Early Dismissals This Week
Hello, CMIT Families:
Monday, October 30th, and Friday, November 3rd are both 2-hour early dismissals. Teachers will be in professional development on these afternoons.
Please make your plans for the week accordingly.
CMIT Administration
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Family Institute Annual Conference
Hi Families:
Please see the attached invitation from Dr. Maxwell inviting you to attend the Family Institute Annual Conference, which will cover topics such as:
- Literacy Tips - Successful Parent-School Relationships - Keeping Children Safe - Anti-Bullying Processes - Advocating for Special Education Services - Effective Ways to Resolve Concerns
Ron Clark will the be guest speaker.
More details are in the flyer.
CMIT Administration
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CMIT Girls Soccer Play in Section Semifinal!
The CMIT girls varsity soccer team will play in the 1A South section semifinal on Tuesday, October 31st, 2017 at 4:00pm on the WSSC field. Come out and support the #2 seed Tigers as they take on #3 seed International at Langley Park High School. If the tigers win, they will move onto the section finals played Friday, November 3rd.
Ms. Bailey Lawrence, Athletic Director
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Boys Basketball Interest Meeting
Calling all boy basketball stars!!!!!
This week we will hold an interest meeting for the Middle School Boys Basketball Team.
This meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 31, 2017 in room 127 from 3 pm to 4 pm.
Please spread the word to all middle school athletes at CMIT! We look forward to seeing you all there!
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Senior Advertisements
Dear Parents of Seniors, Congratulations on your child beginning his or her senior year at Chesapeake Math and IT Academy North High School! Before you know it, they will have graduated from here and will be on their way to college. What better way to congratulate them on this major accomplishment than by purchasing a Senior Advertisement? Each senior ad is in full color and is designed to be a one-of-a-kind memory. We will combine cherished, and possibly embarrassing photographs with your message of congratulations, love, and support to create a completely personalized ad design. Some parents choose to keep their ad a surprise until yearbooks are handed out. Just indicate that the ad is secret and only those on the yearbook staff will know! This year, time is of the essence and we will only be able to accept ad reservations until Wednesday, December 6, 2017 or until spaces run out. The sizes and prices are as follows: $70 for a ½ page ad. For this size, we highly recommend a maximum of 5 photographs and up to 75 words. If you submit less photos, you can include a longer message, up to 125 words. $40 for a ¼ page ad. For this size, we highly recommend a maximum of 2 photographs and up to 50 words. If you submit less photos, you can include a longer message, up to 75 words. In order to reserve a spot, please complete this form: would like to thank you in advance for buying an ad for your child, and supporting the yearbook. Please let us know if you have any questions by emailing us at Kind regards, Brea-Bry’na Thomas- Yearbook Editor Grant McDonald- Yearbook Staff David Hernandez- Yearbook Staff Tamia Gaskins- Yearbook Staff Mrs. Cunning- Yearbook Sponsor
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MOLE Day Success @ CMIT-North High School
Monday 10/23 from 6:02am to 6:02pm was Avogadro/Mole Day. We celebrated this day in grand style. All classes, within the school, were provided lessons on Avogadro's Number and the Mole. Students of the Advanced Placement Chemistry class presented engagement activities with chemical exhilarating demonstrations representing the moles. Gases were spewing; holding of fire by Ms. Cline; fires were burning; crushing cans due to atmospheric pressure, non-burning dollar bills; comparison of gases to molecules, all relating to moles and Avogadro's Principles.
Treats were provided in order to seal delight to the party: Lemonade Guacamole Salsa Tortilla chips Candy galore Etc.
Until next year, at this time, Happy Mole Day!!!
Doris Cline Chairperson of High School Science AP Biology/AP Chemistry Human Genetics Educator Class of 2019 Advisor CLP Mentor
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Parent Teacher Conferences
Our parent teacher conference day will be on November 10, 2017. Please use the following link to sign up to meet with your student's teachers. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Linnenkamp at a great week!
Mrs. Jessica Linnenkamp
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Current Advanced Placement Science & Human Genetics Laboratory Topics
This week in Advanced Placement & Human Genetics:
AP Chemistry: Labs Completed/Preparing -Density -(Physical and Chemical Changes)
AP Biology: Labs Completed/Preparing -Microscope Parts & Focusing -Population Genetics & Evolution -(Animal Behavior)
Human Genetics -Microscope Parts & Focusing -Karyotyping Activity -Cells Interactive Lab -Inborn Errors of Metabolism
Doris Cline Chairperson of High School Science AP Biology/AP Chemistry Human Genetics Educator Class of 2019 Advisor CLP Mentor
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Mr. Fleming's Class
We had a great week. On Monday, we celebrated Mole Day. As far as next week, both my bio and chemistry classes will be testing next week. My bio classes will take unit 2 test Wednesday and Thursday. My chemistry class will take their unit 2 test on Thursday. As always, if you have any questions, please email or call.
Daniel Fleming
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Students Creating Awesome Technology in Ms. Rooney's Math Class
Technology is the future of education, and we are living that in my math classes! Students are creating awesome technology-integrated products to display their understanding of our math content. This has allowed them to practice good digital citizenship AND to gain experience with different web tools. Here are 2 really cool projects and student examples we have done so far this year: 1. Create a screencast using Educreations describing and working through the process of solving one problem related to solving multistep equations (Algebra 1) or simplifying complex algebraic expressions (Algebra 2) Algebra 1 Algebra 2 Algebra 2 AWESOME example attached below 2. Create a digital brochure using Canva (different topics for each class) Trig An. Brochure on Right Triangle Trig Algebra 2 Brochure on Quadratics Algebra 1 on Solving Inequalities These web tools are amazing ways for students to show off what they have learned in their own creative ways -- not just through tests and quizzes. More projects and student work to come throughout the year!
Ms. Rooney HS Math Teacher HS Math Department Chair
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Anatomy and Physiology and Environmental Science
Anatomy and Physiology students took the Muscular System test this week. The next unit will be the Nervous System.
Environmental Science students completed a group work organizer on the Carbon Cycle and wrote a thesis statement expressing their understanding of the unit so far and their grasp of the vocabulary. We will continue with the Nitrogen and Phosphorous Cycles.
Students need to complete assigned homework by due dates. Check SchoolMax for assignments to be completed in a timely manner. Let's finish the First Quarter on a high note.
Suzanne Coholic High School Science Teacher
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Math with Ms. Rooney
Algebra 1 -- We are at the tail end of our Equations and Inequalities Unit, finishing up with absolute value equations and inequalities. There will be one more quiz and unit test before the end of the quarter. Algebra 2 -- We are at the end of our Quadratic functions and Equations Unit. This week, we practiced solving quadratic equations by factoring, the square root method, and completing the square. Our last 2 topics will be Complex Numbers and The Quadratic Formula. Then we will have our end of unit review. Trig Analysis - We have been working closely with angles and their measures. There will be a quiz next week on drawing angles in standard position, converting angles into radians and degrees, finding coterminal angles, and finding reference angles. All of these skills can be applied to a single angle. Need some extra practice? Use these websites: 1. -- awesome resource! Find your course and get access to tons of videos and practice problems 2. 3. -- awesome video lessons by topic 4. Please continue to check School Max every week for updated grades and reaching out to me if there are any questions when you see something concerning.
Ms. Rooney HS Math Teacher HS Math Department Chair
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Guest Speaker Officer Bill Greene Presents Forensic Lecture to CMIT Forensic Class
Thank you Forensic's Officer Bill Greene for encouraging and inspiring the students in Forensic Science at CMIT North High School!
The CMIT North High School Forensic Science class was honored and excited to host guest speaker Forensic Officer Bill Greene of the Prince George’s County Police Department Bureau of Forensic Science. Officer Greene spoke to the CMIT students in the Forensic's class to inform them about all of the career opportunities available to those students who select a Criminal Justice major in college. Officer Greene also educated the Forensic Science students about his daily responsibilities as a Forensics Officer with the Prince George’s County Police Department and the numerous cases he has helped solve.
Thank you also to senior student Lindsay Anderson for her outreach and recruitment efforts to finalize Officer Greene's visit to our class.
Again, thank you Forensic's Officer Bill Greene for encouraging and inspiring the students in Forensic Science at CMIT North High School!
Alma Smith Chemistry & Forensic Science Department CMIT North Academy Public Charter High School
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Mrs. Omur's Tech7
Clemson, Fisk and American continued to work on Microsoft Office PowerPoint. This week they learned about Lists, indents and line spacing first and completed their Presentation about them. After that, they started to work on WordArt and Shapes in PowerPoint, and prepared their projects on it about their "Favorite Food".
On the other hand, they continued to do training and testing in GMetrix in order to get ready for Microsoft Office PowerPoint Certification Test. Their scores in GMetrix are good, but at the same time they need to practice more. They can download Gmetrix on their home computers and practice more. I am hoping to see good scores for the real Certification Test as well.
On november 3rd, they will have their first "Journal Entries Collection" day. Everybody needs to make sure they have their journal entries in their "Technology7 Journal Entries" folder in their Google Drive.
Elif Omur Technology Room156
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Mrs. Omur's Tech8
Auburn, South Carolina and UMD continued to work on Microsoft Office Excel. This week they worked on "Pay Roll", "Loan" and "Car Sales" projects. They learned how to and where to use SUM() and PMT() functions, then learned how to work with multiple sheets while linking data between them.
On the other hand, they continued to do training and testing in GMetrix in order to get ready for Microsoft Office Excel Certification Test. Their scores in GMetrix are very good, and I am hoping to see the same scores for the real Certification Test as well.
On november 3rd, they will have their first "Journal Entries Collection" day. Everybody needs to make sure they have their journal entries in their "Technology8 Journal Entries" folder in their Google Drive.
Elif Omur Technology Room156
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Character Education / Life Skills
Dear Family:
Teen smoking has become an epidemic in our society. Children are starting to experiment with tobacco at younger ages than ever before. In order to combat this alarming trend, schools have begun to participate in smoking prevention programs.
Your scholar shall be empowered with the knowledge to know and understand Smoking- Myths and Realities. This month in class your scholar actually shall participate in experiments that demonstrate how smoking causes emphysema and what happens to the heart of a person who smokes. The class shall also see what happens to the lungs if they smoke a cigarette. You might want to ask your child about these experiments.
As a parent, you can begin now to help prevent your scholar from smoking in the future. Contact agencies such as the American Lung Association, the American Cancer Society and/or the American Heart Association to find out if they are offering any workshops for parents and children.
Most importantly, children whose parents smoke are more likely to become smokers. If you smoke and have ever tried to quit, you can share this with your child. You might want to consider smoking only when your child is not around or leaving the room to smoke.
Thank you for your anticipated support and cooperation.
Sincerely, Dr. Sullivan-Williams, Ph.D. (a.k.a. Dr. BB) Senior Certified Life Skills/Character Education Educator
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High School Track Team Information
Hey there, track stars!!!!!
The rumors are true! This year CMIT Academy will offer track as a sport for the winter and spring seasons.
If you are interested in joining the team, please be on the look out for upcoming interest meeting dates. Newsletter updates will be provided, as well as advertisement within the school building.
We look forward to seeing you soon!
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Drama Club & Filmmaker's Club Co-Interest Meeting!
Calling all aspiring thespians, stagehands, screenplay writers, and film aficionados:
Ms. Underwood and Mr. Hommel will be hosting an interest meeting for Filmmaker's Club and Drama Club on Monday, November 6th from 3-4pm in Ms. Underwood's room, #141.
If interested in one or both of these clubs, students should attend in order to discuss club expectations and production plans. See you there!
-Ms. Underwood and Mr. Hommel
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Picture Retakes on 11/30 - Wear Oxfords & Ties!
For those students who did not have their picture taken earlier this month, the retake date has been set for Thursday, November 30th. Please make sure to come in your oxfords and ties, as this is the required yearbook photo attire.
Jessica Cunning Yearbook Sponsor
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Homecoming and Spirit Week
The high school homecoming dance will be November 4th from 7-11 in the high school cafeteria. Tickets are $15 in advance and $20 at the door. Spirit week is the week of October 30th to November 3rd. The pep rally has been postponed until the first home basketball game.
Ben Krystal
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High School Parent Teacher Conferences
Dear Parents/Guardians, This year we will be hosting our parent teacher conferences on Friday, November 10th. We will be having individual conferences between 8:00am - 12:00pm and also from 1:00pm to 2:00pm. There will be open-door hour from 2:00pm to 3:00pm for those who missed the appointment or could't not schedule one. Steps to schedule your appointments: 1. Go to Scroll to find your child’s first teacher with whom you would like to meet. It is in alphabetical order by last name. Click View. 3. A new window will open. Click on Sign Up next to the time slot you would like. 4. Enter your email and click Next to enter in all required information. Click Save, and you just reserved your first parent-teacher conference. 5. Please click on the Activity Location tab at the top of the page to find where the conference will be held. 6. Close that window and go back to the original window to find another teacher and repeat steps 2 - 6. Note: We will close the scheduling down on Thursday, Nov 9 at 3:00 pm.
HS Admin
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Yearbook Photos
Did you capture some great shots during a sporting event, field trip, or even during school? If so, the yearbook would love to see them and possibly use them in this year's book!
Please help us get more smiles in the yearbook by uploading your photos of school events to and creating an account using the school code PLDHZS.
Jessica Cunning Yearbook Sponsor
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Join the PTO!
Our membership campaign continues and we encourage all parents to join the PTO to support the important work the PTO does for our children, parents, and schools. The 2 step process can be found by visiting the link below. Use this direct link to join online or complete the registration process:
Thank you, CMIT North PTO Membership Committee
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