Principal`s Message
Nuri Bayram
Program Coordinator
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Distance Learning Attendance Update
Dear CMIT Parents and Guardians,
We received an update regarding Distance learning attendance from PGCPS on Friday, September 4, 2020.
To create a more streamlined approach to taking student attendance on Wednesdays, PGCPS will no longer utilize the distance learning "DL" code. Therefore, all students will be marked "present" on Wednesday if they complete at least one of the following:
· Submit an assignment;
· Participate in a lesson with a teacher;
· Meet online with a PGCPS teacher or service provider; or
· Complete work in a supplemental digital tool.
Students who do not participate in at least one of the four options will be considered absent.
Technical Difficulties:
A new absence reason code has been created to reflect when students are unable to participate in live instruction due to technological difficulties. When this issue occurs, the parent must alert the child’s teacher of the difficulty by email. Although parents may see “absent” in SchoolMAX for the day the issue occurred, the student will be considered “present” when we use the new absence reason code “TC”. Students must submit all missed assignments.
Please email CMIT Noth Administrative Team if you have any questions.
Gonul Ozturk, M.Ed
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A Virtual STEM Field Trip!
SciFest All Access will be available online September 16-23 and there is something for everyone – K-12 students, families, educators, and college students.
Virtually experience exhibit booths featuring interactive STEM content, get an all-access pass to exclusive performances on the STEM Stage, hunt for clues and earn badges and prizes in the Scavenger Hunt, gear up in the STEM Store, and launch a STEM Career in the College Career Center!
Worksheets and other resources will be available to engage students and help educators utilize SciFest as a class activity. Plan your FREE virtual field trip today using the School Group Registration Form!
If you are a student registering as an individual, a parent registering one or more kids, or other individual attendees, please use the main registration form BELOW to sign up.
Should you have any questions feel free to contact me
Program Coordinator
STEM Coordinator
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Back to School Night (BTSN)
CMIT Families:
CMIT North High School will host its annual Back to School Night for grade 9th through 12th-grade levels on Thursday, September 10th from 6:00pm to 8:00pm. Please mark your calendars to virtually meet with your child's teachers for this year.
Note: Parents will follow their child's schedule to meet with the teachers during BTSN night. The detailed schedule with online zoom links will be emailed to parents and students during the week.
HS Administration
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Stay Connected!!!
Front Office.
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Staff Directory
Your first point of contact should be the person that you have a specific question, comment, or concern for. If you are unable to resolve your concern, you will report to the next person on the chain of command. The chain of command starts at the bottom of this chart and works its way up except for those staff members listed on the top, who report directly to Mrs. Ozturk.
Note: all Department members (teachers) report to their Department Chair. Department Chairs report to their assigned Assistant Principal (see in the chart). Members of the Leadership and Support Teams report directly to Mrs. Ozturk, except for Support Specialists, who first report to our two Assistant Principals.
You may find the chain of command chart and staff emails at the link below:
HS Administration
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Thank You! It's Been A Good First Week.
Hello, CMIT Tigers!
We're back, and it has been a wonderful week. I have enjoyed seeing and hearing from so many students and receiving well wishes from families along with your questions. I have watched our teachers and front office staff hard at work and know the same to be the case of you in your homes. For that, I am grateful. I appreciate the patience everyone is extending as we adjust to working full time in the virtual environment.
While we are adjusting, please know how much I am missing interacting with students on a daily basis. In the virtual space, it is so much more difficult to get a sense of how students are really doing. Many of our teachers are experiencing this as well. In response, we are asking that the partnerships we build in support of our students be that much stronger than any other year. We have ways to assess how our students are doing academically, but may need your help to know how students are otherwise. We encourage students to check-in with us as they are comfortable and extend the same offer to families if you notice your student is struggling.
As is typical with any start to the school year, there are a lot of moving pieces. Please check your email and read this newsletter thoroughly for updates. Here are a couple reminders:
- Wednesdays are still school days for students, although there will not be live instruction in the same way it occurs on other days of the school week. It is a time for students to engage in independent practice (by completing assignments with Wednesday due dates) and/or participate in small group instruction with their teachers.
- Attendance matters. Please communicate with Ms. Fermin and your student's teachers whenever there are absences to make sure your student has every opportunity to receive credit for the work they missed while they were out.
- Technology challenges are real. Last week, families and students should have received an email with instructions about how to report technical difficulties. We ask that you use this form to submit your concerns rather than send them by email so we can respond quickly. (Our inboxes tend to overflow at the start of the school year making it easy for information to be lost.)
I look forward to seeing you this week at 6pm this Thursday, September 10th, for Back to School Night!
Wishing you a positively amazing week!
Ms. Colandrea
9th + 10th Grade Assistant Principal
English, SPED, Social Studies, MAPS (Music, Art, PE/Health, Spanish) Departments
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Address changes
To complete an address change parents must:
1. Make an appointment (while maintaining social distancing) to come in and do an address change. We are in the office Monday’s and Wednesday’s from 9 am-4 pm. Send an email
to and, or call the office on those days to schedule an appointment.
2. Bring in proof of residency
- Settlement papers,
- or Current lease/Rental agreement,
- or Current mortgage statement,
- or Letter from apartment complex on official letterhead,
- or Deed of property,
- or Current Property Tax Bill/Assessment)
- and 2 pieces of current mail dated within 30 days. These may include; non-cell phone bill, utility bill, credit card statement, bank statement, mail from government
agencies (excluding PGCPS) for official correspondence, hospital bill, or auto, home, or health insurance policy.
Front Office.
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Virtual Bell Schedule
You may find
*Virtual Learning schedule
*Virtual Daily Schedule with class times for regular days
*2-hr early dismissal virtual learning schedule with class times
and more details on CMIT Academy website on the following link:
HS Administration
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Welcome to CMIT North High School for the School Year 2020-2021!
Welcome to CMIT North High School for the School Year 2020-2021!
My name is Ferhat Avsar and I am the Assistant Principal for 11th and 12th-grade students at CMIT. This is my 4th year as a member of our administrative team and I look forward to being in the service of my students and staff during Distance Learning. Before becoming an Assistant Principal, I enjoyed working at CMIT as a college counselor and mathematics teacher.
This year, I will also be supervising Math, Science, and Technology departments. You should have already received google classroom invitations from your teachers. Please take some time to review those materials (e.g. syllabus) in order to be better prepared for the year. Over the summer, your teachers have worked so diligently together to create these resources and tools for you in an effort to make a positive difference in your online learning experiences. Of course, it is a learning curve for all of us as we go through this, therefore, I will request from each of you to be patient, mindful, and have empathy when facing challenges.
Thanks to those who signed up for CMIT free SAT prep courses( Remember to join these courses on Tuesdays and Thursdays to get prepared for your college exams. Through these programs, our students have always placed on the top compared to the County and the State. It will be no different for the Class of 2021 and Class of 2022! Lastly, please check out our distance learning student handbook here (
Should you have any questions, please let me know.
Mr. Avsar 11th + 12th Grade Assistant Principal Math, Science, Technology Departments
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Grade Manager Updates
Check grade manager page on cmitacademy website for the following
*Administrative Procedures (AP 5116) : GRADE CHANGE AUTHORIZATION AND APPEALS
*SY20-21 Grading and Retention Window
*Grade Appeal Windows
*Grade Appeal Form
*Grade entry start and end dates (Grade Publishing Windows)
* Report card release dates.
The link for the GRADE MANAGER Page:
Should you have any questions please feel free to contact me
Program Coordinator
STEM Coordinator
Grade Manager
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Welcome Back from the Health Room
Hello everyone,
I am very happy to serve all students and parents during this 2020-2021 school year. I will be working at school on Mondays and Wednesdays. All other days I will be teleworking from home.
Throughout the school year, I will be sending information and available resources via the school news letter. If you have any questions or need assistance you can reach me via email at or phone at 240-767-4080 (ext. 86514), and I will return your call or message within 24-48 hours.
Please stay safe and healthy. I highly urge everyone to continue to follow the CDC health guidelines.
Enjoy the rest of your holiday weekend!
Nurse Abraha
HS Nurse
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Welcome to Computer Science!
Welcome to the 2020-21 school year, welcome to my new virtual Computer Science classroom, and welcome to an exciting learning opportunity for us all.
Although this school year looks different, we continue to be focused on creating exceptional learning opportunities for our students. A strong home-school partnership will make a great difference in your child’s education. As partners, we share the responsibility for our children’s success. I want you to know that I will do my very best to carry out my responsibilities.
I ask that you guide and support your child’s learning by ensuring that she/he attends online sessions on time and ready for the day’s learning experience. Please also ensure your child knows that you expect her/him to succeed in school and go on to college.
I am looking forward to a productive partnership with you to ensure our children can achieve their highest potential.
Mr. B, M.Ed.
AP Computer Science A
AP Computer Science Principles
Introduction to Computer Programming
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Environmental Science 2020 is a promise of remarkable growth and change.
Last week, the class focused on providing rigorous routine training to our scholars who work synchronous online sessions using my own made videos, guidelines for best practice, and step-by-step skills. Students' response was extremely smooth and overwhelmingly positive, with 95% assignments completed. I want to share the routine activity and modification that is valuable even after academic life returns to normal.
During the first 5 to ten minutes of the class, students do warm-up engagement using the platform, "Now It's Your Turn." I post personal videos on Math skills, Vocabulary enhancement, and science trivia to explain and demonstrate students' participation.
The next platform is called "Do Now," geared to content on Environmental Science. Students are involved in engaging pedagogies, through "pear deck," "PowerPoint Q & A," "near pod," and other online applications, to learn science environmental issues. The last platform is known as Learn, which is an "independent practice, to help students retain what has been taught.
To shadow and join my class as a parent, please email me to give you the legal procedure. We will be delighted to have you.
Dr. Clarke, Science Teacher
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Ms. Coholic's Science Classes
Welcome back everyone!
Please check your Mock Day letter sent to all parents and students in the last week of August for google classroom codes. Students, you will find your google classroom code on the letter (scroll down) and select the code that matches your class period. The syllabus is in the announcements and your assignments will be found under assignments tab.
The syllabus was updated with the PGCPS new percentages for grading and shows there will be independent work category 25 % instead of homework category 15 %.
Zoom meeting links in the Mock Day letter may or may not work. If a link doesn't work, check google classroom for a new link I may need to upload the morning of class. Zoom had some issues on Monday, and one of my class links was corrupted, and in the event that happens again, students check your google classroom for any updated Zoom class codes that day.
Students should be using their own SchoolMax login credentials which will be needed for accessing PGCPS-related applications for learning including Clever.
Have a great year everyone!
Suzanne Coholic
High School Science Teacher
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Ms. Keskin: Welcome Back!
Dear CMIT family,
This is Ms. Keskin, the math teacher. I hope you had a great and relaxing summer with your loved ones and family.
Welcome back to a new school year. I am very glad to meet with my students.
The education is such as a tripod, there are three legs; students, parent, and teacher. Communication is essential between them, it is especially vital due to the recent circumstances.
I will do my best to return your emails promptly. I look forward to working with you and your child.
Esra Keskin,
Math Teacher
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New Teacher--Ms. Tammy O'Donnell
I am so excited to join the amazing team at CMIT North High School teaching English 11 and Media Arts Production I. I have been in education for 30+ years most recently teaching 8th Grade RElA at Stephen Decatur Middle School and prior to that I was the Chairperson of the Communication and Theatre Department at Prince George's Community College for over 10 years. I am excited to be back teaching high school, where my career began in New York State. I am from all over New York, but did most of my growing up in the Buffalo area. I am a HUGE Buffalo Bills fan, Washington Nationals fan and Buffalo Sabres fan....guess I like the underdog. I am really looking forward to this year and seeing the fantastic things your students can do!
Tammy O'Donnell
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Mr.Snyder: Week 1 is in the books.
I can't believe we are already through 1 week. Many of you are feeling overwhelmed you are not alone but we will get through this together. I want to thank all of my students for your patience and helping me as I navigate through technical issues and challenges that I dealt with this week. Thank you.
Being the Physical Education Teacher here at CMIT, my advice to everyone is; the best way to manage stress is to do some physical activity!
This semester the focus is for our students to do physical activity everyday whether it is in class or on their own time. All physical education students this semester are required to keep a Fitness Journal to track what activity they have done each day. Additionally, students in my lifetime sports classes will begin tracking their step and distance they travel each day, with the goal to increase their physical activity.
I would like to make a shout out to my 5th Period Personal Fitness Course, for making my job easier each day by participating and making it more interesting. Thank you.
Good luck to everyone next week.
Mr. Snyder
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We held our first official meeting of the new robotics season. We set up our meeting schedule, starting out on the same days as last year. We will be meeting Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM over zoom. Monday’s meeting is business, Wednesday’s is a chance to work on hardware, Friday’s is programming, simulations, and VR.
More importantly than this, we have decided that we are going to participate in the Solar Car Challenge in Texas. We have been talking about doing this for a couple of years, and thought that this would be a good year to start laying the groundwork.
The Solar Car Challenge is a major competition that will have us driving a car that we have built ourselves on a 2,000 mile cross country trip in July of 2022. Between now and then we have to build up our support capability, learn how to design and build the car, and get some of our members licensed to drive.
You can read up on the competition here.
Our first step is to create an elevator pitch and a 5-minute sales spiel that we can all roll out at the drop of a hint that someone might be listening. We are going to need sponsors and a lot of community support to make this happen. It will be fun.
Steven Lavalle
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CMIT Ukulele Orchestra Invitation Survey
Have you been curious about playing music? And you would like to strum a guitar or just beat a drum, but you can't because you had no experience.
Now here is your chance! I am building a group to jam with beginners to advanced ukulele players—new uke players or who haven't played uke much or recently. The whole idea is introducing and practicing chords and other concepts to new or less experienced uke players. I would also like to invite those expert uke and string players to join us in creating joy and friendship by singing, playing, and learning songs together, especially during the quarantine. I will also incorporate techniques on beating drums.
If you are interested, please sign the invitation and wait for further announcements on the approval, logistics, and schedule of this exciting CMIT ukelele orchestra!
Dr. Clarke, Science Teacher
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Welcome Back from the English Department!
Greetings CMIT North Families!
We are all very excited to be with you again. There is much to discuss, to read about, and to write about, and I'm pleased to say that our department may just be the strongest it's ever been. Our 2019-2020 Teacher of the Year, Ms. Beamon, has returned along with Mr. Bevard, Ms. Houston, and myself. We also welcomed two amazing additions to our team in Ms. O'Donnell and Mr. Hall, with special thanks to Ms. Speed for her assistance during this time. We look forward to working with our students and learning about them as they learn curricular content from us. We all have children as well that are beginning distance learning this fall, so we know how much is being asked of parents in regards to wearing multiple hats and helping to facilitate the education process in your homes. We thank you for all that you do, and we look forward to working with you to ensure that your child develops and grows the skills that they will need to be successful in college and beyond. Here's to an exceptional school year!
-Mr. Hommel, English Dept. Chair
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Social Studies Department
Welcome Back!!
The Social Studies Department is excited to welcome you all back to school and we know that this transition will take some time to get use to. To help make communication and scheduling appointments during Office Hours on Wednesdays, please click on the attached PDF link (not the image above). Once you open the PDF, you can click on the image for the teacher that you are interested in meeting with to schedule an appointment.
Mrs. Jessica Cunning,
Social Studies Department Chair
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Welcome Back from the CMIT North High School Counseling Department
Welcome Back, Golden Tigers!
The CMIT Academy North High School Counseling Department would like to welcome everyone back to school. Last year, our students, families, and staff overcame so much. This year, we will continue to bounce back and move forward. This will be a GREAT year. This year, we will learn together, laugh together, face and conquer challenges, change for the better, innovate new solutions to new problems, and maybe cry together. The CMIT Counseling Department will be here for you throughout all of it.
And now, we would like to introduce ourselves to you! Please view the slides below to learn more about our Counseling Department Members!
Feeling Stressed? Try one of these six stress-busting strategies:
1. Balanced Nutrition: Eat a health breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Many students qualify for free and/or reduced meals. PGCPS is also distributing free meals to all families. If your family needs assistance with meals, please contact your school counselor and we can do our best to connect you with resources to support your family.
2. Mindfulness: Consider breathing exercises, journaling, meditation, and more. We would be happy to provide some ideas if you think this would help you ease your stress and anxiety.
3. Mental Health Care: You have a wealth of staff members who are here to talk to you in times of need. If you are in need of mental health supports, please reach out to your counselor and we can provide local resources to you and your family.
4. Physical Activity: It is recommended that young people get at least 60 minutes of exercise a day. Get up and move around!
5. Quality Sleep: Be sure to get at least 7 hours of sleep each night. Develop a system to makey our mornign routines easier. Don't eat too close to bed time and put down your devices! That blue light prevents you from falling asleep and can sometimes feed into stress and anxiety.
6. Supportive Relationships: Try to maintain healthy relationships with your family and friends. If you need more support, please reach out to your Counselor. We are happy to help connect you with those who can provide support in times of need.
Throughout the school year, we will offer Counseling Cafe sessions on a variety of topics to help support students with their social/emotional health, academic progress, college/career exploration, and more. Please make sure to complete our Counselor Student and Parent Surveys to provide feedback that will help us prioritize interventions throughout the year.
Welcome Back, Golden Tigers! We are going to have a great year together.
Ms. Gaudette, Ms. Ryan, and Ms. Roloff
CMIT Academy North High School Counseling Department .............................................................................................................................................................................................. Ms. Gaudette (Last Names A-J): ..............................................................................................................................................................................................
Ms. Ryan (Last Names K-Z):
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