STAY CONNECTED! Read The Fall CLF Local Motive Newsletter!
Good morning and Happy Friday!
We hope you had a cheerful, safe Thanksgiving holiday.
Especially during this time of COVID-19, the team at your Chesapeake Lighthouse Foundation wants to be sure we are staying connected and/or reconnecting with our communities.
We hope you enjoy good news as much as we do sharing it! This new edition of what will be our quarterly CLF newsletter, "The Local Motive" will surely keep you updated and informed of our world-class STEAM academies serving K-12 public education to Maryland families! Click the link below for the newest CLF quarterly newsletter!
We hope that you read and share this publication to help celebrate our communities, together!
CLF Community Partnerships
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Green School Reducing Carbon Footprints Arts and Essay Entry Contest Winners
The club is in the process of authenticating permissions for the release of the author's names and artwork, including their photographs, testimonies, and interviews to be released to different social media. The submission was made on November 21st. The Recycling Day Art & Essay contest aims to promote a better world through recycling and reducing carbon footprints. The winners will appear in the district newsletter, yearbook, appear on CMIT’s Twitter, and be interviewed for further information on their design by the Green School team. The club would like to thank everyone who submitted an entry and would like to pay special mention to the following entries for their creative, innovative, or well-written essay.
TOP 10
* This contest is part of our CMIT certification maintenance
** parents in progress will sponsor prices
*** Photos are going to be sent to the Property of CMIT, used for educational purposes.
Sincerely Yours;
Gemma Clarke,Ph.D
Science Teacher,
Academic Support and Tutoring Services Coordinator
Green School Team Organizer
HS Science Fair Coordinator
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Quarter 2 Progress Reports
The Quarter 2 progress report window will open on Wednesday 12/9 and close Friday 12/11.
The progress reports will be available online for students and parents on Dec 17.
Should you have any questions please feel free to contact me
Program Coordinator
STEM Coordinator
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Parent Academy #2 - 17 December, 7pm via Zoom
Dear Parents, Guardians, and Students,
We're happy to announce our second Parent Academy session. This month's topic: College 101. Please join us for some dialogue about how to optimize your preparation for your higher educational journey.
What: College Planning Information Session
When: December 17th, 7pm. Zoom link to be announced
Who: 11th graders encouraged, all others welcome
Please let us know which of the topics related to college preparation you're most interested in by completing the Google Form attached to this message.
All the Best,
Ms Gaudette,
Ms Ryan,
Mr Bevard
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House Activity Update
Hello, 9th Grade + Families!
Can you believe we are in the last month of 2020? Very soon, it will be time for our third house activity. Do you recall the first two?
We held two events in November. The first was our inaugural event where we sorted students into their houses. (House lists were sent to students via email.) Immediately following this event, we held an activity for the expectation of Optimism. This consisted of a discussion of what optimism is and how it looks for students and a vision boarding activity where students where able to represent the aspects of themselves they value most as well as goals they have about who they are striving to be. The House of Optimism had the best attendance and was the house winner for that event.
The second event preceded Thanksgiving Break and focused on the expectation of Gratitude. The Green Club and Dr. Clarke joined us to discuss the expectation of gratitude. Then, they led us in a virtual card-writing activity where we shared our thanks with members of the CMIT community. The House of Execution had the best attendance and was the house winner for that event.
House winners were invited to participate in a lunchtime superhero-themed activity with Ms. Ryan who led a community building activity and a rousing game of Pictionary. It was a pretty good time for all who joined.
December's expectation is Communication, and the 9th grade team is putting finishing touches on the activity. Students should receive this information via email soon. In the meantime, let's reflect on the ways we communicate. Are you an effective communicator? How do you express yourself? What kind of listener are you? Where is there room for growth?
All the best,
Ms. Colandrea
9th + 10th Grade Assistant Principal
English, MAPS, SPED, + Social Studies Departments
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CMIT North High School Student Attendance and Absence Procedures (UPDATED)
Dear Families,
In accordance with Maryland state laws and regulations, all students are expected to attend school regularly. Due to the recent county updates of Administrative Procedure 5113 - Student Attendance, Absence, and Truancy, dated September 28, 2020 we would like to highlight a few major changes.
Please note the following important procedures:
Students shall be considered in attendance while instruction takes place face to face; 100% distance learning; a hybrid model; or other times when participating in school-sponsored activities during the school day, and when that participation is approved by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), the school principal, or any person duly authorized by the CEO or principal.
Lawful/Unlawful Attendance
1. Death in the immediate family (parent/guardian, brother, sister, or grandparent)
2. Illness of student
3. Pregnancy and parenting related conditions
4. Court summons
5. Hazardous weather conditions
6. Work approved or sponsored by the school
7. Observance of a religious holiday
8. State emergency
9. Suspension
10. Lack of authorized transportation (pertaining to PGCPS school buses)
11. Health exclusion
12. Other (Principal's approval)
1. Family vacations
2. Extended travel
3. Traffic
4. Car troubles
5. Death of an extended family member/family friend
6. Unexpected family emergencies
Although we are aware that unlawful absences occur, they are not considered approved excused absences by the state.
Student Make-Up Assignments
"Teachers are required to provide make-up work (within 48 hours) when requested for students who are lawfully absent, including suspensions, and who have not qualified for home and hospital teaching."
According to Administrative Procedure 5113, "students who are considered unlawfully absent from school or class, will not have the opportunity to make up missed assignments. A student with unlawful absences will receive a failing grade for any day of such absences. Failing grade for failing courses is 0%."
Reporting Absences by Parents/Guardians
During distance learning only, technical issues such as broken equipment or internet outages must be immediately communicated to the student’s teacher and designated school staff so support can be provided as soon as possible. Written communication must be emailed to the student's teacher indicating the reason for the student's absence. The student's attendance will be adjusted with a special technology code to indicate that the student was absent from class but would be considered present for the dates of technological difficulties. The student will have the opportunity to make up missed assignments.
Parents or guardians must notify the school in writing when their child is absent no later than three days after returning to school. This applies to dual enrollment students who attend classes on college campuses. The explanation must indicate the dates and reason for the absence(s).
"A written explanation of each absence is required from the parent/guardian within three (3) days of the student's return to school. The note must indicate the dates and reason for the absence(s)," per Administrative Procedure 5113.
The principal may require a physician's certificate from the parent/guardian of a student that is reported absent for illness at least three (3) school days. If absences reach six (6) days, a physician's certificate will be required.
Please remember all notes must be turned in to Ms. Fermin via the following link, within the stated time frame listed above.
For your review, please see the attached Final Administrative Procedure 5113, dated September 28, 2020.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to the school.
Thank you in advance.
Mrs. Fermin, Secretary
Mrs. Bond, Registrar
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Charter Schools Lottery 2021
Hello All!
It is that time of year again when the lottery period opens for prospective students. Please see the information below regarding applying for the upcoming school year 2021-2022.
Applications can be completed by visiting All applications are given a waiting list number based on their Specialty Program choice, grade level, and sequence number. The submission of an application is not a guarantee of placement.
The computerized lottery system will assign a random number to each application. Applications are sorted based on this randomly assigned number and assign a sequential number. The lowest random number is assigned number one, the next lowest number two, and so forth. Applications are then sorted by program. Placements are then made on a space availability basis only.
The application form permits multiple Specialty Program choices per student. If more than one Specialty Program choice is selected, each choice will be treated equally and placement will be made according to the first available opening. Placement is granted for one Specialty Program choice only. Once placement is made, the other Program selections are no longer an option.
Online applications will begin starting November 2, 2020 through January 29, 2021. The lottery will be held at the end of March. Announcement of student selection will not be made at that time. Students selected through the lottery will be notified by email. Assignments will be made from the waiting list until September 30. Waiting lists will not carry over to the following school year. Continuous updates will not be provided. Notification will be made only when space becomes available.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out via email or phone call.
Thank you in advance.
Mrs. Bond, Registrar
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SchoolMax Parent Portal Inquiries
Hello everyone,
If you may have any questions or inquiries regarding the SchoolMax Parent Portal, please feel free to reach out to me, Mrs. Bond, via email at
Thank you in advance and Happy Holidays.
Mrs. Bond, Registrar
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Mosaic Theater High School Playwriting Contest
Dear Student,
Want to write for TV someday?
All 9-12th graders enrolled in Washington, D.C. and Prince George’s County
public and charter schools are eligible to submit a play!
Cash prizes up to $300!
If you are interested in playwriting check the forwarded email and attached flyer for more details!
Do not postpone!
Online submissions are open NOW!
We will be accepting submissions until December 15th, 2020 at 11:59pm EST.
Information and guidelines can be found at
Mosaic Theater
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Publicity Release Forms
Greetings families,
Each school year Prince George’s County Public Schools (PGCPS) requires parents/guardians to fill out a Publicity Release form for each student. Throughout the school year, PGCPS and Prince George’s County Board of Education conduct activities that may be publicized by local or national news media or used to promote the school system. Publicity activities include interviews, photographs or videos of individuals or groups of students, or student works (including, but not limited to, artistic works, athletic activities, performances, and competitions) that may be used in websites, social media such as Facebook and Twitter, print or online publications, or videos.
Please fill out the attached Electronic PGCPS 2020-21 SY Publicity Release Form by checking only one of the boxes to GRANT or NOT GRANT PERMISSION.
This Form will remain in effect through September 2021.
Important Note: Publicity Release GRANT is mandatory to be able to participate in extracurricular activities, clubs, and STEM teams.
The deadline was Nov 30. Any student who has not granted publicity release so far may not participate in club meetings until granting publicity release!
Program Coordinator
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Ms. Coholic's Science Classes
Hi everyone!
Last week, BioGeoChem students began the quarter-long (and then some) unit on the 'GEO' portion of the curriculum: Geology, Geography, and Geometry. We began with a review of the rock cycle learned in 8th grade and embellished with new learning. This unit has been a favorite for students in previous years.
This week, we will continue the formation of the rocky portion of the Earth and minerals and prepare for a quiz. Depending on how far we progress, the quiz may be this week or next as students have Friday off.
Physics students have been working through the Work-Energy Theorem and its application to mechanics. This unit also provides an opportunity to begin comprehending the construct of 'systems' in engineering - a concept often deceptively difficult to learn.
This week, we'll learn about the Conservation of Mechanical Energy and Power. We'll begin prepping for the next concept quiz, likely to be taken early next week.
Suzanne Coholic
High School Science Teacher
Science Department Chair
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MSA-Muslim Student Association Club Hospital Visit
On November 25th, the CMIT Muslim Student Association took the opportunity to show our community heroes that they are appreciated. We created 36 beautiful cards with thoughtful messages that we donated to Laurel Medical Center. We wanted to participate in this activity originally created by CNK Health Services Foundation to show our gratitude to our healthcare professionals whose efforts often go unappreciated. Thank you Zainab Alkidd for putting time, effort, and thought to organize this event. Thank you, Zaara Tariq, Wasileh Diamant, Laila Elzaree, Fanta Jalloh, Hana Majid for coming to the Laurel Medical Hospital to deliver their thoughtful cards.
Tuba Subasi
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Photographer of the Week!
Hello CMIT!
This week's Photographer of the Week is...
Susan Kamara!
This week's prompt focused on members trying out manual mode on their cameras. They altered shutter speed, focus, and/or aperture.
Susan's photo showcases her toggling with the focusing effect.
We do have an honorable mention which goes to...
Kennedy Jones!
Nice work Kennedy! She was able to capture the lights on a tree perfectly in dark/night lighting in manual mode!
See you next week for the Photographer of the week & updates on our latest work!
Brittany Gonzalez - Biology Teacher & Photography Club Sponsor
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Important CLUB Eligibility Reminders!
Greetings Families,
Even though we have been in distance learning conditions, more than 25 clubs have been serving successfully at CMIT-N High School.
Clubs and the STEM Team have their meetings in the virtual environment.
I had already announced eligibility criteria to be able to attend the clubs at the beginning of the year and I would like to remind them again.
In order for students to participate in Clubs and STEM teams, the Board of Education of Prince George’s County Public Schools shall require students in high school to maintain a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 or equivalent.
Students who have a Quarter 1 GPA less than 2.0 can not participate in clubs during quarter 2! Those students may return to their clubs at the beginning of Quarter 3 if they can make their Quarter 2 GPA at least 2.0
Submitting the publicity release form and granting publicity release is required to be able to join clubs, and STEM teams at CMIT-N HS.
The deadline was Nov 30. Any student who has not granted publicity release so far may not participate in club meetings until granting publicity release!
If your scholar is currently a member of a club and/or STEM team or is planning to join, please fill out the attached Electronic PGCPS 2020-21 SY Publicity Release Form by checking the GRANT Permission box.
This Form will remain in effect through September 2021.
If you already filled the form and granted permission, please disregard this.
What if you submitted the form previously but did not grant permission?
Submit the form again with granting permission.
What if you granted permission but changed your mind?
Submit the form again and SEND ME an E-MAIL.
Let me know if you have any questions!
Program Coordinator
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Leisurely Lunch with Club Live
As winter slowly presents itself to us in the form of colder and darker days, the student support team will be testing out a new activity for students to drop in. Since the pandemic has kept us out of our beloved school building this session, we will make the best of the space that we have in our "living rooms." Club Live, led by Ms. Jones and Mr. Jones will be open for students during their Friday lunch period to participate in a host of activities such as brief guided meditation, daily reflection, highlights, lowlights, and okay-lights check-ins. If you want to eat lunch with us and reflect from the comfort of your living room (you don't really have to be in your living room), come join us! If you can think of a name for this club, you can be chosen and have your name featured in the school newspaper. Check your email for the link.
Mr. Jones, Student Support
Ms. Jones, Student Support
Ms. Colandrea
9th + 10th Grade Assistant Principal
English, MAPS, SPED, + Social Studies Departments
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Express Yourself in Print
Katie Houston
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First Science Olympiad Tournament of the Year - National Cathedral Invitational
Science Olympiad Team is only a few days away from the first tournament of the year:
National Cathedral School Invitational which will be held on Saturday, Dec12th.
The tournament will happen in the virtual environment.
Building events will not take place in the tournament.
The team will have a regular Wednesday meeting on Dec 9 from 3:30 PM to 5 PM.
Captains will meet at 3:30 PM, prior to the team meeting.
More information with the competition schedule and virtual testing links will be sent via email.
Nuri Bayram
Science Olympiad Team Advisor
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9th Grade Spirit Week
Last week was the 9th grade spirit week!
Students participated via Zoom and/or by uploading their school spirit photos to our Class of 2024 Google Classroom!
Featured photos: Spirit Day, WAG/ Wacky Wednesday (dress your pet up), and Throwback Thursday
THANK YOU to those who participated in an event each day! You brought joy and excitement to our virtual classes!
Special thanks to 9th graders Leah Brooks, Genesis Edwards, Ore Adeyemo, & Nic Adams for organizing this weeklong event!
Brittany Gonzalez - Biology Teacher & Photography Club Sponsor
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