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Chesapeake Math & IT Academy North Middle School





Quarter 2 Grade Appeal Window - Closing

CMIT Peer Tutoring

Quarter 3 Information


BIOMAN: Cell Biology Video Games

Health Education

Science in Action: Extracting DNA from Strawberry! / Extracting DNA from Human Cells Virtually!

Winter MAP Scores

PTO Announcements

Middle School Town Hall

Quarter 2 Grade Appeal Window - Closing
The window for grade appeals is open and will close Tuesday February 23rd. If you would like to submit a parent grade appeal, you must fill out the attached paperwork, attach evidence, and send it to the teacher of record and Mrs. Linnenkamp ( by February 23rd. If all correct paperwork is not attached, the appeal can not be accepted. If you have further questions or need clarification about grade appeals, please email Mrs. Linnenkamp.

CMIT Administration
CMIT Peer Tutoring
The peer tutoring program run by Mr. Field and his 8th grade geometry class has been underway since 2nd quarter. These students have been with Mr. Field since they were in 6th grade and can attest to their ability to work with the teacher, help each other, and help others. This whole second quarter we have had a very small number of students enrolled in the program. These students though small in number have come back again and again and have enjoyed working with them! If you are not satisfied with your child's performance so far this school year, consider trying out CMIT peer tutoring! To join, simply have your child sign up using the Peer Tutoring sign up form below and they will have all the information they need as far as times they can join, the zoom link, and the google classroom code. Form Link:

CMIT Administration
Quarter 3 Information
Middle School Families, The 3rd quarter is underway. Checking your students' grades via SchoolMax and monitoring their google classroom for work submission is an important part of staying up to date with student progress. Directions on how to do both of these can be found below. Please see the following important dates for the 3rd quarter. March 5th - Progress Report Grades Entered in SchoolMax March 11th - All Progress Report Grades Available for Parents to View April 9th - End of 3rd Quarter April 19th - Report Card Grades Available for Parents to View

CMIT Administration
BIOMAN: Cell Biology Video Games
Playing video games can change the brain regions responsible for attention and visuospatial skills and make them more efficient. Now, with the advent and popularity of the video games, students in Biology class accessed On Cell Explorer: The Animal Cell, students reviewed the following topics such as cell structure and function, roles of organelles and structures like mitochondria, nucleus, ribosomes, rough ER, smooth ER, Golgi, cytoskeleton, nucleolus, plasma membrane, cytoplasm etc.; while on Cell Defense: The Plasma Membrane, students learned how the membrane works, phospholipids, cholesterol, proteins, carbohydrates, and cell transport. Finally, students took the cell quiz where it covered the functions of organelles and structures. The collage pictures above highlighted the features of the activity.

Mrs. Crespo-Montano (Science Teacher)
Health Education
Hello Scholars and Parents: Upcoming Dates: 6th Grade: Monday Feb. 22 and Tuesday Feb. 23 Completing Chapter 2 on Building Charter. Chapter 2 Test on Wednesday. Test will be released on Tuesday late afternoon and due by 2pm Wednesday Feb. 24 Thursday Feb 25 and Friday 26 New Chapter 3 Bullying and Cyberbullying Begins 7th Grade: Next week will continue our studies on Violence Prevention Reminders to Parents: When sending an email always include student name, as it appears in our school system, grade and college. If your student is not present for zoom, for any reason they will receive a zero (0). If in zoom and submit no work, that we complete as a class, a grade of zero (0) will be given. Work will be provide, by me, to students who have a lawful absence.

Mrs. Curry
Science in Action: Extracting DNA from Strawberry! / Extracting DNA from Human Cells Virtually!
If every house has its own blueprint, Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) is the blueprint of life. DNA contains instructions that direct the activities of the cells, and ultimately, the body. Scientists isolate DNA for a variety of reasons that include genetic testing, body identification, and analysis of forensic evidence. Life Science students isolated DNA from a strawberry using common household materials such as liquid detergent, salt, rubbing alcohol, and a coffee filter.  On the other hand, students who didn't have the materials in the said activity did a virtual lab, where they performed a cheek swab and extracted DNA from human cells. These were some thoughts from the following students and a parent: Ms. Sifa Bokwala (mother of Sean Bokwala- Norfolk University)- "I just have to say that, watching my son Sean doing his DNA experiment was pretty awesome!" Christian Sherrod (Alabama State University)- "My experience during the DNA extraction activity was very successful. I worked with my grandparents on this project." Neyla Carr (Drexel University)- "I really liked the activity and it was fun. I did it by myself, and I showed it to my parents and they said it looked weird but it was cool." Devin Thomas (Trinity University)- "My experience was fun, I had a good time learning about DNA and how to extract it from a fruit. I think I did pretty good for my first time." Sperra Vittor (Norfolk University)- "It was quick."   The collage pictures highlighted some of students' work in the said activities.

Mrs. Crespo-Montano (Science Teacher)
Winter MAP Scores
Families, You will be receiving your student's Winter MAP scores via email during the week of February 22 - 26th. If you do not receive a report, your student did not participate in MAP.

Mrs. Linnenkamp Testing Coordinator
PTO Announcements
Middle School Town Hall
Please join us for a Town Hall hosted by the PTO in conjunction with CMIT Middle School Administration-

Thank You, MS CMIT PTO

Q: Is CMIT North MS a public school? 

A: Yes We are a public charter school who is staffed by PGCPS teachers and administration, and support staff who work along side of a limited CLF staff. We have access to PGCPS support but also benefit from additional guidance, management and financial support from Chesapeake Light House Foundation, whose educational concept this school is based on. 

Q: Do siblings get preference in applying to CMIT?

A: The process of gaining entry to any charter school in Prince George's County is through a lottery. However, siblings of already attending CMIT students are weighted differently during the lottery process. This different weighting gives preference to siblings. 

Q: What makes CMIT different then any other school in the district? 

A: Although we are a PGCPS public charter, we are given some autonomy over curriculum. This autonomy allows us to fast track students, who are academically ready, through selected high school courses in math, foreign language, science and technology. It is that fast tracking that opens up opportunity to more advanced  coursework on the college level while still in high school.  Additionally, we offer students supports and enrichments to every student, not available at most schools. Lastly, we are a uniform school which takes away the distraction, the competition and the social stratification that is brought on by non uniform dress in a school. 

Our test scores oustrip not only county averages but also state avaerages. This, along with other metrics has made us a 5 star school. 

Q: Do you offer everything the big middle and high school's offer? 

A: Unlike many school in Maryland, we do not have a  full spectrum offerings in sports.  Instead, our focus is on STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics). Therefore, our sports offerings are more limited.  We offer, boys and girls soccer, basketball, girl's softball, boy's baseball and club lacrosse in the middle school. Additionally, boys and girls basketball, track/field and volleyball at the high school level. With that said we recently (2017) won the girls county basketball championship and made it to the playoffs in soccer. Our high school opened a multi-million dollar, state of the art gym complex, competitive with all schools of their size. The middle school has also added an indoor gym space.  Lastly, we do offer special educational services, but becuase we are a school of choice, the amount of service hours we can provide is limited to 7.5 hours a week, split between literacy and math. Services hours are delivered by special education teachers but are limited to literacy and math courses. 

Chesapeake Math and IT Academy Middle School
6100 Frost Place, Laurel, MD, 20707 | Tel: (301) 350-6051 | Fax: (301) 560-3461
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