Winter Break is Here!
Winter Break is here and schools are closed.
Families, thank you for your hard work and the commitment you have shown during the past months by supporting students to arrive on time and be prepared to learn on a daily basis. An additional thank you for all the volunteer hours parents donate to the school.
School reopens on January 3rd. We wish you all a restful break and look forward to seeing you in the new year!
CMIT Administration
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Saturday Academy
As the year comes to a close, I want to take this opportunity to wish all our Saturday Academy families a Happy Holiday and a prosperous New Year. There will be no Saturday Academy sessions on Dec 24th or 31st. We will resume on Jan 7th 2017. Please follow the link below to register by Jan 4th, 2017.
Jennifer Jackson
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January Town Hall Meetings
When students return to school in January, we will be holding Town Hall meetings which will provide a reminder of school rules and procedures and allow an opportunity for questions and answers. The purpose of the meetings is to minimize discipline issues so we can all focus on classroom instruction and learning. You can help support this effort by reminding your students of the importance of adhering to CMIT policies.
CMIT Administration
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Save the Date: CMIT North PTO Hosts A Town Hall Meeting
On January 26, 2017, the CMIT North PTO will host a Town Hall Meeting with special guest, PGCPS District 1 Board of Education Member, Mr. David Murray. We encourage all families of CMIT Academy to attend this special event. This is an opportunity for parents of our scholars to meet the new District 1 leaders and, ask questions about the vision for District 1, and understand how that vision can promote and support the success of CMIT Academy. Questions for our guest must be submitted to the PTO via a five minute survey at no later than midnight January 18, 2017. Questions with similar inquiries will be summarized by the PTO into one topic noting common themes and interests. Let’s show support for our school and scholars. Join us for our first Town Hall in the New Year!
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Enrichment Classes - Semester 2
It is time to pick a new enrichment class for your child's second semester. Please fill in the form below to identify your preferences. The form must be complete by January 9th at 8:00 am. If you do not complete this form by this time, your child will be placed in an enrichment class. Students cannot switch enrichment classes. FORM: complete the form once per child.
Casandra Westerfield Middle School Program Coordinator
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Cafeteria Rules
As we start the new year, we want to make sure students and parents are aware of the rules and policies in the Cafeteria during middle school lunches.
- All students will sit with their colleges. - Students will only get up when their college is called for lunch, usage of the microwave, or to throw away their trash. Students may ask to use the bathroom at any time. - There should not be anything throw in the air. Bottle flipping is prohibited. - Students cannot bring popcorn to pop in the microwave. - Please be aware that we have limited microwaves. - Students cannot leave the cafeteria to go to a teacher without receiving a pass prior to lunch from that teacher.
Please be reminded that we implement these rules to make sure all students are safe and given enough time to each lunch. Thank you for your cooperation!
CMIT Support Specialists and Administration
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CyberPatriot Team Achieves Platinum Status!
The scores are in, and two of our High School CyberPatriot teams have achieved Platinum status, and one has achieved Gold status. Platinum status ranks us amongst the top scoring schools in the country. Both Platinum and Gold statuses qualify our teams for additional rounds of competition. We are very proud and fortunate to have such talented and dedicated students preparing to protect our country's critical infrastructure, military and industry against future threats to our security.
James Screven
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The average cost of a four-year college nationwide is about $31,000 a year, according to The College Board. Therefore, getting financial assistance is essential for many students in order to make college a reality. So far our graduating class, the Class of 2017, is getting $1,447,068 in scholarships from the colleges to which they have applied. It is important to note that colleges are not the only source of scholarships. There are numerous foundations and private institutions that are providing these opportunities. You can search them online. It is also important to note that they all have application deadlines, and the key point is to apply early. Here is a great resource that actually can help you to access Maryland scholarships programs.
Ferhat Avsar
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College Applications at CMIT
CMIT seniors have done a great job! 100% of our students submitted their college choice through Naviance. It is important to remember that many colleges and universities are using a “Rolling Admission” process which is a policy that enables candidates to submit their applications to the universities anytime within a large window. So the decisions are made as students are submitting their applications, rather than waiting for the deadline. I highly recommend to complete all your application process ASAP.
I also would like to remind you that everyone should bring a copy of their acceptance letter to my office as you receive it, or you may send a soft copy to
So far, our students got acceptance letters from these colleges and universities:
Norfolk State University Johnson & Wales University Anne Arundel Community College Harrisburg University of Science and Technology Marymount Manhattan College Frostburg University Saint Vincent College Pennsylvania College of Technology Howard Community College Marymount University Delaware State University Wingate University Morgan State University Robert Morris University Prince George’s Community College Towson University University of Pittsburg Stevenson University Hampton University West Virginia University Bowie State University Albright College Virginia Union University North Carolina Central University Saint Leo University King's College Xavier University, OH North Carolina A&T University Coppin State University North Carolina Central University Fairleigh Dickinson University Lincoln University University of Maryland Eastern Shore Salisbury University Adelphi University Capitol Technology University Temple University George Mason University Drexel University University of Maryland Baltimore County Bridgewater University Full Sail University Loyola University of Maryland Penn State Arcadia University Duquense University Virginia State University Valdosta University
Exciting & more is coming...
Ferhat Avsar
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Does Your Student Need a CMIT Fleece or Sweatpants?
We have a number of students being cited for wearing non-CMIT sweatshirts and jackets either over or under their uniforms. We know the weather is getting colder, however, the CMIT fleece should be sufficient enough to keep your student warm in class without the need to add other garments.
Additionally, students taking a fitness course during the second and third quarters must wear CMIT sweatpants (logo required) and purple and gold gym shirts.
If your student does not have these items, this break would be a good time to purchase them.
Ms. Colandrea HS Program Coordinator
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Happy Holidays from Mr. Fleming
Have a great break.
I just wanted to go over a couple of things. First off, students have the option to complete a take home test over break. They must score a 90% or above on the home test for it to count. The test will be posted on SchoolMax and students will have until the Friday of next week to complete it. Otherwise, they will need to take the test once they return to school. I strongly encourage students who have a low average to use this opportunity to improve their grade. Finally, we are nearing HSA testing which is in mid-January. When we return from break, we will start with review and there will be extra credit assignments that follow. I will keep you posted. I appreciate your time and I hope you have relaxing break.
Thank you again,
Daniel Fleming
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Be on the Lookout for AP Biology Students in AP Publication
Our AP Biology class was videotaped (filmed) and photographed, on 16 December 2016 to be featured in a publication for Prince George's County Public Schools. This was rendered to promote Advanced Placement education throughout the County.
Students will be observed conducting experiments; and two students, Nadia Rowles-Nalle (AP Biology) and Jahnae' Johnson (AP Chemistry) were interviewed for their views on the advantages of engaging in the rigor of college-level Advanced Placement classes.
Hence, please, be on the lookout for our scholars being featured in this promotion and for increasing Advanced Placement throughout PGCPS. It is an honor to have been selected and for our students to be featured.
Doris Cline AP Biology/AP Chemistry Genetics Educator Class of 2019 Advisor
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AP Language & Composition Spelling Bee
Congratulations to Hannah Browne for winning the 2nd Triannual AP Spelling Bee! Students were given vocabulary words from The Great Gatsby and Hannah was able to edge out Lauren Eley after a long showdown that saw them spelling words such as "magnanimous, vicariously, inconceivable, tumultuous", and "conscientious!" Great job, girls!
Scott Hommel
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HS Psychology Students Learn About Mental Illness
The high school psychology class has been studying mental illness in preparation for their culminating project on mental health. The students have been working diligently to learn topics such as: phobic disorders, dissociative disorders, somatoform disorders and schizophrenia. Students have used analytical techniques used by psychologists in the process of diagnosis.
James Screven
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Ms. Coholic's Classes
Hi Parents and Students!
All of my students have taken end of chapter or unit quizzes/tests prior to the break. If you have an excused absence and missed a test, please bring the excuse note to the front desk per CMIT policy so you may make it up. Otherwise, it will remain a 'zero' in SchoolMax.
Physics students: I posted a link to a Khan Academy video on the Google Classroom for you to watch and study by January 3 when we return.
Astronomy students: We will begin the unit on galaxies upon return.
Env. Science students: We will begin the Chesapeake Bay and aquatic ecosystems upon return.
Have a safe and wonderful holiday and a prosperous 2017!
Suzanne Coholic High School Science Teacher
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Math with Ms. Rooney
Algebra 1: Students were given a mid year review packet on all of the topics we have covered up to this point. Students' packets will be scored on accuracy, and scores will be sent out to parents once they are graded to show their progress up to this point. It is due January 6, 2017!
NOTE: This is NOT a "winter break packet"! It was given to them early so that they could work on it before it is due, and students were recommended to do 5 problems per day to ensure not leaving it to the last minute! The assignment was given out in class and is also posted on Google Classroom.
Trig Analysis: We just took a big quiz on the Graphs of Trig Functions. To enrich the concept even more, students were given a Trig Graphs Art Project where they must create some sort of drawing using different sine, cosine, and tangent graphs. It was described in class and students were given a full period to work on it in class. The description is also posted on Google Classroom.
Graphs of Trig Functions Art Project --> due January 11, 2017!
AP Calculus 1. Over break --> Complete chapters 2, 3, and 4 in the Barrons AP Calculus review book (handed out in class) and do either the evens or odds or the review problems at the end of each chapter. Work out the review problems on a separate sheet of paper and check your answers AFTER you do them first.
2. DIY Calculus Manual (long-term project) description was given before break. You will be creating one large Calculus Manual that includes all 4 big ideas of Calculus. The first part of the manual is due on January 31st, covering the Big Idea of Derivatives and its Applications. The description is posted on Google Classroom.
Have a very safe and relaxing break and a Happy New Year!
Ms. Rooney HS Math Teacher HS Math Department Chair
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Happy Holidays Message from Mrs. Subasi
Dear Parents/ Students,
Winter break has just started, and it is time for all of us to enjoy a well-deserved holiday. Some of you will be traveling over the holidays, seeing new places or visiting relatives. Others will be staying home for the holidays with their families and loved ones. But before you know it, the holidays will be over, and it will be back to the bus stop. To prepare for a smooth re-entry and a successful second semester, don't let school skills like reading, writing, and math slide completely during winter vacation. Mrs. Subasi’s math class students are given winter break packets that keep them on track even during the holiday. The packets are also online and attached to Google Classroom.
I hope you have a wonderful winter break and are ready for an exciting new year!
Tuba Subasi
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Make-up Tests for Ms. Coholic
Students who were absent for their science course tests this week will be expected to make up that/those test(s) upon return from the break PROVIDING THE ABSENCE ADHERES TO THE 'PGCPS EXCUSED ABSENCE' POLICY.
SchoolMax will reflect a grade of zero until this week's test(s) is/are made up or if the absence falls under the category 'unexcused'.
Suzanne Coholic High School Science Teacher
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Character Education/Life Skills
Smoking Bio-feedback After Learning About Smoking: Myths and Realities
In the Smoking: Myths and Realities unit, students learned teenagers tend to overestimate the number of people who smoke. Non-smokers are the real majority. Cigarettes are not magical and cannot do all the things that people think they can do. There are many immediate and long-term effects of cigarette smoking on the body. Smokers go through a number of stages in learning the habit. Smoking is becoming less socially acceptable now as more and more adults are giving up smoking. Side-stream smoke is potentially hazardous to the non-smoker. Non-smokers are rightfully becoming more vocal in their objections to smoking.
In Smoking Bio-feedback, students learned smoking raises the carbonoxyhemoglobin (COHb) level in the body. This serves to lower a person's endurance for physical activity and puts extra stress on the heart. Smoking elevates a person's heart rate. Regular smoking puts an extra strain on the heart and reduces endurance for physical activity. Smoking tends to make a person more nervous rather than relax him/her as most people believe.
Dr. Sullivan-Williams (a.k.a. Dr. BB)
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Mrs. Justsen's English 8: Winter Extra Credit Options
We've made it to break!
Details about Winter Break extra credit options were posted to Google Classroom earlier this week. The options are also attached to this post. Students can choose to relax and enjoy family time over break -- everything on this sheet is OPTIONAL.
If students find they have "extra time" on break, they are welcome to either work on an extra credit project (listed in this document -- select ONE, due January 4th) or preview/select/begin developing an answer for an essay based on Fahrenheit 451 (options also listed in this document). We will work on the essay in class for the first couple of weeks (end of second quarter) upon returning from break; a head start will definitely help!
Extra credit for anything done over break will be entered before report card grades are due and can impact a grade by up to one entire letter -- depending on the quality and depth of work completed and presented.
Students received progress reports for second quarter this Wednesday but should realize these grades are slightly outdated (entered weeks ago) and that they should check SchoolMax for more updated data.
Have a wonderful winter break!
Danica Justsen, NBCT
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Character Education/Life Skills
Dear Family:
Teen smoking has become an epidemic in our society. Children are starting to experiment with tobacco at younger ages than ever before. In order to combat this alarming trend, schools have begun to participate in smoking prevention programs.
Your child has been studying about smoking in school. For the past couple of weeks your child actually participated in experiments that demonstrated how smoking causes emphysema and what happens to the heart of a person who smokes. The class also saw what happens to the lungs if they smoke cigarettes. You might want to ask your child about these experiments.
As a parent, you can begin to help prevent your child from smoking in the future. Contact agencies such as the American Lung Association, the American Cancer Society and/or the American Heart Association to find out if they are offering any workshops for parents and children.
Most importantly, children whose parents smoke are more likely to become smokers. If you smoke and have ever tried to quit, you can share this with your child. If you currently smoke, you might want to consider smoking only when your child is not around or leaving the room to smoke.
Thank you for your help.
Dr. Sullivan-Williams (a.k.a. Dr. BB)
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Mr. McSparron RELA Update
Over the Winter Break, student have been assigned a reflection for "The Phantom Tollbooth." Please ensure that they have finished reading the novel and submitted their reflections via Google Classroom. It is due 1/13/17. Have a wonderful holiday, and please let me know if you have any questions.
Mr. McSparron
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Algebra I - William and Mary
Hello Everyone!!! Enjoy your winter break.
Currently, Algebra I (William and Mary) are solving systems of equations. Please view Google Classroom for IXL assignments to practice skills needed to be successful in Algebra I.
MAP testing is scheduled for January 9th.
See you in the new year!
Ms. Fagan
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Ms. Sumor's Classes
Ms. Sumor sends warmest regards for a wonderful Winter Break and a reminder for scholars to complete their Let the Circle Be Unbroken packets and to work on Passion Projects. Peace and joy!
Amy Sumor
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Middle School Social Studies Winter Break Assignments
Middle School students may complete the following activities as an optional extra credit assignment over winter break. Students must complete the questions in complete sentences and return their work to their Social Studies teachers no later than Friday, January 6th.
Ms. Cracovaner Middle School Social Studies Teacher & Department Chair
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Geometry - Duke and NW
Hello Everyone!!
Enjoy your winter break.
MS Geometry students are currently wrapping up transformations (Chapter 9). When we return from break, we will be revisiting Chapters 4 and 5 (Triangles). MAP Testing is scheduled for January 9th (all of Ms. Fagan's classes). Students should continue to practice Skills Navigator. Please check Google Classroom for IXL assignments for students to practice over break in order to remediate and enrich in Geometry standards.
See you in the new year!!
Ms. Fagan
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From Mrs. Cabrera-Avila's Desk
Learning a new language takes lots of practice. During the holidays, take time to practice vocabulary and verb conjugation. Do not forget to do your listening practice assignment and have a marvelous break.
Barbara Cabrera
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HSA Biology Test Prep (Duke/Harvard)
Dear Parents and Students:
All biology students will be required to take the High School Assessment in Biology on January 12, 2017. The test is composed of Selected Response (multiple choice) questions. The test stresses key content in the areas of Cell Chemistry, Organism Structure and Function, Genetics, Evolution and Ecology. Moreover, students are required to relate on important skills and processes that exhibit critical thinking and experimental design which they learned over the years in science.
All Biology students have been working very hard to master the content and processing skills required by the test. Scores earned by our students are very important to them individually and are used to evaluate our school as well.
In line with this, I gave the biology class a manual reviewer from the 2009 press released test. The reviewer will permit students to discover gaps in their knowledge and focus study efforts on difficult material. I will collect the packet back on Monday, January 9, 2016. Moreover, I will also post the same material on Google Classroom which I asked our Grade 8 Biology students to do as well. This way, they can practice active learning through self-study.
Over the years, our biology students have outperformed most of the other high schools in our county. We are extremely proud of our combined efforts and are counting on our students to prove themselves again this year. We ask for your help to
• Talk with your son or daughter about the importance of doing their best. • Encourage good attendance from now until the test. • Complete all review packets provided
The items on the Public Release Forms of the Biology High School Assessment represent a fair measure of the Biology Core Learning Goals — both the Skills and Processes and the Concepts of Biology. Users of these items should take into consideration the following information: • All items have been field tested, produced good psychometric data, and are statistically reliable. • Each form is approximately 30 minutes shorter than the version students will take during a formal test administration because the forms do not include field test items. • There are items of all difficulty levels (easy, medium, and hard) on the public release forms. • Each item represents only one way to measure an indicator. • The items measure students' knowledge of skills, processes, and concepts as directed by the Core Learning Goal indicators as designated for the Biology High School Assessment. • Both items format — selected response and brief constructed response — are represented on forms administered prior to May 2009. • Both discrete items and laboratory sets are shown. • A technical passage with accompanying items is shown.
Should you need more information about HSA Biology, please don't hesitate to email me
Happy Holidays!
Sincerely Yours,
Gemma Y Bognot CLARKE, Ph.D. Science Department Chair
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Spanish Class Updates
6th grade students are describing the school environment: what the classroom is like, how the class is, and what the students are like. We will continue using this vocabulary bank after the break, so I gave the students a set of writing and thinking exercises to complete at home in order to sustain their engagement with these words and the grammar they need to use them.
8th grade students have finished with the third challenge in Mexico, which revolved around possessive words (the verb 'tener', the preposition 'de', and the possessive adjectives). After the break, we'll move onto the fourth challenge, which revolves around describing how we feel.
Felices Fiestas
Jared Hester
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MESA Test Prep (Harvard/William & Mary)
Dear Parents and Students: The grade 8th students are required to take the Maryland Math Engineering Science Achievement (MESA). Setting proficiency standards for this assessment involved determining proficient and advanced performance on the tests. All our students have been working very hard to master the content and processing skills required by the test. Scores earned by our students are very important to them individually and are used to evaluate our school as well. In line with this, I gave the Grade 8 class a manual reviewer from the 2013 press released test. The reviewer will permit students to discover gaps in their knowledge and focus study efforts on difficult material. I will collect the packet back on Monday, January 9, 2016. Moreover, I will also post the same material on Google Classroom which I asked our students to do as well. This way, they can practice active learning through self-study. Over the years, our students have outperformed most of the other schools in our county. We are extremely proud of our combined efforts and are counting on our students to prove themselves again this year. We ask for your help to • Talk with your son or daughter about the importance of doing their best. • Encourage good attendance from now until the test. • Complete all review packets provided Over thirty years of research show that early and active involvement by a parent throughout their child's education—helping with homework, talking about school, attending school activities—is the most powerful influence and has benefits that reach far beyond a student's preK-12 years. Parent interest in supporting their child's success on state assessments gives students a huge advantage ( Should you have more questions about the test, please don’t hesitate to email me Happy Holidays!
Sincerely Yours,
Gemma Y Bognot CLARKE, Ph.D Science Department Chair
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The CMIT North PTO
Ways to Communicate with the PTO Website: www.cmitnorthpto.orgOnline Membership Form: Store: Email: Sign Up for text Alerts via Remind: Text @cmitn to 81010 or download Remind App Ways to Help Your PTO Become a PTO Member – Sign up to become a member of PTO for $10 per family member. The dues are used to support many activities and events sponsored by the PTO. It also entitles you to voting rights during meetings. Amazon Smile – Shop at and select CMIT North PTO and Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible purchases to PTO. Harris Teeter Together in Education – Link your VIC card to CMIT North (#3104). When customers purchase select Harris Teeter Brand products using their VIC card, Harris Teeter contributes a percentage of those purchase dollars to PTO. First Friday – On the 1st Friday of each month, donate the cost of your lunch ($10 or more) to help towards CMIT North PTO fundraising efforts. If you would like, you can pay the entire year ($90). Giant Bonus Card - Register you Giant Bonus Card for CMIT North (#17899) and A+ spending rewards will be converted into cash for our school! CMIT Spirit Nights will be held quarterly! Have dinner at the Contee Road/Route 1 location between 3PM to 9PM and be sure to mention “CMIT” when ordering. Our school will earn 20% of the proceeds during this time! Box Tops for Education – Each Box Top collected = .10₵ for CMIT! Help may be needed to count/compile box tops. For more information, please contact the CMIT NORTH PTO BOARD
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Holiday Shopping with Amazon
Holiday shopping is easy with Amazon's Holiday Gift Guides. #StartWithaSmile at for your holiday gifts and Amazon donates to CMIT North PTO. Click here to get started:
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All American Wear Holiday Sale
Parents, CMIT Academy uniform provider is having a holiday sale. Please click on this link to access the coupon: All please be aware that they have changed their hours to M-F 12:00 PM to 7:00 PM, Saturday 12:00 PM to 6:00 PM and Sunday closed.
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January 2017 First Friday Program
Dear Parent & Staff Please mark your calendar, January 6th, as this is the first Friday for the month of January. We are asking parents/guardians/staff to "brown bag it" on the first Friday of each month and donate the money (what they would have used to purchase their lunch) to our school. You may send in your donation ($10) in the form of cash/check on the first Friday of each month during the school year or you may pay in advance for the entire school year ($90). Donation envelopes, clearly marked with your child's name and university/grade, may be turned in at the front desk. You can also payments at appreciate any donations!
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