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Chesapeake Math & IT Academy North Middle School





Fall Parent Workshops a Big Success

All Uniform Items Now in Stock at Vendor

PGCPS Specialty Programs Applications

Free Student Covid-19 Testing Registration

When To Keep Your Child Home From School


Japan Trip Summer 2022

COVID-19 Vaccination Clinics

Picture Day Scheduled 11/19

PSAT 8/9 Test

National Scholarship Month!

ITEC Applications for CMIT North HS open up December 4th!

Kinsa App


Health Education

Manipulatives: Levels of Organization!

Graphs and Motion!

PTO Announcements

Join the PTO/Become a Volunteer/Honeybaked Ham Fundraiser

Fall Parent Workshops a Big Success
PTO in partnership with the CMIT North MS Administration hosted this years Fall Parent Workshops. This fall's topics ranged from cyber security, preparing your child for and understanding standardized testing, to tips and habits to help your child be more successful in School. Please keep in mind that programming like this is not possible without PTO members. Consider Joining PTO by clicking on the link below. If you missed this Falls session you can view the workshop from the link below Important Links Join PTO - Link to Workshop Recording -

James Screven, Assistant Principal
All Uniform Items Now in Stock at Vendor
Parent/Guardians, Please be aware that all Uniform Items are now in stock at the vendor. We ask that parent/guardians purchase these items so that all students are in complete uniforms. The following items The Following Uniform Items are Needed: An Orange or Blue Pique or Jersey Fabric Polo with CMIT Logo. A Pair of Khaki or Blue Slacks. Solid Color Socks. Skirts are Khaki or Dark Blue at Least Fingertip Length. A Black Belt. A Pair of All Black Shoes or Athletic Shoes (All Black Including Soles and Logo). A CMIT Sweatshirt, Non Hoodie That is Blue or Orange. A CMIT Embroidered Logo Fleece lined Jacket. A CMIT Fleece Jacket Blue with Zipper. Gym Uniform Gym Shirt Solid Blue in Color with CMIT Logo. Gym Pants Solid Blue with CMIT logo. Shorts Solid with CMIT Logo (in summer months only, April-June, Aug-October) Please use the enclosed coupon below for savings on uniform items. Uniform checks will resume after November 29th, 2021. Students will be held accountable for missing uniform items and as a result this could cause loss of dress down days or other school events. Please make sure your student has these uniform items so that we as a community can show our pride in self, school, and community.

James Screven, Assistant Principal
PGCPS Specialty Programs Applications
Hello Parents/Guardians: It’s that time again to apply to Prince Georges County Public Schools Specialty Programs. Please click on the link below for all applications. In order to apply all parents/guardians must create an account using the link below. The last day to apply is Friday, December 10, 2021 (deadline vary for specialty schools). If you have any questions please email Mr. Johnson at or In order to qualify for specialty programs your child/scholar must take the PSAT 8/9 Exam. The PSAT 8/9 Exam will be given here at CMIT North MS to 8th graders Monday, December 15, 2021. To help prepare for the PSAT 8/9 Exam I have placed links below for the recommended text/literature materials. All books (preferably used) can be either purchased from Amazon and/or checked out at your local public library. Specialty Programs Link: PSAT 8/9 Book: PSAT 8/9 Book: Best,

Yurhance Johnson, Guidance Counselor
Free Student Covid-19 Testing Registration
Dear Families, Capitol Diagnostics is partnering with PGCPS to provide COVID testing for students within the school setting. Each Monday morning, 10% of students registered for free COVID testing will be randomly selected to receive a test. Parents that would like their children to participate must register by completing the steps below: Step 1: Please click on this link to register for testing: REGISTER HERE: Note: On the registration page the top right corner says EN. If you drop down it will say ES (Spanish) and EZ (Chinese). Families can also call the lab as we have Spanish speaking staff that can help them register over the phone (301) 498-0340. Step 2: Type in Office Location Code to register with the correct school. Our Office Location Code for registering for the testing at the online website is: PGCMITMS Step 3: Parents, please fill out the registration information with your child's information (name, address, date of birth). Step 4: Please click "Maryland K12 testing" on the payment tab for free testing. You only need to register once.

CMIT Nurse
When To Keep Your Child Home From School
Many of the students we send home during the day, for illness, were sick prior to coming to school. Please help keep our school community healthy and safe by keeping all sick students home until they are symptom free. Students with COVID-19 symptoms should be tested for COVID-19 and kept home until they receive negative PCR results. We are relying on our entire school community to help keep students and staff health and safe. Not sure when to keep your child home? The "When To Stay Home From School" form should help provide some clarity.

CMIT Nurse
Japan Trip Summer 2022
Parents/Guardians The demand for our Summer 2022 trip to Japan has been tremendous. We have a few spots that have opened up for the middle school and high school, but I would not wait. Our next information meeting will be Thursday, December 2nd, at 5pm in room 109 of CMIT Middle School. Don't miss this meeting if you and/or your child want to go. It is most likely the last recruitment meeting for this trip. This trip is privately organized and is in no way connected to or sponsored by PGCPS, CMIT or CLF.

James Screven, Assistant Principal
COVID-19 Vaccination Clinics
The Prince George’s County Health Department, in partnership with Prince George’s County Public Schools (PGCPS), is holding after-school vaccination clinics for individuals age five and older at some of the high schools and elementary schools in the county. Each clinic will have Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccine supply available; the two-dose Pfizer vaccine is currently the only vaccine with U.S. Food and Drug Administration-authorization for use in children five to 11. The COVID-19 vaccination clinic at the Sports and Learning Complex will also provide vaccines to individuals five and older; walk-ins are accepted. Clinic dates, times, and scheduling information can be found at

CMIT Nurse
Picture Day Scheduled 11/19
Hello Families, Picture day is scheduled for Friday, November 19th. Students should be in their oxford dress shirts for picture day.

CMIT Administration
PSAT 8/9 Test
8th Grade Parents, The PSAT 8/9 has been scheduled for Wednesday, December 15th. The PSAT 8/9 is used for admission into PGCPS Specialty programs in high school. You can learn more about these programs by clicking the link below Notification of program eligibility will be available for viewing in the Scrib Order platform for all students in the application pool in March 2022. Parents must set up an account with their student’s information at Students who meet the necessary eligibility requirements will be invited to enroll in one of the programs included in their electronic notification. Parents and students are encouraged to respond as soon as possible upon receipt of the notice of eligibility, as program seats will be accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis. Students must follow the designated program procedure to secure enrollment. Your student can begin to prepare by accessing the PSAT 8/9 practice test below.

Mrs. Linnenkamp Testing Coordinator
National Scholarship Month!
November is National Scholarship Month. Sponsored by National Scholarship Providers Association (NSPA), National Scholarship Month® (NSM) is about building an awareness of scholarships. Whether you are a scholarship provider, an institution of higher education, a student, a parent, or a business, National Scholarship Month is a way for all of us to celebrate our work and our common goal of helping all students get to and through college. National Scholarship Month was established in 1998 by Scholarship America (formerly, Citizens’ Scholarship Foundation of America). It provides recognition to communities, organizations, and businesses in the scholarship industry and serves to encourage others to step forward and join this movement to improve educational opportunities and educational achievement around the world. CLF joins NSPA in their mission to help our community navigate the landscape of college and scholarships! Make sure to check all CLF social media for updates and tips! Twitter: @CLF_CLF Instagram: @ChesapeakeLighthouseFoundation FB: @CLFPublicCharters

CLF Communications Team
ITEC Applications for CMIT North HS open up December 4th!
What’s better than earning your high school diploma in four years? EARNING YOUR HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA AND ASSOCIATE’S DEGREE IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN FOUR YEARS! If this sounds amazing to you, then ITEC is calling your name! The Information Technology Early College (ITEC) Program is designed to enroll students in grades 9-12 in high school and college courses. The current ITEC dual enrollment curriculum follows a track of the Prince George’s County Community College (PGCC) Information Technology A.A.S. in which students take courses that result in multiple industry certifications. Students have the opportunity to graduate at the end of four years with a high school diploma and an associate degree in Information Technology. Application Timeline: 1. Applications open on December 4th. 2. Applications are due on January 10th 3. Teacher Recommendations are due on January 18th 4. Decisions are made in February/March Application Process: 1. Complete Student's Personal Statement: ITEC is a rigorous and challenging program. We want to ensure that all students are willing and ready to meet the challenges and are interested in Information Technology. Please write a personal statement explaining why you would like to be part of the ITEC program and how you are going to ensure that you are successful. The personal statement should be one full page typed - Times New Roman, double-spaced, 12 pt font with 1-inch margins. Please do not exceed one page. 2. Ask at least 3 teachers if they are willing to complete a teacher recommendation for you. Please let them know that it will be a google form they must complete, not a letter. Math Teacher from MS, Technology Teacher from MS, English Teacher from MS - All teachers must currently work at CMIT North 4. Complete Application through Google Forms - including your personal statement and list of teachers 5. Send teacher recommendation form to the teachers you listed on your application Decision Factors: 1. Placement Test - PSAT 8/9 2. GPA from Core courses in 7th and 8th grade 3. English GPA from 7th and 8th grade 4. Teacher Recommendations 5. Personal Statement 6. Attendance and Discipline History For any questions, please contact Mrs. Andrew (

Casandra Andrew ITEC Program Coordinator
Kinsa App
Kinsa is a school health program that allows families to access FREE smart thermometers and health tools to assist the school in maintaining a healthy environment for students, staff and families. For more information on Kinsa and how to get your FREE thermometer, check out these videos and flyers.

CMIT Nurse
Health Education
Hello CMIT Parents and Students All grades for first quarter have been accounted for and ready for processing. I have waited pass the orginial due dates and times for many assignments. At this point no late work will be accpeted. Moving forward to second quater please be mindful, scholors, of due dates and times. Looking forward to a brighter and better second quater and end of Health Smester. Be well !!!

Mrs. Curry
Manipulatives: Levels of Organization!
Life science students used the snap cubes in identifying the biological levels of organization. From a snap cube, which represents a cell in the human body, and a brick in a house, students built a wall using more snap cubes of the same color, combined the wall with three other students’ walls, combined the rooms together to form a first and second floor, and finally, completed the house with a third floor. These walls, rooms, levels of the house, and the house are analogous to the tissue, organ, organ system, and organism in the human body.

Mrs. Crespo-Montano Science Teacher
Graphs and Motion!
Biogeochem class from Christopher Newport University are learning graphs and motion. Students compared and contrasted data formats, and analyzed patterns in the data. Students also learned to plot a graph from the data gathered from the experiment. Students will be learning forces and laws of motion this coming week.

Mrs. Crespo-Montano Science Teacher
PTO Announcements
Join the PTO/Become a Volunteer/Honeybaked Ham Fundraiser
Join the PTO - Membership is our biggest fundraiser and the best way to keep you connected to the Tiger community. Your membership dues help us to support our Students and Teachers throughout the school year and beyond. Dues are $10 per family per school year and donations of any amount are welcome and encouraged 😊. Please pay the $10 dues for your family by using our QR Code above or via the following PayPal link: by choosing Payment Type: Friends and Family (to avoid incurring a fee) and entering your Name and Email in the payment message (*very important*). ‐------------------‐----------------------------------------------------------------- PTO Volunteers Needed - We still need Committee Volunteers for Spring Parent Workshop, Teacher Wishlist, 8th Grade Promotion, Teacher Share, Fundraising, and more! Please send your Name, Email and Telephone Number to: ‐------------------‐----------------------------------------------------------------- Honeybaked Ham Fundraiser - Just in time for the holidays, purchase traditional or electronic HoneyBaked Gift Cards from our fundraiser page: to shop online or in-store at any HoneyBaked location nationwide and 20% of your purchase goes directly to support the fundraiser. Share the link with family and friends so they can support, too!

Thank You, MS CMIT PTO

Q: Is CMIT North MS a public school? 

A: Yes We are a public charter school who is staffed by PGCPS teachers and administration, and support staff who work along side of a limited CLF staff. We have access to PGCPS support but also benefit from additional guidance, management and financial support from Chesapeake Light House Foundation, whose educational concept this school is based on. 

Q: Do siblings get preference in applying to CMIT?

A: The process of gaining entry to any charter school in Prince George's County is through a lottery. However, siblings of already attending CMIT students are weighted differently during the lottery process. This different weighting gives preference to siblings. 

Q: What makes CMIT different then any other school in the district? 

A: Although we are a PGCPS public charter, we are given some autonomy over curriculum. This autonomy allows us to fast track students, who are academically ready, through selected high school courses in math, foreign language, science and technology. It is that fast tracking that opens up opportunity to more advanced  coursework on the college level while still in high school.  Additionally, we offer students supports and enrichments to every student, not available at most schools. Lastly, we are a uniform school which takes away the distraction, the competition and the social stratification that is brought on by non uniform dress in a school. 

Our test scores oustrip not only county averages but also state avaerages. This, along with other metrics has made us a 5 star school. 

Q: Do you offer everything the big middle and high school's offer? 

A: Unlike many school in Maryland, we do not have a  full spectrum offerings in sports.  Instead, our focus is on STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics). Therefore, our sports offerings are more limited.  We offer, boys and girls soccer, basketball, girl's softball, boy's baseball and club lacrosse in the middle school. Additionally, boys and girls basketball, track/field and volleyball at the high school level. With that said we recently (2017) won the girls county basketball championship and made it to the playoffs in soccer. Our high school opened a multi-million dollar, state of the art gym complex, competitive with all schools of their size. The middle school has also added an indoor gym space.  Lastly, we do offer special educational services, but becuase we are a school of choice, the amount of service hours we can provide is limited to 7.5 hours a week, split between literacy and math. Services hours are delivered by special education teachers but are limited to literacy and math courses. 

Chesapeake Math and IT Academy Middle School
6100 Frost Place, Laurel, MD, 20707 | Tel: (301) 350-6051 | Fax: (301) 560-3461
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