Science Olympiad T-shirt Design Competition
Science Olympiad students have designed their own T-Shirts for the last two years, and they have already started designing this year, too. You may see the winning designs of 2017 and 2018 above.
Considering that CMIT has many talented artists among students, parents, and teachers, I am opening the Science Olympiad T-Shirt Design contest to all.
If you want to participate in the contest, go to Design your T-shirt, and name it as follows: CMIT_SCIOLY2019_YOUR First NameLast Name_1 (2, 3 If you design more than one), and fill out the form by midnight, December 29th.
What SHOULD be included in the design:
- CMIT Spirit Logo (the one above)
- The text "Science Olympiad"
- At least a scientific figure (may be more) or a combination of a few scientific figures and text
- Additional appropriate diagrams, items, or text
What NOT to include:
- Nothing about "Middle School" or "High school" because both MS and HS teams will wear the same T-shirt.
- Anything inappropriate.
How to select the best design:
Science Olympiad Family (students, coaches, and parents) will select the top 5 best designs among the registered designs. The 5 best designs will be opened for voting among CMIT MS and HS students, parents, and staff. The winning design will be ordered and will be worn in Science Olympiad Regional and State Tournaments.
Top 5 best design owners will receive a FREE Science Olympiad T-Shirt of 2019.
The owner of the winning design will:
- be invited to Science Olympiad Competitions of 2019 and the Award Ceremony.
- receive a Best Science Olympiad T-Shirt Designer of 2019 Certificate.
- receive one more FREE Science Olympiad T-shirt of 2019 (in addition to the top 5 best design free T-Shirt)
Should you have any questions, please contact Mr. Bayram at
Best Regards,
Nuri Bayram
Science Olympiad Coach
STEM Coordinator
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High Interest in the FIRST Robotics Interest Meeting!!!
We held our getting started meeting on the 6th of December from 6 to 7pm. Former members of FRC team competitions related their experiences with FIRST and showed how their own lives had been affected by the program. These meeting notes cover what we discussed and expand on a few points.
What is FIRST?
Here is a short video about the FIRST Robotics.
Most of our presentation was taken from FIRST Inspires, the official web site of the organization.
We shared the preliminary videos announcing the year's program, and then spoke about the plan for the year. There were some particularly striking examples of engineering in those FRC team videos and they are will worth seeking out on YouTube and watching.
We need people to serve as mentors for each of the groups we might form. Experience in particular fields is not as important as willingness to work with the team members and help them find their own answers.
Did we mention scholarships enough times? There are $80 million in scholarships promised to FIRST participants. This is a program whose founder, Dean Kamen, likes to talk about as changing the world, one student at a time, er, that might have been one robot at a time.
Season Kickoff
The team sponsors are going to spend the rest of December preparing for our first meeting on the 5th of January to watch the official kickoff. We have invited team 4949 and welcome the presence of parents during the event. The kickoff will be streamed into the team's meeting room starting at 10:00 am and is expected to last for two hours. During the kickoff we will be given the passwords necessary to open the preliminary copies of the game manuals and see run throughs of the expected game play. Following this, we will have a light lunch, probably featuring pizza, and begin to discuss the game elements and possible strategies. We expect to be done with that at about 3:00 pm. Stay tuned, though, the team could decide differently on seeing what the game is all about.
We will have someone going over to MRA to pick up our kit of parts. We will need to inventory that as soon as it is available and order any bits we need to complete a functional chassis.
The Build Period
This will start the six week build period. We have from this point until the 19th of February to complete our robot. On the 19th, we have to place our robot in a large plastic bag and seal it off until just before the first competition. We are going to have to divide up about 200 to 300 hours of construction and design work among the team members. That will call for at least several hours from each participant for each of the six weeks.
We will have our vehicle ready for pre inspection on the 23rd. This will alert us to any issues we might have to fix in the week leading up to the first competition.
Inspections will be at:
Atholton High School
6520 Freetown Rd, Columbia, MD 21044
and we will only need a couple of students to help transport the robot and take notes during the inspection. This will help us plan the six hours that we can work on the robot during the week leading up to the first event.
CHS District Haymarket VA Event
March 1 to March 3, 2019
CHS District Bethesda MD Event
March 8 to March 10, 2019
Meeting Schedule
We are going to start off with meetings on Monday and Friday from 5:00 to 7:00 PM at CMIT with work on the robot taking place on Saturdays. As we know more about what we are going to build, this idea will probably change. We are sensitive to the needs of the students to get their homework done and keep up good class work. We will build homework time and tutoring into any schedule the team decides upon.
We have enough people signed up that we should be able to forms special interest teams for marketing and business, game strategy, sensor work, mechanical work, programming. This team organization will be the primary piece of work for the team on Monday, the 7th of January.
Best Regards,
Steven Lavalle
FIRST Robotics Coach
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CMIT FIRE NSBE Jr Has Openings for Its Professional Development Program
Professional Development 101 (PD1): Course designed for high school students that plan to intern at and/or work for corporations. This course provides 7th through 12th grade students with an early understanding of the written, verbal, & non-verbal aspects that lead to success in organizations. In this course, students will set career goals, write resumes, participate in behavioral style mock interviews and learn about the soft skills that will lead to success in organizations.
Tech Entrepreneurship 101 (PD3): Course designed for students who have aspirations to start their own companies. This course provides students with the knowledge needed to define business problems, understand the market for the problem in which they are solving, develop a prototype, and demonstrate their ability to communicate the critical aspects of a business plan and sell a product and or service.
The courses will be offered from Saturdays from 9 to 10:30 am over the next 8 weeks excluding the holiday break. Here are the dates for the program: 12/15, 12/22, 01/12, 01/19, 01/26, and 02/02
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Student Publicity Release Form (URGENT!!)
Hello CMIT Families,
The Student Publicity Release form was issued to your student on 10/16/2018 during first period. As this document is very important for our school records, we would greatly appreciate each parent returning it to the front office before the Holiday. If you have already returned your form, we thank you for doing so. If you still need to submit this form, the attached document is included in English/Spanish Language.
Ms. Curry
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PSAT Scores are Online Starting December 10th
For all students who took the PSAT on October 10th at CMIT North, you can access your scores online starting December 10th!
How to see your scores:
If you do not have a College Board Account:
1. Go to
2. Click Sign Up
3. Click on I am a Student
4. Complete all of the information - For school: Chesapeake Math and IT Public Charter School (do NOT click Chesapeake Math and IT Academy)
5. Click PSAT/NMSQT, PSAT10, and PSAT 8/9 Scores
6. Click Add Scores and follow the prompts
7. Your score should appear. If your score does not appear, please wait to receive your paper score report and it will have the access code on it.
If you already have a College Board Account:
1. Log into your account on
2. Once logged in, select PSAT/NMSQT, PSAT 10, and PSAT 8/9 Scores
3. Click Add Scores
4. Confirm that your information that you have entered. The school should be Chesapeake Math and IT Public Charter School (NOT Chesapeake Math and IT Academy)
5. Scores should then appear. If the score does not appear, please wait to receive your paper score report, and it will have the access code on it.
Paper reports and students’ test booklets will be returned to them once College Board sends us the documentation.
Casandra Andrew
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CMIT North High School is a 5 Star School
Hello Everyone,
The results are in!!! Earlier this week, the state of Maryland released the star rankings for all elementary, middle, and high schools in the state.
Please see below, the breakdown of our school's rating from the State of Maryland:
1. Number 2 in PGCPS
2. Number 25 in the state of Maryland
3. We scored 75 points, putting us in the 89th percentile
4. One of only two high schools in PGCPS to earn five stars
You can find the ratings and details by visiting the following link:
This could not have been done without the help of the teachers and staff, and most importantly, the success of our students! Congratulations to everyone at CMIT and keep up the great work!
CMIT Secretary
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Order Your 2018-2019 Yearbook Today to Save!
Chesapeake Math and IT Academy High School Yearbooks are on sale in December for only $85! After December 31st, the price will increase by $5 each month until the ordering deadline on January 31st. From February on, the yearbooks will cost $100 and will be limited.
The attached image is what the cover of the yearbook will look like this year.
Please make sure to enter in your child’s full name as well as their grade level when ordering to make it easier to distribute once the book has arrived. Order Online at:
Yearbook ID Code: 12278719
If you missed out on one of the past two years' book, take advantage of this special offer:
2016-17 Yearbook $5*
2017-18 Yearbook $50*
*This price is valid if you purchase the 2018-19 yearbook. If the 2018-19 yearbook is not purchased, the price becomes $10 (2017) and $70 (2018). Available while supplies last.
Mrs. Jessica Cunning - -
Yearbook Sponsor
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Lady Tigers,
With the upcoming holiday season, I wanted to get the warm thoughts of Spring Softball in your minds for 2019! After the success of our inaugural 2018 season, I wanted to reach out to those who may be interested in joining our team in crucial support roles. The irreplaceable, Makeda Daring will return as our team manager, but we are in need of a Statistician and Videographer/Social Media Lead. For both positions, the interested candidates MUST have a 3.0 GPA or better student and be in current GOOD STANDING with all teachers and school administrators. For the Team Statistician, success in Math, Physics, and prior involvement with any form of statistics will be strongly considered. For our Videographer/Social Media Lead, knowledge, adaptability, and current use of social media technologies will be strongly considered. If you are interested in any of these positions, please contact me with your qualifications and description on how you would be a great fit for our team. Please forward your information to me no later than December 21, 2018. We would like to have these positions filled before the actual team tryouts beginning in early Spring. As a reminder, all PLAYERS who plan to tryout for the team in 2019 MUST have a current GPA of 2.5 or better to tryout. Please keep the GPA requirement in mind as you navigate your current academic workload. Have a wonderful holiday season and I look forward to seeing you all in the New Year!
Coach Donelson
HS Athletic Department
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Health Class
We are approaching the time of the year when I will begin to teach Family Life and Human Sexuality. This is the part of the course that requires student permission slips to be signed by a parent and returned by each student. Each form must be filled out regardless of participation in this part of the course.
Anyone not participating in the Family Life Human Sexuality portion of Health class will be given an alternative assignment and be placed in another room to complete their assignment.
I am attaching a permission slip, and it will be handed out. I am asking that all permission slips be returned no later than 12/18/18.
Coach Snyder
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Ms. Coholic's Science Classes
Hi Students and Parents,
On Monday and Tuesday of this week, BioGeoChem students will be taking a test on rock and mineral formation and identification and the rock cycle as part of the geology and chemistry content of the course. Students have all had a review session and have 3 hand-outs of notes with which they should study for the test.
Physics students will continue with Gravitation and use of the Gravitational constant with a view to a quiz. Once Gravitation is complete, we will transition to Momentum/Impulse and Work/Energy and their respective conservation laws. This should bring semester 1 (2nd quarter) to a close.
Especially as the holiday break approaches, I encourage Physics students to keep their eyes open for materials that could be 'repurposed' as part of the 2nd quarter Rube Goldberg machine class project. Items can be brought to school and I will see to the storage in the lab storage room for use when the 3rd quarter begins. Time will be set aside at least one period every 2 weeks for planning and construction of the machine and any needed research.
Suzanne Coholic
High School Science Teacher
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Athletic Events
This Week's Schedule
Tuesday, December 11, 2018
6:00 PM BASKETBALL: GIRLS VARSITY GAME vs. Meade High School @ CMIT North Gym
Wednesday, December 12, 2018
5:30 PM BASKETBALL: BOYS JUNIOR VARSITY GAME @ DuVal High School @ A. Walker Sr. Field House
7:00 PM BASKETBALL: BOYS VARSITY GAME @ DuVal High School @ A. Walker Sr. Field House
Thursday, December 13, 2018
Friday, December 14, 2018
5:30 PM BASKETBALL: BOYS JUNIOR VARSITY GAME vs. Surrattsville High School @ CMIT North Gym
6:00 PM BASKETBALL: GIRLS VARSITY GAME @ The Bullis School @ The Bullis School
HS Athletic Department
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Spirit Wear Sales Open until 12/15/18
CMIT Community -
We would like to thank everyone for your support with the Fan Cloth spirit wear sale that we closed on November 14th. All orders that were submitted in the original order will be fulfilled in the next couple of weeks before the Winter break.
We have received a number of emails asking if there would be an opportunity to still place orders. Below you will find a new FC# that can be used to place orders over the few weeks.
This Fan Cloth orders will only be open for two weeks and will close on December 15th at 11:59pm. This Fan Cloth number will have the same items that were offered in the previous Fan Cloth order as long as the company still has the items in stock.
Please note that all items ordered under this new FC# will be received after the Winter Break, and please place your orders online.
Link Information below.
Thank you,
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Attention 12th Grade Parents
Senior Student Parents,
For those students that have selected a Tiger Payment Plan, your 2nd payment is due Friday, December 14, 2018.
If payment is not received, a $10 late charge will be added to your invoice. If you have not received an invoice, please email
Important Notices:
The next delivered item will be the Senior Class Hoodie. Hoodies will not be delivered to students with outstanding payment balances.
Those that have ordered a Senior Yearbook Ad, you must turn in your pictures and message to the Yearbook Staff in order to meet the yearbook deadlines. Please contact if you have questions.
Thank you,
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CMIT North PTO Executive Board Meeting
Please join us for our next PTO Meeting. The PTO is working on a Town Hall format for this meeting!
Date: Thursday, December 13, 2018
Time: 6:30pm - 8:00pm
Location: CMIT Middle School, 6100 Frost Place, Laurel, MD 20707
Call in Option Below:
1. Dial In to the Conference (United States): (515) 739-1454
Access Code: 531867
International Dial-in Numbers:
2. Join Online Meeting:
Online Meeting Link:
Online Meeting ID: cmitnorthpto
Online Instructions:
At the scheduled date and time of the meeting, dial in to the conference line. When prompted, enter the access code followed by hash (#). To join the online meeting, click the online meeting link and follow the prompts.
For questions, please contact the following:
General -
Membership -
Fundraising -
Class of 2019 (Graduation Packages) -
Thank you,
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FAQs |
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