Last Month's PRS Point Winners
The following students had the highest points accumulated for each of their grade levels. Remember, positive points can be earned by wearing the appropriate uniform, helping teachers, staff and administrators make the school better, being a good community member by helping to clean up, and many other ways that show you are a good CMIT citizen. Join me in congratulating the following students.
6th Grade - Rana El Sayed
7th Grade - Francarlo Sosa-Bari
8th Grade - Charles Ruckus.
James Screven, Assistant Principal
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PSAT 8/9 - Wednesday, December 5th
On Wednesday, December 5th, all 8th grade students will be taking the PSAT 8/9. This test is used as a part of the criteria for HS speciality programs.
Please make sure that your 8th grader is present and on time! Students need to bring their own calculator.
Attached is the letter from PGCPS Chief Academic Officer, Dr. Libby regarding the test and speciality programs.
If you have questions about the speciality programs, please contact Mr. Johnson, our professional school counselor.
Parents are encouraged to utilize the following resources in their spare time to practice and prepare.
Khan Academy
PARCC/PSAT standards in Khan Academy: Use the links in the document to go directly to Khan Academy that focus on these topics.
Casandra Andrew
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JA Finance Park - Permission Slips
Permission slips have been given to students for JA Finance Park in January. Please make sure that your student returns the permission slip as soon as possible. I will need to send a list of students attending to Finance Park by December 19th. If a student needs another permission slip, please have them see their math teacher.
Mrs. Linnenkamp
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CMIT High School Open House
Are you ready to be introduced to all that awaits your student next year as a 9th grader at CMIT? Then join us for our High School Open House on December 15th from 9am to 10:30am in the high school cafeteria. You will meet with one of our assistant principals and the school counselor and learn about our programs and offerings including the Information Technology Early College (ITEC Program). We hope to see you there!
CMIT High School Administration
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Congratulations to November's 8th grade Students of the Month!
Recognized for his quick and impressive growth in Spanish and positive attitude in other classes, Jerome Moses is recognized as a Student of the Month! Congratulations, Jerome. Thank you for always being willing to help out, give a hug, and encourage both your teachers and peers on a daily basis!
A model student whose dedication to learning and whose consistent focus and attention to detail, Arianna Romero is recognized as a Student of the Month for November. Arianna does not allow anything to distract her from a task, and she values every opportunity she has to learn something new, seemingly knowing it will "come in handy one day." Thank you for being such an excellent student and all-around person, Arianna!
ALL 8th grade Students of the Month for the 2018 year will be "tangibly" recognized with a party in late December. Until then, please take these words as a thank you and small recognition for all you do!
8th grade Team
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English 8 Honors with Mrs. Justsen
We are quickly approaching the PSAT (Wednesday, December 5th) and have been reviewing grammar concepts needed to be successful on this oh-so-important assessment. We've also acquired a new set of vocabulary and have taken the first quiz on our "Hot" words; quizzes will continue every Monday throughout second quarter. Please make sure students are reviewing the words (in all forms/conjugations) at home consistently so that the words become part of their lexicons and are accessible for speaking and writing tasks.
We are finishing our short study of Ayn Rand's novella, Anthem. On Monday we'll have a whole-group discussion about the novel (which will count as an assessment grade), and students will compare a section of the written text to a section of the graphic novel version. Students should have finished the novella BY MONDAY, 12/03 in order to participate in both of these activities/assignments.
After the PSAT, we will begin our informational unit. Each class will be doing something slightly different from the others, as students voted and had input on the topics of study for this unit. End goals for this unit are: to be knowledgable about a broad relevant topic through readings, analysis, and discussion of several informational articles; to develop skills in analyzing and evaluating information texts (looking for bias, left-out facts or ideas, etc); to develop a stronger ability to read visual data like charts and graphs; and to ultimately develop a persuasive speech and accompanying Public Service Announcement about a more specific aspect of the class' topic. Students whose parents approved of the Dear Martin book study will take part in book discussions and analysis throughout December and January, as well.
Please note an EXTRA CREDIT OPPORTUNITY on Wednesday, December 12: An Evening with Nic Stone (author of Dear Martin). Details can be found at this link: celebrate a much-awaited and deserved holiday break, we will host a "White Elephant"-style gift exchange (gifts provided by Mrs. Justsen) and "Winter Challenges" in class on December 20th and 21st. If you're able, please ask your students to see the "supplies list" for the challenges and send in any materials you're able so that these challenges can be fun and exciting for our young scholars!
Thank you for your continued support!
Danica Justsen, NBCT
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7th Grade PRS Rewards
Hello everyone!
The 7th Grade Team would like to reward 7th graders for earning positive PRS points this school year. Seventh grade students will be able to participate in planned activities that will be conducted once per quarter during the school day to those that meet ALL of the following criteria: 50 PRS points for the current quarter, no more than 10 unexcused tardies, no suspensions or detentions. Notices will be sent to parents regarding the activity, the date, and whether your student met the criteria to participate in the activity.
Ms. Fagan
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Athletic Events This Week
Girls and Boys Basketball
CMIT - North vs M.L. King 12/03/2018 Boys 6 PM/ Girls 7 PM -Home
Benjamin Tasker vs CMIT - North 12/05/2018 Girls 6 PM/ Boys 7 PM -Away
*All home games will be held at the High School Gym.
(14800 Sweitzer Ln Laurel, MD 20707)
MS Athletic Department
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MySchoolBucks - Athletic Department Donation Link!!!
Dear CMIT Families,
Please go to the link listed below and donate. Any amount is acceptable. However, please note, not all donations have to be monetary. All donations will go to MS & HS sports teams uniforms, equipment, transportation, and new budgets for the athletic department.
As of today 12/01/18, we have raised $175.00
Thank you for your participation and contributions.
CMIT Academy Athletics Donations
MS Athletic Department
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PTO Announcements
Spirit Wear Sales Open until 12/15/18
CMIT Community -
We would like to thank everyone for your support with the Fancloth spirit wear sale that we closed on November 14th. All orders that were submitted in the original order will be fulfilled in the next couple of weeks before the Christmas break.
We have received a number of emails asking if there would be an opportunity to still place orders. Below you will a new FC# that can be used to place orders over the few weeks.
This fancloth orders will only be open for two weeks and will close on December 15th at 11:59pm. This fancloth number will have the same items that was offered in the previous fancloth order as long as the company still have the items in stock.
Please note that all items ordered under this new FC# will be received after the Christmas holiday and please place your orders online.
Link Information below.
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Mid Atlantic Fundraiser - Pickup 12/11/18
Attention Middle School Parents -
The Mid-Atlantic fundraiser orders will be at the school on Tuesday, December 11, 2018.
The pick-up time will be 3:00 PM – 6:00 PM.
ALL orders must be picked up during this time as the PTO has nowhere to store unclaimed items. Please contact CMIT North PTO at if you have any questions or concerns.
Thank you,
CMIT North PTO Fundraising Committee
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Daily Updates on Grades, Attendance, and More
PGCPS has an App you can download on your phone and get daily updates on Grades, Attendance, Alerts and more.
Go to to see how to get the Blackboard App.
CMIT Administration
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FAQs |
Q: Is CMIT North MS a public school?
A: Yes We are a public charter school who is staffed by PGCPS teachers and administration, along with CLF staff. We also benefit from additional guidance, management and financial support from Chesapeake Light House Foundation, whose educational concept this school is based on.
Q: Do siblings get preference in applying to CMIT?
A: The process of gaining entry to any charter school in Prince George's County is through a lottery. However, siblings of already attending CMIT students are weighted differently during the lottery process. This different weighting gives preference to siblings.
Q: What makes CMIT different then any other school in the district?
A: Although we are a PGCPS public charter, we are given some autonomy over curriculum. This autonomy allows us to fast track students, who are academically ready, through selected high school courses in math, foreign language and technology. It is that fast tracking that opens up opportunity to more advanced coursework on the college level while still in high school. Additionally, we offer students supports and enrichments to every student, not available at most schools.
Q: Do you offer everything the big middle and high schools offer?
A: Unlike many school in Maryland, we do not have a full spectrum offerings in sports. Instead, our focus is on STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics). Therefore, our sports offerings are more limited. We offer, boys and girls soccer, basketball, boy's softball, boy's baseball, boys and girls track/field at the high school. With that said we recently (2017) won the girls county basketball championship and made it to the playoffs in soccer. Our High school recently opened a multi-million dollar, state of the art gym complex. The middle school has also added an indoor gym space. Lastly, we do offer special educational services, but becuase we are a school of choice, the amount of service hours we can provide is limited to 7.5 hours a week. Services hours are delivered by special education teachers but are limited to literacy and math courses.
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