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Chesapeake Math & IT Academy North High School







3 CMIT Students Awarded Summer Interships!

Spanish iIS Fun

It Was a Good Week!

Hall Sweeps

Uniform Policy



Girls Talk Math Camp | Apply Now

PSAT for 9th, 10th, and 11th Grade - October 12th

Senior Portraits

School Picture Day


Mr. Hommel's English 10 Classes

First Week In The Books In Science

Welcome to a New School Year for Piano Class

Welcome to a New School Year for the Music Survey Class

Welcome Back To School!

Ms. Coholic's Science Classes

Mr. Dorris College Summit 12 and World History

Ms. Houston


Successful Philadelphia Field Trip!

Women's Soccer and Lacrosse Interest Meeting

2021-2022 Yearbooks

First Debate Team Meeting Thursday September 8, in room 211, from 3-5 pm

Robotics Club Prepares for New Year

CLF High School Enrichment Program


Drama Club



Welcome Back from Dr. Gaudette!

Welcome back!

English Department


English 11 and Speech Classes are off and running!

AP Computer Science



PTSO May Meeting


Laurel, MD September 09, 2022 – Chesapeake Math & IT Academy North was recognized by National Wildlife Federation’s Eco-Schools USA program for exceptional achievement in educating for sustainability, improving the environmental footprint of the school grounds, facility and curriculum. It is the 15th school so honored in Maryland, and the 5thin Prince George’s County (and the only one outstanding with continued certification) to receive the prestigious Green Flag, the Eco-Schools highest honor. With more than 5,500 schools in all 50 states, the Eco-Schools USA program is based on the commitment and work of student-driven teams dedicated to issues such as reducing waste and consumption, climate resiliency, and environmental justice using audits, action plans, and other educational resources. "National Wildlife Federation and Eco-Schools USA are proud of the example set by CMIT North Academy in Maryland,” said Elizabeth Soper, Senior Director of K-12 Education Programs. “This award demonstrates not only a commitment to sustainability and environmental literacy for students and faculty, but as well, recognition by the school community that environment-based education supports and provides an effective approach to student learning and leadership.” To receive the Green Flag, CMIT’s students and faculty tackled a host of sustainability initiatives that began with forming an Eco-Action team; auditing environmental focus areas; and engaging and building community. These steps led to actions and projects, all designed to raise environmental awareness, connect students to the natural world, improve the schools environmental footprint, and increase student engagement, while saving money for the school. Thank you all so much for your tremendous help with last year's Green School projects! Without your diligence, hard work, late nights, and early mornings we wouldn't have been able to have such a successful year. Looking forward to bigger and better things for Green School. Thanks for being such a great team!

Dr. Clarke Green School Mentor
ATTENDANCE MATTERS! Students who attend school regularly have been shown to achieve at higher levels than students who do not have regular attendance. When your scholar is absent, a parent or guardian must fill out the following link: A parent written or doctor’s note MUST be UPLOADED directly into the form. Parents or guardians who call or email to notify the school of an absence will still be asked to complete the form. If you are experiencing technical difficulties with uploading the note, please contact Mrs. Fermin at the front desk via phone contact 240-767-4080 or immediately to ensure timely submission of all notes and to avoid absence being considered UNEXCUSED. Absence from school, including absence for any portion of the day, shall be considered lawful only (excused) for the following reasons: *Death in the immediate family (i.e., parent, guardian, brother, sister, grandparent) of extended family and close non-relative. *Illness of the student. The principal requires a physician’s certificate from the parent/guardian after three school days. *Court Summons *Observance of a religious holiday *Mental Health Day - Students may receive as an excused absence one (1) day of absence in each semester of each school year for a student’s mental health needs. A note from a physician to excuse a student’s absence for mental health needs is not required. Family vacations and/or visiting relatives out of state/country are NOT lawful reasons for absence. Attendance at non-CMIT educational activities MAY be excused upon pre-approval by the principal. Families should contact the front desk to obtain an excused absence request form. This form must be returned to the front office at least one week prior to the planned absence. Make Up Work: Late or make-up work will not be accepted unless the absence is an EXCUSED absence and a form has been completed within 3 DAYS upon your student’s return to instruction. Once the note is submitted online, it is the STUDENT’s RESPONSIBILITY to request makeup work from their teacher(s). The front desk will NOT notify teachers regarding make up work. Please take note that every day the School Communication System (SCS) calls all households to inform parents regarding your child’s tardiness and attendance issues. For questions or concerns related to your student absences or tardiness, please check SchoolMAX to see what attendance or tardiness has been entered by the teacher. If there is a question or concern about a specific class, please contact that specific teacher. For all other concerns, please email Tardiness Policy Students will be officially tardy to school if they are not in their prospective classrooms at 8:05 am. If your student arrives at school between 8:05 - 8:15 am, they will be accepted through the cafeteria doors. At that time they will be issued an E-Hall tardy pass to their first period class. The time and code of T will be reflected in SchoolMax. Students who are tardy after 8:15 am should enter through the main doors to sign in and receive a tardy pass to class. Sometimes there are highway closures, weather conditions and traffic delays that may cause many students to be tardy. At that time, it will be to the discretion of the school principal to excuse ALL tardiness within a reasonable time frame for that specific day. Please keep in mind that it is of great importance to us that your student arrives safely to school and we are aware of these incidents that do occur from time to time. As defined in PGCPS AP 5113, a student is chronically absent if the student has been enrolled in a school for at least 10 days and is absent 10% or more of the school days while enrolled at that school. A student is habitually truant if the student has been enrolled in a school for 91 or more days in a school year and is unlawfully absent from school for a number of days or portion of days equal to or in excess of 20% of the school days within any marking period, semester, or year. There may be legal consequences when a student is habitually truant.

Christine Fermin (she/her) Secretary I Attendance Secretary 240.767.4080
3 CMIT Students Awarded Summer Interships!
Please congratulate Earth Optimism club members Jescie Tinio, Folakemi Uthman, and Oluwadamilola Ogunsuyi for being selected to receive two summer internships, one through the Chesapeake Bay Program/National Park Service and another paid internship through The Smithsonian Institution! This summer, these students became youth ambassador and worked with other students from across the Chesapeake Bay watershed and learned about issues currently affecting its communities and policies to restore and protect the Bay. They worked on an action project to help voice their thoughts and concerns about environmental issues and presented their findings at a summit in the fall. They also worked closely with The Smithsonian to help create a social media presence for their projects and interview other teens at the Folklife Festival in Washington DC, as well as served on a panel discussion about environmental action with other teens.

Mrs. Jessica Cunning Social Studies Department Chair and Earth Optimism Co-Sponsor
Spanish iIS Fun
! HOLA ! Welcome to High School Spanish. We have now finished going through our routines, and so we are looking forward to having a great school year in Spanish 1, and 2. Each quarter we will learn a new Spanish song such as, " Quién Dices Que Soy.?" ( Whom Do You Say I Am?). Parents will have the opportunity to learn at least one of our songs. We will continue to practice our conversational skills, talk about grammatical structures, respond to questions about how we fell, etc. Students will translate short stories and respond to related questions.

Kem Djer
It Was a Good Week!
Thank you for preparing your students for a good start to the year. I have been encouraged by the positivity and humor I have encountered this week as well as how resilient students have been when things did not necessarily go their way. We have completed our first two weeks of school, which, by and large, was a success. Teachers led team-building activities and reviewed their syllabi and classroom expectations. I accompanied Ms. Andrew as she visited classrooms to review school rules and expectations. She and our student support team assigned lockers and addressed the vast majority of locker issues that presented. Also, Mr. Tekin worked tirelessly to configure as many Chromebooks as possible. We look forward to things running smoothly when students start the third week of school. As we move into this week, it would be helpful if students reviewed their syllabi and any announcements in Canvas to prepare themselves for their classes. This is a great time for them to ask any lingering clarification questions about any expectations that may be puzzling to them. They should also begin building the habit of checking their email daily and creating routines that will help them be efficient. If we have had any issues to be addressed this week, they are related to messes being left in the cafeteria and horseplay taking place in the hallways and stairwells. Students, remember that neither of these behaviors is acceptable. Families, we would appreciate it if you would amplify this message to your students. It was a great second week after seeing you all virtually at Back to School night last Thursday, September 08.

Ms. Colandrea 9th + 10th Grade Assistant Principal English, MAPS, SPED, + Social Studies Departments
Hall Sweeps
On Thursday, September 8th, hall sweeps went into effect, as I explained in our expectations meetings last week. We want to make sure that all students are present and on time for their classes to ensure they are receiving the best learning experience! What is a Hall Sweep? Any student that arrives late to class without a pass from a teacher. How do Hall Sweeps work? If a student arrives late to class 5 seconds or more after the bell ringing without a pass from a teacher, they will need to create a Hall Sweep pass on the e-hallpass system to be allowed in the classroom. The teacher will end the pass and then mark the tardy time in SchoolMAX. What are the consequences of Hall Sweeps? 1st Tardy Incident - Warning. 2nd Tardy Incident - Lunch Detention and 200 word reflective essay 3rd Tardy Incident - Lunch Detention & 1 period of Detention and 200 word reflective essay. 4th Tardy Incident - Lunch Detention & 2 periods of Detention and 200 word reflective essay. 5th Tardy Incident - 1 day of Detention 6th (or more) Tardy Incident - 2 days of Detention Hall, 200 word reflective essay, and parent conference with administration. Parents will be notified when students have detention. What are the rewards of No Hall Sweeps? No Tardies: Weekly and/or Monthly Incentives for scholars who have zero Hall Sweep Passes during a specified timeframe. Examples: Dress-down passes, tickets to special events, and activities. P.A.N.T.S (Perfect Attendance & No Tardies): Monthly and/or Quarterly Incentives for scholars who have zero absences and zero tardies. Examples: Dress-down passes, tickets to special events, and activities. We look forward to having our students be successful in classes by ensuring they are present and on time!

Casandra Andrew
Uniform Policy
Please be reminded of the uniform policy. We are noticing that many students are not tucking their hoods on their hooded garments. If students cannot abide by this policy, students will not be allowed to wear hooded garments. Shirt -Must have CMIT Logo -Solid purple or solid gold polo -Spirit wear tops with CMIT Logo pre-approved by the administration and purchased by a pre-approved vendor are permitted daily for grades 10-12. -No hoods are allowed on any garment. If you are wearing a hooded garment, the hood must be tucked. Pants/Skirts/Shorts -Solid khaki or solid navy -Shorts and skirts must be to the knee length or longer. -Pants/shorts/skirts must be kept at the waist. -No cargo pants, jeans, yoga pants, leggings, sweatpants, rips, or embellishments Shoes -Any color -No slippers, slides, flip flops, or Crocs Outerwear -Any outerwear worn without the CMIT logo must be placed in the student's locker once they enter the school building. -Jackets, sweatshirts, pullovers, windbreakers, and other similar items worn in the school building must have a CMIT logo and be pre-approved by the administration and purchased by a pre-approved vendor. -No hoods are allowed. If you are wearing a hooded garment, the hood must be tucked. -Blankets are not permitted. Accessories: -No hats, bandanas, do-rags, skull caps, sweatbands, or bonnets. -Headscarves for cultural or religious purposes are permitted and must be solid black, white, gray, purple, or gold. Thank you for your support!

Casandra Andrew
Thank you to all the parents who donated uniforms! The PTSO was able to raise over $500 through the uniform sale!!! We still have some uniforms available. Ms. O'Donnell can take orders via email and payment via cash app or paypal if you wish to order ahead and have your student pick up the uniform. Ms. O'Donnell is also in the cafeteria each morning from 6:30-7:30 am if you wish to come in and browse. Please make an appointment so I can bring the uniforms downstairs from my classroom. If there is interest, we can hold an additional uniform sale during the week in the evening. We can discuss it further at the first PTSO meeting on Thursday, September 22nd at 6:30pm. Again, thank you for all you are doing to support the school community!

Tammy O'Donnell
Girls Talk Math Camp | Apply Now
If you know a girl who is interested in math, take a look at this opportunity. Here is a description of the program from one of the program's organizers: "During the two weeks of camp, which takes place in the math and physics buildings on UMD's campus, the high schoolers work in small groups on a certain math topic that they have picked from ~5 options. The idea is to try and mimic learning at the college or graduate level where the packets might be something tricky or difficult to grasp on their own, but with a team they can work together to figure it out. There is no math requirement, so students who have just finished 8th grade would be able to work on the same packets as a student who has completed a course like calculus. They have team leaders who are mostly undergraduate students at UMD who will be there to guide but not necessarily teach them about the topic. Along with the packet, they write a blog post and give a presentation to their peers and family on the math they did. They also write and record a podcast which gets published to Soundcloud on a mathematician in their field. We try to pick mathematicians from underrepresented genders who are still living because often they are able to set up an interview with them directly, which can be really rewarding for everyone! During all this, we set up experiences such as outside speakers to talk about their math careers or discuss things like imposter's syndrome, undergraduate panels on college life, and workshops and lab tours. We have been virtual the last two years, which I think has taken a toll on our momentum. A lot of the material online is from summer 2019, because of this. The camp is $25 to be paid upon acceptance, but we offer fee waivers to anyone without extra questions or "proof" necessary. We also offer the option of free lunch to anyone who can't bring their own, as well as we are hoping to offer some kind of metro pass and carpooling for those that find transportation difficult." Access the QR code in one of the flyers for application information.

Ms. Colandrea 9th + 10th Grade Assistant Principal English, MAPS, SPED, + Social Studies Departments
PSAT for 9th, 10th, and 11th Grade - October 12th
On Wednesday, October 12th, we will administer the PSAT to our 9th, 10th, and 11th grade students. The PSAT is meant to help prepare students for the SAT. We will also use the PSAT scores to help determine course placement for future classes. PSAT/NMSQT also gives opportunities for our 11th grade students to receive scholarships. 9th grade will take PSAT 8/9. 10th grade will take PSAT/NMSQT. 11th grade will take PSAT/NMSQT. Start preparing! 1. Make sure your student can sign into their Collegeboard account. We do not have access to these accounts, so students either need to create an account or contact Collegeboard to help with any issues with their current account. 2. Information on PSAT 8/9 - 3. Information on PSAT/NMSQT - 4. Get a calculator that you are comfortable with to use on test day! We are extremely lucky that we are one of the very few schools offering this test in PGCPS, so please make sure to take advantage of this great opportunity by being present and on time on October 12th. There will be no makeup tests. Please note that 11th grade students will also be taking the SAT during school on March 1st free of charge.

Casandra Andrew
Senior Portraits
Dates: 11/17 & 11/18 and 11/29. More information to follow. If you have any questions please contact Ms. Houston:

Katie Houston
School Picture Day
Dates: 11/9 Information about attire to follow.

Katie Houston
Mr. Hommel's English 10 Classes
Mr. Hommel's English 10 students have hit the ground running this school year, writing about the benefits of developing a growth mindset and taking a grammar diagnostic assessment. We are preparing to learn about MLA formatting and to read R.L. Stevenson's "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde." All of this year's texts will be provided electronically, so there is no requirement to purchase hard copies of this year's texts. Other than a charged Chromebook, students need only a notebook (spiral bound or composition book), #2 pencils, a highlighter (any color), and blue or black pens. These sophomores have come into the new school year focused and eager to learn, which I believe is a credit to them, their parents and guardians, and also their 9th grade instructors. I am looking forward to a fantastic school year and we are sure off to a great start!

-Mr. Hommel, English 10, College Summit 12
First Week In The Books In Science
Hello! We finished the first two week of school strong in science. Students have returned to school refreshed and ready to learn. In BioGeoChem, students closed out the week with a video lab activity, and will be continuing with physical science next week - What makes a car go? In Physics, students reviewed basic trigonometry and unpacked the 'physics toolkit' of tools used in physics, such as S.I. units, basic conversions, scalars vs. vectors, dimensional analysis, precision vs. accuracy, and concluded with a video lab activity. PGCPS is still working on getting the e-textbooks accessible in Canvas. As soon as that is completed, we will all have e-text assignments available to students. Here's to the beginning of a great school year!

Suzanne Coholic High School Science Teacher Science Department Chair
Welcome to a New School Year for Piano Class
Welcome to a new school year for piano class. The Basic Piano Program at CMIT Academy is offered for students in grades 9-12. Students in Basic Piano will experience a basic musical repertoire including both the basic piano songs as well as more contemporary piano songs. In addition to learning his or her instrument, students will also explore basic music notation, piano fingering, piano technique, music theory, music history and basic composition. Instruction in piano is highly individualized and unique to each student’s learning style. To get the most from this class and although not required, students should have a piano or keyboard at home where they can practice. Please contact me if you need recommendations for purchasing a piano. Parents, if you ever have questions about anything in the piano class, most of it can be found in the attached syllabus. If the Piano Syllabus fails to give you the appropriate answers, please email me at and I will get back to you within 24 hours. I am looking forward to sharing an amazing year filled with new opportunities! Musically yours, Mr. Carter Piano Instructor

Russell Carter
Welcome to a New School Year for the Music Survey Class
Greetings everyone and welcome to a wonderful new year at CMIT Academy North High School! My name is Mr. Carter and I am the Music Survey teacher. The Music Survey Class at CMIT Academy is offered for students in grades 9-12. This course is a full- year course for the student who wishes to become a knowledgeable consumer of music. Students will explore performing artists and composers from the Renaissance Period of music through today and the various genres they represent. This course will also include piano fundamentals and music theory. Students will learn from a number of different resources including the music literacy Textbook(s): Music! Its Role and Importance in our Society. Parents, if you ever have questions about anything in the piano class, most of it can be found in the attached syllabus. If the Music Survey syllabus fails to give you the appropriate answers, please email me at and I will get back to you within 24 hours. I am looking forward to sharing an amazing year filled with new opportunities! Musically yours, Mr. Carter Music Survey Instructor

Russell Carter
Welcome Back To School!
Greetings CMIT Family, Welcome back to school! I hope your summer was fantastic and you are so ready to be in class. Let me introduce myself to the new students, and their parents and guardians. That is Ms. Keskin, the secondary math teacher. I am teaching Algebra-1, Trigonometry & Probability and Statistics, and AP Statistics this school year. Also, I am mentoring the Math Olympiads' Team, The Mathmagicians! Students can reach out to the resources, syllabus, material lists, announcements, and more of it on Canvas. You can send your questions, suggestions, or concerns to me via Canvas or my email account, I will do my best to return your emails promptly. I look forward to working with you. Hope you have an awesome year! Best regards,

Esra Keskin, MBA Math Teacher Math Olympiad's Coach
Ms. Coholic's Science Classes
Hello all, Thanks to all who came to Back to School Night! It was a pleasure to speak/meet with you. BioGeoChem students have been learning about the importance of the metric system in science and practicing the ability to make conversions that are necessary in the fields of science. We will be continuing with critical thinking skills about how cars actually move using some simple physics principles and Newton's 3 Laws. Physics students completed the "toolkit" of physics methods and velocity and acceleration. We will be continuing with 4 kinematic equations of motion and a diagnostic test. Have a great week everyone!

Suzanne Coholic High School Science Teacher Science Department Chair
Mr. Dorris College Summit 12 and World History
College Summit 12 Update During the first two weeks, students continued to narrow down their college lists and update Naviance with various application materials. This upcoming week students will continue to complete core college application tasks in Naviance and CommonApp as well as confirming and sending out final requests for their teacher recommendation letters. The end off the month will be heavily focused on helping students complete their personal statement essays. World History Update This past week students completed activities introducing them to various world religions. Next week, we will begin orienting students in history as well as geography as we begin our study of early east Asian history/culture and general themes such as the rise an fall of empire. In future weeks, we will continue orienting students as we turn our focus westward towards the Middle East, Africa, Western Europe, and even the early Native American empires of the Aztecs and Incas.

Mr. Dorris
Ms. Houston
AP English Language and Composition Exam Day: May 9, 2023, 8:00 am We are currently finishing up diagnostics and will start studying rhetorical appeals through the week. We will start by looking at advertisements and marketing to determine modes of persuasion. Yearbook The staff is currently building practice pages, templates, and deciding sections and theme options. This past week, we had students covering the volleyball games and are looking to cover more sports and games in the near future. Journalism We will be continuing our study of journalism and the law.

Katie Houston
Successful Philadelphia Field Trip!
On Thursday, May 19th, students who took AP Government and AP US History were able to spend the day in Philadelphia. During the trip, they went on a 1.25 mile tour of the more than 20 of the most historic sites, followed by a competitive scavenger hunt. I would like to thank all the students who attended for making this such a successful first field trip since COVID along with Mr. Ricci, Dr. Gaudette, and Ms. Beamon who chaperoned! Can't wait for our next field trip adventures!

Mrs. Jessica Cunning Social Studies Department Chair and Earth Optimism Co-Sponsor
Women's Soccer and Lacrosse Interest Meeting
Two of our most successful female athletic programs came together to host their first interest meeting for the upcoming '22-'23 seasons! Any interested female students INCOMING FRESHMEN (Class of 2026) to HS SENIORS (Class of 2023) are welcome! All skill levels are welcomed! Our meetings are held at ROOM 314 at CMIT Academy North High School between 3:30 PM - 6:00 PM. The team captain will remain in the high school lobby to help escort incoming freshmen. Some previous accomplishments: CMIT Women's Soccer: Fall '21 Undefeated Regional Champions & State Semifinalist! CMIT Women's Lacrosse: Spring '22 Divisional, County, and Regional Champions! For interested students who are interested to join our team, please contact Coach Sok at:!

Serey Sok CMIT Women's Lacrosse & Women's Soccer Head Coach Follow Us on Twitter: @cmitwlax or @cmitwsoccer Follow Us on Instagram: @cmitwlax or @cmitwsoccer Follow Us on Anchor.FM: @cmitwlax Team Website:
2021-2022 Yearbooks
The 2021-2022 yearbook is HERE! If you paid online for a yearbook, you should have relieved an email to come pick it up. If you did not order a copy online, there are a limited number of copies available in Ms. O'Donnell's room. You must pay in cash and the cost is $40. If you have any questions, please let Ms. O'Donnell know. Thank you for supporting our Yearbook Club!

Tammy O'Donnell
First Debate Team Meeting Thursday September 8, in room 211, from 3-5 pm
Hello Parents and Debaters and prospective debaters! The storied CMIT North High Debate Team had its first meeting of the 2022-2023 school year last Thursday, September 8, 2022, from 3pm -5pm in room 211. For those who are interested to join or have other questions please email Ms. Matson that they are planning to attend to make sure there are enough materials at the meeting for everyone. Ms. Matson's email is Thanks for your interest in and support of the CMIT North Debate Team, we're looking forward to another historic debate season for our Golden Tigers !

Jennifer Matson
Robotics Club Prepares for New Year
Here it is, a new school year again. We still have a lot of irons in the fire from last year and we will be moving them forward in the weeks to come. We still want to take part in the Solar Car Challenge down in Texas in july of next year. We have competitions coming up for Sea Perch down at the Naval Academy, Vex Robotics, and the FIRST Robotics Competition. This year promises to be our best ever!

first robotics
CLF High School Enrichment Program
Dear Parents, Would you would like to offer your student more flexibility to participate in our various after school clubs? Would you love to see your student more involved in after school activities, but are restricted by limited transportation options? The Chesapeake Lighthouse Foundation's Enrichment Program might be an answer to your dilemma. CLF’s Enrichment Program serves our CLF schools (CMIT Academies), grades K-12, by offering structured time in a safe and productive environment before and after school hours, giving families more flexibility with scheduling and transportation. The program provides an opportunity for academic support and social growth through supervised study sessions, homework assistance, organized recreation, games and peer interactions. For more information, please visit our CLF Enrichment website: If you need any help registering your student into the CLF Enrichment Program, please email Mr. Conde at You may also direct your questions to Looking forward to working with you and your families this year!

Mr. Conde Professional School Counselor Grades 9 and 10 CLF North Cluster Enrichment Coordinator
Do you want to be a part of the team that records the memorable moments of high school? Join Yearbook Club. Contact:

Katie Houston
Drama Club
Open to all students interested in any aspect of theater production: acting, directing, lights, sound, makeup and costuming, set design/construction - Tuesdays 3-4pm starting in October Contact: Ms. Houston -

Katie Houston
Welcome back CMIT. Students taking Physical Education this school year are reminded that changing for class is optional this school year. Although will be given time before and after class to change for those who need too. As always students are required to wear sneakers with laces in order to participate in class.

Welcome Back from Dr. Gaudette!
Good afternoon Class of 2023 and Class of 2024 Students and Parents/Guardians! My name is Dr. Gaudette and I will be the Professional School Counselor for 11th and 12th grade students here at CMIT Academy North High School. I aim to providing programming, resources, and advising to support your students navigate these last years in high school. At CMIT North High School, we believe that parental involvement is a critical component to student success both in and outside of the classroom, both within this year's experiences and in order to best prepare for everything that comes after high school. I look forward to partnering with you, our CMIT Students and Families, to help our students succeed. If you or your student has any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me and I will work with you to get your questions answered and concerns addressed (or at the very least, helping you to get to the person who can!) - together, we will make this the best year yet! As a Professional School Counselor, I work directly with our students on their academic progress, social/emotional wellbeing, and college and career awareness and readiness. I provide individual counseling, counseling in group settings, and classroom lessons to ensure that our students are prepared for everything that comes their way. If you have any suggestions for any programs you would like to see this year, I hope you included them in your Counseling Surveys for Parents/Guardians and Students! If there are other ideas that you have that you forgot to include, please feel free to email me directly. Additionally, we have an outstanding Professional School Counseling Intern here from The George Washington University, Ms. Kimboko, who will be working alongside the Counseling Department this year. Make sure to say hello to her when you see her!

Dr. Gaudette ( Professional School Counselor (Grades 11 & 12) School Counseling Department Chair
Welcome back!
Please see the attached PDF to learn more about the AP Government and AP US History courses that I am teaching this year!

Mrs. Jessica Cunning Social Studies Department Chair and Earth Optimism Co-Sponsor
English Department
Welcome back! We look forward to a great year sharing new texts, familiar titles, and some old favorites.

Katie Houston
English 11 and Speech Classes are off and running!
Hello parents and students! I am Ms. Matson and I teach the English 11 and Speech 1 classes here at CMIT. Students have started strong in these classes with excellent theme analysis and by making 30 second speeches EVERY DAY this week! I am so impressed with students' motivation and flexibility this year and I am looking forward to more of the same in the months ahead. Students continue to need their own chromebooks to be successful in the English 11 or Speech class because more than 90% of the assignments or assignment instructions are on the class canvas. Please make sure students have a charged chrome book for class every day! All students will be provided an electronic copy of class texts but some students prefer to have a hard copy. This is COMPLETELY OPTIONAL but if English 11 students would like to get hard copy novels for the year, I have listed the novels we'll be reading below. If a student wants a hard copy and it is financially possible, they should purchase their own copy. We have only a limited number of hard copies available to check out from class. All of the novels and plays we're reading are available at English 11 Novels & Plays They Called Us Enemy by George Takei Poet X by Elizabeth Acevedo The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald Othello by William Shakespeare The Piano Lesson by August Wilson Thank you for your participation in and support of the English and Speech classes here at CMIT North High!

Jennifer Matson
AP Computer Science
Binary Numbers Students are required to learn binary numbers which are 0 and 1. It is essential to learn them because this is the language that our computers understand. We did an activity in the class where the students converted the binary numbers to decimal numbers. They were given a Floppy Do, which helped them converting the binary numbers. By the end of this unit, students will be able to explore how black and white images are represented and they will interact with the pixelation widget. Furthermore, the students will learn lossy and lossless compressions.

Nabil Siddiqui
PTSO Is selling Reusable Water bottles! Great for students to use with the filtered water fountains. Great for the environment. No more plastic bottles!! They are $5 and can be purchased in Ms. O'Donnell's room or you can email Ms. O'Donnell for pickup. Thank you for supporting the PTSO!!

Tammy O'Donnell
PTSO May Meeting
The PTSO will meet on THURSDAY, MAY 26TH AT 6:30PM. Here is the link: Tammy ODonnell is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: PTSO Meeting Time: May 26, 2022 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Every month on the Fourth Thu, until Jun 23, 2022, 2 occurrence(s) May 26, 2022 06:30 PM Jun 23, 2022 06:30 PM Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system. Monthly: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 878 0462 2198 One tap mobile +16465588656,,87804622198# US (New York) +13017158592,,87804622198# US (Washington DC) Dial by your location +1 646 558 8656 US (New York) +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose) +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) Meeting ID: 878 0462 2198 Find your local number: We will begin the nomination process for 2022-2023 officers, talk about prom, graduation, and upcoming field trips as well as updates on negotiations. We are still accepting members. If you are interested in joining it is $5. Here is the PAYPAL link to join. If you have any questions please let Ms. O'Donnell know.

Tammy O'Donnell
Welcome to all of our new and returning families! The CMIT North High School Parent Teacher Student Organization is ready to get to work to make this the best school year ever!! We welcome back our officers: President: Tammy O'Donnell Vice President: Akinbode Akinmutimi Corresponding Secretary: Valerie Young Treasurer: Sabrina Bond Website Coordinator: Kryshana Hicks ByLaws Committee Chair: Benora McCain We are still looking for a Recording Secretary. If you are interested in running, please email me. We will be taking nominations at our first meeting. Please plan to join us on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22ND AT 6:30PM* for our first meeting!!! We will have a membership drive, budget overview, committee development, adminitration updates and student officer reports. It will be virtual. I look forward to seeing you all. We have a lot of work to do this year and I appreciate all the support of the parents. GO TIGERS! * This is a change from the original date of Wednesday, September 21st.

Tammy O'Donnell
Chesapeake Math and IT Academy High School
14800 Sweitzer Lane Laurel, MD 20707 | Tel: (240) 767-4080 | Fax: (301) 560-3461
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