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Chesapeake Math & IT Academy North High School





REMINDER: Bullying Prevention Poetry Contest


Ms Coholic's Science Classes


Science Olympiad Results and Future Plans


Math Challenge Me Update

REMINDER: Bullying Prevention Poetry Contest
With the conclusion of our Bullying Prevention Poetry Contest, please continue to reflect on the importance of being kind, respectful, and generous with one another. I hope that all our students understand the value in seeking peace with everyone and preserving everyone's personal dignity at CMIT Academy. Mean and unpleasant actions should not be an option in our interactions with one another at our school. Every individual at CMIT Academy must take personal responsibility for ensuring that our school is truly a safe place to be for every student--a place in which everyone feels like they belong. The consequences of an unsafe environment are illustrated in the last sample poem of our poetry competition: A Rob Story It was a day like any other, Rob was thinking of the test Algebra was not his friend Having studied, his mind was more at rest Out of the blue came Damien Then joined the others as often they had done They wouldn’t drop the ongoing joke The fun was had, but Rob had none Rob tried to get away, He ignored them, moved aside The others just followed on Wanting to see fists collide Down the hall and past numerous lockers Rob attempted to think positive He thought of the passing grade he’d get He chose to not be provocative Shoulder shove, nasty sneer Up the stairs, past blank face glances Rob felt powerless Is there any help, some power balances? Rob’s heart cried HELP! Rob’s soul can’t seem to find an answer What can he do but shrink from it? What can he do amidst all this clamor? Rob’s test was mostly blank As blank as was his mind Rob’s self-esteem diminished Life’s worth he cannot find. Rob’s story is far too common Bullies Rob other’s of their story Instead give generously Give life, love, friendship, and a chance to live life’s glory By Mr. Conde

Mr. Conde Professional School Counselor Grades 9 and 10
Ms Coholic's Science Classes
Hi everyone! Welcome back after break and a 2-day snow day extension. This week, virtual learning resumed and will continue for the upcoming week as well. BioGeoChem students are now learning about the formation of the Solar System and the objects found in the Solar System. Physics students are continuing learning about energy, but with a new twist - momenta and impulse and will soon transition to collisions. I'm hoping that by the time the next Newsletter comes out, we're making arrangements to be back in the classrooms once again. I miss seeing my students and having more lively interactions during learning. Be safe during this omicron outbreak!

Suzanne Coholic High School Science Teacher Science Department Chair
Science Olympiad Results and Future Plans
Science Olympiad was able to place 20 out of 28 schools competing at the National Cathedral Invitational. While this result is less than what we were aiming for, we were all able to treat this as a learning experience and understand which events needed more preparation. Our plans moving forward are to focus on events that we did well in, such as Experimental Design, It’s About Time, and WIFI Lab, which all saw Top 10 placements from our students, and others. Science Olympiad is now preparing virtually for our next competition, the University of Maryland Invitational, January 28, 2021. Thanks to everyone that competed in this last invitational and we hope to continue to improve and grow in time for the next.

Joshua Ikegwu
Math Challenge Me Update
Thank you to all the students who submitted their responses for the December 20th Math Challenge Me Question. More Questions to come! Here are the Student Individual winners for Dec 20 Math Challenge Me Question. Congratulations to - Shuayb Khan (9th grade)- (Ms. Subasi's student) Niyah Belton (12th grade) As for the Class Teacher Points as of Dec 20 Challenge: (Math Class Winner(s) will be determined on February 3, 2022) Mr. Bruchey - Per 3 - 20 points; Per 5 - 10 points Mrs. Eclevia - Per 4 - 10 points Ms. Keskin - Per 4 - 10 points Ms. Subasi - Per 8 - 10 points; Per 2 - 10 points; Per 1 - 10 points The next Math Challenge Me Question will be emailed to all students on the 3rd of January. Students, check your email that day and follow the instructions on how to submit your response. Be aware of the due date of the submission as well. Happy Solving and Looking forward for more Participants!

Mrs. Mace Eclevia Chair, Math Dept Secondary Mathematics Teacher CMIT-North Academy
Chesapeake Math and IT Academy High School
14800 Sweitzer Lane Laurel, MD 20707 | Tel: (240) 767-4080 | Fax: (301) 560-3461
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