Green School Team: Growing Food for our Future Garden
Biology and Green School Team students started potting plants for our organic and demonstration garden. Demonstration gardens are a very efficient educational strategy for teaching horticultural principles and practices to extension audiences, particularly parents, schools, and youth. The Green School Team measured and graphed the area for the garden and started to hang birdhouses.
Research shows working in school gardens can:
* Increase students’ science achievement scores
* Improve social skills by cultivating empathy and teamwork
* Increase students’ knowledge of nutrition and their willingness to consume fresh produce
* Improve emotional literacy
* Develop a sense of community and responsibility
* Instill a lifelong appreciation for the natural world
Gemma Y. Bognot - CLARKE, Ph.D.
Science Teacher
Science Teacher Coordinator
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Class Bulletin Board
The 10th grade English Honors and AP Language and Composition classes have been learning about aphorisms. Not only did they study aphorisms from around the world, but they also drew a picture of their favorite, and then wrote their own. Some of their work is displayed in the classroom. Stop by and see the creative work of our students when you have a moment!
Ms. Laura Wilson
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Poetry Contest
The 10th Grade English Honors students are participating in a poetry contest! The rules stipulate that entrants designate a theme, use poetic devices, and write from another point of view. Poems do not need to rhyme. The first five winners receive a $100 prize, and everyone that enters will earn extra credit points in their English class.
The student submission deadline is Friday, February 28th. For more details, visit www.youngwritersusa.com/contests/through-their-eyes.
Ms. Laura Wilson
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Chaperone Orientation for the Franklin Institute Field trip
Dear Parents and Teachers:
Thank you for your interest in serving as a chaperone for grades 9 & 12 on The Franklin Institute Field Trip in Philadelphia, PA on Wednesday, March 4, 2020.
We know that it will be a fantastic experience for the students. Before our field trip, we will have a Chaperone Orientation meeting on Thursday, February 27, 2020 in Room 335 to go over the details of our best field trip ever. Please make sure that you bring a copy of the fingerprint receipt from PGCPS and proof that you have completed the SafeSchools Online Training ( https://pgcpsvolunteers-md.safeschools.com/register/34a37d70) per Administrative Procedures 4215 and 4216.6.
Thank you for all you do.
Sincerely Yours,
Gemma Y. Bognot - CLARKE, Ph.D.
Science Teacher
Science Teacher Coordinator
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Medical Science Students Examining HIV Using Synthetic Blood
HIV infection is a viral infection that represents real global public health problems. In order to improve management, some hypotheses suggest that genetic predispositions like ABO and Rh blood groups would influence the occurrence of these diseases.
The Medical Science students did their first blood-lab to examine the association between ABO and Rhesus blood groups and the susceptibility to HIV infection. They were using synthetic blood (NOT REAL BLOOD - made up of food color and gelatin).
This week, they will do their next blood-lab of Hepatitis B and HIV infection having the same modes of transmission; both infections are favored by various risk factors. They will use their knowledge about ABO & Rhesus blood typing once more to see how genetic factors would influence the occurrence of these viral infections.
Gemma Y. Bognot - CLARKE, Ph.D.
Science Teacher
Science Teacher Coordinator
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Softball Tryouts are February 29th at 10 am
A reminder to all those interested in trying out for the Varsity Softball team that the first day of tryouts is Saturday the 29th at 10am. You should dress appropriately with the weather as we will be outside. Make sure you are properly dressed for the temperature and have your softball glove and cleats prepared to workout. Please be aware that a sports physical is REQUIRED to try out for softball. All students who have not already participated in a sport this school year or submitted their physical online must create a FormREleaf account ( http://www.formreleaf.com) and upload all required documents before Saturday the 29th.
Also, the Softball team is looking for a photographer/social media lead. If you have an interest in photography and social media, please email me your qualifications and a short paragraph of interest. All those applying for the photographer position must be able to attend the games and must have a 3.0 GPA to be considered. Please email me at cdonelson@cmitacademy.org if you have any questions or concerns, and I look forward to seeing you on the 29th!
Coach Donelson
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PSAT 10 - March 4th - 10th Grade Students
On Wednesday, March 4th, all 10th grade students will be taking the PSAT 10 test at CMIT North HS. This test gvies students an opportunity to practice and prepare for taking the SAT. We have completed registration for all students and there is nothing that needs to be done on your part prior to testing day!
Important test day information:
1. Please be in your testing room at 8:05 am. No late students will be admitted into the testing room. There are no make up days!
2. Please only bring a No. 2 pencil and a calculator (graphing or scientific) into the testing room. No calculators will be provided. No backpacks, binders, chromebooks, purses, or other material should enter the testing room.
3. Cell phones, smart watches, and headphones are prohibited to be physically on the student during testing and breaks. Students should leave all cell phones, smart watches, and headphones in their locker. If a prohibited electronic device is found on a student, it is CollegeBoard policy that the student's scores be canceled.
4. Students cannot eat or drink in the testing room. If a student would like to have a small snack or drink during a break, the drink or snack must be stored under the student's desk during testing and he or she must bring the drink/snack outside the testing room to consume during the 5 minute break. Please do not bring any drinks or snacks without a secure lid to prevent any spilling.
5. It is extremely important that students are quiet and following all instructions throughout the entire testing day. If students are a disturbance to the testing room or do not following instructions, it is CollegeBoard policy that the student's scores be canceled.
6. After testing, students will report to the cafeteria for lunch and then will participate in a study hall for the last 2 periods of the day.
7. In order for students to receive their scores online, they must create their own CollegeBoard account. When creating the account, make sure that the school chosen is Chesapeake Math and IT Public Charter (210722). CMIT North does not have access to these accounts.
8. The week before testing, all 10th graders will be called to the cafeteria to complete the pre-administration for the test, and they will receive what room they will be testing in via email.
For more information about the test and practice, please visit https://collegereadiness.collegeboard.org/psat-nmsqt-psat-10
For more practice, please visit https://www.khanacademy.org/sat
Casandra Andrew
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SAT School Day - March 4th - 11th Grade Students
Hello 11th Grade Students and Families,
On Wednesday, March 4th, all 11th grade students will be taking the SAT test at CMIT North HS. This is an amazing opportunity provided by PGCPS that gives students the chance to take the SAT for free during the school day. We have completed registration for all students.
Important test day information:
1. Please be in your testing room at 8:05 am. No late students will be admitted into the testing room. There are no make up days!
2. Please only bring a No. 2 pencil and a calculator (graphing or scientific) into the testing room. No calculators will be provided. No backpacks, binders, Chromebooks, purses, or other material should enter the testing room.
3. Cell phones, smart watches, and headphones are prohibited to be physically on the student during testing and breaks. Students should leave all cell phones, smart watches, and headphones in their locker. If a prohibited electronic device is found on a student, it is CollegeBoard policy that the student's scores be canceled.
4. Students will be taking the SAT with essay. We do not have the optional of not taking the essay. Because of this, testing time is 4 hours and 7 minutes. We understand that this is a very long time, so please make sure that the student has a filling breakfast and a good night's rest. Although there is no eating or drinking in the testing room, we will be providing a snack and drink during the middle break for the students in the hallway.
5. It is extremely important that students are quiet and following all instructions throughout the entire testing day. If students are a distribution to the testing room or do not following instructions, it is CollegeBoard policy that the student's scores be canceled.
6. After testing, students will report to the cafeteria for lunch around 1:00pm. Because this is later than normal lunch times, we need to have a count of how many students need to purchase lunch from the cafeteria. We highly recommend that students bring their lunch from home this day but we do understand that it may not be possible for all students. Please complete this Google form if you would like to purchase lunch from the cafeteria on March, 4th instead of bringing it from home. The cafeteria needs the specific head count to make the appropriate amount of food that day. The form must be completed by Friday, February 28th. Please complete the Google form that was emailed to all families on February 10th.
7. In order for students to receive their scores online, they must create their own CollegeBoard account. When creating the account, make sure that the school chosen is Chesapeake Math and IT Public Charter (210722). CMIT North does not have access to these accounts.
8. The week before testing, all 11th graders will be called to the cafeteria to complete the pre-administration for the test and they will receive what room they will be testing in via email.
9. During the pre-administration, students will be able to list 3-4 colleges that they would like send their SAT scores to for free. Please think of a few colleges you would like to send your scores to prior to the last week of February. Students can send scores to colleges after the pre-administration and testing day through their CollegeBoard account online, but it could potentially cost money.
For more information about the test and practice, please visit https://collegereadiness.collegeboard.org/sat
For more practice, please visit https://www.khanacademy.org/sat
Casandra Andrew
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Celebrate International Women’s Day with CMIT Girls Basketball!!!
Hello CMIT Community,
March 8th is International Women’s Day (IWD)! IWD has been celebrated each year since the early 1900s recognizing the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. This year’s theme is Gender Equality, #EachforEqual.
Join CMIT Girls Basketball as we celebrate our athletes’ achievements and continue to strive for equal opportunity, recognition and pay for all women and girls.
• 20-1 regular season record and ready to make a run at a state title!
• All-County 1st Team (1A/2A/3A) – Afia Owusu-Mensah, Zanai Barnett-Gay
• All-County 3rd Team (1A/2A/3A) – Randi Griffin
• All-County Honorable Mention (1A/2A/3A) – Hannah Simmons
Raise awareness and take action for equality! Participate in the CMIT Girls Basketball Clothing Drive (details below).
International Women’s Day Clothing Drive!!!
CMIT Girls Basketball
2/25 – 3/13
After a successful clothing drive last year, CMIT Girls Basketball is again organizing a clothing drive to celebrate International Women’s Day (March 8).
Support the team by donating new or gently worn clothes
- All sizes & genders accepted
- No stains, tears, broken zippers, missing buttons, etc.
Drop-off: CMIT HS Lobby, CMIT MS Lobby
All clothing will be donated to local shelters.
Ms. Boampong
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The Franklin Museum - Best Field Trip Ever
All Grades 9 and 12 are invited on Wednesday, March 4th, 2020, at the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania for the ‘best field trip ever.”
This is a Science basic program or curriculum recommendation. The Franklin Institute is one of America’s oldest and premier centers of science education. Known for blockbuster exhibits, a bevy of interactive ongoing exhibitions, and one-of-a-kind theatrical experiences, the Grades 9 and 12 will follow through and complete science and technology education in ways that would dazzle and delight the "Next Generation Science Standards." Please pay the corresponding amount of $61.00 on MySchoolBucks and submit your permission slip to any of your science teachers - Dr. Clarke, Ms. Gonzalez, Mr. Ozdem, or Ms. Coholic - or to our program coordinator, Mr. Bayram. This deadline has been extended until Wednesday, February 26, 2020.
Buses will leave CMIT-HS at exactly 6am. Students will start to embark by 5:30am. Buses will arrive at 6 - 6:30pm as an estimated time. Let us discover something new at The Franklin Institute by exploring the fun side of science through twelve cutting-edge and hands-on exhibitions.
Gemma Y. Bognot - CLARKE, Ph.D.
Science Teacher
Science Teacher Coordinator
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HS PTO Meeting -- February 27, 2020 -- 6:30 pm
The PTO invites you to join us for the February PTO Meeting!
Note: The PTO will take nominations from the floor for our 2019-2020 Executive Board Elections.
Date: Thursday, February 27, 2020
Time: 6:30pm - 8:00pm
Location: CMIT High School School Cafeteria, 14800 Sweitzer Lane, Laurel, MD
Call in Option Below:
1. Dial In to the Conference (United States): (515) 606-5356
Access Code: 531867
International Dial-in Numbers: https://www.freeconferencecall.com/wall/cmitnorthpto#international
2. Join Online Meeting:
Online meeting ID: cmitnorthpto
Online meeting link: https://join.freeconferencecall.com/cmitnorthpto
Online Instructions:
At the scheduled date and time of the meeting, dial in to the conference line. When prompted, enter the access code followed by hash (#). To join the online meeting, click the online meeting link and follow the prompts.
To Join the PTO please visit http://www.cmitnorthpto.org/join-online.html
For questions please contact the following:
General - information@cmitnorthpto.org
Membership - membership@cmitnorthpto.org
Fundraising - fundraising@cmitnorthpto.org
Thank you,
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Are YOU in the Know? Resources for Parents/Families
The Prince Georges’ County Public School System (PGCPS) has a wealth of information for parents to ensure their scholar is on the right track for academic success and resources to assist students and their families to address challenges along the way. The resources listed below are available to all families of the PGCPS.
PGCPS website
Access to the pubic website and key information such as the school year calendar and key highlights.
For more information visit: https://www.pgcps.org/
Administrative Procedures
Familiarize yourself with the new and updated procedures of the school system.
For more information visit: https://www1.pgcps.org/administrativeprocedures/
Department of School and Family Partnerships
Explore a list of workshops, aka Family Institutes, that support the Department’s efforts to focus on shared responsibility and effective collaboration between the school system and its parents, families and communities toward academic success of all students. Workshop lists are also available in Spanish or French.
For more information visit: https://www.pgcps.org/familyandcommunity/
Guide to Addressing Concerns
Try the PGCPS guide to get answers to questions you may have or if you are unsure where to turn for support.
For more information visit: https://www.pgcps.org/guide-to-addressing-concerns/
Student Safety – Partner Support Volunteer Requirements
Learn how to report suspected child abuse/neglect, understand training requirements for volunteers/contractors, access to student safety resource toolkit and review FAQs about background checks and volunteers.
For more Information visit: https://www.pgcps.org/studentsafety/
Sign Up for Alerts and Notifications
If you want to receive updates or to access your subscriber preferences, visit the PGCPS notifications webpage: https://public.govdelivery.com/accounts/PGCPS/subscriber/new?qsp=PGCPS_9
Thank you,
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