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Chesapeake Math & IT Academy North Middle School





Parent Workshops a Hit with Parents


Fall Donations


After School Tutoring

Administrative Announcements

Handbags, Fanny Packs, Purses and Mini Back Packs

Parent Workshops a Hit with Parents
Our first parent workshops to be live in over two years was well received by all who attended. The morning began with a breakfast and opening statements by Principal Brauer. Presentations covered topics such as identifying child exploitation and grooming, internet dangers, understanding high stakes testing, recognizing bullying and a representative from Bark discussed how to take back control of your child's phone using their software and hardware solutions. Vendors from i9 sports discussed with parents about getting students involved with their sports programs. Mathnasium was present to talk about tutoring. Dancemakers had a nationally recognized Dancemakers performed. Mary Kay helped moms with beauty needs. Patriot Technology Training discussed their programs for STEM learning. The event finished with a delicious BBQ, supplied by PTO.

James Screven. Assistant Principal and Editor.
Fall Donations
The holiday season is upon us! There are many families in need of help during these trying times. Please consider donating any nonperishable goods (canned goods and boxed food) that you can spare. We will be donating all goods to LARS (Laurel Advocacy and Referral Services). Donation examples are: Cereal, Oatmeal, Peanut Butter & Jelly, Fruit cups or cans, Soup, Chef Boyardee, Ramen Noodles, Mac & Cheese, Meat (canned tuna or chicken), Pasta and Pasta Sauce, Rice, Chili, Beans, Hot Cocoa, Canned Vegetables, ETC. We will begin collecting donations on Monday, NOVEMBER 14 and continue until through Monday, NOVEMBER 21. Students can bring donations in and drop them into the donation bin at the front office. We appreciate you for helping with this initiative! To learn more about who LARS is and who they service please visit the site. http :// Should you have any questions, please email me at

Jasmine Upshaw NJHS Advisor
After School Tutoring
Hello, Mr. Harman sends out after school tutoring opportunities for students who currently have a D/E in his class. These opportunities are sent out via a google form. If your child is struggling with Mr. Harman's class please make sure you are checking your spam section within your email for invitations to tutoring sessions each week. Have a great week, I look forward to helping your student produce within these tutoring sessions or in regular class!

Andrew Harman
Administrative Announcements
Handbags, Fanny Packs, Purses and Mini Back Packs
Parents/Guardians Please be aware that as per CMIT dress code handbags, fanny packs, purses sand mini back packs are not permissible and must be kept in a locker. Any bag larger than a pencil case is not allowed, and should be strapless. Young ladies needing to carry personal items should leave those items in their locker where they can be accessed when needed. Please access the CMIT uniform policy, found in the student handbook for clarification. Carried bags larger than a pencil case will be confiscated by student support when seen. These items may be held until a parent can come to the school if multiple violations occur.

James Screven

Q: Is CMIT North MS a public school? 

A: Yes We are a public charter school who is staffed by PGCPS teachers and administration, and support staff who work along side of a limited CLF staff. We have access to PGCPS support but also benefit from additional guidance, management and financial support from Chesapeake Light House Foundation, whose educational concept this school is based on. 

Q: Do siblings get preference in applying to CMIT?

A: The process of gaining entry to any charter school in Prince George's County is through a lottery. However, siblings of already attending CMIT students are weighted differently during the lottery process. This different weighting gives preference to siblings. 

Q: What makes CMIT different then any other school in the district? 

A: Although we are a PGCPS public charter, we are given some autonomy over curriculum. This autonomy allows us to fast track students, who are academically ready, through selected high school courses in math, foreign language, science and technology. It is that fast tracking that opens up opportunity to more advanced  coursework on the college level while still in high school.  Additionally, we offer students supports and enrichments to every student, not available at most schools. Lastly, we are a uniform school which takes away the distraction, the competition and the social stratification that is brought on by non uniform dress in a school. 

Our test scores oustrip not only county averages but also state avaerages. This, along with other metrics has made us a 5 star school. 

Q: Do you offer everything the big middle and high school's offer? 

A: Unlike many school in Maryland, we do not have a  full spectrum offerings in sports.  Instead, our focus is on STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics). Therefore, our sports offerings are more limited.  We offer, boys and girls soccer, basketball, girl's softball, boy's baseball and club lacrosse in the middle school. Additionally, boys and girls basketball, track/field and volleyball at the high school level. With that said we recently (2017) won the girls county basketball championship and made it to the playoffs in soccer. Our high school opened a multi-million dollar, state of the art gym complex, competitive with all schools of their size. The middle school has also added an indoor gym space.  Lastly, we do offer special educational services, but becuase we are a school of choice, the amount of service hours we can provide is limited to 7.5 hours a week, split between literacy and math. Services hours are delivered by special education teachers but are limited to literacy and math courses. 

Chesapeake Math and IT Academy Middle School
6100 Frost Place, Laurel, MD, 20707 | Tel: (301) 350-6051 | Fax: (301) 560-3461
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