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Chesapeake Math & IT Academy North High School





Chaperones + Volunteers

Green Initiatives


CMIT High School is Throwing a STEM PARTY. All Are Invited!


Green Schools Initiatives

High School Staff Directory 2019-20

Cell Phone + Uniform Policies + Discipline

Forms Due + SchoolMax Access and Monitoring


Engineering Design Process in Anatomy + Physiology

Ms. Coholic's Science Classes

Engineering Design Process in Anatomy & Physiology

Biomimicry in Biology

Inverted Image Under the Microscope


NHS Tutoring Begins October 1!

Financial Aid Night with Bowie State University


Join the PTO

Chaperones + Volunteers
Do you have an interest in volunteering or chaperoning this year? Please be sure you have taken the steps below to be eligible to do so: To serve as a chaperone, the following requirements, as outlined in Administrative Procedure 4216.6, Volunteer Services, must be met: i. Prospective volunteers (chaperones) must undergo a PGCPS fingerprint background check and child protective services clearance at least 15 business days before the activity. In addition, they must complete the child abuse and SafeSchools volunteer orientation training at least 7 business days in advance of the volunteer activity. ii. The prospective volunteer (chaperone) must provide a copy of the background check receipt and completion certificates for the SafeSchools training to the school office for record keeping and audit purposes. Each school must maintain a copy of the background check receipts for an approved volunteer. iii. Any parent/guardian who needs assistance covering the cost of a fingerprint background check, and whose child(ren) qualify for free and reduced priced meals, may request waiver of the background check fee by providing a copy of their eligibility letter from the PGCPS Department of Food and Nutrition Services to the Fingerprint Office. iv. The prospective volunteer (chaperone) must review and adhere to provisions of Administrative Procedure 4218, Dating and Sexual Relationships Among Students and Employees, Independent Contractors, and Volunteers; and Administrative Procedure 4219, Inappropriate Relationships Among Students and Employees, Independent Contractors, and Volunteers. Chaperones are expected to complete all volunteer requirements and pay field trip costs. Respectfully,

HS Administration
Green Initiatives
A school that is about more than curriculum, more than programming, and more than bricks & mortar – the GREEN SCHOOL A green school 1. reduces environmental impacts and costs 2. improves occupants’ health and performance 3. increases environmental and sustainability literacy CMIT supports global sustainability and to begin, we initiate a future school, preparing students to lead the world toward a healthier, cleaner, more sustainable future. On the week of September 9 – 16, 2019, Lisa B. Lee Sang, Environmental Outdoor Educator from William S. Schmidt Outdoor Education Center of the Prince Georges County Public Schools, made ocular visits to check what goes in the CMIT recycling bins. This opportunity sets the base for our application to be certified as Green School of Maryland. She came out to our school to see how intervention can be provided and assists with each lunch shift to establish a routine. Part of the ocular visit is to check that we obtained our principal's approval for the program and informed our building supervisor and assistant principals that we will be "changing the way the waste is managed in our school. Last week, CLF printed material to be posted in classrooms (submitted for teacher’s approval), in the cafeteria, lounges, and printing rooms. Our next step is to establish a Green Team as part of a "Green School Policy" or "Resolution". And Parents and students will be a vital part of this team. To be one of our Team members (parents), please email and share your thoughts on __"How can we make a difference?"

Gemma Y Bognot CLARKE, Ph.d. Secondary Science Teacher Science Department Teacher Coordinator
CMIT High School is Throwing a STEM PARTY. All Are Invited!
The STEM fair has many important components. It helps to breach the stigma that a Science fair project is too difficult. It gives the students a sense of achievement and accomplishment upon completion of their projects. Something most students do not think about concerning science is how creative you can be. Learning ways you can be creative in academics is a great path to future success. The STEM fair also aids a student's intrinsic motivation and self-advocacy for their education. Students learning for themselves and developing their sense of importance and motivation for their education will make them lifelong learners and achievers. This year, science classes will heighten project-based STEM competition in their curriculum! Prince Georges County Public School highly requires Biology, Chemistry, and Bio-Geo-Chem students to do science research projects. Other science courses can be required by their respective teachers. The STEM competition in CMIT will be held at the gym on January 25, 2020.

Gemma Y Bognot CLARKE, Ph.d. Secondary Science Teacher Science Department Teacher Coordinator
Green Schools Initiatives
A school that is about more than curriculum, more than programming, and more than bricks & mortar – the GREEN SCHOOL A green school 1. reduces environmental impacts and costs 2. improves occupants’ health and performance 3. increases environmental and sustainability literacy CMIT supports global sustainability and to begin, we initiate a future school, preparing students to lead the world toward a healthier, cleaner, more sustainable future. On the week of September 9 – 16, 2019, Lisa B. Lee Sang, Environmental Outdoor Educator from William S. Schmidt Outdoor Education Center of the Prince Georges County Public Schools, made ocular visits to check what goes in the CMIT recycling bins. This opportunity sets the base for our application to be certified as Green School of Maryland. She came out to our school to see how intervention can be provided and assists with each lunch shift to establish a routine. Part of the ocular visit is to check that we obtained our principal's approval for the program and informed our building supervisor and assistant principals that we will be "changing the way the waste is managed in our school. Last week, CLF printed material to be posted in classrooms (submitted for teacher’s approval), in the cafeteria, lounges, and printing rooms. Our next step is to establish a Green Team as part of a "Green School Policy" or "Resolution". And Parents and students will be a vital part of this team. To be one of our Team members (parents), please email and share your thoughts, how can you make a difference.

Gemma Y Bognot CLARKE, Ph.d. Secondary Science Teacher Science Department Teacher Coordinator
High School Staff Directory 2019-20
Please see attached for our High School Staff Directory which will also be published to the CMIT website at a later date. The document includes the Chain of Command in our building in addition to contact information for our staff members. At CMIT Academy North High School, students and parents first need to communicate with the person for whom they have a question or with whom they have a concern. If the matter is not resolved in that initial conversation, they will report to the next person up the chain of command (i.e. first to teachers then to department chairs and then to the appropriate administrator as needed; or first with support staff and then to the appropriate administrator as needed).

Sincerely, Ms. Natalie Gaudette, Professional School Counselor
Cell Phone + Uniform Policies + Discipline
Hello, CMIT Families: Thank you for the feedback we have received from you regarding CMIT's cell phone and uniform policies. While that feedback is under consideration, we want to advise that the policies as originally issued are still in effect. Please find them pasted below for your review. Cell Phone Policy: (see below) -- 1st Violation - Warning. (The consequence escalates if the student does not put the phone away upon request.) -- 2nd + 3rd Violations - An administrator holds the phone for the day. -- 4th Violation - A parent/guardian is required to meet with an administration before obtaining the phone. Uniform Policy: Discipline: Special note regarding school uniforms: We are seeing a growing number of students coming to school in pants that violate the uniform policy. Because these violations cannot easily be changed, students are missing out on valuable instruction time. Please speak to your students before they leave home, and help ensure that they are coming to school in appropriate attire. Pants should be flat khakis (of the Dockers variety) in khaki or navy blue - no joggers, no cargo pants, no additional embellishments (e.g., rips, zippers, elastics, ruching, external pockets, etc.). Now that the weather is cooling, we are experiencing a similar difficulty with students wearing unapproved sweatshirts and jackets in the building. While these uniform violations are more easily addressed, they still take time away from instruction. Again, please speak to your students and address these issue before they leave home. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

HS Administration
Forms Due + SchoolMax Access and Monitoring
Hello, CMIT Families: A huge thanks to everyone who has returned their signed forms. Unfortunately, we have not heard back from most of you. If you have not already done so, please review and sign your student's course syllabi as well as the attached PGCPS Publicity Release Form and Acknowledgements Page of the Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook. Students should return the signed course syllabi to their respective teachers and the release form and acknowledgements page to their first period teacher. We are roughly halfway through the first quarter. Progress report grades are being entered this week. This is a good time to establish routines with your student around checking SchoolMax for grades and attendance and to encourage them to check in directly with their teachers when they have questions or concerns. Let's work together toward a year of productivity and growth! Best,

HS Administration
Engineering Design Process in Anatomy + Physiology
What can you do with 20 sticks of spaghetti, one yard of tape, one yard of string, and one marshmallow? This activity encourages’ students to experience simple but profound lessons in key aspects of innovation, collaboration, creativity, and teamwork. Engineering Design Process or EDP is an extremely fun and educational that reinforces key concepts of practice and challenge to emphasize to our students the progression in learning is usually from the concrete to the abstract. Anatomy & Physiology classes created a free-standing structure using 20 strands of spaghetti, one yard of string, and one yard of tape to balance a big marshmallow on top using right angles. EDP inspires students to recognize the opportunity of collaboration across the curriculum with a Technology and Engineering. Students were also reminded that in CMIT, we value the displays of working styles and team dynamics to bring together a whole range of different structures. By the end of the activity, the students were able to discuss their experience of working using scientific inquiry for this challenge and identified • some of the key challenges and benefits of working in a team • some of the key steps required that successfully completed the activity • some of the key behaviors required to successfully complete this activity • the nature of science using phenomenal events. This activity is part of the CMIT Engineering Design Process Curriculum. Students will be presenting another EDP project this quarter by making unisex designed shoes.

Gemma Y Bognot CLARKE, Ph.d. Secondary Science Teacher Science Department Teacher Coordinator
Ms. Coholic's Science Classes
Hi Students and Parents, This coming week, BIOGEOCHEM students will take a 10-point multiple-choice assessment of their current understanding of the general topics for this quarter. Students participated in a review session during their last class period as preparation for the assessment. PHYSICS students began the Kinematics unit last week with problems involving freely-falling objects and a practice set. Students also learned the 'EDGES' method of organization for solving physics problems. This coming week we will continue kinematics as well as introduce Newton's Laws as they are applied to physics. All students should be checking SchoolMax at least once per week to monitor their grade progress. Have a great week!

Suzanne Coholic High School Science Teacher
Engineering Design Process in Anatomy & Physiology
What can you do with 20 sticks of spaghetti, one yard of tape, one yard of string, and one marshmallow? This activity encourages’ students to experience simple but profound lessons in key aspects of innovation, collaboration, creativity, and teamwork. Engineering Design Process or EDP is an extremely fun and educational that reinforces key concepts of practice and challenge to emphasize to our students the progression in learning is usually from the concrete to the abstract. Anatomy & Physiology classes created a free-standing structure using 20 strands of spaghetti, one yard of string, and one yard of tape to balance a big marshmallow on top using right angles. EDP inspires students to recognize the opportunity of collaboration across the curriculum with a Technology and Engineering. Students were also reminded that in CMIT, we value the displays of working styles and team dynamics to bring together a whole range of different structures. By the end of the activity, the students were able to discuss their experience of working using scientific inquiry for this challenge and identified • some of the key challenges and benefits of working in a team • some of the key steps required that successfully completed the activity • some of the key behaviors required to successfully complete this activity • the nature of science using phenomenal events. This activity is part of the CMIT Engineering Design Process Curriculum. Students will be presenting another EDP project this quarter by making unisex designed shoes.

Gemma Y Bognot CLARKE, Ph.d. Secondary Science Teacher Science Department Teacher Coordinator
Biomimicry in Biology
Who knew Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, & Mathematics (STEAM) could be so much fun? We did!... Making a Popsicle stick catapult design is an AWESOME STEAM activity to better learn the Nature of Science in Biomimicry. Exploring Physics has never been so exciting because everyone loves to launch stuff into the air. Biomimicry is the design and production of materials, structures, and systems that are modeled on biological entities and processes. As this activity meets the engineering curriculum along with Next Generation Science Standards, students learned about force, accuracy, precision, angles, and "teamwork". Biology students reviewed the important science and math concepts crucial to their course. Students described cause-effect relationships with some justification, using data & prior knowledge, and observed & explained reactions when variables are controlled (cause and effect). Students also saw that how a model works after changes are made to it. This insightful and creative thinking activity made students realized how the real thing would work - if the same thing added from one to the next__ then, how choosing a useful model can explore the engineering models concept. What do you think we should do next? You guessed it – we are ready to design and build working Do-It-Yourself, M-I-C-R-O-S-C-O-P-E!!!

Gemma Y Bognot CLARKE, Ph.d. Secondary Science Teacher Science Department Teacher Coordinator
Inverted Image Under the Microscope
Our scholars mimicking cell biologists while learning the power of sunlight. This activity introduces the phenomenon of sunlight and lenses, and how microscopes work. It also presents why we see an inverted image. Most are wondering and asking, what it takes to see the view behind their back while they are inside a box? In science, seeing beyond what is visible with the naked eye offers men to understand the beautiful world – the beauty and complexity spread far beyond what humans can’t see through the naked eye. From plant and animal anatomy to cells and proteins and even down to the level of atoms, there are worlds within worlds of detail to be explored on a microscope scale. Moreover, objects may appear upside down and backward under some microscopes due to the type of lens being used. Convex lenses, those that curve outward, converge light rays, making objects appear upside down and reversed.

Gemma Y Bognot CLARKE, Ph.d. Secondary Science Teacher Science Department Teacher Coordinator
NHS Tutoring Begins October 1!
National Honor Society members will begin tutoring Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3-4:00pm in the Media Center starting on October 1. Students do not need to sign up ahead of time, but they must come prepared with work they need help with or material to study. Students who want to work quietly by themselves are permitted, but students who are disruptive of other students will be asked to leave. We can provide tutoring in all subjects (including electives and Honors/AP Courses). If none of our tutors specialized in a subject that a student requests help in, we will do our best but may refer the student to speak with their teacher if they need additional help.

Sincerely, Ms. Natalie Gaudette, Professional School Counselor
Financial Aid Night with Bowie State University
On Thursday, October 3rd from 6:00-7:30pm, we will host a Financial Aid Night run by Bowie State University Financial Aid Specialist, Ms. Tracee Rhodes. Ms. Rhodes has been coming to CMIT for the past three years, making this her fourth Financial Aid Night with us. Parents always leave with a wealth of information about financial aid, so we invite ALL CMIT families to attend to learn about financial aid at the college level. PLEASE RSVP IF YOU PLAN TO ATTEND BY REPLYING TO THIS EMAIL 12th Grade Families will also be given help on actually completing the FAFSA, since it opens on October 1. If you would like help completing your FAFSA, please make sure to make an FSA ID for the student and for one parent (only one parent signs the FAFSA, so it is not necessary for both parents to have an FSA ID). How to Make an FSA ID: 1) Go to https://fsaid.ed/gov/npas/index.htm 2) Create a username and password and enter your email address 3) Enter your name, date of birth, Social Security number, contact information, and challenge questions/answers 4) If you have an FSA Pin, you will be able to enter it and link it to your FSA ID. You can still create an FSA ID if you have forgotten or do not have a PIN. 5) Review your information and read/accept the terms and conditions 6) Confirm your email address using the secure code, which will be sent to the email address you provided. Once you verify your email address, you can use that instead of your username to log onto the websites. Notes about FSA IDs: -Parents and students cannot share an email for the FSA ID because FSA ID only accepts one unique email per person. It is recommended students use their PERSONAL email instead of their CMIT email. -If a student/parent forgets their FSA ID information, there are a set of challenge questions they can answer to gain access to the account FAFSA Checklist 1) Student registers for an FSA ID 2) Parent/guardian registers for an FSA ID 3) Gather materials for the STUDENT portion of the FAFSA (Social Security or Permanent Resident card number, most recent W2 and 1040 if the student had a job last year, Driver's License number if you have one, bank statement) 4) Gather materials for the PARENT portion of the FAFSA (if the student is in custody of both biological parents, this should be both parents; if not, just the biological parent who has legal guardianship; if neither biological parent has guardianship, it should be the individual who has legal guardianship) (materials needed: Social Security or Permanent Resident card number, most recent W2 and 1040 if you had a job last year, driver's license number if you have a license, bank statement, records related to family circumstances such as disability, public assistance reports, loss of employment, etc.; business or farm records (if you own your business)) 5) Look up the FAFSA codes for all of the colleges you are applying to (if it is more than 10, you will only be able to put 10 on your FAFSA)

Sincerely, Ms. Natalie Gaudette, Professional School Counselor
Join the PTO
Thank you to everyone that took the time to join the PTO! To better support our schools, the PTO is seeking to operate with two separate Executive Operation Boards, one to support the High School and one to support the Middle School. This will allow more direct support from the PTO for the respective schools, but it also means we need parents to be involved. We will be sending out the Proposed Budget and By-laws for vote in the next week and we would like to finalize as many members as possible. Below is a guide to help facilitate the process of registering and purchasing your PTO membership using AtoZ Connect. --------------------MEETING IDEAS-------------------- If you have an idea where the PTO can host a meeting or gather parents in a specific community to join the PTO meeting online, let us know! Please provide the name of the location, point of contact and how to reserve space if required. Free space is preferred but a small nominal fee may be possible. Please share your ideas by contacting --------------------HELP WANTED-------------------- Parent Volunteers are needed to serve in a variety of PTO support roles throughout the school year. 1. Monthly errand to schools on selected Wednesday before 2pm 2. Social Media communicator 3. Leads for standing committees: Auditing, Bylaws, Events, Financing, Membership, Nominating If you are interested in volunteering your time contact the PTO at Thank you, CMIT North PTO

To Join the PTO please visit You may also review the proposed Bylaws by visiting our website at
Chesapeake Math and IT Academy High School
14800 Sweitzer Lane Laurel, MD 20707 | Tel: (240) 767-4080 | Fax: (301) 560-3461
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