Dior's Friends: A CMIT Student Story.
Dior's Friends is a non-profit organization created by CMIT North very on 7th grade student, Cloei Garris. As a tribute to her best friend and beloved pet Dior, who she lost a year ago, she started a non-profit called “Dior’s Friends”. She wanted to give back to the shelters that help thousands of lost and unwanted animals each and every day. During her visits to the animal shelters in Prince George’s County and Washington, DC, she saw the need for clean & warm blankets and towels, toys, and food to help support those animals.
During the devastation of Hurricane Harvey and the approaching Hurricane Irma, she would like to start by collecting donations for those many animals that were and will be affected.
Please help support her vision to provide clean blankets, clean towels, pet toys, and food for those animals that are in shelters. Please provide food and supplies for dogs, cats, fish, birds, rabbits, and turtles. There will be drop off boxes in identified area(s) at CMIT where both parents/students can drop off there items.
Cloei will have a table collecting donations during CMIT's Back to School Night, Tuesday, September 12, 2017. Please support this great cause!!!
Thank you, Cloei Garris
Yurhance Johnson, Professional School Counselor
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CMIT Twitter Handle
The middle school has started their own twitter account to keep students and parents informed on important information, event reminders, school successes and more. Give us a follow @CMIT_Middle to keep yourself informed!
Mrs. Jessica Linnenkamp
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Back To School Night
Back to school night for middle school has been scheduled for Tuesday, September 12th from 6pm-8pm.
Parents are strongly encouraged to attend in order to - meet CMIT staff - learn about school expectations - ask questions to CMIT administration - meet teachers in their classrooms to learn more about curriculum, classroom rules and procedures, course syllabus, course materials, and to ask questions.
We look forward to seeing you there!
CMIT Administration
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Traffic Flow Around the High School Building
Dear CMIT Families,
In order to make drop-off and pick-up as seamless as possible, we have created a plan to address traffic. Please look at the pictures above to better understand the traffic flow around our high school building. There will be one-way traffic around the school for students drop-off and pick-up. During these times, it will not be possible to make a left turn when leaving the parking lot. Make plans accordingly.
Drop-off time: 7:50am - 8:04am Pick-up time: 2:45pm - 3:00pm
Space in the school parking lot is limited. Please try to arrive as close to drop-off time as possible. Students who arrive before drop off time should remain in their vehicles until at least 7:45am.
Students who arrive after 8:04am will need to enter through the front office to get a late pass to enter class.
Lastly, please do not use non-CMIT parking lots. We do not have permission to occupy the parking lots of neighboring businesses in the area. You may be towed at your own expense, and we may have a difficult time building partnerships that could be beneficial to our students.
CMIT Administration
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Moving Forward with Success
Hello, CMIT Families!
Thanks for helping us get off to a great start this school year! It was wonderful to see our students return to school on time, in uniform, and prepared to work. Your hard work to make this happen did not go unnoticed.
Last week, in order for students to see each of their teachers as much as possible, we ran our Friday schedule for the entire week. This means class periods were only half as long as they will be Monday. Please be sure students have adequate rest so that the adjustment to double periods is not a shocking one.
Finally, we held student orientations during the first day of school to set expectations around school procedures and discipline with students. We follow PGCPS' student code of conduct and have some rules and procedures that are specific to CMIT as well. Please take the time to review both policies as a family.
Tammy Colandrea
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Chromebook Updates
Hi Families:
Are you still interested in purchasing a Chromebook? Please look for an email this week with times and dates of the next sale.
Tammy Colandrea
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Art Supplies
My name is Ms. Stewart. I will be teaching Art I this year. If your student is taking Art I they will need a sketchbook. Sketchbooks may be found at: Target, Walmart, Michaels, Joann Fabrics, Big Lots, Barnes & Nobles, Utretch Art Supply, AC Moore, Dick Blick, Amazon, or any art specialty supply store. Please be sure to purchase this by 9/14. Students will need this to complete their classwork assignments.
I have also asked students to bring in either wipes or a roll of paper towels. I have done this by class. The red, pink, and blue classes are assigned wipes. The black, grey, and green classes have been assigned paper towels. These are also due by 9/14.
I am looking forward to having an exciting and productive year with your students. My google classroom code is qytwcp and my email is Please contact me if you have any questions.
Best, Ms. Stewart
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New School Year, New Anticipations in New Buildings with Scholars
The first three days of school at the all-new CMIT North Public Charter High School was full of awe and smiles. Students were amazed at the new structure and the new classes. All of Science, relative to teachers, remained the same, thankfully, however.
The wide halls gave student plenty of space to maneuver from one class to another. Many comments about how bright and cheery the classrooms were, followed closely by how beautiful the structure is. Students were pleased to have a new building, with all amenities to benefit each student's needs.
Please remind our students that school is in session and all assignments are due on time with their best work effort put forward.
To follow up the previous statement, I am happy to report that numerous students have chosen to take two to three science classes. We are so pleased to have them investigate science with us.
We are forecasting a bright, sunny and calm academic school year filled with great success.
We look forward to seeing each of you, parents, at our Back-to-School night, Wednesday, 13 September 2017.
Doris Cline Chairperson of High School Science AP Biology/AP Chemistry Genetics Educator CLP Mentor
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Welcome Back from Mr. Fleming
My name is Mr. Fleming and I am looking forward to another great year at CMIT. Please let me know if you have any questions. If you are interested in knowing what your student is doing during class, then please check SchoolMax and email me at to add you to the Google Classroom parent list. Once I add you, then you should be able to follow your student's assignments as they post on Google Classroom.
Daniel Fleming
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Additional Needs for Advanced Placement Science Classes
If your student is assigned to either AP Chemistry or AP Biology, they will need the following items to continue safety within the Science laboratory setting:
Splash goggles latex or non-latex gloves (whichever your student can use, some may experience allergic reactions to one or the other) .....we supply laboratory-safe standard lab aprons.
AP Chemistry students need a graphing calculator TI-82 or greater AP Biology students need a functional calculator (whichever calculator is used in Mathematics may be used in the AP Sciences.)
These items are in addition to the spiral notebook, pen, paper .....we are supplying lab notebooks, eBooks access, AP Prep workbooks, and a host of additional items, especially interactive platforms, meant to assist our students with achieving greater success.
When parents and teachers work together, students succeed.
Thank you for sending us your best.
Doris Cline Chairperson of High School Science AP Biology/AP Chemistry Genetics Educator CLP Mentor
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Self-Esteem Grade 6th
When we talk about a child's self-esteem, we are talking about how a child feels about him or herself. In the past, educators relied on the family to provide children with self-esteem. However, children no longer come to school armed with a strong sense of self. More and more of our children are faced with a family life that actually encourages the development of low self-esteem. Even children who come from stable and supporting families are at risk. Every child in this nation is exposed to violence, stress, anger, drugs and poverty; if not in the neighborhoods where they live, then from other children with whom they relate in school, or from the media.
Studies have shown that children with high self-esteem are less likely to engage in alcohol, tobacco or other drug use. Children who feel good about themselves do not need to use drugs just because their friends are using them. They are less susceptible to peer pressure because they do not have problems fitting in and making friends. Children with a strong sense of self-esteem are also less likely to experiment with drugs as a way of coping with problems.
This month's lesson ties in goal-setting with self-esteem. A person who sets and achieves realistic short-term goals is a person who will feel successful and competent and who will have higher self-esteem as a result. In addition, by asking students to look at long term goals, the teacher can draw the class into a discussion of what can happen to those goals if risk-taking behavior occurs. Students will have the opportunity to identify the short-term and long-term goals they hold for themselves. These activities are designed to assist students in developing higher self-esteem.
As a teacher, I play a critical role in the self-esteem of my students. Self-esteem building does not end after this lesson. The following lesson plan offers some ideas for integrating self-esteem across the curriculum.
Sincerely, Dr. Sullivan-Williams, Ph.D. (a.k.a. Dr. BB) Senior Certified Life Skills/Character Education Educator
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Mrs. Justsen's English 8 -- WELCOME!
Welcome to 8th grade! While we've only been together for 3 days, we've used the time well to get to know each other. Students have solved murder mysteries, collaborated in groups to design completely new sports (which we're hoping they'll play during Quarter 2 PE), and have shared some interesting truths about themselves! We even got to unravel rolls of toilet paper in class! (Don't worry; we didn't make too big of a mess!)
Students received a syllabus this week indicating necessary school supplies, novels we'll study, an outline of each quarter's goals/focus, and basic routines/expectations. Please ask students to see this (also available in Google Classroom). Below is a list of materials every student will need by next week.
Students also received their first "Article of the Week" (AOW) on Thursday. They should take this home and annotate it, looking specifically at: anything that confuses them; numbers and statistics (NS); and quoted words (QW). I encouraged them to read the article once through and annotate before sharing it with a parent/guardian/family member and discussing it. Students' annotations will be due next Thursday, September 14th. On that day, we'll discuss the article and their responses in small groups and as a class, and they'll compose a 1+-page reflection. It might be helpful for them to have discussed the article at home a bit before they compose a reflection. Every Friday students will receive a new Article of the Week.
We will begin SLO testing next week (Monday), so initial writing samples and feedback/scores will be available for your review soon! We will also begin our first unit, studying the poems and short stories of Edgar Allan Poe.
I'm looking forward to seeing you all at Back to School Night!
* * * Necessary Supplies:
3 packs (of 100) 3x5 index cards loose leaf paper blue or black pens pocket folder (any) dry erase markers (4-pack) -- these are for students to use during review activities Select novels in syllabus (please preview and select novels for Quarters 2 and 3 and purchase/reserve each ahead of time)
Danica Justsen, NBCT
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High School Back to School Night
What: High School Back to School Night When: Between 6pm and 8:20pm on Wednesday September 13 Where: High School Cafeteria What to Bring: Your student's Friday schedule What to Expect: There will be a general session in the cafeteria. Then parents will visit each classroom on their student's Friday schedule to meet with their teachers.
Please see the link below to access to detailed schedule.
CMIT HS Administration
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CMIT Back to School Night - Counseling Department Session
This year, I will be doing a very brief presentation to go over graduation requirements and upcoming events, but I will also stay around after Back to School Night for anyone who has questions. Feel free to come see me to ask questions or just say hello!
Excited to be back with y'all here at CMIT!
Sincerely, Ms. Gaudette
Natalie Gaudette
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CMIT Parent Survey
Hello Families!
Please look out for a Parent Survey to come out to your emails next week! This survey will help me to improve on how things went last year as well as planning events and information distribution based on the things YOU want and need.
Thank you for your support!
Sincerely, Ms. Gaudette
Natalie Gaudette
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Senior Informaiton Sessions
Ms. Gaudette will be doing a Senior Orientation on September 15th through the students' College Summit classes. Students who are not in the College Summit classes (ITEC students) and the few students whose schedules did not allow the College Summit class to fit should plan to come to the school for a 2:00-2:45pm session. Students should arrive promptly at 2:00pm so that the session can begin on time. Please email Ms. Gaudette to RSVP so that she can reserve a space large enough for the students. Attendance is expected at this session.
On September 29th and October 6th, Ms. Gaudette will also be meeting with all seniors in groups of 3-5 to fill out their Graduation Notification Agreement (formally called the "Senior Contract"). This is REQUIRED by the county, and students who wish to graduate in May must have a session with Ms. Gaudette to discuss and fill out this paperwork. Students who do not have College Summit class in their schedule (ITEC students) and the few students who couldn't fit the course in their schedule should plan to meet with Ms. Gaudette on September 29th between 11:00am and 12:00pm OR on October 6th between 11:30am and 1:00pm OR October 6th between 2:30pm and 3:00pm. Please email Ms. Gaudette to let her know what day and time you plan to come to the school for this.
There will be additional session that will be announced in October.
Natalie Gaudette
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College Knowledge Retreat for Seniors
On September 23rd from 9:00am-4:00pm, Ms. Gaudette will be running a College Knowledge retreat for seniors only. Sessions in this event will include a Naviance Walk Through, a Class of 2018 panel, a session on Social Media as it applies to College Applications, an Essay/Personal statement session, a session on Making a College List and choosing Good Fit schools, an Introduction to Financial Aid, and a Resume Workshop. Please RSVP at the link below - more information will be sent out to students about the event next week. RSVP Here!
Natalie Gaudette
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9th Grade Orientations and College Planning Sessions
Ms. Gaudette will be going into the classroom to speak with 9th grade students on September 22nd. This session will give students an overview of graduation requirements, CMIT expectations, and will begin the discussion of students' 4-year plans for high school.
Ms. Gaudette will go into the classroom again on November 3rd to speak with 9th grade students about reading their transcripts and planning their next 4 years at CMIT so that they can also learn to keep track of their graduation requirements.
Natalie Gaudette
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Seniors - Did you ask for Letters of Recommendation yet?
Many colleges operate on a November 1st or December 1st deadline, and if students do not apply by the early deadline, they have less of a chance of being accepted. For example, the University of Maryland accepts 90% of their freshman class from their November 1st applicant pool. The other 10% are accepted from the later deadline, but keep in mind, that applicant pool typically includes the students who did not get accepted to their Ivy League schools in the early deadline, and are now deciding to stay local at the University of Maryland. MANY colleges operate this way, so we shoot for the November 1st deadline for ALL schools so students can relax and focus on the fun of senior year after that date.
One big component of this process is Letters of Recommendation. Ms. Gaudette will write a letter for all students as Counselor Letters are required by most schools. Additionally, students should obtain 2-3 letters from teachers at CMIT. To do this, students should follow this process: 1. Go to the teacher face-to-face to request them to write a letter for you 2. Make sure all of your colleges of interest have been added to your Naviance account 3. If the teacher says yes, go to Naviance and send them a Recommendation Request - make sure to select "ALL SCHOOLS" 4. Provide your teacher with a resume and a Senior Questionnaire (which you will receive from Ms. Gaudette on the 15th) 5. Check in with your teacher recommenders in early October to remind them of the deadline if they have not yet uploaded your letter 6. Write your teacher recommenders a handwritten thank you note
Teachers are prepared to upload their Letters of Recommendation by October 15th, as CMIT has an expectation for most of our students that applications be turned in by November 1st.
Note: teachers all have a maximum number of letters they are willing to write for seniors. There are about 100 of you, and teachers are putting a cap of 10-15 so as not to overwhelm themselves with letters to be written, so it is advised that you ask them EARLY (this week). The longer you wait, the less likely it is that a teacher will be willing to write your letter for you.
Natalie Gaudette
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2017- 18 CMIT North PTO Membership Drive has begun!
We encourage all parents to join as members to support the important work the PTO does for our children, parents and schools. Use this link to join online: any membership questions, please contact
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The PTO Executive Board Needs YOU!!!
Attention Parents! The CMIT North PTO is currently seeking individuals willing to serve on the Executive Board. We have a few remaining vacancies and will hold elections at our 1st General Meeting on September 28, 2017 (details on meeting will be provided). Our current Vice President, Wanda Finch has been gracious enough to act as our PTO President in addition to serving in her role as our Vice President. Anyone interested in serving as our President please be sure to join the PTO by September 13, 2017. Additional vacancies we will be permanently filling during this meeting are: Corresponding Secretary - (Mary Baucum Milline, Acting) 2 of 3 High School Parent Representatives - (Yolanda Cosby (Acting) & Renna’ Greer (Acting)) You can express your interest for the vacant President position or any of the other positions by emailing The final slate of candidates will be posted on our website and in the Middle and High School by September 14, 2017. To complete the 2 step process to join the PTO please visit
Thank you for your support! CMIT North PTO
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How can you support the PTO?
Please consider these options to support the CMIT North PTO: Sign up for the Giant A+ Program! Turn your spending rewards into cash for our school. The Giant A+ Program customer sign-in starts on Monday, September 11th. Parents bring your Giant cards to the back-to-school nights to sign up and help support our school! Chick-fil-A Spirit Nights are BACK! Dates for the school have been selected. If you visit the Contee Road location between 3pm to 9pm, and say "CMIT" when you order, 20% of the proceeds will be donated to CMIT. Teachers, if you visit this location for lunch on any of the dates selected and tell the restaurant you are CMIT Staff, 20% of your lunch purchase will also support the school. This school year dates are: September 28, 2017 November 16, 2017 January 25, 2018 March 22, 2018 May 24, 2018. Become a Member! Beat the back-to-school night rush and Join the PTO Now! Membership renewal for the 2017-18 School Year is open NOW. Together we can make a difference! Visit our website to join at Attend the 1st PTO Meeting! Save the Date: The 1st General Membership Meeting of the year -- September 28, 2017 at 6:30 pm. Location will be confirmed prior to the meeting.
Thank you in advance for your continued support!
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Support CMIT with Your Giant Bonus Card
Dear CMIT Parents,
Please bring your Giant Bonus cards to Back To School Night! We can register your cards to support CMIT! This program will not accept a telephone number, so if you do not know your Giant Card number, please call the Giant hotline at 1-877-366-2668 for assistance and bring that 12 digit number with you. The success of this fundraiser has allowed the PTO to purchase the caps, gowns, tassels and stoles for EVERY STUDENT of our first graduating class – The Class of 2017!! Please continue to support this fundraiser so we can do the same for all future graduating classes.
Thank you for your support,
CMIT North PTO Fundraising
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