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Chesapeake Math & IT Academy North High School






Congratulation CMIT Middle School Cheerleaders

Spelling Bee Winners...who will they be?


Uniform Reminders

Attendance Matters

CAUTION: Keep Inclement Keep Weather Make-Up Days in Mind When Planning Summer Vacation

Dr. Maxwell's Letter to Parents

Kuk Sool Won™

Tigers are back on the run!

CMIT Spring Bowling League


CMIT Career Day


CultureFest Tickets on Sale Now

Field Trip - Marine Corp Orchestra

Eye of the Tiger In-house Chess Tournament Coming Soon!

Earth Day is coming up and we have T Shirts.

Summer SSL opportunities

Good Neighbor Day Saturday, April 2, 2016 from 9 to 1:30 Registration is now Open


Four Square Was A Success!

Best Investors of the Week

8th Grade College Trip Updates

Student Service Learning Opportunity

Prince George's County History Day

Immunization Reminders

Where's Pi?

Algebra I Textbook 101 Training

How to get great interview results

Four Square Was A Success!



NASA Internship Opportunities

Young Architect's Workshop


CMIT Field Trip to the Great Falls Park

USA Science & Engineering Festival


NJHS Broadway Trip Updates

What is a Butterfly Garden?

Locker Clean out

Cyberbullying Assembly


Biology HSA Practice

Mr. Vernor's Class Updates

Foundations of Technology Students Project & FBLA


Mrs. Justsen's English 8 announcements/Spring Break assignment

Math 6 Happenings!

Mrs. Subasi PI DAY activities

Mrs. Subasi Spring Break packets

Grade 6, 7, 8 Spring break packets

Social Studies Spring Break Extra Credit Work

Quadratic Formula Project

Harman Spring Break Extra Credit

Are You Smarter Than A Kindergartener?

Pi Day with Ms. Rooney!




China Trip 2017

College Fair - Field Trip - Friday, April 22

Here we go again!! Get Ready To -- Clean Out Your Closets!!

On March 18, 2016, CMIT North’s Middle School Math Team once again competed in the 7th Annual Carderock Math Contest (CMC) at the Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC), Carderock Division in West Bethesda, Maryland. CMC is an invitational math contest for middle school students from the District of Columbia, Maryland and Virginia private and public schools.

The competition was made up of three main rounds: a Team Round, and an individual round made up of both the Target Round and the Sprint Round. The students got to solve 10 questions for 20 minutes together in the Team round. In the Target round, the students individually solve 8 questions in 30 minutes. Lastly, the Sprint round is comprised of 30 questions which the students solve individually in 40 minutes.

The two CMIT North teams consisted of “2 ∞ + Beyond!” (Arya Pawar, John Ikegwu, Joshua Ikegwu and Kevin Le), and “The ∏ rates” (Kavyasri Gouda, Favour Fatusin, Haris Chaudry and Ian Kaba). 2 ∞ + Beyond! won second place in the Starboard division’s Team Round, while Kevin Le won second place in the Starboard division’s Individual Sprint Round. Big Congratulations goes to all our students who represented our school. We give special thanks to
Mr. Avsar for coaching and leading the team and also to Mrs. Pawar and Mrs. Ikegwu, our parent chaperones. In addition, special thanks also go to all CLF and CMIT staff and parents for all their support in preparing our students.

After the competition, the students were privy to a fascinating presentation about prosthetic hands and the science behind how they work. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) on the Hand Proprioception and Touch Interfaces (HAPTIX) program is in the process of “creating a prosthetic hand system that moves and provides sensation like a natural hand” to
replace limbs lost by veterans and wounded service members. HAPTIX’s main focus is to create and enable technology that has the ability to permanently interface with human peripheral nerves. In addition, students also toured the Manufacturing, Knowledge and Education (MAKE) Lab NSWC’s facility for additive manufacturing (AM). AM or 3-D printing is “an enabling technology in which 3-D printers deposit thin layers of material to create a component by
following a digital blueprint.” 3-D printers transform ideas or concepts into physical models made from special plastic or metal that can be tested before the real product such as a ship is made. Lastly, our students were taken on tour of the Navy’s Waste management department to see how the navy processes and stores its solid waste compactly until it can be safely disposed or recycled on shore.

Captain Richard Blank, Commander NSWC Carderock Division complimented all the competitors for their high level of intelligence and sportsmanship. CMIT students enjoyed the overall experience of attending the Carderock competition. Once more, Big Congratulations to the CMIT Math Team for winning!

Toyin Ikegwu
Congratulation CMIT Middle School Cheerleaders
The CMIT Cheerleaders are on FIRE!!! On Friday night, March 18, 2016, the middle school Cheerleaders were able to participate in one of Prince George's County Middle School Showcases at Gwynn Park High School. As this was their first time experiencing this, the girls did not stand down.

With a possibility of receiving 25 points, the girls scored a whopping 22.6, with very little criticism on their ability to perform!!!

We are so proud of each one of our girls who took on that floor with Tiger Pride and joy. Please join us in congratulating all of the girls on a job well done at their first County Showcase.

Coach Adams & Coach Black

Spelling Bee Winners...who will they be?
Middle school teachers would like to congratulate the following grade-level Spelling Bee winners:

6th grade:
1st place: David Ojiebe
2nd place: Shawn Conely
3rd place: Kiran Lutchman
Runner Up: Anthony Stills

7th grade:
1st place: Marlon Swazy
2nd place: Logan Jackson
3rd place: Sky Tate
Runner Up: Wendy Gonzalez

8th grade:
1st place: Elijah Oshinnaiye
2nd place: Delana Turner
3rd place: Blessing Akinsola
Runner Up: Gabriel Miles

All of these students invited compete in a school-wide spelling bee on Monday, March 21 at 3:20pm in Room 108. Parents of these students as well as class-level winners are welcome to come watch our bee!

Please congratulate these students on being the top spellers for their grade levels! Great job!

Danica Justsen
The International Math Kangaroo Olympiad is a once a year event that takes place on the third Thursday in March. In 2015, this will fall on March 17. The objective of Math Kangaroo is to encourage students to master their mathematical skills. Any student in grades 1 through 12 qualifies if he or she can work independently: read questions and mark answers on a Scantron form. The competition questions are age- appropriate, interesting, in the format of word problems. They are chosen by the International Math Kangaroo Committee. The competition exam consists of 24 questions for grades 1-4 and 30 questions for grades 5-12 and lasts 75 minutes.
We had the following students participated in this challenging contest; Andy W., Ekundayo O., Oladipo O., Anthony S., Favour F., Haris C., Ian K., Orooluwa B., Jeffrey G., and Brian N.

In USA each participant receives a t-shirt, a certificate of participation, a questions booklet, a pencil, an answer form and some gift on the test day. Later, each receives a detailed solution set to their exam. In May, the winners are awarded at the National and State levels. The awards include, but are not limited to, 1) an International Summer Camp in Europe, 2) a trip to Mathematica Camp in Massachusetts, and 3) college grants. Gold, Silver, and Bronze Medals go to the top National Winners at each level; Purple, Red, and White Ribbons go to the top State Winners – in addition to prizes. Each year the full list of the awards and the winners is published on Math Kangaroo web page.

Ferhat Avsar
Uniform Reminders
Now that the weather is getting warmer please keep the following in mind:

* Shorts must be navy blue or khaki and of an appropriate length (to the knee) after spring break. No cargo shorts are allowed.

* Joggers (pants with elastic at the bottom of the legs) and cargo pants are prohibited. Uniform pants must be pants, slacks or work pants with a clean hem.

* Hooded jackets, shirts and sweatshirts are prohibited. Please refrain from wearing them to school, even on casual days. ONLY CMIT JACKETS ARE TO BE WORN AT SCHOOL, NO EXCEPTIONS!!!!!

* Shoes must be ALL black, including the laces and soles.

* Gym bottoms must be solid black or navy blue (no tights, leggings, or jeggings). While students may wear the shoes of their choice, it must be a matching pair of shoes. Students must also wear a complete uniform.

*The mixing of uniform items, i.e. a gym shirt with uniform pants, is strictly prohibited on non PE Days.

* Dress down days - Students can not wear, ripped, sheer, or explicit clothing. Hoodies and hats are still not permitted. If students come in these items they will be sent home and or parents can bring them a uniform. The students will be held out of class for wearing these items until corrected or picked up.

Mehmet Gunes
Attendance Matters

The following is applicable for EXCUSED absence, tardiness, and early dismissal:

When sending attendance letters, handwritten or via email, ensure you include name of your child, grade level, the date(s) and reason they were not in school, your printed name and signature.

Depending on the circumstance (absent, tardy, early dismissal), a note must be provided upon return of your child to school to avoid being marked as unexcused. If a note is being sent via email, you may send it to:

-----> <-----

If you or your child(ren) will hand deliver a note, you must submit it to the front desk to be photocopied. The copy will be given to your child to show each teacher while the original will be filed for attendance recording purposes.

Also remember to review the PGCPS list of excused and unexcused absences found in the Students Rights and Responsibilities Handbook.

The state of Maryland recognizes the following as lawful (EXCUSED) absences from school:

-Death in the immediate family
-Illness of the student
-Court summons
-Principal-approved activity
-Mental or physical incapacity
-Violent storms
-Observance of a religious holiday
-State of emergency

FYI: This email address serves as a DROPBOX for attendance recording purposes ONLY, you will not receive a response and must contact your student's teachers directly regarding missed assignments.

Front office
CAUTION: Keep Inclement Keep Weather Make-Up Days in Mind When Planning Summer Vacation
Greetings CMIT Parents/Guardians,

As winter weather has already caused school closings, we would like to remind you that CMIT follows the PGCPS school year calendar. Parents are encouraged to register text or email alerts for school closings and emergencies by filling out the online form on PGCPS website:

Students and parents are asked not to schedule any vacations or trips to coincide with school days for the 2015-16 school year. Maryland state law requires that all students between the ages of 5-16 attend school regularly. Absences from and tardies to school is disruptive to the learning process. Studies have shown that students who attend school on a regular basis earn better grades and learn more than those who are frequently absent.

Please note that June 15-17 & 20, 2016 are assigned as inclement weather make-up days and students may be required to attend school on those days, depending on the weather conditions throughout the Winter. Please do not plan any family vacations until after June 21, 2016.

Parents and students are asked to visit PGCPS website for calendar updates:

The state of Maryland recognizes the following as lawful (excused) absences from school:

-Death in the immediate family
-Illness of the student
-Court summons
-Principal-approved activity
-Mental or physical incapacity
-Violent storms
-Observance of a religious holiday
-State of emergency

Front office
Dr. Maxwell's Letter to Parents
Please see Dr. Maxwell's letter to all parents in Prince George's County.


Natiqua Riley
Kuk Sool Won™
Pierre Hayford, Brima Sise, and Nygeal Wood were all promoted to Yellow Belt during the quarterly Martial Arts belt test conducted by Kuk Sool Instructors on Saturday February 27, 2016 and during the March 1 and 8 classes at CMIT Academy. Diarra Brown, Heath Wright, and Isaiah Yancy were also promoted to the next mid level Red [ Diarra Brown] and Brown Belts [Heath Wright and Isaiah Yancy] respectively.

Note: CMIT Elementary is offering classes in Kuk Sool Won™, a system of Traditional Korean Martial Arts that incorporates all styles of martial arts historically taught in Korea into one systematic method of learning. Kuk Sool Won™’s foundation is built on proper etiquette and discipline. Students will learn how to effectively avoid conflict and only as a last resort how to properly defend themselves. We practice every Tuesday from 3p to 5p, working to develop a complete Martial Artist. Members will be taken through the World Kuk Sool Won™ curriculum and attention will also be placed on academic achievement.

Club members will soon prepare for the 1st US Capital Martial Arts Tournament 2016 taking place April 23, 3016 at Bowie State University.

You may sign up for this club by contacting the Club Instructor [Note: there is a monthly fee which pays for instruction, uniform, and sparring gear].

Please contact the instructor Ky Sa Nim Darren Fulmore at or 301-509-2030 should you have any questions.

Ky Sa Nim Darren Fulmore
Kuk Sool Won of Laurel Maryland, MD
Tigers are back on the run!
Spring is here, and the Tigers are enjoying the beautiful weather! We challenged ourselves with hill work and sprints this week, and we're looking forward to some great temperatures for running next Tuesday!

Keep running!

Please remember to bring a water bottle!

Mrs. Justsen
CMIT Spring Bowling League
The CMIT Spring Bowling league will begin this Friday, March 11th at 7:00pm at the AMF Laurel Lanes. We will bowl on the following Fridays: Mar 11, Mar 18, Apr 8, Apr 22, May 6, May 13, May 20. There is space for 36 bowlers (6 teams of 6). Please bring $10 per bowler. Come as often as you can but don't worry if you need to miss a week or two. The primary aspect is to have fun.

For more info, please contact Jeanne Igoe,

Jeanne Igoe
CMIT Career Day
Dear Sir/Madam:

CMIT North Charter School and School Climate Committee are planning Career Day 2016. Our theme is “The greatest education in the world is watching the masters at work.” It is our intention to expose our students to a variety of career choices and to encourage them to think about their future.

Because of your experience and expertise in your field, we would like to invite you to share your knowledge and talents with our Student Body during Career Day April 29, 2016.

A response is needed by Thursday, March 24, 2016. Please contact the guidance department at Include in the e-mail, your job title and if you plan to bring displays and handouts, please let us know if you need any visual aids.

Y. Johnson
CultureFest Tickets on Sale Now

Hello Parents & Students,

CULTUREFEST IS COMING!!! TICKETS ON SALE NOW and SALE ENDS APRIL 8TH. Hurry up since there is limited availability!!! Please buy them from the CMIT NORTH FRONT DESK.

Advanced Ticket Price: $2.00 (children 12 and under 50% off).
DOOR PRICE $3.00 (if not sold out)

Join Chesapeake Lighthouse Foundation and all CLF school participants for our 4th Annual Culture Festival: CULTUREFEST! This talented exciting event will take place at Sheraton Columbia Town Center Hotel on Saturday, April 16th at 2pm and includes live performances and a special guest performance for the finale!

This exciting event is open to all CLF schools and families to come together and celebrate diversity, talent, and our cultural heritages. Great fun infused with a cultural extravaganza and everyone is sure to benefit from the cultural foods and performances.

Each school has a CULTUREFEST performance coordinator. Potential CMIT student performers should contact (see below):

Dr. Sulivan-Williams (Dr. BB) & Mrs. Cihan– CMIT-North

Any talented students wishing to participate in the CULTUREFEST performance, please use the link below for sign-up:

Doors open at 1:00 pm for food and the CULTUREFEST performances will start at 2:00 pm!
We look forward to seeing everyone at the 4th Annual CULTUREFEST!!!!!

Please see the attached flyer for the event and the instructions for the performers.

Thank you for your interest.

Hope to see you there!!!


Mrs. Cihan & Dr. BB
CMIT North CultureFest Coordinators
Field Trip - Marine Corp Orchestra
The PTO and Band & Orchestra Club are sponsoring a field trip to see the Marine Corp Orchestra on Sunday, April 17, 2016. The purpose of this trip is to expose students to the music and the arts. Any student interested in orchestral music is encouraged to attend.

Who: Any interested CMIT student

What: Marine Corp Orchestra's Chamber Music Series

When: Sunday, April 17, 2016 (12:30-5:00 pm)

Where: John Philip Sousa Band Hall, Washington, DC

Cost: $15.00/student to cover transportation. Payable by check made out to CMIT PTO.

There are 50 seats available. Please bring the check and completed permission slip to Mr. Brauer by Monday, 4/11/2016.

Mr. Brauer
Program Coordinator
Eye of the Tiger In-house Chess Tournament Coming Soon!
On Wednesday, April 20, 2016, CMIT North will host its second “Eye of the Tiger” chess tournament! The entire CMIT North school community is invited to participate - all students, parents and staff. This in-house event will be held from 3-6pm in room 165 and will feature 3 divisions - Middle School, High School and Adults (parents and staff). Individuals at all skill levels may compete, however knowledge of the basic rules of play is required. Registration is FREE and open until April 8th by clicking here: If you have any questions, please contact Candace Salley at (candace[dot]salley@gmail[dot]com)

Don’t miss out on the fun - - sign up today!
CMIT Chess
Earth Day is coming up and we have T Shirts.

Natiqua Riley
Summer SSL opportunities
Parents and Students,

Below you will find two links that provide information on summer student service learning opportunities and summer camp information provided in PG County.
^ Summer Programs and Camps
^ Summer Student Service Learning Opportunities

Natiqua Riley
Good Neighbor Day Saturday, April 2, 2016 from 9 to 1:30 Registration is now Open
Join us on this community building event. Rain or Shine. Please register here.

Natiqua Riley
Four Square Was A Success!
This week’s ‘collaborative operation’ was to work in groups to complete “Four Square” on basis of identifying the claims and counterarguments of two articles that the class has been studying for the last couple of weeks. Students demonstrated mastery of the objective, and collaborated among their peers with a sense of urgency. It was apparent that everyone was engaged, and took pride in their work!

Now on to the next task! How does this connect to our next assignment?

Well, students will be putting the skills mastered in essay format; analyzing the strength of the argument, using evidence and reasoning that connects to the author’s claim and persuasive appeals. It’s evident that Mrs. Taylor's 8th grade honors students can write an analysis paper because after being taught how to write an AP rhetorical analysis essay on Dr. King’s "Letter from Birmingham Jail," students successfully conquered the mission! The papers were remarkable! Great job Yale and Harvard!!

Crystal Swann-Taylor
Best Investors of the Week
Here are the best investors of the week: 1) Jeffrey Greer
2) Brian Ndofor
3) Ferhat Avsar

Future Investors Game
8th Grade College Trip Updates
The 8th Grade College Trip is being planned for Thursday, May 19 -Friday, May 20. Departure time is tentatively scheduled for 4:30 a.m. Thursday morning with arrival time back at school at approximately 10 p.m.Friday evening. Once the trip is approved, permission slips will be sent home.

The cost is expected to be $200-250/participant and that covers transportation, parking, hotel fee, college tour fees, and most of the meals.

Students will visit 4 colleges, NYU, Columbia,Princeton, University of Pennsylvania . We need many parents to attend.

Since this is planned to be an overnight trip, chaperones must have full fingerprinting/background check by PGCPS. Note that fingerprinting or background checks by other school districts or other security clearances are not accepted by PGCPS. Check out PGCPS website for the cost and location:

Contact Mr. Boris Johnson if you would like to help with planning and coordinating the trip: Special thanks go to
Mrs. Justsen and Mr. Johnson for their efforts to make this trip happen.

8th Grade Team
Student Service Learning Opportunity
Whitemarsh Park, 100 White Marsh Park Dr, Bowie, MD 20715

March 20th, 2016, 2:00 to 5:00 p.m.

May 21st, 2016, 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

The City of Bowies Green Team is in need of volunteers to help remove English ivy from Whitemarsh Park. As an invasive, non-native plant, English ivy spreads quickly and easily, and is very destructive to native ecosystems. This is an outdoor activity that requires cutting the ivy vines at eye-level and foot-level, then pulling them back about two feet from the base of the tree to bag them. To participate, please register by contacting Kristin Larson (, 301-809-3044). This is a great Student Service Learning opportunity. Children age 14 and younger must be under the direct supervision of a parent/guardian or Troop Leader at all times, and no volunteers under age 16 can use tools but may participate by pulling and bagging vines. Tiffany Wright (Watershed Manager for the City of Bowie) or Kristin Larson (Sustainability Planner for the City of Bowie) will sign off on service learning hours for students at the event.

Natiqua Riley
Prince George's County History Day
CMIT had a great showing on Saturday March 12th at Prince George's County History Day. The students worked very hard to complete their various projects from individual exhibits, group exhibits, individual websites, group websites, and individual papers.

We have been working on the projects since October and these students were sent to the County History Day because of their outstanding work; Kendall Bradwell, Samantha Hong, Regan Gift, Haris Chaudry, Niriti Pahadi, Julian Adams, Aiden Benyarku, Mayowa Fawibe, Christian Stewart, Jourdan Page, Mitun Adenuga, Stephanie Ijomor, John Ikegwu, Josh Ikegwu, Alex Dulce, Lauren Caldwell, Matthew Miller, Toluwani Akinselure, and Daysia Barr. They had to not only prepare their project but also be able to talk to the judges about the historical significance of it.

We are proud to announce that two of our students have advanced to the State Level! Haris Chaudry from Duke and Lauren Caldwell from Yale will go on to Maryland History Day on May 7th.

Thank you to all the parents for their support!

Jessica Lash
Immunization Reminders

Dear Parent/Guardian:

According to Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene School Health Services Regulations for the 2016 - 2017 school year the following immunizations are required:

7th graders must have TDAP (Tetanus, Diphtheria and Pertussis vaccine) and Meningococcal (MCV4)

Your child currently in sixth grade will be excluded from school as of August 22, 2016, if proof of the above identified immunizations has not been received by the school. It is strongly recommended that you provide proof of these immunizations as soon as your child has received their vaccines but not later than PRIOR TO THE END OF THE CURRENT SCHOOL YEAR 2015 - 2016

For families with insurance, please make the necessary arrangements with your primary care provider. In addition, local pharmacies and urgent care centers provide immunizations. If you do not have insurance, please contact the local Health Department at 301 583 3300

Please take advantage of these resources now and during the spring break. Appointments are filling up quickly.

Provide the required documentation of immunizations to the School Nurse or Registrar ON/BEFORE the above given date.

If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact the school nurse:


Natiqua Riley
Where's Pi?
Students used shapes, colors, and images to hide the Pi symbol in celebration of Pi Day.

Ms. Fagan
Algebra I Textbook 101 Training
Students and parents participated in a brief training for parents on how to navigate through the Algebra I online textbooks. Parents were able to navigate through the websites using resources and tools.

Feedback from parents:

"I think it should be mandatory for the students to attend alongside their parent. Even though the lesson was taught/shown in class, my son walked away with more understanding and information as well."

"The material covered was appropriate without being lengthy."

"...the presentation was very excellent."

Future available dates will be announced. Thank you for all the parents and students that participated. I would also like to shout-out all of my special event student helpers: Haris, Kavya, Afia, and Jennifer.

Ms. Fagan
How to get great interview results
Where you are applying for a school event, camp, program, job or school. These are great tips for interviewing.

1. PREPARE GOOD QUESTIONS. Review the website or materials and develop questions that relate to your interests. Think of questions that require more than a "yes" or "no" response, like "what are the strong points of your athletic program?" " What is your goal for interns to take away at the end of the internship?"

2. DRESS APPROPRIATELY. Dress to impress! Before your big day, decide what to wear to the interview. If you're not sure, visit the website to take a look at how the students dress. If you are not sure, it's always a safe bet to dress a little nicer. But it's also a good idea to be who you are; independent schools celebrate individuality!

3. BE ENGAGED. You are assessing the fit of the program for YOU just as much as the program is interviewing you for a fit. Turn off your cell phone. Be an active listener and summarize your understanding of key points the interviewer is making, for instance, " ... it sounds like you expect your intern to be have strong communication skills."

4. BE YOURSELF! Answer questions naturally and be truthful. Being accepted is only a short-term goal. It is to your benefit to help the interviewing team determine whether in the long term you would be successful in the program.

5. ASK FOR FEEDBACK. Ask the interviewer how you came across. "Have I satisfactorily answered all of your questions?"


Natiqua Riley
Four Square Was A Success!
This week’s ‘collaborative operation’ was to work in groups to complete “Four Square” on basis of identifying the claims and counterarguments of two articles that the class has been studying for the last couple of weeks. Students demonstrated mastery of the objective, and collaborated among their peers with a sense of urgency. It was apparent that everyone was engaged, and took pride in their work!

Now on to the next task! How does this connect to our next assignment?

Well, students will be putting the skills mastered in essay format; analyzing the strength of the argument, using evidence and reasoning that connects to the author’s claim and persuasive appeals. It’s evident that Mrs. Taylor's 8th grade honors students can write an analysis paper because after being taught how to write an AP rhetorical analysis essay on Dr. King’s "Letter from Birmingham Jail," students successfully conquered the mission! The papers were remarkable! Great job Yale and Brown!!

Crystal Taylor
The CMIT 2015-2016 PSAT Awards Ceremony was held on Thursday March 17 at the school cafeteria. The ceremony recognized two groups of students. In the first group we had the top-three highest scoring students from each grade level. Then we recognized student scholars who increased their scores by at least 20% from last academic year. Chesapeake Lighthouse Foundation Board President, Mr. Spear Lancaster was the keynote speaker at the event. He congratulated all of the students, parents and teachers for those great results. After the award ceremony students participated in “Walk of Pride” All award winning students toured the high school hallways finally finishing the tour in school cafeteria. Congratulations to all winning students!

Top scoring students in each grade
2nd place Award 11th grade OLUTAYO F.
3rd place Award 11th grade JOSEPH H.
1st place Award 10th grade NICHOLUS S.
2nd place Award 10th grade JAMES D.
3rd place Award 11th grade AGATHA D.
1st place Award 9th grade JEFFRET G.
2nd place Award 9th grade ROBERT A.
3rd place Award 9th grade BRIAN N.

Students who increased their scores by at least 20%

Ferhat Avsar
NASA Internship Opportunities
NASA provides summer, spring, fall, and yearlong internships locally in Washington, D.C. and Greenbelt. These internships integrate participants with career professionals emphasizing mentor-directed, degree-related, real-time world task completion. During the internship participants engage in scientific or engineering research, development, and operations activities. Follow the link above for more information or to register:

HS Administration
Young Architect's Workshop
The Brentwood Arts Exchange is hosting their Young Architect's Workshop beginning on April 30th. This program will give teens ages 14-18 hands-on experience creating digital 3D models. Application deadline is April 16, 2016. Click here for more information:

HS Administration
CMIT Field Trip to the Great Falls Park
CMIT students are participating in a scientific field study at the Great Falls Park in Maryland. Sponsored by the Alice Ferguson Foundation, the dates for the field trip are March 21st for 7th grade students and March 22nd for 6th grade students. A hundred students from the 7th grade and 50 students from the 6th grade are expected to come. Students will collect benthic microinvertebrates from streams with nets, classify and identify these organisms. This is an activity which is physical in nature and students will get into the water and use nets to capture stream organisms. There will be a number of adults on location to ensure student safety. However, students could possibly get wet. Students are encouraged to bring extra pair of pants, shirt and socks. Students can bring in their rain boots as well. They also need to bring their bag lunch and snacks for there are no restaurants on the site.

There is no cost for the field trip. However, the requirements to attend are the following:

• Students must not have received more than 15 negative SIS points
• No major disciplinary violations or office referrals
• Students must be recommended to attend by their science teacher

Image courtesy of The National Park Service from

Gemma Y. Bognot-Clarke Ph.D.
CMIT North MS Science Teacher
USA Science & Engineering Festival

April 16 & 17, 2016
Saturday 10am-6pm, Sunday 10am-4pm
Walter E. Washington Convention Center
Washington, D.C.

Free of charge and open to all ages!
Pre-register now for a chance to win prizes.

Explore the possibilities at the Expo:
Browse over 3000 fun, hands-on activities.
View Stage Shows and Science Celebrities.
We still need Volunteers.

Natiqua Riley
Assistant Principal
Hello Parents/Guardians:

CMIT North Charter School has partnered with Prince Georges County Police Department to develop a box car club. The club will consist of working closely with police officers to build box cars for racing.

The program will be geared toward helping students build confidence, self-esteem, responsibility, and decision making. If you would like for your scholar to participate please contact the Guidance Counselor at

The program will only accommodate 20 students, due to limited supplies and space. The club will run on Mondays from 3-5 pm for middle school students. April 11, 2016 the club will begin.

Y Johnson
NJHS Broadway Trip Updates
This week parents who signed up to be chaperones will be contacted to confirm your availability for May 11th to see the Lion King on Broadway! There are two payment issues that must be resolved ASAP.

1. If you paid for your scholar to attend the trip when the cost was $108 for the Aladdin trip, please go back to myschoolbucks and select the trip and pay the additional $11. The change in date and play resulted in a $11 difference for tickets.

2. If you are a parent chaperone and have not paid, please go on myschoolbucks and select the trip and pay for your spot under your child's account this week. Please send an email confirmation/receipt to Ms. Chestang to confirm your spot when this is complete.

We are excited about this trip for the NJHS Scholars and look forward to a roar of a good time!

Dana Wake- NJHS Sponsor
Lauren Chestang- Trip Coordinator
What is a Butterfly Garden?
Butterflies are some of the loveliest creatures on Earth. Aside from their beauty, they are very important for many reasons too! They help in pollination and baby butterflies or caterpillars help keep weeds under control. Too bad they are struggling to survive. Many natural butterfly habitats have been lost to human activities like building homes, roads and farms. A butterfly garden is an easy and fun way to see more butterflies and to help them proliferate.

Our school, CMIT North, together with the Alice Ferguson Foundation, is building its very own Butterfly Garden to create a learning environment about butterflies, plant topography, local ecosystems, life cycles, and the scientific method. This is a very good opportunity for the students to learn about science while instilling responsibility and care for insects and ultimately, Mother Nature.

Beginning a butterfly garden can be as simple as choosing flowering plants that will invite adult butterflies to the garden to feed. It is also easy to increase the number and variety of butterflies. Simply grow the plants the caterpillars like to eat, and plants that adult butterflies feed on!

Adding some butterfly garden accessories like a Butterfly House, which has slots the ideal size for keeping birds out while giving butterflies protection from the wind and weather, are a good way to decorate the butterfly garden. Offering an additional nectar source close by to supplement the flowers is also another way to help the butterflies. By providing both the food and shelter butterflies need, the butterflies will stay longer and draw in others.


Image courtesy of The Natural History Museum

Gemma Y. Bognot-Clarke, Ph. D.
Science Teacher- CMIT North MS
Locker Clean out
This week students will be cleaning out their lockers. Please remind your scholar to also check the lost and find, as all items will be discarded or donated on March 23, 2016.

Middle school Administration
Cyberbullying Assembly
We will have a Cyberbullying assembly this week. As we are continuously trying to guide our scholars in the right direction, a constantly growing issue is cyberbullying.

Social media bullying may be one of the newer forms of bullying, but it could prove to be one of the most serious. The fact that children and teens have a difficult time getting away from it can lead to dire consequences that can have lasting effects. For this reason, it is important for parents, educators and other adults to find ways to help children learn how to interact in a friendly manner and what they can do to fight against bullies. With the right guidance, cyberbullying in all its forms can be reduced and potentially even stopped, giving kids a safer childhood.

Below is some information for parents to work with their scholars.

What Constitutes Bullying on Social Media?

Social media is one of the most used types of websites by teenagers. This means it is commonly used for both good and bad purposes. Understanding which types of behavior constitute social media bullying can help you and your child identify if he or she has become a victim so they behavior can be handled appropriately. Bullying through this platform can include:

Posting negative comments on pictures
Posting abusive posts on a user’s wall
Using pictures or videos to make fun of another user
Many of the acts of bullying on social media are similar to what they would be in a real-life situation, only in digital form. The impact of the problem is also similar.

Bullying and Social Media: Facebook Is a Leading Problem in Social Media Bullying

A vast majority of social media bullying takes places on Facebook because of its open platform and the ability to make open posts or send individuals private messages. In fact, according to a report by the Washington Post, nine out of 10 teen Facebook users have reported they have witnessed bullying on this social media site. This is an astounding number! A report by Ditch the Label also showed that 54 percent of those surveyed claimed to experience bullying on this same site. Even if you teach your children to restrict access to their profile to those they know and are close to, these social media bullying facts remain a shock. Even people who care about your children have the capability of hurting them through this social media outlet.

Other Social Media Sites and Social Media Bullying

Other social media sites are also becoming the breeding ground for bullying behavior. Twitter doesn’t have as big of a problem as many of the other sites due to the way it is set up. However, Ask.FM has caused serious problems among teenagers, resulting in bullying behavior that has been difficult to stop. SnapChat can also contribute to the bullying problem by creating pictures that make fun of other individuals. The fact remains that teens and children will find ways to bully others with any type of site dedicated to social interactions.

Bullying and Social Media:Why Is It Easier when it comes to Social Media Bullying?

Even if your child knows each person on their profile in real life, it isn’t going to resolve the issue. Hiding behind an Internet screen can give users a power they didn’t have before. When children, and many adults for that matter, aren’t talking to someone face-to-face, they are less likely to feel the implications of what they are really saying. It is too easy to say something you wouldn’t say to someone else if they were standing right in front of you. In addition, it can be difficult to portray tone and intent in written words. This means something can easily be taken the wrong way. All of these reasons are why it is so much easier for children to bully others through social media sites.

Social Media Bullying: Constant Bullying

Another major issue with social media bullying is that it is a constant in the lives of teenagers in particular. Today, you will find just about every teenager is walking around with a smartphone or some form of mobile device, texting friends and enjoying their youth. This constant connection to the world through electronic media creates the platform for constant bullying. Children have no place to go to get away from the harassment. For instance, when they are bullied at school or by other children in the neighborhood, they can go home or to the library to spend some time alone and get away from the tormentors. However, if they are constantly connected to the Internet, it can be difficult to get away from social media. This opens the door to a steady stream of negative comments.

Social Media Bullying: Getting More People Involved with Social Media Bullying

When a child or teenager is bullied in person, they can often remove themselves from the situation, even when they are facing a group of people who are taunting them. Social media works differently. It has a much larger reach, allowing students from around the globe to band together. Unfortunately, this also means it is easy for other children to gang up on one to keep attacking. With the fast communication that takes place on these websites, a child who wants to participate in cyberbullying can quickly alert several friends who can all start in on the same victim, compounding the impact of the behavior. It may seem as simple as turning off the television, but this requires strength many victims don’t have.

Bullying and Social Media: What Can Children Do about bullying on social media?

Because bullying on social media has become such a serious problem, it is important to teach your children what they can do to protect themselves. One of the most important things is to ensure your child has the appropriate privacy settings so random people don’t have access to their profile. However, this doesn’t mean your child is fully protected from the problem. Many children are bullied by people they consider to be friends. In addition to privacy settings, you child should also:

Unfriend anyone who posts negative posts and is harassing them
Block anyone who continues to send messages
Report the individual to the social media site
Avoid responding to messages from a bully
Let an adult know what is happening
Keep records of the behavior for proof, if needed
Social Media Bullying:Understanding the Negative Effects of Social Media Bullying

The consequences of bullying are many and varied. Even though they are often the same for all types of bullying, it can be useful to understand what could happen if this type of bullying is allowed to continue. One of the most serious consequences is teen suicide. The increase in bullying on social media and other online platforms has caused the instances of teen suicide to rise dramatically because many teens don’t have the emotional capacity to deal with severe bullying. This is the primary reason why it is so important to put a stop to this behavior.

While suicide is the most serious consequence of these actions, it isn’t the only one. It isn’t even the most common issue. Many teens who are bullied through social media sites exhibit many negative effects. Some of these individuals suffer from self-esteem issues that can last the rest of their lives. They can also experience depression and other mental illnesses. Some of these students may even begin causing physical harm to their bodies. Cyberbullying has serious consequences and must be stopped to protect as many children as possible.

Identifying the Signs of Social Media Bullying

The best things parents can do, besides teaching their children what they can do to fight back, is to watch for signs their child may be a victim. Most cyberbullying victims exhibit clear signs that they have been victimized. These signs can include:

Withdrawing from family and friends
Losing interest in activities they were once passionate about
Sleeping more
A lack of appetite
Wanting to harm him or herself
If your child shows any signs that different from his or her normal behavior, it may be time for a serious talk before problems get worse.

So what can we, as parents, do about Children and Social Media Bullying? Do whatever it takes to build your child’s self-esteem. Put them in sports, or another activity they are good at and enjoy doing. Give them responsibilities and then praise them when do their best to handle them. Never punish your children by berating or calling them names. Be kind, but firm, and show that you trust them to do well. Your child’s self-esteem can be there to protect them when you’re not around. Will it protect them from bullies entirely? No. But the more confident they are in themselves, their own abilities and in their own skins, the less bullies will be able bother them. You will sleep better at night knowing that you’ve given your child the best gift a parent could; you will have given them their own inner strength. Someday your child’s inner strength may have to be there for someone who doesn’t have any. And that could save a life.

Y. Johnson
Biology HSA Practice
Hi Biology students and parents,

Each week I will assign a practice HSA for students to take and turn in for homework on EACH FRIDAY.

Students are to go to

Under BIOLOGY, Click on Skills and Processes 2009 and take the practice test.

To receive homework credit, students must print out for homework submission or email to me a screen capture of the scoring sheet as proof they completed the test.

Next week they will do the next 2009 test, Biological Molecules.

The Biology HSA will be May 24.

Suzanne Coholic
High School Science Teacher
Mr. Vernor's Class Updates
AP Human Geography has been working hard, recently finishing Unit 5 (of 7), Agriculture and Rural Land Use. Last week's socratic seminar on Genetically Modified Organisms was a roaring success.

Princeton AP Human Geography Review books have been purchased by CMIT and have been assigned as we work toward our AP Exam on the morning of May 13th.

AP Human Geography Q3 Review Portfolios will be collected and scored on 3/21-3/22.

Modern World History is finishing up our unit on "New Imperialism", Unit Test will be Friday 3/18.

United States History is working through our unit on "The Roaring Twenties"; testing on Monday 3/21.

The assessments listed here will all be included in our third quarter marking period, which ends officially on Wednesday March 23rd.

Please contact me with any questions or concerns you may have.

Andrew Vernor
Foundations of Technology Students Project & FBLA
Parents it is a joy to have our student show off their projects that have been done so far. Please use the link below the blurb to access the pictures and see the projects.

Students have created a paper plane from their team building exercise. They made columns out of one sheet of printing paper that holds two laptops; additionally they created a crane to hold a bucket of sand or stones and the Robotic Stacker using syringes as hydraulic. Presently students are creating a windmill to generate electricity by using wind power technology.

Thank you for your support of our students as they learn to problem solve in class.

Gregory Hynes
Mrs. Justsen's English 8 announcements/Spring Break assignment
We have finished our study of Ayn Rand's Anthem and are beginning to work on our final essay. Each student has selected one of his/her chapter outline to write a final essay. This essay will be a large portion of the grade for Quarter 3, so please make sure to provide whatever support you can while your child composes his/her essay. We will have some time in class to revise/peer review, but not everything can be done in class. All essays are due by Wednesday, March 23 -- early submissions are welcome! (The rubric/checklist is also available on Google Classroom and Edmodo.)

As per the updated RELA curriculum, we have been studying economic inequality in America. Students have investigated how this topic affects various groups and individuals in the United States. We have been taking notes and discussing multiple sources of information, and the final project for this unit is for each student to compose and present a "Ted Talk" about a narrowed topic related to economic inequality (including a proposed SOLUTION to the problem/aspect of economic inequality he/she has selected). Look for more details about this project/speech in next week's newsletter and on Edmodo!

Danica Justsen
Math 6 Happenings!
George Washington, UMBC, and Loyola celebrated Pi Day in math class on Monday and they had a great time! They started by measuring and comparing the circumferences and diameters of multiple different circles in hopes of finding pi. Afterwards, they measured oreos and jumbo marshmallows and tried to see who could get the closest to 3.14. Overall it was a great day!

Ms. Walde
Math 6 (GW, UMBC, & Loyola)
Mrs. Subasi PI DAY activities
We celebrated Pi day (3/14) by doing various activities in our Math classes. Students calculate Pi number and circumference of Circle by using Oreos and Marshmallows. We watched fun video called "Sir Cumference and Radius Boy". We also played " Pi Day Challenge" in order to find the student who memorized most digits of Pi in each Math Classes. Congratulations to Deandre Torian (FAMU) who memorized 54 digits of Pi, Roshni Pawar (Morgan State), and Jasmine Wilson (Morehouse). Congratulations to all students who participated!

Tuba Subasi
Mrs. Subasi Spring Break packets
Dear Students/Parents,
Spring break is around the corner. Over the break, I'm expecting all students to work on the Parcc questions packet that consist of 25 questions from various topics. The packets will be attached on Edmodo. It is a great opportunity to review all the subjects that have been taught so far and practice more questions. Spring Break is the ideal time to get caught up on any work that students may be missing. There is no time like the present to figure out missing assignments, low grades, retakes and get things all squared away over break. As well as you study over break, take into consideration ways of having fun, making memories and having good time with your parents. Stay safe and enjoy your well deserved break.

Tuba Subasi
Grade 6, 7, 8 Spring break packets
Students are to return with the completed packets to their respective Middle school science Grade 8, 7 and 6 teachers on April 5, 2016. Spring break packets can be found on the Prince Georges County Public Schools site as well. The activities may be counted as part of the homework grade for the fourth quarter.

Gemma Y. Bognot- Clarke, Ph.D
Social Studies Spring Break Extra Credit Work
Hello! We are excited for the spring break but also want to provide students with optional extra credit opportunities. Below you will find the extra credit for each grade in the middle school. If completed, this will count towards the 4th quarter so we can start off the last quarter on the right foot! This will be due on paper to your social studies teacher by Wednesday, April 6th. Have a great spring break!

Social Studies Department
Quadratic Formula Project
As we are nearing the end of the third quarter, we are currently in Unit 3, Quadratic Functions. The Quadratic Formula Project will be due Wednesday, April 06, 2016. Students have received information regarding the project and the rubric is posted on Edmodo. This project is a fourth quarter Assessment grade. Projects should be creative and unique (differ from the example).

Ms. Fagan
Harman Spring Break Extra Credit
Essay Prompt

What do you think your life would be like without cell phones, computers, and video games? Would your life change completely? Would you be happier or healthier? Would life be boring or more exciting? How would you spend your time? How would you communicate? How would you gather information? Send us an essay of 500 words about your life without modern technology. Give your essay a title. Essays must be received on the first day back from break and will be entered into a contest where you may be able to win a prize!

Andrew Harman
Are You Smarter Than A Kindergartener?
“It always seems impossible until it's done.”
― Nelson Mandela

Well, Mrs. Taylor's seventh grade honors class experienced a lesson on perseverance first hand. Thursday's stressful mission for Harvard was to complete Ms. Riley's five-year-old son's equation as a warm up!! The challenging operation had the scholars seriously engaged, a little frazzled, but determined to complete the mission at hand! The photo's capture the engagement and intensity of the effort. Great job Harvard! :)

Crystal Swann-Taylor
Pi Day with Ms. Rooney!
March 14th - a math teacher's favorite school day! Why? Beacuse it's Pi Day of course! This past Monday, my Math 8 students celebrated Pi Day in fashion! We found where the sequence of our birthday's fall in the millions of digits of Pi AND we calculated the circumference of Oreos and jumbo marshmallows. Check out the pictures below!

Want to know about all about Pi explained in 3 minutes and 14 seconds? What this video that your student got to watch!

Ms. Rooney

AP Calculus AB/BC test date: May 5, 2016
We will continue to have our Fridays after school AP practice. Additionally the following dates are set for academic lock-ins. We will have students invited from University of Maryland to help you in more individualized settings. Please mark your calendar for the following lock-in days.

April 8- AP Calculus lock-in
April 22- AP Calculus lock-in

Ferhat Avsar
Two high school math teams from CMIT-North will be traveling to Boston, MA area this week to compete at National Society of Black Engineers’ (NSBE) Try-Math-A-Lon contest. They will be representing our school and state. During the event students will also visit Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and be exposed to many fun and learning activities. Thank you to Mr. Milton Davis to organize the event for our students. We wish them good luck in the competition!

Ferhat Avsar
China Trip 2017
It is my pleasure to announce that currently 12 students are enrolled in our summer 2017 trip to China. This will be an exciting opportunity for our students to be immersed in language as they learn about culture and experience the sights and sounds of another world. We will be visiting both Beijing and Shanghai for 12 days with opportunities to see the Great Wall, The Forbidden Palace, Tiananmen Square, and the Shanghai Financial Tower. Additional fun stuff will include kung fu shows, cooking experiences and shopping.

James Screven
College Fair - Field Trip - Friday, April 22
College Fair - Field Trip - Friday, April 22

10th & 11th grade students are eligible to attend an upcoming field trip to attend the Prince George’s County National College Fair, held on Friday, April 22 at the Prince George’s Sports and Learning Complex in Landover, MD.

The College Fair is sponsored by the National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC). Complete information about the fair can be found online at We will leave the school at 8:30 and arrive back at school at 11:30. The cost of the field trip is $8 per student.

Students will have the opportunity to meet one-on-one with admission representatives from over 170 public and private colleges and universities, including some international institutions. Both two- and four-year schools will be featured.

All students that are attending the trip are required to register for the College Fair at this website, Students need to print out the bar code registration and have this on the day of the trip. It will be required to board the buses. At the College Fair the bar code will allow colleges to scan a students personal information so no time is wasted filling out information cards. During registration students should be sure to put in the correct High School information, search by City - Laurel, State - Maryland, and Chesapeake Math & IT Academy will be listed.

To register to attend the College Fair please visit the Myschoolbucks website, to sign 10th & 11th grade students up for the field trip. If you are not able to pay for the trip please let me know. The registration deadline is April 15.

We are in need of parent volunteers. Please reach out to me if you are interested in attending the trip.

Brenden Gegwich
School Counselor
Here we go again!! Get Ready To -- Clean Out Your Closets!!

Collection dates Monday, April 18 through Friday, April 22. Value Village will pick up our items on Monday, April 25.

Soft Goods: including clothing, shoes, hats, scarves, undergarments, jewelry, accessories, bags, wallets, bedding, towels, curtains,
tablecloths or other cloth materials; Hard Goods: toys, small appliances (i.e., toasters, irons), books, CDs, DVDs
Not Accepted: hazardous materials, flammable products, automobile parts, food, cash, large appliances.

For Any additional Information!!!

Adrianne Robinson -
Angela Thornton -

Thank you for your support!!
Chesapeake Math and IT Academy High School
14800 Sweitzer Lane Laurel, MD 20707 | Tel: (240) 767-4080 | Fax: (301) 560-3461
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