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Chesapeake Math & IT Academy North High School





Homevisit: CLF tradition sincerest desire to assist and work with our CMIT Families

STEM DAY with the United States Naval Academy



ECO ART CONTEST - great prizes awaits you!!!

Tiger Cheerleaders !!!!

2nd Progress Grades Opens Today, Monday, December 12, 2022


Write It Do It - Science Olympiad

Geometry Tutoring


Book Groups start in Ms. O'Donnell's Classes


Next PTSO Meeting is DECEMBER 22ND!

Homevisit: CLF tradition sincerest desire to assist and work with our CMIT Families
Homevisit is a Chesapeake Lighthouse Foundation's (CLF) tradition that originates from our sincerest desire to assist and work with our CMIT Families. The home visits generally last 15 -35 minutes. As we build new systems to safely educate students and support families, the foundation for success remains the same: relationships. This is what makes CMIT unique. We go above and beyond to check in with our families and keep the learning framework intact. We reviewed our students' grades, standardized test scores, how their afterschool activities aligned with their prospective careers, and how they navigate their way to college, & discuss it with our parents and students through the homevisit program. We are more than grateful to the parents for their warm welcome and never-ending appreciation during home visits.

Dr. Clarke Program Coordinator-STEM Alternate Testing Coordinator
STEM DAY with the United States Naval Academy
On Saturday, February 4, 2023, United States Naval Academy (USNA) STEM Professors and Midshipmen will visit CMIT Saturday Academy once again to manifest on exploring, creating, building, and making things better you'll never see before in the field of engineering and architecture. CMIT students will learn on hands information on - Biofuels, Measure the reaction rate of yeast fermentation of sugar to produce ethanol - Bioterrorism Analyze the spread of disease in a bioterrorist attack and use antibody diagnostics to track infection - Neuroscience Investigate the neuromuscular system and neuroprosthetic devices - Electrochemistry Experiment with electrochemistry to etch stainless steel and create a battery - Robotics Program line-following robots using color codes - Machine Learning Train a computer to classify pictures using artificial intelligence Experience STEM with the #1 Top Public College in the Country and #5 "Best Undergraduate Engineering Program" Please register with the blue link below to attend and be awarded a Certificate of Participation and Learning Community Service for 5 hours after doing the project during the Student Learning Development. The program starts at exactly 8:00 am and ends at noon. Students must register and be in school by 7:30 am

Dr. Clarke Program Coordinator-STEM Alternate Testing Coordinator
ATTENDANCE MATTERS! Students who attend school regularly have been shown to achieve at higher levels than students who do not have regular attendance. When your scholar is absent, a parent or guardian must fill out the following link: A parent written or doctor’s note MUST be UPLOADED directly into the form. Parents or guardians who call or email to notify the school of an absence will still be asked to complete the form. If you are experiencing technical difficulties with uploading the note, please contact Mrs. Fermin at the front desk via phone contact 240-767-4080 or immediately to ensure timely submission of all notes and to avoid absence being considered UNEXCUSED. Absence from school, including absence for any portion of the day, shall be considered lawful only (excused) for the following reasons: *Death in the immediate family (i.e., parent, guardian, brother, sister, grandparent) of extended family and close non-relative. *Illness of the student. The principal requires a physician’s certificate from the parent/guardian after three school days. *Court Summons *Observance of a religious holiday *Mental Health Day - Students may receive as an excused absence one (1) day of absence in each semester of each school year for a student’s mental health needs. A note from a physician to excuse a student’s absence for mental health needs is not required. Family vacations and/or visiting relatives out of state/country are NOT lawful reasons for absence. Attendance at non-CMIT educational activities MAY be excused upon pre-approval by the principal. Families should contact the front desk to obtain an excused absence request form. This form must be returned to the front office at least one week prior to the planned absence. Make Up Work: Late or make-up work will not be accepted unless the absence is an EXCUSED absence and a form has been completed within 3 DAYS upon your student’s return to instruction. Once the note is submitted online, it is the STUDENT’s RESPONSIBILITY to request makeup work from their teacher(s). The front desk will NOT notify teachers regarding make up work. Please take note that every day the School Communication System (SCS) calls all households to inform parents regarding your child’s tardiness and attendance issues. For questions or concerns related to your student absences or tardiness, please check SchoolMAX to see what attendance or tardiness has been entered by the teacher. If there is a question or concern about a specific class, please contact that specific teacher. For all other concerns, please email Tardiness Policy Students will be officially tardy to school if they are not in their prospective classrooms at 8:05 am. If your student arrives at school between 8:05 - 8:15 am, they will be accepted through the cafeteria doors. At that time they will be issued an E-Hall tardy pass to their first period class. The time and code of T will be reflected in SchoolMax. Students who are tardy after 8:15 am should enter through the main doors to sign in and receive a tardy pass to class. Sometimes there are highway closures, weather conditions and traffic delays that may cause many students to be tardy. At that time, it will be to the discretion of the school principal to excuse ALL tardiness within a reasonable time frame for that specific day. Please keep in mind that it is of great importance to us that your student arrives safely to school and we are aware of these incidents that do occur from time to time. As defined in PGCPS AP 5113, a student is chronically absent if the student has been enrolled in a school for at least 10 days and is absent 10% or more of the school days while enrolled at that school. A student is habitually truant if the student has been enrolled in a school for 91 or more days in a school year and is unlawfully absent from school for a number of days or portion of days equal to or in excess of 20% of the school days within any marking period, semester, or year. There may be legal consequences when a student is habitually truant.

Christine Fermin (she/her) Secretary I Attendance Secretary 240.767.4080
ECO ART CONTEST - great prizes awaits you!!!
The Department of Curriculum and Instruction, William S. Schmidt Outdoor Education Center is excited to announce an opportunity for students to engage in Environmental Literacy using multiple pathways to show their understanding during the 2022-2023 school year. The William S. Schmidt Center (Schmidt Center) is sponsoring a challenge for Prince George’s County Public Schools students to create an original 2-dimensional piece of art that showcases their personal understanding of and intended ACTION towards combating climate change. This year’s theme is: If not you, who? If not now, when? One winner will be chosen from each region (North, Central, and South) for each grade level division. The division is based on grade levels (see below) for 15 winners. The impact of the environmental message, the visual presentation, and the creativity/craftsmanship of the piece will judge entries. Division 1: Pre-K - Grade 2 Division 2: Grades 3-5 Division 3: Grades 6-8 Division 4: Grades 9-10 Division 5: Grades 11-12 We are excited to announce that the Sierra Club of Maryland will award five grand prizes one in each division and all 15 winning pieces will be displayed at art exhibits throughout Prince George’s County during the school year 2023-2024. A flyer has been created for teachers to share this opportunity with their students. It can be accessed at For contest description, rules, and to enter, please access the following The completed entry deadline is Friday, January 6, 2023. Winners will be notified via email by Friday, February 3, 2023. Additional information will be sent out by the William S. Schmidt Outdoor Education Center regarding the collection of art projects. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Schmidt Center via Ms. Jhanna Levin, Environmental Education Literacy Outreach Teacher, at or Ms. Mary Kate Bransford, Environmental Education Resource Teacher, at Thank you for your continued support. c: Helen Coley, Ed.D. Associate Superintendents Instructional Directors Kia M. McDaniel, Ed.D. Mrs. Desann Manzano-Lee Sylvester Conyers, Ed.D.

posted for: Schmidt Center, Ms. Jhanna Levin, Environmental Education Literacy Outreach Teacher by Dr. Clarke Program Coordinator-STEM Alternate Testing Coordinator
Tiger Cheerleaders !!!!
Our JV and Varsity cheerleaders have been working hard and we look forward to cheering on our Tigers in the coming weeks. Come out and support our cheerleaders as they cheer on our Tigers.

Christine Fermin (she/her) Secretary I Attendance Secretary 240.767.4080
2nd Progress Grades Opens Today, Monday, December 12, 2022
The 2nd Quarter Progress Report Window opens Monday, December 12, 2022, and closes on Wednesday, December 14, 2022 Teachers begin preparing their gradebooks for publishing now. Teachers will make attempts to reconcile any outstanding assignments and make sure they have entered notes for any assignment(s) due to an absence or technical difficulties. Teachers must ensure assignments and scores entered in Canvas are entered into SchoolMAX. The use of the NG grade is prohibited. Progress reports will not be printed. They will be available online on December 17th

Dr. Clarke Program Coordinator-STEM Alternate Testing Coordinator
Write It Do It - Science Olympiad
WIDI meets on Fridays from 4 to 5 PM to practice for the upcoming Science Olympiad competition. WIDI students, Joseph and Farris, completed writing and doing this week which is in the picture.

Mr. Bayram Math Teacher CMIT Academy North High School
Geometry Tutoring
We had 1-h of gym time on Saturday after Geometry tutoring from 5 to 7 PM. Geometry tutoring happens on the following days! Mondays 3-4 PM Tuesdays 3-4 PM Fridays 3-4 PM I send the Saturday schedule each week via email because it may change according to my schedule. All tutoring sessions will take place in person at CMIT N HS in Mr.Bayram`s class. (324) Registration is required for each and every tutoring session by Midnight latest on the previous day. Students who join tutoring should have a dedicated Geometry tutoring notebook (squared) and a folder. Please fill out the google form, if you would like to join Geometry tutoring. The tutoring is offered to students who are having E, D, and C grades currently. On the other hand, students who are currently having B and A in my geometry class may also join to improve their skills and to help their peers. One of the best ways of learning is to teach peers, according to Feynman. Let me know if you have any questions!

Mr. Bayram Math Teacher CMIT Academy North High School
Book Groups start in Ms. O'Donnell's Classes
Students in Ms. O'Donnell's 9th grade honors classes have started their book groups! Students chose from 15 possible titles and were placed in groups. Every Friday the students rotate positions--discussion leader, bridge builder, setting specialist, etc. and discuss the assigned reading for the week. Students are enjoying some freedom in the classroom as they direct the discussion for the day. There is hot chocolate and tea available to students during discussions and some groups even bring a snack. Reading independently is an important part of gaining vocabulary and comprehension skills. Ask your student what they are reading this week.

Tammy O'Donnell
Next PTSO Meeting is DECEMBER 22ND!
The PTSO continues to grow strong! Fundraising continues with snack cart after school and pizza sales twice a week for athletics. We also need to focus on academics with our students. Data has been shared with students regarding grades, hall sweeps and attendance. Please be sure you are checking SchoolMax on a regular basis. We are talking about resuming Parent Academy sessions to help our CMIT community support each other and our students. Please join our meeting on DECEMBER 22ND at 6:30pm so we can share ideas and tips on how to best support our students. Here is the zoom information: Tammy ODonnell is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 896 5363 3789 One tap mobile +16469313860,,89653633789# US +13017158592,,89653633789# US (Washington DC)

Tammy O'Donnell
Chesapeake Math and IT Academy High School
14800 Sweitzer Lane Laurel, MD 20707 | Tel: (240) 767-4080 | Fax: (301) 560-3461
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