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Chesapeake Math & IT Academy North High School





End of Q1 + 3-hour Early Dismissal

Parent's Night Out - November 9th

High School Open House Sessions Are Approaching

CMIT Celebrates America Recycles Day | November 15, 2019


Uniform Reminder | Cooler Weather Is Here

LearnServe International Information Event

Resources from the Health Room


Ms. Coholic's BioGeoChem Classes | Important! Please Read!

Engineering Design Process by the Anatomy & Physiology Students

Trigonometry Class Meets Robotics

CMIT Competes in the Math League Competition

Biology Topic: 10th Week: November 4 -8, 2019

Anatomy & Physiology - 10th Week: November 4 -8, 2019

Science Olympiad Team

FIRST Robotics


News from Athletics



Spirit Wear

Volunteers Needed - Zip Code Meeting

2019-2020 PTO Executive Board Members Needed

End of Q1 + 3-hour Early Dismissal
Where has the time gone? The end of the first quarter arrives this Tuesday, November 5th, and Wednesday, November 6th is a three-hour early dismissal for students so that teachers can finalize grades. Hopefully, you have been monitoring SchoolMax throughout the quarter and have encouraged your student to address any concerns you may have noted. The change in quarters marks a good opportunity to work with your student to evaluate their performance and make appropriate adjustments toward achieving the goals you have set together for this year. Here's to a productive second quarter!

HS Administration
Parent's Night Out - November 9th
CMIT Academy Homecoming is here! This year the PTO will host the first Parent Night Out -- an opportunity to meet and greet other members of the CMIT Academy Family. Faculty and Staff of CMIT Academy are encouraged to attend. During the HS Homecoming Dance, the PTO will host HS Parents at the Middle School for a HS Parent Night Out on November 9, 2019 from 8:00 pm to 9:45 pm. Bring Your Own Game (B.Y.O.G). Join us for music, fun and laughter! Light refreshments will be served. Compliments from the PTO. Middle School Address: 6100 Frost Pl, Laurel, MD 20707

Thank you, CMIT North PTO
High School Open House Sessions Are Approaching
CMIT Academy high school is having three Open House sessions for prospective students. If you will have a student new to the high school next year, you are invited to come out and get to know our staff and our program and have your questions answered.  - Saturday, November 16th at 9am (Rising 9th Grade Families from CMIT MS) - Saturday, November 30th at 9am - Thursday, December 12th @ 6pm We hope to see you there!

HS Administration
CMIT Celebrates America Recycles Day | November 15, 2019
Every year, the earth yields billions of tons of natural resources to transform into consumables. At some point, there will be nothing left. That’s why we must, as a planet, think again about what we throw away – seeing not waste, but opportunity. America Recycles Day is on Friday, November 15, 2019. CMIT recognizes and will celebrate the importance that recycling that plays in preserving our precious primary resources and securing the future of our planet. It is a day for every one of us to come together and put the planet first. We will re-educate, motivate and celebrate with our students to make CMIT a green school. Parents are encouraged to join the celebration. Please click the link to register as volunteers and support this wonderful and big event.

Gemma Y Bognot CLARKE, Ph.d. Secondary Science Teacher Science Department Teacher Coordinator
Uniform Reminder | Cooler Weather Is Here
Hello, Families: As winter weather approaches, our students need to bundle up for warmth. Does your student have acceptable uniform wear for these colder temperatures? Windbreakers, fleeces, sweatshirts, and other clothing items must be approved uniform items. It would be helpful to our staff for students to come to school ready to meet this expectation. If you have questions about the uniform, please refer to the uniform policy that is posted on the school's website. Best,

HS Administration
LearnServe International Information Event
A new and amazing program will take start at CMIT N HS soon: LearnServe International. There will be an information event on Thursday, November 21st from 3pm to 4pm. Read the information below, and see the attachment. If you will attend the program, please RSVP from the link below by November 15th. Here is more info about the program: LearnServe Abroad 2020 Travel to Jamaica, Paraguay, South Africa, or Zambia, this summer with LearnServe Abroad to create a change in communities around the globe! Develop your leadership and social entrepreneurship skills, and earn up to 80 community service hours, as you work with partners in country to co-design and implement local solutions to global problems. Ready to make a difference in the world? Apply online here! See below for more information about LearnServe Abroad, the application process, and scholarships. If you are interested or know someone that is, contact me at The Program - Pre-Travel (March - May): Meet 2x a month Saturday afternoons to learn about leadership, social entrepreneurship, and human-centered design, as well as fundraising, the history and culture of the country you’ll be visiting, and the organizations you’ll work alongside. - In-Country Travel (June - July): Over 2 ½ weeks in-country (late June to early July), you will have the opportunity to: -- jointly conduct a design-thinking workshop with community youth in country -- work alongside dynamic community leaders and local social entrepreneurs to support their social change work -- immerse yourself in day-to-day life in a developing country --support organizations making a difference around social issues -- raise awareness about global issues in their own communities - Post-Travel (September): After returning home, you will convene three more times to develop action plans, practice public speaking skills, and prepare to share your experiences with your own schools and communities. Who is eligible? Students currently in grades 9, 10, and 11 -- as well as teachers -- are eligible for participation in the LearnServe Abroad Program. Students must commit to attending all the pre- and post-travel meetings and the travel for 2.5 weeks abroad over the summer. The cost of the programs varies. Please look at our website or the flyer attached for more information. Financial aid is available on a needs-based, first-come basis, and we support travelers with their own fundraising efforts. The application for 2020 is now open! Individuals may apply online via the LearnServe website. The deadline is December 23rd for priority consideration. We are accepting applications starting on a rolling basis until all spaces are filled. Interview. Upon completing the application, prospective participants will be contacted for a short phone interview and will be requested to provide a reference from a teacher of their choice. Space in the program will be guaranteed once the applicant has completed the above steps, completed the necessary forms, and paid a non-refundable deposit. Financial Scholarships. Financial scholarships are available, on a means-based, first-come-first-served basis (until available funds are used up). Families of students requesting financial scholarships will receive an additional form on which to share details of their family's financial circumstances. Join the Abroad program and help us change the world! We look forward to receiving your application! For more information Please contact Florence Rivkin at or call LearnServe at 202-370-1865.

Mr.Bayram Program Coordinator STEM Coordinator College/School Trips Clubs/Academic Teams CMIT Academy North
Resources from the Health Room
Effects of Drugs and Alcohol on the Teen Brain The teenage years are vital to healthy cognitive function as an adult, so it is important to maintain a strict level of healthy behavior during these years. Drug and alcohol abuse can impact the brain’s ability to function in the short-term as well as prevent proper growth and development for later in life .Drugs or alcohol not only interfere with the normal processing functions of the brain, they actually change both the structure and function of the brain. Over time, drug and alcohol use and abuse can lead to addiction with all its negative, life-long consequences . Early and ongoing education is an important factor to help adolescents to make healthy decisions. Please check the attached file below for more information. It helps to know the warning signs before it is too late.

HS Nurse
Ms. Coholic's BioGeoChem Classes | Important! Please Read!
Hi Parents and Students, As the quarter ends this week and the second quarter begins, PGCPS is requiring all BioGeoChem students take the FAST 1 test. The FAST 1 formative assessment will be administered during class time on Thursday, November 7 and Friday, November 8. This year, the test will be administered ONLINE during class time. This means students MUST have their FULLY-CHARGED CHROMEBOOKS ready for their class testing time. Please be sure students arrive to school with Chromebooks fully charged. If students have Chromebooks that DO NOT charge using the chargers in classrooms (some students' Chromebooks require a different charger), PLEASE be sure they come to school WITH their own special chargers in the event their Chromebooks lose charge prior to their class testing time or during the test itself. Thanks so much for your assistance! Have a great week.

Suzanne Coholic High School Science Teacher
Engineering Design Process by the Anatomy & Physiology Students
It is challenging for biomedical engineering programs to incorporate an in-depth study of the systemic interdependence of cells, tissues, and organs into the rigorous mathematical curriculum which is the cornerstone of engineering education. CMIT prepare its’ students not just with laboratory skills in dissection, but also with instrumentation, and physiological measurements through biomedical engineering projects. Anatomy and Physiology students discussed and displayed their Quarter 1 Engineering Design Process Project. Here, they designed a “unisex shoes” and followed a series of steps that engineers do to come up with a solution to a problem. The solution involves designing a product that meets certain criteria to accomplishes a certain task. This process is different from the Steps of the Scientific Method, which many may be more familiar with. The project involves designing, building, and testing. Gemma Y Bognot CLARKE, Ph.d. Secondary Science Teacher Science Department Teacher Coordinator

Trigonometry Class Meets Robotics
The Trigonometry Period 6A class of Mrs. Eclevia visited the Robotics Lab of the First Robotics Club last Monday, October 28. Avindra Mahesh and Kalp Upadhayay made a presentation for the class where they discussed the dynamics of the First Robotics Competition that the club competed with last school year. At the same time, they showed and demonstrated the robot that the club designed. Mr. Steven LaValle, the Robotics Coach, answered students' questions and exchanged ideas regarding how the robots were designed, the funding for the competition, the Club’s plan for next year’s competition and how to join the CMIT First Robotics Club (club meets every Monday’s and Friday’s from 3-4 pm in Rm 136/137). Avindra and Kalp wrapped up their presentation by having their peers create a small robot using an electric motor, glue stick, tape, batteries, markers and post-it paper. The students had fun making their robots draw wonderful art scribbles on the post-it paper.

Mace Eclevia
CMIT Competes in the Math League Competition
Meet our talented mathematicians! The following students are our contestants for the Math League Competition ( Anthony Stills, Arya Pawar, Bilal Suleman, Bryson Bunns, Deandre Torian, Evan Thompson, Haris Chaudry, John Ikegwu, Joshua Ikegwu, Kavyasri Gouda, Kyra Brown, Samuel Opoku-Agmeyang, Somret Say The highest scorer for the 1st Qualifying Round held last October 15 was John Ikegwu and the CMIT Team Score for the first round is 18 points. Congrats! See you guys this November 12th for the 2nd Qualifying Round. Let’s get the perfect Team score of 30! Visit for results of 1st Qualifying Round for Maryland High School participants.

Ms. Esra Keskin and Mrs. Mace Eclevia, Math Teachers
Biology Topic: 10th Week: November 4 -8, 2019
10th week: November 4 -8, 2019 Biology students extend fundamental concepts in chemistry, such as temperature, acid/base chemistry, and enzymatic reactions. The content includes: 1) applying variable affecting enzyme function. 2) studying the structure and function of substrate, enzymes and active site, 3) analyzing parameters and different scenario of enzymes mechanisms 4) understanding and making connections in metabolism. Students will gain experience in various bio-techniques to investigate these topics this week and will perform Labs on the pH scale, The Liver: Helping Enzymes Help You, and The Effect of Temperature on pH and Enzymes. The majority of the content is encountered through a guided inquiry process. Gemma Y Bognot CLARKE, Ph.d. Secondary Science Teacher Science Department Teacher Coordinator

Anatomy & Physiology - 10th Week: November 4 -8, 2019
The students in this class will wrap up the discussions on the fundamental of histology and will begin the following topics. The Skeletal System: • We will explain the skeletal system and why astronauts Scott Kelly and Mikhail Kornienko are out in space studying it. • The anatomy of the skeletal system, including the flat, short, and irregular bones, and their arrangements of compact and spongy bone will be discussed. • We will cover the microanatomy of bones, particularly the osteons and their inner lamella. • And finally, the process of bone remodeling, which is carried out by crews of osteocytes, osteoblasts, and osteoclasts. Skeletal Muscles Work Together to Create and Reverse Movements • Smooth, Cardiac, and Skeletal Muscles Create Movement • Sliding Filament Model • Skeletal Muscles Are Made of Bundles of Protein Fibers • Actin and Myosin Myofilaments • Calcium and ATP Cause the Binding and Unbinding • Three Phases of Muscle Twitches • Strength and Frequency of Impulses • Strength and Duration of a Contraction • Twitch Summation vs Tetanus • Isotonic vs Isometric Movements Gemma Y Bognot CLARKE, Ph.d. Secondary Science Teacher Science Department Teacher Coordinator

Science Olympiad Team
The Science Olympiad Team gets better and better with every passing meeting. The second meeting was quite productive. The high school’s team-building activity was led by Harris Chaudry, while the middle school’s activity was led by Reina Finch. With the help of our seven coaches, the students learned a lot about their events and continued their projects. Tuesday’s meeting went well. The team relaxed their minds with fun games and noodles, provided by Mr. Bayram. Afterward, the Leadership Team put together binders, specified for each of the students’ events. The next day Mr. Bayram and Team Captains, Haris Chaudry, and Reina Finch, had regular weekly meeting to discuss the Science Olympiad team`s progress. That same day was also Wednesday Fun Day, in which students relaxed their minds once more with games. This team is clearly on the right path to Nationals. Everyone is believing in you. GO TIGERS!! Written by: Reina Finch Team Captain Assistant Coach Senior Student

Mr.Bayram Program Coordinator STEM Coordinator College/School Trips Clubs/Academic Teams CMIT Academy North
FIRST Robotics
This week, We continued to work on the basketball thrower and are lots closer to getting done with the basic system. The programmers captured all of the actuators in Robot builder and have added a method to control the robot using Arcade Drive. With Arcade Drive, the speed of the robot is determined by the Y axis of the joystick (front to back movement) and the steering by the motion of the joystick left to right. Because it is differential drive, you change the relative speeds of the two driving wheels to turn to the left or right. The hardware team has built a jig and fastened it to the drill press to improve their accuracy in placing drill holes. The base of the drill is build to handle such things. It has four long slots in it that are meant to take long bolts and hold your work firmly. They also worked on making prcise angle cuts with the chop saw. Our meetings are on Mondays and Fridays, from 3:00 to 5:00 PM. We will continue to work on the Basketball Shooter and work some more on the introduction we are planning for the 16th of November from 12:00 to 2:00 PM in the cafeteria. Besides regular meetings, we invited over one of the math classes to Robotics Lab and Avin and Kalp talked to them about what we do in FIRST Robotics and led them through an exercise in making scribble bots. I always enjoy scribble bots. This type of activity generates a lot of enthusiasm for tech in general and robotics in particular. Thanks, Avin and Kalp and congratulations on a job well done.

Steven Lavalle FIRST Robotics Coach
News from Athletics
Back by popular demand, Fancloth spirit wear is back!!!  The PTO-sponsored Fancloth sale is already in full stride, but will only last for another two weeks.  You can order online at  Remember, the sale ends on November 15, 2019, at 10 pm so make sure to take a look and support.   In an effort to start a student-athlete leadership series, there will be an NCAA representative coming to talk to students and parents about collegiate athletics. Eligibility, compliance, and what it takes to be a collegiate athlete are all topics that will be covered in this presentation. Students who are interested in playing collegiate athletics and parents who will assist them in the process are encouraged to attend. Be on the lookout for updates on this event that you definitely do not want to miss!!! The girls and boys soccer teams wrapped up their seasons last week with 2nd round playoff games against Fairmont Heights and International Langley Park respectively.  The girls lost a close 1-0 match and the boys couldn't pull off the upset losing 4-0.  Good job to seniors Evelyn Stills, Aidell Benyarku, Jacquelin Penarrieta-Lopez, Sombot Say, Douglas Caballero-Jimenez and Matthew Godshall.  It was a great season for our tigers and we look forward to what the future holds for CMIT North Soccer!!!  The girls volleyball team won their first playoff game on Thursday, October 31, 2019, against International Langley Park in straight sets.  The lady tigers will continue their playoff run on Monday, November 4, 2019, against College Park Academy.  The game will start at 5:30 pm.   Winter sports is approaching fast.  The first day of tryouts for boys basketball, girls basketball, and indoor track will be on Friday, November 15, 2019.  Students MUST have an updated physical to be able to participate.  Physicals can be uploaded on  Paper copies will also be accepted by Coach Dunn at the high school in room 140.  Please contact the coaches for sport-specific information. Girls Varsity Basketball: Abdi Mohamed - Boys Varsity Basketball: Effrem Jones - Boys JV Basketball: Herman Hodges - Athletic Director: Thomas Dunn - If you are interested in helping out with basketball games, please contact the Athletic Director, Thomas Dunn at  More details will be provided once contact is made.  

Thomas Dunn, Athletic Director
Spirit week is next week, and the homecoming dance is Saturday from 7pm to 10pm. The dance is in the cafeteria this year. There will be no ticket sales at the door. All tickets must be purchased by Friday at 3pm. All shoes are allowed.

Nathan Bruchey
Spirit Wear
Please see attached Spirit Wear Flyer. Thanks for your support!

Thank you,
Volunteers Needed - Zip Code Meeting
The PTO is looking for creative ways to encourage parent attendee in meetings. Members have suggested meeting in your community. A host for each community (i.e., Bowie, Beltsville, Lanham, etc.) is needed to make this a reality. If you would like to gather parents in your area to join a PTO meeting, contact the PTO to confirm your interest at

Thank you, CMIT North PTO
2019-2020 PTO Executive Board Members Needed
The PTO is still accepting nominations for the following vacant position. These positions must be filled in order to appropriately operate in support of both Middle and High School. Executive Director HS Corresponding Secretary HS Recording Secretary The following Middle School positions are also vacant: MS President MS Vice President MS Treasurer MS Corresponding Secretary MS Recording Secretary If you are a PTO Member interested in servicing in one of the Executive Board positions, please email

Thank you, CMIT North PTO
Chesapeake Math and IT Academy High School
14800 Sweitzer Lane Laurel, MD 20707 | Tel: (240) 767-4080 | Fax: (301) 560-3461
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