On Friday, we held our first ever pep rally where selected students were able to silly string a teacher or staff member. The 6/7th grader pep rally was hosted by Joe Clair who really got the CMIT-S gym rocking. The PARCC Spirit Week Team consisted of Miss Sears, Mrs. Gearhart, Mrs. Caple-Price, Mrs. Curtis, Mrs. Green, Ms. Jones, Mr. Roorda and myself. We want to thank everyone who participated and helped out to make this week a fun success. Can't wait till next year!

Ms. Warehime, School Counselor
Middle School Basketball Tournament Results!
We had some great games on Monday resulting in a championship match between "Team RIP Playmakers" and "Team LOL". In the end "Team LOL" Won the tournament 12-7.

Congratulations on their Win of +10 SIS & a $20 Gift Cards
Isaiah Buxton
Adam Sterling
Dallas Simmons
Brendan Bryan
Zion Tyson
Jordan Giles

Congratulations on their second place finish and $15 Gift Cards
Jaheim Codrington
Daniel Miller
Chad Wangolo
Jabez Murkey
Isiah Gallaway
Brian Usual

Kelly Fay
Did Not Get a Chance to Order Your Yearbook? Do Not Worry!!!
Did not get a chance to order your yearbook? Do Not Worry!!!

Once Yearbook Committee submit the yearbook and order the set quantities. They will make the additional yearbooks available for purchase on PTAvenue.

More information coming soon. Stay tuned!!!

Program Coordinator
PTO Meeting Reminder

Our next General PTO meeting will be held on Tuesday. May 16, 2017 from 6:30pm until 7:30pm!

2017-2018 PTO Board Members will be elected!

We hope that you will attend to hear all that's going on around CMIT-S and to be informed on what's coming up!

Thank you,



The PTO will host our annual Appreciation Week for the wonderful teachers and staff members of CMIT SOUTH!

We have planned special treats for each day of the week!

On Tuesday, May 9th, we are asking students to bring in their personal "Thank you" cards/notes, facial tissues, disinfection wipes, plants, flowers, or just give a simple word of thanks to our wonderful teachers and staff members!!

We need Speakers for Career Day! May 26, 2017
Parents! Friends! Family Members!

If you have a job- ANY JOB! Please sign up to present during career day on May 26, 2017!

This is a REALLY important event for our students in terms of motivation, commitment to school, and commitment to their future!

Each Speaker can sign up for a partial, or whole day- and presentations will last about 30 minutes each (I'll put you in as many classes as possible during the time you are available)

Prepare for 15-20 minutes of talking about your job, how you got it, and what you like or dislike about it, and 10-15 minutes of student questions.

If you are interested in presenting at this function, please sign up at the following link. We will provide you with breakfast and lunch and be in touch!

Kelly Fay
Events for the 2016-17 SY

Mark your Calendars. CMIT South staff and parents continue to plan great learning and fun activities for our wonderful students. Please mark your calendars for the following events. Students are reminded to present positive behavior as SIS points are required for most of the activities listed below.

More information for each of these events are being shared on the school newsletter as the relevant information becomes available.

May 19 - Spanish Field Trip
May 20 - New Families Orientation
May 25/26 - JA Financial Park Field Trip - 8th grade
May 25 - 8th Grade Promotion Ceremony, Wise HS
May 26 - Career Day
May 30 - 8th grade activity week kickoff - Swag Bag pick up (Tentative)
May 31 - Chat and Chew with 9th graders (Tentative)
June 1 - Ice Cream Social/Yearbook signing
June 2 - 8th Grade Jr. Prom, 7:00 - 10:00pm ($25.00)
June 6 - Zoo Field Trip
June 8 - Busch Garden field trip day ($80 - $100)
June 9 - Tentative PTO Field Day

Lara Asafa
Parenting Adolescents/Teenagers Information Night May 18th
Attention CMIT-S Parents and Guardians,

I am pleased to announced that we are able to have another parenting information night on May 18th from 6:30-8:30 in the cafeteria. I have partnered again with the Center for Healthy Families to have them come share techniques and information regarding issues with technology, social media, communication and just raising a middle/high schooler in general. Last years presentation was very informative for those who attended. I hope you can join us this year as well.

Ms. Warehime, School Counselor
New Families' Orientation

On Saturday May 20, 2017, all newly enrolled incoming 6th grade students and their families will be at CMIT South for new families orientation. CMIT South family is excited as the family continues to grow.

New students will be taking assessments while their parents will participate in a series of information sessions.

For this event to be a success, CMIT South is excited to have students and parent volunteers helping. If you would still like to volunteer, please use the link below.

Thank you to all that volunteer. Looking forward to a successful day.

Lara Asafa
High School Engineering Challenge Camps 2017- West Virginia University
West Virginia University is organizing different types of Engineering summer camps for elementary, middle and high school students.

High School camps run as overnight camps. Campers will have the opportunity to stay in a WVU residence hall. All meals and evening programming/supervision will be provided.

Students entering 9th-12th grade in the upcoming fall are eligible for this camp.

There are different engineering camps:

Engineering in Coding: June 18-23
Growing Roots in STEM (all-female): June 25-30
Engineering in Action: July 9-14
Engineering in Sustainability: July 9-14
Engineering in Service: July 16-21
Middle School Engineering Challenge Camp

For more information please visit:

Program Coordinator
Student Service Learning Opportunity
Clean Out Your Closet Event
Sat. May 13th
The Gardens Ice House Parking Lot
13800 Old Gunpowder Rd Laurel
Collecting; clothing, shoes, accessories, books, linens, small household items

Contact Grace: 301-466-6041

Ms. Warehime, School Counselor
8th Grade Graduation Committee News
We are excited to celebrate our 8th grade students, the class of 2021. Beginning May 25th there are activities just for our students. The 8th grade committee has compiled a list of activities and payment due dates to help you stay on track with the activities. We hope everyone is able to participate.

On Monday, May 7th, we will end the Soles4Souls 8th grade service project where the students are looking to collect 1,000 gently used shoes for those in need. Please help the student's reach their goal by dropping some shoes in the shoe box located outside the drop-off door on Friday. Simply tie them together with a rubber band or string and drop them in. Your support will go a long way.

The 8th grade promotion committee is looking for non-eighth grade students and parent volunteers to help during the promotion ceremony the evening of May 25, 2017. Please click on this link to volunteer to help. Students will be able to apply this towards their Service Learning Hours.

If you have any questions or need assistance, please feel free to reach out to Monique Gallaway, 8th grade parent lead (

Thank you

Monique Gallaway & Tiffany Doster
8th Grade Graduation Committee
Create Initiative Summer Program
The Create Initiative is a summer program that introduces youth to learn more about digital media in the fields of: web design, coding, digital photography, videography and music. Students developed websites, computer programs, edited and manipulated images using Photoshop, edited and manipulated video using Adobe Premiere and created and edited music files.

Application Deadline: June 2, 2017
Requirements: Ages 13 - 18, Available 7/10 - 7/21, Live in Prince George's County MD

Apply here:

Program Coordinator
7th Grade Science Final Exam

The Seventh Graders will take a Final Exam on May 30th 2017. Two hours will be provided, and the exam will be a cumulative final of the Physics Unit. Students should prepare for about 35 Multiple Choice Questions and 3 BCR Questions.

Topics will include
- Motion (Ch 7)
- Forces (Ch 8*)
- Energy (Ch 10*)
- Thermodynamics (Ch 11*)
- Waves (Ch 12*)
- Light (Ch 15*)
- Electricity and Magnetism (Ch 17*)

* Chapters Marked - Entire chapter not covered in class or on test - students will need to refer to notes / slides, and sources from class to evaluate what material is important to study and review.

Kelly Fay
Scholars of the Week
- The following students will receive a ‘pick a casual day’ pass because of finishing the week of April 24

with the highest SIS balances:

- Scholars of the Week for middle: Zorah (Harvard), Leah (Howard),
Kamara (UMD)

- Scholars of the Week for high: Oba (Stanford), Rachael (Georgetown),

Christopher (Georgetown)

Mr. AG,
Toys in School
Attention Parents,

Students are beginning to bring certain toys and gadgets to school more frequently. New spinning gadgets called "Fidget Spinners" and this mushy substance called "Slime"are the two main things students ring to school. In light of this we are asking that students keep these things at home. If these items are seen at school students will receive a warning first. Secondly they will receive negative points. If the student continues after that then the item will be confiscated.

Respectfully submitted,
Mr. Kelvin Smith
Student Support Specialist

What is the Uniform Policy?
The uniform policy can be found on our website, under Students tab.

How do we order uniform items?
Uniform items can be ordered by completing the online order form:

Do I have to purchase uniforms from this vendor?

No, however, uniforms purchased from other vendors must have 100% identical color tone and the CMIT South logo. The current uniform vendor provides donation to the CMIT South PTO based on sales. Each uniform purchase from Minuteman Press is contribution to the school. 

What is CMIT's Daily Schedule?
7:35- 7:45am:
- Student arrival (drop off is at the side entrance)
- Doors close at 7:45am (after 7:45am parents need to sign late students in at the Front Office)

7:35 - 7:57am:
- Homeroom (Breakfast is available during this time until 7:50am)

8:00am - 2:49pm for 6th&9th grades and 2:54 for 7th & 8th grades: 
- Academic instruction

2:49/2:54 - 3:10 pm: 
Student pick-up outside (Students who are not picked up by 3:10pm will be waiting outside for their ride. There is no adult supervision for these students during this time).

Clubs and enrichment activities will begin immediately following dismissal. All club/enrichment participants must report directly to the cafeteria. Students who continuously fail to report directly to their designated locations will lose the privilege to participate in any after school activities. 

How do I pay for my child's lunch?
Breakfast and lunch are served every day. You can add money to your child's account by visiting this link. You can also pay by cash or money order in the cafeteria. 

Can my child bring their own lunch to school?
Students can bring a lunch from home. Lunches can be stored in the student's locker. Microwaves are available in the cafeteria to warm food. Refrigerators are not available for students.

What do they serve for school lunch?
A monthly menu is provided by Food and Nutrition Services. Click here for lunch and breakfast menu.

What is the academic calendar?
CMIT follows the Prince George's County Public School calendar found here. To receive notifications of PGCPS school cancellations by providing information here.

Where can I find information about CMIT events and updates?
Every Friday CMIT South publishes its weekly newsletter. It is HIGHLY recommended that you subscribe to the newsletter. It is a vital means of communication between CMIT South and stakeholders. Please click here to subscribe to CMIT South Newsletter. Please visit for more information.


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