HS Bell Schedule
Please review the bell schedule below. It contains the schedule for regular days as well as two-hour early dismissals and two-hour delays.
Also keep in mind the school hours:
SCHOOL HOURS | Students: 7:50am to 2:45pm
SCHOOL HOURS | Staff: 7:30am to 3:00pm
FRONT OFFICE HOURS: 8:00am to 3:30pm
If you have a need and would like to meet with staff during these hours, please schedule a meeting in advance. As much as we would like to address needs on a walk-in basis, so often, this is not possible. The work of educating students is time-consuming, serious work. Give us an opportunity to fully address your needs by setting up meetings in advance and allowing us the proper time to assist you.
Finally, the end of the school day tends to be chaotic both inside and outside of the building. For this reason, the front office stops calling students for early dismissal 15 minutes prior to the final bell.
CMIT Administration
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Drop off + Pick up Procedures
Dear CMIT Families,
In order to make drop-off and pick-up as seamless as possible, we have created a plan to address traffic. Please look at the pictures above to better understand the traffic flow around our high school building. There will be one-way traffic around the school for students drop-off and pick-up. During these times, it will not be possible to make a left turn when leaving the parking lot. Make plans accordingly.
Drop-off time: 7:50am - 8:04am
Pick-up time: 2:45pm - 3:00pm
Students who arrive after 8:04am will need to enter through the front office to get a late pass to enter class.
CMIT Administration
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One-to-One Chromebook Program
Dear Parents and Students,
We are getting ready to welcome our freshman class for the 2018-19 school year. As you might have already heard, CMIT high school has been implementing a one-to-one Chromebook program since last year. The program has yielded great results so far. We would like to continue the program with our new students. This year, however, students can purchase their own Chromebook. The school will no longer be selling them.
In order for this program to be effective both for students and teachers, it is imperative that all students have their own devices at the beginning of the school year. After purchasing your own Chromebook, students can reach out to the IT Department to arrange for their Chromebook to be configured to work on CMIT's network. Alternately, once school begins, students can drop off their Chromebook immediately after school to have the device prepped and returned to them the next day.
Here are some benefits of one-to-one Chromebook program:
- Student access to classroom materials, assignments, and homework 24/7
- Increased instructional time by reducing time spent on distributing and collecting Chromebooks
- Increased engagement by providing a new way to teach, learn, and connect
- Ability to reach students on the platforms they are already using wherever they go
- Optimized learning by leveraging the strengths of both in-classroom and online content
- Teacher's enhanced ability to focus on instruction and student achievement by reducing time spent on copying and grading assignments
- Student ability to receive immediate feedback from online assessments. Online programs provide feedback as well as further instruction and practice in areas where students are struggling
- Expanded opportunities for students to complete assignments during non-instructional times of the day
- Optional parental control feature for home usage
- Ability to prevent issues with lost assignments & homework
- Ability to promote effective use of technology, increase teacher productivity and engage students
The specifications at the very least should reflect the Lenovo N22 that our high school students have used this past year; therefore, if parents and students decide to buy Chromebooks of higher power there should be no real issue. Some of the options are below:
1) Lenovo N23 Chromebook
2) Lenovo Ts N24 Chromebook
Should you have any general questions in regards to this program, please contact Mr. Avsar at favsar@cmitacademy.org. Or if you have technical questions about Chromebooks, please contact Mr. Sok at ssok@cmitacademy.org.
Thank you,
Ferhat Avsar- Assistant Principal
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Schedule (Elective) Changes
Many students have asked about whether or not they can change their schedules and the answer is YES! Students who are interested in changing elective courses should come see me in the first two weeks of school. To change an elective, students come to my office during the course they would like to change. If there are open seats in other courses, I can switch them immediately. If the class they would like to switch into is full, they will be placed on a waitlist and moved into that course if a seat is to open up. Families of students who make schedule changes will receive an email in the afternoon so that they may look at the updated schedule on SchoolMax and notify me of any concerns. If you do NOT want your student to be permitted to make a schedule change, please email me and I will make a note of that.
Elective/Schedule changes will NOT happen as a result of phone or email conversations. Students must come see me in person to participate in the schedule change process. Students have until September 14th to request elective changes.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out!
Natalie Gaudette, Professional School Counselor ngaudette@cmitacademy.org
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Lunch Accounts + FARM
Hello, Parents:
Please remember to add money to your student's lunch account so they can enjoy lunch with ease beginning the first day of school. You can do this best via MySchoolBucks.com.
For those requesting financial assistance to purchase lunch, follow this link for information about Free and Reduced-Meals. (Note: Families that have received Free and Reduced-Meals in the past must reapply.) https://www1.pgcps.org/page.aspx?Pageid=234147&id=235880
Cafeteria Staff
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Before and After School Enrichment at High School
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HS Uniform Policy Updates
Do you know where to get your uniform? Do you know what to buy?
At its very basic, CMIT's uniform policy is stated below. We are a uniform school, and students are expected to be in uniform on a daily basis unless specified by the administrative team.
Daily Uniform
- Gold or purple polo shirt with CMIT logo embroidered on the front left shoulder
- Plain tan or navy blue khakis (think traditional Dockers - no joggers, no rips, no external pockets or zippers or other embellishments). Skirts and short must be knee length.
- POLICY UPDATE: Spirit wear tops with the CMIT logo are permitted daily. If the spirit wear top has a hood, students are not permitted to wear the hood up.
Special Occasion Uniform
- White oxford with CMIT logo embroidered on the front left shoulder - AND - tie
- Plain tan or navy blue khakis (think traditional Dockers - no joggers, no rips, no external pockets or zippers or other embellishments)
Gym Uniform
- Gold or purple t-shirt with CMIT logo on the front
- Black or navy blue shorts or pants with CMIT logo on the leg
Belts and socks can be any solid color. Students have their choice of shoes, however, Crocs, flip flops, slides, and slippers are not permitted.
POLICY UPDATE: hats, scarves, bonnets, do rags and other head coverings are not permitted unless there is a religious exception.
Our uniform vendor is All American Wear. Visit their website for details ( http://www.allamericanwear.com/directions.html).
If you have questions about the policy or difficulty acquiring the uniform, please reach out to administration before sending your student to school.
Thanks in advance for your attention to the uniform policy.
HS Administration
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Daily Procedure Reminders
Welcome back, CMIT families! And welcome new families!
We are preparing for a smooth back-to-school transition. You can help us do this by paying attention to the information below:
All students should report to school by 7:50 am when doors to the building open. All classes begin promptly at 8:04 am.
All students should come to school in full uniform. No exceptions. (If circumstances are preventing your student from being in uniform in any way, please contact administration prior to sending your student to school to avoid confusion.)
The Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook is an excellent source for information regarding graduation requirements, student conduct and more. It is a good idea to become familiar with it before the school year begins. You can access the handbook on the page at this link: https://www1.pgcps.org/student_rights_responsibilities.htm
All students should enter the school through the double doors near the cafeteria beginning at 7:50am. Students arriving after 8:04am should enter through the front office. Remember that traffic is not an excused tardy.
High school students are dismissed at 2:45pm. All students are to exit through the double doors near the cafeteria. If students to not have after school clubs, tutoring or other activities where they are under the direct supervision of school staff, they must be out of the building by 3pm. All students should be picked up by 3pm.
Traffic around the building is one way at all times.
While microwaves are available to students during lunch time, the wait to use them can be long. If your student brings lunch to school, you can ensure they have adequate time to eat by sending items that do not need to be heated.
Thanks in advance for your support with these policy and procedures.
CMIT Administration
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Welcome Back | Ms. Colandrea
Hello, CMIT Families!
It is hard to believe that it is time for the new school year to begin, but I am so excited to welcome all of our students back into the building. Our staff has already returned and is busy preparing for a wonderful year. Even so, the halls are quite silent and awaiting the energy our students bring.
After this restful summer, I am pleased to be returning for another year as your assistant principal. It is my goal to continue supporting students to be college and career ready and to foster their good citizenship in the process. Of course this means being available for students and constantly assessing and addressing their needs. It also involves building strong collaborations with our families, staff, and community. I am confident that by working together, we will have a successful year and a lot of fun in the process.
As the new year begins, you will learn more and more about our plans to improve overall as a school. I will mention one plan the staff is implementing now, and that is the adoption of core values to guide our work with each other and our community. There are five: perseverance, respect, integrity, determination, and empathy. If you take the first letter of each word in order, you get PRIDE, which is what we want everyone who enters our school to carry with them when they walk away. This will take a team effort, but what a worthwhile effort it will be. Can we count on you to be part of the team?
It is going to be a great year, and I can't wait to get started!
Ms. Colandrea
HS Assistant Principal
ITEC Liaison
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Hello from Ms. Gaudette - High School Counselor
Hello CMIT Community!
I am excited to start this new school year and wanted to take a moment to introduce myself. My name is Natalie Gaudette and I am the High School Counselor here at CMIT Academy North. I went to the University of Maryland, where I graduated with Honors in 2012 with a B.S. in Family Science and again in 2016 with a Master's in School Counseling.
Education and working with students has always been my passion. After graduating with my undergraduate degree, I did a year of service as a City Year AmeriCorps Member, working in a middle school in Southeast DC. While earning my Master's Degree, I worked with the University of Maryland Scholars Program as an advisor for freshmen and sophomore in the Science, Discovery, and the Universe Living Learning program. I was able to develop a lot of connections with admissions counselors and financial aid professionals in my time there, which is great for our students here at CMIT!
In my free time, I work with College Bound in DC as a Site Coordinator, working with 40 students and 40 mentors to help them with college and career readiness and access. Additionally, I am an eleven-year volunteer with the Hugh O'Brian Youth Leadership (HOBY) Organization, which puts on leadership seminars for 9th and 10th grade students across the country. We will even be hosting a 9th Grade Leadership seminar here at CMIT with the organization in December, and every year we interview and select students to attend the 10th grade seminars around our region.
My passion is helping students succeed in any context I work in as you can tell with not only my job as a School Counselor, but in what I do outside of school as well. I love helping students become their best selves and giving them opportunities to thrive.
By the end of this year, most of our students will have seen me in presentations 4-5 times, and by the end of the year, I will work hard to truly get to know each and every student. I do this so that I can not only help students throughout their years here at CMIT with attendance, behavior, academics, and college and career readiness, but so that when they get to senior year, I really know them and can write personal and unique letters of recommendation for each student.
If you ever have any questions or concerns about your student, please don't hesitate to reach out. I am certainly not perfect, but I do the best that I can and I truly care about the students here at CMIT. I understand that I may have a large caseload, but I pride myself on my ability to meet students and form connections with them. Please have some faith in me and know that I have the CMIT students' best interest at heart and will do whatever I can to help them!
Looking forward to a great year!
Ms. Gaudette
Natalie Gaudette, Professional School Counselor ngaudette@cmitacademy.org
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Ms. Coholic Science Teacher Bio and Recommended Supplies
Welcome to the new school year! I'm looking forward to establishing new relationships with new students and parents, and further enjoying 'my students' with whom I've established a happy teacher/student bond previously. You have been on my mind throughout the summer!
For those who do not yet know me, I'm providing a short science teacher bio. At the end of this blurb is a recommendation list of what you need for class.
I earned a B.S. degree Magna Cum Laude from the University of Pittsburgh in Psychology. My senior thesis was on Abnormal Developmental Psychology. I then entered a Pre-Med program of study and sat for the MCAT. My intention was to pursue a medical degree as a psychiatrist; however, I kept putting off taking Physics for fear it would be too difficult a challenge for me while carrying a full credit load. Finally, I had to take the 'dreaded Physics' courses and (with the help of a very fine Physics teacher and later mentor) discovered I enjoyed Physics so much that I decided not to matriculate to medical school in South Carolina. I decided to finish a second B.S. Magna Cum Laude in Natural Sciences, then pursue a graduate degree with honors in Astrophysics at the University of Western Sydney, Australia. After completing graduate school, I became the Director of Administrative Operations for Tau Ceti (a NASA sub-contractor) until the shuttle accident in February 2003, which ended that contract 9 months later.
I have authored Physics lab tutorials, published via grant at the University of Pittsburgh, and taught freshman undergraduate Physics and Astrophysics. My more recent college teaching took place in Quantico at the Marine Corps Base. There, I was an adjunct professor for Parkville University teaching Astrophysics to Marines coming and going from deployments in Iraq and Afghanistan while trying to complete their college degrees. It was around that time (2006) that I felt I needed to teach the basics of Physics to high school students to dispel the belief that it is 'too hard' and impossible to teach or learn. I wanted to encourage high school students to consider taking Physics as a preparation for college studies as many fields require a knowledge of Physics, such as Engineering, Architecture, Medicine, and more.
This year, students should come to school with the following:
Chromebook (please charge the battery nightly)
Notebook (some sketch-taking and written note-taking will likely take place)
Pencil and Pen (dark blue or black ink please)
Scientific Calculator (graphing NOT required - same one used for upper level math class is ideal if already owned)
For all my classes and courses, we will be as paperless as possible, but tests and quizzes will be paper-based.
When inclement weather is a factor, I may post assignments to be completed online so that important learning is not left behind the snowplows or on the ski slopes. Students will need to check to see if I have posted an assignment.
Looking forward to seeing all of you soon!
Suzanne Coholic
High School Science Teacher
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Mrs. Cunning's Class Supply List
Hello, and welcome back! I hope everyone had a great summer vacation and is looking forward to the start of school in a couple weeks!
This year, I have the pleasure of teaching the following subjects, and am including the supplies that may be needed, as well as Summer Assignment Reminders for the AP classes. These will also be gone over during the first weeks of school.
AP United States Government and Politics:
Supplies: Students will need a separate binder, 5 divider tabs, loose leaf paper, black or blue pens, highlighters, a box of tissues, and other materials as required.
Summer Assignment:
September 7th- Constitution Study Guide
September 14th- Current Events Journal
September 28th- Supreme Court Cases
AP United States History:
Supplies: Students will need a separate binder, 5 divider tabs, loose leaf paper, black or blue pens, highlighters, hand sanitizer, and other materials as required.
Summer Assignment:
September 5th- Maps & Quiz
September 10th- Presidential Chart & Quiz
September 17th- Lies My Teacher Told Me Analysis Questions
Honors United States History:
Supplies: Students will need a binder (may be shared), loose leaf paper, black or blue pens, a highlighter, a box of tissues, and other materials as required.
Supplies: Composition or spiral notebook, post-it notes, two-pocket folder, hand sanitizer and other materials as required.
I can't wait to see everyone!
Mrs. Jessica Cunning
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Introduction | Mr. Hynes
I am Gregory J. Hynes with a family of three which includes my wife (Joan) who teaches at Greenbelt Middle School and our daughter (Paige) who is nineteen months. I have attended a number of Caribbean Universities as well as United States based Universities to accomplish Higher Education Degrees respectively. My degree includes the areas of A. Sc. in Business, B.Sc. in Accounting, B. Ed. In Business Education and M. Ed Studies in Career Technical Education & Ed. S. in Technology. Six adjectives that can be used to describe my teaching style are flexible, creative, exciting, culturally aware, collaborative and process oriented. This school year at CMIT North High School I will teach Foundations of Technology and Design Technology. My hobbies are watching crime scene movies, exercising and playing soccer. I know that every child can learn if given a prepared environment and if they approach the course content with an open mind and positive attitude. I look forward to great interaction with students, parents and myself during this awesome school year 2018-2019.
Gregory Hynes
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Service Hours Forms
Just a friendly reminder that summer service hours must be logged on official PGCPS Service Learning Forms (which can be downloaded from the CMIT website) and submitted to me by October 15th. I will NOT accept service hours from previous school years as those were already due. If you have service hours from this summer, you can simply drop them off with me in my office!
Ms. Gaudette
Natalie Gaudette, Professional School Counselor ngaudette@cmitacademy.org
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Countdown to STEM Info Night
Dear CMIT North HS Parents and Students,
We are very excited to announce our STEM programs at CMIT North HS this year. There will be a STEM information night both for parents and students on Thursday August 30th at 6:00pm in the high school cafeteria.
During the program, our STEM coaches will provide detailed information about each program listed below. These programs will excite and inspire the next generation of explorers by creating hands-on, minds-on learning experiences. Students are expected to participate in regional, state and national competitions to represent our school and community. Being part of these programs not only helps our scholars to develop their teamwork and leadership skills but also stands great in their resume as they apply for colleges and scholarships in the future.
1) Science Olympiad
2) Math Competitions
3) MDOT-TRAC Program (Maryland Department of Transportation-Transportation and Civil Engineering)
4) CyberPatriot /Cyber Security
5) NSBE-FIRE (National Society of Black Engineers)
a) TARC (Team America Rocketry Challenge)
b)Professional Development
c) FLL (First Lego League)
d) TEN80 (Car Racing)
e) TMAL (Try-Math-A-Lon)
f) Renewable Energy
6) VEX Robotics
7) Chess
If you are planning to participate in the STEM information night, Please fill out the Google form below to RSVP by August 27th.
Should you have any questions please feel free to contact me
at nbayram@cmitacademy.org
Thank you,
Nuri Bayram
Science Olympiad Coach
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HS Back to School Night
CMIT Families:
The high school will host its annual Back to School Night on September 13th from 6pm to 7:30pm. Please mark your calendars and come out to see what is happening this year at CMIT.
HS Administration
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12th Grade College Knowledge Workshop
Please Save the Date for this year's College Knowledge Workshop for the Class of 2019!
We will be having the event on Saturday, September 15th from 9:00am-4:00pm.
Want to see specific sessions at this year's workshop? Make sure to complete the Student Survey I emailed out and I am happy to take your suggestions!
Families, please encourage your seniors to attend. We will have some excellent sessions to make sure they are ready to move into College Application Season.
That November 1 deadline is coming FAST - I hope everyone is ready!
Ms. Gaudette
Natalie Gaudette, Professional School Counselor ngaudette@cmitacademy.org
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9th Grade Transition Day
Welcome to CMIT High School!
We will welcome our 9th grade students for their first day of school on Friday, August 31st. This will be a regular school day, and we will use the time to familiarize students with the building, have students meet their teachers, reassess some of our English class placements, assign lockers, and review rules and procedures. Please make every effort to have your student attend.
Parents are not permitted to attend. The transition to high school marks a significant change for many students. The expectation is increased responsibility and accountability this year. Our skilled and talented staff will be available all day to offer support with this.
HS Administration
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FAQs |
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