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Chesapeake Math & IT Academy North Middle School





Meal Sites

Distance Learning


PGCPS Specialty Programs Update!!!!




A Note From Technology Teacher, Ms. Davis

Peer Tutoring for Math continues online 6-7 pm

Health Education


Distance Learning Rules and Best Practices

Meal Sites
Meal Sites Offering Meals for Multiple Days 43 meal sites are now open on Mondays and Wednesdays only so families don’t have to make as many trips to receive five days of meals for students. On Mondays, families will receive meals for two days; on Wednesdays, three days of meals will be provided. Hours will continue to be open from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Parents may now pick up meals for students who are unable to come to the site by showing a student ID or report card. View the latest meals info flyer, file:///Users/andrewbrauer/Downloads/Meal%20Site%20Flyer%204-6%20TRI.pdf, or visit the webpage for details,

Andrew Brauer, Principal
Distance Learning
Distance learning
Online instruction has begun and has had one full cycle which has included all specialty classes, e.g. gym, health, technology. As a reminder, please note that in the distance learning structure, daily learning will not be equivalent to a six-hour day. All students have received invitations through their CMIT student email to join classes online via Google Classroom. If your student has not received an invitation, please reach out to the teacher to get the needed codes for entry.

Distance learning will maintain key aspects of their classroom experience: collaboration with peers, daily lessons and experimentation with individualized and innovative techniques. Learning activities will include independent, self-paced work, and teachers will have virtual office hours to check for understanding and submission of assignments. View an important update for parents and guardians of students with IEPs and Section 504 Plans." target="_blank" data-saferedirecturl="" style="color: rgb(17, 85, 204);"> Internet Access for Distance Learning: Internet Essentials from Comcast brings families affordable, high-speed Internet that makes it easier for low-income households to get connected so they can more easily work from home, access educational resources and stay in contact with friends and family. New Internet Essentials customers may be eligible for two months of free Internet service. Apply online by April 30, 2020 or call 1-855-8-INTERNET (1-855-846-8376). Hours of operation are from 8 a.m. to midnight (EST), seven days a week. You may qualify for free Internet service if you: Are eligible for public assistance like the National School Lunch Program, housing assistance, Medicaid, SNAP, SSI and others. Live in an area where Comcast Internet Service is available. Have not subscribed to Comcast Internet within the last 90 days.

Andrew Brauer, Principal
PGCPS Specialty Programs Update!!!!
Dear Parents/Guardians I have been responding to parent emails and concerns regarding students' transition to High School Specialty Programs and wanted to provide an update for our middle school students. All eligibility letters were sent out to families the week of March 2 for the following programs: Academy of Health Science, Aerospace and Aviation, 3D Scholars, IB, Science and Technology, PTech. Letters regarding eligibility for CTE and Visual and Performing Arts programs were sent shortly after. Please check your emails and visit for updates. Open House: All open houses were canceled. Virtual open house information for each program was emailed to eligible and waitlisted students for each program (through the email address listed in SchoolMax or email used to apply to the program) on April 8, 2020 to help them learn more about each program and school. If you did not receive an email you can reach out to the coordinator for the program listed below or email Dr. Kia McDaniel, Coordinating Supervisor, Specialty Programs at Registration: The registration dates for the students who are eligible for the program must be adjusted. The April 17 deadline, no longer applies. If school resumes for the 2019-2020 school year, registration for all high school specialty programs must be completed within 20 business days after school sites and offices reopen. If schools reopen on April 27, 2020, registration must be completed by May 22, 2020. If school does not resume for the 2019-2020 school year, registration information will be posted on the PGCPS website. Waitlist: Students may possibly begin to move from the waitlist once the district begins registration (virtually or in-person) for the 2020-2021 school year. Accepting or Declining an Offer: Students and their parents should have completed the google form (link was provided in eligible and waitlist letters) to accept or decline their seats.

Yurhance Johnson
Dear CMIT Family, USA Science& Engineering Festival offers great live stream events. See the message below for details. "The USA Science & Engineering Festival team is working hard to reschedule our postponed events. While we await the opportunity to bring back our live Festival, we are excited to offer a FREE virtual version of our X-STEM conference to students across the country! X-STEM All Access – presented by AstraZeneca – is a virtual interactive speaker series designed to inspire students, teachers, and parents. Moderated by science educator and communicator Justin Shaifer, X-STEM All Access will be presented as a series of five daily livestream events featuring an exclusive group of visionaries aimed to empower students about careers in STEM (speaker lineup coming soon). During this time of distance learning, we hope that educators and parents can utilize X-STEM All Access as a fun educational resource for kids. Save the dates and register today from the link below: X-STEM All Access will take place on May 13-15 and May 18-19 and will be free to attend. Mark your calendar and stay tuned for the announcement of the X-STEM All Access speaker line-up."

Nuri Bayram STEM Coordinator
A Note From Technology Teacher, Ms. Davis
If you are looking for a break from studies while upping your programming game, please take a Code Break by follwing these two links.

James Screven, Assistant Principal
Peer Tutoring for Math continues online 6-7 pm
All CMIT students are welcomed to join peer tutoring to work in study groups or with a peer tutor. Sessions take place from 6-7 Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings. If students wish to attend they need to join the google classroom using code: qzizgnm and fill out a peer tutoring session sign up form for the current week. Hope to see you there!

Mr. Field
Health Education
Hey Guy!!! Hope all is well with you ALL!!!! Just a few reminders: 1. When handing in work, be sure all parts are completed 2. New assignments will be posted to Google Classroom each Friday and due the following Friday. 3. Grades will be posted into SchoolMax by the following Monday. 4. When sending me an email be sure to indicate your grade level, period, and day you have health. Have a great one & Stay Safe and Well

D Curry
Distance Learning Rules and Best Practices
Whenever something new is introduced into the learning environment, it comes with a learning curve. This is no different for the implementation of distance learning. Therefore, we have lessons learned after a week of implementation that will require the difining of rules, expectations and best practices. Rules Tardiness Students will not be permitted to join and distance learning class if they are 10 minutes or more late. We have learned that lateness creates an undue distraction for students and often late students interupt the teacher with questions or comments in an attempt to catch up. Due to the limited time students have in class, these type of distractions take away from the class. Additionally, 10 or more minutes missed of a 45 minute class negitively impacts the learning for the late student, who has most likely missed key information. Instead, students not admitted due to tardiness will be required to access the tape recorded version posted after the class has ended. However, please keep in mind class discussions, debates, or presentations that are graded by the teacher during live class time will be missed by students not admitted, due to lateness, and can negatively impact the student's grade for that assignment, since they cannot easily be made up. Inappropriate Language Students who use inappropriate or foul language will be subject to disciplinary measures. These types of disturbances disrupt learning and are inappropriate for a schooling environment. Since classes are recorded, a record of the offense is easy to share with parents and/or administration. We expect all students to treat an online learning experience as the same as being in a physical school building. It should be stated that this is a universal rule in all online college courses and since our focus is college and career readiness, we maintain that same standard. Best Practices Be On Time Please be ontime to all distance learning classes. We have established a set online class schedule to aid students in this. If a student needs to miss a class, please notify the teacher before the class begins, not after. Be Prepared Have a pen and paper handy to take notes on lectures and other methods of learning that you may be assessed on later. Respect Others Please respect the teachers time and what time they are giving you. I takes teachers more time to develop a distance learning lesson based on the limitations of the platform. We expect all to respect the opinion of others. We expect students to conduct themselves the same way they would in a physical class. Disrepectful behavior will be dealt with by administration. Work Completion To maximize their chance of passing students must do all work assigned online by teachers. Participation in class discussions, debates and presentations for a grade is at the teacher's discretion. It is recommended that students particpate to all class discussions as it keeps them involved and engaged in the lesson. Communicate Problems do arise. If a problem arises about completing an assignment, a grade, or a question about an assignment, or a technical issue, please communicate that to the teacher. Communicating with the teacher first is always the best practice.

James Screven, Assistant Principal

Q: Is CMIT North MS a public school? 

A: Yes We are a public charter school who is staffed by PGCPS teachers and administration, and support staff who work along side of a limited CLF staff. We have access to PGCPS support but also benefit from additional guidance, management and financial support from Chesapeake Light House Foundation, whose educational concept this school is based on. 

Q: Do siblings get preference in applying to CMIT?

A: The process of gaining entry to any charter school in Prince George's County is through a lottery. However, siblings of already attending CMIT students are weighted differently during the lottery process. This different weighting gives preference to siblings. 

Q: What makes CMIT different then any other school in the district? 

A: Although we are a PGCPS public charter, we are given some autonomy over curriculum. This autonomy allows us to fast track students, who are academically ready, through selected high school courses in math, foreign language, science and technology. It is that fast tracking that opens up opportunity to more advanced  coursework on the college level while still in high school.  Additionally, we offer students supports and enrichments to every student, not available at most schools. Lastly, we are a uniform school which takes away the distraction, the competition and the social stratification that is brought on by non uniform dress in a school. 

Our test scores oustrip not only county averages but also state avaerages. This, along with other metrics has made us a 5 star school. 

Q: Do you offer everything the big middle and high school's offer? 

A: Unlike many school in Maryland, we do not have a  full spectrum offerings in sports.  Instead, our focus is on STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics). Therefore, our sports offerings are more limited.  We offer, boys and girls soccer, basketball, girl's softball, boy's baseball and club lacrosse in the middle school. Additionally, boys and girls basketball, track/field and volleyball at the high school level. With that said we recently (2017) won the girls county basketball championship and made it to the playoffs in soccer. Our high school opened a multi-million dollar, state of the art gym complex, competitive with all schools of their size. The middle school has also added an indoor gym space.  Lastly, we do offer special educational services, but becuase we are a school of choice, the amount of service hours we can provide is limited to 7.5 hours a week, split between literacy and math. Services hours are delivered by special education teachers but are limited to literacy and math courses. 

Chesapeake Math and IT Academy Middle School
6100 Frost Place, Laurel, MD, 20707 | Tel: (301) 350-6051 | Fax: (301) 560-3461
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