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Chesapeake Math & IT Academy North High School





🏆Caribou International Math Contest Results🏆




CMIT has been selected to participate in the composting pilot by The Schmidt Center & PGCPS


American Mathematics Competition(AMC)

CMIT North HS will join the Showcase Specialty Program


Authorized and emergency contact form for CMIT North High School SY 2022-2023"

Publicity Report - Parent's Essential Responsibility

STUDENTS PARKING & Dropped OFF Regulations

AP Exam Payment Parent Letter (Republished)


Updates from the PTSO

🏆Caribou International Math Contest Results🏆
Good evening CMIT Family, Math club students were blown away by the great results from the first international math competition of the season. Let's reveal the results: Caribou International Math Contest 9/10 graders: 1. Grace Omeregbe (1st Place in MD, 41st Place in the USA, and 25% in the World) 2. Gift Ajurujhi (2nd Place in MD, 80th Place in the USA) 3. Kieron Barber (3rd Place in MD, 90th Place in the USA) Caribou International Math Contest 11/12 grades: 1. Marlin Nwachukwu (1st Place in MD, 20th Place in the USA, and 11% in the World) 2. Izuchukwu Nwadike (2nd Place in MD, 37th Place in the USA, and 26% in the World) 3. Benjamin Champion (3rd Place in MD, 45th Place in the USA, and 31% in the World) 4. Marvin Nwachukwu (4th Place in MD, 74th Place in the USA) It is the first time ever that much good score! Congratulations Mathmagicians! Go Tigers! 🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆

Esra Keskin, MBA Math Teacher Math Olympiad's Coach
ATTENDANCE MATTERS! Students who attend school regularly have been shown to achieve at higher levels than students who do not have regular attendance. When your scholar is absent, a parent or guardian must fill out the following link: A parent written or doctor’s note MUST be UPLOADED directly into the form. Parents or guardians who call or email to notify the school of an absence will still be asked to complete the form. If you are experiencing technical difficulties with uploading the note, please contact Mrs. Fermin at the front desk via phone contact 240-767-4080 or immediately to ensure timely submission of all notes and to avoid absence being considered UNEXCUSED. Absence from school, including absence for any portion of the day, shall be considered lawful only (excused) for the following reasons: *Death in the immediate family (i.e., parent, guardian, brother, sister, grandparent) of extended family and close non-relative. *Illness of the student. The principal requires a physician’s certificate from the parent/guardian after three school days. *Court Summons *Observance of a religious holiday *Mental Health Day - Students may receive as an excused absence one (1) day of absence in each semester of each school year for a student’s mental health needs. A note from a physician to excuse a student’s absence for mental health needs is not required. Family vacations and/or visiting relatives out of state/country are NOT lawful reasons for absence. Attendance at non-CMIT educational activities MAY be excused upon pre-approval by the principal. Families should contact the front desk to obtain an excused absence request form. This form must be returned to the front office at least one week prior to the planned absence. Make Up Work: Late or make-up work will not be accepted unless the absence is an EXCUSED absence and a form has been completed within 3 DAYS upon your student’s return to instruction. Once the note is submitted online, it is the STUDENT’s RESPONSIBILITY to request makeup work from their teacher(s). The front desk will NOT notify teachers regarding make up work. Please take note that every day the School Communication System (SCS) calls all households to inform parents regarding your child’s tardiness and attendance issues. For questions or concerns related to your student absences or tardiness, please check SchoolMAX to see what attendance or tardiness has been entered by the teacher. If there is a question or concern about a specific class, please contact that specific teacher. For all other concerns, please email Tardiness Policy Students will be officially tardy to school if they are not in their prospective classrooms at 8:05 am. If your student arrives at school between 8:05 - 8:15 am, they will be accepted through the cafeteria doors. At that time they will be issued an E-Hall tardy pass to their first period class. The time and code of T will be reflected in SchoolMax. Students who are tardy after 8:15 am should enter through the main doors to sign in and receive a tardy pass to class. Sometimes there are highway closures, weather conditions and traffic delays that may cause many students to be tardy. At that time, it will be to the discretion of the school principal to excuse ALL tardiness within a reasonable time frame for that specific day. Please keep in mind that it is of great importance to us that your student arrives safely to school and we are aware of these incidents that do occur from time to time. As defined in PGCPS AP 5113, a student is chronically absent if the student has been enrolled in a school for at least 10 days and is absent 10% or more of the school days while enrolled at that school. A student is habitually truant if the student has been enrolled in a school for 91 or more days in a school year and is unlawfully absent from school for a number of days or portion of days equal to or in excess of 20% of the school days within any marking period, semester, or year. There may be legal consequences when a student is habitually truant.

Christine Fermin (she/her) Secretary I Attendance Secretary 240.767.4080
Here are the details for Spirit Week--please remember to adhere to the PGCPS/CMIT dress code policy when participating in these events.

Tammy O'Donnell
We are so excited about HOMECOMING on Saturday, November 5th from 7-10 pm. Here is the flyer with details as well as a flier regarding shoes that can be worn. NO HEELS ARE ALLOWED IN THE GYM. Junior class will be selling socks in case you forget .

Tammy O'Donnell
CMIT has been selected to participate in the composting pilot by The Schmidt Center & PGCPS
The Schmidt Center, Building Services, and the Prince George`s Department of Environment (DOE) have great news to share with you. Chesapeake Math & IT north High school has been selected to participate in the composting pilot this school year. CMIT's willingness to support a more sustainable culture in the cafeteria is commendable and appreciated. This pilot will allow PGCPS and the Department Of Education to learn from CMIT schools and apply lessons learned to future composting schools. Dr. Clarke, CMIT's program coordinator, and Compost coordinator attended the conference on October 13, to facilitate the rollout of the program on CMIT's north campus. The pilot will start on October 31, 2022 All club collaborations will be documented to earn a nomination for the Department of Education Green Ribbon Award 2023.

Chesapeake Math & IT Academy
American Mathematics Competition(AMC)
Dear Mathmagicians and Math Lovers, The American Mathematics Competition (AMC) will be on Thursday, November 10, 2022, at 11:30 am. Please read the declaration below. Welcome to the American Mathematics Competitions Program! The MAA’s American Mathematics Competitions program leads the nation in strengthening the mathematical capabilities of the next generation of problem-solvers. Through classroom resources and friendly competition, the MAA AMC program helps America’s educators identify talent and foster a love of mathematics. The MAA AMC program positively impacts the analytical skills needed for future careers in an innovative society. The American Mathematics Competitions are a series of examinations and curriculum materials that build problem-solving skills and mathematical knowledge in middle and high school students. Learn more about our competitions and resources here: American Mathematics Competition 8 - AMC 8: American Mathematics Competition 10/12 - AMC 10/12: American Invitational Mathematics Examination - AIME: United States Mathematical Olympiad and Junior Mathematical Olympiad - USA(J)MO: AMC Resources: The competition will be digital this year. Please use the link below to register. I need you to complete the registration until Wednesday, November 2, 2022. If you are a 9th or 10th grader use the link: AMC 10 A - Fall 2022: If you are an 11th or 12th grader use the link: AMC 12 A - Fall 2022: I am expecting you to be in the media center on Thursday, November 10, 2022, at 11:30 am sharp. Whoever takes the competition will be excused from their lesson and will be allowed to do their assignments in extended time. It is essential to join the club hours to get prepared. We are solving the previous year's questions together. The club days: Tuesdays from 3 pm to 5 pm Saturdays from 9 am to 1 pm (Room 208) Please let me know if you have any questions. Have a great day.

Esra Keskin, MBA Math Teacher Math Olympiad's Coach
CMIT North HS will join the Showcase Specialty Program
Prince George's County Public Schools Specialty Programs Showcase taking place on November 3, 2022 from 6:00 PM-8:00 PM at Charles Herbert Flowers High School. CMIT North HS will be joining the Showcase Specialty Program with our respective teachers. Attendees will have the opportunity to engage with representatives from Pre K-Grade 12 and Charter Schools to learn about a Pathway to Possibilities for students! Also, on behalf of the Northern and Southern Prince George’s County chapters of Mocha Moms, Inc., we are cordially invited to attend their 12th annual Education Fair on Saturday, November 12, 2022. This year’s fair will be open to the public and held at the Friends Community School in College Park from 1pm - 3pm on November 12th. This event is one of the most anticipated school fairs in the region and an excellent opportunity for schools to engage one-on-one with potential future scholars and their families.

Dr. Clarke Program Coordinator-STEM Alternate Testing Coordinator
Authorized and emergency contact form for CMIT North High School SY 2022-2023"
Hello parents, Please complete the following form as soon as you can, to ensure that we have accurate emergency contact information on file for your student. We will not allow students to be picked up by other family or friends without your written permission. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our school. Thank you. Mrs. Bond, Registrar Mrs. Fermin, School Secretary

Christine Fermin (she/her) Secretary I Attendance Secretary 240.767.4080
Publicity Report - Parent's Essential Responsibility
Parents Reminder: Please submit the Publicity Report Release Form, which is a very important document needed to furnish our school events and activities for the district and community. Sixty-two students still lack the publicity report forms. Parents, here is the link: The Publicity Report Release is a very essential document; it is also an acknowledgment of the student's rights and responsibilities stated in our handbook to release communication and documentation as required. All students in our social media and newsletter please urge parents to grant the release of your publicity reports (PR). For the few parents who desired for their children's photos to not be published, we kindly advise that your children actively excuse themselves from situations where the camera is present and gently make their wishes known to the photographer or media personnel present. This will help us in respecting your decisions. The office of the Program Coordinator urges everyone to please submit the PR and we greatly appreciate those who support and understand the importance of the PR.

Dr. Clarke Program Coordinator-STEM Alternate Testing Coordinator
STUDENTS PARKING & Dropped OFF Regulations
STUDENTS you are REQUIRED, to only park your cars at the designated parking areas! As members of one school body we are all responsible to maintain our school pride and image. Please adhere to all parking rules. Please secure your parking permits and park at your designated areas. PARENTS, please do not drop off students in undesignated areas! Our neighboring buildings have submitted complaints against these actions. Please be examples our students can look up to by adhering to the rules.

Dr. Clarke Program Coordinator-STEM Alternate Testing Coordinator
AP Exam Payment Parent Letter (Republished)
Thank you to all students who submitted their "Advanced Placement (AP) Exam Acknowledgement Form 2022-2023" and committed to taking the exam. As a reminder, as part of the new process, for the 2022-2023 school year, all students must register at the following website: and join each AP class they are taking using a join code to be provided by their teacher. This process will be conducted with the assistance of the AP teachers. All students must join the class via this website to have access to the new resources and to register for the AP Exams. By taking an AP course you are setting your path to college and being better prepared for the rigorous coursework. In addition, you have an opportunity to earn college credit should you take and pass the AP Exam. We know you will work hard and, as a result, you have the potential to be very successful in this course! Advance Placement school's bucks link CMIT north. For all parents: students who fall under the FARMS program, AP course costs will be adjusted by the district according to program regulations. Any student, FARMS, and Non-FARMS, who register to take an exam after November 15, 2022, will be responsible for the full exam fee in addition to the $40.00 late fee. Students who take an AP course should be aware of several important pieces of information as outlined below: 1. Students are strongly encouraged to take the AP Exam. 2. Students who are not enrolled in an AP course, but wish to take the exam, must register by Tuesday, November 1, 2022. Students must register at the following website: and join an Exam Only section for the exam they wish to take. All exam payments must be made by Tuesday, November 10, 2022. Any exams not paid for by this date will be canceled by the AP Coordinator. 3. Advanced Placement exam fees are as follows: a. The cost of each AP Exam is $97.00, except for Capstone courses which are $145.00. b. Any exam ordered after November 15, except Second Semester Courses, will incur the full cost of the exam along with the $40.00 late fee, if applicable. This fee must be paid before an exam is ordered. The payment deadline for Second Semester Courses is March 15, 2023. c.. Any exam canceled after November 15, 2022, and by March 15, 2023, will incur a $40 canceled exam fee per exam. d. Exams canceled after March 15, 2023, or if a student does not show up on exam day will not be refunded. All payments will be due in full by November 10, 2022. For more information on the exam, please check the attached AP exam Fact Sheet.pdf below

Dr. Clarke Program Coordinator-STEM Alternate Testing Coordinator
Updates from the PTSO
Thank you to everyone who attended the meeting last week. If you missed it, here is what we talked about: 1. We got a financial update from our Treasurer, Ms. Bond for September: Our ending balance for September was: $1,912.00 2. Ms. Hicks gave us a preview of our BRAND NEW PTSO website 3. The details for Spirit Week and Homecoming were shared 4. Committees were formed: Fundraising, Athletics Boosters, Community Relations and Events. If you are interested in helping WE NEED YOU!! Email Ms. O'Donnell please. 5. There was a great discussion on how best to assist our scholar athletes by reaching out to area businesses for assistance--for example, WSSC owns the field by the school, but it needs some TLC and new paint lines. Then we can use it as our home field (we do not have any home field right now) which will allow us to sell concessions, sell tickets and fundraise. We miss out on home game fundraising, but also on the sense of community. So a team of parents are going to reach out to their business connections to ask about sponsorship, fundraising and donations. This is what the PTSO is all about!! Let's do as much as we can to support our school community. See you all on NOVEMBER 17TH AT 6:30 PM FOR OUR NEXT MEETING!!

Tammy O'Donnell
Chesapeake Math and IT Academy High School
14800 Sweitzer Lane Laurel, MD 20707 | Tel: (240) 767-4080 | Fax: (301) 560-3461
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