2021 CLF Black History Month Content Creator Challenge!
2021 Black History Month Content Creator Challenge
All submissions received before January 29th, 2021 will be entered into a prize raffle!
Join Chesapeake Lighthouse Foundation (CLF) in the celebration of Black History Month by participating in the 2021 Black History Month Content Creator Challenge! This year’s theme focuses on African Americans who have helped to tell the story of American Life.
We challenge ALL students to step into the role of a newspaper/ magazine editor. Students are tasked to create a 8x8 newspaper/magazine cover highlighting significant African American Content Creators (writers, journalists, reporters, photojournalists, poets, film makers,
artists ,etc.) along with a 280 character or less description of their cover.
All submissions must be sent to CLFPR@CLFMD.ORG. Please remember to include your project name and “BHM Challenge” in the subject line of your submission. You must include your NAME, GRADE, and SCHOOL in the body of your submission email.
CLF will post student projects throughout the month of February to celebrate Black History Month. Be sure to keep an eye on our news feeds to see what projects appear! We encourage all participants to include the social media handle of the group or individuals that inspired you! Any projects submitted after January 29th will still have a chance to be shared on social media, but unfortunately will not be included in the prize raffle!
Challenge Rules:
To be entered in the raffle all submissions must be sent to CLFPR@CLFMD.ORG by January 29th.
All descriptions should be at least 140 characters, but shall not exceed 280 characters
All newspaper/magazine covers must be 8in x8in.
Scoring Rubric:
Comprehension (20 points)
How well does your publication cover reflect a thorough comprehension of the topic? Does the image provide visual clues/text to support the student’s topic selection?
Organization (20 points)
Is the cover easy to read? Is there a logical flow when looking at the publication cover? IS a title clearly displayed?
Cohesion (20 points)
Does the cover read as a whole work of art integrating text, images and other elements? Is the cover eye catching?
Creativity (20 points)
Use of diverse resources, language and style, creative angle?
Writing (20 points)
Correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, sentence structure.
Transfer of Rights: Each applicant and his/her parent or guardian must agree to give all rights to the submitted artwork, including copyright, to the Chesapeake Lighthouse Foundation. This transfer of rights will allow CLF, at a minimum, to reproduce, distribute, and display your artwork. The winner’s submission may be duplicated in various mediums and used to promote Black History Month.
Warmest regards,
Community Partnerships
Chesapeake Lighthouse Foundation
6151 Chevy Chase Dr. Laurel, MD 20707
T. (301) 776.2300 Ext.#104
F. (240) 547-2571
CLF Community Partnerships
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HS Information Session (for 8th Grade Students)
This message is for families that have 8th grade students in the middle school.
The staff at CMIT North High School is already in the process of preparing for you to join us as 9th graders next year. We would like to share these plans with you so that you can also prepare for this transition. On Wednesday, January 13th, at 11:30am, a team of high school representatives will hold a virtual High School Information Session. We will discuss our academic and extracurricular programs including our plans for a summer workshop and continuation of our 9th Grade Academy.
Students can use the following information to join:
Topic: 9th Grade Academy Activities
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 967 3187 8145
Passcode: 724017
Ms. Colandrea
9th + 10th Grade Assistant Principal
English, MAPS, SPED, + Social Studies Departments
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Dear Students,
MDOT-TRAC bridge-building contest won`t happen at the national level this year because of COVID-19.
However, CLF`s invitational bridge building contest will still happen on April 24th.
Details will be announced soon but each student will be a team. No group work.
Students who register will be able to pick up the materials from the school.
If you are interested, please fill out the google form below:
Should you have any questions please feel free to contact me
Program Coordinator
STEM Coordinator
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Free New Math Tutoring Through Carnegie Learning
Program: Prince George’s County Public Schools Math Tutoring in Partnership with Carnegie Learning Math Tutoring for High School Student
Grades 9 - 12
Visit today to schedule your tutoring.
Math tutors will assist students with independent assignments in Algebra 1 & 2,
Foundations for College Algebra, Geometry, Applications in Algebra, Quantitative Modeling,
Probability & Statistics, Maryland College and Career Readiness Mathematics (MCCR),
Trigonometry, PreCalculus, and Calculus. They will also teach students mathematical concepts, processes, and computations within these courses.
Registration Link: The appointment calendar goes live on January 4, 2021
Text a Tutor: (301) 200-1827
Email a Tutor:
Tutoring will be provided Monday through Thursday from 4:00 p.m.- 8 p.m. and Saturday 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Text and Email will be answered during tutoring hours, beginning January 11th
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Resources from the Health Room
Dear Parents and Students,
Happy New Year!
Children's National Hospital is partnering with the GWU Rodham Institute and Black Coalition Against COVID-19 to host a six-part COVID-19 & Beyond town hall series for teenagers and young adults . The purpose of the series is to share information about COVID-19 and the vaccine, mental health and wellness resources during a pandemic. The series will be held on Wednesdays in January and February from 12-1 p.m. Teenagers, young adults, parents, teachers, and other educators may register here .
Jan 13 - Mental Health vs Mental Illness: What Youth Should Know
Jan 27 - Sick and Tired: The Impact of COVID-19 on Mental Health
Feb 3 - #MyMentalHealthMatters: Mindfulness and Being a Better Me
Feb 10 - Living in a Pandemic: What is COVID-19?
Feb 17 - The New Normal: Lessons Learned from COVID-19
Feb 24 - Breaking the Shackles of Our Past: Medical Mistrust and the COVID-19 Vaccine
Stay Safe,
Nurse Abraha
HS Nurse
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January Physical Activity Calendar
Back by popular demand is the Shape America Activity Calendar. Attached you will find the January calendar.
Coach Snyder
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Ms. Coholic's Science Classes
Hello all!
Last week, BGC reviewed material covered before the winter break and 'leveled up' in geology learning about the geological processes and evidence for the break-up of Pangea. Physics students began momentum and impulse and completed guided problem sets.
This week, BGC students will be continuing in geology with a short quiz on new material in geology and continue in the geology unit studying plate tectonics. Students with 2nd quarter Independent Assignments that were not turned in, may still do so for credit! Students, email me which Independent Assignment you are making up so I can find it and give you grade credit for it.
Physics students will have a concept quiz some time this week as well as a virtual lab (time-permitting). We may begin the next unit on circular motion depending on time.
See everyone in class!
Suzanne Coholic
High School Science Teacher
Science Department Chair
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Science Olympiad - Tournaments of SY20-21
Hey Science Olympiad Family,
The Science Olympiad team is preparing for the tournaments of the year.
Please mark your calendar for the upcoming tournaments.
UMD Invitational: Jan 30, 2021
Regional at Montgomery College-Germantown Campus: Feb 20, 2021
***QUALIFICATION is required for the state and invitational tournament!
State Tournament at JHU: Apr 17, 2021
National Tournament at Arizona State University - May 21-22, 2021
Nuri Bayram
Science Olympiad Team Advisor
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FIRST Robotics Competition Kicks Off In Spite of COVID Pandemic
Members of CMIT's own team 4464 participated in the kickoff of the new robotics competition for 2021. Since we are still under restrictions due to the pandemic, this year is going to be run differently. We will be competing indirectly in three challenges, all done right here at home against teams chosen from around the globe. The first challenge is preparing a new game design and pitching it to the judges. The winner here would likely see this game played at the world championship. The second is preparing a sales pitch for the solution to a real world problem and pitching that solution to a team of judges. The participants are encouraged to patent elements of their plan and execute it in real life, if they can. Last, in timed trials, the team will run through scaled down versions of the game elements, submitting the results to the judges over the Internet. It will be a very strange year, but possibly one of the most rewarding.
first robotics
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MSA-Muslim Student Association Club visited the "Meals on Wheels" organization
On December 23rd, CMIT Muslim Student Association visited the Meals on Wheels organization of Central Md. We had the opportunity to donate gifts and treats for the less fortunate elderly in Maryland. Thanks to our group member Laila Elzaree for putting time, effort, and thought to organize this event. Thank you to Hana Majid, Zaara Tariq, and Zainab al Kidd to come in person and deliver their thoughtful gifts.
Tuba Subasi
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Anime Club Shares Awesome Art (Happy Spirit Week!)
Happy Spirit Week CMIT Academy! Though it was short notice, Anime Club members were called on to provide some examples of their own personal artwork so we could share our passion with the rest of the school! Distance learning makes a lot of normal things - socializing, collaborating, supporting each other, etc. - harder than they feel like they should be. However, CMIT students and staff have gone above and beyond this year to find ways to connect with and continue supporting each other. We here at Anime Club hope that by sharing some of the works we are proud of, even when they aren't perfect and we know we have more work to do honing our craft, that you can feel more confident to share your passions as well! Read below to learn more about the submissions for this week and please continue to check back periodically to see more submissions!
Submissions #1&2 "Squirtle" and "Pikachu - Both from the original 151 cast of the original Pokemon Red and Blue games these impressive recreations are bursting with personality! From the very beginning the Pokemon video games have had an accompanying anime following the adventures of the ambitious Pokemon trainer Ash Ketchum and both his human and pocket monster friends.
Submission #3 "Anime Disney" - This piece represents the artists attempt to "draw anime versions of Mickey Mouse characters." You might think anime and Disney are an odd combination. But beyond both being animated art forms, the Kingdom Hearts series of video games has already set a precedent for mashing up popular Disney worlds such as Tarzan, The Little Mermaid, and even Monsters Inc. with the nearly as popular, anime inspired characters from Square Enix's Final Fantasy video game series. We're not making this stuff up, go ahead and google it! This piece continues the same tradition with some fun results!
Submission #4 "Girl with Cat" - Though the anime influences are clear in some of the facial features, this piece is an example of how we can use art to connect with each other. This piece was created by the artist in coordination with a volunteer organization with a focus on spreading artwork with a positive message to others. The artist acknowledges that this may not be their best or favorite work, but thought the cause was important to support and promote! This sounds like a great cause and if you would be interested in participating in something similar I'm sure the artist would be willing help you get started!
Submission #5 "Mina" - When it comes to art, inspiration can strike at the oddest or most inconvenient times. This original version of the character Mina (a bubbly, stylish young super heroine with the ability to shoot acid) from the popular anime My Hero Academia was started on impulse at 3 AM! The artist was proud of their ability to create this piece without much, if any, reference materials on hand and the results are dynamic! They hope to provide a fully colored update in the future.
Thank you to all of our Anime Club members who provided art to share this week. Continue to check back in to future newsletters where we will share additional original creations. Enjoy the rest of your Spirit Week!
Mr. Dorris (Anime Enthusiast)
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Math League and Math Caribou Contests On The Way!
Hello Everyone!
Make way for our Math Contestants for the January Math League and Math Caribou Contests which will be held virtually this coming January 12th to Jan 14th. The following students have been meeting and training virtually to prepare for these contests.
Joshua Major
Jennifer Ononaku
Favor Nwogu
Nigel Seymour
Jayden Russell
Suhani Patel
Christina Thomas
We believe in you! You can do this!
Esra Keskin, MBA
Math Teacher, Math Contests & Competitions Coach
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SAT/PSAT School Day - March 3, 2021
Casandra Andrew
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Science Department
Hi everyone,
A gentle reminder to check SchoolMax at least once per week and notify the science teacher if you see something in SchoolMax that may need to be addressed.
The 2nd quarter will end on Wednesday, January 27. New assignments and class work from Thursday, January 28 and after will automatically count toward 3rd quarter. The time policy to make-up work resulting from EXCUSED absences will be followed in the Science Department; however, teachers may use their discretion regarding Independent Assignments whether they will be graded for completion, accuracy, or both. Students, please do not wait until the end of the quarter to contact your science teacher if you find a discrepancy in SchoolMax.
Teachers were advised by the school counselors which Seniors are in a science class that is REQUIRED for graduation. Seniors, don't let your grade or attendance slip if you require your science class for graduation! If you're struggling, reach out to your teacher and your counselor so we can assist you with meeting your graduation requirements.
Have a great week everybody!
Suzanne Coholic
High School Science Teacher
Science Department Chair
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Social Studies Department
Welcome back!
The Social Studies Department is aware that a lot of political events occurred since school came back in session. We are aware that these events may have invoked a bit of emotion from students (and their families) and most classes were able to discuss and ask questions about the what occurred in our nation's capitol on Wednesday, January 6th. If you have any questions, or concerns, please feel free to reach out to us, and we can try our best to help.
The Social Studies Department would like to help make communication and scheduling appointments during Office Hours on Wednesdays easier. Please click on the attached PDF link (not the image above), and once you open the PDF, you can click on the image for the teacher that you are interested in meeting with to schedule an appointment. Please note, no meetings will be held over the Winter Break.
This Week in History:
January 11, 1755 - Alexander Hamilton (1755-1804) was born in the British West Indies. He was a founder of the United States who favored a strong central government and co-authored the Federalist Papers, a series of essays in defense of the new Constitution. He was selected by George Washington to be the first Secretary of the Treasury. He died from a gunshot wound received during a duel with Aaron Burr.
January 12, 1996 - The first joint American-Russian military operation since World War II occurred as Russian troops arrived to aid in peacekeeping efforts in Bosnia.
January 13, 1893 - The British Independent Labor Party was founded with James Keir Hardie as its leader.
January 14-23, 1943 - President Franklin Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill met at Casablanca in Morocco to work on strategy during World War II. At the conclusion of the conference, Roosevelt and Churchill held a joint news conference at which Roosevelt surprisingly announced that peace would come "by the total elimination of German and Japanese war power. That means the unconditional surrender of Germany, Italy and Japan."
January 15, 1929 - Martin Luther King (1929-1968) was born in Atlanta, Georgia. As an African American civil rights leader he spoke eloquently and stressed nonviolent methods to achieve equality. He received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964. He was assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee, on April 4, 1968. In 1983, the third Monday in January was designated a legal holiday in the U.S. to celebrate his birthday.
*Information for each day came from:
Mrs. Jessica Cunning,
Social Studies Department Chair
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