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Chesapeake Math & IT Academy North High School





Can You Access SchoolMax?

Morning Procedures

Before and After School Enrichment

CMIT Bowling League


CMIT Clubs


Hello from Mr. Vernor, High School Social Studies

High School Science News


Mrs. Taylor's Independent Reading Project Guidelines

Character Education-Life Skills-6th Grade - Self-Esteem

Character Education-Life Skills 7th and 8th Grades (Self-Esteem)

Mr. McSparron Literature Circle Update

Character Ed. Class Information

World Language (Turkish) Class Anouncement

Science Lab Coat

Mrs. Justsen's English 8


The CMIT North PTO

The CMIT North PTO Needs You!

Official Homecoming T-Shirts (High School Only)

Can You Access SchoolMax?
We have just completed our first week of school and teachers are beginning to enter grades. This is a great time to make sure you have access to SchoolMax so you can stay on top of your student’s progress. You can find the link for SchoolMax on the PGCPS webpage under the tab for Parents complete with instructions on how to register (for first-time users) and how to reset your password. We look forward to working with you to promote student success.

Ms. Colandrea
HS Program Coordinator
Morning Procedures
Punctuality is imperative for student success. We ask that parents ensure that their scholar is dropped off at school with enough time to get their materials and be in class by 8:00 am sharp.

Schools are required to maintain accurate attendance and this includes documenting tardies. This is to ensure that every student is accounted for in case of an emergency. To ensure accurate attendance, and allow our teachers to begin their lessons on time administration will enforce the following Morning Procedures:

7:35 - 7:55
- Students enter through the cafeteria doors
- Students wishing to eat breakfast do so
- Students visit their lockers and report to their 1st period class.

- 1st Period bell rings and teachers begin instruction
- Administration and Student Support Specialist sweep the hallways for tardy students.
- Students are brought to the Front Office to be documented as tardy and given a pass to class.

Please assist us as we work toward excellence!

Andrew Brauer
Before and After School Enrichment
As our school year begins, spots in the before and after school enrichment program are filling up quickly!

Advantages of Enrichment

- Students will have access to technology to complete their homework.
- Students will have access to math and reading teachers in order to receive assistance on homework assignments if needed.
- Students can complete other activities that can strengthen their skills in core subjects like math, reading, science, and social studies.

If you are interested in signing your child up for the Enrichment program for the 2016-2017 school year please follow this link -

If you are having issues, please follow these directions
1. If you have never gotten your system generated password you will choose the "Create a New Account" button.
2. When you do that you will enter the email address that you have on file with the school and hit "Retrieve".
3. The system will email your password and you can log in to register.
4. Your user ID will remain as your email address.

Please contact Ms. Jessica Lash at if you have any questions or need clarification on anything or come visit us at the Enrichment table during Back To School Night!

Ms. Jessica Lash
CMIT Bowling League
The CMIT Spring Bowling league is getting ready to start. We will begin bowling on September 16th at 7:00pm at the AMF Laurel Lanes. We will bowl on the following Fridays: Sep. 16, 23; Oct. 7, 14; Nov. 4, 18; Dec. 2, 9. We will have open bowl and our awards ceremony on Dec 16. There is space for 36 bowlers (6 teams of 6). Bowling will be $10 for two games of bowling, shoes included. Practice will start at 7:15 and bowling by 7:30. If you are interested, please contact Jeanne Igoe, Provide the name(s) of any bowlers and an email address you can be reached at. These sessions are a great chance for students, staff, and parents to meet and socialize. Hope you can join us.

CMIT Clubs
CMIT North will be offering before and after school extra-curricular activities that are known as CMIT North Clubs. The goal is to open new perspectives in our students' minds while having them enjoy some fun learning time with the teachers and peers. This year CMIT Clubs will start on October 3rd, 2016.

Parents will receive an online registration form to submit their club selections. Students will then be assigned to clubs based on their selections, seat availability, and eligibility (if there is any prerequisites).

Clubs start at 3:00pm following dismissal and continue until 4:00pm or 4:30pm depending on the instructor. Schedule, prerequisites, requirements, and detailed info will be shared with parents.

The parents who would like to sponsor and offer an after school club may email to College Counselor/Program Coordinator Mr. Avsar,

Please see the following important due dates.

Club selection due date is September 18th, 2016.

All clubs will start on October 3rd, 2016.

Last day of the clubs is May 26th, 2017.

Students are expected to behave just as they would if it were during regular school hours. Students may not visit their lockers during club time or after clubs are over. Locker usage to be done at the end of the school day.

Mr. Avsar
College Counselor/Program Coordinator
Hello from Mr. Vernor, High School Social Studies
My World History courses have been working on geography skills and are moving into our explorations of the Renaissance.

AP Human Geography students have been building the framework to learn how to think like geographers, evaluating the tools and techniques of the discipline.

Anthropology students are examining what the discipline of anthropology is all about and what anthropologists do.

Most of you have read and signed the course syllabus for your student's course. Additionally I have posted the course syllabi on the google classroom sites for each course. Your student can help you log in and read them as needed.

Please contact me with any questions you may have about policies or your student's progress.


Andrew Vernor
High School Science News
Hi students and parents,

As you know the High School has 2 new teachers added to our instructional team. They are Mr. Fleming (Biology and life sciences electives) and Ms. Cline (AP Biology, AP Chemistry, and Genetics). They join Ms. Smith (Chemistry and Forensic Science) and me (Physics, Astronomy, Botany, and Environmental Science) in providing science instruction to students in a college- and career-ready set of curricula.

We value parents and the support they provide to their sons and daughters in pursuing their academic and career goals. Again this year, we want to have an open communication with parents as valuable partners with us in turning out successful young scholars.

Please watch for this newsletter to keep up-to-date with the science teachers and keep the lines of communication open.

Suzanne Coholic
High School Science Teacher
Mrs. Taylor's Independent Reading Project Guidelines
Please see the attachment for information regarding Mrs. Taylor's 8th grade RELA Independent Reading Projects for the 2016-2017 school year.

Enjoy :)

Mrs. Crystal Taylor
Character Education-Life Skills-6th Grade - Self-Esteem
Dear Family:
Our class is studying self-esteem. Students will learn that realistic goal-setting can help them boost their self-esteem. The class is talking about the difference between long and short-term goals. Students have the opportunity to identify and discuss goals they hold for themselves.

One of the factors that can protect a child against tobacco and alcohol use is high self-esteem. Setting and achieving realistic goals is one way to improve your scholar's self-esteem. You can help your child improve his/her self-esteem by encouraging realistic goal setting at home. Encourage your scholar to set realistic short and long-term academic goals and then notice and compliment him/her when those goals are met. Growing from childhood to puberty can be frustrating for your child. Helping your scholar set realistic goals can help counter those feelings of frustration.

The family might want to work together on setting short and long-term goals. For instance, save enough money to take a vacation, a long weekend, or even a day-trip together. The whole family can talk about ways to save money each week. Many families are already participating in activities like the ones suggested above. Keep up the good work.

Dr. Sullivan-Williams (A.K.A. Dr. BB)
Character Education-Life Skills Instructor

Dr. Sullivan-Williams
Character Education-Life Skills 7th and 8th Grades (Self-Esteem)
Dear Family:

Our class is studying self-esteem. Students will learn that some people have high self-esteem and some people have low self-esteem. The class shall talk about how some children feel bad about themselves when they feel like they don't fit in with others. Students have the opportunity to identify qualities that are different from and similar to other students in their class.The class also shall discuss the meaning of the word "unique" and why it is a positive thing that everyone is different to some extent, not a reason to feel bad about themselves. (The word 'unique' means 'one of a kind').

One of the factors that can protect a child against tobacco, alcohol and drugs used is high self-esteem.You can help our children improve their self-esteem.
Encourage your scholar by noticing and complimenting him/her when chores are completed. Good grades on homework or projects can be posted prominently in the home. Pictures can be taken of children doing things like playing sports, musical instruments, even working on the computer.

Your family might want to work together to create a family tree. Many families are already participating in activities like the ones suggested above. Keep up the good work!

Dr. Sullivan-Williams (A.K.A. Dr. BB)
Character Education - Life Skills Educator

Dr. Sullivan-Williams
Mr. McSparron Literature Circle Update
This is a reminder that Literature Circles will be starting soon. If you have not already done so, please make sure that your student has a copy of "Hoot" by Carl Haiseen. eBooks or PDFs are acceptable, as they will complete most of the reading at home. Students will recieve their first reading assignment on 9/6. Please email me if you have any questions.

Mr. McSparron
Character Ed. Class Information
Dear Parents,
I am Mrs. Cihan. I co-teach with Dr. BB (Dr. Sullivan-Williams) in Character Education class. This blurb is intended to give some important information about the Character Education class. Please see the detailed information below and please also see the attached syllabus document (Syllabus acknowledgment form is your child’s first assignment). The last page of syllabus must be signed and turned in to P-5.

We will use Google Classroom throughout the year. Google classroom shall be used to be in compliance with the assigned work, not to be submitted online. Every students need to join the class by using the provided pass code. Please the pass codes below for each college. If your child’s college has been changed recently, then it is your student’s responsibility to ask for his/her new college pass code. Please make sure your child joins the class as soon as possible.

All assignments will be weighed according to the PGCPS grading policy. The students will receive approximately one grade per week. Homework weighs 20% of their grades; classwork weighs 40% of their grades; assessment weighs 40% of their grades.

Assignment Policy.
A hard copy of all assignments must be turned in. Handwritten assignment is accepted when your computer or printer is not working. No work shall be accepted via e-mail or Google Classroom.

Google Classroom

Be reminded that all information regarding student work shall be posted in Google Classroom; however; classwork shall not be posted on Google Classroom. All students are expected to join the Google Classroom in order to be in compliance. Google classroom is for (mainly) students, and the parents plus, it must be checked on a daily basis to stay in compliance. A handwritten or hard copy of all assignments must be turned in to the teacher during your scheduled class time. No students shall interrupt any classes in session. Handwritten assignments are acceptable when computers and printers are not working. No work shall be accepted via e-mail or Google Classroom. You shall be using the classroom to stay informed not to submit.

Late Work Policy:
If you submit your assignment one day after from the due date, you will get a zero for that assignment. Therefore, no late assignment will be accepted unless you have a logical reason.

Make –Up Work
Students can make up test and any other assignments ONLY IN THE CASE OF AN EXCUSED ABSENCE. When a student is absent, it is his/her responsibility to obtain the assignment they missed. You will be granted the number of days you were absent to complete any missed assignments. As soon as you return the school, it is your responsibility to pick up the missed assignment (due to your excused absence). The work is due the very next school day. Make up work can be picked up right after school dismissal in case of an excused absence.

Google Classroom Pass Codes

81 Xavier – 93xp375
82 Vanderbilt-t6lhz58
62 Brown-f181qu
61 Yale-ykrz2c
85 Northwestern-zhy27y
72 George Washington-h3xiqj
86 Duke-ffhwhe
74 FAMU-91mxfs
76 Morehouse-oyybdn
71 Loyola-7800ac
83 W&M-1bt9zrf
84 Harvard-6hn16m
75 Morgan State-e3oga6s
63 Howard-5na65u8
73 UMBC- 2exqz8

Thank you.
Mrs. Cihan
World Language (Turkish) Class Anouncement
Dear Parents,
I am Mrs. Cihan. I co-teach with Dr. BB (Dr. Sullivan-Williams) in World Language (Turkish). This blurb is intended to give some important information to the only students who are taking this class. Please see the detailed information below and please also see the attached syllabus document (Syllabus acknowledgment form is your child’s first assignment). Only the last page of syllabus must be signed and turned in to P-5.

We will use Google Classroom throughout the year. Google classroom shall be used to be in compliance with the assigned work, not to be submitted online. Every students need to join the class by using the provided pass code. Please below the google classroom pass code for each grade level. If your child’s college has been changed recently, then it is your student’s responsibility to ask for his/her new college pass code. Please make sure your child joins the class as soon as possible.

All assignments will be weighed according to the PGCPS grading policy. The students will receive approximately one grade per week. Homework weighs 20% of their grades; classwork weighs 35% of their grades; assessment weighs 45% of their grades.

Assignment Policy.
A hard copy of all assignments must be turned in. Handwritten assignment is accepted when your computer or printer is not working. No work shall be accepted via e-mail or Google Classroom.

Google Classroom

Be reminded that all information regarding student work shall be posted in Google Classroom; however; classwork shall not be posted on Google Classroom. All students are expected to join the Google Classroom in order to be in compliance. Google classroom is for (mainly) students, and the parents plus, it must be checked on a daily basis to stay in compliance. A handwritten or hard copy of all assignments must be turned in to the teacher during your scheduled class time. No students shall interrupt any classes in session. Handwritten assignments are acceptable when computers and printers are not working. No work shall be accepted via e-mail or Google Classroom. You shall be using the classroom to stay informed not to submit.

Late Work Policy:
If you submit your assignment one day after from the due date, you will get a zero for that assignment. Therefore, no late assignment will be accepted unless you have a logical reason.

Make –Up Work
Students can make up test and any other assignments ONLY IN THE CASE OF AN EXCUSED ABSENCE. When a student is absent, it is his/her responsibility to obtain the assignment they missed. You will be granted the number of days you were absent to complete any missed assignments. As soon as you return the school, it is your responsibility to pick up the missed assignment (due to your excused absence). The work is due the very next school day. Make up work can be picked up right after school dismissal in case of an excused absence.

Google Classroom Pass Codes

Turkish 7- lopqcy
Turkish 8- zn5iju0

Thank you.
Mrs. Cihan
Science Lab Coat
Thank you so much for all those parents who came during the parent’s night, as well as those who called and emailed their science teacher.

Any science class requires students to wear laboratory gown or lab coat during any lab activities. Our school was very generous to supply teachers with at least 30 lab gowns so that each students in the class will have the opportunity to protect their clothing during lab works. However, since these lab gowns will be shared by other students some parents are quite sensitive in terms of hygiene issue that they wanted their children to have their own personal use. Science teachers allow their students to buy their own lab coat in white.

The lab coats are available online range in price from around $15.00 on the low end, to as much as $100.00 or more on the high end. It all depends on quality, and whether or not you want your lab coat to be embroidered with your name. Some sites offer free embroidery service, as do some stores.

Lab coats for science classes are sometimes available at uniform stores. These are the stores that sell nurses’ scrubs, chef coats and pants, aprons, special shoes, and other things of that nature. If they do not have any lab coats in stock, they may be willing to order one for you.

Finally, you can always find science lab coats online at various websites. Some websites that sell this apparel are as follows:


Gemma Y. Bognot-Clarke, Ph.D
MS Science Teacher
Science Department Chair
CMIT Academy
Mrs. Justsen's English 8
It has been a great week, and we've accomplished a lot!

We started the week deciphering opinions veiled as facts and spoke about the changing school lunch programs around our country. We followed this activity with an exploration of the true history of Thanksgiving -- some of us already knew a bit of "the whole story," while most of us only knew "the truth." (Ask your students to tell you what the difference is!) We practiced as a class, in groups, and independently writing a 3.8 paragraph to ensure this structure comes easily when we encounter larger assignments, and we closed the week with our first set of vocabulary.

Students are coming home this weekend to finish vocabulary notecards (if they were not completed in class). These should have the vocabulary word on the front, and on the back the cards should have synonyms and other forms of the word.

Danica Justsen
The CMIT North PTO

Ways to Communicate with the PTO

Online Store:
Sign Up for text Alerts via Remind: Text @cmitn to 81010 or download Remind App

Ways to Help Your PTO

Become a PTO Member – Sign up to become a member of PTO for $10 per family member. The dues are used to support many activities and events sponsored by the PTO. It also entitles you to voting rights during meetings.

Amazon Smile – Shop at and select CMIT North PTO and Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible purchases to PTO.

Harris Teeter Together in Education – Link your VIC card to CMIT North (#3104). When customers purchase select Harris Teeter Brand products using their VIC card, Harris Teeter contributes a percentage of those purchase dollars to PTO.

First Friday – On the 1st Friday of each month, donate the cost of your lunch ($10 or more) to help towards CMIT North PTO fundraising efforts. If you would like, you can pay the entire year ($90).

Giant Bonus Card - Register you Giant Bonus Card for CMIT North (#17899) and A+ spending rewards will be converted into cash for our school!

CMIT Spirit Nights will be held quarterly! Have dinner at the Contee Road/Route 1 location between 3PM to 9PM and be sure to mention “CMIT” when ordering. Our school will earn 20% of the proceeds during this time!

Box Tops for Education – Each Box Top collected = .10₵ for CMIT! Help may be needed to count/compile box tops.

Labels for Education – Help turn Campbell’s labels into sports equipment, computer or other items for the school!

For more information, please contact the CMIT NORTH PTO BOARD

The CMIT North PTO Needs You!
The CMIT North Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is excited about this school year! Soon, we will be breaking ground for our new high school building and most importantly, we will be celebrating, honoring and saying goodbye to our 1st graduating class - The Class of 2017!!

In order to sponsor programs and events for our students, we will need your support - both physically and financially. This year, dues are $10 per person. You can join the PTO by filling out our online membership form here: and paying your dues through our online store here:

We look forward to working with you and for you this school year!

Your CMIT North PTO Board,

President – Boris Johnson
Vice President – Wanda Finch
Treasurer – Maria Robles
Recording Secretary – Caroline Jones
Corresponding Secretary – Vacant
Middle School Parent Representatives: Tarnishe Samuel, Sharon Lewis, Jennifer McDonald
High School Parent Representatives: Mary Baucum-Milline, Sherry Rather, Candace Salley
Official Homecoming T-Shirts (High School Only)
Get your official Homecoming t-shirt before it's too late!
Sales ends 09/16/2016

Options & Prices
• Youth XL – Adult XL $18
• Adult 2 XL & Larger  $20

Online Sale:

When purchasing online, please be sure to include student name in comments

You also can purchase by completing an order form and attaching payment (cash or check) and placing in the PTO box in the front office.

Thank you for supporting the PTO!

Chesapeake Math and IT Academy High School
14800 Sweitzer Lane Laurel, MD 20707 | Tel: (240) 767-4080 | Fax: (301) 560-3461
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