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Chesapeake Math & IT Academy North High School





Social Media Usage

Advanced Studies Certificate Program

CLF's Summer Day Camp!

Update on PGCPS Emergency School Closings and Make-up Days

CETAT Summer Program


6th Annual CLF CultureFest | Save the Date: April 21, 2018


Order Your Yearbook Today!


Senior Advertisements | 2 Spots Available!


Spring Scavenger Hunt for 8th Graders | WE NEED EGGS!

Hearing and Vision Screenings


Forensic Science Students Welcome Howard U. School of Dentistry Student Quintess Bond


Ms. Fagan's Math Classes

Bayram's Science Classes Chapter 1 Competition Winners


Mr. Fleming's Classes


Next PTO Executive Board Meeting

Chick-fil-A Spirit Night!

Social Media Usage
Dear Parents/Guardians:

As you are aware, access to and use of social media is common these days and has become second nature to many of us. With this in mind, we wanted to provide some advice that is intended to help safeguard your children and yourselves as parents/guardians.

Social media is a good example of how online behavior can present e-safety risks. Users can express themselves with online personalities and chat and socialize with peers. They can publish and share multimedia content such as music, photos and video clips. If used inappropriately however, users can put themselves and others at risks.

Most social media sites set age restrictions. Snapchat or Instagram, for example, sets an age restrictions of 13 years of age for users of its site. However, there is no verification and younger children often ignore the terms and conditions of use, unaware of the risks this might pose. Something to remember is that if your child is using false information to obtain an account on a social media site, other people can do so as well.

Most social media sites allow users to set their profiles to “private’ for viewing only by approved contacts. By not using these settings, users can put themselves at risk. Children and young people can also put themselves, and others, at risk when they:

• Upload inappropriate, offensive or even illegal content to their own online spaces;
• Post material that could damage their reputation or the reputation of others;
• Post inappropriate comments on other people’s profiles that is humiliating or results in bullying;
• Accept friend requests or engage in chat with people who they do not know.

Unfortunately, some parents and guardians can also put themselves at risk when posting online about incidents that may have taken place at school. Cases of inappropriate comments to and about others, inaccuracies and misrepresentation are now commonly reported in the media and will be taken seriously by the school. Comments made online are not safe and secure and should never be considered as such. We need to set the best example for our children, so we would urge you to think before you type/post.

We encourage you to talk with your son or daughter about the potential danger of the internet. Ask if they have an account with Snapchat, Instagram, and/or Facebook. If your child is using such a site with your permission, you may want to review his or her profile to ensure that no personal and identifiable information has been posted.
We also encourage you to establish rules and guideline to ensure the safety of your child while on the Internet. Some Web sites offer parental or family guidance for internet safety; for example,, located online at

CMIT Guidance Department
Advanced Studies Certificate Program
YOU ASKED CLF DELIVERS! THESE CERTIFICATE PROGRAMS ARE EXCLUSIVE TO OUR CLF SCHOOLS STUDENTS! The Chesapeake Lighthouse Foundation (CLF) will offer a variety of programs aimed at helping students further develop social skills while improving academic performance. The following exclusive courses are made available ONLY to CLF schools’ students. Students will take an assessment test and upon completion, satisfied students will receive a certificate from CLF. Spring semester classes will start on Saturday, April 7th. All courses are 8 week-long and the total cost per class is $200.    Music Appreciation by Nicole Bradley on Saturdays, 11:00am-1:00pm @ CSP, Hanover MD    Dramatic Art by Agatha Francis Seton on Wednesdays, 4:00-6:00pm @ CMIT South, Upper Marlboro MD    Exploring STEAM by Benora McCain & Amina Ahmed on Saturdays, 1:00-3:00pm @ CMIT Elementary, Laurel MD    Advanced Technology Applications by Moses Olubo on Fridays, 4:00-6:00pm @ CMIT South, Upper Marlboro MD   Intro to Animation & Voice Over by Kyle Sutherland on Saturdays, 11:00am-1:00pm @ CMIT South, Upper Marlboro   Interactive Programming Web Development on Saturdays, 10:00am-1:00pm @ CLF, Laurel MD For course description, locations, eligible grade levels, and REGISTRATION visit our website, Follow us on to see recent updates! Any question, feel free to reach me at

Cihan Bicer
CLF Student Activities Director
CLF's Summer Day Camp!

Summer is approaching. If you are searching for a program for your child consistent with educational, informal and entertaining activities, then CLF Summer DAY CAMP Program is the right solution for you! CLF will provide a variety of programs available to all Elementary and Middle school students during June 25th-July 20th.

These programs include Basketball Academy by BBA, STEAM Classes (Robotics/Lego, Interactive Science, Computer Programming), Recess, and Lunch. This is a great opportunity for students to be engaged and gain skills over the summer.

Summer DAY CAMP program is only available for Elementary and Middle school students and will be held at LAUREL and UPPER MARLBORO locations.

go to

Cihan Bicer
CLF Student Activities Director
Update on PGCPS Emergency School Closings and Make-up Days
Prince George’s County Public Schools (PGCPS) lost a fourth day of instruction on Friday, March 2 due to hazardous wind-related school closures. PGCPS will request a waiver from the Maryland State Board of Education for the March 2 closure, but students, staff and families should expect school to be in session on Friday, April 6 – originally scheduled as the last day of Spring Break.

Schools were previously closed due to unsafe weather conditions on Thursday, January 4; Friday, January, 5; and Wednesday, January 17. The 2017-18 school calendar includes two inclement weather makeup days built in. A third makeup day was used Friday, February 9. Any additional closures will require attendance on Thursday, April 5 as well.

The PGCPS calendar meets Governor Hogan’s mandate for a post-Labor Day start date with June 15 as the final day of school.

School delays or closures greatly impact students, families and staff. The decision to delay or close schools is based on safety and a variety of other factors, including National Weather Service reports, recommendations from PGCPS transportation supervisors and building maintenance directors, who survey conditions throughout the county as early as 3 a.m. Facility staff report on power outages, HVAC/heat issues and any plumbing issues that could impact schools and offices. PGCPS executive staff members communicate with County government agencies. The school system’s top consideration is safety for buses, motorists and students who walk to school.

For the latest updates on inclement weather occurs, visit:

PGCPS website (
Social media sites (, Twitter and Instagram: @PGCPS)
PGCPS-TV (Channel 96/38)
Local media outlets
PGCPS Weather Line 301-952-6000 (option “1”)

View Emergency Weather Codes and Plans.

CMIT Secretary
CETAT Summer Program

CETAT is accepting applications for its 2018 summer creative workshops. Students will learn how to development multimedia (music, video, photography, website and applications). Upon completion of the workshops students will be required to create a portfolio and present their work during the final presentation and awards ceremony. This highly competitive program requires students to take part in a formal interview process.

Upon completion of the workshop students will learn how:
· to develop websites using HTML and Content Management Systems
· to develop computer programs using 3D Object Oriented Programming (ALICE)
· to edit and manipulate images using Photoshop
· to edit and manipulate video using Adobe Premiere
· to create and edit music files using FL Studio
· to enhance professional skills

You must be:
· 13 - 18 years old
· Available between July 9 - July 20
· A Resident of Prince George's County Maryland
· Apply by June 1, 2018

Location - Prince George's Community College.

To apply click here -

Tammy Colandrea
HS Assistant Principal
6th Annual CLF CultureFest | Save the Date: April 21, 2018
Attention Students! Attention Students!

The 6th Annual Multi-Culture Fest shall be taking place on Saturday, April 21, 2018, and if you are interested in performing, please see either Mrs. Cabrera or Dr. Sullivan-Williams (aka Dr. BB) in the Middle School.
If you are interested and attend the High School, please contact Dr. BB @ the Middle School.

Performances consist of dance, song, chorus and band.
Individual or group performances are welcome.

Prizes awarded for costume design (appropriate dress according to school policies).

Performances need to be submitted with a video and complete registration form.

Registration deadline is April 6, 2018 by no later then 11:59pm.

Video submission can be in person to school coordinator or via e-mail to

Mandatory dress rehearsal April 14, 2018, 10:00 - 3:00pm, and rehearsal is required with full costume and full performance. If you do not show up to perform in dress rehearsal, you will not be permitted to perform in the CultureFest, period.

Tickets go on sale April 6, 20218 @ your school at the front office.

So Save the date, and I hope to see you there.

Dr. Sullivan-Williams, Ph.D. (a.k.a. Dr. BB)
Senior Certified Life Skills/Character Education Educator
Order Your Yearbook Today!
Yearbooks are available for order now! Order forms should have come home with your scholar. Please make checks payable to CMIT North PTO. Or you can order online at YBPAY.LIFETOUCH.COM. Use the yearbook id code: 12970818
Prices start at $25.00.

Thank you for your support.

Amy Sumor
Senior Advertisements | 2 Spots Available!
Dear Parents of Seniors,

Congratulations on your child beginning his or her senior year at Chesapeake Math and IT Academy North High School! Before you know it, they will have graduated from here and will be on their way to college. What better way to congratulate them on this major accomplishment than by purchasing a Senior Advertisement?

Each senior ad is in full color and is designed to be a one-of-a-kind memory. We will combine cherished, and possibly embarrassing photographs with your message of congratulations, love, and support to create a completely personalized ad design. Some parents choose to keep their ad a surprise until yearbooks are handed out. Just indicate that the ad is secret and only those on the yearbook staff will know!

This year, time is of the essence and we will only be able to accept ad reservations until Wednesday, March 21 or until the spaces run out. We have two spaces remaining, one 1/4 page and one 1/2 page advertisement.

The sizes and prices are as follows:

$70 for a ½ page ad. For this size, we highly recommend a maximum of 5 photographs and up to 75 words. If you submit less photos, you can include a longer message, up to 125 words.

$40 for a ¼ page ad. For this size, we highly recommend a maximum of 2 photographs and up to 50 words. If you submit less photos, you can include a longer message, up to 75 words.

In order to reserve a spot, please complete this form:

We would like to thank you in advance for buying an ad for your child, and supporting the yearbook. Please let us know if you have any questions by emailing us at

Kind regards,

Grant McDonald- Yearbook Staff
David Hernandez- Yearbook Staff
Tamia Gaskins- Yearbook Staff
Mrs. Cunning- Yearbook Sponsor

Mrs. Cunning
Spring Scavenger Hunt for 8th Graders | WE NEED EGGS!

Hello, Families!

As many of you know, 8th graders who earn positive PRS have been rewarded each month with an "incentive" party or event -- we have had a dance, a scavenger hunt, a movie with popcorn, a dress-down/spirit week... And the students have enjoyed the activities tremendously. They're always asking what the next event will be, and what the "cutoff" points will be so that they can compete to attend.

March's activity has not yet been announced, but we're quickly approaching the end of the month so students will find out soon what the activity will be and how many points will be required to participate.

WE NEED YOUR HELP FOR APRIL'S ACTIVITY! April's PRS INCENTIVE PARTY will be a "Spring Egg Hunt" where students will (weather cooperating) be in teams, outside searching for eggs and various treats. To make this a big event, we need your help. If you have leftover plastic eggs, candy, small treats, or anything else you can donate for this event, it would be GREATLY appreciated! Just send in any supplies for our "hunt" with your student -- to be placed in Mrs. Justsen's or Ms. Swann's classrooms any time in April.


8th Grade Staff
Hearing and Vision Screenings

The PG County Public School's Hearing and Vision Team will be at CMIT Middle School Monday, March 19th – Wednesday, March 21st to conduct state-mandated screenings on all 8th grade students and any students new to PGCPS this year. Parents, please ensure your student brings their glasses to school on these days and wears them for the testing. Any student that fails any portion of the screenings will be mailed a correspondence stating such.

Thank you,

CMIT Nurse
Forensic Science Students Welcome Howard U. School of Dentistry Student Quintess Bond

Forensic Science students in Ms. Smith's class welcomed guest speaker Quintess Bond, a student in Howard University's School of Dentistry. Quintess shared information about careers in dentistry as well as information about dental maintenance to prevent cavity formation and maintain healthy teeth. Quintess also explained the importance of selecting the necessary prerequisite courses for successful entry into dental school.

Special thanks to Howard U. Dental student Quintess Bond for taking time to visit the students in Forensic Science at CMIT North Academy High School.

Alma Smith
Chemistry & Forensic Science
CMIT North High School
Ms. Fagan's Math Classes
Dear Parents,

Please continue to encourage students to persevere (Mathematical Practice #1) and attend to precision (Mathematical Practice #6) in problem solving. Students have identified careless mistakes on classwork and assessments from not reading instructions and not checking work. As a whole, classes have shown improvement on understanding content but extra practice at home with support is needed. Topics to review are listed below.

Clemson - Quadratic graphs and their properties, Solving quadratic equations, and Factoring quadratic functions

Fisk - Solving equations and inequalities (one step, two step, and variables on both sides), Distributive property with integers and rational numbers, and Modeling with word problems

UMES - Integers and rational numbers (all operations), Distributive property with integers and rational numbers, Combining like terms with integers and rational numbers

Thank you for all that you do.

Ms. Fagan
Bayram's Science Classes Chapter 1 Competition Winners

There was a big competition between groups in science class during the last 10 days.

We studied Chapter 1: Waves from the Sound and Light book. Students graded each others books for accuracy, discussed answers, explained and helped others in their own group. Then, they took a lesson quiz at the end of each lesson.

At the end of the chapter, each group's Homework (15%), Classwork - Lesson Quizzes (45%), and Test (40%) scores were calculated, and a winner from each class was determined.

The group's average score determined the winning group. Each student will be graded by his/her own scores.

Winner Groups:
Clemson - Group 2 (Also, Overall Winner among all classes)
Suhani, Yawavi, Nigel, Temitope, Drew

Fisk - Group 4
Raven, Jayson, Raziel, Helima, Brianna

American - Group 3
Phi, Atoryia, Aiden, Iyinoluwa

Winner College:


Nuri Bayram
Mr. Fleming's Classes

With only 92 days left and the 3rd quarter almost over, my science students have been busily wrapping up science concepts. Biology students have just finished taking the Chapter 10 test on Cell Growth and Division. Chemistry students also just completed their Chapter 25 Nuclear Chemistry test. Biology students have now just started the genetics unit and chemistry students have just started the periodic table unit. Please have students continue to check their grade on SchoolMax especially this time of year when motivation runs low.


Daniel Fleming
Next PTO Executive Board Meeting
Please join us for our next PTO Executive Board Meeting!

Date: Thursday, March 22, 2018
Time: 6:30pm - 8:00pm
Location: CMIT Middle School, 6100 Frost Place, Laurel, MD 20707

Call in Option Below:

1. Dial In to the Conference (United States): (515) 739-1454
Access Code: 531867

2. Join Online Meeting:
Online Meeting Link:
Online Meeting ID: cmitnorthpto

Online Instructions:
At the scheduled date and time of the meeting, dial in to the conference line. When prompted, enter the access code followed by hash (#). To join the online meeting, click the online meeting link and follow the prompts.

For questions please contact the following:
General -
Membership -
Fundraising -
Class of 2018 (Graduation Packages) -

Thank you,
Join the PTO:
Chick-fil-A Spirit Night!

Parents, Guardians, and Students:

Please mark your calendars! Thursday, March 22, 2018 from 3-9 pm we will have our next Spirit Night at Chick-fil-A in Laurel at the Contee Road/Rt.1 location. You can either walk-in or drive thru, but be sure to mention “CMIT” so the PTO can receive 20% of your purchase.

CMIT Staff,

If you choose to have lunch at this location on this date, please tell your cashier that you are a CMIT Staff member so your lunch purchase can support the PTO as well!

We hope to see you there! Thank you for your support!
CMIT North PTO Fundraising Committee

Chesapeake Math and IT Academy High School
14800 Sweitzer Lane Laurel, MD 20707 | Tel: (240) 767-4080 | Fax: (301) 560-3461
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