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Chesapeake Math & IT Academy North High School





CMIT-North Clubs Start this Week

Quarter 1 Progress Reports Released

October Casual Day


Service Hour Opportunities


STEM Fair Family and Students Information Session



Official Homecoming T-Shirts (High School Only)


Men Make a Difference Day

CMIT Middle School History Day Competition


Mr. Fleming's Classroom Grades & Upcoming Events

Mr. Vernor's Class Updates


Mrs. Justsen's English 8

McSparron Book Club Update


The CMIT North PTO

Giant's A+ School Rewards Program

High School & Middle School Parent Bi-Weekly Conference Call

Reach for 25! Sweepstakes

Harris Teeter Together In Education

CMIT-North Clubs Start this Week
All CMIT clubs are starting this week. The club rosters are posted both in middle and high school hallways. You may also login to with the student account to access the club(s) that you are assigned to.

Please remember that you can still join to a club by talking to the club teacher or sponsor. Click on the link below to see the instructions for accessing to your club list.

Ferhat Avsar
Quarter 1 Progress Reports Released
First quarter progress reports are scheduled to be released on Wednesday, October 5th. Please keep in mind that progress reports only reflect grades that were entered before October 24th. For the most accurate grade information, be sure to check SchoolMax.

CMIT Administration
October Casual Day
October Casual Day will be October 14, 2016. It is NOT October 7th because of picture day and students should be wearing their oxford shirt and tie for pictures.

Only students who receive notification that they have been awarded casual day are allowed to participate on October 14.

CMIT Administration
Service Hour Opportunities
There is an opportunity for students to earn service hours at Camp Schmidt (18715 Aquasco Rd, Brandywine, MD 20613) on Saturday, October 15th from 9:00am to approximately 2:00pm. The event is rain or shine. Volunteers will trip trails, weed flower beds, paint markers, trim trees, plant shrubs, and more. Please RSVP online at

Students should pick up a Service Learning form from Ms. Gaudette's bulletin board before they go to this event if they would like to earn Service Hours from this.

If you have questions, please call Camp Schmidt at 301-888-1185 or email

STEM Fair Family and Students Information Session

CMIT owes its success in large part to the involvement of parents and community members, who volunteer their time throughout the school year. On September 28, 2016 at 6pm, the STEM FAIR Family and Students Orientation session was held in Room 120 at CMIT Academy North. The meeting was called to order by the science chair, Dr. Clarke at exactly 6PM. There were 28 members in attendance. The call in conference was enabled by the PTO president, Mr. Johnson.


1) Dr. Clarke distributed copies and explain to arriving parents the google classroom ID codes for all STEM Fair research submission.

2) Ms. Chestang explained the following dates to the parents:

* Students submit STEM Project Proposals to their science and language arts teachers through google classrooms – October 03, 2016

* Science teachers will provide feedback/approval to STEM Project Proposals - October 17, 2016 (Resubmits due October 7th with feedback on October 21st for the projects which are not approved in first submission)

* Students will submit their STEM Project Research Paper rough drafts to LA and Science Teachers through google classroom ( October 30th, 2016)

* Teachers will provide feedback to students about their draft Research Paper (November 14, 2016)

* Students will submit and present their powerpoint (7th & 8th Grade only) or board (6th Grade only) projects with their peers in Science Classes starting December 12, 2016

* Students will submit their final projects (poster board and research paper) for the fair (December 16, 2016)


3) Dr. Clarke showed a video about maker fair to introduce the event and how these pieces of Do-It-Yourself projects and inventions are really cool to be included as a STEM FAIR projects.

4) Dr. Clarke mentioned different examples how student can get ideas on these diverse inventions as they co-measure science research. The term maker is basically research inventions which are simple, original and innovative around the country and students show off how these are made.

5) Ms. Chestang also mentioned the non-disclosure form to keep lid on the student’s propriety research information. A website was provided.

6) Suggested resources for STEM research ideas were shared with parents and posted on Google Classroom. Parents mentioned and asked about community based Maker Projects and Fairs for ideas for their scholars. g%20activities

7) There was a question and answer after the discourse between all science teachers and parents..

8) The session was adjourned at exactly 7PM.

Dr. Clarke
Ms. Chestang
Mr. Bayram
Ms. Crespo

Gemma Y. Bognot-Clarke,Ph.D.
Congratulations to the first two students who scored 100% on the SEPTEMBER CHALLENGE! You correctly matched ALL of the middle school staff to their favorite childhood books, and you've earned CHICK FIL A for lunch!

Great job finding all the clues around the building and submitting your guesses on time!

Chick Fil A will be delivered to you at lunch on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 4TH (next week)! Be sure to let Mrs. Justsen know what you want!


Middle School Staff
Official Homecoming T-Shirts (High School Only)
********* SALE HAS BEEN EXTENDED ***************

Get your official Homecoming t-shirt before it's too late!

Options & Prices
• Youth XL – Adult XL $18
• Adult 2 XL & Larger  $20

Online Sale:

When purchasing online, please be sure to include student name in comments

You also can purchase by completing an order form and attaching payment (cash or check) and placing in the PTO box in the front office.

Thank you for supporting the PTO!

Men Make a Difference Day
“Men Make a Difference”

“Being involved in all aspects of parenting is an important part being an involved father is even greater. Some fathers are more comfortable with teaching, playing with, or even disciplining their child because they see these activities as what a father is supposed to do” said Kate Fogarty and Garrett D. Evans of the University of Florida. “However, fathers who are involved in as many areas of their child’s development are happier as a parent and have healthier, more successful children.” Research indicates when fathers and significant male role models are involved student’s: Make As and Bs: (b) Have greater motivation to succeed; (c) Have higher self-esteem; (d) Have less health and emotional problems; (e) More confidence; (f) Are less likely to use drugs; (g) Girls are less likely to engage in pre-marital sex; and (h) Are less likely to become teenage parents.

“Men Make a Difference Day,” is a great day for fathers to rediscover their place in the lives of their children. On Monday, October 17, 2016 CMIT North is inviting all fathers, male guardians, uncles, brothers, and other male role models in the lives of CMIT North student’s out for our annual, “Men Make a Difference Day” celebration.

If you are interested please contact Mr. Johnson, Guidance Counselor at (301) 437-6051Ex: 65355 or (quicker response).

Yurhance Johnson, Professional School Counselor
CMIT Middle School History Day Competition
CMIT's contribution to National History Day is back! Students will be introduced to the project and topics in their Social Studies classes this coming week. This project is mandatory for students in Duke, Northwestern, Harvard, Morehouse, Morgan State, and Howard, but ALL middle school students are encouraged to participate!

Packets with due dates for assignments related to NHD project will be given out to students. Final projects will be submitted on Friday January 27,2017. Please review the information on and feel free to contact your students' Social Studies teacher with any additional questions.

Ms. Cracovaner and Ms. Lash
Middle School Social Studies Department
Mr. Fleming's Classroom Grades & Upcoming Events
Hello Parents & Students,

I have a few announcements in regards to general classroom routines and procedures. Every Friday students will take a homework quiz and a content quiz. The homework quiz is a 4 to 5 question quiz that contains questions from homework assignments given throughout the week. Homework assignments will almost always be listed on google classroom. Students will also be given one hard copy of the homework. If you student is absent, then I will include the hard copy of homework in their class makeup folder. If for some reason your student has not received a copy of the homework, then it is crucial that they notify me before the homework quiz on Friday.
In addition to homework quizzes, students will take a content quiz which will include 4 to 5 questions that reflect key concepts from the notes that we reviewed throughout that week. Students should review the notes which will always be posted to google classroom. If your student is struggling with the content, then I am also available to meet with students after school by appointment.
Aside from the content and homework quizzes, students will also receive a 3rd grade each week, their classwork grade. The classwork grade will reflect how well your student completed their in class assignments.
We have just completed the ecology unit, and students will take the ecology unit test next
week. The unit test will be on Thursday for students who meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and Monday, October 10th for those students who meet on Monday and Wednesday. They have also just been assigned a biome project which they will need to complete by Friday of next week. I look forward to a great year, and it is a pleasure teaching your student.


Dan Fleming

Mr. Vernor's Class Updates
All of our classes have now finished at least one unit of inquiry with at least one unit test being included in the recent progress report grades. Please see your SchoolMax family portal to review your student's progress.

Modern World History is moving from the Renaissance and Protestant Reformation into the Scientific Revolution. I am pleased that we have completed our online registry for access to the digital textbook for assignments and review materials.

AP Human Geography is moving into our Population and Migration Unit, and Geography Club will be starting soon to provide a Tuesday afternoon opportunity for review, questions, and tutorial activities.

Anthropology class is continuing with our paleo-anthropology unit, researching the history of our species and natural selection.

Please contact me with any questions you may have.

Andrew Vernor
Mrs. Justsen's English 8
For a short week, we sure got a lot done!

We started the week with our third SAT Vocabulary quiz, and by *perusing* the scores it's easy to see the scholars are becoming more comfortable with the words (and with using grammar and context clues to determine the correct forms and spellings). Please continue to encourage scholars to use the words outside of school -- in conversation, writing, etc. This will help them retain the words and make higher-tiered vocabulary part of their everyday vernacular...which will in turn affect their SAT scores in a positive way.

Following the vocabulary quiz, we analyzed a poem and a nonfiction article about Harriet Tubman to discuss author's purpose and language choices. This was our first time using the comments feature in Google Docs to annotate, and students seemed to be naturals at it! Please encourage your scholar to continue to "have discussions with their books" through annotating as they read. Next week we'll discuss which type of text (poem, article, or video clip) is the "most convincing" regarding whether or not Harriet Tubman should be on our next $20.

To finish the week, scholars completed MAP-READING tests on Wednesday and Thursday! The scores update every 24 hours, so I'll be able to send home individual percentiles over the weekend.

Finally, a big "thank you" to Sacred in Harvard -- a week ago she volunteered to teach the class, and her peers responded very well! Sacred promoted a great conversation among the students in her class, and I'm eager to see other students take on this role.

Monday, October 3 -- Vocab Quiz #4

Tuesday, October 4 -- Anthem project proposals (in Google Classroom) due

Friday, October 7 -- Anthem project "check-in" (students should have a "good start" and be at least 1/3 finished with their projects; please ensure your scholar has all necessary materials before this date)

Thursday, October 13 -- Anthem projects due!

Danica Justsen, NBCT
McSparron Book Club Update
The year is well under way and students are wrapping up our first book club selection "Hoot." Our next book club selection will be "Where the Red Fern Grows" by Wilson Rawls. Please make sure your student has access to this book by 10/3 so that they are prepared for success. Please e-mail me if you have any questions,

Mr. McSparron
The CMIT North PTO

Ways to Communicate with the PTO

Online Membership Form:
Online Store:
Sign Up for text Alerts via Remind: Text @cmitn to 81010 or download Remind App

Ways to Help Your PTO

Become a PTO Member – Sign up to become a member of PTO for $10 per family member. The dues are used to support many activities and events sponsored by the PTO. It also entitles you to voting rights during meetings.

Amazon Smile – Shop at and select CMIT North PTO and Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible purchases to PTO.

Harris Teeter Together in Education – Link your VIC card to CMIT North (#3104). When customers purchase select Harris Teeter Brand products using their VIC card, Harris Teeter contributes a percentage of those purchase dollars to PTO.

First Friday – On the 1st Friday of each month, donate the cost of your lunch ($10 or more) to help towards CMIT North PTO fundraising efforts. If you would like, you can pay the entire year ($90).

Giant Bonus Card - Register you Giant Bonus Card for CMIT North (#17899) and A+ spending rewards will be converted into cash for our school!

CMIT Spirit Nights will be held quarterly! Have dinner at the Contee Road/Route 1 location between 3PM to 9PM and be sure to mention “CMIT” when ordering. Our school will earn 20% of the proceeds during this time!

Box Tops for Education – Each Box Top collected = .10₵ for CMIT! Help may be needed to count/compile box tops.

For more information, please contact the CMIT NORTH PTO BOARD

Giant's A+ School Rewards Program
Dear CMIT Parents,

Have you registered your Giant bonus card to support CMIT?! If not, please visit and select "register your card", which is located in the red box on the right for customers. Enter the first 3 letters of your last name and your 12-digit GIANT CARD number. Next enter CMIT’s ID# (17899) and you’re finished! If you do not know your Giant Card number, please call the Giant hotline at 1-877-366-2668 for assistance. The success of this fundraiser has allowed the PTO to purchase the caps, gowns, tassels and stoles for EVERY STUDENT of our first graduating class – The Class of 2017!! Please continue to support this fundraiser so we can do the same for all future graduating classes.

Thank you for your support,
CMIT North PTO Fundraising
High School & Middle School Parent Bi-Weekly Conference Call

Want to be connected with other parents within the school and have an opportunity to give back. High School and Middle School Committees has bi-weekly calls that you can join to learn more about the school and ways you can help.

High School Conference calls held bi-weekly on Monday’s @ 8PM. Call-in details provide by emailing

Middle School Conference calls are held bi-weekly on Tuesday's @ 7PM. Call-in details provide by emailing

Reach for 25! Sweepstakes

Can Harris Teeter reach the $25 million mark in donations by November 1?

Can your school reach 250 links by November 1?

Help Harris Teeter "Reach for 25" (million) by linking over 250 households to your Together in Education account by November 1, 2016.

For each school with over 250 links on November 1, you will be entered to win (1) of (25) available prizes. 25 winning schools will be rewarded with $250 in Harris Teeter gift cards. That is over $6,000 in prizes!

Harris Teeter Together In Education

Dear Parents and School Supporters,

CMIT Academy proudly joins Harris Teeter’s Together in Education program to help raise funds for our school. It’s easy and it’s FREE. Simply give the cashier our code, 3104, and your VIC card when you check out and your card will be linked for the entire school year. That’s it! You only have to link your VIC card once each school year. Once your card is linked, CMIT Academy will receive a percentage of your Harris Teeter brand (Harris Teeter, H.T. Traders, Harris Teeter Organics, HT Farmers Market and purchases in the HT Pharmacy) purchases credited back to our account.

Chesapeake Math and IT Academy High School
14800 Sweitzer Lane Laurel, MD 20707 | Tel: (240) 767-4080 | Fax: (301) 560-3461
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