Distance Learning IT Support
As we settle into the new normal of Distance Learning, I wanted to provide some technological help resources that we here at CMIT North HS have put into place recently. On our website (, underneath the "Distance Learning" menu header, you will now find a section titled "Technology Support." This section contains resources and information meant to help resolve technical issues that would otherwise be addressed by me during in-school hours, with information on topics ranging from testing support to troubleshooting Zoom issues.
Also included in this tab is a Google Form to be filled out for IT requests that may not be resolved by following some of the other resources provided, such as issues with a student's email address.
Thank you and stay safe!
Stuart Armstrong
CMIT North HS IT Technician
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Publicity Release Forms
Greetings families,
Each school year Prince George’s County Public Schools (PGCPS) requires parents/guardians to fill out a Publicity Release form for each student. Throughout the school year, PGCPS and the Prince George’s County Board of Education conduct activities that may be publicized by local or national news media or used to promote the school system. Publicity activities include interviews, photographs or videos of individuals or groups of students, or student works (including, but not limited to, artistic works, athletic activities, performances and competitions) that may be used in websites, social media such as Facebook and Twitter, print or online publications, or videos.
Please fill out the attached Electronic PGCPS 2020-21 SY Publicity Release Form by checking only one of the boxes to GRANT or NOT GRANT PERMISSION.
This Form will remain in effect through September 2021.
Important Note: CMIT-N HS requires selecting the "GRANT PERMISSION" option in "the Publicity Release Form" to be able to participate in clubs and STEM teams.
Program Coordinator
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October Counselor Cafe Schedule
The Counseling Department are putting on three sessions throughout the month of October during 9th, 10th, and 11th grade Lunch Periods. 12th Grade students will continue to have virtual College Representative sessions throughout the month of October (almost every day!).
Counselor Cafe Sessions for October: "Fall" into Postsecondary Planning
Friday October 9th: Academic Transitions and Study Skills
Friday, October 23rd: Introduction to the College Application Process
Friday, October 30th: Introduction to College Financial Aid
Please see the attached flyers for the links to the sessions!
Note: these sessions were selected because they were some of our highest presentation requests based on our Student and Parent surveys! We will have more sessions in November and December...stay tuned!
CMIT Academy North High School Counseling Department .............................................................................................................................................................................................. Ms. Gaudette (Last Names A-J): ..............................................................................................................................................................................................
Ms. Ryan (Last Names K-Z):
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Greetings Families,
A friendly update about attendance:
On days when students are unable to attend scheduled classes due to illness, parent work schedule, and child care; parents must communicate the reason for the student’s absence via email to the student's classroom teacher and submit an absence note to Mrs. Fermin and Ms. Richardson at the front office.
Their emails are as follows: and
Front Office,
Mrs. Fermin
Ms. Richardson
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Summoning Adventurers
Members of the Tabletop Adventurers Society, Greetings and Salutations.
Marshal Elrod Here,
The time has come to resume our epic quests. If you are still of hale mind and body you are called to boldly journey forth into the unknown once again. Please RSVP via electronic post to Marshal Elrod by the first of October. If you will not be able to join us or are not a member and would like to please also respond accordingly.
Adventure Awaits,
Marshal Elrod
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Telemental Health Consent Form - Counselors
In order to meet with students, all School Counselors in PGCPS are required to have a Telemental Health Consent Form on file. This form is required for any one-on-one sessions between a student and their counselor - from SchoolMax/technology help to academic support to meetings when a student is in a crisis. Without this form, we can only communicate with students via email. Please complete the form (check yes or no and type your student's name at the bottom of the form) and send it to your student's School Counselor as soon as possible so that there will be no interruption in service.
Thank you!
CMIT Academy North High School Counseling Department .............................................................................................................................................................................................. Ms. Gaudette (Last Names A-J): ..............................................................................................................................................................................................
Ms. Ryan (Last Names K-Z):
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Halfway Through the Quarter. Let's Check In.
Hello, Families:
We are entering the fifth week of instruction which marks the halfway point in the quarter. This is a good time to take a brief pause and a deep breath and to reflect. What has worked well? What might need an adjustment?
Here are some basic reminders that might be useful:
- Attendance is updated daily. (There may be a lag on Wednesdays as assignments that are used to track attendance have varying due times throughout the day.)
- Grades are updated weekly. (We recommend checking SchoolMax on Mondays.)
- Parents and guardians can have different logins and passwords. (Visit this website for information about how parents and guardians can register:
Google Classroom
- Only students can have access to Google Classrooms, but parents and guardians can receive summaries. (Request access from your student's teachers.) Summaries provide information about Missing Work, Upcoming Work, and Class Activities.
- Students are expected to attend live classes every day of the week except Wednesday in order to be counted present. On Wednesdays, students may be asked to attend live sessions, meeting with service providers, or submit assignments in order to be counted present. Students should be engaged in work of some sort every day of the week.
- If your student misses class for a lawful reason, please reach out to your student's teacher and front office staff (Ms. Fermin at or Ms. Richardson at within two days of the absences with a note to explain the absence.
As educators, we are taking opportunities to reflect on what has worked well and what could be adjusted. Here are two areas where we could use your support.
- Set an expectation with student to engage, engage, engage. While they are in class, how are they communicating with teachers that they understand or have questions? Are they using their cameras and microphones? Are they typing in the chat? Are they responding to polls? During face-to-face learning, teachers have the opportunity to observe body language or walk around a classroom to monitor student progress on their assignments. Online teachers are limited to the feedback students are willing to provide.
- Remove distractions from your student's environment. Some particularly forthcoming students are sharing that they are not paying attention to class because of access to cell phones and video games or because they are completing work for other classes. In the first case, changing your student's physical environment might be a consideration. In the latter, conversations around organization and time management might be of use.
Students are always encouraged to reach out to their teachers with questions or concerns. Their self-advocacy is a strength especially now.
By working together, we can stay on track to end the first quarter on a high note.
Ms. Colandrea
9th + 10th Grade Assistant Principal
English, MAPS, SPED, + Social Studies Departments
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Ms. Coholic's Science Classes
Hi Students and Parents,
I hope everyone enjoyed a long, 4-day weekend and students are refreshed and ready for more learning.
This week, Physics students will complete deriving and using the 4 Kinematic Equations describing motion.
BioGeoChem students will continue learning about the Sun and the stars.
There will be an independent assignment posted to the google classroom due Wednesday night at 10:00 pm. I will try to upload ahead of Wednesday as this seems to help students learn to manage their time and plan to make deadlines.
Suzanne Coholic
High School Science Teacher
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Physical Education Classes
Parents of students taking Personal Fitness, I want to inform you that next week and beyond you may see your student sitting at the computer, in a comfortable position, or maybe laying down with their eyes closed. Don't be alarmed I will have instructed them to so as we are working on stress management techniques. In class we are working on decreasing our stress levels. Already we have done some breathing activities and from the feedback I have received students feel like the few minutes of concentrated breathing has decreased their and made them feel better. We are also going to be doing some yoga starting next week as well so if your student asks for a space with more room or a quieter space this is the reason.
For anyone interested in improving their health SHAPE AMERICA has released their calendar for a healthy October. Each day listed has something that can help you to better your health.
Mr. Snyder
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Clubs Start Next Monday - How to Sign Up
The first day of high school clubs is Monday, Oct 5th.
Clubs and STEM teams started making announcements and recruiting members.
You may find the club announcements in this and last week's newsletters.
In addition to Newsletter, you may receive emails for Club& STEM Team announcements and recruitments.
Please check the weekly newsletter and your emails carefully.
Moreover, You may find the list of all approved Clubs and STEM teams with descriptions in the link below:
How to sign up: You should be able to find the signup info in each clubs` Newsletter announcement.
Otherwise, feel free to send an email to club sponsors.
A few important points about the SY20-21 Clubs.
1. Club& Team Meetings will be online, in a virtual environment.
2. In order for students to participate in Clubs and STEM teams, the Board of Education of Prince George’s County Public
Schools shall require students in high school to maintain a minimum grade point
average (GPA) of 2.0 or equivalent.
3.Publicity release google forms should be submitted by selecting the "GRANT PERMISSION" option to be able to participate in Clubs/STEM Teams.
Find the Publicity Release Google form in the link below:
Should you have any questions please feel free to contact me
Program Coordinator
STEM Coordinator
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Dear Students,
If you want to join the team in the picture, fill out the form to apply.
Make sure to check the flier to see if you meet the criteria.
If you need more research for Science Olympiad, check the national website.
For questions, send an email to
Science Olympiad Council
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The high school math contest/ competition team has started with a new name, Mathmagicians, and looks for the new competitors this year.
-Students will prepare to attend the district, national, and international-wide competitions. They will able to learn question tips, hints, and short-cuts to solve more math problems in less time.
-Students should be willing to study, make a commitment to join the sections, and do assign works.
-Students will represent our school in competitions.
-Every competition has different prizes and awards system. Some competitions offer tuitions (full/ partial), and acceptance to a university; so many them offer money awards according to which place you earn, and most of them give certificates (place and/ or participation). This is a huge change to build your resume.
-To attend district, national, and international-wide math competitions
-To build up the resume
-To collect prizes and awards
-To represent our school in competitions
-Make a commitment to join the class, to study, and do assign works.
-Prepare the competitions.
-Attend to math competitions.
Tuesdays and Thursdays: 15:00-16:00
*** All meetings and competitions are virtual this year.
I hope that you consider joining our team! Please fill out the form until October 4th, 2020, if you are interested in!
For further information, feel free to send an email.
Ms. Keskin, MBA
Math Teacher, Math Competitions Coach
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Anime Club Now Recruiting!
ANIME CLUB IS RECRUITING NOW - Email Mr. Dorris at if you are interested in joining or want more information! Find out more in the description below.
Anime Club is a place where viewers and enthusiasts may comfortably share their love and knowledge about Japanese animation (known as anime) with each other! Members will have the chance to enjoy watching new anime series and old favorites together while also engaging in active discussions about the artistic, educational, and academic value of the genre. From the popular and action packed Dragon Ball Z, to the artistic works of Hayao Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli, or heart rending historical fiction such as Grave of the Fireflies, Anime Club will endeavor to uncover the cultural impact and relevance of this increasingly popular art form. So whether you are a long time viewer, or looking to take your first steps in this exciting genre, we invite you to give Anime Club a try so we can explore these beloved animated worlds together!
Mr. Dorris (Anime Enthusiast)
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CMIT LEAD - Meetings Start Monday October 5th
CMIT LEAD (Leadership Education and Development) will be a weekly club where students will participate in leadership activities and discuss leadership-related topics to refine and practice their leadership skills. The Goals of the Club are to better understand leadership-related topics, practice and refine leadership skills, and provide a space for leadership development and training. Members should come prepared to discuss and practice, be present both physically and mentally, and be open to learning and development. *Per county policy, all members must have a 2.0 GPA or higher*
CMIT LEAD will meet on Monday's virtually through Google Meet from 3:00-4:00pm.
Interested in joining? Please complete this interest form!
CMIT Academy North High School Counseling Department .............................................................................................................................................................................................. Ms. Gaudette (Last Names A-J): ..............................................................................................................................................................................................
Ms. Ryan (Last Names K-Z):
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Virtual VEX Robotics Club
The VEX Robotics team reviews the current VEX challenge, and then starts designing their robot. They build their design and test it out several times. The team attends several competitions. Depending on the outcome, they could advance to a state competition or even VEX Robotics World Championship.
In order to win an automatic team qualification for this season's VEX Robotics World Championship, we will focus on the online challenges announced on website. Details will be discussed in our online meetings.
Being on a VEX team is a commitment. The team needs to meet at least twice each week after school to design, build, test, rework, and get ready for competitions. They might even meet more than twice a week as they get close to a competition day. The VEX team CANNOT have members who do not attend the weekly practices because the team needs everyone contributing to their engineering design process so that they can be successful.
Students from Grades 9-12 may participate. Club enrollment is first come first serve basis.
Please complete this form:
Completing this form will not guarantee your enrollment.
Coach: Mr. B (Computer Science Teacher)
When: Tuesday and Thursday @ 3:00pm - 4:00pm
Max. Number of Scholars: 10
Location: Virtual
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Introducing: Debate Club!
Debate Club will be starting this fall and will continue throughout the school year. Ms. Ryan, the club coach, is looking for students to join the club! If you are interested in applying for Debate Club, please send an email to Ms. Ryan that includes the following information:
1. Subject of email should read: DEBATE CLUB INTEREST
2. The email should contain a 1/2 page, single-spaced statement answering the prompt: "Why do you want to be a part of the Debate Club, and what would you contribute to the team?"
3. In the email, also be sure to include the name of a teacher who can provide an evaluation of you as a student. Ms. Ryan will email the teacher an evaluation link directly.
Please note, Debate Club will attend monthly competitions virtually on Saturdays and will meet every Monday for two hours from 3:15-5:30 (with a 15 minute break in the middle).
If you have questions about the Debate Club or want to learn more prior to applying, please feel free to email Ms. Ryan at
Rebecca Ryan, Professional School Counselor
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The Writer's Den - Meetings Start Friday October 9th
The Writer’s Den is a space for students who are interested in writing poetry, short stories, and other genres. The purpose of The Writer’s Den is to provide an atmosphere that develops student writers and their creativity and ability to express themselves through prose. The Writer’s Den will host writing contests throughout the school year in addition to workshopping each other’s work. Members are expected to be contributing members in a participatory community. Members must be willing to both provide and receive friendly and constructive feedback. Writings are meant to remain in the group until the author feels comfortable sharing outside of the group. Writings belong to the authors, however all group members will be expected to publish at least one writing in the semesterly Literary Magazine. *Per county policy, all members must have a 2.0 GPA or higher*
The Writer's Den will meet on Fridays virtually through Google Meet from 3:00-4:00pm.
Interested in joining? Please complete this interest form!
CMIT Academy North High School Counseling Department .............................................................................................................................................................................................. Ms. Gaudette (Last Names A-J): ..............................................................................................................................................................................................
Ms. Ryan (Last Names K-Z):
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FORENSICS/ MOCK TRIAL TEAM has started and welcomes new members this year.
What is Mock Trial?
A mock trial is a reenactment of a courtroom trial in which high school students become the lawyers, plaintiffs, defendants, and witnesses of a real court case. They compete against teams from other schools in Mock Trial Circuit 7.
The program's objectives are to (1) Further understanding of the law, court procedures, and the legal system; (2) Increase proficiency in soft skills such as listening, speaking, reading and reasoning; and (3) Heighten appreciation for academic studies as well as career consciousness of law-related professions.
A mock trial is not a dramatic play, a speech competition, a debate, or a game, though it incorporates facets of all four. Successful mock trial participants possess excellent public speaking skills, an acute ability to think on their feet, a thorough understanding of trial procedures and rules, and a healthy competitive spirit.
I hope that you consider joining our team! If you want further information, feel free to attend a meeting or email me. All meetings and competitions are virtual this year. Meetings are held every Wednesday at 3:30 in Mr. Ozdem's Zoom classroom. Before the competition we will meet twice a week. (TBA)
This week's meeting is on Wednesday 9/30 at 3:30 pm. Email me to get invitation for the meeting.
VOLUNTEER ADVOCATE is needed to coach the team.
Volunteers interested in helping our students to get court experience are welcome.
Advocate coach will join the ZOOM meetings to coach.
Please contact to me for further information.
Fethi Ozdem, MEd.
Chemistry Teacher
Forensics Teacher
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MSA-Muslim Student Association Club
Dear Students/Parents,
I am very excited to announce that I will be sponsoring MSA (Muslim Student Association) Club for this school year.
What is the MSA?
MSA is an organization to promote unity, and to encourage and enable Muslims and non-Muslims with the basic knowledge of humanity, equality, and service to others.
MSA is open to everyone who is interested in learning about Islam and embraces the concepts of harmony in diversity, peace and fellowship,. Besides religious and cultural events, MSA activities also include social and community service projects.
Meeting times will be determined with students at the first club meeting.
Looking forward to meeting you all in October!
Mrs. Subasi
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Science Department News
Hi Parents and Students,
With online education and virtual classrooms as the means of learning this first semester, all teachers in the Science Department are providing students with Independent Assignments as a way of deepening and re-enforcing their understanding of course content. We know that the virtual environment is not the best for high school science, but our desire is for our students to be the best in PG County and ready for the challenges of college and career.
One of the challenges that students may have in keeping grades high are the Independent Assignments. As they comprise 25% of the overall grading for a science course, failure to complete and turn-in the Independent Assignments has a significant effect on a student's grade. An "A student" not completing and turning in the Independent Assignments could find one's Grade Report reflects a "C".
Should a student find an Independent Assignment is not understood, or needs clarification about instructions, please ask your son/daughter to email the teacher right away with question(s) so we can help.
Also, as you know, attendance is taken on Wednesdays based on the Independent Assignment's completion and its submission as evidence students were engaged in learning and re-enforcing their knowledge. A teacher not receiving an Independent Assignment from a student not only records a grade of zero for that assignment, the Wednesday attendance for that science class is coded absent.
Our Science Department is dedicated to providing the best science education we can and encouraging growth in our students. Please feel free to email the appropriate teacher with any concerns you may have about a student's progress.
Suzanne Coholic
High School Science Teacher
Science Department Chair
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Social Studies Department
The Social Studies Department would like to help make communication and scheduling appointments during Office Hours on Wednesdays easier. Please click on the attached PDF link (not the image above), and once you open the PDF, you can click on the image for the teacher that you are interested in meeting with to schedule an appointment.
Election 2020: Tuesday, November 3
To register to vote or request a mail-in ballot, please use this link:
Presidential Debate Schedule:
Tuesday, September 29
Thursday, October 15
Thursday, October 22
Vice Presidential Debate:
Wednesday, October 7
Mrs. Jessica Cunning,
Social Studies Department Chair
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Family Support: Discussing School Cyber Safety With Your Student
As we move forward with virtual learning this semester, it is important to take time to discuss cyber safety and engagement in the classroom with your student. CMIT's School Counseling Team recommends taking time to explore your student's internet habits by having a conversation. Consider discussing the following questions with your student to learn more about what their experience has been like so far online, and use this as an opportunity to engage your student in thinking more critically about ways to maintain internet safety.
1) How have you been feeling about turning on your camera or microphone in class? What has prevented you from doing that?
2) Internet safety and maintaining privacy online is so important. What sorts of rules do you try to follow to ensure you're being safe online? Note: Now would be a great time to talk to your students about the school rules that prohibit recording other students or taking screenshots and pictures of classmates during Zoom classes. While we have discussed these rules with students, your support is also meaningful.
3) How have you been connecting with your friends outside of class? What sorts of applications are you using to socialize during the day?
4) If something uncomfortable happens in class or on these apps, how would you typically handle it? What could you do? Note: If your student does not know the answer to this, remind them that staff at CMIT North still can collect bullying/harassment referrals virtually, and students can let their teacher, counselor, administrator, or another trusted adult know about the activities to get support! We do our best to maintain confidentiality when receiving reports of bullying or harassment amongst students, so as to protect the privacy of those reporting the incidents.
If you have more questions about how to encourage safe habits while engaging virtually, please feel free to reach out to your student's professional school counselor! Ms. Gaudette is supporting students with last names A-J, and Ms. Ryan is supporting students with last names K-Z. Stay safe!
Rebecca Ryan, Professional School Counselor
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PTO Announcements
Leadership volunteers are needed to fill the PTO Executive Board positions which are all open*. The purpose of the Organization is to support the education of our scholars enrolled at CMIT; promote effective communications between
administration, staff, students and families; foster meaningful engagement of parents in our scholar's education; support effective instructional programs and adjunct education activities; and clutivate community engagement to enrich the education goals for the student body. We need your help.
*Remember: You must be a member in good standing for at least 30 days before an election to be eligible to serve on the Executive Board so visit and join today!
*Nominating Committee*
Deadline: Monday, September 28th
A Nominating Committee of at least three (3) Members is sought to solicit interest and recommend candidates for the elected positions at the October 22nd General Body Meeting. Do you know an uber-organized parent who is always on the ball?
Please send an email to with your name and "I volunteer for the Nominating Committee" today!
*Executive Board Position Descriptions*
High School President.
The High School President shall preside over meetings of the High School Executive Operations Board, serve as the primary contact for the High Principal, represent the Organization at meetings outside the Organization or designate a representative, and coordinates the work of all the High School officers and committees in order that the purpose of the Organization be served. The High School President shall designate the chairman for all High School committees, serve as a co‐signer on all check requests, and assumes responsibility for signing and/or approving all contracts and facility and use forms or delegate said responsibility in writing. Delegation is not authorized outside of the Executive Operations Board. The High School President shall co-lead any common business, projects, and activities with the High School President if applicable.
*High School Vice President*
The High School Vice President shall assist the High School President, carry out the President’s duties in his or her absence or inability to serve, serve as ex‐‐‐officio member of all committees, coordinate the planning of the PTO Middle School Committee Recognition event, and shall perform other delegated duties as assigned.
*High School Recording Secretary*
The Recording Secretary shall keep all records of the organization associated with the High School such as minutes, bylaws, policies and procedures, guidelines, membership list, and committee member lists. This information shall be available at each meeting and upon request. The High School Recording Secretary shall be responsible for documenting discussions and publishing minutes of all meetings conducted by the High School Executive Operations Board and General membership. He/she shall perform other delegated duties as assigned.
*High School Corresponding Secretary*
The High School Corresponding Secretary shall collect and disseminate all incoming and outgoing correspondence including but not limited to publications, notices and meeting agendas associated with the High School. The High School Corresponding Secretary shall be responsible for coordinating the maintenance of the website with the Middle School Corresponding Secretary. He/she shall perform the duties of the High School Recording Secretary in the absence of that officer and shall perform other delegated duties as assigned.
*High School Treasurer*
The High School Treasurer shall receive all funds of the Organization associated with the High School; keep an accurate record of receipts and expenditures and pay out funds in accordance with the approved fiscal year budget and as directed by the High School Executive Operations Board. All fundraising activities will be coordinated with the High School Treasurer as well as the High School Vice President. The High School Treasurer shall be responsible for gathering financial data and recording and reporting fundraising activities. He or she will present a financial statement at all High School General, Annual, Special, and Executive Operations Board meetings and when requested by the Executive Operations Board and will collaborate with the Middle School Treasurer to prepare and file all necessary tax forms. The High School Treasurer will assist in directing the preparation of the annual budget in collaboration with the Executive Operations Board and report monthly on actual income and expenditures for the current High School balances in the existing PTO accounts and monies. At the close of the fiscal year, a complete financial report will be prepared and presented to the Executive Operations Board and High School General Membership for review. He/she shall assist in the process of auditing the accounts at the close of the fiscal year and upon change of treasurer by a certified auditor or an auditing committee of three to five General Members.
*Upcoming General Body Meeting Dates*
October 22, 2020
November 19, 2020
January 21, 2021
February 25, 2021
March 25, 2021
April 22, 2021
May 27, 2021 - Annual Meeting
High School Corresponding Secretary
The CMIT Academy North -- High School PTO
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