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Chesapeake Math & IT Academy North High School





CMIT Alumnus Visits!

PHOEBE BROWN, CMIT's Top Contenders to Prince George's Area Science Fair (PGASF) on March 19, 2022

ALLEN GASKINS, CMIT's Top Contenders to Prince George's Area Science Fair (PGASF) on March 19, 2022

KALEB CASTLEMAN, CMIT's Top Contenders to Prince George's Area Science Fair (PGASF) on March 19, 2022

JASMYNE WILSON, CMIT's Top Contenders to Prince George's Area Science Fair (PGASF) on March 19, 2022

LEILA OGBA, CMIT's Top Contenders to Prince George's Area Science Fair (PGASF) on March 19, 2022

HADASSAH AGBANIYAKA, CMIT's Top Contenders to Prince George's Area Science Fair (PGASF) on March 19, 2022


WRITING WORKSHOP- Saturday, March 26, 2022


We made an ice cream and enjoyed it in Chemistry Lab


Photography Club


Battle of the Fundamentals Competition for 9th Graders UPDATE

CMIT Alumnus Visits!
Thank you to Langston Jackson for coming to speak with a group of our seniors about your experience at Hampton University and your time with the Hampton University Marching Force! We hope this is the first of many future CMIT Alumni Visits!

Ms. Gaudette ( Professional School Counselor (Grades 11 & 12) School Counseling Department Chair
PHOEBE BROWN, CMIT's Top Contenders to Prince George's Area Science Fair (PGASF) on March 19, 2022
Phoebe Brown (Grade 11) is one of the Top 6 CMIT's STEM fair winners. Her project undergoes a rigorous qualification to be accepted to compete in the upcoming 74th Annual Prince George’s Area Science Fair (PGASF) which will be held virtually on Saturday, March 19, 2022. Phoebe's research sheds new light on the factors that influence how nitrogen, a critical plant, and soil nutrient, is released during the decay of dead animal tissue and other organic matter in soils. Fertilizers like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, or NPK, are commonly used to help plants grow faster. Phoebe devised a more natural method of assisting plants in growing faster through the process of mummification. She used mummified hotdogs as a protein material to improve the growth and productiveness of plants by slowly releasing their vital components to the soil and then allowing the plants to absorb the nutrients. Mummification, she argued, is more beneficial than fertilizer. It is the primary component of terrestrial ecosystems. The decomposition of hotdog debris, or animal "litter," is a delayed process that converts respiration into inorganic components, allowing nutrients to assist plants to grow naturally and bountifully.

Dr. Clarke Science Teacher Tutoring & Academic Services Saturday Academy, Liaison STEM Fair Coordinator Green School, Advisor
ALLEN GASKINS, CMIT's Top Contenders to Prince George's Area Science Fair (PGASF) on March 19, 2022
Allen Gaskins, (Grade 11) is one of the Top 6 CMIT's STEM fair winners. His project undergoes a rigorous qualification to be accepted to compete in the upcoming 74th Annual Prince George’s Area Science Fair (PGASF) which will be held virtually on Saturday, March 19, 2022. If hybrid car companies would like to accelerate the world’s transportation to sustainable energy, Allen Gaskins (Grade 11) wanted to prevent distracted drivers from getting into accidents with synergetic self-driving cars, imitating swarm technology. The concept is employed in the work of artificial intelligence. Have you seen ants in an ant colony and the workings of ants inside that colony? They never bump or collide with each other and reach their point of destination without hurdles. Allen's project uses the same concept. He built robots that can work collectively by exchanging sensor data with each other. He uses two robots he originally built on his own, two Raspberry Pi’s, two old remote control cars for the vehicles, and two HC-SR04 ultrasonic distance sensors. Incorporating this intelligence into autonomous cars helps in avoiding collisions with neighbors and also enables cooperative driving between autonomous cars. Allen projects try to solve a building technique of AV with swarm intelligence capabilities.

Dr. Clarke Science Teacher Tutoring & Academic Services Saturday Academy, Liaison STEM Fair Coordinator Green School, Advisor
KALEB CASTLEMAN, CMIT's Top Contenders to Prince George's Area Science Fair (PGASF) on March 19, 2022
Kaleb Castleman, (Grade 11) is one of the Top 6 CMIT's STEM fair winners. His project undergoes a rigorous qualification to be accepted to compete in the upcoming 74th Annual Prince George’s Area Science Fair (PGASF) which will be held virtually on Saturday, March 19, 2022. Kaleb's project aims to answer the question of which smartphone charging method is the most efficient. The procedure for this project was to charge the phone for a set amount of time using each different charging method and then use diagnostic tools to retrieve information about the charging rate and battery heat. This information was then recorded and presented in a separate presentation. The hypothesis was that wireless charging was generally less efficient than cable charging, and the results proved this. Fast cable charging was the most efficient type of charging (though it had the most power draw, which was offset by the quick charging speed), followed by regular charging, with both wireless charging methods trailing far behind. This project concept may be utilized to benefit mobile phones in terms of quick charging, which is now one of the most advanced technologies available. This technology's first benefit is that it improves the usability and mobility of devices that are meant to be moved around. Many operations operate in the background on today's smartphones, which means their batteries will be drained throughout the day. When you can charge your devices quickly, you can be on the go faster and more often without having to hunker down to charge them.

Dr. Clarke Science Teacher Tutoring & Academic Services Saturday Academy, Liaison STEM Fair Coordinator Green School, Advisor
JASMYNE WILSON, CMIT's Top Contenders to Prince George's Area Science Fair (PGASF) on March 19, 2022
Jasmyne Wilson (Grade 10) is one of the Top 6 CMIT's STEM fair winners. Her project undergoes a rigorous qualification to be accepted to compete in the upcoming 74th Annual Prince George’s Area Science Fair (PGASF) which will be held virtually on Saturday, March 19, 2022. Jasmyne wondered why our doctor might say we can’t eat grapefruit while on a certain medication. With her project, she explored the grapefruit's content. Grapefruit contains a compound called furanocoumarin, which acts as an inhibitor for the enzymes found in our small intestine that break down and absorb the content of the medicine. Inhibitors don’t denature enzymes, but they do block their function. Jasmyne experimented with how catalase reacts with inhibitors and catalyzes She proved that ethanol acted as an inhibitor to the catalase found in yeast and stopped enzyme activity. and that there were no reactions between the ethanol and yeast. The purpose of her findings was to model the effects of catalysts and inhibitors on enzymes and help create a better understanding of how they work. This helps explain many situations, like why you can’t eat grapefruit while taking certain medications.

Dr. Clarke Science Teacher Tutoring & Academic Services Saturday Academy, Liaison STEM Fair Coordinator Green School, Advisor
LEILA OGBA, CMIT's Top Contenders to Prince George's Area Science Fair (PGASF) on March 19, 2022
Leila Ogba (Grade 10), is one of the Top 6 CMIT's STEM fair winners. Her project undergoes a rigorous qualification to be accepted to compete in the upcoming 74th Annual Prince George’s Area Science Fair (PGASF) which will be held virtually on Saturday, March 19, 2022. Leila's project was focused on Earthquakes, which are devastating disasters that kill many people each year. Given that we cannot control our earth's plate movements, she found a way to compare design structures that best withstand an earthquake. She looked into a variety of three building structures, a geodesic dome, a common building, and a pyramid structure. She furthered her investigation by using an earthquake simulator using gel and controlled movement. Part of her built structure was how Engineers must reinforce the structure and counteract the forces of an earthquake when designing an earthquake-proof building. Because earthquakes release energy that pushes on a building in one direction, her strategy is for the building to push in the opposite direction.

Dr. Clarke Science Teacher Tutoring & Academic Services Saturday Academy, Liaison STEM Fair Coordinator Green School, Advisor
HADASSAH AGBANIYAKA, CMIT's Top Contenders to Prince George's Area Science Fair (PGASF) on March 19, 2022
Oludijo Hadassah Agbaniyaka (GRADE 9),is one of the Top 6 CMIT's STEM fair winners. Her project undergoes a rigorous qualification to be accepted to compete in the upcoming 74th Annual Prince George’s Area Science Fair (PGASF) which will be held virtually on Saturday, March 19, 2022. Hadassah explored finding out which fertilizer grows bean sprouts the fastest. She wanted to solve hunger problems that would help America acquire food faster. Her project is a structured experiment to help farmers around the world to grow their crops faster by testing plant food brands. According to her research, there were barely any investigations how much fertilizer would be needed to achieve a commercial crop yield with sufficient quality that is economically acceptable to the grower.

Dr. Clarke Science Teacher Tutoring & Academic Services Saturday Academy, Liaison STEM Fair Coordinator Green School, Advisor
WRITING WORKSHOP- Saturday, March 26, 2022
CMIT Tutoring and Academic Services will hold a writing workshop on Saturday, March 26, 2022, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Students need three things to develop their writing skills: ownership of their own writing, guidance from an experienced writer, and support from a community of fellow learners.  CMIT's writing workshop addresses these needs while streamlining instruction to achieve the most important goal: Prepare our students for college writing. This workshop also aims to prepare students for taking the Maryland Comprehensive Assessment Program (MCAP). The workshop environment encourages students to take their writing seriously and to see themselves as writers. If you are interested, please sign up. A certificate of participation will be awarded to those who attend. (All students attending the workshop shop must have a publicity report)

Dr. Clarke Science Teacher Tutoring & Academic Services Saturday Academy, Liaison STEM Fair Coordinator Green School, Advisor
We made an ice cream and enjoyed it in Chemistry Lab
Chemistry H. students made ice cream in the lab and enjoyed it. Science is fun! Students used small zip bag for half-half, sugar and flavor of their choice ( vanilla, chocolate, strawberry) Ice and salt were placed in big zip bag and then the smaller bag in it. The temperature change was recorded. Students danced and shaked the mixture for 10-15 min. As salt dissolved, it absorbed the heat from the surrounding (ice cream mixture). So, the temperature decreased to 10-11 F. They observed the texture and tasted the ice cream. They said it was not much different than the ice creams in the market.

Fethi Ozdem, Chemistry Teacher
Photography Club
Hello CMIT! This week photography club members brought you photos from their outdoor 'Rainy Day Vibes' session. The photo on the left is brought to you by Photographer Ryan Ogoh. Ryan altered his perspective by trying to capture the view underneath the subject in his photo. Model: Gbessi Kemah. The next few photos are brought to you by Photographer Gbessi Kemah. Models: Ryan Ogoh and Jordan Blake. The title of these photos are below: Top right - Blurry Days Bottom left - Friend Goals Bottom right - Halftime Thanks for checking in, see you next time for more photos!

Brittany Gonzalez - Science Teacher & Photography Club Sponsor
Battle of the Fundamentals Competition for 9th Graders UPDATE
The Battle has started... Last Friday, March 11, we had the pre-Battle of the Fundamentals Competition for the 9th Graders. Congratulations to our Pre-Battle Winners! RANA EL-SAYED AKEELAH WALDRON EVALANI PEARSON TAYLOR MILLER MISAEL TCHEUMENI JORDON BLAKE KAMSI NWADIKE MAIA WILSON ADRIENNE WRIGHT XZAYVION SPARKMAN 9th Graders, the Battle this week will happen on Tuesday, March 15 and Thursdays, March 16 during Period 3. An email will be sent to you with the Quizziz Code. You'll get a prize if you get a PERFECT SCORE!!!

Mrs. Mace Eclevia Chair, Mathematics Department
Chesapeake Math and IT Academy High School
14800 Sweitzer Lane Laurel, MD 20707 | Tel: (240) 767-4080 | Fax: (301) 560-3461
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