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Chesapeake Math & IT Academy North High School





Welcome to the 2016-2017 School Year

A Look Back on Our First Week!

Policy and Procedure Documents

Drop-off and Pick-up Procedures

Daily Procedure Reminders

Morning Procedures

Before and After School Enrichment

Uniform Policy Updates

Bell Schedules

Academic Calendar 2016-2017

Parent Volunteers

Lunch Services

My School Bucks


Back to School Nights

CMIT Clubs

CMIT North and NSBE Partnership

Saturday Academy


The Science Challenge


Welcome Back!

College News for Seniors


Middle School Back to School Night

MS Baseball and Softball Tryouts


Welcome Back!


Welcome Message from Mrs. Subasi

Welcome Back


Welcome Back!!!!

Character Education/Life Skills

Go Tigers!

Spanish with Mr. Hester

Hello from Ms. Fagan

Ms. Cracovaner's Social Studies Updates

Welcome to Mr. McSparron's RELA Class

Ms. Lash's Classes

Grade 7 Math

Weekly SAT Vocabulary

Mrs. Justsen's English 8

Tips on how to pass a science test


High School Back to School Night

Welcome to the 2016-2017 School Year
We have had an amazing and productive first week of school, our students were ready to learn and cooperative. I like to thank all the staff members, parents and students for this great start.

I also want to extend a huge thank you to our PTO who helped at the school during summer and first week. Our PTO worked very hard to make sure the new uniform company meets our expectations. We highly encourage all of our parents to support our PTO, please visit the CMIT-North PTO website to become a member.

We ask for our parents’ support with the following to maintain orderly and safe school environment:

Please be aware any person wanting to visit the school must report to the front office, sign in, and receive a visitor’s pass.

It is imperative to follow the drop-off and pick-up procedures for safety of our students. Please note that students should not be dropped off before 7:30 am (our offices open at 7:30 am) and all students who are not enrolled in after-school activities must be picked up by 3:05 pm.

We look forward to seeing all of our parents during Back to School Nights this week.

Mehmet Gunes
A Look Back on Our First Week!
Chesapeake Math & IT Academy – North had an excellent first week to the 2016-17 school year. Sixth and ninth grade students participated in an orientation on Monday and all students returned on Tuesday. In addition, students assembled for a Code of Conduct presentation, received their lockers, lunch ID numbers, and met their teachers.

Sixth and ninth grade orientation allowed students to get accustomed to their schedules and meet their teachers before the entire student body returned on Tuesday. This allowed faculty members to dedicate their time to our new students in an effort to make their transition a little easier.

All students in attendance on Monday and Tuesday assembled in the cafeteria to participate in a Code of Conduct presentation. The purpose of this assembly is to make students aware of the expectations in the school setting in an effort to curb any unwanted behavior that distracts from learning. You can view a video presentation by clicking HERE. (

Lockers have been assigned to all students. Each student has their individual locker and unique combination so they can secure their belongings throughout the day. Students should not share their combination with any other student.

Lunch ID numbers (or Lunch PIN numbers) were provided to every student. Students that attended Prince George’s County Public Schools last year should have the same PIN number. Students use their PIN number to purchase lunch each day. Parents can add money to their scholar’s account by using

Students should be familiar with their weekly schedule. It is strongly suggested that an additional copy be made and kept in a central location at home. This allows for families to ensure preparedness for classes each day. Throughout the past week teachers went over classroom rules and procedures such as, how to enter the classroom, how to turn in work, and behavioral expectations. In addition, teachers facilitated introductory activities and pre-assessments to encourage a collaborative working environment and to learn about their student’s abilities. This provides teachers with valuable data that allows them to effectively plan their upcoming lessons. It is CMIT’s expectation that parents and guardians work as a team with teachers to support them as they manage a classroom of multiple personalities striving towards a common goal of subject mastery.

CMIT would like to thank ALL of our stakeholders to include parents, students, and teachers for their support and patience through the start of this school year.

Andrew Brauer
Policy and Procedure Documents
This year Prince George's County Public School Systems will not provide a hard copy of the 2016-2017 Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook. Parents can view and/or print the book in its entirety from the PGCPS website, or from this newsletter blurb.

In addition, please complete the following documents required by CMIT and Prince George's County Public Schools, and have your student return them to their first period teacher by Monday, 09/12/2016. These documents are important to ensure safety of all students.

You will find the following documents in the attachment:

- Students rights and responsibilities and Memorandum of Understanding
- Publicity Release form
- Emergency Contact
- School Google Account, computer lab usage and chrome book usage
- Cell Phone usage
- Internet Usage Form
- Parent Consent for Release
-2016-2017 Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook

Thank you,
Ms. Adams

CMIT Secretary
Drop-off and Pick-up Procedures

Welcome back to CMIT! As we prepare for the start of a new year, our goal is to do so safely starting with drop-off and pick-up from the very first day. Please prepare yourselves to follow the directions of the staff carefully, and keep the following in mind during arrival and dismissal.

In the mornings, students can be dropped off at the cafeteria doors beginning at 7:35 am and no sooner. There will be no stopping in any of the lanes behind the school. Please help your student be prepared to exit the car quickly, and pull away immediately after your student is a safe distance away. Just like last year, we will not have a waiting lane.

ALL students will enter through the cafeteria doors until 8:00 am. Students arriving in the cafeteria after 7:50 am will receive a pass giving them access to the halls. Students must make it to class by 8:00 am, or they will be marked tardy in SchoolMax.

Students who arrive at 8:00 am or later must enter through the front office to sign-in. At this point, students will be marked tardy in SchoolMax and will need a late pass from the front office to enter their classrooms. Remember, traffic is not an excused tardy. Plan your travel accordingly.

Students who wish to eat breakfast should get it upon arrival in the cafeteria prior to going to their lockers and classrooms. Tardy students may not receive breakfast.

Afternoon pick up will also be through the cafeteria doors only. Parents can begin arriving at 2:40 pm and no sooner. No parents should be picking up students in the staff or student parking lots or in the parking lot belonging the building neighboring ours. Only students who have a walking permit may be picked up in the side parking lot.

All students should be picked up by 3:05 pm. Students still waiting on transportation will need to remain in the back pick-up area until their ride arrives. Any student who is not involved in an after-school activity, and is still on the premises after 3:15 p.m. will report to the Daily Enrichment Program. The fee for the Daily Enrichment Program is $20.

During the hours of 7:00 am to 8:00 am and 2:30 pm and 3:30 pm, traffic is one way. All cars must enter in front of the building and exit by going around the building. NO EXCEPTIONS.

Students who have permission to walk to and from school will need to submit a signed permission slip to the school secretary. Please click here to download the Walker's Permission Slip:

Again, for the safety of students and staff members, we ask that you carefully follow and obey all traffic rules and speed limits.

We are looking forward to an exciting new school year with you and your students!

CMIT Administration
Daily Procedure Reminders
We are working toward a smooth back-to-school transition. Here are some helpful reminders to make the back-to-school transition a smooth one.

All students should report to school by 7:35 am. All classes begin promptly at 8:00 am.

All students should come to school in full uniform. No exceptions. (If circumstances are preventing your student from being in uniform in any way, please contact your Program Coordinator.)

The Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook is an excellent source for information regarding graduation requirements, student conduct and more. It is a good idea to become familiar with it before the school year begins. You can access the handbook on the page at this link:

All students should enter the school through the cafeteria doors between 7:35 am and 8:00 am only. Students arriving after 8:00 am should enter through the front office. Remember that traffic is not an excused tardy.

Middle school students are dismissed at 2:49 pm. High school students are dismissed at 2:54 pm. All students are to exit through the cafeteria doors for pick-up.

All students should be picked up by 3:05 pm. Students still waiting on transportation will need to remain in the back pick-up area until their ride arrives. Any student who is not involved in an after-school activity, and is still on the premises after 3:15 p.m. will report to the Daily Enrichment Program. The fee for the Daily Enrichment Program is $20.

During the hours of 7:00 am to 8:00 am and 2:30 pm and 3:30 pm, traffic is one way. All cars must enter in front of the building and exit by going around the building. NO EXCEPTIONS.

Students who have permission to walk to and from school will need to submit a signed permission slip to the school secretary. Please click here to download the Walker's Permission Slip:

Students should NOT bring their backpacks to school until they have received their locker assignments. A writing utensil and notebook should be sufficient for getting through the first day of classes.

While microwaves are available to students during lunch time, the wait to use them can be long. If your student brings lunch to school, you can ensure they have adequate time to eat by sending items that do not need to be heated.

Students will receive their schedules the first day of school.

We ask for your support with these policy and procedures, this is very important to ensure the safety of all of our students.

CMIT Administration
Morning Procedures
Punctuality is imperative for student success. We ask that parents ensure that their scholar is dropped off at school with enough time to get their materials and be in class by 8:00 am sharp.

Schools are required to maintain accurate attendance and this includes documenting tardies. This is to ensure that every student is accounted for in case of an emergency. To ensure accurate attendance, and allow our teachers to begin their lessons on time administration will enforce the following Morning Procedures:

7:35 - 7:55
- Students enter through the cafeteria doors
- Students wishing to eat breakfast do so
- Students visit their lockers and report to their 1st period class.

- 1st Period bell rings and teachers begin instruction
- Administration and Student Support Specialist sweep the hallways for tardy students.
- Students are brought to the Front Office to be documented as tardy and given a pass to class.

Please assist us as we work toward excellence!

Andrew Brauer
Before and After School Enrichment
As our school year begins, spots in the before and after school enrichment program are filling up quickly!

Advantages of Enrichment

- Students will have access to technology to complete their homework.
- Students will have access to math and reading teachers in order to receive assistance on homework assignments if needed.
- Students can complete other activities that can strengthen their skills in core subjects like math, reading, science, and social studies.

If you are interested in signing your child up for the Enrichment program for the 2016-2017 school year please follow this link -

If you are having issues, please follow these directions
1. If you have never gotten your system generated password you will choose the "Create a New Account" button.
2. When you do that you will enter the email address that you have on file with the school and hit "Retrieve".
3. The system will email your password and you can log in to register.
4. Your user ID will remain as your email address.

Please contact Ms. Jessica Lash at if you have any questions or need clarification on anything or come visit us at the Enrichment table during Back To School Night!

Ms. Jessica Lash
Uniform Policy Updates
Please see the attachment to view CMIT Academy North's Uniform Policy for School Year 2016-17.

Please note that the Physical Education Uniform has been updated. All students must wear CMIT PE pants or shorts with the CMIT logo.

CMIT Academy will no longer have items shipped to their building. Parents will have to go into the All American Wear, Inc. store to purchase and order items to be shipped to their home. All American Wear, Inc. is located 5001-B Forbes Boulevard, Lanham, MD 20706 and their number is 301-459-5000.
To see the price list please click link below:

We look forward to seeing all of our scholars in full uniform next week!

Andrew Brauer
Assistant Principal
Bell Schedules
The bell schedules for high school and middle school are attached. They include normal, 2 hour early dismissal, and 2 hour delay.

CMIT Administration
Academic Calendar 2016-2017
CMIT follows PGCPS calendar:

Parents are encouraged to register text or email alerts for school closings and emergencies by filling out the online form on PGCPS website:

Students and parents are asked not to schedule any vacations or trips to coincide with school days for the 2016-2017 school year. Maryland state law requires that all students between the ages of 5-16 attend school regularly. Absences from and tardies to school is disruptive to the learning process. Studies have shown that students who attend school on a regular basis earn better grades and learn more than those who are frequently absent. Students will earn incentives for Perfect Attendance.

Please note that June 12, 2017 – June 18, 2017 are assigned as inclement weather make-up days and students may be required to attend school on those days, depending on the weather conditions throughout the Winter. Please do not any family vacations until after June 18, 2017.

Parents and students are asked to visit PGCPS website for 2016-17 calendar updates:

The state of Maryland recognizes the following as lawful (excused) absences from school:

-Death in the immediate family
-Illness of the student
-Court summons
-Principal-approved activity
-Mental or physical incapacity
-Violent storms
-Observance of a religious holiday
-State of emergency

CMIT Administration
Parent Volunteers
As required by the PGCPS (Administrative Procedure 4215), all volunteers must follow the security process.

The information to assist you in obtaining clearance, if you have not already done so, is as follows:

For $7.00 you can get a commercial background check. This will expire at the end of every August after each school year and allows you to volunteer at school and on field trips. The second option is for $59.32 - you can get fingerprinted. The fingerprinting is good indefinitely as long as you volunteer at least once a school year. Both services are available Monday through Friday from 8 am to 3:45 pm at the Sasscer Administration Building: 14201 School Lane in Upper Marlboro, 20772 Room 128 .

Once it is obtained please share them with our front office to put on file.

Thank you for your cooperation.
CMIT Administration

Lunch Services

CMIT North students are provided breakfast and lunch services directly by PGCPS. Parents can open an account or add more funds in their existing food services account by visiting

General information about meal services, menu, and meal prices, please visit Questions and concerns about the food services should be directed to PGCPS Food and Nutrition Services:

CMIT Administration

My School Bucks
Get excited!! Now there is an easier way to pay for your child's lunch, school lanyards, car magnets, school events and field trips! It's as simple as turning on your computer and visiting: to set up your free account.

MySchoolBucks provides:
• Convenience - Available 24/7 on the web or with the Mobile App for your iPhone, Android or Windows phone!
• Efficiency - Make payments for all your students, even if they attend different schools within the district. Eliminate the need for your students to take money to school.
• Control - Set low balance alerts for lunches, view account activity, recurring/automatic payments & more!
• Flexibility - Make payments using credit/debit cards and electronic checks.
• Security – MySchoolBucks adheres to the highest security standards, including PCI and CISP.

Enrollment is easy!
1. Go to and register for a free account.
2. You will receive a confirmation email with a link to activate your account.
3. Add your students using their school name and student ID.
4. Make a payment to your students’ accounts with your credit/debit card or electronic check.
A program fee may apply. You will have the opportunity to review any fees and cancel if you choose, before you are charged.

If you have any questions, contact My School Bucks directly:
• 1-855-832-5226
• Visit and click on Help/FAQ’s

Thank you.
Ms. Adams

CMIT Secretary
Back to School Nights
CMIT North’s Back to School Nights have been scheduled between 6:00 – 8:00 pm on the following dates:

Middle School (Grades 6-8): Tuesday, August 30, 2016
High School (Grades 9-12): Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Parents are strongly encouraged to attend in order to
- meet CMIT staff
- learn about school expectations
- ask questions to CMIT administration
- meet teachers in their classrooms to learn more about curriculum, classroom rules and procedures, course syllabus, course materials, and to ask questions.

We look forward to seeing you there.

CMIT Administration

CMIT Clubs
CMIT North will be offering before and after school extra-curricular activities that are known as CMIT North Clubs. The goal is to open new perspectives in our students' minds while having them enjoy some fun learning time with the teachers and peers. This year CMIT Clubs will start on October 3rd, 2016.

Parents will receive an online registration form to submit their club selections. Students will then be assigned to clubs based on their selections, seat availability, and eligibility (if there is any prerequisites).

Clubs start at 3:00pm following dismissal and continue until 4:00pm or 4:30pm depending on the instructor. Schedule, prerequisites, requirements, and detailed info will be shared with parents.

The parents who would like to sponsor and offer an after school club may email to College Counselor/Program Coordinator Mr. Avsar,

Please see the following important due dates.

Club selection due date is September 18th, 2016.

All clubs will start on October 3rd, 2016.

Last day of the clubs is May 26th, 2017.

Students are expected to behave just as they would if it were during regular school hours. Students may not visit their lockers during club time or after clubs are over. Locker usage to be done at the end of the school day.

Mr. Avsar
College Counselor/Program Coordinator
CMIT North and NSBE Partnership
This year CMIT North Academy is partnering with the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) FIRE (Future Innovative Rising Engineers) to further support our scholars to become future leaders. Please watch for club announcements in upcoming CMIT Newsletters.  We want to thank Mr. Gunes for supporting this partnership. We also thank Ms. Graham of CMIT North and Mr. Davis our Senior NSBE FIRE Advisor for their commitment to lead our Coaches/Mentors/Tutors and scholars this school year.

Ferhat Avsar
Saturday Academy

CMIT Academy North will again offer Saturday academy to all middle students in the 2016-2017 school year. These sessions are provided free of charge to all students. Students will engage in rigorous activities that provide more challenges, and practice in reading and math. Students will be given the opportunity to work on basic skill, in order to grasp a better understanding of what is being taught in class during the school day.
More information regarding registration, starting dates and times will be posted as soon as they become available.

Jennifer Jackson
The Science Challenge
To start the school year with an extremely fun and educational way to reinforce key concepts of practice and challenge is to emphasize to our students the progression in learning is usually from the concrete to the abstract.

The middle school HS-Biology and Life Science class create a free standing structure using 20 strands of spaghetti, one yard of string, and one yard of tape to balance a small marshmallow on top.

The fun activity encourages students to experience simple but profound lessons in key aspects of innovation – ideas generation, collaboration, creativity and teamwork. In addition, the students recognize the opportunity of teamwork across curriculum with a Technology and Engineering.Students were also reminded that in CMIT, we value the displays of working styles and team dynamics to bring together a whole range of different structures.

Gemma Y. Bognot-Clarke, Ph.D.
MS Science Teacher
Welcome Back!

If you are anything like me, you are a bit in shock at how quickly the summer passed. It is hard to believe that the first day of school is right around the corner. In spite of my disbelief, I have to say that I am excited to see all of our students. In fact, I am confident that I can say this for the entire high school team!

We have been preparing for students all summer long. If you talk to us about what we did over the past couple of months, you will hear about our hobbies and travels and relaxation, for sure. You will also learn about the classes we took, the meetings we attended, and plans we created with our students in mind. We are working diligently toward success in big and small ways from graduating our first high school class to adding a little more school spirit to day-to-day activities.

It is my hope that you will sense our commitment and hard work. I look forward to working with you all again this year!

Ms. Colandrea
HS Program Coordinator
College News for Seniors
I feel very privileged to be a part of your college application for this year. There are couple of items that I want to make sure we all understand.

1. All college applications will be done through Naviance. This is the system that we will use to send your transcripts, recommendation letters, school profile, etc. Therefore please make sure you have an access to Naviance. Otherwise come and see me to retrieve your login information.
2. I will set a face-to-face meeting with each student and the family to talk about your post high school options and college applications. This will happen in September and October.
3. Did you take the SAT or ACT yet? if not please consider taking the tests this fall or you may even retake to improve your score (I will recommend to retake as students can apply with their highest score report). For most students, regular decision application deadlines are in January and February of their senior year, which means taking their last SAT or ACT by December of their senior year of high school. If you're applying in the Early Admissions cycle around November of senior year, your last test date will be the October SAT or ACT. Please see the test calendar for this fall below.

Test Date Registration deadline Test Date Registration deadline

Oct 1, 2016 Sept 1, 2016 Oct 22, 2016 Sept 16, 2016

4- I have some Fee-Waiver forms both for SAT and ACT. Students who are qualified for free or reduced lunch can get those at anytime from my office (Room 163).

5-Last but not least our school purchased a test prep program reflecting the new changes in the SAT. It is accessible to you under your Naviance account. You may boost your score by studying everyday for 30 minutes until your test date. The good news is some of us has already started :). Keep up the good work!

Ferhat Avsar, M. Ed
Program Coordinator/College Counselor
Middle School Back to School Night
Middle School Back to School Night will be held on Tuesday, August 30th. This is an opportunity to meet your scholar’s teachers and get an overview of the courses they will be taught this year.

Parents will spend about 10 minutes in each of their scholar’s classes. Please click on the attachment for the schedules. Simply locate your scholar’s group by using the college name assigned to them and follow the schedule.

Teachers have been instructed not to discuss individual students with parents at this time. If you have specific questions or concerns please contact the teachers to discuss or to schedule a conference.

We look forward to seeing all of our middle school parents on Tuesday!

Andrew Brauer
MS Baseball and Softball Tryouts
Starting Monday after school there will be tryouts for both baseball and softball. Those trying out should bring any equipment they may already have, a healthy snack, and plenty of water.

Tryouts will be Monday - Friday 3:15 - 5:15. Players must be picked up by 5:30.

Anyone with a question please feel free to contact me.

Coach Snyder
Welcome Back!
My name is Samantha Stewart, I am the high school art teacher and department chair. If your student has Art I listed on their schedule, I will be fulfilling the visual art credit for graduation.

Art I will consist of a variety of visual art projects, written and sketchbook assignment, visual and verbal presentations, creative problem solving projects, and quizzes to assess a student growth and understanding.

Students in art one need to be sure to purchase a sketchbook— spiral bound or hard bound and 5"x7" or larger. No sketchpad/ paper pads (books that open from top to bottom with pull out pages). Sketchbooks can be purchased at Walmart for $5. If you have any questions please email me at

I am happy to welcome new member to art department Emily Champagne. She will be teaching all middle school art classes as well as a high school art elective!

I would also like to announce that Mr. Jared Brooks is official the class advisor for the class of 2017! He already has many events in the works! I will still help the class of 2017 with events, however, due to a family matter I am no longer able to be the advisor. Any questions regarding class of 2017 need to be directed at Mr. Brooks Thank you so much for your understanding!

I am looking forward to having a wonderful year at CMIT. Let's make it great together!

Samantha Stewart
Hola y Bienviendos,

Welcome Back! I am Señorita Young and this is my third year teaching Spanish at CMIT Academy North. In previous years, I've taught Spanish levels I and II and this year I will be teaching Spanish III online.

I'm an alumnus of University of Maryland, College park where I studied Spanish Literature Language and Cultures and during my time at UMD, I studied abroad in Alcala de Henares, Spain, where I had an opportunity to be immersed in the Spanish language and culture and as a Spanish teacher, I am able to share my love of languages with students and I believe that being bilingual offers many opportunities.

I am excited for another great school year and I look forward to working with each of you.

"One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way” – Frank Smith


Stacie Young
Spanish Teacher
Welcome Message from Mrs. Subasi
Dear Students/ Parents,

Welcome Back! My name is Mrs. Subasi. This is my second year at CMIT and I am so excited to be here. I will be teaching Algebra 1, Geometry and AP Statistics this year. Although Math sounds for some students intimidating, it can be really fun and very much applicable in real life. Throughout the year, we will explore many educational, fun and rewarding experiences and strive towards great learning goals together.
To have a successful learning environment, I would like to stress the importance of cooperative learning and building a community in the classroom. This encompasses good study skills, listening skills, and responsible and respectful behavior.
I hope that like me, you have enjoyed a wonderful summer and that you are ready and excited to start a great new year!
Looking forward to seeing you!

Tuba Subasi
Math Teacher
Welcome Back
Welcome back to CMIT. This will be my second year teaching at CMIT. I look forward to another great year of teaching and coaching. For all the incoming 6th graders, I will be your Physical Education and Health teacher this year. For those coming back, lets make this best year yet.

Mark Snyder
Welcome Back!!!!
Welcome Back Students & Parents!!!!!

I am excited about being your Professional School Counselor for the 2016 - 2017 school year! I look forward to working closely with students in the areas of personal/social development, academic development, and college/career readiness. My goal as a counselor is to assist students with overcoming barriers that may prevent students from achieving the academic success that we always strive for at CMIT North Charter School. I’m looking forward to a GREAT year!

Please feel free to contact me at the following: (301) 350-6051 Ex: 65355 or Unfortunately, I will not always be available by office phone due to my schedule sometimes during the year, therefore, I am strongly encouraging parents to contact me by email. (I respond quicker)

Yurhance Johnson, Professional School Counselor
Character Education/Life Skills
All middle school students have been asked to greet the adults within CMIT North, with a handshake along with paying a compliment. Students must await a reply from the adult(s) being greet and afterwards ask for said adult to sign the paper being presented for signature.

Only if said student has presented his/herself in a respectfully and polite manner (making eye contact), and if said adult asks said student a question, said student replies favorably to the satisfaction of said adult, then and only then, said adult will comply by signing said student's paper.

Everyone's cooperation is greatly needed

Dr. Sullivan-Williams (A.K.A. Dr. BB)
Go Tigers!
I am Mr. Gruber, this is my first year at CMIT and I will be teaching Xavier & Vanderbilt for Math 8 and Harvard for Algebra 1. The first week was a success with students interacting during "get-to-know-you" activities, creating classroom norms, taking a pre-test, and engaging in a Inquiry based learning puzzle. I hope to see all of my students' parents at back to school night on Tuesday!

Mr. Gruber
Spanish with Mr. Hester
Hello, Students and Parents!

I teach Introduction to Spanish and Spanish I to the Brown, Howard, Northwestern, William & Mary, Harvard, Vanderbilt, and Xavier classes. I also teach Spanish III with Ms. Young in the high school.

I am very excited to work with all my students as they begin learning Spanish!
Please reach out to me with questions or concerns. My email address is

Mr. Hester

Hello from Ms. Fagan
Hello everyone. I am Ms. Fagan. This year I'm teaching MS Algebra I and Geometry. If I teach your student (William and Mary, Duke, or Northwestern), a syllabus has already been sent home including my expectations. I look forward to working with you all this year at CMIT.

Ms. Fagan
Ms. Cracovaner's Social Studies Updates
Welcome back to school! This year, Ms. Cracovaner will be teaching the following universities: Duke, Northwestern, Harvard, William & Mary, Vanderbilt, Xavier, Morehouse, and Morgan State.

Students have received their syllibi in class. Below are extra copies:

7th grade:

8th Grade:

Students' first mandatory assignment is to complete the class survey found at

Please contact Ms. Cracovaner with any questions, comments, or concerns at

Ms. Cracovaner
Middle School Social Studies Teacher & Department Chair
Welcome to Mr. McSparron's RELA Class
Greetings Parents and Guardians,
I am excited to be starting a new year at CMIT and I'm looking forward to teaching your sixth grader's English class. The syllabus has been distributed to all students and they should have taken the time to go over it with you. Please take the time to review the Book List on the last page of the syllabus. A copy of the syllabus will also be posted to your student's Google Classroom. If you have any questions about the class, the best way to reach me is via e-mail at I look forward to seeing you at Back to School Night.

Mr. McSparron
6th Grade RELA
Ms. Lash's Classes
We have started off on a great foot this week! All classes have been taking a pre-assessment to see their strength in analyzing historical documents and answering questions about them.

7th Grade: Next week we will be completing a short review on some of the important parts of last year. Students should expect a short quiz on this information after Labor Day weekend.

6th Grade: Next week we will be starting to learn about the 5 Themes of Geography and jumping into our curriculum

All Google Classroom codes and textbook log ins will be given next week!

Ms. Jessica Lash
Grade 7 Math
Welcome to the new school year! I am Ms. Wake. I teach grade 7 math and I am also the Middle School Mathematics Department Chair. This year the students that I will be teaching are Loyola, George Washington University, and UMBC. Our focus this year is on building a strong mathematics foundation and strong reasoning skills. A list of all class materials have been handed to students but for reference, here is the list:

1.5" 3-ring binder
1 spiral notebook (70 sheets)
pencil pouch
2 sharpened pencils per class
Loose leaf notebook paper

I am also always open to receiving class materials for all classes. Items such as tissues, hand sanitizer, extra pencils and paper go a long way throughout the year and they provide the students with what is needed to help them get through class.

It is an honor to teach your 7th grade scholars this year and I look forward to a successful year!

Ms. Wake
Weekly SAT Vocabulary
Welcome back scholars!

This year we will incorporate SAT vocabulary into our curriculum. Please don't forget to complete your first "SAT Vocabulary Multiple Representations" assignment for homework over the weekend, if you didn't complete the assignment in class.

Our first SAT vocabulary assessment will be next Friday! Don't worry, we will do activities throughout the week to help us prepare for the upcoming assessment.

~Happy Studying~

Mrs. Crystal Taylor
Mrs. Justsen's English 8
Welcome back, 8th graders! It has been a wonderful (albeit short) week, and you've already shown me you're diligent, hard-working, and creative young adults who are ready and eager to learn. Thank you for the enthusiasm and participation this week -- I look forward to many more positive weeks with you this year!

This week we took our writing and reading pre-assessment. I will finish scoring the essays this weekend (with any luck) and will be sharing results of the writing component of this test on Monday or Tuesday of next week. Parents -- please be on the lookout for an email with your students' "to work on" writing goals.

Students also received their syllabus for this class with a list of supplies, books we'll read, etc. Please do your best to acquire the supplies by Monday so that we can forge ahead with the activities planned. Also, please bring your Independent Reading book (if you want to bring your own from home) so that you have it for Monday, Wednesday, and Friday -- otherwise, you are more than welcome to select a book from our classroom library.

Parents -- I am not requiring students to submit the syllabus signed, but please take a look at it so you know what's coming up.

Next week we will jump into curriculum and non-fiction and receive our first set of SAT vocabulary words. You'll need the 3x5 notecards for this, so be sure to have them ready mid-week.

Homework over the weekend...was for PARENTS ONLY! Parents should have received an email with your "homework" assignment -- due September 6th. An email response is a perfect way to "submit" this assignment.

Again, thank you for a great week! Have a great weekend!

Mrs. Justsen, NBCT
Tips on how to pass a science test
Science could be one of the most interesting courses. Moreover, there is an inherent beauty in science that people love and admire. You will always appreciate Math when you love science. Math is the language of science. So you better study math concepts to speak science. Science is the partner of Art. Historically, many researchers and organizations have approached students and faculty to “design poster” for their initiatives. We also learn history and music through science. Therefore, science encompasses almost all courses and at this stage into our children's education we must guide them to study science. Based on research, performing well in science classes can not only help students build a strong GPA and continue to the next grade level, but also open doors to several job opportunities and fields of interest (academy/popular).

Here is a link that will students pass science.

Gemma Y. Bognot-Clarke, Ph.D
MS Science Teacher
High School Back to School Night
Back to school night for high school will be on Wednesday, August 31 between 6:00pm and 8:30pm. You will follow your child's part of Monday and Tuesday schedule to meet with the teacher. Therefore bring a copy of the schedule or take a picture of it before you arrive. It is really important for everyone to pay close attention to the given time intervals. Back to school night is designed to meet with your child's teacher and to learn general information about the courses. There is no time for talking about individual matters, however you can set a meeting for a later day for such needs.

Monday 1st period 6:00pm - 6:14pm
Monday 3rd period 6:16pm - 6:30pm
Monday 5th period 6:32pm - 6:46pm
Monday 8th period 6:48pm - 7:02pm
Tuesday 1st period 7:04pm - 7:18pm
Tuesday 3rd period 7:20pm - 7:34pm
Tuesday 5th period 7:36pm - 7:50pm
Tuesday 8th period 7:52pm - 8:06pm
HS General Session
In school cafeteria 8:10pm - 8:30pm

Mr. Avsar
Chesapeake Math and IT Academy High School
14800 Sweitzer Lane Laurel, MD 20707 | Tel: (240) 767-4080 | Fax: (301) 560-3461
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