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Chesapeake Math & IT Academy South





PARCC Scores

Amazing Scholars

Lottery Opens for PGCPS PCS for 2017-2018

Naviance - Learning Style Inventory

The First Knockerball Experience at CMIT South


CMIT South University Parent Representative

December BoxTops Contest!

Interest Meeting: NICARAGUA Trip June 2017


Saturday Academy

CMIT South SGA Presents- The Winter Basketball Tournament!

Pending Approval! Camp In at the Franklin Institute Philadelphia!

Lock-In at CMIT South


STEM and Makers Faire Deadlines

Student Service Learning Forms


CMIT South KidzCares Club


Want to Chaperone? Make Sure You Can..

Enrichment Drop In Services

PARCC Scores
CMIT South's 2015-2016 PARCC score data was presented at the PTO meeting. Parents had an opportunity to compare school data with the Prince George's County and the State of Maryland. Another presentation was on "how to read and analyze score reports" which were sent home earlier in the quarter.

Overall, CMIT South scored higher than the county and state averages. The highest achievement was in Algebra I. 6th grade Math and 7th grade Math are the only areas where our scores are lower, because none of the advanced Math course students in 6th and 7th grades were tested in those grade levels*.

As students and staff get more familiar with the Common Core expectations and PARCC requirements, we expect our school data to continue to improve even more.

* As opposed to MSA, PARCC is testing students based on the grade level curriculum which they are in. Last year, for instance, only half of the 7th grade students were enrolled in 7th grade Math and those are the only students who took 7th grade PARCC assessment. The other 7th grade students took 8th grade PARCC or PARCC Algebra I because of the coursework they were assigned to.

Mr. AG
Amazing Scholars
CMIT South recognizes students with not only quarterly honor roll ceremonies but also monthly SIS events. At the beginning of the year, students completed a survey to share their preferences for recognition. September SIS points celebration was staff-student basketball tournament and October's was waffle breakfast. This month, students were recognized with a pizza party.

453 of 553 enrolled students completed November with positive PBIS - SIS points by "exceeding" the expectations. These are the students whose SIS point reports show "positive balances" for November.

Special thanks go to the Scholars for their extraordinary efforts to exhibit remarkable behavior. I also like to share my appreciation with the staff who continuously uses the SIS system to inform parents about behavioral progress.

CMIT South PTO is always willing to support; our students are very appreciative of PTO's willingness to fund and coordinate the monthly SIS events.

Please see the attachment for SIS system rewards and consequences information sheet.

Mr. AG
Lottery Opens for PGCPS PCS for 2017-2018

Prince George’s County Public Schools (PGCPS) public charter schools will be accepting online applications for the 2017-2018 school year starting November 01, 2016.

All Prince George’s County families can apply to a public charter school, as there are no attendance boundaries assigned to charter schools. Interested families must complete the online application for each child they wish to enroll.

Prospective public charter school families must ensure that the students has a PGCPS student ID to apply. If your student does not have a PGCPS ID, please visit your neighborhood school to get one. In addition, siblings must have the same residency information on Schoolmax to be considered siblings.

For more information on PGCPS Charter Lottery, click below.

For sibling and regular applications, click below.

Lara Asafa
Naviance - Learning Style Inventory
All high school students attended Naviance training and activated their account. Students expected to take “Learning Style Inventory” assessment during the month of December.

The Learning Style Inventory assessment allows students to boost academic potential by recognizing their natural learning style, discover better learning strategies, and gain career development skills. The assessment provides students with a report that can be used to increase understanding of the student’s needs at school. The assessment takes approximately 20 minute to complete, and students can stop and save their progress at any time. The results of the assessment provide students with an analysis of their personal preferences in 16 different areas.
Students can access the Learning Style Inventory by logging into Family Connection ( ) and going to
About Me > Learning Style Inventory under My Assessment header.
Please see the attached document for more details about Learning Style Inventory.

Taner Budiyar
Program Coordinator
The First Knockerball Experience at CMIT South
At boys lock-in on December 9, students will enjoy a knockerball experience in the indoor field. Coach Cihan is making preps for a well-deserved fun night with bunch of activities.

Monday is the last day to register and pay for lock-in.

CMIT South
CMIT South University Parent Representative
In order to foster improved communications within our school….we now have University Parent Representatives in addition to both Middle School and High School Reps that you can address your questions or concerns directly. Over the next few weeks more names will be posted to the listing. We do have vacancies for the following universities:
UCLA – 6th Grade
FAMU – 7th Grade
Howard & Yale – 8th Grade
Brown & Georgetown – 9th Grade
Interested candidates should contact either the middle or high school reps.
High School Rep: Debbie Pearson (
Middle School Rep: Janee Scott-Wall (
CURRENT University Parent Representatives:
6th Grade: Virginia Tech – Tammeca Riley (
7th Grade: Morgan – Renea Fletcher (
7TH Grade: NC A&T – Deshonta Robinson (
7th Grade: UPENN – Carlita Rodgers (
8th Grade: Harvard – Tamika Spencer (
8th Grade: Princeton – Stephanie Buxton (
9th Grade: Stanford – Kim Johnson (
9th Grade: MIT – Lesa Elliott-Caesar (

December BoxTops Contest!
It’s BoxTops submission time again. This contest runs from Dec. 5th to Dec. 22nd and rewards the student who submits the most BoxTops. Collection bins are located in classrooms. BoxTops can also be deposited into larger collection bins located at the school lobby and in the cafeteria during enrichment pickup. Remember to make sure they are not expired and label your collection baggies or sheets with student’s name.
CASH PRIZES will be awarded to THE STUDENTS who collect and submit the most BoxTops. Good Luck!

CMIT South BoxTops Coordinators

Interest Meeting: NICARAGUA Trip June 2017
Thursday, December 8, 2016
Room 321

Come learn about an opportunity for your student to travel abroad, utilize their language skills, and serve an international community!

An reminder email will be forthcoming. Time is running out for students to sign up and those that are interested in joining us should plan to be in attendance!

As this is not a CMIT-sponsored trip, all questions should be directed to Ms. Dickerson at

See you then!

Ms. Dickerson
Saturday Academy

CMIT South offers free Saturday Academy for enrichment in Math and Reading and it began October 8, 2016. Students in need of additional support in their classwork or homework may attend. Some students are also being recommended to attend. Please refer to the schedule and plan to be punctual and consistent in your attendance to fully benefit from the session you choose.

Saturday Academy schedule:

09:00 – 11:00 || 1st Study Session

11:00 – 01:00 || 2nd Study Session

01:00 || Dismissal

Students are free to attend the session that works for them. Students attending for both subjects will need to arrive at 9:00am and be dismissed at 1:00pm. We look forward to serving you there.

Lara Asafa
CMIT South SGA Presents- The Winter Basketball Tournament!

Event Information:

Monday December 12th- Wednesday December 14th
After school from 3:15-4:15pm.

This activity is open to: All 6-8 grade students.
Both Spectators and Players will be picked up from the cafeteria DO NOT come directly to the gym after school, you will be denied entry.

Monday Dec 12th- 6th grade basketball tournament, 4 teams of 6th grade players will compete in a single elimination bracket for the title of 6th grade champions.

Tuesday Dec 13th - 7the grade basketball tournament, 4 teams of 7th grade players will compete in a single elimination bracket for the title of 7th grade champions.

Wednesday Dec 14th- 8th grade basketball tournament, 4 teams of 8th grade players will compete in a single elimination bracket for the title of 8th grade champions.

Student spectators will be charged $1 at the door for entry, and $0.50- $1 snack/ concession sales.

Grade level spectators will be provided with priority for the grade level tournaments, then any available seats remaining may be filled by other grade levels.

Players do not need to pay admission on the date they will be playing.

Prizes for Winning Teams (for each grade level)
$15 Chick fil-A or chipotle gift card for each player on the team
+10 SIS points for “Winning a Contest” for each player on the team
Recognition in the newsletter

Sign your team up today!
All team members must be available to play during the tournament for your grade level.

Players may only play for ONE Team. If a player is seen on two team's roster, both teams will be deleted.

Co'Ed (Male & Female players on the same team) are permitted.

Teams should arrive day of in appropriate matching uniforms of their choosing, ready to play. Attire will not be provided by SGA or CMIT south.

The first 4 teams to sign up for each grade level will be allowed to compete.

Register your team here!

If you have suggestions for SGA- Let us know!

Kelly Fay
Pending Approval! Camp In at the Franklin Institute Philadelphia!

The science department is proud to announce an upcoming overnight field trip to the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia, PA from January 19th- January 20th 2017! This is a CAMP IN and you will get the rare opportunity of sleeping inside the museum!

Cost $100 per student & chaperone.

Cost includes
Entry into Institute, dinner on the 19th, breakfast on the 20th, transportation, IMAX Showing, Planetarium Showing, LIVE Science Fireworks Show, and 1 year access to the institute!

SIS point eligibility of no more than -10 SIS will be a qualifying factor for participation.

Money will be collected from December 19-22nd 2016.

Kelly Fay
Lock-In at CMIT South
Who’s it 4?
8th and 9th Graders (Boys only) *
* Have a balance of -15 or better for November

When’s it?
From Fri. (12/9) 9:00pm to Sat. (12/10) 7:00am

What’s Taking Place?
Movie, Knockerball, Wii, Basketball, Soccer, PlayStation, Xbox, Fun Contests and Much More...

What’s the Cost?
Tickets will be on SALE for $10 only on December 5 during the lunch time.

Contact Person
Coach Cihan
STEM and Makers Faire Deadlines
Here is the outline of dates, and approval process for the remainder of the year as finalized by the Science Department.

Wednesday December 21st at 7:30am- Research Paper Final Draft (100 Points Assessment) due for all students to reading and science teachers. (Students who do not have approved projects by 12.01.16 will receive a zero).

Friday January 6th 2017- IN CLASS- Students turn in a Project Tri- fold board. (100 Points Assessment). (Students who are not approved by 12.01 will receive a zero)

Friday January 13th 2017- Students compete in the in house STEM / Makers fair at CMIT South.

ALL STEM and Makers Fair project components will be graded on the original submission, resubmissions are not permitted for an increase in grade.

Kelly Fay
Student Service Learning Forms
CMIT-S Middle School Parents and Students,

I now have a mailbox outside my office where students can turn in their Student Service Learning Forms. Please remember that the forms need to be completed in their entirely. Forms which are incomplete will be returned to the student.

You can find both the pre-approval and verification form on this website

Ms. Warehime, School Counselor
CMIT South KidzCares Club
The CMIT South's KidzCares Club is sponsoring a volunteer opportunity at Share Food Network for our parents and middle school students on Saturday, December 10th, from 7:00 am-11:00am. (Volunteers must arrive on-time)

We will help prepare for monthly food distributions by repackaging bulk foods, such as, potatoes, rice, and onions into family-sized portions.

Students will need to bring their Student Service Learning hours (SSL) forms to be completed.

This form can be downloaded via

We can have up to 25 volunteers on Saturday, December 10, 2016. Please sign-up so we will know who and how many people will be joining.

If you have any questions, please contact Monique Gallaway at or Bridgette Elliott at

Thank you,

KidszCares Club

CMIT South

Congratulations to Haroon Zaid for Being a Positive Leader!

Mr. Chipriano

Want to Chaperone? Make Sure You Can..

The new PGCPS Administrative Procedure requires that ALL chaperones have had the FULL FINGERPRINT BACKGROUND CHECK for any future field trips. Parents wishing to participate in any future field trips must have evidence of this background check on file at the front desk.

This is the $56.57 background check, not just the $7.26 online or $7.00 fee in person at Sasscer as what was accepted previously.

Please visit the Background Unit office in Sasscer Building. The Fingerprint Office accepts payment in the form of cash, money order, debit/Visa/MasterCard. Contact information below:

Hours of Operation
8:00 a.m. - 3:45 p.m.
Monday - Friday

Sasscer Administration Building
14201 School Lane, Room 128
Upper Marlboro, Maryland 20772

Telephone: 301.952.7831

Lara Asafa
Enrichment Drop In Services
CMIT South now offers morning and afternoon drop in enrichment services. Please log into to the signup genius found at the following link to reserve your spot.

Kevin Young
What is the Uniform Policy?
The uniform policy can be found on our website, under Students tab.

How do we order uniform items?
Uniform items can be ordered by completing the online order form:

Do I have to purchase uniforms from this vendor?
No, however, uniforms purchased from other vendors must have 100% identical color tone and the CMIT South logo. The current uniform vendor provides donation to the CMIT South PTO based on sales. Each uniform purchase from Minuteman Press is contribution to the school. 

What is CMIT's Daily Schedule?
7:35- 7:45am:
- Student arrival (drop off is at the side entrance)
- Doors close at 7:45am (after 7:45am parents need to sign late students in at the Front Office)

7:35 - 7:57am:
- Homeroom (Breakfast is available during this time until 7:50am)

8:00am - 2:49pm for 6th grade and 2:54 for 7th grade: 
- Academic instruction

2:49/2:54 - 3:05 pm
Student pick-up outside (Students who are not picked up by 3:10pm will be waiting outside for their ride. There is no adult supervision for these students during this time).

Clubs and enrichment activities will begin immediately following dismissal. All club/enrichment participants must report directly to the cafeteria. Students who continuously fail to report directly to their designated locations will lose the privilege to participate in any after school activities. 

How do I pay for my child's lunch?
Breakfast and lunch are served every day. You can add money to your child's account by visiting this link. You can also pay by cash or money order in the cafeteria. 

Can my child bring their own lunch to school?
Students can bring a lunch from home. Lunches can be stored in the student's locker. Microwaves are available in the cafeteria to warm food. Refrigerators are not available for students.

What do they serve for school lunch?
A monthly menu is provided by Food and Nutrition Services. Click here for lunch and breakfast menu.

What is the academic calendar?
CMIT follows the Prince George's County Public School calendar found here. To receive notifications of PGCPS school cancellations by providing information here.

Where can I find information about CMIT events and updates?
Every Friday CMIT South publishes its weekly newsletter. It is HIGHLY recommended that you subscribe to the newsletter. It is a vital means of communication between CMIT South and stakeholders. Please click here to subscribe to CMIT South Newsletter. Please visit for more information.

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